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oh my God this is going up the stairs look at this oh my goodness all right everyone here we are we are looking for four levels of estate sale Madness and there we are right there that is the house I've got to get parked real quick and get a number which will determine the order that we will get into this house in about an hour so let me get the number and I'll be right back all right we got to grab our number here we are number 20 all right everyone it's time to go in all right our entrance is uh through the back of the house so we got to walk down this pathway here all right we're headed in now everything is Half Price Half Price all right we're in let's head in this way so this is original art here that's nice that's original art I believe it is yeah that's really cool I love this dog so so this would be 250 though yeah okay great and then get this one here for still $150 this is why I take the two boxes cuz I could slot it in between like this this when I carry it around there you go so keeps it nice and protected good idea yeah never thought of that yep so even at half price some of these things are still pretty pricey right now I do really like the circus posters but still would be 25 bucks a piece right now so we're going to keep these here for now cool I like this uh you see this stamp right here this looks like Japanese w block and so this would be two for $5 I love the uh Birds here so this is nice someone who likes Japanese art who likes rural a type of art like Farm art would like it and we've got another one here another one of these Japanese wood block stamps it's got the butterflies in it so we're going to get both of these for five bucks so this is really cool December 1945 the problem is it's not the full calendar if it was the full calendar I would definitely go for it but I definitely wanted to show it to you because it's really neat I love the uh patriotism in this really cool I don't know if and the cats too for all you cat fans this is really cool in the corner there's a nice old movie poster of vice squad this movie came out in 1953 it's a really cool detective movie and this is a an original not a reproduction it does have a tear in it right there it's like a little chip but uh small well more than a chip I call it like a gouge but this is hard to find and it's only 10 bucks so we're going to get this oh my I really like this one this Hippodrome one from 1955 wow that is so cool it's an original sign look at that Syracuse New York awesome colors lovely lady oh my gosh five bucks I'm going to grab this I think this made of metal yeah it's pretty big though but's pull this off look at the size of this thing wow so only 750 I think I'm going to get this yeah I'm going leave this up front oh my God cat fans who watch this channel are going to absolutely love this piece look at that that's an amazing deal on this I never seen something quite like that wow let's see let's grab this this we'll grab this let's see this get this too I think I like just these right now if these were older I'd grab them but you see they're from 1992 this is old but it's a little too torn there for me this whole wall is just covered with photos my gosh this one's really cute look at this one I got to get that here's another one look at this is a really cool print I love little cat kind of reminds me of Daisy hanging out with Mrs Prim Time all right got to get these two here's another one this one looks like original art it has some Japanese writing on it so we'll get this one too I look down here on the bottom of the stairs this little elephant this is really neat looks like a pin or something Mrs Prime time's really going to like this let's grab this here's a cute little one for a dollar it's like a little stitching right here that's really neat great pick up on that one oh my God this is going up the stairs look at this oh my goodness you know this is one of my favorite movies she and it's only 15 bucks it's huge I'm going to get this this is definitely all mine absolutely love this wow thank you so here it is all laid out Ursula Andress the original Bond girl so this is only going to be $7.50 let's roll this up all right so this is where we came from and then over here there's a bunch of more art prints um these are mostly owls this one here the cats is really cool but it's 100 bucks but I think I'm going to get this one here cuz it's only $5 with the half off right so over here we have two more I love this owl right here it's just $2.50 with a discount and this one here is original pencil art it's signed so it's only going to be four bucks so I'm going to grab this too all right so off of here there's Japanese art all along this wall and I got to go with my got what jumps out to me this one does I really like this one and this one as well look at that all right we'll grab both of these here we go all right I've got some of the stuff uh being stored downstairs cuz some of it's just too big to carry around but I've got to rearrange these frames just to make it a little easier to to walk around but I really love the colors and the Animals here the Curiosity of the cat just so cool and um this one here it's just such such nice colors uh really beautiful so and again only 1250 so this is great uh this one I definitely keep this one in the frame this Frame is really nice all right let's rearrange these all right that's way better much more organized to walk around with this all right so that was the hallway we were just in and this is the next room and this place is just absolutely loaded there's tons of camera equipment there's a lot of stuff here from Syracuse University it's really old the old well it's still there the wfl Syracuse radio station there's some cool photos from that oh my gosh it's crazy look at this and then in here there's lots of additional