A Single AI Prompt Built This Entire Website!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies
in this video I'm going to demo a tool that will build an entire website and brand and all of the design for you off of a single idea just one prompt let's dig in so if we come over here to Future tools and we type in web design and narrow it down there's a handful of web design tools in here the one I want to focus in on today is this tool called mixo Mi XO so let's take a peek at this one here with this tool it says you can launch a startup in seconds with AI and you can get started for free now instead of reading the landing page let's just dive in and take a look at what it's capable of so let's click get started for free and it'll bring us to this question that says what's your startup idea you don't even have to have a name for your company yet you can just come here and type in the idea for a startup so let's just plug in a random idea let's just say a Chrome extension that uses AI to search Twitter and find relevant questions to answer for your brand and click generate site and then watch it's going to go through all these kind of like things here connecting to AI submitting description federating a startup name designing a logo collecting site images crafting testimonials writing site copy generating site code configuring site it's literally doing all of this stuff behind the scenes off of just one prompt optimizing SEO and here we go it built an entire site here it picked a brand name called quick tweet Searcher reach customers with AI powered search a Chrome extension that uses AI to search Twitter and find relevant questions to answers for your brand and then let's take a peek at the website that it generated for us quick tweet Searcher so it's got the brand name at the top reach customers with AI powered search it put images here it put in opt-in form to join our wait list here put the description of the tool here it generated a testimonial quick tweet Searcher has revolutionized how I find relevant questions to answer Olivia Vela and then it put a headshot in there which I believe was probably AI generated or it's a stock image improve your customer service quick tweets Furniture helps you to quickly find customer questions and provide answers to boost your customer service and branding reach potential customers with quick tweet Searcher you can easily find potential customers who are searching questions relevant to your brand and reach out to them got another testimonial down here that it auto-generated this extension has made it so much easier to reach potential customers down here it's got a call to action join our community of fans that love quick tweet Searcher so pretty cool but let's say I want to customize this even more I can click over here and save and customize and then it's going to ask you to log in so let's go ahead and sign in with Google real quick now it's saving the site into my own dashboard here and now we're presented with the option to pay it's nine dollars a month or 39 a month but we can actually play around with this without paying yet so let's go ahead and click on continue with just the free plan and you can see here's our site and we've got a whole page builder here so if we open up the site you can see this is the logo that it generated it's purple and gray here's the site name we can change the brand if we want our site title the site description that shows up right here we can tweak all of that even created our site social share image the open graph image for this product let's see what happens when we change the colors here you can see it shifts the colors here on the website so if we want more blues for our colors it'll change the whole website put more of these Blues throughout the website we can customize any of this if we don't like the name we can change the name we've got our hero image up here you can see we've got this is where the title is for each customers with AI powered search so we can tweak this text here we've got our subtitle which shows up right here at the primary button we've got our sign up form here where we can change this text join our wait list we could change the text on the button there join the wait list we've got a real real easy page editor we've got features so feature one is improve your customer service you can see that it generated this for improve your customer service if I uncheck this it'll hide that section second again it'll bring it back we've got our image here we can swap out the image if we want or we can use the one that it automatically generated for us feature 2 reach potential customers we can hide this one here if we want and get back we can add a third feature in here if we want show this third feature let's say grow your Twitter following look at that it added this headline here down here we've got testimonials you can see that it pulled in this testimonial we can change it with a real one when we go live this is just kind of filler content we've got an FAQ section which is currently hidden but if I show a section you can add an FAQ to the page just that easily it already added a few FAQ questions that you could use and just write your response to you've got your call to action down here at the bottom join our community of fans that love quick tweet Searcher we could hide the Avatar images if we want we can bring them back we can change the primary button change the sign up form we can add a note section down here at the bottom let's see what that does a note from our founder and we can add some extra text down here add an image URL if you want but it's pretty cool now scroll up to the top here and let's let's just publish our site one moment we're performing some magic building the site there we go we have a site that is published and ready to go now if I click on this you can see here is my example site quick tweet Searcher with my text with my opt-in form here with our feature list all of this was designed for me and the only prompt I typed in was a Chrome extension that uses AI to search Twitter and find relevant questions for your brand to answer that's all I typed in and it created this entire site the title the logo the images the text the opt-in form all of it and you know what's even cooler check this out let's just go ahead and put in Matt at futuretools.io and join the wait list success will be in touch soon so I just joined the wait list here now if I go back to my site dashboard and you can see here's quick tweet Searcher if I scroll down here check this out recent subscribers one subscriber so it actually added my email address to the list so it's actually a functioning website where if somebody opts in it'll save the email address and you can download your subscribers later and you know move them over to whatever autoresponder you want now earlier I did show you that you can upgrade for nine dollars a month or 39 a month the nine dollars a month lets you get that custom domain name it lets you export your subscribers you can integrate Google analytics and it removes that mixo branding that was down in the bottom right corner so see this down in the bottom right hand corner when you sign up it's actually going to remove that for you and then for the 39 a month plan you can launch up to 15 sites and if I wanted to customize the domain name it'll also ask me to upgrade here or if I wanted to add Google analytics to it and disable the badge It'll ask me to upgrade but here's what I really like about mixo mixo is the perfect validation tool let's say you have an idea for a software product and you don't know if you should build it or not you want to get some validation to find out if other people would actually use that product or it's something that's actually in demand well what you can do is you can sign up for mixo plug in the idea for your product you don't even have to have a name yet you don't even have to have a domain name for it yet you just have to have an idea for a product that you want you plug in that idea you go to mixo you build a quick landing page and then you can go and drive traffic to it you can run Facebook ads or Google ads or share it on Twitter or Facebook or Reddit or wherever you want to drive traffic and if you get people opting in for it you get people joining that wait list then you've validated the product you now know that people are actually interested in that product this to me is the perfect way to validate a concept for any sort of software or let's say you have an educational course you're thinking about creating or a service you're thinking about offering and you don't want to go out and offer it yet until you know that people are actually going to want it or want to buy it well this is what you use you go and create a quick page that takes you literally minutes with mixo and it does everything for you and then you just drive traffic to it and then once you know that people want it you go and actually build the product so that's what I love about mixo you can find this tool by going to futuretools.io coming up to the search box typing in web design and you'll see this tool along with a handful of other tools that will help you with web design as well as product validation on top of hundreds of other tools that leverage cool AI technology so check out futuretools.io you're going to find a ton of really cool tools there that you probably never even thought could exist and if you haven't already make sure you subscribe to the newsletter as well come over to futuretools.io click on the join the free newsletter button and every single Friday I'm going to send you my five favorite tools that I came across for the week I'm going to send you three really interesting news articles in the AI space three really cool YouTube videos that I know you're gonna dig and one cool way to make money using AI I send it every single Friday and if you join the list I'll make sure you get this Fridays so thanks so much for tuning into this video hope you enjoyed this super quick overview of a cool tool that I came across that I think you'd like if you want more tools like this make sure you like this video And subscribe to this channel that'll ensure that you see more stuff in your feed like this and thanks so much for tuning in I really appreciate you nerding out with me today see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 206,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, AI Art, AI Copy, AI Copywriting, AI Landing Page Builder, AI Opt-in Page, AI Product Validation, AI Sales Page, AI Squeeze Page, AI Webdesign, AI landing page, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Digital Marketing, FutureTools, Futurism, Internet Marketing, Landing Page Builder, Machine Learning, Mixo, Mixo.io, Product Validation, ai website builder
Id: Mrs6q1eypmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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