A NEW Way To RAGE! | Super Mario Party (Nintendo Switch)

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okay turn it there you go there you go yeah well done easy boat computer yeah you got beaten by like basic level enemies oh oh yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to hot mess the livestream it's GT love it's so exciting being live we're playing a brand-new game today maybe Mario Party you guys not just Mario Party stuff Super Mario Party Super Mario Party which which can I just say for a second when Nintendo said I think it's really excited about mario party games if you I get very excited about mario party games it is it was my childhood in a nutshell playing Mario Party alone Nintendo gave us this preview early so thank you early access to Super Mario Party I love you guys thank you for sending us games but to they didn't send us this game like loaned it out sweet yeah they're like treating us like blockbuster right now we get it for like this livestream and then it's we literally get it for like an hour to when Nintendo announced that this game was called Super Mario Party it suddenly occurred to me wait weren't they all cold Super Mario Party but they're not they're all Mario Party they're just sorry a party one through 10 it was all just like lame Mario but now we're at Super Mario status it's actually an annual tradition of ours to play Mario Party on Matthew's birthday Matthew's birthday isn't till November 15th but we are getting to do this one a little on the early side and since it comes out tomorrow maybe this will just be a warm-up round for Matthews annual mario birthday party party hit us up on hashtag GT live where chris is back to his old games of not drawing things very well I know you drew a joy Convery effect on their joyful but like you have Mario Party Party this is very much like a party tre the most generic thing possible this could be a party Jason I believe we have something to make it feel a little bit more like a party than Chris's drawing is that correct well up the game what you got and we're also going to pull up so good what one no just blip in the words in the words of Jeremy James now it's a party yeah all right I'm all-in on Monty mole all right I'm going all in on Goomba I'm also all-in on this cupcake are you with me I'm you ready let's do this okay all right welcome to paradise adventurers brought some sunscreen boys this is your first time right I'm so sorry Ted yes it is I'm so sorry toad we brought toad to the live stream made up of four tropical islands let's take a look around let's do that Oh watermelon Island feature features two sparklers mmm light them up okay upper left island features to present boxes that one apparently does not have a fruit theme that's just the upper left huh well especially okay check out the huge eyes oh it's like a Dole Whip should have melted by now there also some pipes okay green pipe the green pipe and so on well you can extrapolate from there the bridge between the islands looks sketchy what about the bottom-right island you only talk about three-toed you're right man right apparently the bottom-right island just no no no it goes to that way okay well you can choose your dice bucket looks like normal dice block Oh Monty mold ice block which quantum all so if you get one you get a coin but you don't move that's a dresser okay do I just use very good weight great way to purposely demonstrate this new functionality this is my god what a classic me start to Mario Party God do this ready come on Goomba oh you and I both not even out of the started on amazing what's this Oh minigames Stephanie oh oh no I know a way to the goal in the center oh don't don't hit the stuff so don't slip on bananas ha so don't do that you know I'm so child oh wait oh you can practice on the screen oh yeah so reading the instructions and looking for oh this is so cool this saves so much time actually I love this idea oh geez geez this is not boding well for me oh no oh no I got anything about the maze Oh a body image of a troll face oh yeah I should've been paying attention to the maze okay okay okay go go go go oh oh I'm totally making it in go oh there we go there we go there we go nice all right yes oh man I made it second one step euro one step nearer to five euro figure out which character isn't there whoa oh that's interesting which character isn't so they're gonna flash characters so okay so it's some characters of similar shapes and colors ah don't be oh that's interest okay oh that's cool I like that okay everyone like leaving overtake each other what it was your answer okay yep right Luigi you're so mad you do it expel work he's gonna beat us all ha ha ha he's gonna somehow luck out oh yeah like okay I'm telling you that's what happened okay who's missing okay BJ yeah it's time good old Bowser jr. old old thousand J Luigi we've done some digging I know you're right I know you're uneasy mode but show some level of self oh my gosh come on hey all right I Manta some presents oh man what do you know what am I gonna get we could present oh I'll go pink it's more