A Look Back At The GE Sonic X Plushes!

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over the years many companies have tried to capture the sonic license but few can compare it a great Eastern entertainment great eastern entertainment more commonly known by their abbreviation GE is an American company that focuses on making merchandise for various anime series despite this one of their most popular lines is their Sonic the Hedgehog line more specifically their select the Hedgehog plush line this series of plushies has been praised as one of the most unique high-quality and varied Sonic plush sets out there and it's definitely one of my favorite Sonic plush sets ever given how GE focuses primarily on anime licences how is it that one of their most popular lines is Sonic well in 2006 GE acquired the license to make Sonic X merchandise ge released pins keychains and more based off of Sonic X but GE standout release was their set of 5 plushies this set though a bit obscure has become very sought-after and are pretty hard to find nowadays given how popular GES sonic plushies are now it'll be interesting to see where it all began and with that said welcome to a look back at the great eastern entertainment sonic X plushies this set of five plushies were released in 2006 right around the time sonic X had ended its original run on four kids well the show had ended merchandise was still far from over and the show didn't actually stop airing in syndication until much later so they're relatively late releases justified the set consists of Sonic Tails knuckles cream and shadow now technically this set was split into two waves Sonic Tails and Knuckles came out first and cream and shadow came out shortly afterwards it is important to note that these plushies were some of the first easily accessible modern Sonic plushies on the market yeah there were some that came before them but they were usually either very small sets limited releases or just straight-up exclusive to arcades or something these plushies were very common when they first came out well GE plushies are usually only available online or in select hobby shops so you couldn't go into a Toys R Us and find these but they were still easily available despite being mass-produced for many years these plushies have since become pretty hard to find after they were replaced with GES newer plushies I should mention that at the time of me making this video the only pleasures in this set that I have are Sonic and Knuckles however I should also mention that I got these pretty recently so if you're on the lookout for this set don't worry with enough perseverance you should be able to find them are these plushies still worth searching for or should you just stick with G's newer Sonic plushies let's find out starting with Sonic considering this was GES first ever attempt at making a sonic plush I'd say they captured Sonic's likeness very well this plush is full of charm and nails how sonic appeared in Sonic X my favorite part of this plush is the expression Sonic's mouth is in the iconic smirk that was featured on a lot of 2000 Sonic artwork Sonic's head is well shaped though some aspects of it do look a little off they all work pretty well together Sonic's body is like any other Sonic plush though I do have to say on my plush at least Sonic's stomach is pretty jagged and isn't really close to the perfect circle it should be his arms and legs are short but only in comparison to the current design of modern Sonic they're the correct length for sonic x sonic his shoes while a bit small looked great his buckle was made of felt though and could deteriorate over time nd is missing the treads on the bottom of his shoes this plush and all the other plushies in this set are very well stuffed sonic spikes back spikes and tail especially are very firm as is commonplace on GE plushies sonic has iron-on eyes and an iron-on mouth I believe these can crack over time but if you're careful with these plushies that won't be a problem being GES first attempt at a sonic plush not everything is perfect for one thing the proportions are pretty off Sonic's head is a bit too large his spikes are a bit too long his nose is too round and short issues are small etc his muzzle is also weirdly shaped on some plushies another interesting aspect of this plush is Sonic's pose for whatever reason GE likes to pose some of their plushies this can be seen on their classic Sonic plush as well as this plush Sonic has one hand attached to his hip and the other in a thumbs up position mimicking this piece of Sonic X artwork I'm not that big of a fan of this it's not that bad and his hands are well patterned to mimic the pose but I definitely think this plush would have looked better if they just went for a standard pose I think some of the problems with this plush actually add to why so many people like it for a Sonic plush to stand out it needs to look unique compared to others and this plush does that very well one reason why I like this plush so much is that because of multiple design decisions he looks a lot like how Sonic appeared in promotional artwork from the Sonic Adventure era which is one of my favorite designs of Sonic so that's a plus in my book especially when compared to g e--'s more recent 13-inch sonic this plush was released in 2016 ten years after the sonic x plushies and you can definitely tell while the more recent sonic is objectively better i think i do prefer the sonic x sonic as i just like its design more both are excellent plushies either way though here is Sonic's tag the background is pretty nice-looking with an image of Sonic and his name spelled out in basic text okay it's not the prettiest tag around but it gets the job done and I think there's a lot of charm to its simplistic design the back of the tag has the Sonic X logo the GE logo as well as general information you should know about the plush one thing GE has to be commended for regarding the tags in the set is that each character has their own specific tag this is something that GE stopped doing on their newer plushies I know it saves money but I really wish they kept doing this all the plushies in this set have a gold hang string attached to their head I assume that GE likes to emulate the feel of UFO plushies and hang strings are a common feature on UFO plushies so that's most likely why it's here so yeah you can hang these plushies up though I wouldn't recommend that as over time the hang string could deteriorate and eventually snap all right time to talk about Sonic's rarity deciding on a