Game, Set, SMASH! | Mario Tennis Aces

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all right you want a regular ball or a big balls I mean oh my god you're going balls you gotta go big balls oh yeah I'm having trouble with my big balls I changed it back to small balls because I think both of us are more comfortable handling smaller balls just focus on handling your balls that you smacked my body with your balls and one yep I used the his head which is also a ball to hit the ball to strike you with balls at a grunt Granado says Matthew please stop saying balls so emphatically it's not my fault I'm just talking about the equipment used to play this game balls [Music] [Applause] I bet that still isn't finished Oh five bucks I would say tomorrow Chris don't do it fresh alert five bucks for me says tomorrow there is stuff on that wall how you feelin Chris what's tomorrow looking like for you like Chris truth Chris great tomorrow is Tuesday I love Tuesday's okay great deal hey Eli welcome to GG live everyone where I won the bet no it's already the best day ever as you can see the wall i won we bet five dollars I was like tomorrow there's gonna be stuff on this wall we bet that Chris would put up stuff on he did he did what did Chris put up and you know no full draw the sticky note with the flour on it he put that one up I added toad and Rasul hey can I interest you in five euro rather than five American dollars it's worth more I think it is what's the conversion hole and what's the conversion it's always more oh geez tried to eat me out of house at home last time three sports and we played some tennis Matthew did get the better of me in that one you're you're quite the tennis pro a regular Serena Williams over here let me put on my band bodysuit Wow hashtag top is you're short of easier screen a bit short place your bets now ladies and gentlemen who is gonna win today Mario Tennis aces I'll bet you five euro that I win I'll bet you $5.00 I win you can't what hello five euro if I win you give me the $5 and in addition to my five euro and if I and if I lose the nice game of your five-year-old don't there's a saddle seat John well apparently you're just popping into a wasted no time okay Wow how do I play I'm hoping this is the tutorial well you need is what you want to congratulate amazing you won without even doing you've been secretly honing your tennis skills yes we have some visitors oh no is your trophy gonna get stolen oh man whoa these guys can't play tennis look at the shrimp e1 and then he's looking a little oversized to be playing a whole lot of good tennis are they possessed what did I care there's a story I didn't even realize a legendary racquet it said at a name that I just know Luigi like reach to the random picture a picture yeah I was gonna say don't reach towards nothing oh no oh no he's being sucked into Super Smash Brothers all day they are possessed why do you do that Mario Tennis aces this tennis oh no look at that I became that metal mummy they're just their tinfoil Wario oh no that's important Wario tiwari oh that's gonna be a new skin and super smash where there's all kind of guaranteed oh man you can play in swinger mode whoa Oh swing hey can I wanna play me and Mario Tennis swinger okay now I just don't get even control we're going to the temple okay the bat oh you would do the best Bruins can hang you go do so do we play tennis to advance come on Steph you got him oh I did not give him criminy you lost in the tutorial sorry what come on this isn't a tutorial this is a boss level you're right you know I'm so I'm so wrong that that classic Mario boss dry bones shot oh look at me I'm learning all the hi look wait no tutorial fail your hey wait a minute doubt it down and oh I get it hi Steve Laura oh I'm doing wrong here for some reason X hitting the button look here's this same stock image of that racket it it's the infinity racket look it as the infinity stone is in its eyes look at as the space stone the power it is oh it does this is better than Tallis's gauntlet yes it's the Infinity racket yeah the Infinity when you snap the ball just disappears Oh our windows all tennis oh I was gonna say half half of all tennis the my power stones oh my gosh man they are there in the Infinity stone so I know the Nintendo is cooler than snapping I'm gonna bounce it but I'm gonna just like hit a ball with this racket and everything is going to die I know that Nintendo outsources the sports games to other third-party developers wait and they must just be like whatever when it comes to they're like oh well you want to do what with the lure out whatever and so Camelot who made this game we're probably like you know what's popular with the kids these days that Avengers the Marvel the Marvel horrible thing they have bright shiny objects coming in five different colors it's either this or its inspired by season 1 of Sailor Moon because they collected the rainbow crystals I as a young tot wanted to collect the rainbow crystals and become a Sailor Moon as well as a table pad was a tough pad wanted to transform who didn't want to collect crystal have a very short content to show off my beautiful legs what what did you want I wanted my a lot of my glowing hands to unlock my little locket gemstone to show off my beautiful infinity crystal that would then show off your bosoms geez Matthew FreePlay swagger mode you want well you could do either its swing swing or mode oh man you hold the joy con upright and swing what a trick with this one is you still need to use the little stick on your controller to move your character around oh I'm totally doing that let's do that stuff ready for swinger mode you player okay are you gonna swing with me never great look at almost all the characters that weave in doing literally nothing in this game we've unlocked almost all the carving you have all those other characters all I have a nice three chomps wait what am i doing I do it oh my gosh okay yeah I thought we were just