99% of Guitarists Don't Get to This Level

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the only thing more difficult than learning two whole positions on guitar is trying to use any of Facebook's Creator tools but today we're going to make it really easy so we're going to do all the stuff in the key of C and we're going to go over two entire positions what do I even mean by positions I remember people talking about that when I first started to be like okay position one position five it's like sometimes we think of pentatonic positions other times we think of like just playing positions I'm basically talking about mastering the first four Frets zero open to three and then taking everything that you know and then moving it and mastering basically everything in the middle of the guitar so stay tuned for this lesson this is going to be a lot of cool information in this lesson that you might want to learn no matter whether you're playing acoustic electric solo Rhythm everything this is going to be in the key of C okay so we need to know the seven chords that are in the key of C all right so we're just really gonna quickly run through them in this kind of open chord position first and then we're gonna move everything then we're gonna start solo we're gonna start Shredder we're gonna do everything okay so we got C major the chord it's Triad all these are going to be three note chords otherwise known as Triads all right seven notes in the key c d e f g a b and then C again is an octave any of these single notes become chords All right so we've got C Major D Minor E minor F major G major a minor B half diminished back to C okay so this is the first thing that you need to know I'll run through them quick but if you want to learn more about it go to my patreon but the main point is being able to take any one of those seven chords and then be able to play them in a different position on the guitar in a position where you know the notes that are going to be helpful okay I think the easiest way to really equate all this stuff that you just learned with those chords which I'll run through again one at a time into this stuff is to really see uh the relative minor shape okay what I mean by that is a minor is relative minor G you don't even have to remember that just remember that the easiest way to find those notes a b c d e f g is going to be this shape right here which is a beefed up version of a minor pentatonic okay so we're gonna run through these really quickly a minor pentatonic you probably already know it's five eight five seven five seven five seven five eight five eight super helpful just to add two notes to the pentatonic scale to get the full major minor scale five seven eight five seven eight five seven nine five seven five six eight five seven eight okay so practice those backward and forward because we're gonna knit we're gonna use all those chords that we started with but we're gonna make them from notes in this position that you can kind of slide to okay so just practice this for just a minute well I'll tell you about the sponsor of the video today it's distro kid my favorite way to get music online honestly the only way to get your music online so you're gonna be making like a lot of fire different songs from the stuff that we're gonna be doing today so you need to get it online to have the people hear it right District kit I think is dollar for dollar the best value on the internet you can upload unlimited amounts of songs and you really have to do that nowadays because if you're gonna hit like those algorithms like Spotify Apple music Amazon all that stuff you have to consistently upload which is something that I found it's just like any other algorithm like they're looking for consistent uploads so you have to kind of be prolific with what you're recording even if it's instrumentals or just cool you know songs singer songwriter Bigger Productions all that kind of stuff the great thing about distrokid now is they have a mastering service that you can kind of build into it called mixia and I've always found mastering to be something that really slows me down so now that they're using all these cool like AI tools for like music and stuff aside from the ones that are going to take all our jobs eventually the cool stuff is that you can upload a track and it'll Master it you can kind of give it little advice that you tweak it what kind of sound that you want and then it does it you get a track for free and then for 99 a year you can do unlimited mastered tracks which if you just hire just like some bro to master your tracks is going to be at least that's just for one track so check out District if you haven't already you probably should if you watch me you know the district is like the best service on Earth but now that they have the uh the mixing and mastering service kind of built baked into the program along with all the pitching and all other stuff cool stuff that you can do it's really the best value on the internet and it's definitely a must-have for anybody I know super successful like high level musicians that make good money they use distrokid just like you know the people who are just having fun and getting their stuff up on the internet use a circuit so it's a great service everybody can use it and affiliate Link in the description check it out all right so we're gonna go through all those chords seven different chords one at a time C major ring finger third prime a string middle finger second fret on the D string open G first finger on the first fret B string open E okay the beautiful thing about this key one of the reasons why it is one of the most popular keys and the easiest one aside from there not being any sharps or flats in this key is all the open strings can help us out all right it's never gonna sound bad if you hit an open string and add it to any of these chords sometimes it might sound kind of like ah like even if you have like a Big E c chord doesn't sound bad but it might not be what you're going for but it's really helpful that you can always hit those open strings so this is just a combination of a c and e and a g there's an easier way to do this or just as easy by doing an a major shape right there's a major second fret just on the fifth fret okay so this is going to be our C major to another C major okay so this is going to be our first foray into these higher Frets and you can see that this comes from those scale [Music] shapes that we did before so if you're just kind of vamping on a c chord you can start adding all those cool little minor pentatonic or just minor scale licks as you have into this chords see [Music] foreign okay so just something that you could do right there off the bat but every cool song has more than just one chord and progression so let's go to the two chord in the key of C D Minor open D two on the G string three on the B string one on the high E string okay so there's a traditional open D Minor now a lot of people might get used to this version of a D Minor like this where it's five a seventy seven G Six B and five on the high E string but we're actually gonna make it a little easier and we're just