the worst Body Checking Video on youtube

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I thought it’s worth noting (as CreepShow does) that though the comments Eugenia shows about her weight are months old, the screenshot shows them as being less than 24 hours old.

This would indicate she’s screenshotting hate comments dynamically/actively/in real time. For months.

👍︎︎ 136 👤︎︎ u/LongerWithCalgon 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is also why I never made it a habit to comment on how “thin, dead, scary, gaunt, fragile, old, shocking, sickly, weathered, skeletal” she looks, because I know she eats that shit up. The close ups on her bones with our captions/reactions, the comparison photos (I deleted a recent post of mine for that reason), the “oh my god, it’s gotten worse” the pleas to get help... this is her food. When she’s restricting and trying to distract herself, this is what she’s eating instead.

I believe we can talk about her and be mindful about validating her appearance. The discussion is so helpful to a lot of us here, but reactions to her appearance are ultimately why she can’t leave her comment sections or this sub alone. We’re essentially her thinspo.

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/shelballsxx 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is a good video. Not only did she put into words how validating the "hate" comments are for Eugenia, but the fact that she discovered the screenshots were taken just after the comments were posted, sometimes months ago.... wow.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/MrsRainey 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

"this is the most hopeless situation I've ever seen online" I couldn't of said it any better myself. I'm gonna go practice some hardcore self care now, you all do the same. You deserve it!! ❤️

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/heramba 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched that vid of eugenias just now and tbh it made me very sad and upset. Creepshow was so right. What gets me is that she literally came out with a documentary, during the height of shane Dawson’s popularity, about her ED recovery. It’s so freakin aggravating that she gaslights all of us on a daily basis, and tries to make it seem like she doesnt have a problem with it whatsoever, and WE’RE the crazy haters for showing concern when she’s so obviously relapsed again. There’s gotta be some way to get through to these platforms about her negative influence, and public display of ED glorification. I’m sad for her, I truly am, but it’s almost like it’s starting to get lost in the frustration I have from her gaslighting everyone in her audience that cares. I know she has an unhealthy brain right now. But she’s knows that she’s harming people yet refuses to take any accountability. I couldn’t believe the way that she spoke about some of the things in that video, so nonchalant about it. I’m scared for her.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/iwltsap 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jezus christ.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/justoneguyyy 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I personally am gonna be a lot more careful with what I say here (such as not commenting on ECs appearance/health) after watching this.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/BeeswithWifi 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

No NSFW/TW flair as Shannon thoughtfully left Eugenias body out of the thumbnail (...) and provides appropriate trigger warning at the beginning of her video.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/LongerWithCalgon 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

This actually shocks me. I checked the dates my self. Most screenshot are taking less than a day after posting.

