A Really Really Really In-Depth Tesla Model 3 Tour

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so today's mission is to learn everything there is to know about the Tesla Model 3 to be honest I know nothing about this car we just got it but we're gonna learn together so let's do this first of all how do you get in the car you don't get one of these traditional key fobs you only get this which you press against the door and that unlocks the car but one of the first things you're gonna want to do is program your phone to be one of the keys I don't have to pull out the app and unlock it manually it just did text that I am near the car and unlocks for me and then when I'm done driving I get out of the car walk away and the car will automatically detect that I have walked away and lock automatically all four door knobs are flush so you press on the thicker part of the handle and then opens up like that do you know the average steering wheel has four times more germs than an average toilet seat so yeah but one of the first things I had to get over is like okay how do you turn the car on and off like any other car you get in you turn it on the engine starts running then you can drive and then when you're done you have to shut it off or else you're gonna leave the engine running all night here you don't really do that you literally get in put it into drive and start going and then when you're done you put it into park get out of the car and walk away the car knows when you're in it or not and then just shuts off the car for you accordingly remember this car is really smart it knows when you're in the car when you're not in the car and it's awesome so far I've never had to pull out anything from my pockets or anything I literally walk up to the car get in and start grabbing and then I leave I don't have to use any extra tool so that becomes really cool once you get used to it they do suggest holding out to this car at all times in case your phone dies or you on a valet the car now if you get in with the key card you have 30 seconds to get in and you can start up the car right away but if it passes that 30 seconds all you got to do is take this throw this right here and that's kind of like putting the key in the ignition so with that there I just press on the brake and if I press this down it will go into Drive or if I pull it up it goes into reverse and then you just hit the gas pedal and you're off I guess it's not a gas pedal anymore huh like an accelerator pedal cuz there is no gas right what do you call these and then you just press in that button to get it back into park now most cars have an emergency brake or handbrake this does not require it as soon as you put into park all four wheels lock up so you're good the left column is pretty standard you got your turn signals left and right you pull it in towards you for temporary high beams you push it away from you and I have mine set to automatic high beams now to get out of the car is this button right here so you press it the window rolls down slightly and the door opens now there is also this manual lever down here it's like an emergency latch in case your car battery dies or stops working for whatever reason but it's really meant for emergencies only because it doesn't roll down that window that little bit and could damage I do love how simple the whole interior of this car is I mean usually where the speedometer is it's just this air vent and then we have our tented sunroof up here and also another one that goes all the way to the back of the car like look at this shot here usually I don't like filming the interiors of cars because it's just like that but this looks nice some of you guys have called it a built-in ND filter love it your entire dashboards pretty much replaced by this massive iPad looking thing on the dash your speedometer your menus everything is here the only button that I really see aside from what's on the steering column is this hazard right here even the owners manual is built into this touchscreen and even opening this glove box no latch or anything for that it's a button right here and that opens that right back up oh we got some napkins from Chipotle now like I said I don't want to just kind of know this car I want to become an expert so I'm going to literally stay here and read through the entire owners manual right now so apparently the model three supports up to 19 T's which can include authenticated phones key cards and up to four key fobs so I guess if you really want to have a key fob and like having crap in your pocket you can get one but it also looks like a miniature model 3 that is adorable but honestly with the phone being the key it's been so simple that I not even considering it now you can see all the authenticated keys inside of the car so in case you lose one of the key cards or anything like that you can always remove access so right now the two keys that are recognized is my phone and also my key card that I have right here to open the trunk you can use the open button on the touchscreen you can also open it through the key fob if you decide to get that there's also a button on the trunk which is pretty much what I use every time and you could also use it through the app now it's starting to rain it's asking me to update the software in the car itself and yeah cars just get random updates and this one says I'm gonna get 5% more power yes please let's install this and then let's come back alright weather has cleared for now so that's good news let's look at this trunk it's pretty spacious I can totally fit in here no problem actually I feel like two people can fit in here another person could lay right here and as usually you have the glow-in-the-dark release latch so if you were thinking about trapping people in here you're not gonna have much luck there you go see to two people and a dog okay let's get out of here I'm feeling very uncomfortable the Mafia is totally watching this and being like I told you the model three would work oh hi Peter where's your collar why are you so naked speaker I really appreciate it my girlfriend cuz she's like one of the only people that I can go inside and be like hey I want to see if we could both fit at the trunk at the same time and she was like well yeah let's do it so we got some WeatherTech Floor Mats for the trunk but you can also have a second compartment down here which apparently you're allowed to put more weight this is the weight that they suggest for putting stuff on the top shelf you're carrying a giant ball of steel for whatever reason throw it down here this has a higher weight capacity this is a nice size for like a duffel bag not easily