A Simple Guitar Trick You'll Never Forget

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when I'm not making sure hell has not frozen over after both the Giants and the Cowboys won an NFL playoff game last weekend I like to answer questions and comments that I get on my YouTube channel so let's get to it do a video on easy pentatonic scale patterns all right I know we talk a lot about the pentatonic scale all the time but I finally figured out exactly how I want to talk about the pentatonic scale for a long time I was a little bit of a hater on the pentatonic scale because it's only five of seven notes that you need but I'm doing a total 180 and I think the pentatonic scale is much better when it's taught as chords than as his own individual scale so what I mean by that is we're going to take six root notes and two pentatonic shapes and we're basically going to play all the music you could ever play in a key alright so we're just going to have major notes and minor notes it's going to be really easy you can move this around I wish I would have just started doing this a hundred years ago basically we have the major chords which are gonna look like this F G and C and the minor chords just look like this a b and e okay so the six notes are one three five and three five seven that's pretty easy to just think about right so if we start talking about the same pentatonic shape on each of these notes you'll end up learning the entire fretboard and never forget it okay so what I mean by that is let's start with uh let's start with the minor ones because I think everybody knows this one right tried and true minor pentatonic five eight five seven five seven but I think there's a better way to do this all right so we're gonna play like this okay so five E three five seven on the a string five D this is the pentatonic scale a minor pentatonic so it looks like a diamond right because it's a little bit more of a symmetrical shape and we can add the octave okay now any minor chord you can use that minor pentatonic scale with okay so in this key the key of C or the key of A minor however you want to look at it we have three minor chords A minor E minor and D Minor they can only be minor chords like this a minor E minor D minor or they can be like minor seven chords like this a minor E minor D Minor okay now the reason reason that these notes in this little diamond shape is cool is because we can start adding them in little pentatonic riffs in between the chords something like this a minor [Music] d [Music] e [Music] a and all I'm doing is I'm playing those notes in there now eventually because if I combine all these five notes in fact let's do it real quick we have an a a c a d an E and A G that's a minor pentatonic if we start on D we have a d an f a g and a and a c okay so we added that F right this note was not in a minor pentatonic when we have e we have an e a g and a a b and a d now we're adding a b okay so we had that original five no a minor pentatonic scale introducing D Minor spot added the f to the key introducing the E minor spot added the B to the key So eventually we get a b c d e f g a f which is the full minor scale the full major scale so thinking of Pentatonix as being chord specific is where to flush out your chords is a great way to just actually learn the entire major minor scale which is my whole issue with the pentatonic scale in the first place which is making me upset so I need to calm down and talk about the sponsor of this video my favorite sponsor of all time Elixir strings the reason that this the Angelic guitar sounds so good even just playing pentatonic licks is because I've got Elixir strings on here I generally almost always use the 12s uh 80 20 nanoweb okay all of them are great those are the ones that I use Elixir has been my go-to acoustic guitar string and electric charger now too actually since forever since basically I'd be frustrated taking guitar seriously so they last so much longer they feel so much better on your fingers they sound better there's no downside get yourself some malicious strings as an affiliate Link in the description okay so we just learned basically everything with that one shape that little diamond shape I like that because you can do that that slide which is better which is you know if you're just doing this it's great because you get those ham runs but I really think that that little diamond shape there is a is just a more useful shape that you can kind of do and I think it actually helps to Overlay and it also is going to help with the next thing we do which is do the major chord ones right so the three major chords and we keep see like I said before our C major F major and G major basically we're gonna do the same thing but we're gonna do one shape all right let's start with the F so here's F if we do F major pentatonic we end up getting one three five three a five a and then we can kind of get the active right there right so f g a c d [Music] again just like before this is the exact same shape across all three root notes and then Branch off right so g a b c d f [Music] G [Music] G C [Music] we're gonna C on the a string c e e g a there's C major pentatonic right when we add the F guess what we're adding that F note to C major pentatonic and then we add the g g a b yeah that b note okay so just like with minor chords I'm gonna do the major pentatonics we end up getting the entire picture which is super super important so now we can actually kind of start seeing all these in different positions right like when I do that let's say I do that a minor pentatonic run that we just did that right starting there a to c d e g a well guess what if I number these notes one two three four five active if I just start on its minor third which is C there's that c major pentatonic shape so I think using the diamond shape for the miners and then the regular root note whole step whole step five six right three five seven five seven I think is a great way to start seeing the overlap for all the different pentatonic positions right and then eventually thinking individually like this from a chord is such a more musical way to play and it all sounds together it all sounds cohesive right it sounds like you know exactly what you're doing it's not just pentatonic and that's the beauty of it because we're taking something from an easy to learn pentatonic background where we only have to know five notes but because we know where they exist in the chord structure of a full scale you end up using that to see the entire picture in the entire major in minor picture right the one thing we haven't done here is add that seventh note in the key c d e f g c d e f g a b that b half diminished minor seven flat five but again even though we haven't talked about like uh B's chord in there right and how we can kind of go A B A minor third and a flat five we still end up getting all the notes in the information from that chord within the other ones So eventually I think it's easier to start overlaying these more bite-sized ways to play chords than it is maybe learning the entire position of the a minor or even like uh three notes for string C major type type deal because that's just you know that sounds so much like a scale whereas something like this it sounds like a like a riff something Musical that you could use which is a lot of people love the pentatonic scale because it could play a chord and