of a hatbox moles moles enjoy pink black do okay reach my space if you're in the mood for and I could steal a star coins from a rival for you Oh nobody's got a star man I never get this stuff when it is most beneficial let's see who's got the most stars he's got the most coins peaches rather than show you you just right on your tail stuff get out of town no can I shake it off nope yeah cuz of old the old days of Mario Party when boo would attack you you would like oh yeah you go around if you dug the controller into your palm enough you could ward off boo yeah yeah yeah you might have gotten my five coins but I'll get your five-year-old chance man I'm telling you Luigi's gonna beat us all no something happen to Pete yeah what's going on Pete each is getting a bonus block pity bonus no that's awesome if you were getting that you wouldn't feel like oh this is a pity block you'd be like yeah hidden block I found it would have been strategy for me yeah I found that no one knows that no one knows where it is and you just happen to stumble across one Vimy the team decide answers the solo players question the team side wins if only one of them makes it through the solo players question oh no I got it Oh what was towed one card carrying a pineapple are you kidding me oh thank goodness you're on a team of easy computer players right it was a pineapple I wasn't even paying attention there you go okay I need to distract Stephanie oh here we go watch carefully okay okay okay all right here we go [Music] okay okay no how many toads had Apple they do or you need you to pick one okay good are you sure it's more are you positive there's one yeah did they have three don't even try man the correct answer is lemon a pineapple pineapple yeah uh come on but did you notice the bullet bill in the pineapple pineapple lemon lemon pineapple oh yeah how many paratroopers had lemons there's death oh man were there any lemons at all was there a single lemon in that batch now that I know you're suggesting it how could you be sure or maybe there was zero lemons I don't know actually okay good good that's what I thought but awesome yes what did you notice the board bill in the background I did oh my god oh no great googly-moogly bump up on about pupitar that's at the dot that's it up this is way too many cops way too many Oh No remember that Oh No wow man wow so many answers well Luigi come on man hmm yeah you sure it's - nope you just did one no no I think it's - but I'm not sure one two how many toads had oranges nah how many toads had oranges that was that was a tough one though that was one so hard that was that was hard and I was looking for that Bullet Bill the whole time right I know I was I was expecting last question be how many bullet bills passed by in the background oh all right ah between two good spaces all right oh you got a bonus something or other Oh a bonus block pin box is part of my strategy oh you got it yes there's like a Matthew strategy I've got going on oh man Monty mole took four so today you'll find a way to steal it from me like you always do I will when Matthew wins in really unfair way from Mario Party find the doll with the most mini dolls inside oh so it would be that middle one oh oh I like that oh wow jeez oh wait no shoe oh no I lost it oh oh okay okay let's do this one right okay all right here we go yeah find the one with the most these are fun these are very different yeah these are a bit different okay okay here we go okay okay okay I got my boy all right got my boy all right where's my boy a blue toad got it oh I got it okay where you going with I'm going with this one yeah you going with that one yeah okay oh man I wonder which one it is really it's that one over there I wanna know why do you know man I lost it shoot have a selasa no because peach picked it I could aw oh you gotta get there first oh I don't want anyone to steal my answer oh my gosh come on now they're computer players and I have a mind of my own thank you yeah I know and you could have and you were clearly wrong in your own mind but I thought I was right it's an interesting strategy awarding eight for the minigames which means you need to win three mini games to get us to get enough for a twenty coins 20 coins star that question that ice cream sure looks too maybe it's a 16 Coinstar this time okay we're gonna find out it's been waiting with star okay okay much how much is it let's get your star tag Ted : okay so you have to win - you've doing too many games still what's with it exactly should there's no reason-- Luigi should be able to afford a star based on his gameplay ten coins Wow that was not a merit-based star Luigi yeah it was mine hahaha mine was a strategic star would we bow Luigi I can play he's gonna win boom we get to see this movie you yes I'm so excited go Cooper go why am I doing this it's like a long am I gonna do something yeah Oh what did he do you broke oh you just went back to the start you you're actually better off I am better off now Ashley this is all the ways the way it happens for Matthew and also I got an extra like yeah this is what