scrolling through I thought you could only scroll left right so I just kept screwing it was just that one row dear viewer it's cool dear long-term viewers of duty dear long-term viewers of duty life a lot of you have said wow I wish Stephanie was allowed to play more you Mike and Stephanie play more frequently now now you might know welcome to a very moderate casual level of Mario Tennis how are you holding yours are you holding yours which side is up on yours oh geez oh there's my big ball holy cow hit that pit ball oh oh wait wait oh my planes are coming much later sorry - today it's just it's really cumbersome to hit this button and then move your thumb up I'm white coach your spin up ball step okay wait there you go go for it okay okay so big right it is enormous oh wow the five euros headed my way leading the way to intense challenge the decision people are the challenge yes I don't know it was close it was so cool you know what wasn't successful the graphics in that moment though the graphics in that moment where the the least successful of everything why is he so slow Stephanie are you using your controls yes I was sticking him to the right are you kidding they're gonna challenge Matt oh it was totally out it totally Alex thank God don't fail fight why is the game like built-in with like failure mechanisms like this game is built to actually be inaccurate I mean I guess it I'm challenging that no no challenge no you're not Helen where's my challenge but yes no L we've totally got shot totally got shot oh that's it good one Mike yeah sounds fail okay that was not the way boom no yeah barely I'm a bit slow you could I don't having trouble with my big balls haha might be my big ball it's causing me a lot of it I also don't know how I'm serving by the way whoa okay is there any way that actually control things here okay in the damn court ball donkeys there no no no yes that was clearly in wait why can't I move this way oh because you're serving no no but I can't I can't get on to the other side of the court is that a rule antenna I don't know the rules on tennis maybe you should have been paying attention in the temple of bats oh geez why won't you move yeah see and that's why the temple of bask is so important and why adventure mode is something we should have probably paid more attention to ah what oh geez oh man so I used to play tennis I know you're at a significant advantage oh this is match point right here stuff now it's at that point when I'm not where am I going I wasn't even I was I swear I wasn't even touching anything my finger wasn't even on the joystick that I literally blocked myself wander off let's go microscopic technology probably was like she wants to go this way it seriously was Nephi are you are you questioning the quality of the Nintendo's still come back stuff it's close I better be able to I was winning in a real in a real tennis scenario I was winning here okay I don't think either of us are really winning here let's let's be honest Oh you could probably challenge that my gosh are you joking me I won the real game of tennis I just want the record to reflect I got to the arbitrary number of five points before toadette got to the arbitrary number of seven points maybe there's extra points when what is playing with ginormous balls how do you believe tennis has a chain chomp I'm really curious about oh man we have a battle of titans right here waluigi best character ever change okay here we go ready for this I changed it back to small balls because I think both of us are more comfortable handling smaller balls here you toss your ball up in the air you have a ball mounting on your head it's really cute actually up in the air there what is up in the air No Waluigi boom Wow why can I not hit a single ball yeah my balls are flying and headwear yeah you're just why Luigi he doesn't look very smooth like very strong his or her nose only I have no idea how this chain chomps you hurry bodies by the way what he hid my body and that's acceptable behavior oh you got where was that in the temple of bask tutorial amazing you smashed my body with your balls and won yep pretty much I think that's she I used the his head which is also a ball to hit the ball to strike you with balls oh man so now we're tied up stuff done done done and of ourselves our hero on the line slash $5 frankly I do better at this game when I'm just not kind of work doing a lot better why why are you going all over the plane man get control of your balls wah Luigi come on good mmm yes oh hey there it is I want to challenge that Paul welcome that did smack your body now is that about that much shouts that was a star shot winner challenge it good well then here I'll let you challenge I don't know if I can actually have that out apparently I can't let you do that challenge I swung I slept chain chomp girl with this Chad dog let me come back boom rally yeah well the way you look at how happy or make my Louise I don't care about waluigi he's he's represented by the color purple which thereby makes him newest smash yes he is here's an assist trophy thank you very much oh but people are like oh clearly while Luigi's in Smash because he's an assist trophy and they actively say that the assist trophy you can do the assist trophies so like it's their secret way of saying that while luigi is gonna be a playable character give I don't think that's actually the case well done while Louise you look at those five euro coming back into my pocket dollars five dollars and sixty-five cents unusable dollar here I like I'm gonna be I had a good because I want to be an agent of chaos look I am nobody I am mr. invisible you are every man Yoshi except that that's a good second choice that's fun are we just playing this regular time this is regular tennis stuff okay I like my racket it's Betty's cute little mug I do see your little movies not none the bad way oh that was close that's close no you're nobody's are delightful stuff I think your Nubby's are really cute