A Massive Collapse Reveals Something Spectacular

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[Music] [Music] back again folks well I've got some more Abbott's I want to go look at but we've got a bit of a problem right here in front of us yeah looks like the winner knocked a tree down right across the road and there's no way to get around that direction and there ain't no way to get around that direction cuz it's all blocked in with trees but no matter we have a plan for that right here what do you say we remove mr. tree yeah there we go and there's a good stout spot right good enough all right let's yank this thing out of here okay back again yeah that's right it just wouldn't be an adventure Channel if we didn't occasionally tug a tree out of the road let's get this old boy out of here but if we will just bring it right back over here get it completely off the road if we can we go yeah that's good enough all right we'll get out and unhook okay there we go well that wasn't so hard that's right always carry a chain with you you never know you say we pull this out of the road a little bit further that looks better all right folks let's continue on down the road hopefully we can find an adit to crawl into meet you down there okay let's see what what was worth all the trouble to get up in here by the looks of things no one has been here in a long long time we certainly have an adit but can you get into her yeah oh yeah yeah that's one we could we could get into why don't we why don't we take a look at the size of the waste rock pile because if it's just gonna be a little tiny 40-foot baby at it I'm not gonna crawl down into there although like that that one we found in what was it episode yeah episode 12 I believe with the beautiful zebra zebra striped geology in there you never know what you're gonna find here's the waste rock pile not very big folks it's an exploratory it'll probably go back in 50 feet 75 tops so why don't we choose our battles I'm gonna keep working my way down this valley maybe we can find something a little more substantial I'll keep looking around huh how are we going to get into that I got a big board right there sit down here on on this rusty old nail contemplate this for a moment well folks this is what we've got I don't know how I'm gonna get past that board right there okay it's gonna take a little bit of digging but I think this one's going to be worth it because I mean given the size of the waste rock piles behind me here all right I'm gonna get after it maybe we do a little digging right there I'll get that board out of the way let's see what we can come up with I'll be back in a bit okay back again guys well yeah it didn't take too much heck all I had to do is remove these two rotted Timbers right here they pulled out pretty easy then I just left some of the dirt down that way so we have a nice slide into it so yeah it wasn't hard oh look at there well darn it all anyways my backpack fell into it well I guess that just means we're gonna have to go in right I go after it all right I'll just slide on our butts without getting a bunch of dirt on us here oh yeah that was easy okay me one second I'm gonna set the camera down here just for a moment and then put my backpack on God have the backpack very important it has everything I need for emergencies okay all right well right off the bat excuse me we are in another modern mind and I would it would be safe to say and nobody's been in here since probably the 80s we've got a drift going off to the right and one big one to the left well let's keep going to the right shall we hmm well that one time they had this compressor line that is now on the floor it was hung up with these wires you see off there to the side but those have rusted out or something and it's all fallen to the floor now I'm feeling kind of special right now because I was just about ready to dig out that baby at it you know thinking thinking it would have really nice finds I'm glad we just kind of passed that one up and got to this one you can still see the tire tracks on the floor from oh it was probably the Eva mucker or the whatever piece of equipment they were running in and out here to pull the waste rock out nothing interesting as far as geology is concerned we're just working our way through a whole bunch of country rock there's some drill steel right there yeah just a bunch of country rock it's gonna be interesting to see what they were going after and what this intersects so I think the last time somebody was in this mine Madonna was popular and the Lost Boys were playing at the movie theater you know we got down here someone's old coat and gloves oh and here's it appears a rocket bolt folks right there that is a rock bolt see the groove there's the groove just right there first you drill your hole that's about 5 feet slide that up in the hole and then put in your bolt and twist just acts like I think of it as a big concrete anchor let's not forget Duran Duran you know they were playing on the radio back in they about 80s 85 I am just walking through here and going pretty quick folks because oh is this gonna be it well that's it for that one okay turning back around I'll meet back up with you folks where we branched off back there I'll meet you back there all right we made it back to the junction and that's where we just were went down that way so now let's work off this direction what do we have here oh it is a MSHA miners first-aid box interesting no filled with uh-oh all kinds of stuff you would