My AI "Second Brain" To Make Life Easier

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the two most common questions that I get on literally a daily basis is one how do you keep your finger on the pulse of everything that's going on in Ai and two what are the actual AI tools that you use yourself on a daily basis because admittedly although I talk about tons and tons of AI tools and I show them off in these videos and I highlight them all on Future tools and I mention them in my newsletter there really is only a handful that I use on a daily basis if you look on Twitter or Discord I'm constantly getting comments from people asking do you ever sleep I think the perception is that I'm actually putting way more time into all of this than in reality I actually am because I do lean on a lot of really cool tools and a lot of really cool resources that make my life a lot easier and so I'm gonna break down in this video how I use Ai and various tools and various resources to essentially be my second brain keep me in the loop and keep me tapped in with all the news now the first tool that I use on literally a daily basis is chat GPT I am in chat G pet all of the time you can see over in my chat history on the left I have a lot of conversations going at any given time one thing I've even started using chat GPT for is to be my personal YouTube consultant I gave it this original prompt I have a YouTube channel and you are my YouTube Mentor I'm going to tell you about the types of videos that do well the types that don't do well and what I enjoy creating I'm also going to share some struggles I'm having I want you to give advice and make recommendations for me based on the information that I give you around my best course of action with the channel GPT then went and asked me some questions it said tell me the types of videos that do well on your channel the types of videos that don't do well on your channel what you enjoy creating the struggles you're currently having with your channel I gave it some additional context and it gave me a whole plan of action for YouTube I then said can you ask me even more questions about my YouTube channel to help you create even more tailored advice so I'd ask questions about my target audience my video length my audience interaction monetization strategy competitor analysis growth strategy video production I answered all of its questions here and then it gave me even more detailed advice and optimization strategies for my channel in fact it was chat GPT that told me to reduce my posting frequency down to about three videos per week when previously I was doing between five and six a week when I'm struggling with a video idea I come into this chat window that has all this additional context that I've fed it in the past and I say hey I'm struggling with a video idea today what video should I make and it'll give me suggestions things like Ai and everyday life surprising examples and then it gives me feedback on how to actually create the video so when it comes to daily tools chat GPT is definitely one that I am constantly using now the next tool that I use every single day without fail is called my mind and it kind of looks like a giant Pinterest board but it's just anything that I find that's interesting around the web now my my mind is mostly full of AI stuff that I come across so cool AI tweets cool AI YouTube videos various GitHub Hub repositories that have interesting projects on them blogs news articles things like that but it's pretty much purely anything that I come across related to AI lands in my mind now what's cool and where the AI lies in my mind isn't necessarily that it's just a giant listing of all of the cool stuff that I came across but it's that it actually organizes everything and automatically tags everything so for example let's say I'm about to make a video about mid-journey and I want to find all of the stuff that I've recently rounded up about mid-journey I can come up to search my mind here type mid journey and it's going to bring up all of the content I found around mid-journey recently including tweets YouTube videos websites and anything else that I've come across recently if I want to make a video about stable diffusion I can type in stable diffusion and it will bring up all of the things that I've saved recently that are related to stable diffusion maybe I'm gonna make a video about AI music I can type AI music and it's going to hunt down everything I've saved recently around AI music got tools here like music LM from Google I've got tweets here like this one from Roberto Nixon who found YouTube videos like this one from Nerdy rodent here about singing in any language and it just rounds up anything that I've saved from music if there's searches that you search often like I search mid-journey often I can actually save this is what they call a space and you can see it's called a smart space here and it's just an automatic search for anything related to Mid Journey if I saved a whole bunch of news I could come up here and type news and it'll pull up all of the news that I've recently saved and this is all from the my mind tool doing this automatic tagging behind the scenes to help you figure out the context of anything you saved now you can add your own tags to things like if I come up to this tool I can click add tags and give it some additional context if I want which will help the search and I can add additional notes to this maybe I'm going to make a video about it and I want to add some notes about what this video is going to be about I can do that and add extra context here but my favorite great thing to do is just dump things into this and then search them later so I just came across this YouTube video on Twitter of Jordan Peterson interviewing Brian romley about Ai and I want to watch this interview later I don't have time to watch it now but I want to remember that I want to watch it later now I could just go to YouTube and add it to my watch later but I tend to throw a lot of things in there and just forget to watch them however I am inside of my mind every single day and I rarely forget to watch the stuff that I plug into here so what I'll do is I'll come up to this little plus button this is my my mind Chrome extension I click this and it says save to your mind now if I click back over to my mind you can see it's taking a screenshot of the video right now and there it is I have it saved to my mind and I will come back to it later here's a tweet thread that I came across from my buddy Linus about how to make simple images in mid-journey I don't have time to read it right now because well I'm recording a video and I do want to