4 CANCELLED Sonic The Hedgehog Movies (Lost Sonic Film Adaptations)

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[Music] the Sonic the Hedgehog series while originating as a video game has been reimagined in other medias and formats for almost as long as it's been around we've gone in several long-running comic series multiple cartoons animated shorts mangas storybooks original music albums live shows toys and much more but one medium sonic has never quite been able to translate into until just recently at least was feature-length films a believe me though they've tried several times in fact as early as 1993 Sonic the Hedgehog films have been put into production all eventually being cancelled some got further than others but they all met the same fate however at long last Paramount Pictures Sonic the Hedgehog is bringing song to the big screen but before that comes out why don't we take a look at some previous attempts to see what could have been in this video I'll be going over the Sonic the Hedgehog movie and film projects that never saw the light of day let's begin believe it or not the first official Sonic the Hedgehog movie project was in motion as early as 1993 around the peak of Sonic's popularity in the 90s by then Sonic had two successful shows running and the popular Archie Comics series had just started so what only made sense to take things a step further and make a sonic movie in 1993 the Sega of America we're looking to bring Sonic to the big screen and by August 1994 after getting the OK from Sega of Japan they signed a deal with MGM however those working at Sega weren't exactly sure what to do with a sonic movie I'm sure everyone has their perfect dream Sonic movie nowadays but back then and there was far less to imagine today the Sonic series has many stories that could be easily transferred into a movie but back then the only things they had to go off of were games like Sonic 1 Sonic - I guess Sonic Spinball as well as early pieces of Sonic multimedia all of which were wildly different from one another the entire identity of the sonic franchise was very up in the air at the time so for a sonic movie they really could have done anything because of that from the start Sega of America president tom kalinske was worried about the project how exactly do you take the world scene in the early sonic games and make a full-fledged movie out of it he was even more so worried that the movie could negatively impact Sonic's reputation video games were niche but movies always got tons of advertising and a huge marketing budget if this movie was bad everyone would know about setting an example was the Super Mario Bros movie which came out during this projects production a guilty pleasure to many nowadays sure but it was slammed by critics and fans at the time while too many of the Mario movie showcased how poor of an idea of videogame film adaptations were Sega believed that Super Mario Bros failure lied entirely on the weakness of the mario brand believing sonic to be far stronger with much better film potential however if the movie adaptations at Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat weren't faring much better than Mario so one has to question was a sonic movie even a good idea at the time a lot was riding on this project that was barely even off the ground despite it all as they pressed on Richard Jeffries who was a barely known film writer was chosen to create a treatment pitch for the planned sonic movie which would then be presented to Sega of America the treatment was to include the plot of the film among other details to help get ideas for the movie Jeffrey's research the series of course but he also spent today with Sega Technical Institute even meeting with Yuji naka himself where the two discussed the potential of a sonic movie after spending some time developing his ideas Jeffrey's presented this finished treatment for the film to Sega in May 1995 sell what he come up with Sonic the Hedgehog wonders of the world was to be a live-action CGI animated hybrid film depicting Sonic the Hedgehog leaping out of the video games and coming to the real world this project was simply a rumor for the longest time but unlike many of the movies we'll be talking about today we actually know a lot about it including a full plot synopsis just recently tons of concrete info on it was released through interviews as well as really in-depth articles we've gotten to learn quite a bit about Geoffrey's cancelled sonic movie pitch and now we can imagine what this cancelled 90s sonic movie and all of its absurdity could have been with that said though no footage for this movie was ever shot and no concept art has ever surfaced if any was even made so we don't know who would have played the main characters how sonic would have looked for stuff like that we have no idea we do however know the story is the plot went a little something like this meet 12-year old Josh Pinsky this movie's relatable American kid the movie opens with Josh presenting a rushed incomplete history project to his class Josh's paper teaches his class about a test pilot named Sonic who was killed in a plane explosion while attempting to break sound barriers yeah this movie was gonna open with that just to warn you the plot of this movie is absolutely wacky and no I'm not making any of this up as Josh clearly rushed his assignment about the cleverly namely pilot his teacher was not happy josh is sentenced to rewrite the paper by tomorrow or