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good-evening good-evening good-evening hope everybody is doing well i wanted to talk to you tonight about how the narcissist is a professional victim you know the more I study this thing the more I'm realizing that we are dealing with narcissist oh my god much more than we realize and I ventured to say coming from a Christian perspective and a church culture that we have more narcissist in in the church I suppose in religion in general you know then we we really understand I'll even go further to say that there are it seems to be that positions of leadership and power in churches and in religion seems to be a hotbed of narcissism the more I studied is the more I am realizing and it's like it's like the scales come off of your eyes and you begin to see you know exactly who you're dealing with what you're dealing with and I think when we study this and I'm gonna get to my subject matter but I need to say these things when we study this I think it prepares you to be able to enter the world and to make proper and healthy relational choices I think the reason we have so many problems with soul ties toxic relationships is because we think that we're dealing with people who are really we think they're one thing when they're really just actors playing a role they're narcissists they do not have the capacity to love you back they do not have the capacity to consider your feelings they do not have the capacity to to feel sorry for you about the wrong they do to you and when they get through doing all of that they have a unique way transitioning into my actual subject matter now they have a unique way of becoming the victim because a major component of of our so cystic disorder narcissistic abuse rather when a narcissist entrenches him or herself into your life and they begin to abuse you is this thing we talked about some time ago called gaslighting and you can find a lot of people who are you know experts I'm no expert I'm just studying this and so my my comments and my thoughts are from a novices perspective however I'm beginning to discover or understand that I've been dealing with this all of my life people like this but this thing called gaslighting and it's where the narcissist brings you through this series of events constantly it's like a roller coaster to make you feel like you're crazy make you feel like you're losing your mind like something's really wrong with you and you need to check you know you need to really check yourself out because something is is drastically wrong with you and as it pertains to gaslighting one of the one of the key components of that whole process of gaslighting and making a person think they're nuts they're crazy is to always play the victim when when the narcissist is actually victimizing you they have a they have a diabolical demonic gifting to make you feel like you owe them an apology that you did you know something wrong to them if if if you hadn't done this I wouldn't have done that you know and so now when you should be outraged and you demand an apology you should demand you know that this individual acknowledges what they did you sit in there trying to figure out should I be calling him or her to apologize to them because some kind of way they've moved me out of the victim slot which I really AM and they've put themselves there they'll make themselves the abused than the misused every time you know oh me oh my look what the world is doing to me look look look at how poorly they're treating me look at you know I'm trying to get this light right look at look at how they're abusing me you know number one just a few thoughts this is just the conversation and again I'm just a pastor I'm a man I'm not a psychologist and not a therapist I'm no professional none of that so you know don't judge my comments through you know the the strainer don't strain my comments through that of one you might you know judge a professional by because I'm not I'm just studying this and I'm sharing my thoughts as I learned number one a narcissist is never wrong you find a person that is never wrong you need to run from them I mean never wrong you know they never owe anybody an apology you've never gotten an apology from them and you're trying to develop an intimate relationship with a person that is never wrong do you know anybody like that that you know it doesn't matter what goes down how many years you together how many times you have falling you know you fall out with one another they are never wrong they are never wrong do you know anybody like that yeah I mean I I see people like this all the time in the church you know people say you know how can you how can you be a person that has had ruptured relationships one after another after another after another after another in a short span of time and not step away from that and say wonder what's wrong with me is there something wrong with me why am i falling out while why are all of my relationships disrupting all of them are you know falling apart and I'm never wrong it's always somebody else I see people in the church man they they fall out with five six different people in a month's time and it's never them it's always somebody else somebody has a demon somebody you know got a devil and it's never them narcissists are never wrong they will never apologize and they will not acknowledge your feelings about any situation they don't care that you know you're lying on the ground bleeding and they are whole and healthy they are never wrong it wasn't my fault it's because I believe it's because the ego of the narcissist is out of control all of us have an ego you know as as human beings we all all have an ego and that ego makes us you know want to look good ego wants makes us want to be right you know the ego makes us wanna you know come out on top but when you're well-adjusted up here and in here you know that sense of empathy is able to circumvent the ego and push me my eye off of the scene off of the stage for a minute and that sense of empathy gives you the capacity when you're well adjusted to consider how does this affect impact the individuals involved and so when you're well adjusted your sense of empathy your higher nature circumvents the ego and your