She smiles and enjoys it. That hair flipping it what women do to be more attractive and to show they are beautiful. Its gross.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/justoneguyyy 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
before i get into this video i do want to state directly before we start that we are going to be talking about some triggering subject matter specifically regarding disordered eating if you are one of the millions of people who struggles with this or simply are just not in the right headspace to take on this information with this video for whatever reason believe me i understand i hear you i see you and i hope you do what's right for yourself and click off of this video anytime i put a warning like this at the beginning of my videos inevitably there will be someone in my comments who states that they wanted to stay because they wanted to show how much they support me and my content and that they truly thought they would be able to handle it but they end up having a bad reaction and get into a bad spot mentally because of the video and let me be the first one to tell you that i 100 do not want you to watch this video do not want you to feel at all compelled to continue watching this just because you like me or you want this information if you at all feel like this might trigger you or be too much i would much rather see my watch time go down to zero this video only get a couple of views and there'll be absolutely no comments on this video itself if it means that you guys are making the active choice to look out for yourself i know personally in my own life i have had to do a lot of things to make sure that i don't get upset by other content that i happen to stumble upon online because at the end of the day no one else is going to look out for me other than me there have been plenty of content creators who have posted fashion hauls product reviews and other regular smegular content that have led me into unhealthy habits unhealthy thinking and while it's not my fault that i was triggered in that way it's up to me to learn from those actions and make sure that doesn't happen again if i am triggered by other content i shouldn't be the one watching the content i can't put it on the content creator to not make it i truly hope that you guys heed this warning look after yourselves because you are special and important you matter you deserve to feel like you matter and take care of yourself if not for yourself then for me because there is someone out there who wants to see you thrive and do the amazing things you were meant to do and i believe the world is lucky to have you in it i'm going to go ahead and link some content that has helped me refocus my mind and focus on other things when i've been triggered and i hope those are helpful for you so check those out in the description box down below if you are interested and with that let's get into this video so the other week i was made aware of a video that eugenia cooney had made entitled addressing the hate a lot of you guys messaged me asking me to look it over and some of my dedicated channel members even reached out and asked me to talk about it but seeing as i personally try not to watch her content as much because of my own history with an eating disorder i brushed it off at the time i wasn't in a place mentally where i thought i could handle it i know talking about her or commenting on anything to do with her appearance just perpetuates the idea that what she is doing is working and as someone who is already stressed because of the panasonic we are in with my head wanting to already go back to unhealthy and coping mechanisms that make me feel like i'm in control of something i just felt like at the time i could not handle it then i got a message again a couple days ago from a channel member that said this and this is what really shook me hey shannon i just wanted to reach out and let you know that eugene cooney made a video last week that is uncomfortable to say the least in the video she said she is going to be responding to the hate she receives which i don't think anyone would have minded but in reality she spends a whole video validating her disorder by the reaction of people who hate her clearly getting some sort of satisfaction from the fact that these people are attacking her for the way she looks she reads every comment about her body with a smile on her face and i think it would be good if you broke down why this video is disturbing because i don't think people realize that this is another form of body checking you see one of the number one things people do when they are suffering from an eating disorder or any kind of disorder thinking like i have said countless times before is seek validation from other people seek their reactions as a way to fuel you when i was in the midst of my battle with anorexia and bulimia whenever someone would comment that i looked like i lost weight and i quote was looking better it would boost my ego i remember in high school i went into a month-long lapse into disordered eating and thinking and a girl looked at me who didn't like me and was kind of a jerk to me for the most part and told me that i looked deflated lately like someone had quote let the air out of a balloon and i was saggy she meant it as an insult like my skin was hanging off my face in a weird way because i had lost so much weight in such a short amount of time but when i heard that i thought i lost enough weight that even gabby this person who hates me is commenting on it this person who would never compliment me the like ever like this person's a jerk even they noticed and that only encouraged me more i've talked about this concept a lot because i think it's one of the most necessary things to establish when talking about someone who is suffering with disordered eating and thoughts however because a lot of the online conversation around these subjects are not led by people who have gone through this it usually gets lost in the sauce so to speak in fact in the very first video i ever made talking about eugenia titled we're the problem not eugenia which is obviously a hyperbolic title i talk about this very concept and have the thousands of videos made on this platform commenting on her weight making fun of her and deriding her for the way she looks only encourages her to continue down that path the videos that onision made the videos that other commentary channels did where they would laugh and make fun of her and they would say that they care about her but making negative comments about her appearance even though they were cruel and mean-spirited they assured her in her mind that she was succeeding so now onision you do not get to have the credit for getting her help it doesn't matter that people are telling you that you look sick that you look like a corpse that you are disgusting to them or that they are worried about you all of those comments are boiled down to i'm doing something right all you hear when you're in this mind space is people telling you that you are thin you are thin enough for them to care you are thin enough for them to be worried that you are beautiful for that people forget that when you are dealing with a disorder when your brain has rewired itself in this way all you want is to be acknowledged for your