Two Ugly Monsters on the Sawmill

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all right guys so it is time to get these two  ginormous Pine logs sawed up so the last video   we sawed up that black walnut log and we made a  quarter round I guess you could call it mantle and   just a regular rectangular mantle in that same  order the same customer brought me a couple of   really large pine logs and these should be pretty  simple as long as they don't have any metal in   them I have no idea where they came from hopefully  they don't have metal in them but these two Pine   logs are very very big this one is the shortest of  the two and it's 23 and a half right there but you   can see it's really oblong right here so it's not  really 23 and a half that direction is 18 on the   other side I think it's 21 22 something like that  very very round so we'll put this section right   here at the head of the mill so that we know  where the smallest part of the log is and then   we're just going to get some one buys we're going  to square up the cant then we're going to get some   one buys and a few two by should be very very  simple cutting as long as there's no metal in it but the tractor was pretty much maxed out  on picking this log up and bringing it over   here and the other log is just a little bit  smaller but it's about two feet longer so   I'm not certain that I'm going to be able  to pick that log up with this tractor but   we'll see let's cut through this one and  then we'll see if we can pick that one up I can tell it's been on the ground for quite some  time because I mean first of all you can see what   it looks like but it's got a very distinctive  smell to it fresh pine log smell like I smell   like what you would expect they smell pitchy they  smell like fresh it's not turpentine I guess it's   just pine tar or whatever but this one smells I  kind of like decomposition really there's still   a lot of really good Lumber in this log you can  see this is still looking good in yellow and   there's some blue streaks in it but that's okay  it's not rotten but it's kind of in the kind of   in the beginning stages of rotting so I'm glad  he went ahead and brought this one to me foreign I want to get this really ugly face off of it  first and then I want to get this off Square   this side up as well so I can have a square  can and then I'll determine which side of the   can I can get my widest Boards out of and then  we'll start getting our boards out of that side so that worked out really really good this face  right here is just a little bit up under 15 inches   this face over here is about 12 and three quarters  so we're going to be getting our boards off of   this right here we'll get some nice wide almost 15  inch boards which is great we'll be getting some   one Buys in a few two buys as well and it worked  out extremely well because we've got some sharp   Corners here you've got to have sharp corners on  your final count or you're not going to be able   to clamp the log properly the way that that clamp  works it kind of goes up under the can I'll show   you in a minute and it clamps it from The Edge and  if you don't have a sharp corner it just doesn't   work very well so let's go ahead and let's go  ahead and get our boards out of this foreign I've got all the one buys that I want out of this  and I'm going to start getting the two buys but I   need to get these off of here so the mill head  can go down farther but I want to check this   grain out I'm expecting some pretty good things  here because the sawdust was very very nice   and yellow so I'm expecting some  pretty nice pretty nice Lumber in here let's do one more and we'll put a little water on   it because I want to get as much  Heartwood as I can to show y'all you just can't judge a log by the outside of it   let's start getting some  two inch stuff out of this I'm not so sure my tractor's  gonna pick this log up this log has been on the ground for  a long time I don't know if y'all   can see this but there's actually  grass growing out of a little hole   in the side of this log it has been  sitting around for a very long time I need   to stop   for a minute and fix my setup here I've got  some lights in this shed just to make the   camera lighting just a little bit better but  you see it's just temporary lighting and it   got hung up around the Mast on The Sawmill  here and yanked them all down I should have   a video soon about putting proper lights in  the mill but for now I got to fix this mess well guys this is going to be a pretty abrupt  ending to this video after that last cut that   you saw me make on that log on The Sawmill I  went inside to get some lunch and I was taking   a little break in there and all of a sudden  the customer was here to get his Lumber so   I had to rush outside and get that stuff loaded  up on his trailer and just like that it's gone   so that turned out really really well those were  some very ugly logs those pine logs were but they   had some really nice lumber on the inside and  I think whatever he decides to do with them I   think they'll I think that it'll turn out really  really nice one more thing before I wrap up this   video entirely my wife has been working very  diligently the last few days trying to get   new merchandise up on spring so this is one of  the designs right here if y'all can see this   and this design and other designs are available  on t-shirts hoodies long sleeve shirts water   bottles hats coffee cups and that kind of stuff  and I'm currently working with another graphic   designer to do another design as well I'm very  very bad at graphic design I seem to be able to   edit videos together so that they're at least  watchable but when it comes to graphic design   I'm just pretty much worthless so unfortunately I  have to pay somebody else to do that for me but I   have another one that should be coming along  in the next few weeks hopefully so we'll see   how that works out but anyway this is a really  really good way to support the channel we do   get a kickback on any of the stuff that gets  sold and I'll put a link in the description of   this video as well as the very first comment in  the comment section so great way to support the   channel and I'll leave you all some links for  that stuff if y'all are interested but that's   going to do it for this video thank you all for  watching and I will see y'all on the next one
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 180,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fall line ridge, sawmill, Wood mizer, pine, yellow pine
Id: PPTgA65wNR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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