A Massive Upgrade To ChatGPT! (This is Crazy)

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While you're here, we have a public discord server. We have a free Chatgpt bot, Bing chat bot and AI image generator bot. New addition: GPT-4 bot, Anthropic AI(Claude) bot, Meta's LLAMA(65B) bot, and Perplexity AI bot.

So why not join us?

PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email support@openai.com

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is before the announcement of GPT 4 Plugins.

"Using the rough estimates provided in the previous answers, we can calculate an approximate number of people who might be made redundant due to AI automation in each sector. Please note that these numbers should be taken as general estimates and not as precise predictions, as the actual impact will depend on various factors such as technological advancements, government policies, and social acceptance.

Health care and social assistance: 22 million x 20% = 4.4 million

Retail trade: 15 million x 55% = 8.25 million

Professional, scientific, and technical services: 10 million x 25% = 2.5 million

Finance and insurance: 6 million x 35% = 2.1 million

Manufacturing: 12 million x 65% = 7.8 million

Construction: 7 million x 35% = 2.45 million

Accommodation and food services: 12 million x 45% = 5.4 million

Information technology: 4 million x 25% = 1 million

Transportation and warehousing: 5 million x 55% = 2.75 million

Educational services: 13 million x 15% = 1.95 million

Wholesale trade: 6 million x 35% = 2.1 million

Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services: 9 million x 55% = 4.95 million

Real estate and rental and leasing: 2 million x 25% = 500,000

Public administration: 7 million x 15% = 1.05 million

Arts, entertainment, and recreation: 2 million x 15% = 300,000

Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction: 600,000 x 45% = 270,000

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting: 2 million x 65% = 1.3 million

Utilities: 550,000 x 35% = 192,500

Management of companies and enterprises: 2 million x 25% = 500,000

Other services (except public administration): 6 million x 35% = 2.1 million

Total estimated job redundancies due to AI automation: 51,082,500

Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate, and the actual number may be different due to factors mentioned previously. Additionally, it is essential to consider that AI and automation can also create new jobs and increase productivity, which could offset some job losses in certain industries."

Its only been 4 months since Chat GPT got released to the public...