else he'll get in serious trouble now josh is going through a lot at the moment his parents recently split up and don't pay much attention to him he isn't doing well in school and he's all around a pretty awkward kid he does have one escape though Sonic the Hedgehog more specifically his favorite game Sonic Xtreme for the Sega Saturn that's right sometime during development it was realized that this movie could be a tie-in to promote Sonic Xtreme which at the time was the next big Sonic game Sonic Xtreme was as I'm sure most of you know never released the history of that game is a whole slew of devastating stories on its own so I won't get into it but knowing all of the chaos that happened behind the scenes with that game makes this movie pitch so much stranger in hindsight anyway and Josh is picked up at school by his dad named Hal who was a scientific genius always making great breakthroughs in his Fiona though he's currently unemployed his most recent project is an artificial intelligence computer they uses Holograms to project whatever you want into the real world he'll calls it XR I which stands for mm extremely radical intelligence later while his dad's not home Josh goes up to the device and asks it to write his history paper on Sonic for Emma it doesn't reply too short what he means Josh then hooks up his Sega Saturn to it and puts in his copy of Sonic Xtreme available holiday 1996 while playing the game bizarre things start happening Sonic not the test pilot the Hedgehog stops responding to Josh's controls and through the power of the XR I realizes he has a will of his own and then and this is how it's explained in the treatment and Josh discovers a glitch in the game which sonic uses as a gateway to the real world Sonic then jumps outta Sonic Xtreme and enters our world in the treatment for the movie the Sonic is described as a 3d CGI guy in the real world considering this was in the works in the mid-90s you can imagine how amazing this would have looked now in Josh's apartment Sonic begins wrecking havoc as he's not used to the real world in the middle of the chaos Robotnik escapes the game as well and that's where the real plot of the movie begins sonic chases after Robotnik but is unable to stop him Sonic quickly discovers he's getting weaker the longer he stays in the real world giving the film a bit of tension after that shocking realization Josh's dad comes home oh no Sonic hides but the xri is completely destroyed and hal is not happy Josh's mom Lisa shows up too and the two start arguing josh has taken home his mom's place leaving sonic behind the next morning josh is woken up by sonic who I guess somehow just found his mom's house sonic is noticeably extremely tired and he tells Josh that if they want even a chance at defeating Robotnik he needs to get his powers back and the only way to obtain that is through the Chaos Emeralds the two then discover that yeah okay the Chaos Emeralds actually exist on earth somehow this was never discovered before and it took a kid in a blue hedgehog to find them but okay apparently the emeralds are hidden on inside special stages but inside ordinary earth rocks with the treatment saying you just have to know which ones to crack open if this sounds like a really exciting setup for a scene where sonic and Josh just start smashing rocks which do not worry is what actually happens but somehow they do manage to find one using it Sonic gains his strength back but fans of super sonic shouldn't get too excited because he doesn't show up in this story after seeing what it did to Sonic and josh is curious of the emeralds powers and asks sonic for a taste of it for some reason Sonic agrees and Josh gains some temporary superpowers he uses those powers to finish his history paper in seconds but when he asks sonic for more sonic refuses saying he needs to master his powers first whatever that means meanwhile you may be wondering what Robotnik's master plan in this movie was well it's to build a theme park yes this is one of the first instances of Robotnik land appearing in a piece of Sonic media or at least sorta see Robotnik somehow sets of his own corporation called shady corporation which he uses to purchase an abandoned theme park he then renames it to botnik land amusement park from that Robotnik's main goal in this movie actually seems pretty harmless he just wants his own theme park nothing too malicious he just wants to run an amusement park Robotnik has also discovered that the emeralds are here on earth and he finds a group of school bullies presumably Josh's bullies who he turns into robots which are creatively called bullybots if they then bury underground and starts smashing every rock they find desperately looking for the emeralds Robotnik then runs into Hal and asks him to be the parks main research and development designer I'm not entirely sure if Robotnik was meant to be a cool 3d CGI guy like Sonic but I imagine he was which makes how agreeing to work with him make almost no sense just imagine a scene in this movie where this adult scientist agrees does the paperwork fills out everything to work with this CGI ball guy we really missed out on the high quality cheese that would have been this movie now with how and xri on his side Robotnik makes the best theme park in the world using the xri Robotnik develops a virtual reality ride that draws in kids everywhere Robotnik's dream of building a theme park has been reached kids all over town are flocking to Botnick land