accessible so maybe like an emergency kit or anything like that which I actually just realized now that this car does not come with a spare tire what it apparently that's kind of the new norm is just not having a spare tire on cars but what do you do if you get a flat tire out in the middle of nowhere with no phone reception I mean the tires do have those sensors so it is always monitoring your tire pressure so I'm sure I'll tell you if your tires are getting lower or whatever but spare tires have gotten me out of a lot of jams so I would honestly feel a lot more comfortable with one I've seen some for sale but I don't know if there's a great place to store it cuz usually would go right here right but the shape of it it doesn't really seem like you'll fit a spare at all so that is one thing I do wish it had was like some sort of cavity for a spare tire no the back seats decently comfortable on 5/8 so that's not saying much coming from me but your own sunroof so that's cool cupholders drop-down in the center well look at this USB ports back here I guess in case you want to charge some stuff and also some air vents everything else seems pretty standard you just touch these lights to adjust and whoa okay you know how there's hooks for clothes or whatever usually back here this one feels nice like the way it presses in it's the little things that's impressive but it just it feels so good to press this thing and have this thing come out now one of the weird things that I usually end up doing at some point or another is sleeping in my car so when you fold down the back seats you have full access to the trunk which is awesome I hate it when cars have just like a little tiny window so you can't really access a trunk and it's pretty flat so it's actually really comfortable and you have this epic view right above you with the sunroof so it's kind of nice actually I could totally do this now like I said I am five eight I think even if you were five ten you can probably still do this if you're like over six feet then your head might start hanging off the edge here another nice thing about having an electric car is that you can leave the air-conditioning on or heater you know that's a pretty long time most other cars were you know you have to have the engine running or the whole time to leave your air-conditioning on or else your battery will die well this has a massive battery so it's cool in case you need more storage there's the franck which you can open through this touchscreen here or the app or if you're extra fancy and have that key fob this is there's no button or latch here I probably won't be using it as often it's not a ton of space but you're less regularly access to items like we keep our charger here the tow eye is in here and also a button for emergency escape although you would have to be a really small person to fit in here now they say you can open this thing to attach the tow eye or to attach an external battery in case the battery on the car dies they said press up here and do something I think I need to look it up before damage it let me just wait for this and past though all right so they recommend using a tool for this but you press on the top right corner and then that kind of pulls this bottom part open and you just pry it a little bit there we go and this toe I can just go straight on to there oh man I just spent like the last five minutes trying to screw this in but it's reverse threaded so lefty tighty this time and this will get you out if you're having too much fun in the mud or snow good to know let's latch this back in and they say when you close this you don't want to put all the pressure right on the Tesla logo you want to put your hands right here and press down firmly like that now the center console definitely feels really nice it's one of those things that you kind of have to touch it and feel it to know what I'm talking about but it just feels really elegant it's so smooth now the USB Drive plugged into here for sentry mode so whatever things happen around the car it gets recorded with the cars camera and dumps into this Drive right here and this is kind of like your phone rack here so you can rest up there and another cover for it so it's good couple layers I guess if we want to charge our phones we can plug that into here and then I guess you take off this mat which exposes this little contraption and I says we can push this to the side whoo okay so we feed this cable through here and then bring it out right here I guess put this back on now we have a clean little place to charge our phone it does kind of feel a little bit cumbersome trying to squeeze this phone into there but turns out that Tesla actually makes their own charging cable so that's to fit in there nicely and then you can probably just dock your phone a little bit easier so that's why something I'm gonna have to order you know what actually looks a lot better is the model three Wireless phone charger it's 125 bucks I mean there's a lot of compartments in this thing I mean aside from this you have your cup holders and then a center console you got a little tray for your little things and more space underneath here and I feel like we covered a lot but we're still just getting started with this instruction manual this might be a long video guess I'll keep going learn about safety and seating so correct driving position it's like this you don't look like this while you're driving you're doing something wrong how to adjust your seat blah blah blah okay I think this is all standard you got your typical tilt and you got your forward back and it's got all the different little sections that you can adjust you know how like you can raise up your butt to feel a little bit taller in your thigh area also and this circle is lumbar support all that feels interesting uh-huh there's something moving around back here I'm not sure exactly where I'm supposed to set it but uh you can what is nice is when you find your seating position you can save it as your profile so whenever you get in the car you just tap on your name and everything will adjust to where you left it the headrests are not adjustable the center rear seat includes an adjustable head support that can be raised lower or removed so to remove it there's this little slot here stick a screwdriver in there get to go yeah this is the deep guy fellas we're gonna learn everything there is to know about this car it also says don't use seat covers in the model three doing so can restrict deployment of the seat-mounted side airbags if a collision occurs seat belt blah blah blah we all know how to put them on we should always be buckled up yes what's interesting is it