We'll Meet Again (2002) | Full Movie | Mary Higgins Clark | Laura Leighton | Brandy Ledford

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malee lash is there anything you would like to save before I pass it is yes your honor I've heard what the district attorney says I did I've listened to the testimony of the people who knew us I've looked in the eyes of my friends and saw pain guilt pity anger but never faith I've seen the photographs I know all the evidence says I killed my husband I know what the residents of Briarwood have been saying about me throughout this trial I can't even stand before you and deny the accusation because I have no memory of what happened that night and maybe never will the only defense I have to offer is my heart for in my heart I know I could never kill my husband however I accept the evidence as shown to be true and agreed to the terms set forth by my attorney well what do you think huh a hell of a closing statement then Molly OS didn't have a flair for the dramatics come on you think she whacked him how should I know you went to school with her right high school over 15 years ago so how much can somebody change his high school I wouldn't know we moved to New York my senior year look here's the thing she gets released from prison today I want to do a follow-up story on the word of Gary lash mmm I do a four-part special pictures got the whole nine yards you're kidding no I'm not kidding this was a big stop when she went up six years ago people gobbled it up high society wife kills her husband for having a seedy affair it's great I can't do it Tim of course you can't do it go to Briarwood visit some of your old haunts all right only this time I want to cover all the angles not just Molly but I want to get everybody everybody was involved just ask someone else okay it's not right for me what are you talking about you're the best investigative reporter I've got this is your town no it's not my town all right I told you I left when I was a kid that chapter is closed and I have no interest or desire to revisit well how do I give you some let's start with your job it sounds an awful lot like a threat to him let's call the motivation okay friend why do you think I doubled your salary to get you here because I said no the first time look you know these people don't like the press you understand how important money and status is to them right now I don't know what skeletons you have waiting for you and Brian wouldn't frankly it's not my business but I'm eyes must be pretty ugly to keep a woman like you away I need somebody on this who can get inside someone they will trust someone like you my father was accused of stealing a large sum of money from the Briarwood library fund before my mother and I found out he killed himself I was 17 my mother moved us to New York and I have not been back since that's a hell of a skeleton I meet him off the hook no not by a long shot [Music] [Music] mrs. lash will make a brief statement regarding her incarceration she will not entertain any questions please respect her decision I've spent the last six years repaying a debt to society I'm sure all of you believe that that's a small price to pay for taking someone's life so do i although my memory of what happened that night may never return I am certain of one thing I did not kill my husband there was someone else in my house the night he was murdered I don't know who it was but I do know that that person killed him that's it no more question back away [Music] [Music] [Music] there we are [Music] no matter what we'll meet again hello hello Molly its Fran Sillman how are you I'm good I was wondering if we could get together to her and catch up I understand still live in the same place you know Briarwood some things never change there's a loving good great so I'll see you then [Music] this is Barry I'm not sure if you remember bran filming of course I remember you how's your mother she's very good thank you mrs. lash is expecting you Thanks thank you hey I'm so surprised you called me I was surprised you remembered me oh don't be silly it was good to see a friendly face yesterday when did you move back a couple months ago I got offered a job at The Observer fighting for the Finney magazine you always were a good writer come on let's take a walk flowers beautiful thank you do you remember that corsage I wore them from night well no actually my mother and I moved to new is great for prom that's right I'm sorry oh no it's it's okay I mean I was devastated at the time because by big plans with Jeff use that right oh my god I have not heard that name in a long time you know I think he still lives with his parents a few blocks from here are you kidding me so this is his parents I thought he was gonna join the Peace Corps change the world well maybe you leaving was too devastating and he was condemned to a life of Perpetual disappointment right that must be it he's still hanging around depressed about his missed prom night opportunities well as he could see how beautiful you are now I'm sure he would killing himself out of humiliation Oh friend I'm sorry that was really insensitive of me the people in this town weren't very nice - were they including me well I'm sure I'm an easy target after my dad died we're a lot alike you and I especially now you know Molly I didn't call you just to catch up well I didn't invite you here to chat about old times either friend the real reason I invited you here was to ask you to help me find Gary's killer now whether you think I'm innocent or guilty it doesn't really matter I am convinced there was someone here that night so I thought if you could write an article on the case investigate this is too weird look I know how you must feel about this place after no it's not that my editor he asked me to do the same thing he thought you might be open to telling your story excuse me mrs. lash yes Edna mrs. Royce Hall is on the phone will you take a message please oh it's okay you can take it everyone oh it's okay it's Jenna I can call her back Jana how is she Oh beautiful as ever she's married now - Nick Whitehall they make an odd couple enthusiasts checkbook oh he was one of Gary's partners at the hospital so she's always had the family name and now she has the money to go with it though it's always part of Jenna's grand plan do you see much of her she was the only one to come visit me twice to wait the whole six years I didn't see nanak i haven't seen him since the trial we should all have dinner one night that'd be great um in the meantime can you get me a list of all the people you think I should talk to of course you should start with Gary's partners there's