come back and read this thread later so I can come up here press my plus button and now it's saved in my mind if I come over to my mind you can see it's saving it for me and now if I search for mid-journey up here you can see that this tweet that Linus did is now in my list of mid-journey related items so that's my mind and I use it constantly this also has a mobile app so if you're browsing Twitter or YouTube from your phone you can automatically save it from the app as well if I'm standing in line somewhere browsing Twitter and I want to read an article or watch a YouTube video later I save it to my mind if I'm in the middle of recording a video and I come across something interesting that I want to reread later I save it to my mind if somebody shares a cool tool or cool video inside of the Future tools Discord and I want to revisit later I save it to my mind this is just where I dump everything AI related and I have this tab open pretty much all day every day and I'm clicking back and forth between it to remember what I wanted to look at but also this is where I get inspiration for videos if I'm trying to figure out what video I want to make today I just start scrolling through my mind and looking at all of the stuff that I saved I created my own custom tag called archived so for example this hugging face transfer formers I already made a video about it so I tagged it with made video and archive here and if I want to sort it down to just the stuff that's not archived I created a custom space here that hides all of the stuff that I put the archive tag on it so now it's only showing the stuff that I haven't made videos about yet now the next AI tool that I use every single day and this helps me really keep my finger on the pulse of the latest news in Tech is I use Feedly and Feedly has their own AI that they call Feedly Leo and this basically searches the web for topics that you give it and then bring it into a news feed of all of that news for you for example I have an AI web alert here if I click refine you can see how it's set up track specific companies products and topics across the web so it's watching for these topics artificial intelligence machine learning deep learning generative art and gpt3 and product launches so it has to be one of these and a product launch and you can see it found news that features one of these topics and and a product launch alphabet's intrinsic launches Flow State a robotic app development platform IBM launches Watson X Paving a path to faster Enterprise AI adoption Nike reveals 3D printed shoes with AI Etc I've got this one that's called future of work all the same topics here artificial intelligence machine learning deep learning GPT gpt3 natural language processing so it's got to have one of those keywords in it plus future of work you can see some of the Articles it found the disappearing white collar job on slash dot defining industry responsibility for AI based technology on Venture beat get AI help warehouses reduce the impact of Labor shortages on all things supply chain so these are websites that I would never normally visit never normally subscribe to an RSS feed but because I'm using this AI Feedly Leo tool it's searching pretty much every website it can for anything related to these topics I'm looking for the third one I have in here same topics AI machine learning deep learning natural language processing and tutorials and then I just have this all feed here which is pretty much all of these AI feeds plus the big Tech blogs that I like to follow so I follow meta's Blog the official Google Blog nvidia's blog open ai's blog and the official Microsoft blog any blog post that any of these companies release I see it in my feed on new sites I've got TechCrunch in The Verge so any AI related posts in these feeds I see in my main feed and then again anything that the Feedly AI brings up and you can see just today it found 348 articles and I can skim through them and keep my finger on the pulse of the news and when I go to update Future tools and you see this super up-to-date AI news page here that's usually because it popped up in my Feedly news feed here and I shared it to my website now reading all these articles sounds like a fairly daunting task so I have some automations to help me with that as well in fact this is one of the newer ones that I've started playing with it's called recast you can find it at let's and this is a tool tool that will read blog posts and then play them back for you as if it was like a conversational podcast so the best way to show this off is just to give an example of it so here's the anthropic article from the other day about how they've extended their context window to a hundred thousand tokens here's the whole article it's a fairly short article to begin with but I wanted to use a short article so that the recap would also be kind of short I can come up to this little button up here for recast click recast it and when I click that it opens up a page like this that turned a four minute read into a two-minute conversation and it's actually only a minute 44. so let's go ahead and listen back to how this conversation sounds this is a recast of the 300 word piece introducing 100K context windows from woo dot this article introduces a new tool that can analyze and retrieve data from large texts in less than a minute let's listen in recently anthropic has released an update to their AI Claude the update expands the context window from nine thousand to one hundred thousand tokens this means that businesses can now submit hundreds of pages of materials for Claude to analyze amazing so this update allows Claude to read and analyze large quantities of text with a fraction of the time it would take a human that's right for example anthropic loaded the entire text of The Great Gatsby into Claude instant and it correctly identified a modified line in 22 seconds impressive so what are some of the applications for this update with one hundred thousand context Windows businesses can comprehend summarize and elucidate dense documents such as financial statements or research papers they can also evaluate strategic risks and possibilities for a company based on its yearly report furthermore they can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a piece of legislation recognize risks themes and arguments across legal documents read through hundreds of pages of developer documentation and surface answers to technical questions that's incredible that's it for today so you can hear that they made it it sound like a podcast where they were asking somebody questions and there was multiple voices in there and it just made it more engaging