Baby of the Bride (1991) | Full Movie | Rue McClanahan | Kristy McNichol | Bill Bixby

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[Music] do [Music] life is full of surprises i married young had four kids then my husband left then my children left and then came the biggest surprise of all i got a chance to start over my life was on its way my kids that's another story [Music] i always had this dream i'd fall in love get married and have children at least a part of my dream came true no matter what they say good sex and money are not the only priorities in my life there are two of them but i'm not gonna apologize for that people need relationships and good relationships need patience trust and understanding all the qualities i lack i met a wonderful woman we had two great kids she didn't want to be a mother [Music] i did you want to share a place but i'm having a baby it doesn't look like i'm gonna be a mother anytime soon but it couldn't hurt to practice i'd like that you look a little nervous about all this john nervous no no not as long as you're with me family it's been the one constant in my life well now you've got another constant in your life not my life our life [Music] um [Music] don't you drop me oh would i do that to my new bride welcome home mr six welcome home mr hicks listen no children no grandchildren no friends just us silence gold and silence um i wonder if you would um take the bags upstairs and wait for me wow close your eyes how am i supposed to look at you you can look at me later them closed don't peek all right open your mouth my mouth open your mouth uh-huh here it comes ah oh my god you like that [Music] i love you john i love you too mr dicks you know i haven't felt this good about my life in a long time we got the best part in our lives ahead just us give me that thing [Music] come here [Music] not bad i don't know what you said before when last week you said bad no they didn't ask i told them you are never gonna get a job if you keep telling them you're pregnant i can't lie in well i'm not saying lie i'm saying don't tell the truth they'll find out the truth eventually and then you can tell them you miraculously conceived after you started working i'm just being pragmatic about your situation you don't have any skills i have skills yeah okay you were a nun at a mission in arizona that's nice but you've never actually been in the workforce and don't make getting a job any harder on yourself you promised me you'd quit since i'm pregnant well i did quit that's the first one i've had and i'm having it because you won't listen to me you got a kid coming mayor they aren't cheap to raise i'm just trying to help you know oh forget it forget it i'm out of here [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] right gee officer i'm really sorry yeah i was so busy watching out for those children by the ice cream truck i must have missed the stop sign there aren't any children or an ice cream truck those are uh construction workers around a food coach but nice try are you gonna write me up yes ma'am i am and save the chatter kojak i'm not interested license and registration fees yeah i pay your salary you know i pay for your gun and the one bullet they allow you barney fife you know you're dating yourself with the barney fife line yeah i'm sure that's all you ever do is date yourself oh really most women find me pretty nice to be around man registration i'm not your jockeys beretta i'm getting it here right away officer lundgren nick oh yeah wow what are we doing here oh yeah uh that photocopy machine was a good idea oh i'm gonna miss you dennis this what do you mean miss cause there's no easy way to say this but you're fired no no no i mean you're fired i'd love to keep you but with the cutbacks i have to let people go seniority and productivity are the only criteria i can count don't technique and um dexterity count for anything i'm gonna miss you dennis there's nothing i can do oh come here honey i'm running you okay the next time i tell you i have a craving for mexican food tell me how i will feel the next day and mary what are they doing stopping by someone i don't know but i want to tell them to stop it they don't know what we're doing in the morning well we're not going to be doing much if you're not feeling well i'll go see my doctor pam mary grandma grandpa hi a jersey hey mrs doing here where's your daddy he's right here we come all the way from florida and there's no coffee made andrew what are you doing here playing hooky painting boats and the summer is dead so after seeing the family for the wedding we decided we missed everybody and we thought we'd drive up and surprise you so how's maritime terrific how long you staying not long so anyway we've been driving all night and we're starved so how about i uh fix the girls a little breakfast and then we let them sleep and then we can talk sure fine they can go on up and start cleaning up got their stuff out in the truck you can stay in ann and mary's old room all right why don't you run along you know where the bathroom is i get married you don't mind this no no but why is he really here that's what i was wondering i wish we could help you out dennis but we don't have an opening we're going through a consolidation hell i even have a new boss transferring in from tulsa i have to find him a place to live what about renting my condo your place would be great but aren't you gonna keep it i may go home get a job there they jump at the chance to get someone with my experience oh dennis i i wish we had an opening i'd i'd snap you up but uh if you're serious about the condo i'll take it excuse me um this card's over the limit do you have another one sorry my travel agent must have maxed it out yeah let me get it you saved me a lot of time finding a place for my boss i'll let him pay if you give me your phone number well does he tip 20 i know do you tip 20 gene for you dennis twenty percent [Music] yes i'm the listing realtor for that property all right we'll go take a look yes bye bye oh john john hicks what are you doing here what are you doing here i thought i'd come home and have lunch with my wife i like that idea like