neck and a dr. Peter Gaines I have their numbers Molly can we talk about what happened to your husband tonight I can tell you what I remember I found him at his desk it was Sunday night I just returned from spending the week alone at our place on Victoria why are you there along we had a fight he told me he was having an affair with a nurse at the hospital I had just had my second miscarriage and she was pregnant with his baby that was Anna Marie Scully yes how did you who's in the court transcripts Molly didn't you or your lawyers think it was odd that the DA offered such a generous plea bargain the day before she took the stand no it was never discussed I don't know what the hell the DEA was thinking when he made that deal yes me you should have cooked her I'll tell you it's funny it's you're getting six years for scrambling Gary's brains all over his desk that's the Joker century the DEA made the deal didn't he yeah he did believe me I wouldn't mind out a piece of that payoff I've got Molly my own night she's my best friend and I just can't believe it she could have killed anyone yet alone Gary anybody can kill Jenna human race killed its way to the top of the food chain know that instincts and everyone just waiting for the right all moment to just come on out spoken like a troubled CEO look I know she's your friend but I am under a lot of pressure this HMO merger this doesn't happen we could lose everything even this house if everything goes belly-up we're broke and then he's gonna screw up this deals to me Molly lash running around Briarwood screaming if there's a murderer loose do anybody listen and see how Molly has anything to do with your merger it's bad press babe every time she gets a headline they're gonna mention the doctor she killed and the lash Medical Center his old man started see because murder in hospitals together they made people kind of nervous [Music] so talk to her maybe taking her into Seattle for a few days shop a little just until I close this thing and what's in it for me now that sounds like an invitation and negotiate doctor Dan says a reporter here excuse me dr. Gaines yes I am and sorry you are friend Salman hi I'm a writer for The Observer yes Malik all told me you might be stopping by please have us thank you can I get you something to drink impressive yes it's a bit of a statement but inspires confidence our line of work that sometimes makes a difference what difference is that living of course you're not moonlighting as a jockey are you oh no I wish I just have an insatiable passion for writing how about you um I like riding I wouldn't say it's insatiable too bad we can do something about that I have a statement just outside of Briarwood so if you ever feel like taking a ride yeah thank you dr. Gaines no please dr. Gaines it's for my patients call me Peter Peter I understand you were partners with Gary lash we were friends long before we were partners yes Gary Nick and I were all partners on Remington HMO how well do you know Molly when I consider her a friend what's your opinion of her memory loss a professional person both not professionally she suffers from dissociative amnesia gaps in memory related to extremely traumatic events not unusual under the circumstances personally I I don't think all he's ever going to regain her memory completely why not it would be more traumatic you're saying she might remember look sorry trauma she's managed to forget look mrs. Tillman or is it mrs. it's Frank Frank walk with me I'd like to believe Molly is innocent more than anyone but the simple truth is if she witnessed a murder there would be no reason to suppress that right do you think Molly and Gary had a good marriage well I think you'd be better off asking someone with a little more experience with marriage than me excuse me just a little go today here because I'm not about to let just anyone you know right Tasha sorry I missed the hospital fundraiser last week dr. Gaines I had every intention of being there oh please speech is an overcooked chicken I'm still writing you a check yeah daughters been a coma for six years listen I don't think they believe it I have to do my rap oh please go ahead um probably just stick around the hospital for a while that's right no absolutely that's my private number give me a call if there's anything I can do to thank you or change your mind about taking that right oh thank you that's very nice your reporter right pardon me well you're not on staff could you not wear an ID cops don't carry bags and lawyers don't drink cafeteria coffee and if you were here to visit someone you would look worried not confused wow that's pretty good well you learn a lot of what people after twelve years in a hospital twelve years that's a long time so Susan you were working here when dr. lash was killed oh yeah oh those are horrible times you know we weren't even allowed to talk about that for years it was hospital policy but of course everybody did this biggest scandal to ever hit Briarwood yeah it's a pretty small town isn't it well two highly respected doctors killed three days apart in the same hospital small town or not my books that's a scandal what do you mean two doctors dr. lash and dr. morrow you didn't know that I just moved here from New York dr. morrow was working in his office late one night someone broke in and stabbed him to death twice in the back once in the throat that's one that killed him such a mess did they catch the killer no never first they thought it might be dr. Nash because of the affair but then his wife went crazy and three days later she killed him so then they assumed well it was just some junkie who broke in looking for drugs wait a minute and lost what would dr. Lash's affair have to do with someone killing dr. morrow huh dr. lash and dr. morrow we're having an affair with the very same woman young nurse in this hospital your name was Annamarie Scalli a clue something that might give me an idea as to who would want to kill Gary it's pretty clear to fran that whoever killed him must have known him if you say we go to Seattle and spend lots of Nyx money a shopping spree that'll give him an aneurysm that's a terrible thing oh please Nick loves it when I spend his money turns him on he gets all mad and he gets rewarded so what do you think it's been such a long time since we just cut loose and crazy it sounds great Jenn I'm just not ready for something like that right now okay whenever you're ready Molly I hope you don't take this the wrong way but maybe we should just put this all behind you get on with your life this is the only way I can move on with my life Jim and giving me something juicy to look at back so soon