then like uh a little minor pentatonic riff that you can always do so tracking it off a root note is definitely the number one best way to do it I will never change my mind on this I have made myself a Believer with my own method which is probably other people's messages like I'm inventing this but I think it's the best way to think about it and it's only going to sound better if he's literature strings hey Sean I really enjoy your videos of the off topic I was hoping that you might be able to answer a question should a singer use the term register or range rather than key for example I can't sing in that key when speaking about their vocal range I've heard many singers over the years both in person and in video so they can't sing in this key or that key or that's not my key I need to sing it in a lower hierarchy so the question is is isn't it that yes they can sing in the key if it's major minor the key of C for instance can be played up and down in 80 a key piano beginning in many different places and different registers and again the key only specifies how many sharps of flats or in a major minor context your thoughts would be greatly appreciated genre I'm sure it's very interesting to your subscribers too oh in a perfect world your singer would understand which register they sound good at and be able to transpose keys but let me fill you in on a secret as someone who's worked with a lot of different singers ninety percent of the time no shade to singers I'm I'm myself am a singer from time to time I would say let me know if you agree or disagree with in the comments singers don't know what the heck they're doing they're not going to be able to be like uh you know when you're playing that in the in the key of f it's just a little it's just a little it's a semi-tone out of the the high point of my register you will never ever hear a singer say that they'll be like this is too high this is too low so yes in a perfect world it would be nice if you're seeing you could be like a little outside my range could we move it maybe maybe a minor third lower that would be great but from personal experience it's gonna be on the musicians to be able to transpose different chord progressions which is why you need to learn music theory as far as like you know knowing the one four fives and key you know cfgb one four five two three six being in D Minor uh E minor a minor and be able to transpose quickly on the Fly because the more you deal with singers the more you're gonna unders saying that it's on you to try and suppose the key the singer's not going to help you at all you're going to be lucky if the singer helps you set up the gear of the gig if you can get that that's a win keep that singer never fire him or her if they show up on time and they help you with the gear you have played with house money gee could being a beginner have something to do with it I love these comments that they're watching a video that is clearly meant for a beginner in fact this comment was made on a video that had you know something for beginners in the title the title clearly says this is a beginner guitar lesson I love how people who are so shady and so salty that they'll insult like oh wow maybe they should because they're a beginner well if you're not a beginner why are you watching a video that is clearly for beginners that's always like the funniest thing to me it's like that there are people out there who are intermediate maybe Advanced players watching beginner videos and then just talking crap in the comments it's my favorite salty thing in the world because it's like there's nothing better for you to do than to just go like be Shady I'm like a beginner guitar video or whatever but again the nature of the internet thanks for the great tips Sean really been enjoying the new channel so if you haven't seen I started a side Channel which is just all Ukulele stuff every now and then I post ukulele videos on this main Channel they haven't performed that well but I really do enjoy the videos so I made a totally different Channel I will link you in the description trying to get that channel monetized so really I've just been doing mostly like song lessons to kind of get up and search just to kind of hit that monetization threshold to make it a little more worthwhile but I appreciate anybody who goes over and subscribes and maybe watches a uke video it's been a lot of fun to do and it has been eye-opening for myself to actually play the ukulele as a real instrument instead of as a guitar player playing a ukulele thinking of guitar it's almost like learning a different language like again I'm not fluent in other languages but like I remember ambition Deutsch I took four years of German in high school and at the end of that fourth year I was like I could have thoughts in German that I felt like were different than just like translating my English thoughts into my German thoughts right and I'm at that place on the ukulele now where I feel like I'm playing the uke like an actual ukulele instrument instead of transposing guitar thinking into youth thinking and it's actually really cool so it's been a great experience for me just kind of like getting to know another instrument very very intimately I feel like I'm getting pretty good at it so uh yeah if you do have any Ambitions check it out because Journey sent me this this uke 99 bucks like it's half off like these used to be like a couple hundred dollars but I think they just made like a lot of them so they have a lot extra so I'm pretty sure they're losing money selling this because I did an unboxing and the gig bag itself seems like it's worth 99 bucks but uh yeah if you are interested I will link you to that stuff in the description so check it out while you sing great and never new bro well thank you very much uh I've been singing a little more and the video is trying to do a lot more of the demo stuff myself with my own original music so thank you for all the encouragement you know if you like it that's cool if you don't that's also cool too but uh I'm gonna keep doing it so there's going to be some more original songs and stuff coming up soon so you're definitely gonna want to stay tuned because I got a lot of new stuff coming that I'm gonna figure out how to do and uh new music it's on the way let's do your homework I'm gonna shout out an album that is awesome I remember I was really in this album when it came out shaky Graves it was a departure from his earlier stuff but I just listened to this whole album again and it's like such a cool Vibe and it's a lot different than you know the the kind of the kind of Travis pick stuff that he's known for and just really just cool chill music so check out something because a lot of people missed it and I think it's just really really great uh and then after that if you have any questions comments hit me up in the comment section Instagram the website the you channel the patreon thank you to Elixir for sponsoring the video as always and like I said if you guys have questions let me know and I will talk to you soon thanks a lot
Channel: Sean Daniel
Views: 117,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, sean daniel, guitar lesson, sean daniel guitar lesson, intermediate guitar lesson, beginner guitar lesson, easy guitar lesson
Id: GbM2i458PQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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