higher nature considers other people and your higher nature says well you you missed it here and you did this individual wrong and your higher nature gives you the capacity to override your ego and to be able to say to another person I'm sorry I was wrong I missed it if you do not have that capacity to be able to look at a situation step outside of it and look at it through an objective lens and be able to come back and say I missed it I was wrong hmm but narcissists do not possess that capacity because their ego is out of control it's all about me my eye and if it does not make me look good I'm gonna do whatever I must to twist this thing turn this thing around to make you the bad guy make me the good guy make you wrong and make me right you know make me you know make make you uh ugly make me beautiful I'm gonna do whatever it takes because as a narcissist I cannot afford to be wrong I'm never wrong I can't be wrong I'm never wrong everybody's wrong but me sometimes you have family members like that you can't even reason with these people you you go and you want to have just a heart-to-heart adult conversation about a matter that you should be able to sit down and calmly discuss and it turns into you know when they get into this this victims mode their voices get loud they go to flail in their hands they they begin to cry these you know fake tears and they create all of this emotion and all of this drama and all of this hype and the reason they create all of that is to keep you off of you know the obvious points that you're making that are true and to bring this thing to an emotional level so that they can storm off and cry and tell everybody how you came and you attack them and you hurt their feelings because they're never wrong the Bible says in proverbs 21 every way of a man is right in his own eyes every way of a man is right in other words every man has the capacity within him to think that what he is doing or has done is right or was right but when one has a well-adjusted soul and especially when one is connected and has a relationship with God the Bible goes almost everywhere of a man is right in his own eyes but the Lord ponder at the hearts when a man has a relationship with God the Spirit of God will reveal to that man what you thought was right was wrong when a person does not have the capacity to look at their deeds look at their position and come back with the conclusion sometimes that I was wrong this is indicative of this person is is maladjusted in his or her head this person is clearly not being led by the Spirit of God as a pastor of a church there have been times that I was wrong and I've had to come to a congregation a church full of people and say I was wrong I missed it on that and and I have had to apologize to people publicly nobody nobody twisted my arm behind my back and said you better apologize nobody confronted me at all in fact it was my own conscience that confronted me and my own conscience said and I look at this thing from their perspective and I was able to look at it from their perspective and I came back with man I missed it I really didn't handle that right but there are people who don't have that capacity that's amazing to me but it's true there are people who do not have that capacity in proverbs 28:13 it says he that covereth his sins shall not prosper but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy what do what do are narcissists do they cover their sins constantly and they never prosper they're never wrong now you know one of the areas where I have really encountered this has been I don't get a chance to do this like I used to do it I used to do a lot of marital counseling because marriage and family is really big on my agenda and I never understood why in in certain marital counseling sessions something that was just simple plain old common sense I could not get both of them or one of them to understand and then in in the minority of those sessions you know in those sessions with other people I could come to a couple that had an issue and I could present the wisdom to them and they could both buy into it and see their part in the error end and reconcile quickly now I'm understanding in a lot of these couples you're dealing with two narcissists are you dealing with one and just one narcissist in the mix creates confusion that cannot be rectified it becomes a waste of time when you have two people who are empathetic they may wrong one another but when wisdom is presented they are able to see the wisdom they're able to gravitate towards the wisdom and they're able to change this is a good lesson for those of you who are counselors you need to when you sit in these rooms with people you need to begin to discern am i dealing with the narcissist here and as you study this you know I'm certain that there are certain questions that you'll be able to ask but intentionally pay attention to see if you're dealing with narcissists because if you're dealing with one or more narcissist in a marital counseling perspective you're not gonna be it's a waste of your time you're not going to be able to come to any place of reconciliation because neither one of them is ever going to admit wrong neither one of them is going to change for are towards the other neither one of them consider the other person's needs or feelings above their own it's a waste of time it's a waste of time okay well I won't say that number two the narcissist will turn the discussion we're talking about how their professional victims the narcissist will turn the discussion from their obvious infractions to unfounded accusations of you when you Jam a narcissist up and you begin to challenge them or confront them about their stuff they will turn the discussion from their obvious infractions to an unfounded onslaught of accusations against you this is when they'll get into that you know emotional thing and then they'll go to accusing you and turning the tables on you and the Bible says in Revelation 12 and 10 and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser watch this for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before God day and night Satan Lucifer from a biblical perspective was the first narcissist he was the first one that said I'm I me I will exalt