I'd like to talk to you about Jeff Mauro he was a good doctor great with his patients very thorough in his preparation it was a devastating blow when we lost him the police were convinced it was just a case of bad timing he was having an affair with Anna Marie Scully there's a name I haven't heard mentioned in a while what can you tell me about her she was a beautiful girl hard to hide her figure even in scrubs got to the point where patients were requesting her for sponge baths um Jack was crazy about wanted to marry her but she was she was 22 wasn't interested did he know that she was having an affair with Gary lash no no nobody did not until not until what I want to help you in Mali in any way I can but to do that I'm going to need your assurance you'll use discretion and how you'll use this information of course Jack found out about their affair the day before he was killed anne-marie told him she was pregnant with Gary's baby and that she didn't want to see him anymore Jack of course confronted Gary they had a huge fight which I walked in on threats were made Jack was killed the next night you're saying Gary lash may have killed Jack morrow there was a lot of hate in that room did you tell the police all he killed Gary three days later became a moot point the bad press was killing the hospital so I'll just dug in and try to put the whole thing behind us where is anna-marie now she disappeared right after Molly's trial no one's seen her since it just doesn't make any sense she was sleeping with two doctors who were murdered three days apart and nobody even looked at her twice well why would they she had an alibi the night Gary was killed what what was for alibi I believe she said she was with her sister in a seaport her sister do you really think anybody checked that out well why wouldn't they Molly all the circumstantial evidence was pointing at you there was no forced entry his blood on your hands your bloody fingerprints on the murder weapon you're the DA who would you go after the angry wife scorned by her cheating husband for the pregnant mistress excited about her chance to marry him it sounds like they made the right choice no it sounds like your case wasn't properly investigated why did the auto Maurice collie take the stand they offered us the manslaughter plea bargain before she had a chance yes the very date before listen boy I've stuck my nose into a lot of murder trials and I'm telling you the DA didn't want to expose her to the jury Fran no because she would put a reasonable doubt into every jurors head in fact I wouldn't be surprised I didn't want her to take the stand they would have talked for days about the details of her affair with Gary her pregnancy my miscarriages it just it got to the point where it was easier to let them punish me with jail Molly I want you to know I believe that you didn't kill your husband I thought I've waited six years to hear somebody say that I promise you won't have to wait another six to hear it again once we find out Amory Scalia be vindicated do you really think she could have killed them both could have yes but I don't think she did it I do think that these two murders are connected and that somehow Anna Marie Scully is part of that connection why do you think she left town immediately after the trial I imagine she was ashamed of what she was doing with two men maybe but if the two men that I was sleeping with were murdered I would be more scared than ashamed do you think she's hiding she's still alive I do how do we find her I don't know unless the person she's hiding from finds out that we're looking for her and maybe they won't have to I'm not sure I follow you my dad always used to tell me if I wanted to catch the really big fish I should use live bait you want to use her as bait no I want to use you as bait in this Sunday's piece I'll write about how your memory is returning and how the Scala girl is key do you remember in what happened that night then the real killer gets nervous that I'm remembering and comes after me I won't kid you it could be very dangerous I would understand if you're not after it well after six years of prison food I'm up for anything [Music] you are not gonna believe what I just read in the Sunday magazine I tell you Edna my eyes like to fall right out of my head when I read that you know I was at that trial every day I have a scrapbook with every article written about it I just think it's appalling that you would want to bring it up again when all anybody in this town wants to do is forget this article reflect she's completely innocent don't I know it Marly lash is guilty as sin you know it I know it the whole of Briarwood knows it and if you ask me you should think about getting a new job Marta please I worked for Molly and her family for over 25 years there's no way I would run out on her now what if she loses her mind again hmm you ask me this writer friend Tillman is a bad influence on her the way her father killed himself and after the people of this town trusted him with all that library money are you ready for breakfast Tommy Molly's home isn't she Molly came home from prison yes she's home yeah yeah I like Molly mom she's nice to me I wanna go see her not today Thomas she's busy yeah I don't like dr. Gary yelled at me for touching things and Molly would would never yell at him all he's very nice now would you like some special pancakes for breakfast with extra butter and maple syrup yeah I like pancake pinkies are good then go get dressed and I'll make them for you right with extra butter and maple syrup Tommy had a bad night he didn't sleep very well he asked me you're a saint Edna something needs to be done with her relax Nick no no one gonna relax until the deal is done and then clears of the bank that's going to happen this article doesn't threaten anything like hell it doesn't story this dirty well central running to the American national what if she digs up this nurse hmm what if she does you think I know Maurice gali wants her story plastered all over the headlines again just calm down and look at this objectively this is nothing more than Molly lash claiming she's innocent it's not my eyelash that I'm concerned with I don't want this fan silmas sticking her nose into every crack in this hospital so either you do something to put a stop to her or I will really good stuff not all that expected bad no no I expected object beneath this thing it's like a crusade well you're the one who tell me if I was gonna pick a fight I should pick a good one yeah I'm not complaining I just want to make sure you know what you're doing I don't wanna have to let go your word before I find out how you like your