Are Buddy Heaters Safe For Indoor Use? WE ASKED A FIREFIGHTER

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so here's a question are these space heaters safe for RV use well in this episode we're taking these out our trainer 2 entire station and we are getting proper answers [Applause] hey everybody so we are here at the fire station and with me is Chris Millay praises the chief at the Leonard fire company at our fire company in California thank you very much for that so I wanted to talk with you and when I reach out because I see a lot of people Maus winters getting pretty cold a lot of people camping outside with a little space heater many of them gives these propane heaters mr. buddy seems to be the most popular one I have seen so many tests online but I have never seen anything that is accurate so people used a household carbon monoxide detector this is the smoke detector I've seen the same videos yeah so I thought that why don't we do something a little bit more accurate and here we are and here we are so why don't you tell me what are we hoping to do today well what's the plan so today we are going to run the heater we're going to actually monitor it with a meter that's a little more efficient and accurate than the household ones that we use here at the fire department and it not only will it tell us the carbon monoxide levels inside the camper at the time but it'll also tell us the oxygen levels which I think may be a little more relevant to this test than anything else this meter has the ability to record and detect the o2 levels oxygen it also does carbon monoxide the co as well as low explosive limits so we brought a little space heater and we're gonna set it inside the trailer then we are gonna do this test we're gonna close it up IMed up running for a while we're gonna see what happens all right well what are your predictions what do you think is going to have my prediction is that as long as the heater is functioning properly that I'm not as concerned about the carbon monoxide levels I'm more concerned about the oxygen levels that are going to occur because while this thing is being used it's using oxygen and with the trailer being closed up it's going to slowly start to deplete that oxygen in the camper I know that the mr. heater buddy little buddy has a sensor in it that should shut off with load too but I'm just curious as to how low does the o2 get before it shuts off that's one of the things I wanted to discuss with you because we have accurate equipment but people should have just common sense right and always try to stay stay safe this heater might be working perfectly but what it is not and you don't know and we don't have the accurate and there's always that chance that it may not so that that's we're gonna err on the side of caution and we're gonna see what the test results are all right okay okay let's go [Music] so Chris Wow one of the things that I noticed is that the instructions for these are incredibly babe yes so what are we doing here how are we going to set it up well number one we typically say follow manufacturer's recommendations but in this point there is a little confusion as we go on so again hopefully this test will help sort some of that out when you do use it regardless you want to make sure you have at least 24 inches of clearance in the front of the internet because that's where the heat is being projected and we obviously don't want to cause a fire it does have the ability to shut itself off should it tip over and it also has a low oxygen sensor that should shut it off as well so and we're just going to see how low that oxygen gets before potentially shuts itself off with the meters all right okay so this is what we have here we have the heater and we have the multi gas meter here we are also setting up a camera here which we can look and activate with our phones we're gonna leave it running and eventually one of our firefighters is going to come in check the labels and then we can talk about it let's do it [Music] so one more thing to mention is that you should never use the space heater on the table of course you want to set it up in the floor for the sake of this demonstration we are setting it up on the table so we can put the camera so we can look at it through the window but yeah never use it on the table did you hear that crease is coming for you to feel do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've reached the end of our leader of myth-busting we did reach the end we ran the the heater until we were out of propane yeah what were their results the results on the meters were we had negative alarming sound so no carbon monoxide no low oxygen levels sorry was relatively safe it was safe yep today it was safe yep something good to measure increases like I don't know if you guys can see it on the camera but this whole table is wet the water was actually dripping on the sides of it on the side of the table when we came in why is this happening propane emissions actually do cause a high condensation when they do when it starts to burn off and if you feel it right now it feels very humid in the RV right now it is possible that that wouldn't occur as much if we did have the appropriate openings open during the test at this time we we tested it with the RV closed completely they recommend at least 9 square inches of fresh air intake so that might have an effect on how much dampness and humidity is emitted by the here itself yeah we don't know I would say although I understand why maybe our viewers like to use this especially when they are boondocking sure you know no electricity required less papain usage than running the for dance so I see why a lot of people like them however I personally would have feel feel comfortable and with me and my family I would use it to chase a chill out of their RV but I would not use it overnight but that's just my personal preference just knowing what could happen yeah but is the potential and you know another thing to mention we run these tests and we have the appropriate type of equipment we had you need that is brand-new so it's working properly yeah but you never know when tragedy is gonna hit you it could happen at any time and if your heater is maybe getting a meter older you don't have the proper equipment to measure the the levels in the year so yeah and one of the things that I did read about the mister here buddy systems were if people choose to use the 20 gallon tanks with the extension hose to make sure that they have a filter in line with that hose because the propane actually can potentially break down the hose and it can clog it causing the system not to work correctly as it is so that's another thing to take into consideration and while the test results were negative we want to emphasize to everybody to use extreme caution anytime you're using any heater device not just the mister heater buddy system itself make sure it's clear of any combustible materials and just especially with kids make sure that they stay clear of it as well when they're in the camper we're not we don't have a lot of room in here to run around and is something that's that hot with smaller children you really got to be careful with yeah we want to increase for his time thank you so much no problem my pleasure we learned so much today was actually fun it was there was a lot of fun you also want to thank the Renard Fire Company for allowing us to be here bring who were big trailer to the station that was actually a lot of fun that it was thank you for having us and yeah we want to continue these are the fire safety so please let us know in the comments if you like this kind of content if you have more questions for Chris and upcoming episodes yeah my name is Eli and I'm chief Chris Malloy this is our B East Coast and we [Music]
Channel: RV East Coast
Views: 243,969
Rating: 4.8195429 out of 5
Keywords: truck camper, rv, buddy heater, camping, tent, carbon monoxide, propane, small space, vent, radiant, heater, safe to use outside, can you use radiant heater inside, can you use buddy heater inside, can you use buddy heater in your rv, can you use buddy heater in a tent, can you use buddy heater in house, room, space, sleeping with buddy heater, sleeping, can i use, hot, tempature, review, test
Id: XVsfXuq1KFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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