This Trick Will Transform Your Playing

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there are some things that are objectively terrible decisions to repeat every day like checking your crypto Holdings but there's a lot of value in something that you do every single day now practicing every single day is kind of like a really tough habit for a lot of people to get into but the challenge here is to do just this one exercise every day for seven days and I promise you it will you'll get better you'll get noticeably noticeably better just by doing this okay so I'm gonna do it real slow and then we're going to talk about how it's actually a lot easier than it sounds and why it's going to help you out so basically what you're going to do is going to sound like this [Music] thank you [Music] okay so that wasn't that slow but I wanted to do it first just so you kind of have an idea of what you're getting into but this helped so much I did a video series a few months ago about like learning how to shred or trying to learn how to shred in 30 days and one of the biggest eye openers for me was a video I made about three notes for string okay now this is going to be a little bit of a three nose per string exercise but there's there's so much value in it and I think it's really easy to remember okay so I'm just playing the B and the E strings on top doing this and I'm alternate picking everything you don't have you can use your fingers if you want to do it but it's a really simple pattern that we're gonna do forward and backward and like I said do it for seven days even if you just do it for five minutes a day for seven days I would recommend doing a little bit longer and I think actually if you get into it you're going to want to do it longer just because it's kind of cathartic to do but this is it the way to remember these notes because aside from just doing the exercise remember the notes can be the tricky part is really simple you see this shape right here sort of the third fret of the B string and you go three five seven and then the same thing on the high E string now again this is probably the hardest part because it's a pretty big stretch from your pointer to your pinky but you don't have to do it like this it's more about just seeing the notes three five seven three five seven a note a whole step and another whole step and then repeat that same shape on the high E string now we're going to do the exact same thing but one fret higher than where we ended so now instead of seven we're starting on eight a whole step a whole step and a whole step whole step interval on both strings so it's the exact same shape in two different spots but we're just going to add a couple of the notes just before and after that okay this is in the people's key the key of G all right I'll also link you to that video about how this kind of thinking just changed changed my entire approach to lead playing and picking in general so there's a lot of value in this but remember just kind of get this down first [Music] and then we're going to turn it into an exercise that is a little more musical because I think playing them as scale shapes once you apply them to actual music it sounds like you're playing scale shapes in my actual music okay so keep that in mind for just one second maybe just kind of noodle around with it just to try to get that reach and like I said if you have to go like pointer ring slide that's fine doing it too just practice that while I tell you how amazing Elixir strings are looks your strings are the sponsor of this video if you saw the one a couple days ago with this awesome de angelical guitar I am currently in New York City for just a few days uh d'angelical let me borrow this guitar but I'm glad that I brought these strings with me because I have such a hard time not playing Elixir strings so I restrained this bad boy with elixirs even though I'm only gonna use it for Daya and then I'm gonna Grace this back to the d'angelico showroom with fresh Elixir strings just really just watch that other video and then watch this video and you can hear the the amazing difference just these These are amazing so these are the acoustic nanoweb 80 20 12s that is my preference I will link you in the description definitely get yourself a pair of Elixir strings because it's going to help you just be comfortable it's going to feel better while you're practicing this every day for a week maybe Beyond okay so I said this was the key of G The People's Key right so basically that's just g a b c d e f sharp and G you do not have to remember that those are all the notes but this is going to help you find those notes any spot that you're at okay now if you've played just like the chords in the key of G you'll notice that you know you see kind of like The Usual Suspects in that open area so the B and the E string open one three open two three this is the only part of the entire exercise where the B string and the E string you do not play the same fret okay so B C D E F sharp G open one three open two three okay that's why they they diverge and that's just the difference between uh just starting on different notes and a key okay now if we mirror this across the octave we get 12 13 15 12 14 15. so this and this are the same thing okay now let's give them the exercise that you're gonna do we're going to start up here and we're going to go through just those six notes three notes per string that we did okay so we're gonna go open one three open two three but we're gonna add some more notes by reversing our Direction So eventually it's gonna sound like this [Music] okay that's gonna be the entire sequence if we think of these as I I think of them as in groups of three one two three one two three one two three one two three okay so the first two sets of three are just going the B string notes and the E string notes then we're gonna pivot and go back three notes and forward three notes okay So eventually by the end of it we end up with our highest note in that sequence of six notes if it helps you it used to help me thinking of just like all the notes in like a six note scale almost one two three four five six five four three four five six sometimes that can be confusing if you're thinking of fret numbers and notes too but basically this is gonna be it so it's not so much of a brain teaser where everything is out of order in fact they're still in the same order we're just going forward and backwards which is how uh a Melody would usually work most of the time Melodies and music are usually not so far apart interval wise usually maybe it's like the next Note 4 to the next note back in a scale right or that doesn't mean those notes have to be right next to each other because we see all these whole steps but I think this is going to really help with your lead playing so on and so forth and then after we do that we're gonna go one note forward one position forward into all the stuff that we've already known okay so bear with me we've got that first one where it's open one three e two three two open three B open and then once we get to that last note we're going to start on the next note in the key which is here and do the exact same sequence okay and again I'm doing it alternate picking I'm going down up down up down up down up down up down up but either way that same sequence going forward six notes back three and forward three I think is just the way to do it okay so we're gonna go through all those advancing one note per string forward and again remember the way to think of it is just to kind of double up the third fret fifth fret seventh fret eighth fret tenth fret 12th fret but as you're gonna see right