gonna do this right here an A Minor shape but pulling your finger six fret on the B string ring finger seventh fret on the G string middle finger seven five on the D string okay so now again this is a D minor chord if we get the open strings not a big deal because a is note in there if you get that e it just makes it that much more mysterious like to we're adding like a nine or something okay so we can go D [Music] see that's a really great way for just to train your hand to get over there that quick and again you can start adding notes around it continuing on E minor is the three chord of the key of C open two two open open open uh a really cool E minor thing that I like to do is this right here where it's open e 7 a5d7g so you'll notice we're just basically playing all the chords in the key of C but she's just using Frets five six and seven that would be a good way to summarize this lesson probably should have started that at the beginning but but here we are we're too far a new it you already signed up for district now we got the school a minor chord uh again you can also get the B string open here because that's in in the chord and your pinky on the G string is technically a d note so this actually does make it a minor seven chord but I think it sounds better right especially when you kind of hammer home on that low E hello [Music] so that's our E minor spot in both positions F major my favorite chord of the key of C I always play it as a F major seven anyway but this is going to take us to what I think is like one of the most underrated chord shapes in all of music right here so not this one even though it's a great one ring finger three a pinky three D middle finger two G pointer finger one B so the F that we can do here is actually going to start out as just a regular Triad D that you've probably seen before so now I've got my D major shape but my ring finger is on the sixth fret of the B string that's how I usually kind of track this my middle fingers fit for on the high E string my pointer finger is the fifth fret on the G string right so five six five F major now if we add your pinky to seven on the D string I feel like that gives it a really cool fullness because we're adding like another a here in fact you could go a or uh you could go a a a a and have like a [Music] super super inversion but I really kind of like just the bottom four strings here it's a movable shape right this would be f g a foreign chord shape for moving around the neck now we're not going to use this for the G but I want to do this in combination with the G because there's a really there's a really good one so anyways G major is back here right three e two a open open or three on the B string now in this key g seven is the extended chord I never really liked this G7 having the F on top up here I always kind of prefer this one right here this is a really good one okay so this is the fifth fret your root note is the G on the D string right pointer finger and it's going to go five seven six seven so this is a G7 right here now if you think about where that dominant seven is you can see it from that D shape but we're really just getting another root note on there so thank you really cool V chord in this key and what is what's great about this too is that F chord is really kind of hidden right there see how if I do this and then I just lift up my ring finger my pinky there there's that Triad that F major and then you could just move your ring finger down a string you have F right so G7 pinky offering finger up a string F major and then both your middle finger and your ring finger off C make okay so five four one five four one great exercise to do just like just like that [Music] great great way to kind of just spice up something in a different position this is actually the chord progression I guess if you want to call it that really inspired me to do this whole lesson because it really is just a very close [Music] movement those really fine movements from your fingers it is not that difficult to do all right so here let's just focus on this real quick so it's five seven six seven pinky offering finger up seven five six five then everything off put your pointer finger five five five if you want to get that high C put your pinky on the eighth fret and then all those minor pentatonic North notes or minor scale notes major scale notes are really gonna help you out okay that's five chord next one's gonna be a minor open a two D two G one B open e now there's a lot of different cool ways that we could do a minor I think the easiest way is probably just take take their throat all the way down the highest three strings [Music] great practice and just kind of getting familiar with where that fifth fret is because especially when you use your pointer finger it'll line you up [Music] and it also lines you up with these other [Music] notes so a minor a minor G F C there's like so much going on sonically just by really these small movements so again I think that's like a really really valuable exercise but I wouldn't want to leave you without doing the always forgotten chord in this key B minor seven flat five the seven chord so two a three D two G three b a great way to look at this would be one of my favorite core boys singing is right here getting the seventh fret on the low E string there's your B right there and then the seventh round the d g string with your ring finger and your pinky and then pointer finger is grabbing that F right there another cool way to kind of achieve this chord I got that harmonic when I did it that way but you could just kind of get that open b instead of here or this guy right here to add it to that shape that we're just doing here so it's 70 76b 7en well there you go got a little too excited I was cramming that string off the groundwater okay so as you can see just like this one position is really incredible for all the cool stuff that you could do so again those are your seven main chords C D Minor E minor F major G major a minor B half diminished C or C Major D Minor E minor F major g seven a minor B half diminished C so if you can do that and just kind of switch back and forth in between them and then just start adding this cool little you know either just licks amrons double stops all the stuff I think you're going to be in great position to improve really quickly and then if you want to I can do this in other Keys just let me know but definitely get your music out there with distrokid take advantage of that free Master track just to kind of see how it sounds I think you'll think that it makes a big difference and like I said thanks to District kit for sponsoring the video check out the patreon for more and if you have any questions or comments uh just leave it in the comment section Instagram website I'll talk to you all soon thanks a lot
Channel: Sean Daniel
Views: 127,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, sean daniel, guitar lesson, sean daniel guitar lesson, intermediate guitar lesson, beginner guitar lesson, easy guitar lesson
Id: TnbsryvC7Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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