and interesting to listen to and all of that content was just found in this blog post here they just had something like the chat GPT API go and reword it as a conversational sounding podcast now another tool that I like to use to help me summarize articles is I like to use the perplexity Chrome extension as well where you can search the entire internet this domain or this page so for example I can search just this page and say explain this article like I'm five and there we go anthropic a company that works on artificial intelligence has made a new model called Claude that can understand and analyze up to 100 000 words at once it's not totally true it's a hundred thousand tokens the model can use this information to have long conversations and understand complex things so I do use this perplexity tool a lot in fact I love using it on the Future tools website I've actually demoed this in a past video you can come to to and actually ask it about specific tools for your own use cases so if I open the perplexity app on this site and then click on this domain I could type something like what are some AI tools I can use to create 3D images it's searching just this domain there are several AI tools that can be used to create 3D images 3dfi dot AI if I click this little one here you can see it opens up 3dfi dot AI on Future tools kdim is an AI powered tool that enables users to generate high definition 3D models from 2D images in minutes if I click the citation here you can see it opens up kdem here on Future tools 3D Presto snow pixel it shows you all the various tools right here that can help you create 3D images edit search Just the Future tools domain so if you don't want to use this search engine you want to actually use natural language to find something specific that you're looking for you can just ask the question straight into perplexity and it'll help you find it on the site I actually search my own site using this perplexity tool but eventually I want to build this kind of tool directly into Future tools but for now perplexity does a really good job at it now one thing recast doesn't do well and perplexity doesn't do well is read PDFs for example I like to go to and find all the latest research papers and read up on them for example here's a universal Source separation with weekly labeled data you can see it took a input and it separated animal sounds human sounds music Etc it was able to separate out all the various audio files well I want to learn a little bit more about this paper so if I view the PDF you can see it's a 16 page PDF here that explains how this works well if I try to read it in perplexity and I say this page and I say what is this PDF about it says the search results do not provide a clear answer to what this PDF is about so perplexity can't read this PDF if I try to use let's recast I can click on let's recast here and click recast it I get this email that says your submission to recast from can't be processed we detected as a PDF file which is not something we currently convert to a recast thanks for your understanding so neither of those tools can do anything with this PDF now for PDFs I used to like to go to this but they recently changed the pricing where they now limit how much you can do for free before you were able to enter your API key and it didn't seem to limit it much but now they have you know monthly fees and limits on what you can do and I've essentially stopped using this one as much now and ever since it stopped allowing me to use my own API key it seems to actually be a lot more buggy it doesn't actually give me responses and the PDFs seem to fail to upload more often and I don't know they just seem to change a bunch and I hate to say it but they kind of made it worse I tend to use chat PDF instead I like that I can just upload it straight from a URL so I can grab this PDF URL here on jump into chat PDF import from URL paste the URL in and say go get it so it read the PDF and it gave me some example question here but I always like to ask this one first what does this research aim to achieve explain it like I'm a five-year-old and it says this research is about teaching computers to listen to sounds and separate them into different parts for example if you hear a song with many instruments playing at the same time the computer can learn to separate each instrument sound so that you can hear them separately this is important because it helps us understand and analyze sounds better so now I have a very very basic overview of what this PDF does and I can dive in and ask it more questions to better learn what this PDF and this research is so when I make videos about here's the latest research here's the latest technology that's coming out I usually go through this process read the research paper through something like chat PDF to get a better idea of it and by the end of having a conversation with it I'll have a much better idea of the explanation of how this research paper works so these are really the tools that I'm using to sort of Outsource my brain to Ai and now I know there's going to be a lot of criticism I'm already expecting it where people are going to say oh if you're Outsourcing your brain to AI it's just going to make people dumber and they're not going to have to think as much and they're not going to have to read as much I've found exactly the opposite to be true personally since AI has entered my life and tools like these have entered my life I've become 10 times more Curious I go through so much more content I read a ton more research papers all of this is done is made me go deeper down these rabbit holes and learn about more things it's given me the ability to access more tools more research and better understand them when the wording is over my head I use tools like this to bring it down to my level a little bit and better understand it and then the next time I read complex papers since I've already brought it down to my level a little bit they feel a little bit less complex later on I found that this helps me learn way more it's made me way less lazy it's made me more Curious and it's made me want to go down these rabbit holes even deeper yeah yes it may make some people lazier but I highly doubt the types of people that are watching my YouTube videos on this kind of tools are the people that this is going to make lazier if you're watching channels like mine you're probably the type that's super curious that loves this stuff that loves going down these rabbit holes that wants to use this technology to be able to consume more not to be lazier that's my take on it at least and that's how it's played out for me so far now there is one last