Here we go, hold on to your butts!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/meggachaddd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
today openai just announced something that is completely game changing this is going to completely change the way you use chat GPT it's going to give you internet access inside of chat GPT it's going to allow you to upload images and video and audio and CSV files and connect it to your website and do pretty much anything that you could possibly imagine with chat GPT this is that game changing and I'm going to show you all about it right now so the first big announcement came from open AI they announced that chat GPT will Implement support for plugins plugins essentially extend the functionality of chat GPT and allow you to sort of bolt on additional tools to what chat GPT is already capable of for example they're starting with Expedia fiscal note instacart kayak karna shopping Milo family AI OpenTable shop speak Wolfram and zapier they also have two of their own plugins a web browser and a code interpreter and they've open sourced the code for knowledge base retrieval plugin so that other people can can actually create plugins for their own knowledge bases to attach to chat GPT now when I heard this news I immediately went over to chat GPT and saw that I was not one of the people that had access to plugins yet and I don't think this is widely rolled out in fact if we look at their website it says we will begin extending plug-in Alpha access to users and developers from our wait list while we initially prioritize a small number of developers and chat GPT plus users we plan to roll out larger scale access over time fairly soon we'll be able to access this stuff inside of our own chat GPT but they did release some videos that kind of give you an example of the types of things you'll be able to do with plugins so here's an example of the browsing plugin here down at the bottom they type how do this year's Oscar winners compare to recently released movies for box office sales it now browses the web because this has a browsing plug-in for it it reads the information that it got from browsing and then gives a response the 2023 Oscar winner for Best Picture everything everywhere all at once earned 100 million at the box office recently released movies such as Scream 6 have grossed 58 million 529 284 in the first seven days while Scream 6 had a strong start at the box office it's worth noting that everything everywhere all at once has had a longer run in theaters to accumulate its 100 million in box office sales so with this additional plug-in even though chat GPT itself is only trained through 2021 using the browsing plugin it will actually be able to search the internet and augment our results with what it found on the internet now there's a lot of tools out there a lot of Chrome extensions that claim to extend the functionality of chat GPT for you by connecting it to the web on your behalf and well a lot of those extensions are going to become obsolete thanks to plugins like this they also show in this demo that it does cite its sources they hover their finger over the little citation there and it shows the link is to Box Office Mojo and here's another demo where they install the Wolfram Alpha the opentate table in the instacart plugin and then they ask looking to eat vegan food in San Francisco this weekend can you get me one great restaurant suggestion for Saturday and a simple recipe for Sunday just the ingredients please calculate the calories for the recipe using Wolfram Alpha finally order the ingredients on instacart so they connected Open Table plug-in which will help them find a vegan food restaurant in San Francisco They connected the Wolfram plug-in which does all sorts of complex calculations for them to help them find the calories of their meals and then they connected the instant cart plug-in to help them find and order the ingredients you can see that it uses the Open Table plug-in I found a great vegan restaurant in San Francisco for you to try on Saturday Green's Restaurant you can make a reservation for your desired time through the provided link it gave them a link there to make a reservation for Sunday here's a simple vegan recipe with the ingredients it moved on to that next instruction where it gives them ingredients for a chickpea salad and then it says says now let's calculate the calories for this recipe using Wolfram Alpha the total calories for the chickpea salad recipe are approximately 862 dietary calories here's the breakdown of the ingredients and their calorie content so it's using Wolfram to figure out the calories of the chickpeas the Cucumber the red bell peppers the red onions and it gives them a full breakdown of the calories of that meal and then it says now let's order the ingredients from instacart and it uses the instacart plug-in here's your shopping list for the chickpea salad and it adds all the items to an instacart shopping list that you can just click on and it takes you over the instacart app and allows you to order all of those ingredients and put them all in a shopping cart for you already so that you can order those ingredients with one click of a button you have that order it did all of those from a single prompt connected to all of these various plugins that were added to chat GPT and then they also have a demo here using the code interpreter plug-in so the prompt down at the bottom plot Function One sign X it's code interp operator is running and figuring that out you can see here's a graph of the function one sine X please note that the graph has vertical asymptotes where sine X is zero for clarity the y-axis range has been limited to negative 10 and 10. now this kind of stuff is over my head but the code interpreter plugin added onto gpt4 instead of chat GPT was able to figure this stuff out the next prompt zoom into range of X values between 0 and 1 and then it drew a new chart here's the graph of the functions one sine X zoomed in to the range of X values between 0 and 1. plot a tangent line to the graph at x equals 0.3 and there you go it drew the tangent line so it can do all sorts of graphing and complex charting and then check this out it actually opens up a CSV file directly inside of chat GPT and it says great you've uploaded and file named music.csv how can I help you with this file and then it writes The Prompt what are The Columns of this data set here are the columns in the music CSV data set and then it lists all of the columns because it is actually able to read the CSV file inside of chatgpt how many rows does it have the music CSV data set has 10 000 rows can you run some basic visualizations and then check this out it just created all those charts right there here are some of the basic visualizations based on the music.csv data set histogram of song durations this shows the distribution of song durations in seconds a scatter plot of song hotness versus artist familiarity and the bar chart of the top 10 most frequent artist names and it pulled all that data from the CSV that they uploaded now let's do the following analysis let's exclude year 0 Let's consider only years with over 100 songs from the set of years let's find a quantity that is the most positively correlated with time the quantity that is most positively correlated with time in the filter data set is song loudness can you plot that and then they plot that on the graph here's a scatter plot of song loudness first year in the filter data set the plot shows the relationship between the loudness of songs and the year they were released with data points representing individual songs make an aggregated plot here's a plot of the mean song loudness by year in the filter data set the plot shows the trend of the average loudness of songs over time with data points representing the mean loudness for each year so this is all using this code interpreter model here's another one they just uploaded a PNG file great it looks like you've uploaded a file let's take a look so here's the PNG file that was uploaded into chat GPT and then the description it gave is this is a Neo modernist python icon in the form of a digital painting it features