definitive price point for the set is actually pretty tough here's the thing while yes these plushies don't show up for sale very often they were produced for a decent amount of time so there are a lot of them out there Sonic being the title character would be expected to be the most common in this set but that's actually not true Sonic's relatively hard to find but like I said a lot are out there so I'd say he's worth around 35 to 50 dollars next up is tails first thing I have to mention is that tails is pretty small Sonic stands at around 10 inches and tails isn't scale with him making tails around 7 inches he's really small and yeah that works because tails is supposed to be smaller than Sonic but he's a lot smaller than you'd expect him to be while he is small tells his proportions are all around very accurate to how they should be and he's one of the better-looking plushies in this set starting with his head there are a few things wrong with it for one thing his bass head shape is a circle which is not accurate details his ears are flat which they definitely shouldn't be and what's going on with his inner ear detail I guess it was supposed to give the plus some shading but it really doesn't work tails just has gray ears and it looks pretty strange plus the gray area is made of a different material than the rest of the ears I believe it's the iron on material I'm not sure what GE were thinking with this tails's bangs are made of a thin felt material meaning they're not stiff at all and that can cause some issues with it staying upright I do like his expression tailless has a nice smirk which is actually pretty rare to see nowadays tails's muzzle was a bit too round and it comes to an odd point due to the stitching at the bottom of his head his cheek tufts are nice and big and are made of a thicker fel material allowing them to stay up his nose is made of a hard piece of plastic which looks nice but can get scratched if you aren't careful tells his body looks great his chest fur is nicely positioned and his chest Tufts are good to fill they can get easily bent out of shape his arms and legs are short but fit with the plushes design rather well his two tails are well represented they're smaller than they should be but that's alright one nice detail is that GE did include the bands on tails his socks and glove cups though they're really large on his shoes his shoes do look good they have a solid pattern and there's nothing really wrong with them just like sonic though he is missing the treads on the bottom of his shoes tails his tag follows the same style as Sonic's now having an orange color scheme and artwork of tails doing whatever he's doing and here's the back surprisingly tails is without a doubt the rarest of this entire set I rarely see any go up let alone with his tag and hang string I'd say he's worth around 70 to 80 dollars though you could probably find one for cheaper than that moving on to the last of wave 1 Knuckles the Echidna this is my favorite plush in the set and I honestly don't know why there's just something about him that I really like Knuckles his head looks alright his expression looks pretty good with knuckles smiling his eyes are a bit large but they're alright his nose is once again too round and large and also as you can see the stitching between his nose and muzzle could be better this is also a problem on some Sonic's his body is decent his crescent moon shape is there the like how Sonic stomach is a bit rough the shape isn't stitched on too well at least on mine his shoes are pretty nice however you have to be careful as the bolts on his metal plates can fall off easily they're attached by only a little bit of glue and just like Sonic and Tails there are no treads on the soles of his shoes like the other plushies in this set Knuckles has some proportion issues his head is once again too large his dreads go out further than they should and his hands are way too small this knuckles may seem familiar as it seems that GE took the pattern from this plush and reused it for their classic knuckles plush or at least based classic knuckles off of it seriously these two look almost identical outside of a few Corrections to classic knuckles as proportions and the general design changes that are required to make classic knuckles they look very similar and this can actually lead to some issues see some sellers online have listed the classic knuckles plush as the Sonic X knuckles plush this happened to me twice before I ended up winning my actual Sonic X knuckles plush I've also heard of people ordering the tails plush and receiving classic tales because of this I'd say only order these plushies if you are 100% certain you'll get a Sonic X plush here's Knuckles his tag and here's the back of it as for rarity knuckles is pretty common compared to Sonic and Tails I'd say he's worth around twenty to thirty dollars sure he doesn't show up often but when he does he doesn't really go for that much next starting with wave 2 let's move on to a more obscure character unlike most merchandise companies GE makes a lot of merchandise for characters that don't usually get much in their sonic line many characters who have gone in little to no merchandise at all have gone in plushies this is without a doubt my favorite aspect of GES line and this was a trend that started all the way back with their inclusion of cream the rabbit in their sonic accent yep out of all of the sonic X characters GE could have included in the set they chose cream is it a weird choice yeah but it certainly helps this set stand out when this plush was released there weren't that many cream plushies the best one coincidentally being the Sonic X volume one cream the rabbit plush which was not easy to find nowadays this plush seems less special but back then this really was the first easily accessible cream plush and you know what GE did a really nice job with cream cream is actually smaller than tails standing around six inches she's very small but GE managed to put a lot of details on her her head looks very nice with the orange highlights being well patterned her face looks great on some plushies but still looks off on some others it's definitely an improvement over the waveone plushies though wait a second that doesn't look right see when cream was first released she was actually missing her eyelashes but this was quickly fixed for later releases which ones rarer definitely the first print one as that was made in much fewer quantities compared to the fixed one though I don't think it changes the price that