sonic and josh then go to investigate and unfortunately if they quickly realize that not all is well in Botnick land that's right ladies and gentlemen Botnick land owned by shady corporation is actually a ploy to roboticized the youth of america in the plot twist that film scholars are still baffled by it turns out that Robotnik is using his rides to turn the kids into robots whom he refers to as kinder BOTS these robots once again have one goal in mind find the Chaos Emeralds so now we got bullybots and kinder BOTS which is all bad news for our heroes sonic and Josh if the duo investigate the park further and discover that Robotnik plans to do even more nefarious things with the xri this is probably his evilest plan yet get this he plans to use the Chaos Emeralds to program xri to capture the world's landmarks and convert them into virtual replicas and then use those for profit so that's why it's called wonders of the world wait this is the big reveal of the movie really oh no Sonic look out Robotnik's gonna turn Mount Rushmore into a 3d model stop him sonic and Josh attempt to stop Robotnik but Sonic is even weaker now Sonic ends up being captured by the bully BOTS and Josh barely escapes alright we're getting to the end of this and okay the climax of this movie sounds like it would have revolutionized film I'm not kidding this movie would have been the end of cinema as we know it okay so if the movies climax was to be that Josh goes in a rescue Sonic but then uses the xri to transport sonic Robotnik and himself back in the Sonic Xtreme so basically we got Sonic Josh and Robotnik battling it out in Jade goalie zone or whatever location they would have picked from the game and that's where the final battle was to take place Sonic now having all of his energy back has swiftly defeats Robotnik and he flees with Robotnik defeated Sonic tells Josh that he needs to go home and he needs to stay in the game world leaving Sonic behind Josh realizes that if Sonic was in the real world there would be no hero in the game world I imagine this would have led to the most touching and heartbreaking scene in film history as josh says goodbye to his new friend sonic knowing once he's back in the real world he'll never see him again Josh turns away holding back the tears slowly leaving sonic extreme coming holiday 1996 it's not all sad though Josh returns home and reunites with his parents the film ends with Josh playing Sonic Xtreme one more time he tells his dad that he'll remove xri from the game but before he does Sonic stops moving turns to the screen and a wing set Josh and that's the story of Sonic the Hedgehog wonders of the world ultimately this movie never got further than this pitch in truth it's been said that Sega actually loved the script even Sega of Japan were on board some plot changes were suggested here in there for example one staff member requested Robotnik be removed from the script in favor of an original villain to make the film more exciting for existing fans besides that though it seemed the movie would be made however before the project received official greenlight for full production MGM suddenly backed out of the deal leaving the project with no development studio one last effort to save the film was made when the movie was then pitched to DreamWorks a brand new studio at the time but they weren't interested and the film was scrapped no one really knows why MGM backed out of the deal I personally doubt about anything to do with the story as it actually sounds pretty fun and perfect for a kids movie I imagine it was more so due to Sonic's falling stardom in the 90s the pitch wasn't finished until May 1995 and that was long after the last big Sonic game in years Sonic and Knuckles was released unfortunately a Sega was not in the best shape in the mid-90s and Sonic wasn't doing much better he's still at a huge fanbase but his mainstream popularity was waning as far as MGM or DreamWorks were concerned they likely saw Sonic as yesterday's news and a weird CGI live-action hybrid movie which was meant to be a tie-in for a game just didn't seem like a movie worth its projected a hundred and fifty million dollar budget the film was just here risky and it's story ends here however this of course wouldn't be the end of Sonic movie projects so let's continue okay this next one is pretty crazy prepare yourself for sonic Armageddon one piece of sonic media that seems perfect for a film adaptation is the short-lived but widely praised Saturday morning show Sonic the Hedgehog better known as Sonic Santa Yama given the show's story heavy structure and serious tone its universe would be perfect for a film this is especially true considering the show ended on a cliffhanger with the third season being canceled before it could wrap up the story a follow-up movie would be a great chance to give the series that conclusion it deserved Satyam has a huge dedicated fan base so it's strange that no further material was made based off of it sure we had the Archie comics but there was never any direct continuation of Sonic Satyam as it was originally presented I suppose the show doesn't really line up with how Sega wants to represent the sonic brand nowadays but a conclusion movie would have been really awesome and believe it or not we almost got that at one point this story goes that around 2002 the late Ben Hurst a prolific writer who worked on both Satyam and Sonic Underground made an attempt to revive SatAM geek was on board and suggested