2021 Tesla Model 3 Full Review

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this is rental car number 158 and today i'm driving the 2021 tesla model 3 standard plus this retails for about 36 000 although tesla claims after tax rebates you can get it down to about 30k which is pretty insane uh this is by far the most expensive rental i have ever had it cost a whopping 160 dollars for 24 hours but as you'll see it was uh worth every penny i've got too much to share with you so much uh just to give you a quick taste we will look at the interior and uh take some time to look at the touch screen and all the features there there's a ton to talk about i'll take it for a spin at low and high speeds i'll even take it out on the highway and get it above 95. i'll take you for a drive in the snow i recently got about nine inches while i rented this so uh why not i'll show you a little bit about one pedal driving which is something i'm pretty excited about and then we'll close things out with storage and i will give it a rating from one to five now look i admit this is a longer video than i usually make maybe too long for you so if i'm talking about something you're not thrilled about use the chapters below to skip to something more interesting all right so uh that's my little bit of housekeeping let's jump right in open up the hood and take a look what's underneath so um it's an ev so we got no engine here this is what tesla calls the frunk and it's just a small storage space that was perfect for me when i went and got some takeout while i rented this vehicle but not a whole lot else under here except for the little port that you can use to add windshield wiper fluid another unique feature is the door handles they're flush with the door panel itself so you have to push on one side to get the handle to pop out and then you can pull the door towards you i gotta admit this was a little tough at first actually i had no idea how to open the door but after you do it a couple of times it's pretty intuitive and works really nicely and it adds just that extra bit of style on the vehicle which is always nice all right i jumped the driver's seat uh let's take a look around because things are pretty different let's start with the steering wheel attractive logo in the center and then two directional keypads on either side no other buttons of any kind including wrapped around the back of the steering wheel you do get two stalks the one on the left controls your turn signal and your uh windshield wiper fluid and then the one on the right is actually your gear shift and your parking brake so you will just push this up or down to switch to the gears and then press the button right here on the side to put it in park or press and hold to activate the electronic parking brake everything else is controlled through the center display right here and to activate and deactivate things you can use the touch screen right here or you can use these two directional keypads right here this will scroll and select things on the center display you can also press and hold the right center keypad open glove box to give it a command and then it will activate and do what you've asked it to do so i just showed you how to open the glove box let me show you real quick there's no latch or anything on this at all you can only open it from either going through the menu structure in the center display or giving it an audible command through uh this touch button right here touch button keypad button so one thing that does take a lot of getting used to is there's no push button start anywhere on this vehicle when you open the door and you have the key in your pocket everything is already on once you climb in there's no button or anything on the dash in fact there's nothing at all on the dash or anything on the stocks too right there's not a button that you would push to turn the vehicle on if you want to drive anywhere either you need to have a phone with the app on it or you have to have a key card it looks like this and a nice attractive casing and uh just looks like a small credit card right tesla's logo on the front kind of some simple instructions on the back you tap it in this area of the vehicle and then the car recognizes that you are in control and then you can simply hit the brake pedal down shift it into drive and away you go so this uh this takes some getting used to and it's a little bit overwhelming at first but uh i don't know it's kind of fun uh also nothing on the dash at all so you don't have your your hood release you don't have your fuel cap release there's there's no buttons of any kind down here and there are no vents either for the climate control systems right typically you'll see something right here the vent is actually this little cutout that you see above the steering wheel that's the vent that's where either your heat or your cooling will come from um so it's just it's impeccably designed everything has been thought out and it's so different from a normal car that it makes a lot of fun to hang out in to the left of the steering wheel we have almost your standard controls i mean all we have are window controls right here and then a button to exit the vehicle so this is what you have to press to open a door now the door is open and you can exit the vehicle beyond that there are no controls here of any kind which gives it a very sleek and very