knows when someone in the back seat isn't wearing a seat belt either but during the times where you're transporting something in the back seat or whatever and should I have a seat belt that you can mute that so good to know there oh this is getting so in-depth how to release a seat belt you press the button we know this part there's like 85 paragraphs of warnings to always use your seat belt we get it also a whole bunch of stuff about child safety seats something I don't have to worry about yet there's a whole bunch of airbags in this thing's this is telling me about the type of airbags and the purpose of airbags but this is a great photo of how not to sit when I airbag is deployed oh this is cool something I didn't know is that you can assign the driver profile to one of the keys because every time I get in the car after Kari drives it I manually go and adjust it but this will make it so the car will adjust it without me having to do that so under locks I can hit that and now I am assigned to it so let's test this out I'm gonna mess up all my settings here the seat position all that and let's see what happens when I walk up to the car and open it oh it's working detects my phone and sets everything for me my steering column my seat my mirrors all this is that's actually cool see reading the manual sometimes can be worth it under the driver profiles there's also a valet mode and that kind of limits the power on the car so they can't go joyriding too crazy it also hides your home in work locations cuts out autopilot they can't manage your keys your front and glovebox are locked so that's nice and thoughtful like all the stuff that they shouldn't have access to they don't you'll set up a four digit PIN number and they can't get out of valet mode without that pin on the steering wheel you have these two little knobs here left side is mostly for audio so volume up/down you can also click it to mute left or right for next song or last song the right side is more for cruise control / autopilot you need to have to change your cruise control speed and also how much distance you want from the car in front of you so those are the two things that you have access right there as well as the horn if the touchscreen becomes unresponsive you can hold down these two buttons for 30 seconds and that will restart the screen and what's awesome is you can adjust how the steering feels so there's comfort which makes it very easy to turn and then you have your nice basic standard and then sport which kind of gives you a little bit more resistance as you're going through higher speeds and that's pretty sweet to be able to adjust these things did you feel it too oh and you can also position your steering wheel using this left knob the one that we usually use for volume but it can retract or telescope that is also something that is saved to your profile so I'm gonna set it back and same thing with the mirrors you adjust though the mirrors electronically fold so convenience and if you need a power cycle the entire car you're gonna actually go into power off wait at least two minutes without interacting with the vehicle so don't open the door touch the brake pedals nothing and after two minutes press the brake pedal or open the door to wake the vehicle back up and that's kind of like just rebooting the car which is weird rebooting the car what a weird concept of course automatic headlights so when it's dark it turns on automatically that's pretty standard but it also has automatic high beams you turn it on and it only turns on when there's no lights in front of you so if they see a car driving towards you then it he switches to low-beam and also Auto windshield wipers it's starting to trickle down again let's see if it works I'm gonna pop it into drive and we'll see if it turns on oh it automatically did yeah that's pretty cool I wonder how it senses the water if I put a bunch of water on there will it white fast let's try huh oh my god that was bad I did you see oh no water just went straight in damn it so the auto windshield wipers works how to maximize range you want to generally drive a slower and avoid frequent and rapid accelerations just like how you would in a normal car fully raised on windows limit the use of resources such as heating lights and air conditioning using seat heaters to keep warm is more efficient than heating the cabin okay good to know by the way there's a seat heater in every single one of these seats including the rear seats and including the middle seat to that I thought was interesting also set stopping mode to hold to gain the benefit of regenerative braking at low driving speeds that is one of the first things that you will notice when you first drive this is that when you let off on the gas it starts to break on its own so most of the driving you could actually do without ever touching the brake which is also supposed to help save you from wearing out your brakes as often and that basically consistently gives you regenerative braking so every time you come to a stop it's recharging your batteries so one of the things I noticed is that you know every time you're at a stoplight or anything you usually have to hold on to the brake but on hold mode as soon as you're stopped the car basically stays there but you can also switch it to creep mode so when you're close to or at a complete stop the motor continuously applies torque so it kind of moves the car a little bit forward slowly just like a traditional automatic transmission so it'll move forward unless you're pressing on the brake and then there's also roll so when you're at a complete stop the model 3 becomes free rolling like a vehicle in neutral therefore if stopped on a slope the model 3 will roll downwards and the brake does not engage kind of want to try these real quick so I'm gonna start off in creep mode here hahaha I'm a creep yeah so now it drives very much like a regular car if I take my foot off the brake it automatically starts to roll forward well so I just turned on this setting for full self-driving visualization preview and it essentially tells you a little bit more of what the car is seeing and it's actually pretty impressive it's recognizing all these garbage bins because it's trash day today now what I'm driving there is a dashcam the front-facing camera is recording and saved onto that USB Drive that I have on there and that's always awesome to have in case you get in an accident or something so basically you just have to get your own USB stick format it a certain way and stick it in there and it records there's also a pedestrian warning system that makes the model 3 make a sound when driving below 20 miles per hour