myself and then God you know checked him and the Bible is talking here about Lucifer and how he is the accuser of the brother in day and night he's accusing day and night that is a fundamental spirit that resides in narcissist the spirit of accusation they won't they will when you Jam them up about anything if you confront them about anything they will bring accusation against you that can make your best friends pause there they are so stood at accusing that they'll even have you rethinking did I do that you know am I wrong they'll have you thinking you're crazy because I'm convinced that this thing is is more than a lot of times a psychological disorder this thing is is is demonic and I know some of you that don't some you know some of you don't subscribe to spiritual things but a from my perspective and knowing God this thing is demonic how can you explain a whole lot of this stuff as deep as it goes and as diabolical as it gets how can you explain it but to say it is demonic now when when they bring accusation against you when you catch them in their stuff and they bring these unfounded accusations against you this maneuver is designed to shift you from watch this shift the conversation from the logic that you're presenting to emotion this maneuver is designed to shift you shift the conversation from the logic that you are presenting to emotion it's engineered to cause you to second-guess yourself it's an intentional creation of confusion it is an intentional creation of confusion to shift you from the logic that you're presenting to an emotional state and see narcissus thrive in highly emotional highly emotionally energized environments so they want to get it off of the logic and turn it to a place of emotion and they begin to say things like you know if if you hadn't done XYZ I would have never done this happened because look what you made me do look what you made me do they'll find a way to accuse somebody else for the wrong they've done this is one of the biggest struggles with in the minds of of women that have been abused sexually abused by men is that a man will molest a rape a woman and then he'll plant a seed in her mind or society at large plants a seed in her mind to make her wonder if I did something to cause this how can you do something to call somebody to rape you or to molest you as a child but it's the spirit of accusation I'm telling you these people are these individuals are more prevalent in our society and in our communities and in our families than we even realize and when you think about sexual abuse and you know things like rape and molestation that has to be a person that has no empathy to even come up with such a demonic concept and then this spirit leaves in the in the abused in the in the in the woman leaves in the woman and sometimes that young men too that are victimized same thing you know what what did I do did I do something to cause this as the spirit of accusation the narcissist will turn the discussion from the obvious infraction and twisted into unfounded accusations concerning you the true victim the true victim you know this person has cheated on you this person has physically abused you and in the moment you try to break from this and say okay I'm you know I'm leaving I don't want anymore this I deserve better than this then you get these phone calls you know you know if if you had only been a better woman if you had only been a better man I could have been a better spouse I could have been a better partner and and then if you don't respond to that you know you then you get these messages you so cold you know you're so cold you don't care you don't care anything about me you never cared anything about me now you just got through beat my head in a week ago but now I've never cared anything about you you haven't worked a job I've been paying your bills but now all of a sudden I don't care for you I mean I don't I don't I'm the one that's not cared about you and then if you don't respond to that then it goes to I'm gonna kill myself I'm gonna kill myself you've driven me to suicide you driven me to suicide I'm gonna kill myself and then they get you on the phone because they're playing to your empathy and now you you apologizing to them for leaving them because they've abused you and misused you and broken your life this is how this is how crazy this thing is number three because they're professional victims they know how to put themselves in the victims seat number three when they feel like now this one is this one is very very important listen to this very carefully when they feel like a person has discerned them or discovered them or has a person has uncovered their deceit they begin to assassinate that person's character in the public or with the friends or in the family to make themselves the victim before the person or before they think the person is able to come out with the knowledge that they have about the narcissist being a fraud so if they feel like you know something about them and you're getting ready to come out you're getting ready to share this information with others what they will do to keep themselves in the victims position is begin to assassinate your character with all of the people that matter to you so if it's in a church setting like I live in they'll go all around the church and they'll tell everybody around the church you know so-and-so they're out to get me they ought to get me huh I don't know something going on I think I think I think pastor Blake's has an issue with me I think he has a problem with me I haven't done him anything I haven't done him anything because they feel like you know passively it's maybe getting ready to tell somebody who they really are so that when Pastor Blake's comes out with the truth they've already sown that seed and the minds of others so that when when when you come out with the truth the people that are closest to you and mutual they hope would think man that boy said that pastor Blake was gone try to get him oh you know look what the Bible says is this making sense to you all is this making sense these are just some things that I'm learning and as I as I pay attention whoa deep Genesis 39 okay let me let me just give you the background of this before I read it a brother