netflix ANIMATOR creeps on kids

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hey guys it's Shannon and today oh boy today we're going to be talking about mournful blur and terrible stuff that I personally I don't know some of the stuff you guys send to me to look at and look into is like wacky and fun and hilarious and then other times it's a woman bragging about following a child around and being attracted to that child and then playing it off as if it's some super funny relatable funtime joke that the lamestream media is twisting into something else and I'm just I'm I'm not shocked or surprised I just feel like I'm living in a perpetual state of disappointment which is why I pretty much live in ready the glare much also because it's soft and I'm in love with her so anyway let's talk about Julia Vickerman shall we if you don't know who Julia Vickerman is she is the creator of a show called 12 forever which is apparently a cartoon on Netflix that I have never heard about literally I only use Netflix to watch The Office Bojack horseman stranger things Parks and Recreation and Sherlock just on a loop I'm constantly going between those five shows and people always tell me to watch other things on it and I never do and I probably never will so please stop telling me to watch other things I am a Taurus I will not do it she created a show called 12 forever and this is the synopsis Reggie's wild imagination unlocks a weird and wonderful world where she can be herself and escape the pressures of growing up so you know just generic love yourself kinda TV show and I mean I I love fun children's TV shows they're kind of cool the last wave of animated television shows have been amazing and this show seems like it could definitely be a part of that it could definitely step into the same role that like Adventure Time Regular Show Steven universe kind of comes in from what I'm seeing having never seen the show and only looking at what I see on Netflix right now it definitely has that vibe to it I mean the second episode is called but which forever so it's probably the [ __ ] get it cuz [ __ ] comes out of butts I am NOT a funny person please unsubscribe to me I haven't watched anything for it I haven't heard anything about it in googling this I found that Amy Sedaris and Noah fielding are both in it two people who I would die for who do fantastic work so that alone is really going for it it's probably a great in researching this I also found out that julia has worked on other shows like Clarence Redlands and apparently was a part of the critically panned dumpster fire movie 43 so that's a little bit about her in her backstory and the story behind the show she's just a woman working in animation making shows that cater towards children and young people and she's very clearly successful because her show is on Netflix a huge company huge [ __ ] place to put things you know thing place but this is not a video where I'm talking about a talented and creative person who I just want to praise and give a shout out to and say good job - no I would probably be doing that for alan paz man my former manager at my first job at a movie theater who now works on steven universe who worked extremely hard to get that job no we are talking about julia Vickerman because any month ago the internet found a post she wrote on tumblr about legitimately falling around a person that she self identifies as being 14 and lusting after that fourteen-year-old that is not a joke that is not an over-exaggeration that is literally what she talks about doing in this post I'm about to read to you it posts that she has since said oh it's a total joke and totally not a real thing that happened because when you write a detailed blog post about following you fourteen-year-old around trying to take their photos when they weren't looking stalking them and their mom trying to find excuse to go talk to them that is just something that really cool hip trendy up-and-coming comedians do like maybe maybe you guys haven't heard maybe we all miss the boat on that announcement but like that's just what comedy Queens do here so I decided we are going to read this post together and we as a class as a unit can see if this is really a fun and relatable thing to talk about to post about and yes we are a class now call me teach so art I am your teacher now do you feel scared I do too nothing gets me more worked up than a bear affair especially when there's overalls involved okay so I like as a class we're looking for the joke and there's a joke we found a joke maybe this is the joke that she's apologizing for not well and I mean that makes a lot of sense I mean she's talking about having sex with bears and overalls and we all know that real bears wears shirts and no pants bears need maximum leg mobility for their sweet karate moves and overall simply are not accommodating to that so I can see why she would want to apologize for that joke and I forgive her it's I forgive you for that Julia you're welcome so there's a little carnival set up near Griffith Park right now and apparently it's there every year but I sure as [ __ ] didn't notice it until today no one can stop me from going on questionably assembled rides that looks like final destination scenes ready to happen tony was hesitant to go on any rides because he values his life or so he says but once I had bought 10 tickets who can really say no to a jarring