upscale kind of look you also have different kinds of leather well this is plastic right and then this is like a suede leather material right here but this just feels really really premium no door lock right here right we have just a sleek plastic panel it's very simple and makes the car feel calmer in my opinion rear view mirror pretty standard stuff you do not have blind side detection on this but that's okay because when you're driving if you want to you can look at the center display to see everything that's going around the vehicle while you're driving in real time it's quite amazing up top we have a pretty attractive looking rear view mirror right no buttons on here of any kind uh above there we have pin lights and then your hazard button right up here which is a different location than i'm used to but you know hey it's kind of different you also have the sun visor kind of curves up a little bit to match the curve of the roof when you open it up you'll see that you do have a mirror right here that folds down in two sections and lights up when you open it up kind of nice and you get that same feature on the passenger side as well below there we have the large touchscreen i'll show you that in a second and then below there again suede material um uh to charge your phone so it has contact charging right here a small cutout right here with additional storage kind of a deep area with a removable rubber lining at the bottom two cup holders right here and then you have your center arm rest white exposed stitching very smooth leather simple control right here to open it up and then you have another storage compartment in here with a light and then also you have a dc power port as well all right let's take a look at this on our display uh first off it's absolutely enormous and this doesn't feel like a typical display on most of the sedans i have driven even the higher end ones this feels like a premium ipad the resolution on this is it's insane it's just so crisp and beautiful that it's hard to look away from on the left hand side we have the car itself and you can just push areas to activate things so you can open up the front that trunk space in the front of the vehicle the trunk in the back your fuel port right here and then you can lock and unlock the vehicle by simply pressing the vehicle itself so really intuitive controls and we see the charge up here right now i'm at 191 percent which is uh pretty decent and then we have dedicated menu buttons all along the bottom to activate pretty much everything on the vehicle so if you press the car vehicle you get your settings screen where you can cycle through and turn on and off features like for example autopilot we could turn it on or off or manipulate the settings a little bit this is really easy to use and i think that's because the screen is so large so you can actually see the full menu structure laid out right next to everything and it makes it really simple to find what you're looking for for example we can go to the quick controls screen and then i can select mirrors left or right and then i can use these directional keypads to adjust the mirror to exactly how i like it now i'm not going to bore you with every setting on here but i do want to go over some of the main features on the vehicle so obviously you have a huge nav screen that you can see all around you and know instantly when your next turn is this is amazing you can also also activate your entertainment features right here's music you still get your navigation screen but then also you can use other things like cycling through the radio playing what's over your phone a streaming service and so on and so forth and then to make it go away you just tap the music button again and it goes away we have our cameras so rear view and side out the back there are a ton of cameras on this vehicle and just look at the screen resolution i mean it is so crisp i know not a super attractive view but you can see the parking space behind me and the snow built up all around and you can see same views on the left and right of the vehicle it's just amazing and makes parking this thing an absolute breeze and to make it go away we can press the x up here or just simply hit the menu icon again we can activate things like our windshield wipers from here press this button to get pop-ups to a lot more things so we can see an energy tab to see how far we can drive before we're on empty and what our fuel economy our fuel consumption is over time this is just absolutely amazing how much information you can get we also have heated and heated seats for both the driver and the passenger i'm going to keep that off for the passenger and low for me climate controls right here you can see how beautiful this is right i showed you a second ago where the actual um the air comes from it's from this little crease right here built into the dash and it's just a beautiful icon to show you that there is airflow through the vehicle and then a nice big indicator right here to adjust the temperature inside the vehicle defroster settings and then a volume control uh down here so let's look at some of the toy box settings on here press the up arrow go over to toy box on the far right hand side and we can do things like control the horn sound so let's activate it and hit the fart command what's really interesting is that they've recorded a bunch of different