now it'll kind of come up with different fingerings that'll be more uh conducive to your playing okay so super slow we'll start at the first position again open one three open two three backwards now we're gonna go to the next note and see how they're pretty much the same except for that second first fret then the next note three five seven it's gonna be exactly the same on the high E string but then when I get back to the B string I pivot then I'm gonna go to the next shape five seven eight five seven eight so again this scale this this position right here you'll notice that sometimes I'm using actually like my pointer middle ring that was definitely hard for me to do at first I was more accustomed to using my pointer ring finger ring finger and Pinky right there but again whatever is comfortable for you it's not about you know it's about learning the notes getting the picking right whether you're doing with your fingers or with a pick and then just kind of like learning the sequence and doing it in whatever speed is comfortable for you with whichever fingers are easy for you to stretch again if you have to uh you're just gonna get this innate understanding of where the intervals are on a guitar and going through the fretboard all right so now this one we have a whole step and a half step that half step is coming from where these two meat right that seventh fret and uh eighth fret is where the whole step symmetrical intervals kind of like converge I guess so again we'll take it back to the fifth wrap and then we're gonna go seven eight ten seven eight ten Eight Seven Ten seven eight ten then we're gonna go one forward to that symmetrical shape where they're just whole steps and then we're gonna go down one more and here's where they diverge again just like uh ethereum and Bitcoin they're most they're mostly neck and neck but every now and then you get that little that little separation where that where that flat seven comes in I'm looking at you Bitcoin okay and remember mirror that over [Music] the same thing here so again after we go from here the symmetrical one 10 12 13 10 12 14 12 10 13 10 12 14. now with the active so it's that first thing we did 12 13 15 12 14 15 14 12 15 12 14 15. and then I end it with a G chord which is again just the 15th fret 12 12. okay so we can do the whole thing all the way forward then we're gonna do the whole thing back words like I said just do this every day for a week and I think you're going to be shocked at how well this gets into your fingers there's something about these symmetrical shapes and just kind of like doing them slow and steady at a at a clear Pace use a metronome if you want uh when I'm First Learning something I like doing it actually without a metronome even though that's not like technically the best way to do it but I like getting it under my fingers first and then adding the metronome because if it's a new pattern for me I just I I'm gonna get off that click anyway but it is a great way to learn how much better you're getting because it's hard to see that incremental improvement over time right so from the top [Music] then the next shape [Music] then we're shifting again into that symmetrical one now that minor scale looking shape [Music] then the other totally symmetrical one [Music] now we're going past that octave to get that c on the B string [Music] now do the same thing backwards okay so really easy we're just gonna sound like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm going to explain the picking real quick and then we're just gonna do it again backwards forward and backwards that's the name of the game right so we're starting on the high G right here and we go 15 14 13 15 B string 13 12. then I'm going back up [Music] then back down right remember I'm pivoting going up three strings and then back three strings to end up the lowest point in each one okay I can't stress them importantly enough how you really want to be able to do it forward and backwards even though it's always easier to do a forward doing it backwards is is much much more beneficial actually because you are kind of like challenging your brain in a different way right so let's do it backwards start on the high G [Music] then shift [Music] now we're back in that symmetrical spot [Music] then they're just separated by one fret on top now we're going backwards through the minor scale shape another symmetrical shape [Music] here we go to that F sharp again [Music] and then end on G Okay so it's kind of it's kind of tricky at first totally but I really think there's this I can't stress how much value there is I just keep saying it over and over again it's like I shouldn't have to convince you of that nor should I have to convince you to get elixir strings because they're just the best strings that money can buy and they last forever and they feel better and they sound better it's just something that you should be doing anyways but I more than that more than just being even this specific thing really just try to challenge Yourself by picking up your guitar every day and just going through the exercise right I think it's a little unrealistic for a lot of people to make time in their schedule to practice guitar every single day right but that's how you build good habits just by taking little challenges and maybe just all right for one week I'm gonna do it I'm gonna just make my way all through this forward and backwards even if it's just one time at the slowest possible right that you try to keep steadier into the next one slide if you have to if you're just navigating you don't even have to use the same fingers right but I think just making time to do it every single day is a great way to energize your playing because I know like a lot of us kind of get stuck like I'm not getting any better I feel like I've plateaued but a lot of it maybe it's just because you haven't found a good a good Rhythm a good Groove into it so forcing yourself to do something for a week even if it's only five days I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give you any shade if you only get five days through it I think is a fantastic way to maybe start building a little bit of a little bit of just consistency into what you're doing you know so do it for a week let me know how it goes in the comments please I would love to hear what you guys think and how it's helped you because I I really think that like anytime that I sit down and just like jam with people I I'm so much better now than I was even like a year ago especially when it comes to like lead playing you know I've been like you know a professional rhythm guitar player for a while but my lead playing has gotten a lot better in last year and I definitely think like doing that three notes for string shred month that I did where I practice every single day for like at least an hour really is the main reason that I've gotten that much better at it so try it every day just for a few minutes I think you'll actually find out how how enjoyable it is and then get yourself some Elixir strength into the Angelico guitar as a reward for your incredible diligence vigilance not even sure what word I'm looking for there uh just for you know doing a great job so one of those have any questions comments like I said let me know your progress in the comments and I'll talk to you guys later thanks a lot
Channel: Sean Daniel
Views: 194,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, sean daniel, guitar lesson, sean daniel guitar lesson, intermediate guitar lesson, beginner guitar lesson, easy guitar lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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