this you know they're just watching and waiting for the first chance to spoil the mood margaret higgs well hello denny we're great great oh it's nice to hear your voice what what why are you calling in the middle of the day honey you all right you sick uh-huh uh-huh no that'd be fine yep you can stay here okay we'll see you i love you denny's lost his job is that what he said nope that's what he didn't say andrew is still evading me about why he's come home and now dennis is coming back to town well at least dan doesn't want to move in oh honey if the girls come in here we are leaving oh i didn't ask you if it was all right if dennis comes and stays here no well no this is your home too oh i'm treating you like you're still visiting no your kids are visiting i'm staying i can't say i'm thrilled with them being here but um we'll survive that just feels so good does it oh why don't you come upstairs but you know i think i might get to like this newlywed stuff newlywed stuff are you kidding me we are going to be doing this to the cars off to the home oh yes in another four years we're gonna have enough saved up to retire and then we are gonna make love in every major city in europe i'll start booking rooms i can't believe i let you talk me into coming here i am so embarrassed why couldn't we go bowling bowling will you please get a life you've got to get out and circulate we're trying to find that baby a father i look like a bimbo a pregnant bimbo i'm squishing my baby in this dress you look great and don't tell anyone you're pregnant it's not something you say when a guy's trying to buy you a drink mike bradley james mary becker i saw you come in best looking woman in this place tonight thank you hey you know what i just got a new porsche want to take a look what's the matter with it nothing i was hoping you want to take a ride get out of here do something oh do you bowl bowl not what you're thinking sleazo and quit being rude i almost haven't talked and take me bowling mary he doesn't want to go bowling do you bradley with the porsche well i thought we could go back to my place it's quieter uh less crowded what do you say i promise i'll show you a good time [Music] oh your place no no way i'm already pregnant [Music] uh vodka collins and for my naive sister a virgin put your mary in the bar and don't move shouldn't you be out busting little old ladies actually i'm working undercover here watching for underage drinkers well then what are you bothering me for you know i'm a consenting age oh uh this is the bozo who gave me the ticket hi nick lundgren mary becker and sister hey don't be too nice to him mary he single-handedly raised my insurance rate truce are you trying to get on my good side have one you already got two strikes against you you burned me and you're a guy i've traveled that road thank you not with me i'm on a dance oh will you get out of here oh and he's not asking you to go look at his car what are you afraid of having a good time are you just afraid of me afraid of you i'll tell you what instead of dancing you close your eyes and count and i'll go hide when you get to ten you open your eyes and find me gone is that a no you're good at this game i'd say see you around but if i do see you it'll probably cost me more money so mary [Music] she blows a lot of smoke but she's really a softie nice meeting you nice to meet you the crowd goes wild oh swish so i gotta make this shot oh you guys win pop other places to play basketball in canada in the summer in the winter we'll go sledding and make snowmen why can't we go back to florida because there's bad memories here mommy left us in florida but come on you guys canada's gonna be fun my friends won't be there you'll make new friends it's for the best okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay hey look and john come up and see us we'll see honey can we ask them papa said you can't tell anybody stupid how many times i got to tell you not to call your sister stupid i don't want grandma to know right now we'll tell him later it's our secret okay good ah hark is that an ice cream truck i hear dad what could you possibly want [Music] hi sit down i'll call you back hello winona hi mary was just in yesterday she's doing great well then i guess you didn't ask me here to talk about mary no no this is about you margaret you and john you're sexually active yes yes and you're not using protection oh i haven't since i started the change maybe you should have i never thought i'd be telling you this especially now but you're about eight weeks pregnant well like how can i'm too old i can't be i can't be are you still having periods yeah but sometimes i go for months you're still ovulating so you can still get pregnant i'm gonna have you meet with dr chang he specializes in high risk pregnancies high risk there's a one in four chance the baby will be born with an abnormality dr chang can run a test called a cvs how about one of those um amnio things well uh cvs can be done earlier so there's more time to make decisions i suppose i should ask if you and john want this child john we never talked about it as a matter of fact we never really even thought about it i'm gonna set up the appointment with dr chang and you talked to john be fine margaret i don't know if congratulations are in order but congratulations [Music] so hi hi i was just thinking about coming upstairs i thought maybe we could take a nice long hot bath together i saw dr davis today ah this doesn't sound good no no it's not bad actually it's it's it's not good either um in fact i don't know what it is well i won't either unless you tell me i'm pregnant [Laughter] are you all right yes i'm fine i'm pregnant but i'm fine i was wondering how you'd take it well i'm stunned that's how i'm taking i'm i'm just glad you're okay you are okay aren't you you're not just telling me that i am fine dr davis wants me wants us to go and see dr chang an obstetrician oh good yeah all right okay we should get this taken care of right away oh could we just keep this between us though i i don't want the kids to know i just hear them no i don't want to hear them oh john listen to me listen to me everything is