bout on the sizzler oh but tumblr guess who was in line in front of the guest who was in line to go on the sizzler with us this beautiful and she wrote beautiful and bold just so you guys know she means it this beautiful androgynous long black-haired emo 14 year old boy wearing tight black pants and a black t-shirt emblazoned with the name of some band that probably sucks and his lip injected fake red-haired mother who looks like a rock star Oh heaven adopt me no uh we're gonna take a little time out time out here uh we've only just begun but there's a lot of [ __ ] wrong with this first things first the way she's going about this guy before she like lets us know who he is the way she's like guess who was in line in front of me the way she sets that up I thought she was gonna say something like Kurt Cobain or Albert Einstein or another dead celebrity someone who would actually be shocking that they would be at this carnival in front of you going on carnival rides not like a teenager at a carnival looking to have fun because carnivals are really meant for children and teenagers a better thing in my opinion to say would be guess who was enjoying a carnival meant for young people a young person and also me an adult who was staring at them and their mother if this was a guy mind you this would be the grossest thing in the world like we wouldn't have this conversation this would just be end stop now like imagine a man going on to his tumblr blog and talking about how he was behind this hot fourteen-year-old girl at a carnival and she was there with her dad and how you thought she was so beautiful and then he went on to talk about how tight her clothing was does she just like it it's a non-starter that [ __ ] would not fly so why is this any better is it because she has pink hair that's [ __ ] up if that was it it would still be [ __ ] up let's be clear and shitty and I would still feel very weird about this person being in a profession that will make young people around this kids age look up to her I would feel very weird that she has a show called 12 forever I would feel very weird that she is around children but like at the very least a lawyer could say that this was just like a weird thing she was being weird she thought the kid was androgynous she thought he had a cool look she was being weird if she stopped there she might have had plausible deniability but uh she doesn't stop there and I cannot find the joke I have a Sherlock Holmes outfit on right now with a magnifying glass and the joke still eludes me but it continues occasionally I get instantaneous infatuations with strangers that can only be described as overwhelming or annoying depending on how patient you are with me okay again not to be that person even though I'm being that person but uh if this was a tude if this was a man and he was saying this on his tumblr blog I would feel very gross like I I've had men said they they were just so into people and they were so into me or my friends so much so that they were obsessed with us and I mean again I had my first boyfriend tried to buy my virginity off me so like this [ __ ] this isn't cute this isn't this just makes my skin crawl I don't like it I just I feel like if she's using this as a joke and this is really like and this is a joke and practicing her material here this it's like zero out of ten where is the joke I cannot find it and if there is a joke here not very funny Toni was dice enough to follow this poor boy around the small carnival with me as I tried to sneak photos none of which turned out well I knew that my heart would forever be in turmoil unless I at least tried to talk to him Oh God if his mom hadn't been there yeah no it's not [ __ ] what do you mean by that if his mom hadn't been there I understand like when you go outside when you are in the public you don't have the basic umbrella privacy that you normally would like I could go outside right now and the news could be filming a story about how shitty the world is outside and I could accidentally end up in the background of a news report [ __ ] happens I went outside people saw me but to have a stranger purposely follow you around a stranger who was older than you who was attracted to you who says they're obsessed with you and is infatuated with you that is so gross the fact that she's trying to get a picture of this like young kid that's gross and weird and uncomfortable I know so many women who have been straight up photographs without their knowledge by strangers who have been followed and it's just it's not it's creepy she's a grown-ass woman there's no joke here like if the joke is if his mom hadn't been there I would have gone hey I would have gone apeshit that's not a joke that's you being a creeper SiC it off who are the [ __ ] [ __ ] is this Tony person who is he who are you Tony because whoever you are you suck you just suck I I don't like you I actually would say I hate you you are the type of person who allows your friend to stalk and take photos of young teenage boys and you're just as weird as she is for letting her do that like did you not grab your friend and be like we're not following this child around that's [ __ ] weird maybe knock some sense into her that way just say no no you just let her do it and you helped her okay she then ends the post by talking about how she found a way to go up to this literal child and his mother and talk to them for