that Hurst talk with Sega as in the end it would be their decision his original plan was to actually produce the long-awaited season 3 as that was in production at one point before the show was cancelled after getting in touch with Sega Hurst received a phone call from Ken Pender's well-known for his dealings with the Archie comics he had heard about Herse idea and wanted to create a full Satyam Archie Sonic movie Hurst's writing credits on Satyam includes some of the best episodes of the series such as the blast of the past two-parter and the series finale the Doomsday project considering how great the stories of those episodes are it would have been amazing to see what he would have done on a full scale movie unfortunately though that would never happen and neither would Satyam season 3 instead and this is how the story goes online Pender's apparently called Sega himself and told them that Hurst was attempting to co-op the sonic franchise through his Satyam revival and warned them not to go forward with it and right there any hope of a Satyam continuation died instead Pender's pitched to them his idea for a movie similar to Hurst's concept it would be a film based off of the Satyam and Archie universes and its name was Sonic Armageddon all right so here's what we know what was made for this project for account of four pieces of concept art were drawn by Pender's for the film and wow these are something alright first off we have this one of Sonic holding Sally who's crying probably because it looks like Moby it's just blew up apparently the story of this film would have revolved around Mobius blowing up and life after that I guess that's why it's called Sonic Armageddon doesn't that sound like a fun Sonic the Hedgehog movie second off we have this nice shot of Sonic jamming out in his messy 2002 room Wow oh hey Sonic one plays on his TV that's a nice touch the real question though is um who's this who is this big-lipped man over here is that Sonic's dad Uncle Chuck we may never know next up we have this funny drawing of what what is this what what was gonna happen in this Sonic the Hedgehog movie well okay this is Snively I think and he's performing some sort of robot a cessation on this poor creature this movie was gonna be dark yeah we're moving on from this one finally we have this group shot of presumably the entire cast of the film that's a lot of characters Wow my tu was planned to be in this film that's crazy some of the other characters used some outdated designs too which is pretty interesting to see I'm not gonna lie as a whole this piece looks nice or at least it's definitely the nicest of the concept pieces drawn for the pitch Pender's has actually sold prints of this piece at certain conventions it's not awful I especially like how Eggman is drawn here as for the film's story once again it would have involved mobius blowing up for some reason and then the aftermath of that if that's really all we know though how they would have incorporated all of these characters who the main villain would have been the actual story we have no idea we know the inciting incident but everything after that is a mystery well actually we do know how the movie would have opened sorta okay see to go along with the artwork Pender's also made this homemade video pitch for the movie you really just have to see this video in folder really understand it it opens with some kids I assume Pender's kids playing Sonic CD well one of them explains stuff that I can't really see actually connecting to the film here take a lesson they said it was just a video game but I knew better after all my dad's job was to search for life on other planets although many versions of the advance he witnessed made their way out into the media that was just security doing its job like who could keep the secret that fake right anyway this is what my dad said I am happy yeah okay after that we got some animated portions where a Sonics at his house eveni picks up this item sees it's his birthday which I guess he forgot and then this happens [Music] Wow satyam season 3 died for this I mean what am I talking about how this movie never got made is an absolute mystery to me how could any studio let alone any person see this pitch and not want to give millions of dollars for its full production I'm honestly surprised we stole this pitch video archived if the uploader said they found it on some old internet forum site maybe Pender's forms either way big thanks to them for preserving history how this movie was pitched as a bit of a mystery as there are conflicting details surrounding it some post claimant was also pitched to DreamWorks around 2002 and while there was interested never got off the ground these claims might be confusing it with wonders of the world though see when I tweeted about this movie with that explanation Ken Pender's himself corrected me apparently it was never pitched to DreamWorks only Sega and not in 2002 but in 2003 but apparently it also died in 2007 so there were 4 years of it being in the works and that sounds a little far-fetched and the truth is no Satyam or Archie Sonic movie could have happened back then Sega had other plans for animated Sonic Media Sonic X was seeing huge success around the time of these SatAM revival projects I imagine Sega didn't want conflicting animated series running at the same time imagine there was a new Sonic fan who loves Sonic X and they heard that there was a new Sonic movie coming out how exciting is that but