steak gentleman here hi well I'm coming up later today to see Molly I don't know if the traffic's not too bad around three dinner sounds great hey good luck uh no that's good I'll find it right me too what's his name Peter dr. Peter Payne the administrator just like that what do you know oh not much he's smart funny rich handsome Oh any breeds horses in a spare time just for fun Oh what about that steak medium rare finding anything I can't find any mention of a no Maurice collie or her sister there's a few business trips here but nothing near Seaport there must be something in the hospital records Nick will never let us look at the hospital records without a court order you just leave that to me the meantime you need to get some rest Molly how many keys are there for this door there's mine mrs. berries and Gary had one oh and the one we kept hidden in the garden who knows about that extra one not one I don't even think we ever used it why well the police said there was no forced entry the night of the murder and after our article I'm a little nervous about you staying here alone I'll be fine I'd feel better if you had the locks changed okay mom are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner actually I'm having dinner with Peter Gaines tonight that's a better invitation than mine okay well what about tomorrow night I'll invite Jenna and Nick and we'll make a reunion out of it well that sounds too good to pass up okay see you tomorrow [Music] this won't tell me you made all that by yourself why don't like it are you kidding what woman wouldn't dream of a dinner like this I'm not going to convince me don't get romanced say the most romantic thing to happen to me in the last 10 years was having a mole removed from the small of my back like a doctor [Music] before that leaving Briarwood I take it back you are in serious need of a major romantic encounter I know your father for I'd only met him once but he seemed like a good man yes look I know there are people at Briarwood who would like you to feel guilty for what he did maybe even assume some kind of burden don't I'm not worth it I feel the way some of these people look at me Molly's housekeeper I don't blame them really I mean the money that my father stole was never found you know I'm sure that the people that got cheated just assumed I must still have it what do you think happened to it I don't know guess that's an investigation for another time yeah your investigation that's part of the reason why I bring it up the article you wrote on Molly is going to step on a few toes especially if people who remember I get the feeling you're talking about a specific set of toes yes yes Nick my partner he's worried that a remington or HMO is going to be dragged into the mud that surrounds molly situation now we're on the verge of a very big acquisition dealing the wrong kind of press could put it in jeopardy I understand I will try to keep our Minton's name out of it thank you Tim its Fran I just wanted to let you know it didn't work well and I'm heading home alone [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're making somebody nervous then the Triple A guy got my car restarted again and I came straight here did you call the police what if the police gonna do I didn't see anything but headlights whoever it was just won this and me message otherwise I wouldn't be here we gotta do something Fran well do you think you can get Peter to meet you for lunch I don't know I I could say I'm thinking of selling all my stock in Remington yeah that's good because they're trying to close a big acquisition he'd be nervous about how that would look what are you planning a little visit to the administration office thank you Hey it's good to see you thank you for coming Peter I know how busy you must be at the hospital I'll always make time do you know hmm now what's this about you selling your stock in Remington [Music] [Music] meanwhile KP accessed alright then let's find your original application [Music] [Music] her sister bingo they've got all the information about her performance as a nurse locked in a secure file that I couldn't access I got lucky well let's hope your luck holds up and her sister knows where she is hi Lucy Scully this is Molly lash I was hoping I could talk to you about Gary I'll find it thank you what happened what did she say she'll meet me tomorrow night I can't let you meet her alone she said I had to if she sees me with anyone else she'll drive away excuse me mrs. lash I was planning grilled salmon scalloped potatoes and fresh asparagus for your dinner party tonight that sounds marvelous head no thank you oh I hope you can accommodate one more that won't be a problem at all I invited Peter games [Applause] [Music] beautiful he's ready for a drink that's my husband just ignore him until he's in the green house from Leonard Marshall proposed to me whatever happened to Leonard oh he came out of the closet and he made a fortune and hand lotion used his old man's fortune to make a fortune in hand lotion you gonna tell the story get the facts straight Jenna oh I forgot a fortune only counts if you get your hands dirty making it isn't that right sweetheart well my money is just as green as everybody else around here spends the same - doesn't it sweetheart it's been my experience Nick that your money spends a little bit better than everyone else's he might be singing a different tune Remington goes under and the well dries up come on Nick Remington's not going under and I really don't think this is the time or place to talk about the hell it's not we've got our prize-winning journalist right here can't wait to stir up the ghost of Gary lash I can't think of a better time to talk about it Nick you're out of mine I'm here at Molly's request oh yeah I would have thought you here at your editors request I asked Fran for her help Nick to find out all she can about that night and help me remember what happened gary was murdered you did the time into story I mean just because you can't remember didn't happen I'm not trying to change what happened I want the last six years of my life back and frankly I don't care about your merger I'll do whatever I have to to remember and that includes meeting with the nurse that Gary had his affair with Oh Molly no Molly could you possibly hope to accomplish by doing that peace of mind this is what you had in mind all along isn't it it helps Molly yes well you better be prepared to pay the price for drinking that girl back into this [Music] all right yes all right what can I get for you I'll have a tea with lemon please okay just a coffee thanks thank you for meeting me I almost didn't to be honest