types so it changes each time you try it which is just really really impressive there's a bunch more uh maybe a tada pretty satisfying i'm not going to replace the horn with that we can also have a couple other things so we can hit emissions and we can make the vehicle fart in different seats which is always kind of fun so let's do the passenger seat not sure if you can hear it but it's coming from this side of the vehicle now it's coming from the back hear the difference now it'll be from me [Music] that's pretty hilarious um and then we have a ton of other stuff romance for example you want to get cozy with me for a second sounds fantastic too oh wow didn't see that coming um and then trax is another one where we could actually make our own music from inside the vehicle which i mean i guess if you're stuck waiting for someone to come out of a maybe a building or something this could be a lot of fun and then boombox as well so we can make the sounds actually go outside of the vehicle for the people around us uh pretty amazing right i've never had a car that had anything remotely like this and i think that shows just what it's capable of doing when you have this much technology and software driving the vehicle what's even more fun is that tesla can do new stuff and upload it to you to give you access to it really at any point so you don't know what kind of fun stuff is going to come in the future anyway this was pretty fun and uh hard not to play with over and over again so all in all i mean i'm super impressed gotta be honest i was slightly overwhelmed when i first got into the vehicle just because it's so different but after driving it around for a while it it feels like it makes sense and it's really easy to get the settings and the features that you want uh just by making a couple of taps on the screen all right i jumped in the passenger seat nice big of leg room right i have this seat pushed back the same distance i do the driver's seat and i have plenty of space for my legs i'm six feet tall and i feel super comfortable right now i don't know what do you think maybe six to eight inches between my knees and that dash which is just wonderful not a whole lot of amenities i mean all you have over here is your window control and then the button that you use to open up the door because as i showed you before there are no manual door locks on this thing of any type you have to push this button to unlock and then the door will pop open and allow you to exit now you do have a glove box but as a passenger i can't access that at all unless the center display is turned on now because we don't have a driver that has automatically turned off to get it to turn on i'm just going to open the door a little bit so i'm going to press this button now we have access to that center display and open the glove box we can either use the manual controls right here to talk to the vehicle or we can find it in the settings screen so i'm going to hit the car icon go over here and hit the glove box button now it opens up for us not a huge glove box pretty small uh you basically only have room for your owner's manual right here and then an adapter in case you aren't going to use tesla's supercharging power stations if you use a standard one you are going to have to use this adapter to make it compatible with the tesla so a nice felt lining inside a quality feel to it but not a ton of storage all right so i jumped in the passenger seat of the back seat the rear seat i'm six feet tall and uh i don't know i'm not super comfortable i have this seat pushed back a good distance not all the way despite that i still have maybe two or three inches between my knees and the back of that seat although i do feel like i have to sit pretty upright let me show you real quick so it's hard for me to sort of slouch because then my my knees end up hitting that seat so i have to sit i don't know like i'm meditating or something right like i'm really upright and my head does brush up against the glass ceiling just a little bit so i'm not super comfortable um but i mean i could ride back here for a couple hours without having huge complaints as far as amenities they're the same as the front seat passenger window controls and that button to open up the um the door up top we have a small hook right here that we can use to hang a jacket on the back of the seats we have small pockets made out of a nice leather material not a lot of give so really this is only going to be good for something really small like maybe a one of the smaller owners manuals on the back of the center armrest for the front seat passengers we do have two dedicated vents and then additionally in the center we have a armrest that folds down with two uh cupholders and then the last thing i want to look at is car seat anchors now we do have the icon right here letting us know that the anchor is right here and then if you can see without really manipulating the seats at all we have access to the car seat anchors that's that white metal bar right there and that is wonderful that means that if you do need to install a car seat back here it's going to be relatively simple not true on all vehicles on some of them you have to pry these seats open and reach way back to get access to those all right let's look really quickly at the trunk space not a whole lot of excitement back here although you do get a pretty