so that sound is designed to let pedestrians know that a car is coming because an electric vehicle operates so quietly so I didn't know that that's a safety thing I actually thought it was the sound of the motors or battery or something I don't know but yeah it's a sound design for pedestrians there's some best practices for if you're living in some really cold weather kind of warming up the battery before you take off like from the app you could turn on climate control that will heat up the cabin as well as the battery a little bit well your battery's cold this little blue snowflake icon might come up when you're still warming up the battery that's gonna limit the amount of power you have during that time they say one of the things that can lock up is your door handle so if you're leaving in a cold place and that's constantly freezing they suggest you throw some wd-40 into there not gonna lie I didn't expect it to take this long to get through the manual I mean there is just so much in here alright we're getting through it though we're getting through it there's basically a ton of different sensors and cameras all over this thing so they recommend once in a while going in and just wiping it down if you use the autopilot feature very often so there's traffic aware cruise control and they also said some of these features may not be available right when you buy it it needs to drive a little bit to calibrate the cameras to make sure it knows exactly where everything is and usually completes after about 20 to 25 miles so if you literally just bought the car today and you're like why isn't it working that might be the reason why so now let's get into the cruise control you enter it by driving a certain speed and just like any other cruise control let's say you're driving 50 miles per hour you pass this down once and it will enter cruise control and then to adjust your cruise control speed you can just roll this wheel right here and at any point you can step on the gas and manually go faster than your set cruise control so you might do that when you're passing a car and then you can let off the gas and it will go back slow down to that cruise control speed and continue there but then if you hit the brake just like any other cruise control it will cancel so that was traffic aware cruise control about next is auto steer so if you're driving on the road and you see this little icon pop up on the screen it's a steering wheel that means auto steer is available so then instead of tapping this down once you double tap it and as long as the car recognises the lanes it will enter auto steer auto steer is not designed to and will not steer model three around objects partially or completely in the driving lane so pay attention in front of you at all times so even though a lot of people like to just completely take their hands off the wheel you're not supposed to do that and it is constantly checking to see if you're holding on to the steering wheel by seeing if there's a little bit of pressure and if it doesn't detect you at all for a little while they'll ask you to just nudge the steering wheel a little bit just so it's like okay you're still there paying attention I think what they just don't want is people just go into the backseat and taking a nap to get out of auto steering you can just turn a little bit extra hard like if you decide to force it in a direction it doesn't take too much pressure and you'll be out of it you can also press the brake or press this lever up that will also exit it it will also hop out of auto steer if you go over 90 miles per hour or an automatic emergency braking event occurs and when you're in auto steer if you want to change lanes or something you just simply turn on the turn signal and you just wait for the car to find it clearing and it'll do it for you we were pretty terrified the first couple times we tried it but it's pretty good and then they're summoned so through your phone you can either have the car creep forward or creep backwards it dodges everything using its sensors and there's also smart summon so that kind of navigates its way through private property to come pick you up it's pretty slow it's not a feature I see myself using all the time but it's definitely cool see this thing driving itself on its own there's also Lane Assist that checks your blind spot if there's also lane departure avoidance when you're driving between 40 to 90 miles per hour and if you start veering off into a lane next to you and a cars in your blind spot you can either have it off so nothing happens or you can set it to warning where your steering wheel will vibrate kind of letting you know to pay attention and then there's a cyst which will nudge you back in your lane and vibrate letting you know that there's a car right there dude it also accounts the adjacent Lane speed which is actually pretty cool if the lane next to you is going significantly slower than you it's not a good idea to go that fast because if someone merges out then you're not gonna have as much time to respond to it this car will adjust accordingly to be a bit safer but you could always override that by pressing the accelerator pedal and of course a whole bunch of warning saying that this is just an assistance tool you are still responsible to check your own blind spot and all that so don't fully rely on it yet of course also the forward collision warning that a lot of cars had so the forward looking cameras is always monitoring in front of you for cars motorcycles bicycles or pedestrians and then if you have automatic emergency braking enabled then it will automatically slam on the brakes for you so you don't hit whatever is in front of you so that's nice it's always gonna be a lot harder to accidentally rear-end somebody so the emergency brake does not apply the brakes when you turn the steering wheel sharply or you accelerate hard while the braking thing is being applied or you press and release the brake pedal while it's doing the braking and then there's things like obstacle aware acceleration so you turn off all your safety features and you drive straight into a garage or something it limits the amount of torque that you have to limit the amount of damage that's done there's also a speed limit warning which is actually really nice considering how easy it is to go really fast in this car a lot of times I'm going 60 and I feel like I'm going thirty so this is actually useful here for speed limit warning you can have it off display or chime and this works whenever the map knows what the speed limit is I'm gonna set mine to chive so make a sound letting me know hey slow down a little bit you're gonna get a ticket