I almost didn't come in I read the article about you in the Sunday magazine I thought you might try to find me I'm only here to talk about Gary for what it's worth I don't believe you killed him I mean at first I thought maybe because of the baby and all I understand but when I saw what they were doing to you in court and I knew I knew you loved him as much as I did what did Gary say about about me he said that that he wasn't in love with you and that you were talking about getting a divorce and that he was happy you had miscarried because the baby would have only complicated the break-up we never talked about getting a divorce I know that now when I told him that I was pregnant with his baby he got really weird he wanted me to have an abortion so we could start our lives clean you know with no baggage I refused and he stopped seeing me did you know about Jack Mauro no not until the day before Jack died they didn't like each other very much I was probably the only one that knew that they were very competitive as doctors Jack kept a secret file on the hospital because he was worried that Gary cared more about the hospital name than you did the treatment of the patients I want you to know how sorry I am for everything that's happened everything but whoever killed your husband still out there have to go wait what happened to your baby I put him up for adoption I was just scared inés one to have fair shake you know can I have the check please everything's alright [Music] [Music] [Music] how's Molly I found her in bed when I came into work this morning god it's just like last time she upstairs talking to mr. Matthews I think we should talk that's what the hell's going on the police have this place locked up like it's a crime scene Molly's under suspicion of murder that's see Molly had nothing to do with that girl's death you sure yes I'm sure you're her lawyer you should be too I'm also her friend that's her lawyer it's my job to defend her as her friend it's my obligation to help her and the last thing I would do as her friend is encourage a meeting with her husband's mistress police under probation and the mere fact that she's involved in a murder investigation is enough to revoke it she's the only suspect she was the last person to see Anna Marie Scalia alive she had motive and she had opportunity if you were the police where would you start how was she killed she was stabbed just like Jack Morrow who the doctor that was killed three days before Gary lash I remember what's your point didn't it strike you as odd but two doctors sleeping with the same nurse were murdered sir days apart from each other well obviously it did but the only connection between the two was the girl and she had an alibi for Gary's murder look mrs. Sylvan you have to understand something guilt or innocence played no part in my decision to defend Molly if she'd been found guilty she had gone to jail for the rest of her life we were fortunate to get the offer we didn't I'm not questioning your ability as a lawyer mr. Matthews Annamarie Scully was murdered because she knew something I know ever killed her didn't want mine to find out what it was [Music] Hey how are you feeling like I've been drinking champagne all morning do you remember what she told you she talked about Gary he wasn't love with her anything about Jack Morrow hated like Gary who said they fight about the hospital and that Jack was keeping a secret file she was scared Fran she didn't want me to think she was she was like scared of what I don't know remembering there's our race I thought it was hey we'll talk later okay I can't go back to pursue I couldn't do it again you won't Molly I won't let that happen I promise tell me everything mark you should have seen it please everywhere reporters outside it was horrible you asked me I wouldn't set foot back in that house again just keep asking the same questions over and over mark my words and that that moment is the kiss of death once we get the taste of blood there is dr. mother please she's just trouble she needs help Molly needs help mom I want I want to help her Molly's fine she's just a little into the TV I want to help I know you do tell me and you will I promise maybe you should take him back to see his doctor he's been acting very strange lately Tommy what are you doing I'm getting Molly's teeth I promise I'll put it back this time why can't I remember Jenna maybe the same thing happened that night at the diner maybe I followed that girl out Molly stop it just stop it you didn't kill that girl anymore than you killed Gary that's not what the police think please don't think if they did they would be stockbrokers and living with us and Briarwood you're the best I don't think I would have made it through the last six years if it wasn't for you dad you're the only one who stood by me even when Nick didn't want you to well you know Nick he talks first he thinks later he's obsessed with this hmm merger but he really is concerned about your safety why I'm the one doing the killing remember Molly listen to me you need to stop Fran from digging up the past as well got that poor girl killed and I'm afraid if she doesn't stop you'll be next I would rather be next than spend the rest of my life being afraid to remember I need to know Jenna no matter what happens I need to know I understand and I mind you no matter what happens Peter sound jealous I'll call it worried surviving male this morning stay in the city where you belong yeah it was a test of a copy of your article any idea who might have sent it well my guess is the same person who killed the Scully girl right see why I'm saying something along with you no you're not it's not an option friend that no leaves me no choice since when did a little fan mail scare you Tim since body started turning up dead in parking lots alright I have a lot of vested in you and I am not about to allow you a personal involvement to cloud your judgment on this one so you do not go alone end of story and I quit alright how long we're on the same side why do you insist on putting a gun to my head when I'm trying to help you this is my story I am NOT talking about your story alright I am talking about yourself Tim Molly trust me I can't show up with some other reporter looking for a story it'll look like it'll look like I'm using her watch no no I'm not molly is innocent I'm gonna prove it I'm not gonna let them send her back to prison you know you're gonna have a hard time proving it alright but you make sure you check in with me thanks for taking the time to see me never thank a man for getting him pleasure so what can I do for you why would Jack Morrow keep a secret file on hospital