then when their family takes them to see it this is what they see on screen it would have been a disaster if Sega had green lights such a wildly different take on their series when it wasn't needed I think this is one sonic film project most people are glad didn't see the light of day but hey at least we'll always have this pitch video okay this one is kind of cheating but I'm not passing up another opportunity to talk about the sonic ova the Sonic the Hedgehog anime OVA localized as Sonic the Hedgehog of the movie in America was originally released in Japan in two parts part one was called welcome to Eggman land and part 2 was Sonic vs Metal Sonic both came out in 1996 in Japan on September 7th 1999 adv films released Sonic the Hedgehog as a movie on VHS a combination of the two OVA episodes in truth Sonic the Hedgehog the movie is really just two episodes of a Sonic the Hedgehog miniseries put together and edited in a way to make them flow as one movie in a TVs defense the two merged episodes really do work together as a movie but that was not the original intention of the animation in fact it's quite possible that more episodes of the Sonic OVA would have been produced if the release is performed better in Japan unfortunately though the physical releases of the OVA didn't solo enough to warn more parts made could you imagine what they could have done with more episodes set in this universe episodes 1 & 2 were focused on Metal Sonic what if we got two more episodes focused on another villain like mecha sonic or team hooligan maybe even a new villain altogether I can only imagine what Wild 90s anime villain they could have come up with it could have been awesome more episodes weren't the only thing poor sales prevented though as it's been stated that an original soundtrack for the anime was planned to be released but the sales halted its production we're still feeling the effects of this as the OVA has some absolutely jamming music but most of it was never officially released on its own most of the background music from the OVA don't have clean rips available with fans resorting or recreating the work that's never been released there's also speculation that the sonic OVA served as a backdoor pilot of sorts for a full Sonic anime series which of course wouldn't be made until 2003 Sonic X which was a completely different thing from the ova project we can only dream of what more 90s sonic anime could have brought us I personally love the OVA it's one of my favorite pieces of Sonic Media so it's really sad to think we could have gotten more of this series but I guess like every other project discussed in this video we'll never know for sure what could have been [Music] after sonic Armageddon it's unknown if any other sonic movie projects were in the works in the 2000s I'm sure people had ideas for them but none were as concrete as the ones I've discussed in fact azĂșcar has gone on record saying that pitches for sonic movies weren't uncommon but I doubt many got very far in production outside of the games sonic media in the 2000s was mostly sonic accent archie sonic so sega likely didn't see the need for a big-budget sonic movie if the time just wasn't right if that was until the early 2010's in 2012 Yuji naka posted about visiting the marzu animation planet studios on his Facebook page it looks like they're working on a sonic movie their offices seem nice and they were screening whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa did you G knock a leak that a sonic movie was in the works it's possible but it's more likely that he just saw them working on one of the many animations they've made for Sonic games for those unaware Marsa animation plan is a CGI animation studio that's worked on many Sonic games if they did cutscenes for Sonic Unleashed sonic Raiders sonic lost world and many more is there perhaps best known for their short films Sonic and Knight of the werehog which was made to promote Sonic Unleashed the animation quality in all of Mars as Sonic projects is incredible and it's some of the best CGI work to ever come out of the series whether or not Yuji naka saw him working on a sonic theatrical movie is unknown but this comment got the hype of a sonic movie burning once again and that hype will finally be answered when Paramount Pictures Sonic the Hedgehog hits the big screen on November 8 2019 well this movie is you know actually coming out the history behind it is just as interesting as the previous films we've talked about so let's talk about it it seems new developments for a sonic movie began as early as 2013 possibly even earlier this incarnation of Sonic has been in the works since at least 2013 six years before the movie would even begin being marketed with that said though this movie went through some intense development struggles word of this new project began popping up in late 2013 when Sony Pictures registered several domain names relating to a Sonic the Hedgehog movie these included Sonic the Hedgehog movie calm and Sonic the Hedgehog movie net now domain names don't always mean something is for sure happening but it was interesting clearly something official regarding a sonic movie at Sony was at least being considered Sony must have at least acquired the rights to make a sonic movie if they registered these domains those domains were registered in December 2013 and we would get a couple more rumors regarding the movie every now and but it wouldn't be until summer of 2014 when we finally heard