appearance all you want is for people to see you and comment on your weight because that is the most important thing to you every action every thought everything you do is centered around that and when people finally start paying attention even if they are being cruel it makes you feel good especially when you are starving your body is telling you eat eat eat and when you say no and someone comments that wow it looks like you haven't eaten your body is saying thank you for acknowledging that so you become obsessed with that reaction so this video that eugenia made responding to the hate it is by far one of the most alarming videos she has ever put out you see the concept of the video is easy responding to hate comments just talking about people sending you ridiculous things that you are laughing off or debunking or commenting on you know it's easy every youtuber has made this video at least once in their life however eugenia uses this as a way to validate her disorder in such an obvious and concerning way and i am alarmed by how sincerely stoked she seems reading these comments i personally do not want to have to play a clip in case someone didn't heed my warning at the beginning about being triggered earlier but i have to i literally have to so you guys can understand what i'm talking about i'm gonna leave a timestamp on screen so you can skip that part if you don't want to see it again for your well-being but just let me play it now three two one ew what the hell is happening to her like oh just die already i'm well i don't know i'm sorry i was like a lot of people it's like already even her underwear doesn't fit and she must be stuffing her bra no way she should have that on her own um okay and this is kind of like a weird story guys okay so i was like taking a photo and i was on a beach and kind of like the way i was sitting like there's like a rock and i guess i was just kind of like you know like sitting like a weird way or like i don't know i didn't realize that was but apparently i was and i think like there was some people that kind of thought that they could like well there was like these people telling me i like exposed myself or whatever there's nothing showing like i had tie-dye shorts on so i mean it has a lot of colors in it and they kind of like transition a lot throughout them so i honestly think what people are seeing is mostly my shorts and if anything people may have seen a little bit of my underwear like by accident not on purpose it wouldn't be anything beyond like what people might see in like a bathing suit and it wasn't on purpose anyway that's what they're talking about i think and god even her panties don't fit her so gross i mean i don't know guys i don't think they fit that bad uh anyways okay next comment eugenia is so genuinely stoked to be talking about this and to be reading these comments and to be responding i have unfortunately had to watch a lot of her content um just to give you guys my commentary multiple times over and as someone who has watched her content before has seen her live stream has seen her react to this stuff before it is rare to see her this jumpy and energetic she does not act like this she usually is much more calm just showing off her outfits body checking and doing her makeup or you know like streaming and reacting to her chat and whatnot her energy isn't usually this bouncy and excited she doesn't flip her hair this much and even when she is streaming if someone leaves a hurtful comment that is body checking in any way that is validating her disorder she has taught herself not to respond by being like oh like in a concerning way she doesn't respond to those comments with this level of giddy excitement but in this video when she's reading someone commenting on a photo of her that quote even her underwear doesn't fit unquote because she's so thin and reading comments that mention her weight at all she is genuinely excited she is happy she's jumping around she's flipping her hair she has so much more happy excitable energy in this video than any other of her videos and it's so bad like this is a terrible topic and she's happier than she's ever been it is also genuinely concerning how many of these screenshots she had ready to go like normally i would see a video like this and be like oh she probably searched these up she probably scrolled through at one time and went through like months of content right however i looked up a lot of these messages that were sent publicly on twitter that are on her photos on instagram and whatnot they were sent at various dates and time over the span of a couple months but according to these screenshots that she's using in this video a lot of them were from the first 24 hours from when they were posted meaning that she stockpiled these not for this video not for an epic response just to have them for safekeeping and to affirm that what she's doing in starving herself is in fact effective she did not have these comments on hand for this video she did not have to search these out she already had them because when someone sent her these she screenshotted them the moment she saw them because she's using them to body check and she's proudly performing that on youtube even further if you have made it to this part of the video i am going to unfortunately encourage you to block eugenia on every single platform if you are worried for her if you are concerned for her well-being if you are ever tempted to reach out to her because you saw a picture of her and you want to let her know how she is affecting you personally with your disordered thinking do not do that do not tell her that unfortunately as much as you care and want to see her get better you would literally only be adding kindling to the fire that is her disease and validating everything she is currently doing to herself even if you're reaching out to say i care the hate that you're getting is terrible people talking about you is terrible any of that you are validating her there's nothing you can do other than block her you have to block her do not comment on any of her social medias and do not encourage her to seek help because by telling her she needs to seek help by responding and telling her you've relapsed i can see it it's not okay you are encouraging her and i know it seems counterproductive but by continuing to extend your hand towards her you are fueling that mindset and the best thing that we can do for her is no longer validate her illness by giving her attention by giving her money for it honestly this is the most hopeless situation i've ever seen online because i truly don't know what else we can do here other than hope youtube or any other platform she uses to harm herself steps in and monetizes her content other than that that's it that's all we have but with that being said let me know what you guys think about this situation in the comments down below i hope you guys truly have a great day and do at least one act of self-care especially if you made it to this part of this video because this was a heavy one but with that i'm out of here later days
Channel: CreepShow Art
Views: 382,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepshowart, creepshow, art
Id: MYRvsPGkjsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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