procedure I wasn't aware that he did Annamarie Scally told Molly that he did she said he needed it for protection it's not unusual for doctors to keep a personal journal to record their thinking on patients I keep one myself well according to Molly she said it was a file a secret file not a journal all he is struggling through it very emotional time her memory doesn't appear to be very reliable still she said it was a file okay see we like to find out what exactly is it you're looking for front killer [Music] are you looking for Edna Edna berry yes she had to go to the doctor she'll be back any minute yeah oh well I'll just wait them thank you I'm Marti Jones Edna's neighbor your friends helmet that's right we'll pretend I don't know about your father a lot of people were very hurt by what he did after all that money was intended to build a library for needy children I'm well aware of what happened oh not that it was your fault heavens no no no you were just a child yourself thank you you're not here to talk about Molly lash are you if you ask me that woman won't be happy until she destroys everyone's life Molly is a friend of mine or she is I just meant that Edna's under a lot of pressure with Tommy she has the patience of Job with that boy but she can't mention Molly lashes name around him without him wanting to run out the door to visit her who's Tommy it missed time that's where she took to the doctor he's not quite right you know the terrible thing I mean he's fine as long as he takes his medication but I don't like to be around him when he gets all worked up does he visit Molly wyden he used to take him to visit all the time until dr. lash yelled at him for touching some statue or something oh Tommy go in the house what are you doing here I thought we could talk here where you'd be more comfortable away from all that's happening at Molly's talk about what Molly said she kept an extra key in the garden do you know who might have known about that no one just the family and you yes look mrs. Hillman this isn't a good time for me oh he asked me she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown mrs. Jones do you remember the last time she took Tommy to the lash house it's the day before the murder I remember because Tommy's doctor was murdered the same week and and it was worried about leaving him home alone I told you he gets quite violent when he misses his medication do you know his doctor's name he worked at the same hospital as dr. lash I believe his name was Jack something Jack Morrow that's it Jack Morrow I remember because Tommy used to call him doctor tomorrow oh it's a terrible coincidence two doctors being killed in the same way we talked to the DA's office not good police don't want it to seem like a rush to judgment so they're taking their time with the preliminary investigation but word is the beginning of the week you're gonna charge Molly with murder can't let that happen Philip another direction police have no choice they'll revoke her probation and I can pretty much guarantee that this time there'll be no plea bargain what about Edna Berry's son Tommy what about it the report from the lash murder says that Edna Marie claimed that there was an extra key kept in a kitchen drawer so well it may not seem like much but Molly told me that that key was kept in the garden what's that got to do with that and his son all right Tommy apparently has mental and emotional problems he was a long-term patient of Jack Laura's police said there was no forced entry what if Tommy uses the garden key to come in and look for Molly he goes into the study Gary laughs she yells at him then goes back to his work Tommy then picks up the statue and yeah compelling but no motive mentally disturbed and abnormal obsession with Molly and angry at Gary for reprimanding him and the neighbor told me that Tommy could get very violent without his medication and it might be enough to reopen the investigation on appeal seems to me a good lawyer could make a sound argument that if Tommy could kill Gary lash in a moment of rage then he could kill jack moralism doctor in the same way don't you think it still doesn't help us with the Scalli murder unless he had a motive to follow molly out to was diner and kill anne-marie in a fit of rage - no not Tommy his mother oh come on what possible motive could Edna Barry had to protect her son Eden heard Molly saying she was gonna go talk to Ann Marie I was there suppose Tommy uses her key to kill Gary lavish nd uses the garden key the next morning because she can't find hers puts in the kitchen drawer then she finds the body she then kills Anna Marie Skye way to frame Mollie and protect her son it still doesn't explain how the police found traces of anne-marie's blood in Molly's car Molly comes out of the diner after the murder is committed blood drips from the weapon as Edna runs to her car and Molly steps in it reasonable doubt you could be right right at the DA's flagpole and see who salutes the means am I gonna go on to Willard's see find out who I was just spent the last two hours convincing that spineless group of CEOs Skelly girls murdered nothing to do with this hospital they're ready to walk away from the whole deal as if I'd let him it was bad time and no question are you kidding it was a blessing she could have started talking about the Kolbert girl that would have been a hell of a lot worse you know I don't know why I just don't pull a plug on that girl anyway she's not on life support Nick she's comatose she's a living reminder of malpractice bars I'm concerned we dodged a major bullet with the dead nurse did you know jack was keeping a secret file on the hospital where did you hear that Frank and what are you gonna do about it [Music] Fran hi it's Peter listen we need to talk could you maybe stop by my stable this afternoon it's 4 o'clock okay all right great I'll see you then Peter bye bye sorry about that right yeah like I told police the regular waitress went home sick so I was just filling in it wasn't very busy can you tell me what do you remember about the woman who was killed she was pretty she seemed kind of nervous though looking around what did you see her leave yeah she was moving pretty fast tended me on the way out it wasn't like she was running away or anything it just kind of upset did you see the other woman leave she was moving pretty fast too it seemed to me like she was crying she left at 20:50 and coffee cup wasn't a mistake I'm sure it wasn't did it seem like she was chasing after the other woman yeah she called after her but then um this couple was coming in at the same time and they kind of held her up so I don't think the