and then you could choose between relative and absolute so I'm gonna probably keep mine on relative and I'm gonna set my offset to 10 miles per hours so basically the chime will only come on if I'm going over 10 miles past the speed limit if I have it at zero it probably chime all the time and then there's absolute that you could set to I don't know 50 70 80 miles per hour and it'll always chime whenever it hits that speed but I think relative is gonna be much more useful for me alleys home and it is 324 I started filming this video at 10 I've been in this car for five hours reading this manual haha you think this video is ridiculously long we'll try sitting in the car and reading all this is is extensive the model 3 also has a air filter that prevents pollen industrial fallout road dust and other particles from entering through the vents tesla recommends changing this out every 2 years and then there's also cabin overheat protection which might be actually kind of nice especially if you leave a camera gear in your car or anything like that if it gets over 105 degrees fahrenheit in here climate control will automatically turn on and cool it back down all right so let's learn about charging so that's your front motor that's the rear motor this whole big thing on the bottom is a giant battery and then that's your cabin heater that's your air conditioning that's your high voltage cabling that's your charging port right there and this is like a battery service panel it's interesting because it looks nothing like a traditional combustion engine car giant battery motor on the front and the back what's what are we looking at here so the battery on the model 3 has one of the most sophisticated battery systems in the world ok the most important way to preserve the battery is to leave your vehicle plugged in when you are not using it this is particularly important if you are not planning to drive your model 3 for several weeks well that's interesting so when plugged in the model 3 wakes up when needed to automatically maintain a charge level that maximizes the lifetime of the battery when left idle and unplug your vehicle periodically uses energy from the battery for system tests and recharging the 12-volt battery when necessary there is no advantage to waiting until the battery's level is low for charging in fact the battery performs best when charged regularly well that's actually good to know I probably would have left it unplugged if I were gonna leave for a couple weeks or something like that but now we know keep it plugged in even when we're not using it now the peak charging rate of these batteries may decrease slightly after a large number of DC fast charging sessions such as those at superchargers the battery charge rate is decreased when the battery is too cold or when the battery's charged is nearly full but this is all automated so you don't have to think about it never allow the battery to fully discharge even when model 3 is not being driven the model 3 does discharge very slowly to power the on-board electronics the battery can discharge at a rate of approximately 1% per day though that discharge rate may vary depending on environmental factors such as cold weather for those times where you have to leave the car unattended and you can't plug it in just keep that 1% a day in mind so if you're gonna leave for two weeks that's 14 days make sure you have enough charge to stay above that 14 percent charge discharging the battery to zero percent may result in damage to vehicle components so to protect against that when the battery goes to zero and entrance low power consumption mode so when that happens immediately plug in the model 3 now let's charge this thing up now we actually have the slowest charger the one that comes with the car and you could just plug it into a standard household socket it's not super fast but it's also not terrible a couple ways to open the charging port but my favorite way with this charging cable is you just kind of put this nearby the charging port you press it it automatically opens up there's a button on here and then that's a blue light that's just saying hey I'm ready I'll get in a flash for a second just getting everything connected and then once it turns into a flashing green that means it's charging once it's a solid green then it's fully charged and the red light is the one you don't want to see it means there's something going wrong now when it's charging this stays locked in to prevent anyone from pulling it out unauthorized so to take it out the car needs to either be unlocked or you have your phone nearby and then you press the button again it releases and we're good and then give it a second and it'll close on its own another way to open it when the car is unlocked or you have your phone with you is you can actually press on the bottom of it and that will pop it open as well now for some reason I'm not a hundred percent sure why if you're charging this in under forty one degree fahrenheit weather so pretty cold weather and it's fully charged this does not stay locked so you can pull it out and I guess in some circumstances if this thing will not unlock and you can't get it out there's this little pull tab inside the trunk where if you pull it it will manually release it I don't think it's something yet you need to use very often but here we are in the trunk and there's a little ring right there you pull it and that's how you do it now it is charging right now it should automatically detect how much power it can draw from the outlet and automatically set it to the high end but you can also set the cap of how far you want the battery to charge and they recommend keeping it within this daily range right here you can top it off a little bit higher but that puts a little bit of extra stress on your battery so you probably only really want to use it during a extended trip but I usually just leave mine right there that right there is how many miles I currently have on this charge and also the time remaining is three hours and thirty minutes until I hit my point right there but if I change it to the full charge then this will jump to ten hours and forty minutes you can drop this current charge but I generally keep that circuit pretty clear so I just leave mine at twelve I was charging at about three miles per hour that tends to fluctuate depending on you know how long it's been charging and how full the battery is a lot of times I can average out to about four sometimes five miles on hours so with a regular household outlet I'm usually getting like 4050 miles a night on a charge now by default it just charges whenever you plug it in but you could also do some