big storage area and there's an additional storage space underneath the floor this little bag right here is for your charging port if you actually carry it around with you and also the rear seats do fold down really easily you just pull up on these little tabs right there and then they fold down and you have even more space if you want to haul a larger item and have it poke through the back of the trunk and into the cabin of the vehicle so all in all pretty standard stuff but uh nice to know that you have some additional storage back here if you need it all right so let's take this thing for a spin i'm gonna shift us into drive and uh off we go first thing i wanna look at is handling at lower speeds i'm talking like under 15 miles an hour maybe under 20. so we're just tooling around a parking lot right now and let me just do some quick turns around these light poles now the turning radius is really really nice it doesn't feel like it drifts at all and the responsiveness of the steering is uh well it's impressive uh sometimes with vehicles even this size when you make a turn you just have that ever so slightly delay before you actually go where you wanna where you wanna go but uh not with this vehicle at all responsiveness is top notch and that makes parking it uh a breeze and that includes parking in reverse which is rather easy because of all the cameras on this uh vehicle let me just show you real quick so let's reverse into one of these parking spots so we're going to put the car into reverse and now you can see we have lots of views to show us exactly where we're going and then also guides as well so as i manipulate the steering wheel you're seeing that those white guides are moving for me as well just making it really really simple to park the vehicle so i'm about to pull into my garage one of my favorite features on this vehicle is that it actually tells you how close you're getting to an obstruction so watch this screen right here as we pull forward and the tesla is going to give us feedback and show us exactly how far the wall is from the front of the vehicle so here we get a little feedback you're seeing those yellows appear and those it's starting to recognize the object now 33 inches 25 24. it's pretty cool right now we know we're 17 inches away from that wall ahead of us rather than just getting a red bar and kind of having to guess for those last couple of inches but now i know exactly how far i need to pull forward before i'm going to hit something at lower speeds too you really get to appreciate the how silent this vehicle is because you don't have an engine always revving up um all you really hear is is the wheels on the road and a little bit of wind which i don't know why but it makes me feel a little bit calmer as i'm driving this vehicle so at low speeds i am really really impressed uh but you know there's not a lot to complain about any vehicle when you're talking about driving it at 20 miles an hour let's get out on the road and take it up to about 40 45 and see how it does through some gentle curves all right so i got the vehicle up to about 35 40 miles an hour and we just have a couple of real gentle curves uh down this road um and i gotta say the responsiveness is even more impressive at this speed uh i'm i'm still not completely used to driving this car it's only been a couple of hours since i got it but i mean i feel like i can easily hug this crease right here between the blacktop and the curb itself uh really effortlessly because the car is just it's so tight which is kind of dangerous because it makes me want to drive a lot more aggressively than i would in my normal daily driver let's try a u-turn real quick and see what the turning radius is like oh yeah i mean there's no chance i'm drifting out of the lane that was that was effortless i didn't even have to crank the steering wheel all the way um so let's let's see how far i can push it where i start to feel a little uncomfortable all right so i'd say at these curves 50 which is just outstanding and i know the car can go faster around these curves i'm just saying my own personal comfort level and i'm just trying to show you that uh wow is that a lot of fun to drive so handling at higher speeds is uh fun now let's do the obvious test of acceleration because that's really what these cars are known for you know you got an electric motor so you have instant torque available to you let me come to a complete stop oh there's a policeman no private security okay we're good i'm gonna slow down to a complete stop and uh hit that accelerator yeah we just hit 40. that's uh that's a little bit insane uh there might not be any cops around here but i am not going to push it past that the acceleration is just it's nuts it's instant uh and you feel it in your stomach as it's just pulling you forward uh it's a lot of fun and the same is true even if you're moving so right now we're going about 40. if i just push down on that accelerator ever so slightly it is an instant burst of speed i know you've probably heard other people say that before but i am talking the second you push your your foot down on that pedal you are rocketing forward and um man it's quite addictive i'm not gonna lie i can see why so many people fall in love with this vehicle so quickly all right so this vehicle doesn't have full autopilot and by that mean by that i mean you can't put