first lady would have heard her do you know who that couple was no but they're in pretty regular listen for what it's worth I don't think that lady killed me buddy why do you say that well if I was gonna kill somebody I wouldn't worry about paying for my coffee you know what I mean yeah I do okay relax everything's fine but maybe you should back off a little until the cops get a handle what's going on up there okay I thought that's what you were paying me for I'm serious don't mine stay in the morning I'd be happy to give you a turn so what did you want to talk about wait I think I know why Jack's file was a secret why is that it seems that Jack and Gary had a disagreement over their diagnosis and Natasha Kolbert when she was admitted the girl who was in a coma yeah she she's been jogging tripped over her shoelace admitted with head trauma and dehydration she should have been administered a saline solution immediately but they waited too long so Natasha's brain suffered from a lack of oxygen and she went into seizure Jack wanted to come clean about it Gary knew this would be disastrous to the hospital and threatened him that's obviously when Jack started his secret file so that's why Gary killed Jack though the diagnosis motive to cover it up that wouldn't been a problem for him to break into Jack's office and make it look like some crazy drug addict did it will you tell that to the police I can't do that friend it would ruin the hospital in the careers of a lot of people nothing would be changed I mean Jack and Gary would still be dead and Natasha Culver would still be in a coma the last name would be ruined I mean where would that leave Molly you know good doctor like Gary can make a mistake oldest human [Music] dinner is served man stir fried vegetables over a plate of pasta drizzled with sauteed garlic and extra virgin olive oil Thank You Jen you're really good to me I just remembered something else when I came home that night I turned the light on if Gary was alive he would have had the light on wouldn't he he wouldn't have been working at his desk in the dark Molly and I heard a door slam and then a clicking sound like a door being logged and unlocked let's talk about it later after you've had something to eat okay no no no Jen I remember Gary was dead when I walked in the room moly [Applause] looks like the police would step ahead of you that's a statement from a mystery couple Awards diner they said there was another car in the lot when they got there and the wife claims that she got a good look at the driver she's working with a sketch artist this morning mr. driver male or female it doesn't say but they're gonna fax me a copy of the sketch assumes they get one that's the latest Wow Molly saw Tommy berry outside her window last night Jenna was there but she didn't see anything oh do you think she's losing it I don't know when she's under a lot of stress but she's tough you know a lot tougher than I thought she'd be I think prison will do that to you not that kind of tough it's it's a kind of inner resolve it's hard to explain but I thought my mother and shoes yeah yeah you know I'm sure that you have a lot of your mother in you you know Tim it hasn't been easy going back there my mother felt as if that whole town abandoned her as if she was guilty of doing what my father did she left everything she knew to give me a fresh start in New York and now I come back there and they treat me the same way as if I'm guilty of ripping off the library outside of Molly and Peter everyone who knew my father just thinks he was the devil geez Peter games could have known your father no he told me did Franny he moved to Briarwood from Chicago three years after you left but that can't be right I told you I'm checked out and believe me if you've seen his residency report you'd understand why he left excuse me yes the receptionist that I could find Franz Salman in here I'm Fran I'm Lucy's golly I'm glad you came to see me yeah well I'm sure you've heard lots of stories about Anna why don't you tell me about her why did she go to meet Molly I begged her not to go she wouldn't listen to me she was convinced my eyelash didn't kill her husband and I guess she wanted to go and help her to understand about the affair look I know Anna was the other woman but she loved Gary she believed he loved her too she was convinced he was gonna marry her men like that never leave their wives she was devastated when Gary was killed she wanted to kill herself too I think the only thing that stopped her was the baby take your time she was afraid that whoever killed Gary and Jack was gonna come after her - did she ever say who she thought that might be she didn't know she thought it was somebody at the hospital but she couldn't prove it and then she was afraid to talk to anyone because of the non-disclosure agreement they made her sign regarding the affair no you see that's why I want to talk to you to tell you what Ana couldn't do you know about Natasha Kolbert I know she's in a coma at Lash Medical Center yes due to negligence Anna was the nurse the night they brought her in she was misdiagnosed by the doctor on duty and when Anna told Gary lash what happened he told her to keep her mouth shut wait a minute so you're saying Gary lash wasn't the doctor on duty that night no it was Peter Gaines hey where are you headed Briarwood damnit just let me know what else he does Molly's lawyers threatening to reopen the investigation on Geary lashes murder where'd you hear that my man at the district attorney's office thought you're gonna take care of that woman it's under control like hell it is you've any idea what'll happen if they reopen this case I'm not referring to losing our deal the only one with cause to Warriors whoever killed Gary lash you better not be getting soft on me Peter you better not be threatening me Nick Molly I'm sorry I didn't call I can't them in today oh that's all right welcome it isn't a good time Tommy's been sick he can't see anyone right now actually that's why I'm here I saw Tommy looking in the window of our study last night oh you must be mistaken Tommy was at home all night with me I don't believe I am mistaken if I could just speak to him no you can't me being in your employ doesn't give you the right to come to my house and make demands you're right I apologize I understand you've been under a lot of stress lately mrs. Barry had an hour extra cute get from the garden to the kitchen drawer I'm sure I don't know I'm sure you do now I'm sorry Molly I can no longer work for you I fear for my own safety as well as my sons [Music] I know what you're doing back here you me everybody else Buffalo but not