scheduling so you can have it start at a certain time or also set your departure times easily you just want to have a charge off peak hours because electricity is more expensive in the middle of the day so you know if you want to start it at midnight then you'll probably find or you could also do depart out so if you know you're gonna be leaving at 6 a.m. every morning then you can say all week start at 6 a.m. so basically it take into account how long it's gonna take the charge and also kind of pull the charge at the less expensive times and also it turns on climate control so this would be awesome for Kerry when she goes back to work so we can leave this at 6 a.m. every morning she comes out to the car it's charged ready to go and the climate is already set for her so pretty cool now talking about maintenance and service what do you need to do you don't have to do all change so that's pretty odd brake fluid health check every two years replace if necessary AC desiccant bag is that what that's I don't know what that word is replace every six years clean and lubricate brake calipers every year or 12,500 miles if in an area where roads are salted during winter and then rotate tires every 10 to 12,000 miles I mean that's actually not so bad is it then their basic daily checks like your exterior lights your horn turn signals indicator lights brake you know all that basic stuff and the brakes have those squeaky notification things so that's how you know it's time to switch them out the ACS used to cool the inside of the car but it's also used to cool down the battery so that's important it's not like other cars where if the AC stops working you can still keep driving it you definitely want to get that checked out when it comes to tire maintenance it seems like any other car will notify you if your pressure is low oh I guess the wheels have a lug nut cover that you have to take off if you want to change the tire so basically you need to take something skinny like this allen wrench and poke into this bottom of the t of the Tesla does he press it right and then it comes off or something maybe not what I don't get how this works I think it was supposed to come with a tool on the glove box to kind of remove it some weird funky shaped piece of metal they also say that you can remove it with an allen wrench but I can't really figure out how and I feel like if I keep going I'm gonna break it oh there goes supposed to just snap back in there we go it's not like it's something that I'm gonna need to do since there's no spare tire in this thing so this is where you fill in windshield wiper fluid and I guess all the fluid reservoirs go in under here just says lift straight up at first I thought this is the air intake for the engine I was like wait a second there is no engine so it must be for the AC or heating you got your 12 volt battery here there's a fluid reservoir down there and one up here one of them must be brake fluid and the other one must be for the battery coolant which apparently you don't have to change the battery coolant for the lifetime of the car and they say make sure you put this on right because this is what prevents water from getting into here it's snaps in nicely cool for most of us we're just gonna be pulling this tab right here for the windshield fluid now if you need to lift the car do not jack it up with the side railing or definitely not the battery which a majority at the bottom is there's four points on the car where it's recommended to do so all right there that must be it feels like it's part of the frame yeah it's pretty easy to spot everything else is very plasticy and look at all that this whole thing battery so don't put a jack stand near the plastic now notice there's holes in the points so you can't get these pucks to make it a little bit easier to lift another thing if you need to get towed make sure that they know that it is a Tesla never transport your vehicle with the tires in a position where they can spin doing so can lead to significant damage and overheating so your wheels should never be touching the ground when it's being towed now they will have to use a winch to tow the car onto the flatbed so you have to put it into transport mode and that will allow the tires to rotate but slowly under three miles per hour for very short distance less than 30 feet exceeding these boundaries can lead to significant damage and overheating that is not covered by warranty and if they're not familiar with towing Tesla's then you can go into the manual punch and roadside assistance and instructions for transporters all the info they will need will be right here all right so now we are on the road I'm just driving this like a normal car but see how that icon is right there it's a steering wheel but it's great that basically means it's recognizing the lanes around me so I can hop into autopilot whoa camera almost tipped over there so I'm gonna double tap this and now I can lick over the wheel and it is gonna drive myself actually I'm supposed to keep my hands here but check it out it's gonna do it on its own at least until it reminds me to touch the wheel again but see how it's flashing blue now it's basically saying apply a little bit of pressure on the steering wheel there we go so now the steering wheel knows I'm there but another cool feature is the navigate on autopilot features all right so let's punch in North Hollywood into the GPS and now see how it says navigate on autopilot and how that's highlighted so once I get on the freeway I put it on autopilot and it's gonna do all my lane changes and exit off the off ramp for me so let's give that a shot so we are gonna get on the freeway wait for that to pop up perfect so now it is on autopilot I'm gonna set my max speed so it now knows where I need to go also it knows which lane I'm supposed to be in so I'm just gonna kind of let it do its thing it's saying it wants to get one more lane over so it's looking it checked the right lane it says it's clear and it moved into it so I'm just chillin just kiddin I'm not chillin I have my hands on the steering wheel and I am paying attention because that is what a responsible person does keeping my eyes on the road I mean in this feature its navigating for you it's driving for you all you have to do is just be ready in case it does something weird to be ready to take over all right so here's our exit coming up I'm not gonna touch anything for a second let's see how it does I turn on the right turn signal and it's slowing down a little weird okay there we go you see that it kind of did a little bit of swerving but it ended up okay navigate on autopilot ends once you pull off the freeway