a stylized depiction of the Python logo with bold lines geometric shapes the color palette is modern and sophisticated with shades of blue green and yellow so it actually looked at the image and pulled all that information about that image and then the next prompt they give can you make it 4X smaller here's the Neo modernist python icon image resized to be 4X smaller can you turn it to grayscale here it is in grayscale please tint it a little light green here it is a little light green now use opencv to select foreground only so now it's using computer vision to find just the foreground of the image here is the Neo modernist python icon image with the foreground selected and the background removed I mean it's kind of hard to tell but you can tell it's just a black background in the upper image still has a little bit of a green shaded background to it so it actually removed the background using opencv can you make a download link for me sure here's your download link like this is crazy and that's all using the code interpreter that's going to just be a available plug-in in chat GPT plus pretty soon now here it is showing off the retrieval plug-in where you can sync it up to other data sources and it will use those data sources as the context for its responses so this is synced up to a United Nations data source and they asked what human rights were introduced last year in 2022 one of the human rights that was introduced and emphasized was the human right to clean healthy and sustainable environment etc etc how has thinking on climate change evolved over the years you have access to use a table and then it's using the United Nations data source again and then it starts to just draw a chart of all of the data it has access to inside of that database notice that the database is beyond 2021 that's because it's pulling from the United Nations database and not chat gpt's knowledge base and these are just the demos that they show on open ai's website right now some other really cool demos started popping up on Twitter as well here's one that Sam ellman and the CEO of openai posted himself he connected chatgpt to Wolfram and then he asked what is the current distance from Earth to Jupiter Wolfram does whatever computations it does the current distance from Earth to Jupiter is approximately 5.908 astronomical units this is equivalent to all of these big numbers 549.2 million miles the light travel time between Earth and Jupiter at this distance is about 49 minutes and then here's another demo posted by Greg Brockman on Twitter he uploaded an mp4 file an actual video file and he's using the code interpreter plug-in here and then he asks can you extract the first five seconds of this video and then it works on it runs some code does some computations here the first five seconds of the video have been successfully extracted you can download the extracted video clip from the following link and then it gives them a link to where he can download the first five seconds from the video that he just uploaded and then he shows playing a five second clip of that same exact video there how mind-blowing is this this is just insane this adds sort of unlimited functionality to chat GPT and once again this is just going to totally blow so many other companies that are building on top of gpt3 out of the water because now you're just going to be able to do it with chat GPT and here's another demo from Greg Brockman using the browsing plugin where it actually connects chat GPT to the internet he types what is the response on hn to the chat GPT plugins announcement it knew that hn he was referring to Hacker News it's now searching Hacker News it's reading the content on Hacker News and it's responding the response to the chat GPT plugin announcement on Hacker News includes a variety of comments from the community many users are excited about the ability to create their own plugins with some mentioning the retrieval plugin as a starter kit that offers built-in Integrations to the Pinecone Vector database etc etc and it goes off to show the sort of reception that people had towards this announcement on Hacker News overall the response on Hacker News seems to be a mix of excitement skepticism and anticipation for the potential impact of chat GPT plugins on various domains and then Ben tassel he actually works with zapir he was able to show off some of the stuff that you'll be able to do with zapier now these are gifts so I can't really go full screen so I'll have to zoom in as best as I can here but here's this example now he's setting up a chat GPT action with zapier he connected his Gmail account you can see the enable plugin up here is the zapier logo find my last email from Lars using zapier it found the last email and it starts to paste in the content of the email and then it says you can also view the email directly in your Gmail inbox by clicking here now the implications of these chat GPT plugins are huge it extends the functionality of Chachi PT by so much Chachi PT is going to have access to the web it's going to have access to zapier so you can connect it with all sorts of different tools like your email autoresponders or slack or Discord or any other tool that connects with zapier you'll be able to upload CSV files upload image files upload audio or video files and have it do the editing on them for you and cut out clips from it and remove backgrounds and do all sorts of crazy stuff with images once again we're seeing a tool we're seeing a big company come in and just add features to their tool that are literally entire products that other companies have been selling so other companies that are out there that are based on gpt3 or that add web connectivity to gpt3 or do pretty much anything on top of gpt3 if you have chat GPT plus and you install some plugins you can pretty much just do it with chat GPT now this sort of infinitely extends the functionality of chat GPT plus now it'll be interesting to see if some plugins become like premium plugins similar like WordPress where some of these plugins you actually have to buy to get extended functionality we'll see if a whole new industry Sprouts up from this I'd say that's kind of likely but also you're building in somebody else's playground and if other plugins start to pop up and people sell them well then other plugins are probably going to pop up and people people are gonna give away for free or chat GPT is just going to build it in so we're gonna see this kind of back and forth with smaller companies trying to build and innovate and then the bigger companies like open AI Microsoft Google companies like that just saying it's a feature now in our bigger tool so it's going to be a real real interesting game in the AI world now if you want to stay in the loop with all of the latest AI Tech that's coming out all the latest Cool Tools all that sort of stuff check out futuretools.io this is the website where I curate all of the coolest tools that I come across and I put them on the website in an easy to organize and easy to find Manner and if you don't really want to spend the time going through the tools join the free newsletter every Friday I send you basically the tldr of the week where I show my five favorite tools that came across my desk I share a handful of news articles a handful of YouTube videos and one cool way to make money with AI check out the newsletter futuretools.io and if you like videos like this make sure you hit the thumbs up button and click the little subscribe button down below that'll make sure you see more videos just like this in your feed thanks so much appreciate you for tuning in I'll see you guys the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 532,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, ChatGPT, OpenAI, GPT4, GPT3, GPT-4, GPT-3, GPT 4, GPT 3, open ai, open ai chat gpt, ai chatbot, gpt 3 ai, ai news, openai chatgpt, gpt 3 demo, chat gpt, ai tools, chatgpt examples, ai chat, gpt 4 demo, google ai, chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt ai, openai chat, openai chatbot, gpt 3 chatbot, gpt 4 ai, gpt-4 demo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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