tool that I want to share with you it's not an AI tool but it is a tool that helps me tremendously on my day-to-day processes to not go insane with all the conversations that I'm trying to have at any given time and this tool is called texts and you can find it over at and it's a single app just a single tool that combines all of these Apple iMessage WhatsApp telegram signal Facebook Messenger Twitter chatgpt Instagram LinkedIn Reddit Google Chat slack and Discord DMS it brings all of those things into a single tool so so all of your Communications on all of the various chat platforms just use one single tool this is what text looks like when you're actually using it and there are so many cool features of this tool so you can see I'm having a conversation here on Twitter this is a conversation on Discord this is a conversation on WhatsApp Twitter this is a telegram conversation here I could scroll down Twitter conversation Twitter conversation Facebook Messenger conversation Twitter conversation Twitter conversations a Discord conversation so you can see that all of the various messaging apps all end up in one platform and the people that I talk to the most frequently I can actually pin to the top so this is one of my team members here that helps me keep Future tools up to date you can see I've got his conversation pinned to the top because he's somebody that I talk to on a daily basis same with Mark he's my editor here I talk to him on a daily basis so he's pinned to the top I've already read his message for today so I can actually Mark as read let's say I haven't actually read his message and I just glanced at it real quick and I don't want it to be red I can actually mark it as unread and it doesn't matter which platform you're talking to these people in you can mark it as read or mark it as unread you can schedule messages to go out to people later so I can say thanks for the help on this come over here to this little arrow and click Send later and say go ahead and send it in an hour this is now scheduled to send at 5 PM my time which is an hour from now if DMS keep popping up and you don't want to see them anymore you can mute those conversations you can archive conversations so they pull out of your main window here you can create labels to organize them into labels like other important work personal Etc you can snooze messages by clicking remind later and it will hide it and then bring that message back up a day from now a week from now when you need to respond to it all the cool features that we get in tools like Gmail now and the various email platforms we can have in our messaging platforms with something like if you've ever used a tool like superhuman for email this is like superhuman but for all of your DMs all in a single place and I absolutely love it again I know it's not an AI tool it's just a tool that's made me 10 times more productive because I'm not going to Twitter DMS and Discord and slack and messenger and all of these different places to keep in the loop with these conversations they all just get dumped into this one place and I just have one giant listing of all the conversations I'm in the middle of right now now with text you do have to get on a wait list and then they let people in off the wait list over time but I highly recommend checking it out and getting on the wait list they're not a sponsor or anything like that I just managed to get early beta access and I've been using it for a couple months now and it has absolutely been game changing for my productivity and keeping in the loop with all the conversations I'm in the middle of so there you go that's pretty much a breakdown of my daily workflow the AI tools that I use on a daily basis if there's any other AI tools that I use on a daily basis I would also add mid journey and stable diffusion into the mix they didn't really fit in with the context of the rest of this video but I use those every day as well to make my thumbnails for my YouTube videos and to make things like memes for Twitter and if I'm editing a video myself sometimes I'll generate some AI images for b-roll for the video so I do use mid-journey and stable diffusion quite a bit but I've made other videos about that and that's pretty much my daily workflow that's how I keep my finger on the pulse of everything going on in AI I use those handful of tools that's how I keep up with conversations I use my mind to toss anything that I want to Circle back to or make content around in the future I started using recast and chat PDF to help me better understand articles and research papers and things like that I use Feedly to stay in the loop with all of the AI news that's coming out and I use chat GPT as sort of a personal advisor when I have questions or I'm kind of struggling with what to do next on YouTube or Twitter or something like that and then finally I use texts to keep all the conversations going and to make sure that anybody that's dming me that I absolutely need to respond to I see all right that's all I got for you I'm done rambling thanks so much for nerding out with me today if you like to nerd out about all these Cool Tools and the AI AI World head over to this is where I add new tools that I'm coming across pretty much every single day I keep the AI news page up to date so if you don't want to go through all these steps to stay in the loop with the research I'll do it for you and if you just want to get updated once a week join the free newsletter every single Friday I'll send you a handful of news articles the five coolest tools that I came across a few YouTube videos and one cool way to make money with AI it's every Friday I don't send any other emails during the week but that one newsletter on Friday you can join up at it's completely free just click this join the free newsletter button thanks again for tuning in if you like videos like this make sure you give this one a thumbs up and subscribe to this Channel and I'll make sure more videos like this show up in your feed really really appreciate you see you guys in the next video bye thank you [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 196,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, ai tools, ai productivity, ai news, ai research, best ai tools, free ai tools, new ai tools, ai tools 2023, ai productivity tools, top ai tools, ai, crazy free ai tools, chatgpt, chat gpt, chatgpt 4, how to use chatgpt, gpt 4, gpt, matt wolfe, openai, productivity, generative ai, ai marketing, new ai, MyMind, Feedly, Recast, LetRecast, ChatPDF,, texts, Perplexity
Id: 3u80Zuwf2Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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