something official we're going to the actual movie on June 10th 2014 if the official sonic the hedghog website was updated well the update was likely due to all the new info for sonic boom that was released at e3 2014 there was something interesting to it one of the tabs on the website red TV and movies TV would be sonic boom but movies employed a sonic movie was actually in the works maybe those domains meant something after all turns out they did the rumors were true we finally got official confirmation that Sony Pictures was working on a Sonic the Hedgehog movie and this was huge news keep in mind none of the previous movie projects we've discussed were ever actually announced we only heard about them long after they had already been cancelled on this one however we got an official confirmation that it was in development it seemed that after all these years we'd finally be getting a real sonic movie made by Sony on that day we got some early info regarding the film such as who would be writing and directing it as well as confirmation that the animation would be handled by Marsa animation planet if that in particular was very exciting if we were getting an animated movie like a night of the werehog we were in for something great however it was quickly clear that a fully animated Sonic movie was not what we were getting MRSA would be animating the animated portions of Sony's Sonic movie but in reality the movie would be a live-action and CGI hybrid similar to the Alvin in the Chipmunks and Smurfs movies wow they're trying that again don't worry though if there would be no Josh or extremely radical intelligence in this movie Sony would be handling the live-action and Mars that would be animating the superimposed CGI characters like Sonic if they also announced that they plan to make this a trilogy with sequels coming out every year that's right we did get a sonic movie every single year from a fan's perspective that sounds like a dream but in terms of production that sounds like a nightmare and a recipe for rushed films in the announcements press release and the CEO of Mars's said we're confident that this collaboration will bring a fresh take to Sonic while still capturing everything that the fans loved about him if this movie wasn't going to be based off of any pre-existing Sonic media but instead would be a catch-all representation of the franchise to not only celebrate it for existing fans but also introduce new fans well the premise of a live-action sonic movie sounds pretty far off from what most fans would have wanted I was excited to hear more about the project it was so exciting that Sonic would finally be hitting the big screen more info couldn't be far off right but then 2015 came and went and we nothing about the project 2016 also brought little info on the film apart from it being delayed to 2018 and that Tim Miller would be the movie's new executive producer besides that though news on the movie went cold fans started to worry that the movie had been quietly canceled on it was all of that hype for nothing maybe a live action sonic movie still couldn't be realized but then on October 2nd 2017 over three years after the movie had first been announced it was announced that the movie would no longer be produced under Sony but instead Paramount Pictures thankfully the film wasn't cancelled well I guess technically Sony's vision was but paramount had taken the project up after Sony's Columbia Pictures put the film at a turnaround which meant that the company declared the film as a loss on their taxes if this means they'll get compensation for it but they won't be able to use the property any further we see this a lot with stalling TV shows where networks to write them off and can never air them again basically Sony saw the film as a sinking ship but paramount saw potential in it most of the original staff from Sony continued to work on the film at Paramount and it seems production has been going pretty strong it was first announced to be releasing on November 15th 2019 but then was pushed up to November 8th 2019 before we move on to Paramount the moment of the sonic movie though if there's one last hit bit I'd like to share regarding Sony's work on the film so remember the movie the interview stay with me here not many people do nowadays but back in 2014 it caused quite a stir I won't get into the details here but the controversy led to a massive Sony Li containing thousands of emails unreleased scripts and movies among other materials relating to the company all being released on November 24th 2014 it wasn't discovered until a while after the initial leak but within those emails was a mention of the sonic movie these emails relating to Sonic are dated June 12 2014 so they're from a little after we initially heard that a movie was in the works this email written by the senior vice president of Sony Pictures releasing international reads Hanneman jela just called to give me an early heads up that a very popular video game for years from Sega game maker named Sonic the Hedgehog will be made into a live-action film if the rest of the email actually contains some useful info it explains that the movie was to be a joint venture between Sony Pictures Entertainment and Sega saying that both companies will finance the movie 50/50 but uh sonic the hedge dog obviously this was just a typo but I guess we could refer to Sony's canceled movie as sonic the hedge dog from now on unrelated to Sonic but there was another email