an address in here and have the car change lanes and navigate for you all the way to your destination but it can sense the lanes in the road and keep the speed limit based on the speed limit signs on the side of the road all you need to look for is to see if the car is sensing the lines in the road so you see here where you can see the lines going by and you can see the traffic up ahead once we have that we're gonna adjust the stock down twice we're gonna hit it twice to go to the cruise control setting all right so we're gonna do one two all right so now the car is driving completely on its own keeping with the lanes in the road it will not however stop for us up ahead so i am hitting the brake pedal myself to bring us to a complete stop but now that traffic is going again i can hit that stock again twice one two all right and it is saying it can't sense the lines in the road so auto steer is unavailable you can see how it's not a perfect system quite yet especially in conditions like this where the road is pretty sloppy all right let's try once more r oh we have traffic pretty far ahead it's sensing the lines in the road one two all right it knows the uh speed limit is 40 and it's steering for us so no hands no feet on the wheel and now the car is driving for us it knows the speed limit maximum is 40 miles an hour based on the signs on the road and it's keeping us a safe distance from that car ahead and keeping inside the lines pretty well i might add considering how sloppy the road conditions are i don't know this is pretty amazing um and despite only using this for a short period of time i don't know why but i feel awfully comfortable letting the car drive for me even in conditions like this which uh says a lot for tesla's trustworthiness anyway i just wanted to show you really quick it's quite a fun feature to play around with so another thing we need to look at is cabin noise and by that i mean how much of the outside can you hear while you're driving at reasonable speeds so i'm going 45 miles an hour right now which i think isn't pretty average in typical speed you do while driving a car like this and let me just be quiet for a second so you can hear what the outside sounds like while you're driving so we can hear the bumps in the road a little bit you can hear the things in the vehicle that i have with me right now just shaking around ever so slightly and a little bit of wind right but the car is so aerodynamic and so tightly constructed that uh compared to any other vehicle at this price point uh i think this is top notch i can still hear a little bit about what's going around the vehicle which i mean i don't want it to be absolutely silent uh but it's it's pretty quiet which makes listening to things over the entertainment uh that much easier so let me turn on the radio real quick i will uh i'll be quiet so not bad right all right really easy to hear the lyrics uh i didn't have to turn that up at all and the volume is on a very very low setting so i don't know cabin noise is pretty exceptional i i feel like i'm still looking for something to criticize on this vehicle all right so let's take this thing out on the highway and see what it's like at higher speeds uh we're lucky right now that there's no one behind me so when i get through this toll booth i'm going to pull to a complete stop and we can play around acceleration all right there's a slight incline but uh should be a good test 30 40 50 60 70. whew i felt like i was getting an ab workout because i mean the acceleration is so intense that i feel like i need to brace myself for it uh which is uh it's a new experience all right so now we're at a new experience for me we're at 75 right now cruising along on the interstate uh car feels very very stable at this speed i don't feel like we're anywhere near its limitations and handling is still extremely responsive so just even the slightest movement of the steering wheel is getting us an instant turn and even though i'm doing that i still feel like i'm really in control of the vehicle cabin noise is a little bit more pronounced i don't know if you can tell but i am having to raise my voice just a little bit but it's not obnoxious uh it needs to be expected especially when we're going almost 80 miles an hour so let me do a lane change real quick that felt pretty good and uh let's do it again and let's see if we can pass this uh what is this a rav4 in front of us so i'm gonna change lanes and accelerate around this car oh my goodness okay we're at 90 right now uh that took no effort what i mean by that is i barely hit the accelerator i mean maybe i pushed it down half a centimeter and we rocket it forward to 90 miles an hour uh which is man this thing is dangerous i if i was driving this to work every morning i mean i'd go 100 easy without even thinking about it it's that responsive and that quick uh which it's a lot of fun [Music] all right so we got a car who's passing us i just i feel personally insulted right now that i would let a hyundai accent a car i like by the way pass us like that so uh let's see if we can catch up with him 90 95. yeah i mean look i i want to try and go over 100 right now but uh i also don't want to lose my license because there's a lot of cops out here that is just i mean it's just insane it's just insane look you have to try this if if you have the means please please go out and take