now we're back on autopilot and remember the few ways to get out of it is touching the brake so if I tap the brake it kicks me out of autopilot so that's good and if I apply a little bit of extra pressure on the steering wheel it also pulls me out of it you could tell by the sound so now I'm just in cruise control but I'm gonna put myself back into it and that is one thing to keep in mind is that you don't touch the steering wheel for a second which you're supposed to always be touching it but if you don't and it asks you to nudge the wheel a little bit you want to put just the right amount of pressure so it knows that you're still there but if you do it too hard just keep in mind that it might pull you out of autopilot because it doesn't take that much pressure on the steering wheel to pull you out of it so you can do a whole long road trip and all you would really need to do is keep your hands on the steering wheel let the car know that you're still here paying attention and then just adjust the top speed right here but you can adjust from right here and pretty much good to go this is awesome now this touchscreen itself has so much little touch on it a little bit you have your Drive so right now I'm parked but there's Drive and reverse which will pop in to backup camera and again I tap it for Park this right here is the backup camera if I ever want to see that this is your battery info right here so we got 222 miles left on here and then this is your voice command down here my windshield wipers again are on auto but I can switch it to different speeds here or just completely shut it off like that and down here you could actually swipe to see a few things this is kind of like your odometer and how many miles we have total on the car we right now we're only at 209 and then we're gonna go to the right here this is our tire pressure all looks good now here's our navigation it actually works pretty well I'm pretty impressed with it here's our driver profile so again it's on me right now this is sentry mode which is basically going to turn this car into a surveillance camera so if someone comes up to the car while it's parked messes with it then it will record them that is the dash cam and that red light means it's recording and in case I get into an accident or something I want to hit that and that's gonna save that clip I can also have it set so if i honk my horn it saves that clip as well and also that's my LTE connection this does come with a one year of free LTE so this car is always connected to the Internet meaning with your app you can always check on where it is what it's doing and all that the right side some navigation stuff so if I want to zoom out zoom into the map and then this will show me a foe of the area if you prefer that and this is traffic kind of see what's going on and that is where all the superchargers and actually any charger is so the red one there is a Tesla supercharger and it also tells you how many are currently open at that one which is nice this one is almost all occupied but sometimes you could find ones that are a little bit more empty like this one only two is occupied the red ones are superchargers but of course there's the regular chargers that you could use outside there's an adapter that comes with the car now let's say you want to do a road trip like San Francisco let's punch that in and basically it's gonna recommend superchargers along the way so it says I should probably stop a Kettleman city by that point I'm only gonna have 7% battery left and I should charge there for 40 minutes and then I would charge again at San Francisco International Airport now if you go past the speed limit you're gonna discharge faster so something to keep in mind and notice that all the ones within range are bright red but the ones that are out of range become opaque and transparent those are out of range with your current battery they'll eat it up pretty nicely so all the stuff that you're frequently accessing is right here like if you want to open the trunk your hood the charging port this is kind of your main menu for stuff with the car and then we have music and then inside of here we have a bunch of bonus features like web browser there's also entertainment all kinds of YouTube Netflix arcade you can play a bunch of games inside of here so if you're waiting for somebody you will not get bored seat warmers right there climate seat warmer for the passenger and then of course our defrosters volumes here but as the driver I'm usually just adjusting the volume on the steering wheel now going into the car menu I'm just gonna try to blast you this this is your basics like adjusting your mirrors your steering wheel you access that all through here let's you got headlights your interior dome lights I have everything just set to automatic and then auto high beam is that feature I turned on locks we already went over this and I'm driving it with my phone on display mode we have Auto but there's also day and night but I have it on auto it switches automatically the screen brightness also on auto then there's the screen cleaning mode which is nice it basically locks up the screen it's gonna get a whole bunch of fingerprints so you can wipe it down we got language time format if you want to switch the 24-hour clock if you want to and then energy display you can switch between the distance so how many miles you can go or you can switch that to just percentage kilometers or miles and temperature Celsius or Fahrenheit and tire pressure psi or bar driving you can go between chill and sport Sport is much more fun and then steering mode we kind of talked about regenerative braking is I leave it on standard because that's how you're supposed to get the best mileage out of this car but if you don't really like how the regenerative braking feels you can drop that to low and make that a little less aggressive there slip start that they say you can use if you're stuck in snow or mud it's gonna turn off traction control but they say always turn it off if you're not stuck autopilot you basically just come on here and just turn everything on your speed limit warnings forward collision warning lane departure avoidance all that stuff that we talked about you can turn it on and off here navigation pretty obvious all the basic things like if you want to avoid ferries avoid tolls also it should reroute you if it saves more than 2 minutes is what I have it set to but you can also set it to 5 10 I think it actually comes by default either 5 or 10 so I dropped that down to 2 maybe I should even do 1 minute I think I'll leave it at 2 for now safety and security you have a few things like speed limit