A Portable Heater That Every House Must Have

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hey guys welcome to traditional bow hunting and wilderness podcast this is Jason Sam Kovac today we're going to talk about this guy right here this is mr. heater big buddy heater every house should have one of these doesn't matter if you're using them for hunting ice fishing or just for around the house these things come in incredibly handy we have two other ones of these this is our third one we just bought we use them so much since fourth having we have one dedicated designated towards our screen room we use in the winter time out there runs on a twenty per gallon tank and we set the tank right outside the door let the holes come right through the door and when we heat our whole sunroom out there all the time we're out there all winter long works incredible these things are amazing and it doesn't matter like I said even if you heat your house with wood stoves these are nice to have in a spare bedroom and that kind of stuff because what's great about these big buddy these mr. heater big buddies is they are indoor safe that's the key it's one of the only propane heaters out there that has the low oxygen shutoff sensor it is used it you can use this inside your house without worry or without fail no you can run them out of 20 gallon tank as well too but if you're running it on a 20 gallon tank keep the tank outside of the house that's kind of the key but they give you options to do that too but what's nice about this heater is that they're they're rock solid our first one that we got we probably bought a 18 years ago maybe seventeen years ago and we have used it so much I've used it to heat things up in the garage when I'm working there under crawlspace is what I'm working to saw Mike's out we use it for to speed you know to heat up the house when the power goes out like I said we got one designated out there in the sunroom I just love them so much we don't have a fireplace here where I am so for us power outages things like that these things are invaluable so we just bought a third one they're just they're worth having it in so incredibly value but like I said durable long lasting they don't fail the wicks don't go out the problems do you have with kerosene ears and things are not an issue this is just a flawless perfect setup and it gives you power to run on a couple different ways which is nice so we'll cover that in a second but what's nice about this here has a low medium and a high output alright so your eye we have the box here so I can actually read it to you and tell you but yeah I you guys saw your low your low sighting is 4000 BTUs per hour in the real world I'll tell ya that in our bedroom which is pretty good-sized bedroom or even in like in regular bedroom that low power setting will heat that room hotter than you can imagine you don't blow you right out of there and be comfortable I mean we're great you also have a meat medium mode which is nine thousand and then you got high mode which is eighteen thousand so you're basically doubling from low to medium and from medium doubling to high and the power output is insane we run this in that sunroom my sunroom is 16 by 30 feet it is insulated but it's all peer windows and just to slider I mean to regular screen doors you don't like front front of house screen door type things there's no thick insulated doors on there at all and we run this thing in there on medium and low as all we ever use in there and it's comfortable to be out there in t-shirts why did CEO degrees out it's amazing what these heaters are capable of when the power goes out we'll throw you know we'll put this is a live one of these in the living room and the kids will sleep out there and we'll have one in our bedroom and we'll sleep in there and again on low we're completely comfortable and it can be zero Degree winter time so very valuable runtime item is incredible they run two ways you can run them on a on to one or two of the one column propane again one top won't play snakes like you see here or with the purchase of this hose I'll have a link for this stuff here below for you for the hose attachment for the heater you can actually but with the purchase of this hose you can run it off of your 20-pound propane tanks for your barbecue which is also a nice feature that's how we do it for the sunroom one tank out there alas that's almost a whole entire winter maybe one and a quarter tanks if we're out there a lot and we're out there usually quite often a few days a week we're out there you go out there you turn this thing on high you walk away forty come back in the house ten minutes later it's perfectly warm in there turn it back down the low kick back drink your coffee enjoy your time out there we have friends over and hang out out there it's just a great setup so but having a 20 pound connection on here is a nice feature and you have the hoses for them that are not very expensive now how this heater works it also has a fan built into it the fan runs one of two ways you can run it built in on four D batteries which just go right here in the back pops open put your four D batteries in there right there and then when you end up with is you have on the top you have a power switch here it turns on a fan and blows that heat forward works really really good those batteries will last way longer than you think they will it's amazing I mean we can get an entire year of using this and then we we replace them every year but we've never had them go out on us so the fan works incredible batteries lasts a long time so you