going to be okay i'm so glad you're with me [Music] andy mom said you were coming got fired huh i wasn't fired my company's restructuring so i thought i'd look around what are you doing here i wanted the girls to spend more time with the family nice wheels thanks so old family's back in town huh yeah watch the clothes with you yeah we're both back in our old room again hey andy for both our sanity why don't you take ann and mary's room all right well my girls are in there but you can sleep downstairs well i'm not sleeping on that couch bit well then you're gonna have to get used to the smell of my feet well just remember i'm here on business all right i won't be sleeping till noon and laying around the house all day this isn't vacation for me oh well i'll try to keep that in mind sir well uh cvs is normal you were carrying a healthy male fetus well that's good news how rare is a pregnancy like this it's rare but with changes in attitude towards health and better medical care it happens but there are still many things that could go wrong for the fetus as well as yourself such as for margaret there is a chance of developing high blood pressure and blood sugar problems having a miscarriage or going into premature labor are definite concerns if you decide to take this pregnancy to term your heart and lungs will be monitored and you will require more frequent office visits i understand and if you decide to terminate the pregnancy that should be done during the first trimester you have a few weeks right if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to call me thank you doctor okay well that was good news yeah i think we got to get this over with right away you know what we could take danny in andrew's room and make it into a nursery no the girls room was closer that would be easier to convert margaret hello you listening to me did you listen to dr chang we're not taking any chances where your health is concerned i'm in great health the baby and i are both fine no margaret there are a lot of things that could go wrong that's what he said john this is your son i'm carrying well that means something to me honey you're the only thing that means anything to me and you're all i'm worried about oh don't worry everything's fine no one is gonna hire a woman that they know has to leave in six months and you shouldn't feel obligated to tell them hey what do i have to say to get through to you whoever you are you're saving me from a lecture nick hi hi come in how did you find out where i live your driver's license remember i think you owe me an apology for what for dumping on me the other night get a grip you thought you were gonna wake up in my bed we just met what makes you think i wanted to sleep with you a woman knows well disconnect your intuition from your ego i'm just gonna go clean out the kitchen cabinets or something so are you gonna apologize as soon as you apologize for giving me the ticket you're being a pain anne shut up and clean cinderella if you broke the law all i did was ask you to dance now i think you owe me lunch i am not buying you lunch oh yes you are because i need some peace and quiet move now and put on something nice pregnant women i swear i hope i never deal with another see what i said about her being a softie shalom can we talk here have you seen the roses do you know that i've planted those the year and graduated high school and they get more beautiful every year margaret you're not listening to me again i am listening to every word you're saying i don't want to have an argument in the backyard for the kids to hear us sweetie i'm worried about what this pregnancy could do to you well i'm very appreciative of the fact that you're worried which you know hey have you filled that office position yet that angela left no what about mary huh you know she's a good worker and oh would she be grateful for john no i don't know i'm a nice family and i demand a lot for the people that work for me hey you guys guess what john's giving me a job you really are honey thank you john well this calls for a toast oh just water for me thanks make make that two waters what are you pregnant too so here is to the working women in the family cheers what's going on here oh the doctor just suggested that i not drink since i've been so tired what did the doctor say mom if something's wrong you should tell us they all gonna find out anyway and they are sitting down well honey you're the one who didn't want to tell them uh hello we're still here i am pregnant well um here's to that i've already had my two took me years to get my figure back but your mother wasn't making a joke uh this can't be you're too old obviously not what about complications in the baby's health mom you don't want a baby a jury i think that's mom's decision think about this long and hard mom you just got rid of us then why are you still here i think this family needs to learn the difference between an announcement and a discussion this was an announcement it's not up for discussion got that yes we're looking for andrew becker what is this regarding i'd rather talk to mr becker about that mary who's there are you andrew becker could be maybe why well we received some papers from the courts of florida your ex-wife claims that you took your daughters out of state without custodial permission she's not my ex-wife we were never married i have custody okay well would you like to come downtown i'd like to get this cleared up look um we just sat down to dinner if you just let us finish eating we'll come down we can settle this well the sooner you come with us the sooner you can come back and enjoy your evening show me a warrant look this is not a debate hey come on hey hey did you join me inside me huh okay all right i'm going mom take care of the girls don't let anyone touch them until i get back all right where are they taking my dad i'll call my lawyer andrew go find him and don't let him take away my dad oh wait a minute um do you know nick lundgren he and i are really good friends look let me go or you're going to be taking a ride with us and don't i said wait a minute hey who do you think you are sonny crockett that's good okay you can come