by the name of Joseph a biblical character is is a slave working as a slave in the house of a brother by the name of Potiphar and Potiphar's found faith in Joseph and he's made him hit over his house but and Joseph is a faithful and righteous man but Potiphar's wife wanted to sleep with Joseph and Joseph refused to sleep with her and Joseph said I would I wouldn't do this to you know to the master of this house because he's been good to me I'm just not gonna do it and so he turned her down he turned her down and see the last thing you know the main thing should I say that stirs a narcissist up and every diabolical demonic strategy they can muster up will be exercised as when you reject them when you say no to them they don't like you to say no to them but that's the background and then I'm gonna read taking up in Genesis 39 13 through 16 and it came to pass when she saw talking about Joseph that he had left his garment see she was trying to sleep with him and she was getting getting so aggressive that she was grabbing at him and so she grabbed at him and somehow she held onto his garment as he was running away from her and so the Bible says here when she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and was flared forth that she called unto the men of her house and spake unto them saying see he have brought in and Hebrew unto us talking about a husband to mock us he came in unto me to lie with me he's trying to rape me and I cried with a loud voice and he came to pass when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried that he left his garment with me as if he took his clothes off and he started running when she started crying but she told the man's clothes off of him left his garment with me and fled and got him out and she said and she laid up his garment by her until her husband came home so what do you see there Joseph is doing the righteous things and now I'm not gonna do this she trying to sleep with him she grabs his clothes he runs away she holds on the part of his garments and now she doesn't know if he's gonna go tell her husband so she does what she Sasson AIT's his character with the people that matter before he has an opportunity to say anything he tells the minute she tells the men about and then she lays up there with the garment all dramatically until her husband comes and she tells him all he tried to rape me he tried to rape me in a reality what she was trying to rape him and so now Potiphar's mad with Joseph and part of it takes Joseph and puts him in jail so she was successful but that is a textbook narcissistic move when when when when things when you begin to discern see and I think a wisdom is this when you begin to discern a narcissist don't talk too much don't don't let on that you know too much because you know they will go and they will assassinate your character on your job with your family and Church in your neighborhood and your clubs and whatever you know you're part of they will assassinate your character to make certain that in in the eyes of the public they are the victim you are the victimizer they are the victim Jezebel absolutely was a narcissist number four when they need their ego stroked they will actually lie about having problems they will lie about having sicknesses they will lie about financial problems they'll lie about somebody dying if they if they have not if they have not found sufficient infilling of their ego and and you know just the the attention they need they will lie and create a drama you know my grandma died my grandmother died really an ill will to crying they bout to repossess my car you know actually take your money they'll actually take your money based on a lie because when they need their ego stroked or are fed they will actually lie about having issues just to create sympathy around them just to create you know draw all of the attention to them okay integral it'll go as deep as this you can say you can say sincerely man my mother passed my mother passed and if you know especially if you're like in a group setting you know maybe three or more people my mother passed and and everybody started consoling you if you got if you got an arc in the middle of that situation they'll come on so I'm gonna say nothing but you know my brother died to this is how crazy it is my brother it's like it's like if you pay attention okay now watch this you just gotta pay attention to people man stop just you know aimlessly wandering through life and pay attention to people do you know anybody every time you have an issue they have one that that ups yours if you have a headache they have a migraine if you have a backache they have a slipped disc if you have a twisted ankle they have a broken leg if you have a cold they have cancer every time every time not not one time can they say or really do it what's how do you feel what can I do for you I got a bad cold oh I have the flow - I have the flow - do you know anybody like that do you know anybody man I'm telling you I'm telling you I am telling you if you pay attention these people are everywhere it is crazy it's frightening it's crazy but it's liberating to be able to discern you know to be they they they never can say okay man I feel for you it's a shame that you feel that was I'm sorry for you is anything I can do no they always got something else you know you know my child my child got dropped out of college dropped out of college because I got kicked out of college because his grace was bad much I went to jail man went to jail you're not by yourself because they got to always be the greatest victim in the group they have to always be the greatest victim in the group you know oh okay just you know just I'm just teaching I'm just just teaching from personal experiences a woman that is dating a man if you're dating a man and he's down on you know whatever you doesn't have his life together and you're trying to figure out am I assigned to help this man get on his feet but he never can take you know he never can take ownership of his issues and he's always you know creating victim status and never can save I just didn't do that and I need to get myself together that's a sign man that's a sign you know that's a sign that's that's a sign that's a sign you know all of his