me I'm here to help Molly and that's all you're here to look in the eyes of all these rich snobs improve you're just as good you may have something to prove to these people I don't there's stupid is your old man don't talk about my father you know nothing about him like hell I don't know he was greedy and he couldn't wait to climb all over a hot tip I had into commodities by yeah that's right problem was that he's 40 grand light so he borrowed it library was gonna pay it back once he cashed into the deal it went belly-up he got left with his fingers in the cookie jar my father didn't kill himself for $40,000 40 granite 400 is one very well placed zero you framed him well after stealing once there's no way you could prove it wasn't in the second time he killed himself because he had no choice you still have one drive away from Briarwood and remember these people the way they remember you I don't have time to explain Marta what do you mean a trip Tommy needs a vacation the doctor said it would do him good where are you going how can I get in touch with you don't know martyr I'll call you when we get there mom thinks I did something bad I didn't all I did was look I just wanted to talk to mom yes Oh Tommy stuff that's enough never went in and then the not before knowing now he was already dead anyway ain't no what's Tommy talking about nothing he doesn't know what he's saying anymore no you don't know you don't know I was there and now if Tommy knows anything about dr. Lash's death you've got to take him to the police right now [Music] what are you doing I heard a clicking noise that night and I can't figure out what it was I just thought okay that's it no more strolls down memory lane tonight dinner served champagne the Briarwood liquid diet how did you know what's coming up today I did wishful thinking you lied to me good I you told me you knew my father I knew about your father I just thought you'd feel more comfortable if you knew I was on your side why did you lie about Natasha culvert I don't think you really need me to answer that question for you do you I think I do insurance companies have changed the way doctors have to go about their business Gary understood that Jack did what happened to natasha Cobra was tragic could it have been prevented maybe but it was no reason to jeopardize the entire Hospital so reason enough to kill jack Laura self-preservation there's enough of a reason to kill anyone taxi waiting for from Seattle police new suspect miss Galli murder that put me in a difficult position Frank I like you I really do I just don't see any way clear this you killed Gary lash no of course not dagger was my friend gave me a new start here away from Chicago he went to the mat for me when Natasha fell into the coma would have done anything for Gary including killing Jack March if he asked me before he didn't have to Jack couldn't keep his mouth shut he was a man of principles once he found out about Gary's affair with Anna Marie it was only a matter of time before he talked and you killed her too I think you have to take a little responsibility for that you dug her up got her back into this it's not a matter of want I didn't want to kill anyone doctors make life and death decisions every day there's no different from any other you can't get away with this why not Molly killed her husband she's the only one with a motive to kill Anna Marie you're the only one who knows I'm involved and let's face it you're not most like person around here are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] honey the police another toast oh no Jenna I can't drink anymore I need to sleep nonsense you are a Briarwood housewife dammit how else can we manage to cling to our sanity okay to our sanity and what sanity without love hmm we must drink to love pure love the girls first great love kind of love knows no fear you give your heart completely promise never to let go relax send them away [Music] Jenna thank god you're here I need to talk to Molly mercy this is not feeling very well for him you'll have to wait did someone I can't she'll want to hear this where is she I'm just having a glass of jumpy no Molly why all right crowd that was Janice Janice shoes what what are you talking about clicking sound I remember Molly wake up Molly come on wake up Molly Jenna what's wrong with her you had to come back video you had to come back and ruin everything you never belonged here no breeding no history Jenna why are you doing this Molly's your friend Gary and I were in love long before Molly even knew who he was we never had the money to live the life that we deserved so I made him happy we married the money he betrayed me without you nurse after all the sacrifices that we made to be together something [Music] [Music] I gave my life I didn't deserve what they did to me neither did I [Music] summer and you know that didn't hurt did it I can't tell who got more stares hear me once this town finds out what Nick did to your father it'll be like you never left I don't think I want to go back that far Thank You Fran what do you think will happen to Jenna now well there will be no plea bargain I can promise you that Jenna will get what she deserves she and Nick both I can't help but feel sorry for her Emily she killed your husband she would have killed me too if you hadn't stopped her I know but she's still the same Jana that stood beside me through everything well she had good reason to believe you it's ironic isn't it Jenna Nick Peter the only one not guilty of anything was you I'm guilty I didn't kill anyone or commit fraud but I'm guilty of a crime punishable by a lifetime of misery ignorance unfortunately you were there for me we were there for each other true but if you didn't find the courage to come back and face your fears they'd be burying me this afternoon please don't remind me how about lunch with an old friend great we can dig out the old yearbook and see how many hearts [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Rallie LLC
Views: 762,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full FIlm, The Queen of Suspense, Drama, Crime, based on a book, Full Movie, TV, Mary Higgins Clark, Suspense, Mary Higgins Clark movie, Mystery, Mary Higgins Clark book, We'll Meet Again full movie, We'll Meet Again full film, We'll Meet Again, TV Movie, Laura Leighton, Brandy Ledford, Gedeon Burkhard, Michael Thoma, John Benjamin Martin, Michael Storey, award winning novel, mary higgins movies, mary higgins full movies
Id: T8s0saiFzOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 52sec (5692 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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