downtown denny don't we'll just make it worse mary get the video camera what a sweetheart [Music] [Music] oh you know that was a very good dinner it's too bad we didn't get to eat it yeah well i ate it why didn't you tell me what was i gonna say that the woman who walked out on me two years ago has filed a stack of papers this thick i'm gonna lose my family i've disappointed you enough you have never disappointed me andrew if you told me maybe we could have avoided this i thought you uh needed a little bit more excitement in your life i'm not gonna take away my girls no they're not [Music] do we ever really know the people we're in love with i will otherwise there's a lot of married people out there waiting for a rude awakening [Music] i i was married really twice you were married twice well either you're a lousy judge of character you're hell on wheels a little about your sister tells me you're a creampuff yeah ignore her she's heavily stated [Music] you ever been married nope you ever been kissed twice how does that compare with the other kisses well they weren't near as good but lasted a lot longer you have to be patient so why'd you become a cop to me women my uncle who raised me as a cop i liked what it was about your folks dead no my mother's in los angeles my don't know [Music] when i divorced i moved here to live with my uncle neither of my folks were ready to be parents my dad was like that thank god for my mom [Music] i will always keep you guessing [Music] what are you doing oh i was gonna change because anne's bringing her new boyfriend over for dinner look what i found i haven't had this on since i was carrying a and i'm back in style margaret could we talk about this pregnancy how is mary working out great margaret we have to do this now we are nearing the end of the trimester john john this baby's a part of us having your son is it's a gift and just think how much we can give him you know when i raised my i was all alone this time i'll have you honey if you want to have a child we could talk about it we can adopt in the future after we've done some of the things we want to do but i am not willing to risk something happening to you now we can't adopt i'm too old i won't qualify this is our only chance john i didn't plan on this happening but it did i don't want to turn my back on it i'm pro-choice you know well i've made mine you know when we got married i thought the emphasis was going to shift from you and me to us you're still doing what you want to do not what's best for us well what about you margaret the risky part of the pregnancy is coming up i am worried about you about us this is gonna change our lives i thought you were happy with what we wanted for our future i don't know maybe we didn't know each other as well as we thought when we got married well i guess marriage does just bring a lot of surprises you you have to deal with them no margaret we have to deal with them and you're not making that possible [Music] wait a minute you met ann giving her a ticket your bad driving finally paid off huh have you ever shot somebody jersey no i haven't the night's still young though oh sorry i'm late i had to clean out some old files okay everybody let's sit up dennis come on to dinner nick yeah sit here next to ann yeah i thought we'd just sit him in the other room with a tv tray no honey we're saving that for you just in case it's nice to see she acts this way at home too i don't know if nice is the right word nick but she's consistent mom here's a check for room and board oh honey that's not necessary it is for me oh i guess it is for me too andy i gave mom a check because i think it's right if you have a guilty conscience do you guys mind uh we have company mom i'll give you money tomorrow i never asked either of you for money no if he's paying i'm paying i'm not gonna have denny accuse me of freeloading i didn't say anything about you you guys are upsetting your mother we're not upsetting her he has a chip on his shoulder i have a chip on my shoulder now you come strolling in here boys watch this i don't want money from either of you now got it fine now i know what you must have felt like when mom had you meet us and whose fault was that anne don't start denny mary what's the matter i was just thinking my baby's gonna have these jeans [Laughter] now she thinks she's having rosemary's baby john come here look at this i'm losing my waistline no margaret i'm tired of letting you manipulate me you're doing exactly what you want in spite of what the doctor said not to mention how i feel but the baby and i are both fine john raising my family was the biggest fulfillment of my life marrying you was the biggest fulfillment of my life i didn't mean that as a slight i just meant that raising my kids was something i'm really proud of and they run rough shot all over you making your decisions for you and you let this child do the same what the hell is left for us i'm sorry it wasn't fair margaret honey let's face facts you're a grandmother and basically you'll be this child's grandmother is that fair but john we can give this child love and a good home and education do you think it's fair not to welcome him into our lives not with the way you forced it on us not with the risks that are there for you for the child not with what we had planned for our lives and there's no way we can even discuss anything with your kids here all the time there's no time for us anymore john what are you doing i'm not a part of this a part of what a part of this decision a part of this family i feel like a guest in a house that was supposed to be ours your kids including this one have taken over our lives where are you going i don't know someplace where i can think i can't do that here are you leaving i don't count in any of this why stay listen you walk out that door you don't need to come back until you're ready to accept both me and the baby [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] why don't you let me call him for you i wasn't thinking of him now you've been thinking of him for the past six weeks you'd feel better if you talk to him i don't need to talk to john john needs to talk to me i get out of here