dated October 23 2014 with the decline of simply Mario detailing that Sony had secured the rights to make a Mario animated movie however it seems things fell through as illumination is now making the Mario movie regardless we're not talking about cancelled Mario movies today so let's move on I suppose I shouldn't comment too much on Paramount's movie as this is a video on canceled sonic movies and this one's actually coming out but here let's talk about all the leaks that have happened during the build-up to this film because man at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the whole movie ended up getting leaked before it came out in late May 2018 it was reported that Paul Rudd would play the character Tom wachowski in the film tom is a newly recruited police officer working for the green hills Sheriff company and he's the one who runs into Sonic and befriends him in the film but shortly after it was confirmed that he would not be played by Paul Rudd but instead james marsden a couple months after that in july some onset images a Marsden in the role of Tom popped up online in fact we've gotten quite a few onset images of this movie my personal favorite being this one that shows a sign that says welcome to Green Hills population 1981 which I hope was not supposed to be a reference to one sonic one came out since that was 1991 we wouldn't hear any substantial info about the movie until late 2018 though at CC XP 2018 a Brazilian comic-con paramount showed a teaser trailer for their sonic movie behind closed doors somehow this teaser never leaked online so we only have recounts of it people who saw the trailer claimed that Sonic looked much more realistic than normal but still cute an appealing we always assume Sonic would get a redesign for the film but it wasn't apparent just how different he would end up looking people claimed he still looked recognizable but completely different but then on December 10th 2018 IGN broke a story showing a motion poster that teased the upcoming film the poster only showed a silhouette of Sonic but it gave fans enough to work with on full display were Sonic's muscular arms and legs his Nike shoes his Stuart little look a tie and of course his blue arms it was clear that this movie was not going to be that dream Sonic movie that fans have been dreaming about for years this wasn't even going to be a movie about Sega's Sonic this was paramount Sonic Tim Miller described redesigning Sonic the part that stuck out to me was this when describing how this Sonic has two separate eyes he said I don't think Sega was entirely happy with the eye decision he's not going to feel like a Pixar character because I don't think that's the right aesthetic to make it feel like part of our world this implies that Paramount wanted so what Sega wanted for the design of their character if Sega wasn't entirely happy with the design don't you think they should have reconsidered I mean they designed him after all but anyway a second Sonic movie poster was quickly discovered in the Y owned popping up at various movie theaters across America this one was of Sonic's sitting on a bridge showing off his nice muscular legs yeah sure at this point things were definitely looking questionable but we still didn't have a full look at him I was holding my breath until we saw movie Sonic in foam whenever that would be but then literally the next day this dropped apparently originating from 4chan this is a leaked test poster for the sonic movie showing sonic in full sure he's not Sega sonic but he looks great in my opinion but something didn't add up here sonic shoes for example are different from the motion poster as is the logo and wait a second that's Chris Pratt playing Tom not james marsden I can't find an exact source for this but most people seem to agree that this poster is legit but it's from a much earlier point of development this explains why so much about of this off that does make you wonder though does sonic still look like this in the final movie I actually really like how sonic looks here he's more realistic looking of course but I think this is a great compromise between what paramount wanted and Sega's original design sure things like giving him no socks and blue arms are a little questionable but look at that face that's an appealing design if this is what sonic looks like in the final film this might not be half bad however as this was from earlier in development there was always the chance that they changed what sonic looked like since then and it was looking like that was the case I mean just compared to the motion poster it doesn't really line up we wouldn't get answers for months that is until March 5th 2019 when a style guide for the movie was discovered and leaked online style guides are produced by companies to distribute to licensees who wish to make products for their properties companies that want to make toys based off of the sonic movie most likely receive this style guide to base their products off of while there naturally were some skeptics and this was the real deal if the style guide showcase stuff like how products for the movie were to look in terms of packaging design we got a probably unauthorized cameo of Tomi's modern sonic figure it gave us a brief description of movie Sonic's personality and of course it gave us our first full look at his design to be fair these pieces are 2d illustrations and not 3d renders this isn't exactly how he's going to look in the movie but it must be pretty