much especially considering that while yes the first print cream may be rarer how many people would truly want that version of the plush over the corrected release her muzzle looks much better than the other plushies it's not weirdly stuffed or anything just like tails cream has a plastic nose and her nose is the correct brown color it should be her ears are stitched to the plush so they don't flop around though if someone wanted to they could easily rip the stitching to loosen them her dress is basic but it looks all right the blue tie on her dress does however look pretty bad as it's just a thin ribbon material it looks like it could easily be snapped off her arms are nice though she is missing the buckles on her gloves cream shoes look as they should though here is creams tag now GE did make some changes to the tag for wave 2 while the front is the same the back is different actually Sonic Tails and Knuckles were all reprinted with this style of tag for example my sonic has this style of tag as for overall rarity creams on the cheaper side of this set just given that the other characters are more popular than her cream was most likely the lowest selling plush in the set meaning many stores had her and stocked for longer than the others some online stores even have her in stock to this day because of that I'm gonna have to say that cream is worth only around twenty to twenty-five dollars and now for the last plush we'll be looking at today Shadow the Hedgehog whelp this guy certainly won't be winning any Best shadow plushy Awards he not only has the same problems that the others have had but shadow just seems poorly made with lots of incorrect details shadows construction is similar to Sonic's once again his head is way too large maybe GE was going for a chibi style with this set but it doesn't really work shadow spikes are way too long even more so than Sonic's the red stripes on top of them however do line up correctly and look pretty good his expression looks alright but his eyes could have used some work some plushies look fine but others have their eyes tilted and that doesn't look good it seems like GE didn't have the best quality control on these plushies or something and what's going on with the stripe above his eyes that should only be at his brow Ridge why does it cover the entire top of his eyes that's a pretty huge error and I'm surprised the plush even got approved like that shadows body looks pretty close to how it should his chest fur is a thin piece of felt with it being stitched on only in the center which makes it not that secure and leaves his chest fur with a pretty noticeable line going down the center of it surprisingly GE did include shadows red stripes on his arms and legs which is missing on some shadow merchandise one of the biggest issues with this plush our shadows ring and glove cup details they're really poorly made and don't resemble how they're supposed to look that much shadow shoes leave a lot to be desired they're the complete wrong shape and the details that are there are poorly put on the flaws of this plush only become even more apparent when you compare it to the more recent 12-inch Shadow plush by GE it's like GE knew they messed up on the original and gave their all on the newer one and yeah I know this plush was made before GE was really successful so what being of lower quality is to be expected but there really isn't much going for this plush especially since the newer shadow exists there isn't much of a reason to get this plush outside of collecting this set at least shadows tag looks great it's got the iconic Sonic X artwork of shadow and looks just as good as the other tags in the set there is one interesting thing about Shadows tag some releases of shadow had a 15th anniversary sonic logo on the bottom right hand corner of the tag one could assume that GE added this logo and make the plushies see more special but here's the thing I've only ever seen this logo on shadow and it's only on certain releases of shadow I want to say first print releases but I'm not sure and yeah as far as I know cream never had this logo on her tag so it's not like they added it for wave to or something would this tag affect the worth of the plush probably not especially since shadow isn't even worth that much I don't know why but wave 2 is a lot more common than wave 1 yeah sure cream isn't as popular as Sonic but shadow with that said this plush is only worth around $30 max but you could definitely find him for cheaper I guess since there are so many shadow plushies and since this one doesn't look that great it's not as desired and that's it that's the set don't get me wrong well yes these plushies aren't the best critically I do actually really like them they have that charm that only a late 2000 Sonic set could have you can definitely tell that GE was still perfecting Sonic characters and there is nothing really wrong with that they're cool for what they are but they aren't the best Sonic plushies of all time or something it really is a shame we didn't get more from this line Sonic X had loads of characters and there was a lot of potential for wave 3 wave 4 and so on Amy Rouge Bo Cosmo um Chris Thorndike but by 2007 sonic X had ended its original run and while yes the show did last in syndication for a very long time merchandise for it was dying off and at that point there just wasn't a need for a third wave but not always negative as GE was able to move on from Sonic X and get the main series Sonic license and shortly afterwards they released their classic sonic plush set and shortly after that they released their now iconic main series 12-inch line which has more than made up for any potential Sonic X plushies we missed out on GE has had the sonic license as a whole for around ten years now and that's pretty commemorate believin the highest respected Sonic merchandise makers such as Jazwares didn't have the license for that long which goes to show just how well G has been doing over the years with the license this set will always serve as a landmark in Sonic plush history not only was it the getting of GG's run but when you think about it this set is what really kicked off the current fan base of Sonic plushies and even though these plushies aren't perfect by any means they have a lot of charm to them and are one of the most solid and influential sonic plush sets of all time you
Channel: PatMac
Views: 207,886
Rating: 4.9441538 out of 5
Id: lsBabmrqY6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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