before i use this on you i mean it ann's right you pregnant women are a menace i need a favor i uh sold my condo and i need to borrow your truck so i can move out my personal stuff i mean like uh a notched headboard in your little black book right uh the headboard stays i sold the place furnished but i think if i get some help i could slide the little black book into the back of your truck yeah i don't know this truck's a pain breaks down a lot i'm the only one who can fix it forget it figure something else out daddy i'll take it i think i'm gonna have to take the shell off to get the book in very good everybody rest take a break how am i doing coach oh you're doing great don't go by me though you know when i had you kids they knocked me out which isn't a bad idea this is a lot of work oh it'll be worth it i'm glad you asked me to be your coach i was gonna ask anne but i haven't seen her much lately you're not complaining no practically i have the whole place to myself i know how that feels oh mom i don't like seeing you like this and i'm sure john is just as lonely in that little apartment i didn't throw him out you know he left i know i also know how hard it's gonna be for me my baby doesn't even have a father i'm terrified of every decision i make i didn't have a partner for a lot of the time you were growing up you came out okay one out of four ain't bad right but mom you have john and no offense but if i had a husband i'd rather be lying in his lap talking to him right now well i would rather be talking to a husband too but that's just not the way it is it's just you and me kid with our waddle walks and our weak bladders and our craving for rocky road ice cream uh-oh okay everybody ready for some more breathing yeah why not i haven't breathed this hard since my honeymoon the heating hose oh jersey's right he will be your uncle and i promise to bring him to florida next year so you can babysit i'll rest you girls did pretty good here [Laughter] plates on the sink girls then upstairs finish the rest of your homework i got the dishes tomorrow when are you planning to go back to florida uh i think we're gonna wait until you have your baby i'm gonna make sure you're okay before i uh leave well as far as i'm concerned you can stay as long as you like i love having you and the girls here we're going to canada canada i'm taking the girls and going where judy can't find me oh andrew that's crazy you can't put the girls through that look judy's husband has money money talks i go back to florida and let the courts decide this i'm gonna lose my family but what kind of life would that be for you and the girls honey always on the run looking over your shoulder what are you giving up to have your baby you're giving up your marriage you're giving up your husband no andy one has nothing to do with the other you know if they catch you you'll end up in jail and the kids will end up with judy and if i go back i lose everything right off i'm not giving up my girls now i'm not gonna let you do this this is an announcement not a discussion now you go on i'll finish the dishes go on i should never have told you you know you really had an incredible place here danny low score glen willow country club summer tournament nice first place whispering meadows country club businessman's doubles you know mom really has to clear some room on the mantel for these [Music] you want me to leave you alone what i want is a party so i said to the guy at least kiss me first no no i really i've had a lot of good job offers and i have narrowed it down to one major wall street firm opening offices back home and they're courting me i can't say anything more about it till the first of the year all right i'm really gonna miss you guys now come on come on break up this is a party huh got a pool bar over there i have to get up early in the morning and i have a goodbye present i want to give you in private don't go away i thought since we're both having a couple drinks involved we'll stay here tonight all right you take the condom i'll bunk a choice listen i'm not staying here today and i've got kids i gotta get back home too andy relax come on have another beer have you talked to kelly she thinks it's hip you paint boats in florida yeah well that's me i'm out of here how am i gonna get home buy yourself a car i'm sure the big wall street firm will pay for it give me a break these are my friends yeah as long as you're getting them drunk do you really think that joy would take you home if she saw you today face reality mr country club like you running to canada you've been away from every problem you've ever had you're an expert on problems you won't even admit that you have any clean out your own house before you make judgments on mine hey hey fine you're ready to sneak out bet on it nice reading everybody family problems i demand you call me the second god you're okay okay the sex god parents to hear that is wonderful [Music] okay oh well youtube no no sorry what did you do with my lotion i never touched your lotion it's not where i keep it you're gonna have to do it again until you get it absolutely right i'm a very slow learner [Music] i found it you did move it it was with your hair spray you don't want to hear this now do you um no no i can live without hearing she just takes over using the motion what is the next this this is nuts this this is not oh the closer the baby gets the crazier she gets about about everything oh after thanksgiving she she's not going back to work she's gonna turn herself into a basket case well what do you think it's gonna be like when she has the baby i try not to think about that well think about think about moving in with me yeah yeah right right uh get real i'm serious i'm i'm finally divorced from number two i i don't want to jump that fast i'm not asking you to marry me here but i know how i feel about you well let me think let me think about it oh look at this one oh john thank you so much for coming with me because i couldn't carry that baby swing all alone that that's that's okay can we just get the baby swing and go i got a lot of work to catch up on one more minute oh look at this one they are both so pretty the