close if this is what merchandise is going to use as a basis speaking of let me just say I am so it said it for the merchandise coming out for this movie figures plushies I can't wait I'm gonna try to get as much of it as I can because Wow well that stuff be a time capsule years from now so far it's but confirm that Jax Pacific will be making figures and plushies for retail and the company toy factory will be making plushies for amusement areas like arcades and carnivals so if your dream is to see a 40 inch movie sonic plush on an arcade if that may become a reality someday I personally think most of the artwork in this style guide looks pretty alright some of it I actually really like like this one looks so cool obviously this is in no way what anyone wanted out of a sonic movie but hey it'll be interesting to see yet another interpretation of this franchise in terms of his design he does look pretty close to the original leaked poster though he does have slimmer proportions and smaller eyes i think if his eyes were just a little bit larger he looked really good as of right now I'll have to get used to it the same day this style guide leaked this render of Sonic popped up online from an anonymous source at first I liked it but again I wish the eyes were larger and his body was closer to the proportions we saw in that leaked poster a few days after that this not so flattering image of Sonic running towards the camera also leaked online which seemed to have come from some sort of promotional flyer given the artwork for the other properties around Sonic if that wasn't enough on entire plot synopsis of the movie was leaked online by reddit user Shrek's donkey 57 who claimed to see an early test screening for the movie which I won't go into detail here because it's starting to look like this is legit and I don't want to spoil the entire movie so with all of these leaks coming out it seemed like it would only be a matter of time before a trailer for the movie dropped but then nothing if they completely ignore the leaks and no trailer surfaced if there were rumors of a trailer floating around insiders with claims that Coolio is a gangsta paradise was the background song which sounds like the best thing ever but nothing was confirmed that was until CinemaCon 2019 where paranoid showed off two whole trailers for the movie one focusing on Sonic and Tom and the other focusing on Robotnik played by Jim Carrey and yes Sonic's trailer does feature gangsta's paradise at this point though we're getting pretty far away from this video's original topic so I'm gonna leave it here maybe in the future I'll do a full history video on the development of paramount Sonic the Hedgehog but for now all we can do is wait for the film to be released and there you have it a history of all the known Sonic the Hedgehog movie projects that never saw the light of day well it's very far from what fans wanted out of a sonic movie I'm actually really excited to see Perry months movie when it comes out I know it's very weird looking and who knows if it's actually gonna be good but man it'll be so fun to see it with friends what I'm saying is this movie looks like it's gonna be one of the most epic movies of all time and I am so excited for that I remember years ago dreaming of a sonic movie watching videos like Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer by Sonic toast and hoping that one day something like this would happen I'm excited to finally see Sonic on the big screen even if it's not the Sonic I've come to love you do have to wonder though how different would the series be if any of these movies had come out the series would have been completely changed by any of these movies releasing for example if sonic wonders of the world had come out Sonic would have gone on a huge boost in popularity and who knows assuming in that timeline Sonic Xtreme also came out maybe it would have sold incredibly well completely changing the future of the series I've always wondered how different Sonic would be now if extreme did come out would we still have gone in Sonic Adventure probably but it's fun to think about on the flip side if Sonic Armageddon had come out and the series would have gone through Sonic Armageddon remember what tom kalinske said a movie is so broad and gets so much marketing everyone would have known about it a movie has the potential rocket a series popularity but also completely ruin it it's a huge risk versus reward situation I imagine that's why so many people are worried about paramount sonic movie if it's poorly received this could seriously mess up the series for years to come but I guess we just have to wait and see maybe paramount sonic will be a huge success and take the series to popularity levels it hasn't seen in years maybe Sony's original plan for a Sonic trilogy will come to be and we'll get sequels to this movie but at this point only time will tell I hope you've enjoyed this look at all of the cancelled sonic movies from over the years do you wish any of these had come out do you think any of these would have been better than Paramount's movie regardless it's always fun to speculate and think about what could have been you
Channel: PatMac
Views: 1,211,151
Rating: 4.9003801 out of 5
Keywords: Sonic The Hedgehog, Movie, Sonic, SEGA, Film
Id: w23ZI3uGv9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 38sec (2198 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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