a moment and he smiled at her and she describes him and hat like his smile and what he was eating and his eyebrows all of that and then she describes it as the best day of her life because she spoke to this young teenage boy who he's barely into high school guys barely I remember like myself getting in high school no no this is a grown woman a grown adult woman pictured here with these bears and she's listening after this guy and she tags the post hashtag pedophile I mean she said it I didn't she did she wrote a big lusting post after a young kid and late that's so that's real fun I love when adults put kids in vulnerable positions and follow them around at kids carnivals and leer at them and try to take photos of them I love when people do that and people manipulate people who can't consent it's really great it's so it's so funny it's so funny what's even crazier than that though at least to me in my modicum of crazy is that this woman this woman who actively works with Netflix a legitimate company on a legitimate television show was confronted with the fact that she made this lengthy tumblr post this lengthy story she spoke out about this experience she had with a young teen when she was confronted with her words and her actions and this was brought up to her she had this to say to those still messaging me I made a bunch of jokes a decade ago I didn't mean to offend anyone they were dumb and they didn't age well I'm not the type of person I was ten years ago I am sorry now I have a lot of problems with that normally I'm kind of against the whole dredging up someone's past to cancel them forever people are capable of change I have changed over the past ten years I mean one thing my voice is deeper and I have boobs now so that's something and from 2007 to like 2013 the internet was like crazy it was full of people just tweeting and deleting terrible things posting garbage being awful people literally were out here saying the worst possible [ __ ] they could to each other and it was just like that's just what the internet was for the first couple years of its existence it was insane it was the Wild West honestly so I'm usually against the whole dredging up someone's past because cultures have changed people have changed it doesn't make sense however however I feel differently about this because this isn't an instance of someone like saying something edgy as a joke or like trying to be real shocking for a joke like we read this post together as a class in our little little classroom here we sat down we looked for the jokes and all I saw was a grown woman bragging about lusting after a young guy and joking about how into this guy she was joking about how she's still weird and quirky for wanting to [ __ ] f-word ten-year-old and then tagging her dance self as a pedophile in the words of Kimora black there was no JK though I don't I don't see the joke I don't see it and again being this person if this was done by a guy I'm sorry non-starter like this is in [ __ ] sane and this person having a job that puts them in line to be around children the same age no no it's creepy enough on its own that she felt the need to brag literally brag write an essay about stalking someone online and tag it that way but the fact that she makes media that puts her in contact with young people 10/10 thinks she's gross don't think this was a joke thinks she really did that and I'm just I'm not I'm not about it at all not only okay I think that's about all I can handle today though thank you guys so much for watching this video and for supporting me a lot of you are aware that I'm in a new living space I'm kind of in an in-between zone right now because my husband and I were kicked out of our apartment you're currently living in our french garage which is why the audio sounds like this if it's really echoey i'm sorry if you can hear me fidgeting i'm actually under a blanket right now because it's like 50 degrees in here there's no heat it's just it's a lot so I appreciate all the kindness and the support and the patience you guys have been offering me I cannot stress enough how much it has helped I've gotten so many kind words from so many of you some of you have said you've kept me in your thoughts and your prayers that means the world to me and it's just thank you we are currently trying to save up for a move and manage this ourselves but I have opened up my Commission's to help so shoot over an email to Creepshow Commission's at if you were interested in that I am trying to put together a commission street right now so more is on the way I'm just really stressed out so there's a lot happening in like me contacting various apartment places so it's just a lot or if you wanted to get something a lot sooner you could check out my spooky seasons merch I just designed it I designed it before everything went up to [ __ ] and I really loved it I'm really really proud of it and I hope you guys like it too thank you guys so so so much for all the kindness I hope you have a genuinely good day and I will see you in my next video later
Channel: CreepShow Art
Views: 854,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepshowart, creepshow, art, julie, vickerman, creepy, scary, exposed, netlfix, creator, twelve, forever, show, animation, cartoon, tumblr, twitter
Id: BG98n3u1pcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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