need in case you got hurt bandages and you name it yeah we're not going to scratch through that folks we're gonna leave it right where it is cuz that's I don't know if it's somebody's property or not we're not going to take the chance it's not mine so let's leave it alone I've got an old ladder down here and a sign that says escape know if you can see it but there is like a packrat highway on the floor all very nice okay we're branching off well right hand rules let's go this direction there's some drill steel let's see we have up here that's it comes to it comes to the face of the mine alright oh and I probably should point that out some of you are asking what's that spray paint up there well that's where they mark it out I'm gonna use the laser here so this is where they're gonna blast so they're gonna drill here they're gonna drill up top down the side a couple in the middle just like that okay then you're gonna put your charges in along those perimeters and then you'll time your charges to either blow from Center out or from top down kind of depends on the makeup of the rock and let's not forget the ugly part of hard rock mining every single time you do a blast you gotta evacuate the whole mine everybody has to leave I'll go stand outside and you get a blast then there's a safe period and then they can come back in and start mucking and you do that over and over and over again Wow I would say the back of the mine here is probably 12 feet tall what do we have up here ooh big collapse big big big collapse look at this folks okay let me look at it real close see if I can safely get under it or is it even worth it does it go yeah it does keep on going okay well it would appear let me show you what's going on above me here all of this came down into this big pile so it looks like what what was gonna come down did come down and but let's get past as fast as possible shall we there we go all right do we have up here here we got a dynamite box before we touch it let's look and see if there's anything in it maybe we can get a date off of it huh oh we've got a whole bunch of drill steel laying here oh you're here oh okay try to get the light on it here we go see the tip of it there all right dangerous high-explosive Salt Lake City Utah I'm looking for a date lot four of 135 still looking huh surprised there's no date on there UN 0:08 one no that's the that's the type that's the UN designation 50-pound box no date guys I tried my best alright let's keep on looking this way what do we got here oh look at this collapse goodness gracious well I think this is as far as we're gonna go oh sorry if I turned on the big light huh so they shot the mine in all the way up to what used to be let's see here what used to be a big stoped out area that all collapsed and fell down I'm gonna try to get a better angle on it for you guys maybe we can if I can get over here and I'm standing on old rotten railroad ties everything that looks like what used to be the old workings huh I might be able to let's see let me choose my battle here yeah that looks pretty stout okay no those are just rocks falling under my feet folks don't worry Wow look at all of that to come down holy moly okay I'm gonna I think I can get right up here there we go way up in there that's probably 40 50 feet tall and let's look at the material let's see what there what's going after I'm seeing a bunch of bunch of quartz that's really interesting what is the name of that rock here I go again I've been a hard time finding the name decayed granite seeing that in here oh let's look here real quick we got here oh yeah I'm seeing sulfide sparkling in that one look at the size of these big rock bolts hang in here okay I have to go up a little bit higher curiosity may kill the cat folks we don't need strobe I gotta take a closer look at this Wow well I not gonna be able to climb this guy's nope it's just too much crusty material besides I would imagine this is as far as it goes anyways look back up there yeah see if I get to the top of this all that rock right here in front of me is gonna come falling down so okay let's get out of here looking back down see how ugly this is we did get a good shot of the vein here look at that and that pretty crumbly alright well that was fun yeah I didn't want to push my luck and see cuz that's really not a Stoke that's a collapse they had the whole back of the mine Rock bolted and it failed just like this I'm gonna leave the camera on what we work our way through this sketchy spot here we go alright folks well I'm gonna work my way back out of this and I think that's going to have to do it for today's adventure I appreciate you all coming along and thank you so much all my new subscribers appreciate you coming on board and subscribing to the channel and yeah if you could share this with all your friends I know there's a lot of people out there that love this sort of thing but most you all have phobias and and you're afraid of ghosts and paranormal stuff and you wouldn't come into a place like this if somebody paid you so um so if you know someone like that yeah send them a link say hey look what this crazy guys doing all right okay I'm gonna get on out of here that was a lot of fun and I will see you folks next weekend okay see you then take care bye now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 381,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: j6Skl5mRd30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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