do have that option now what's nice is you have for the propane tanks right here this is where your tanks go this pops up you take your tank screw your tank on push it back in so it's there close it and you have one on this side that does the same exact thing right here on this side same tank setup tops right so a very sweet very simple system very functional system you can run one tank two tanks or you can run a 20-pound tank great setup but like I said the key thing is that you're getting your you're safe for indoor use that's the key trying if you don't have a fireplace like a lot of people don't or a wood-burning stove a lot of people today modern homes don't have those options this is your ultimate heat source for when the power goes out for any of that kind of stuff and again we use it a lot of different things out there too if I gotta go work under the house this is a heater I grab if we have to work in the garage I'm working on something quick we can use this here I have a big salamander here out there now but for years this was all I used and it only weighs 16 pounds very light weight not heavy for the size of it on a novena versatility of it but absolutely great you will get they say like three two whatever it is I think that's even on here somewhere to some of these filters I'll give you a real-world one so but they say 1 pound 1 pound of these tanks will give you a one point five to six run to our hours of runtime two of these will give you 3 to 12 hours then a 20 pound tank will give you a 25 to 110 hours and if you really want to get crazy you could actually run to connect the holes on each side we're on 220 pollen tanks for 225 hours or run so it gives you a lot depending on your settings real-world settings we can put it we can have two tanks hooked up on there and we can get we can run it on low for an entire night without fail and still have enough to go for a half of the next day these are nice lightweight affordable and they're dirt cheap to buy you get it at any hardware store so if you have this year if you don't want to go with the twenty pound tank which I do recommend if you use it a lot it's very nice I love it in a sunroom I love it in a garage but even heaven if you got ten of these on hand you know ten of those and this your your set for any kind of major catastrophe or power out is just gonna last for a couple of days that kind of thing this is an incredible incredible unit it's tough and we've tried everything we have kerosene heaters we got other propane heaters we got wall mount heaters so you plug in and you have to vent about we have it this is the go-to one right here sweet simple functional does not fail heats everything you wanted to just the other day literally the other day I came back from Missouri and we ran out of propane didn't realize we were ran out of propane came in and the house was ice cold called the propane company couldn't get out till the next day to fill a propane on here so we pulled two of these in here we had one at 100 living room we had the other one in the bedroom the one in a bedroom on low just to keep it warm and airy so I could work in the office and stuff in here but the one out here we put it on high in the living room at 2,900 square foot house and this whole house was comfortable that you were walking on out here and t-shirt stuff it was 30 degrees outside so it's incredible what they're capable of doing they're very very impressive they work really good highly recommend it I will have links down below for you for this stuff and like I said you'll see a picture of how the 20 gallon tank hooks up to it but I came recommended enough they're not expensive and once you buy it once it's a done deal unlike other heaters where you have wicks it go out things that fail they give off too much smoke and it Karimi even oils kerosene they smoke too much and they turn your ceilings black from soot and stuff we've been there we've tried all this stuff this one flawless perfect works like a champ no moving parts that are going to give you any issues sweet simple functional never let you down the pilot works single time it's a mechanical pilot not a lectric ippolit it's awesome setup and if with the batteries on the back you get that fan function on there and if you don't want to run the batteries or you're gonna use it like in a screen room or something like that or something so kind of setup they also make a plug-in adapter that's also a dirt-cheap where you can plug this in and run that fan all the time - if you don't want to rely on the batteries which is another nice feature but for us we never used that too much because our attitude is the batteries last so long for four D batteries over a year it's just not worth the trouble of you know buying the cord and messing with it so we don't but it is out there I will put a link for that below for you as well - but this heater every house should have one plain and simple it is it's just it's that good and it lasts that long and it's that worthwhile of an investment so fine again not very expensive not even a little bit so I'll have that stuff don't blow it for you thanks for watching we'll talk to you soon all right
Channel: Traditional Bowhunting And Wilderness Podcast
Views: 253,484
Rating: 4.9256454 out of 5
Keywords: mr heater, big buddy heater, ice fishing heater, hunting heater, heater for hunting blind, emercency heater, in house safe heater, home safe heater, survival heater, heater for power outage, best heat
Id: oluE-Nop6Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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