I think they really add a lot to your racket at a grunt Granado says Matthew please stop saying balls so emphatically it's not my fault I'm just talking about the equipment used to play this game balls why are you looking are you looking up what years well here's just the beginning of someone relating tennis okay Rheda tennis match is made up of two to three sets to win a set you must win at least six games it's like the most meta sports event ever created no I'd like the scoring system is all yeah like the actual like games to win sets and Matt like games matches sets is so confusing oh and it goes on so long there Stephanie knock it off court again ladies and gentleman that's all I'm not touching the thing is I'm not touching anything when that happened are you not really nope they're all I'm actually so much worse now that I skills in the game my my abilities to win have whoa hey calm down what was that oh man oh man now we're now we're into it deuces except that this is such a random point system that I don't know if that still applies I've unlocked some special thing have you why why are you rolling away drag guilty why did the capital of Basque teach me this no body shots oh sweet okay I have lost so many matches from balls hitting my body I can't help it if you just if your head just ends up in the path of my tennis ball I'm really still trying to figure out the intricacies of these oh I jumped over it there you go oh my gosh you move gosh wait you're totally enjoying this why do we literally just move he is my toe get ready for a new game theory is waluigi secretly michael jackson well it'll be up there in the ranks and sanz's ness tom man I'm just learning my skills move on then you need a lot you need to be you need to know where things are going for you to buy the time to do that stuff I'm just saying all of these wacky moves are fairly useless to be right now I pressed a button and I don't know what I did press the button no there was some sort of timer that appeared over but yeah like that thing there you go okay Luigi use your miracle boon whoa Oh Michael Jackson while we do focus focus man you're only saving grace in the entire Nintendo franchise are are the sports games don't don't blow it I have a fully charged meter I don't know how to use it right what does that mean what does it mean do I use this fully charged meter if only I'd paid attention in the temple oh here's your mode watch Halloween that was good though that's the only game good game good game it's the only victory waluigi is gonna get in life right there we called they had an underwater court that would be awesome on every wind rounds except blooper and its really sad blooper wins again wow that's odd okay it's just a troll against a global level look at her she's got psychic abilities you look at this oh man and I'm just dripping boys you're just moist and wet cuz at no point in any gameplay scenario just wet newborns are circles no look at it look look at the water trail behind me how would you not it's so much fun to just run around in circles look at the sparkle differently I'm just like what in circles I'm just emotional accord okay I might broaden sir I might need to bathe in Jesus the 5 euro hangs in the balance right now I'll have you know the hype of unusable Europe there very usable stuff you just need to go to Europe to use them all right there we go what is going on in this game like powers are just acts are just activating without me having any clue why I might have been mine I held down a button randomly yeah what you've been mine yes stuff just because you fell down it probably wouldn't activate a Power on my side you know maybe maybe squid is power more powerful than anything thank you that's point here we go you ready how are we tired stop wandering away I got ready for this no don't disappear why why would you do that I love that I only won because you can't bother to like show up for the tennis match you just keep disappearing okay here we go damn it I'm truck I don't major I could how it makes you lose don't press the button may get you to lose that's it you're so right you know I shouldn't who cares about the actual gameplay mechanics I'm bad right deuce deuce again here we go serve it up you're wet and wild calamari can you stop reading water all across the court wait wait they're gonna normally this would cause a rain delay here you go I think he plays tennis very well for a squid for something that shouldn't be able to breathe Funland yet with degrees Oh doing our baller hand-wave looking up good i am i'm Rosalina you ain't got nothing on me all right oh all right oh no all right Pedro llama Oh revealing the duct tape that helped this this five year old this five year old bill is yours featuring I believe the Arc de Triomphe all right fine wow man man I lost it yesterday in fact and I got it back today hey guys thank you so much for watching this episode of GT live where I reign supreme handling the fuzzy yellow balls on the tennis court if you want to see me also reign supreme on another tennis court check out the old old streams over of Wii Sports where you'll get to see the origins of Pettis it's not really whether you want to lose its whether you subscribe that counts make sure to hit that subscribe button for more season 3 action who will get this gyro stay tuned to find out
Channel: GTLive
Views: 85,386
Rating: 4.9421811 out of 5
Keywords: mario, mario tennis, mario tennis aces, mario tennis aces gameplay, super mario, super mario bros, mario tennis aces switch, super mario tennis aces, mario tennis switch, smash ultimate, smash bros, mario tennis aces ost, smash bros ultimate, mario party, switch, nintendo, nintendo switch, nintendo switch online, nintendo direct, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, gtlive mario, gtlive mario tennis, matpat mario, matpat mario tennis
Id: zRrDnEhtQlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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