this for a test drive it's it's an experience that you just need to have yourself i'm doing my best to explain it to you but this is unlike anything that i have driven in the past i don't know 300 rentals that i've done i don't typically post every time i rent a vehicle uh but this is outstanding a ton of fun a dangerous vehicle in my hands so i'm going to exit the freeway now and go back to some normal speeds all right so we got about nine inches of snow last night my street hasn't been plowed that well i'm really curious how well the tesla's gonna perform this is quite a bit of snow and uh this is a small car all right so responsiveness is still i mean pretty good i have full control over the vehicle whether i'm in these little rivets or not let's make sure we don't get hit by this plow going back and forth i think he's doing this guy's driveway all right well clearly i can't accelerate like really fast uh actually i'm trying right now and we're we're staying steady at about 20 miles an hour uh but this is pretty good so far uh i feel like i have control over the vehicle and i'm definitely moving forward at a good speed i'm still amazed at just how quiet this thing is i can't hear anything at all except for let me get around this car oops slipping a little bit can't hear anything rather than just just the wheels on the road it's kind of nice it's a little bit calm all right let's get around this corner ooh a little trouble getting through that big bit of snow all right now we're on the roads oh wow yeah that picked up immediately and all of a sudden the full acceleration comes back into play and uh it's handling really well let's get around this corner see if we slip nope no slipping at all and i took that pretty aggressively all right let's get on to this road which has been fully plowed after this car yeah now we should have full oh yeah man i will never get used to that when you hit the accelerator and you move forward so quickly it is just so so much fun so uh all things considered i'm pretty impressed this handles better than uh a lot of the suvs i've driven in the snow so one of the features on the model 3 that i've really grown to like a lot is one pedal driving so typically when you're in a gas powered car and you let your foot off the accelerator it's going to coast a little bit and then eventually you're going to come to a stop with the tesla when you get to lower speeds and lift your foot off the pedal it'll actually come to a complete stop and hold and it does it so responsively that you can actually not touch the brake in normal driving scenarios so really as i've been driving around town the only time i've had to hit the brake pedal is when i need to stop suddenly because someone has cut me off or there's an obstruction in the road but when i come up to a stop sign or a stoplight for example i'd typically get the car to stop almost entirely without touching the brake pedal so let me give you an example you see that there's a red a red light coming up ahead i am not going to touch the brake pedal instead i'm just going to slow the vehicle down a little bit and then when i get to the point where i actually want to stop i'm just going to lift my foot off of the accelerator completely and the vehicle is going to come to a stop nice and now that the auto hold setting is enabled it's just going to hold the car in place until i put pressure on that accelerator and we move forward look this i'm sure this seems like a mild thing but if you're doing a lot of stop-and-go driving like in the suburbs like i am right now it's just it's just really nice um and it's something that i've never experienced before uh so again we're coming up on a red light rather than hitting that a brake pedal all i'm doing is picking my foot ever so slightly off the accelerator now my foot is completely off the accelerator and we're coming to a complete stop and now we need to go so i'm pushing down on that accelerator once more uh to give us some lift small feature but uh one of those extra things on the model 3 that i've just really come to like quite a bit all right so that's pretty much everything end to end on the 2021 tesla model 3. um look i love this car it's so different from everything else i've driven lately that it makes every second behind the wheel exciting so if this is the future man i'm all in i am sold so you won't be surprised that i'm gonna give this one five stars look honestly what's not to like here if you want an ev this is the one you should buy it's simply amazing anyway that's it for now thank you so much for watching and i hope you join me next time when i'm back renting my 159th rental car i'll see you then [Music] you
Channel: 100 Rental Cars
Views: 389,697
Rating: 4.9035721 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 Tesla Model 3, 2021 tesla model 3 review, 2021 tesla model 3 detailed review, 2021 tesla model 3 long review, 2021 tesla model 3 in depth review, 2021 tesla model 3 interior, 2021 tesla model 3 acceleration, 2021 tesla model 3 handling, 2021 tesla model 3 autopilot, 2021 tesla model 3 autopilot review, 2021 model 3 review, 2021 model 3 long review, 2021 model 3 detailed review, 2021 model 3 in depth review, 2021 model 3 interior, 2021 model 3 acceleration, model 3
Id: 06LeR7g6TaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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