former relationships all of them fail because the women were no good the women were no good the women were no good you know I I have you know y'all know my if you've watched me in a little time you know my history I've shared it I've written it in books you know the man that I used to be I'm not that man today and I don't have a problem saying that most of the relationships that I've had that farewell my phone when you can't say that when you can't own your stuff there's something wrong in here there's something wrong and see I'm teaching this stuff but y'all need to start paying attention to people and and looking at people beneath the surface number five and I think I'm done they will do something nice watch this this is big right here I'm talking a long time they will do something nice and if it is not publicly celebrated they will tell everybody of how they've been used by you if if they give you something if they do something for you and you don't publicly celebrate them if you don't give them great accolades they will tell everybody you know it's a shame how I went out of my way to go and pick up from her job and I brought her all the way across town and I did XYZ for her and you know she ain't never loved to say thank you she give me no gas money or nothing like they're not gonna talk about the fact that you know you've done this for them a thousand times and they've never said thank you they're not gonna talk about the fact that you gave them the down payment for the car they're not gonna talk about all of that but they're gonna go into the circle and they're gonna create this drama if you don't celebrate them and if you don't applaud them come on somebody they will tell everybody how they been used you know no good deed goes unpunished I just can't be good to be you can't be good to people cuz people not go be good back to you and they'll be with them crocodile tears and crying and looking over there at the same time waiting to see who gonna come who gonna coming up I just don't know what to do almost said something right then because a narcissist only does good deeds for recognition when they aren't praised they become furious you know it's kind of like there's another there's another oh here's another two four four women and I suppose men can use it as well but you know just talking to women if you're dealing with a man that has to be you know jump up and down with pom-poms every time he does something good if you don't if you don't jump up and down and make a big to-do over everything he does for you something wrong now something wrong there he's he's doing it for recognition most of the stuff I do in this house for for these people that live in his house was just me and my wife in it not other other people go on most of the stuff that I do and have done for all for my children and my wife and my family and all of that people don't say you know you just a great dad you just a great husband we just we just celebrate you know no no no I may get a little bit of that maybe get a little bit of that Father's Day because I don't do what I do I don't do what I do for recognition I'd be nice to get it hang on I would be nice you know for your children to call and say you know man you've been a great dad but brother don't get too much of that great to have my wife you know just you know but I don't do it for recognition come on somebody see but but but when when when your narcissist you have to maintain your victim status and when you've done well if the person does not recognize you view that as a prime opportunity to claim victim status in the minds the eyes and in the ears of those that you can share this story of how you did so much for this person and they're just so ungrateful so that's a straight narcissistic move and the Bible says in Matthew 6 in 1 take heed that you do not your arms or give you gifts before men to be seen of them otherwise you have no reward of your father which is in heaven and that is exactly what the narcissus does he or she does everything they do just to be seen and if you don't if you don't if you don't feed them if you don't supply them with recognition and and accolades they will take that opportunity to drag you through the mud and tell everybody how good they've been to you and how horrible you are to them now and this is just the beginnings of probably another discussion but I'll just touch on it since I have you on upheld you this long a few things I want to say to you okay two things I'll say to you that I've discovered and I'm discovering relative to dealing with narcissist because I deal with them a lot I promise you when you're the pastor of a church who deal with narcissist a lot never argue with a narcissist never argue with the narcissist say what you got to say and no back and forth no back and forth it drives them nuts when they can't get a rise out of you it's pointless because they have no concept of equity or or fairness they're not looking for fairness they're not looking for equity they're not looking for righteousness in their world they must be viewed as right by any means necessary so it's a waste of energy and time to argue with the narcissist the best way to handle a narcissist is to say what you gonna say drop the bomb clearly and shut up because you're dealing with a person that does not know right from wrong and if they do somehow come upon fact that I'm wrong they're not going to admit it and they specialize in confrontation and arguing and negativity and drama the spirit of confusion which is where Satan dwells they date these you know argue with you don't argue with a person that you know you you've determined that this person ism is a narcissist and and their user you don't argue with them you just simply say you know I know who you are and kind of leave it vague like that I know who you are and I'm done god bless you hang the phone up block them on everything block them on everything they try to get around all on social media and want to say crazy stuff don't respond to that don't respond to that don't respond to that leaving you all kinds emails no no don't don't respond to that never argue with a narcissist never are the only way you can argue with the narcissist is that you have to come down you cannot