photographs lots of frames lots of old camera equipment my goodness I'm going to have to look through this stuff and I'll let you know what I find here and pick up I mean this is just crazy there's just so much so much stuff wow oh my God and we barely touch this place all right so I think we're going to start with this this is a nice Ziploc pack of old photo mats I love the old advertising uh right here on the front Marden Manning uh just $4 for these so definitely cool a great deal for Just 4 bucks for all this vintage stuff here so really nice all right so back into this room over here remember when I said sometimes you got to go by your instinct and I'm definitely going to go with my instinct on this so it's four for $35 the wfl so this was Syracuse's first radio station uh started in 1924 so this one's 1937 so you know a little more than 10 years after that this one's 1939 I've got to do some research on who this guy is if you know let me know in the comment section I'm not sure if I would have figured it out by then but uh you could see it looks like his name is Don so um I think yeah let's just grab these especially since we have a signature we have some messaging on here and it's uh associated with old Syracuse radio let's grab all four for 1750 all right I can't pass up this picture for just 50 so that's really cool uh from Rome New York and then this one here almost looks like a real photo postcard but it's bigger than that but it's Rio de Janeiro which is really cool look at that that is a neat piece right there so it'll just be two bucks so can't pass on that that's amazing all right so check this out this is a great deal this is a box lot originally for 25 so now it's $1250 and it has a lot of old photographic paper from Eastman Kodak which is not too far away uh because it's Rochester so Rochester is like 70 90 minutes from Syracuse and this thing is just loaded up with it not only in the envelopes but in the old boxes like this alone would pay for the entire box like just this little thing right here and this thing goes pretty deep so if we pull it out you can see that there's 8x10s in here as well so you can make a nice little lot with this stuff and it just keeps going so we're going to grab this for just 12250 all right I just dropped the Box lot off downstairs and then I came across this I didn't notice the price I saw it earlier but it's just a dollar so you know someone who's really into photography would love having this framed up in their photography room so we're going to grab this for just a buck just slide it in here all right so moving from there to over here uh this is just 50 with a discount uh so this is glued on so uh I could either sell it as is or I could trim around it uh you know and sell each one separately uh let me know what you would do I'm thinking of trimming it all right so here's a nice old uh film development tank in the original box here made of tenite and it's really cool cuz it has imagery all around the box it really cool to have it in the original box and there it is so look like it's in good shape it's got the original paperwork uh that's definitely a no-brainer for just a dollar wow all right so here's two more these are bigger so this is the superb uh three bucks would would be $150 these go for about 27 to 30 bucks so we're going to grab both of these as well so I could feel it's in there so that's nice and then hiding over here is an unpriced Eastman Kodak company um laminated art piece with nice old car down there so that's really cool let's see what year was that that looks like it was done in the 50s and it doesn't have a price on it so um we'll pick this up for sure and then looks like there's another one over here and look at all those old cars on here so a car fan will love this someone who loves industrial photography and this is really cool and with there being no price on it I mean these will probably be just thrown in at the end or you know 50 cents or something like that so really nice all right so I was looking through the little box of manuals here but I wasn't really seeing anything that I was interested in uh but I did like um well this Epcot thing is interesting but I like this this photocraft Magazine from 1939 so I'm going to pick this one up I love the negative right there that's really neat so yeah that's cool that's just going to be a buck and this Epcot Center thing compliments of Epcot this is interesting this looks like oh wow look at this the original Epcot design right there yeah I'm going to pick this up cuz epcot's my favorite Park so even if it doesn't go for much I just want it for me anyway so yeah definitely cool all right just 25 cents all right so I'm definitely not a photography equipment expert uh but I definitely like this piece the twink Light mini cam uh this is really cool it's a really nice Flash and um this reliably sells for good money if you can find it in the Box I'll try to flash something on the screen there a lot of the sales tend to be International but uh yeah I think like 30 bucks or so US dollars so for $ 250 in the Box I think uh this would be nice so take a quick oh look at that that's so cool wow really neat piece right there look at that it's in great shape for being so vintage all right there are glass slides here but they're too much money 125 125 100 even with the discount I don't want to be that much into these uh just wouldn't be enough uh profit on them so uh we're going to head out into another room at this point these two rooms are amazing though all right everyone this is the next room look at this got woodpeckers we've got more art just all over the place we've got some boxes to dig through here I mean look at this this is crazy it's just room after room is filled with just all of this art and all these photos and just oh my gosh look at this this is cool look at this old fisherman here that's