colors i don't know which one i want which one do you think can we just get the baby swing yes the baby swing that is what we came to the mall for but i margaret john oh this is making us feel very foolish mom that's the way you've been acting i love you both it's not your color i just thought when you saw how happy this made me you'd get swallowed up in it it was stupid no your joy has always had that effect on me it's one of the reasons i fell in love with you but i wasn't ready to dump all our plans and dreams and have this thrust on me i think we need to know each other as husband and wife before we know each other as daddy and mommy and as much as i love you i couldn't let you manipulate me right now manipulate you i never intended to i know you didn't i know you've just gotten so good at it you don't even realize you're doing it but this was serious and it hurt well i am sorry i i don't want to you ignored how i felt about being a father honey i don't know how to be a father my dad died when i was a kid i know he did but he worked himself into a heart attack at 40 i never even knew the man you're not your father i don't know what i'd be like as a father and i don't want to find out love [Music] you all right the word is division let's see what you have here how many times is six i'll get it once right so put the one up there now the next one is another six so we put the six behind it hi amy your hair is so curly it looks just like mine what are you doing here andrew hi jersey it's me mommy andrew who is that judy hi margaret look at you that must be the best of us amy jersey i think your girls better go upstairs margaret i would like to see my children please that's just tough andrew dennis would you take the girls upstairs i'll be right along no wait oh yeah uh amy jersey let's uh go play video games all right no no i'll take them up my girls will be with me read this talk some sense under your son it's a quote order it says that i can see my daughters and i get them on thanksgiving make sure he knows that oh i'll tell him everything but for now i think you'd better leave come on let's go these old pictures are just what i needed oh look here there you are that little neighbor kid what was his name willie daly you know i never said this before but that was the ugliest child mother he was look at him bug eyes little squashed up face looks like e.t i wonder what my baby's gonna look like i'll know in two months and i'll know in four months as long as he doesn't look like little willy oh it won't matter you're gonna think he's beautiful he will be if he looks like john he's kicking feel this feel can you feel that yes wow by the way john told me that my job would be waiting for me after my paternity leave oh so to thank him i invited him for thanksgiving dinner mom he didn't have anywhere to go he didn't have any plans i didn't want him to be alone we are his family you're getting awfully sly about things i learned from the best well just don't pick up too many of my bad habits getting what you want isn't so important as hanging on to what you have like john actually i was thinking about your father there was a man who really needed a lot of attention and my focus was always on you kids mother he didn't need any attention he got that from every woman in every bar and it wasn't your fault i'm just grateful you were there for us i'm glad you're here now cause i don't feel so all alone going through all this i'm having a baby the same time as my daughter this is crazy well this looks cozy or did you both just topple over oh you'd be amazed how fast i can get off this floor and come after you don't bother still beat you to the rocky road chocolate sauce online chocolate sauce on mine ah there we go do we have to go daddy man i'm afraid so sweetie why can't we stay here and have thanksgiving with you and grandma look it's just for one day all right i'm sure mommy's gonna take you someplace real nice you have fun and be good okay all right come on you two look so beautiful hi baby hey i bought you some new clothes i think you're really gonna like them it's all right you go with your mother make sure you get some turkey all right bill get dinner don't worry we have a very special day planned we're gonna go downtown and we're gonna see a parade ready judy says the girls always loved horses if you don't mind i'd like to get them one we need to talk this isn't a very good time this is the only time i want them back by nine i would like to keep them overnight no not tonight it's not good i'm their mother i know that i made some mistakes but i really love them you walked out on me i can't begin to tell you how that devastated them the knights they cry in bed i promise you you'll never get them from me that's up to the court to decide you will never get their love i don't think they'll ever forgive you we'd better go if we're gonna make the parade nine o'clock [Music] [Music] you too john [Music] hi hi i wasn't sure if you were really gonna make it or not look if this is uncomfortable i'd go oh no no i don't want you to go as long as you don't say anything about how big i'm getting happy thanksgiving well happy thanksgiving to you too [Music] uh we could throw some crisco on the floor you guys could sumo wrestle or we could throw you on the floor and sit on you no please why don't you breeding women go sit somewhere nick and i'll clean up oh oh i was gonna go watch football with your brothers yeah i'm gonna go lie down hey march hi thanks dinner was great it was a family effort it's good to eat a home-cooked meal i've i've been eating out a lot john you know i love you i love you too you're all i think about i really should have listened to you when this first started but i wanted to give you a baby and i wanted you to want it i can't give you the kind of marriage you want and where does that leave us tell me you're happy i'm having a baby i can't do that and i think [Music] we should file for a legal separation and then a divorce i don't want a divorce i love you i love you too john but this baby's coming i can't have it both ways i don't want to bring a baby into a situation where there are doubts and resentments [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you excuse me i'm uh looking for mr langley dennis becker it is you think back regis high school caring carrie langley right i think you're looking for me oh the headhunter just said langley i assumed it was a man so you work here i'm the midwest manager for this company this store's had some problems so i'm here straightening things out trying to find a store manager well i told the agency i was looking for a managerial position this isn't exactly what i had in mind they have a tendency to exaggerate what were you doing before stockbroker in chicago but i'm back now looking around how's it going i've had some interesting offers no till after the holidays i could use someone like you here to manage this store what do you mean i remember you were class president smart very organized good with people you were prom king i always wondered what happened to the prom king well if you're still looking after the holidays it's 24 000 a year plus commissions and bonuses well thanks but um i was making a lot more than that have a lifestyle to maintain you know but why don't you and i get together for a drink sometime dennis this is business i don't want to go out with you yeah i seem to remember that you and i listen i'm sorry um i appreciate the job offer happy holidays no no no don't even think of moving back in with mom and you're moving in with nick i can't afford this place by myself especially with a baby well i'll i'll pay my half you just wait wait till mom's had her baby you don't want your kid driving her crazy during her last two months my baby's not gonna drive her crazy mary what am i gonna do when this falls apart what are you talking about well look look at our family mom's filing for a divorce from john that's her second get that get that off i've been divorced twice dennis wants andy andy never even got married and you no no we have a relationship curse so i'm moving in with nick and don't jinx it you and nick are just starting off see i don't have to jinx it it'll just screw up by itself if you're that afraid don't move in with him i wish he never asked me hey andrew how you doing jamaa man oh she took the girls went shopping um listen could you do me a favor could you um could you give these to your mom and wish you merry christmas for me yeah you think what i did is wrong don't you leaving my mom yeah it wasn't my choice and so now you're gonna get divorced after seven and a half months you know eight years ago i was in exactly the same place you are now judy was pregnant with jersey i didn't want a kid we were gonna sail across the atlantic and and hitchhike through europe i wanted to be free to experience the world but you know what i got it i got it through my daughters it may not have been europe but i discovered the world in everything they saw for the first time look i know that this baby was not in your plans but we all make plans in life i mean how often do they work out it's not just the plans it wasn't my choice it was your mom's so is the divorce i know but you're this baby's father whether you want to be or not just like judy's my girl's mother whether i like it or not why don't you give these to her [Music] [Music] don't you lighten up please we're only gonna stay for a few minutes we've been at your office christmas party all night long i should at least make an appearance at mine let's just get this over with i'm tired the courtroom christmas party it's nice to see my tax dollars at work hey look captain lima's playing santa tonight and he looks pretty smashed so stay cool okay hey come here merry christmas merry christmas what did you bring tonight why don't you come over here and sit on santa's lap and tell him what you want for christmas cool he's my boss what are you an elf shouldn't santa sober i'd hate to see him fly into the engine of a 747 and kill poor rudolph santa's not flying tonight but he does know where there's some mistletoe oh no no sir i don't think that's such a good idea i can take care of myself i know you ann i know it's coming and so do you if you're afraid of the way i act don't bring me is that what this is about you can prove to me we shouldn't have come forget officer longwood i'll put on some music and we can dance we are fighting here do you mind look nick this is the way i am if you don't like it fine but i won't have you telling me how to behave why do you keep trying to sabotage my feelings for you i am sick of it you're sick of it you don't know anything about it oh i know when things start getting serious you do a damn good job of destroying them i won't stay here and hold you up while you keep chopping me off at the knees i don't need you well you need someone do yourself a favor see a counselor you need a professional i can't help you you pay your own rent i'm out [Music] [Laughter] look at this new coat daddy that nice it's lined blind oh a hat too andrew this could be the last holiday you spend with us you might try to enjoy it a little bit mom this is the first time in 10 years i've spent christmas with the family it's hardly a tradition hmm jersey please don't take pictures of us when we're not smiling but grandma nobody smiling did you spend all the money you made this year on presents as soon as i get my escrow check i'll get you all whatever you want oh teddy the presents don't matter oh my feet hurt my legs hurt my back hurts i wish this kid would just pop on out i don't care how much crying it does i can't take much more of this tell me about it here uncle dennis this is for from you the girls it comes with instructions thank you this is for you it's probably a lump of coal from santa he hasn't come in it's from officer nick nick he stopped by today dropped it off hope it doesn't explode oh how sweet that is very nice oh i wish i had a man to give me gifts you have santa he's a guy that's right stan loves me hey you guys want to go to midnight mass together yeah yeah no no the kids well they can sleep in tomorrow oh with santa coming tonight i don't think so i don't want to go either dinner made me feel just awful besides john's lecturing tonight and i don't think he really wants to see