happens it for Matthew where he ends up just by totally random chance in a better position than everyone else mm-hmm I'm telling you I'm telling you ooh three to fit the bomb ah okay wait okay okay so we get our thing okay so here's mine where's your style wrote a on there we go okay there oh yeah okay oh this is my new block there there like that's great oh okay this is cool hello man yes spatial reasoning spatial reasoning the video game yeah ready for this slide just not the oh okay okay we should be able to beat the computer at spatial reasoning we shouldn't be able to beat a computer at socials I think we have it ready go okay turn yours all the way around there yeah there you go down down oh yeah there we go rotate this way there we go to number three okay turn it there you go there you go yeah yeah well done easy boat computer BAM you got beaten by like basic level enemies Oh oh yeah high-five go who doesn't have arms hell they smell a five McKoon I don't even look in my direction what a peach get more I don't know I don't know what's happening in this game how have I won like everybody except for one oh no this is a gambling in Oh No and Mario Party is so stressful everyone bets coins when they've got what so roughly match up no seven okay that's okay I'll collect some coins for me for you ah here do you have enough coins to wager Oh Luigi are so useless Luigi what is wrong with you what's going on press press when you press when you feel a rumble oh I just press it said press there was no I am very attuned to the precision of the jelly con and there was I call maybe it would help if I had F advance Oh oops oh no ho ha ha no not all 70 oh my gosh and that took so long what is it the means of luigi wins without oh my gosh luigi is audience right you know what is ah 5 plus 5 I'm waiting guy I'm literally people you know what's gonna make it to the next star playing as a Goomba I truly feel like I have a Goomba right now helpless and useless it's all my fate maybe I'm gonna get the bonus star for buying the most iOS oh my God he's gonna move the most spaces Luigi has got this in the bag man he gets a boat what are you kidding are you this is an easy mode compute No what no I'm he even got rid of the sensible item what do you need focus on the character tilt to adjust the mix okay wait oh that's interesting when their character focus they wave okay okay then what do you do and then wait for everyone else to get good okay oh good one Stephanie well done well done feeling the pressure I've worn glasses for a lot of years this is my jam okay I don't think I'm telling you I am real nearsighted I know what it's like to focus on stuff yes oh oh oh good one already just beaten well no you you won though oh now well done good game look it was fun Toad's can't most can't even see this is a great one so true I was beaten by characters named swing down well plus of L&R Oh practice safely moding well swinging back up okay is this right am I doing this right it's like the milking the cow minigame except more vigorous right can't wait to see who won out he's got it PG don't go hey she's announcing the bonuses okay here we go each bonus comes with us that this is the game changer right here this is the moment the words of Jekyll and Hyde this is the moment oh this is this item bonus item Luigi use the most items I didn't really get an opportunity for items earlier in the game Luigi darn it oh my gosh we just oh don't pretend like you're surprised right come on second bonus sightseer was bad traveled the most spaces oh yeah actually Oh Luigi oh no we lost to an easy computer I am I'm like physically ill this I know in Gerrard beat in that time this is the Saturday I spent years of my life beating computers I mean yeah it might have been since your last birthday you know wait there's only two there's only two bonus stars what is that garbage where's the third bonus star I don't even get a star I know I'm cringing like they are man not congratulations sore loser oh I got second I beat you Super Mario Party this is my Mario Party I'm calling it this one's mine I know I know right hey guys thanks so much for watching this episode of GT live if you want the party to continue click the box to the left for another time that Matthew locked at Mario Party or alternatively you could just subscribe to the channel and CV read my glorious revenge on easy mode Luigi because you can bet that there is more Super Mario Party coming up
Channel: GTLive
Views: 255,504
Rating: 4.9435716 out of 5
Keywords: super mario party, super mario party switch, mario, mario party, new super mario party, new mario party, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, mario switch, super mario party trailer, super mario party gameplay, mario party switch, mario party switch gameplay, super mario party switch gameplay, new mario party gameplay, game theorists, game theory, matpat, game theory mario, gtlive, gtlive mario, gtlive mario party, gtlive super mario party, gtlive switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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