I Solved The Disappearance Of My Dad's Best Friend
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,042,505
Rating: 4.9562073 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedunsolved, buzzfeedunsolvednetwork, buzzfeed unsolved network, bun, aria inthavong, buzzfeed aria, I Solved The Disappearance Of My Dad's Best Friend, missing persons, missing person, missing persons case, disappearance, cold case, true crime, mystery, unsolved mystery, unsolved mysteries, investigation, creepy, mysterious, buzzfeed merle and aria, documentary, france, san francisco, tragic, tragedy, family tragedy, SffZ, pWRq
Id: V85foK6YrlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The story is very well done and I recommend watching. It's just over 30 minutes and worth your time. It poses a significant question: If beautiful memories you have of someone you loved long ago are based on a lie, would you prefer to discover the truth now - and forever change your perception of that person for the worse - or leave your beautiful memories as they are? It also weaves in a nice secondary storyline about a son and his father, which is a bonus for watching it on Father's Day.
Interesting story, good internet sleuthing. Human beings are strange and complex... really enjoyed this sad story.
Can someone watch it for me and tell me how he did it?
It always interests me how someone could live life the way Serge did; taking so many risks, but also "enjoying" life to the fullest.
His brother having to stop and explain his reaction every time he had a dramatic reaction to something really got on my nerves. We get it, you want to act.
Hugh Jackman was missing? 😉
I think more than anything, I want a French papa who calls me bebe as an adult.
That BuzzFeed acting was weird af
Absolutely beautiful. Wonderful documentary. What a gift to one's father.