mode as things like Joe mode where basically reduces the volume of your cars chimes and basically it reduces the amount of noise in the rear seat so for Joe's kids yeah cabin overheat protection I have that on let me go into service you know if you need to adjust headlights towing mode that you might need to set it into oh my god guys we're almost freakin done this took all day I'm gonna show you another thing though is it's cool I'm gonna pull up to a spot where we can parallel park let's try to parallel park in this spot here I'm just gonna keep pulling up until a P pulls up we go see that pee right there so I'm gonna hit that and I'm gonna shift into reverse and I'm gonna hit start and cutoff it's like magic I'm an expert parallel Parker now now this is cool I know this is a feature that's been around in cars for a little while but such an impressive feature look it knows how much space there is in this parking spot and it's kind of scooting forward a little bit I guess it's to make sure that there's enough space for a car behind me it also has these proximity sensors which is pretty cool when I get close to stuff like if I'm going through a drive-through it's kind of nice having this tell me how close I am to scraping up against a curb or something like that and then as I get real close to this car in front of us slowly turns red and there you go also check out this web browser here you can browse the web you can go online do some shopping or whatever since this car does have an LTE connection I can do that and when you get bored there's random stuff to explore like this game beach buggy it uses your steering wheel and your brake to play and in case you're wondering when you turn the steering wheel the tires do actually turn on the car themselves I'm gonna kick some ass oh snap I think I just died I don't like this game anymore I quit and of course the best part about getting the performance version of the model 3 you'll see when you watch the speedometer ready zero to oh I didn't hit 60 I got to 58 and then I stopped so awesome news just found out one of our dogs have fleas and we are praying that the pet store still open during the quarantine because everything that's non-essential is closed right now but I hope and huh is your line outside of BevMo so good news Petco's open in the meantime what I'm going to show you the app real quick it's pretty straightforward and gives you all the basic things you might want so up top is the climate and the front and also lock and unlock oh snap did you guys see that was that in frame that was an accident I'll stick around and see if there's any sort of conflict then if there is I'll be like I've got footage of it I feel bad for them though thou hold door do you know how to use the voice command so you take this right thumb wheel and you press it you could do a bunch of different commands there's a huge list of them open Netflix you can open up Netflix and YouTube while your Park to only once you start driving you can't use these anymore but you can use things like the web browser I think it's pretty cool to be able to Google stuff cuz you know I'm always wondering random stuff and googling Google how to get rid of fleas on a dog so googling you can actually still do while you're driving I was trying to get clever and I was like what if I use the web browser and pull up YouTube on the web browser and kind of watch a video doesn't work as soon as you start driving like your video stops loading also when we look at climate there's dog mode which we'll be using a whole lot and it tells people not to worry because the dog is very comfortable and then one more mode is the camp mode I thought that was cool so the climate will stay on until the battery reaches 20% so like I was saying if you had a sleep in the trunk then you can turn that on alright so let's try this again so up top you have your climate so if you're about to get into a car on a cold day you can turn that on and also access to this trunk right here and this lock and unlock and then you can go into controls you can like ooh that was loud you could enter valet mode from your phone you could also vent the windows give it a little bit of airflow or close it back up and then there's the loop box so everyone with Tesla gets a referral link and if you're gonna order our Tesla you generally want to order one with a referral link maybe mine you basically both get a thousand miles of free supercharger or some other stuff if you do so learn but yeah if you're gonna order a Tesla I will conveniently place my referral link right there in the description so that's pretty much it for the app few last things there is a track mode this is just something that you'll only see in the performance model you could customize it so there's your race preset and there's also this drift preset which completely takes off your stability assist and throws all the power to the rear wheel so that's freaking awesome that's probably a ton of fun to drive this is gonna tell you the temperature of your battery your tires and also down here it's gonna show you how many G's you're pulling through turns and all that I cannot wait to test this track mode out someday somewhere safely you could also check out your energy consumption see how efficient your driving habits are and you could definitely see when we're driving slowly and where we're having too much fun and then the toy box that you can pull up that's where the whoopee cushion is and there's also more cowbell so if you're driving on autopilot and you press this down four times then it activates the Rainbow Road and then there's a bunch of stuff like Santa mode there's this fireplace that just lets you watch a fire with some nice crackling sounds and starts blowing hot air at you but it's pretty hot so I'm about to turn this off right now there's tracks which is music making software I guess if you get bored waiting for someone you can start dabbling and making some music there's honestly a lot of stuff in here that can keep you occupied for a pretty long time that's it for this video but we gotta go take care of the situation apparently all the dogs have some fleas now are we going to be poor teen in a house with a bunch of fleas living in it no we're getting I'm working on it we're killing along blanquita
Channel: Gene Nagata
Views: 2,117,024
Rating: 4.9047389 out of 5
Keywords: tesla model 3, tesla, model 3 performance, in depth review, review, in-depth, potato jet, gene nagata, potatojet, model 3, user guide, tesla tour, model y, user manual, manual
Id: RwaHlWDxXCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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