me i don't think god wants to see me i haven't been in church in a very long time well now is always the best time to make a change come on denny no what does a pregnant lady have to do kick and scream we should go to church as a family it is what christmas is all about now damn it we're going to church [Music] [Music] merry christmas um uh let's all greet father kelly while the choir sings him number 37 joy to the world [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh this is great all we're missing is [Music] excuse us [Applause] [Music] oh here i think mine's going to come true [Music] [Music] [Music] right the doctors will be there when we get to the hospital and i called the police where is the car what did they do decide to go get a pizza calm down now just keep going oh where the hell are they we can't wait i'm going to get my car can you take care of them i'm sure sure okay girls let's go come on put your coat oh [Music] oh two women in labor no time saint john's pronto hurry we're back let's roll where the hell are they they probably already had the babies and are in here having a christening cute mom would you take these tips come on kid [Music] relax margaret what we're gonna do is stop the contractions oh yes i'd like that a lot oh water bro contractions are coming faster okay margaret i think this baby wants his christmas presents oh i didn't buy him anything uh look john go out and get changed and do the scrubs pam will show you where to go scrub sorry i'll be right back you just stay here and keep breathing where does he they gotta go okay mary push come on come on pain come on this hurts it hurts pain pain she's in pain you gotta you gotta give her an epidural or shout out and i will hurt you okay okay you just you can push up okay you like reach in pull the baby out mary's getting testy okay get ready mary okay all right all right okay come on now crush yeah oh god breathe breathe [Music] breathe that's it you're doing fine now when john gets back you just what was that doctor baby's heart rate dropped to the low 70s we need an emergency c-section now margaret i need you to roll over the other side now that's it that's the way okay good all right everyone let's go stat listen i've got all this what's the matter change of plans everything's gonna be fine now let's move no i'm sorry you can't go with us okay stop pushing stop pushing stop pushing just relax relax you're doing fine okay doing fine okay mary on the next contraction we're gonna deliver the baby get ready honey get ready okay okay come on now give me a punch okay [Music] thanks for the sweats and basketball girls picked them out i know what i'm getting you for christmas i got everything i need well you're gonna need money to start over up north i get my money out of my condo whatever you need it's yours you're gonna need money until you land a job i got a job i'm uh gonna manage a jewelry store in the mall a jewelry store yeah so whatever you need money for how about a good lawyer you're going back to florida mom's right i can't have my daughters looking over their shoulders for the rest of their life it's not fair judy is their mother they should know her andy we've we've never really been friends very different people you think so the more i get to know you the more i i think we're a lot alike i know we haven't always gotten long but i have always felt that if i ever gotten a real jam that you would be one of the people that i would call i'd be there i know merry christmas merry christmas andy baby is he gonna be all right yeah he's being monitored for respiratory problems but that's normal with the baby born seven weeks early dr chang says he's gonna be fine i'm so glad you were here so lie or you would have had him in the back of the church you know john i was just so happy about the baby but i never intended him to come between us especially in the way i did it i'm really sorry i hurt you like that we've gotten off to a pretty lousy start in this marriage i don't want a divorce do you mean he's my son i want to be his father am his father i want us to be a family and i'm gonna do the best job i can [Music] now i'm gonna go get the family and take them up to meet robert dennis andrew hicks [Music] let me see my new nephew niece nice what do you think she's gorgeous can we hold her maybe in a couple of days i don't think mary's quite ready to give her up just yet officer nick hey i heard the call i figured how many mother-daughter deliveries could there be how is everybody look at my daughter wow she is beautiful congratulations how's your mom we're still waiting to hear well i better go i'm on duty merry christmas yeah merry christmas you're a great guy nick you can do a lot better than me why ann what did i do you made me fall in love [Music] every guy i ever loved hurt me if you want someone who's gonna hurt you find another guy i love you anne i could never hurt you but i won't let you hurt me i'm sorry you got to stop believing that it's all going to fall apart if you invest yourself or all you'll ever be in your life is alone [Music] i'm not the other man you've fallen in love with i'm the guy that can break the curse [Music] hi there found all these people wandering the halls [Music] say hello to your newest granddaughter margaret [Music] oh she's perfect oh she's a bird [Music] you can't all be in here worry i want to be a medic we're all family oh what's your mind we'd like to capture this moment all right get in a little closer there say baby [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: TheArchive
Views: 105,334
Rating: 4.7196579 out of 5
Keywords: Feature Film, Movie, Film, Full Movie, Entertainment, Rue McClanahan, Kristy McNichol, John Wesley Shipp, Bart Baker, Bill Bixby, Drama, Rated M, pregnancy, Leonard Hill Films, Baby of the Bride Movie, Baby of the Bride Full Movie, Baby of the Bride, baby, bride, mother and daughter, wife, convent, nun, unexpected pregnancy, family life, family drama, feel good, TV movie
Id: aRonAZkYR58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 52sec (5632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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