be willing to come down and when you get into this argument all they're gonna do is just twist things up before you know it's spirit of confusion is all in your mind and you're trying to figure out if I was wrong if I was right with what but what's going on what's really going on it driving your nuts never respond to a narcissist publicly or in a group you know now they'll try to bait you into a public scene mm-hmm when they clown in publicly just and what happened is when you when you when you break from them and you're trying to figure out how much do you really know how clever are you how much are you really on to their game what will happen is they'll try to create a public scene because they have nothing to lose they'll try to create a public scene once again to make themselves in the eyes of public opinion the victim and when they clown like this an especially in a day like today like like a you know time like today where you have social media they can just get all over social media and say all kinds of crazy stuff about you and you have to be mature enough not to respond because it's like quicksand you can't jump in that get out it pulls you deeper and deeper and deep so you know I know I don't even respond I say what it is I state my position and I'm done with it I'm not arguing with you and I'm not responding to you publicly because anything you feed will grow if you don't feed it it'll die so you some of y'all got these crazy people that you're trying to break from and they spew and all this stuff out on social media let them talk let them talk block them tell your family and friends don't you know don't send me nothing from it let them talk because you cannot win dealing with it with a narcissist in a public or group setting a narcissist is an actor and needs an audience and the stage never give him one the Bible says make no place for the devil the devil doesn't have a position unless you give him one don't give him one and in thirdly and these are no order I'm gonna come back and teach this you know how to navigate you know a situation with the narcissist the third thing in and I'm done I'm out for real this time discern them know who they are without them even realizing that you know who they are you know it's kind of like Judas and I'm not and when I first started this this study I called Judas a narcissist but he really wasn't a narcissist because after he realized what he had done he felt so bad he hung himself that's not the move of a narcissist but we learned something from Jesus's response to Judas in his betrayal that we can apply to the narcissist Jesus knew who Judas was and he kept it quiet he didn't share with the disciples of anybody and when it came down to the betrayal Jesus says that Judas do what you're gonna do and do it quickly you got a you got that you have to be able to know who this person is especially a narcissist and they not realize that you know they got that they got to feel like they are fooling you until you get to the point where you ready to drop the hammer and shut this thing down come on somebody but sometimes the worst thing you can do is to run out there and say I know you a narcissist I wasn't watching this YouTube and you're not and now you enrage this individual which can be a very dangerous individual sometimes you've got to not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing and just be quiet especially when you trying to escape a romantic situation you've got to know certain things and begin to gradually work your way out of the grips of this individual the first move is that once you realize that you begin to untie the knots off of your mind and then you pray for wisdom to know how to move when to move and then you move but it's supposed to come as a shocker to them she knew she knew he knows supposed to come as a shock you're not supposed to give them a preview so hey that's that's my thoughts for tonight those are my thoughts for tonight I hope you got something out of this and a hey man we're gonna keep on we're gonna keep looking at this because like I said I am learning honestly this stuff knows the underneath check out cuz I'm just talking now this stuff should be taught in seminary psychology should be taught nope no pastor should go to seminary and not out with an equivalent psychology degree because a lot of the stuff that we're chalking up is all spiritual sometimes this stuff is psychological even in the church and this person is who we are dealing with probably 3/4 of the time we are dealing with narcissists and just don't know what we're dealing with and we don't know how to handle it because nobody's taught us and it's like wow you know it's like wow it's like wow wow and when you guys really take this in and you begin to look at you know the people that you will encounter through the lens of this this wisdom and this understanding it's gonna change your life man and the way you do relationships all right I've been on here almost an hour I got to go hey if this is your kind of thing we'd love to have you in my youtube family so you know subscribe if you like this you know subscribe share it on your platforms if you don't mind you know leave your comments for me it's a lot of them but I like to go back sometimes you just kind of scroll through them give me a thumbs up if you you know and you can reach out to Lisa and/or I at pastor RC Blake's at gmail.com very soon very soon very very soon bye my first online program transcending the father wound is going to be available very soon in fact it'll be available the beginning the first of December and I want you to just kind of stay tuned if you've not signed up from a mailing list sign up for my mailing list that pastor RC Blake's at gmail.com and you'll get all of information relative to where I'm going to be my programs everything anything concerning me you'll get it through RC Blake's com alright I love you all have a great one have a great one have a great one and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 95,113
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Id: rofb7_8EEiI
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Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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