really cool reminds me of a Gorton fisherman I could use some fish sticks when this is all over with so wow I've got to go through this stuff and see what I want well just a buck for that 50 cents with a discount 50 cents all right let's load up let's load up on this stuff let's see we'll get this we'll get this we'll get this one why not right not distinct enough for me for five bucks two for a dollar on that so that's going to be 50 cents that's cool look at that that looks like that looks like some original art right there for just 250 what do we got here I don't know I'm kind of on the fence with that one you do have a dog there too three C all right let's get it uh no some of you are probably going to love these things and wish I didn't pass them but uh well I don't know it's a nice litho maybe I should get that one three bucks two for three oh boy if you're a cat fan you see something you like just reach out to me let me know can make a deal my gosh hopefully they'll give me a bul deal when I check out of here this is cool it's just wow look at all this stuff let's just buy this whole box look at this just keep my gosh I might just do that why not why I just buy the Box people always telling me to do that I think I'm going to do that like well 15 oh look at this huh 15 so that would be 7506 see now I don't know if I want that one uh I don't know it's a watercolor of a cat this would be this would be three oh look at this this is weird look at that one that would be three huh this is crazy my gosh look at that one's that one more the frame is damaged on that black cat W this was six 69 original signed lithograph is it signed it is signed oh look at this look at that one that's really cool Walter Foster he does a lot of does how to draw all right so since I decided to get this entire box right here I went and picked through this one to see if there was anything that I wanted to add to it this one's cool but it's a little too damaged this is cool old disco old this did you say yeah it's really neat old Syracuse univers so oh there's tons of Syracuse stuff around here this is you don't see this every day gu not that's really neat huh wow that's very cool so that would be five okay so we get that this box to box I'll have to check that out Gary Patterson I have some of his stuff he does a lot of tennis art so I have one of his pieces right now actually it's in a nice big frame and everything but that's that's really cool I like that one all right so that's the Box we're loading up and then I'm looking in here for some other pieces H darn that's a little stained up for me right there so going to man should I you know what it's still original Japanese wood block so I think I'm still going to take it that's cool this is very interesting look at this kind of has like to me Southwestern Vibes to it that's really neat that'll just be four bucks and then let's look and see what else here's another one looks like probably done by the same artist but I like the other one better so stick with the other one see what else here all right these are more modern prints so I'll turn on if I see anything else I like here all right let's see what else the colors on this one this one too let's see grab those sese very popular SES let's see what else oh that's neat the buck on that one look at that that's $350 grab that oh that's nice colors on that one too Miss Miss mid's Three Little Kittens that's cool all right let's see what else that feeling that one oh this is cool Jesse wicock Smith Campbell print $9 so $450 with the milk red dress okay get this too this is my favorite one so far that is so cool look the Frog's face I think it's the bird box it's the bird box oh okay not just owls no no I love bluebirds so I got to get that all right let's keep going here let's see this is cool two for four on this one okay let's signed great huh it's interesting all right well I think I filled this box up so I'm going to bring this downstairs wow look at this loaded up all right so remember when I told you that a lot of times people tend to leave things that are rolled up so these are definitely worth exploring I'll show you an example uh I already took one out here and they're only um $250 or $2 each with a discount today but look at these look at this beautiful Japanese wildlife art and it rolls and rolls and rolls it's just sitting here this is a great deal so I'm going to grab this one and I'm going to look through these and uh grab a few more as well okay I'll show you the ones that I'm going to get look at this one my favorite blue colored birds love this nice piece all right here's another one look at this nice Japanese landscape beautiful and you have some people down here too so I'll take a picture of that for my listing to highlight it as people love things like that you want to make sure you emphasize these little scenes here cuz it really helps to sell it see the people walking up the mountain there little house there it's amazing all right here's the next one just flowers at first but get down we got some nice colorful birds so we'll grab this one too all right here we go another Japanese landscape one look at that that is really cool look at those mountain ranges and again you have some imagery of the people Gathering it's really cool we got some hunting going on exploring very nice all right here's the next one wow we got some nice Birds up top some nice pink colors look at this very nice all right I'm going to pass on the smaller ones and here's why they're just not as intricate as the other ones so we're just going to leave it here it's really just a you know a bunch of leaves so we'll leave it here ha all right so I think we found another another box lot to pick up you can see here it says 60 bucks for the set so it's just going to be $30 it says animate creation on it now these are filled filled with these things there's one two three four five six let me me show you one of these to give you an example for in here so take this out and this is a nice shape um open it up you can see this one is dedicated to our living world so there's all sorts of um drawings inside of different animals let's get let's get this one open right here so you can see we got some kangaroos here and then we've got the walrus here then you have some writing about them as well so these go back to the 18 hundreds I mean it's it's crazy there's so many of them you could sell them individually for like 30 bucks a piece or you could sell them in cents so um I think defin it's a no-brainer to pick this whole thing up for um for the 30 and here's an example of the age inside the books 1885 wow this is crazy all right so we just came from over there and now we have another room here and we've got some posters here this is actually one of my favorite movies store crazy with Richard PRI and uh Gan Wilder too bad there's a tear here but we're going to dig through here oh look at this look at this look at this AES this doesn't have any any tears on it so it'll be six bucks and that'll that'll come off cuz these stickers are removable so we're going to get that I'll let you know what else I grab here all right here's another great one look at this I love westerns and this is really neat this cat beloo movie poster my God Jane Fonda look at this Me Marvin that King Cole so a lot of people would like this this and it was originally 50 uh this is really hard to find we'll pick this up for sure for the 25 the colors are incredible this is amazing you've got this little bondage section right here with the Noose the upside down look up and down here this is really great wow and one of the reasons stuff like this stays here is because people just don't really want to carry this stuff around with them cuz it's just big and awkward and stuff so um I'll just lay it on top of my boxes here and you know we'll get it situated so just got to be organized that's the key all right they've got a lucky man I have this on DVD it's a famous um British movie but it's stained up here so we'll pass on it all right going to pass on this one for the 30 just doesn't jump out to me enough but I definitely like this one for $6 because you've got the alligators the Everglades wind across the Everglades this is really cool it's got like the you know Frontier explorers very very neat so Floridians will love this this is a good one we're going to grab this oh my gosh look at this one five bucks for an old Clint Eastwood one you've got Don Rickles in here Carol o Conor start in this movie tell savales oh my God Donald southernland five bucks it has has a little wear on it but that's okay yeah we'll get this for five all right so there are some bigger ones down here that I'm looking at um Rumple still skin nah we'll pass on that one this Pinocchio one is cool um I love that you have monstro here but it's 45 bucks so I like it but I don't like it that much Time Bandits no pass on that uh Tom celic no to damage also Buck Rogers that's definitely cool and it's only going to be 10 bucks let's let's pull this one out this is cool love sci-fi 100% 100% look at this this this is incredible this is the original movie poster right here so we're going to grab this [Music] one and these fold up so they're a little easier to carry around all right so I did find one more in here that I'm interested in a lot of these are black and white and I don't want those and they priced high but um this one looks kind cool but too much too many words check this one out I no not this one that is a Sil l i one I think but um there's another one back here black and white okay this right here so look at this Woody Allen bananas That's a classic it's going to be 1250 let me take this one out and show it to you all right there it is look at that that is amazing classic Woody Allen look at the Ladies by them you got Howard coel oh my gosh this is so cool little writing down there but that doesn't matter this is this is amazing all right pick this one up all right so I did unroll all of these but I'm going to pass on them some of them are modern and some are some are vintage but they're related to like the the New York State Fair so um not something that's like super desirable not old off so we're going to leave these here one the cor all right there's some more posters over here this is pretty neat um only two bucks it's a little bit Stained on the bottom I don't know kind of reminds me of Daisy maybe I should get this uh let me know what you think I think I going get it it's just a dollar uh that's pretty cool but uh the six buck in the frame let's see what else this is this is the one I really like look at this this is amazing so it'll be $15 but look at the colors on this one wow wow I'm definitely getting this could you imagine hanging this up somewhere framing this in like a movie room this is incredible oh my gosh you just don't find something like this every day all right so on the bed there's some cool old calendars not this one I want to pass on this one but let me show you and there's more besides old calendars look at this this is just amazing I'll bring it down here so you can see it a little better but um it's 1944 calendar this would be $4 and uh looks like we have all the months here too so we got that one then we've got this one here from 1943 this is nice old vintage New York you want to look and see if you have all the months here and we do so that's awesome then we have a 1952 studa Baker calendar look at the condition it's amazing look at that it's just insane so oh there's another one so you like old cars and then look at this these are 5 for30 so one hey prep time oh God I can't escape why don't you pick us up for $15 oh gosh okay this one has a crease in it but I don't think the crease matters that [Music] much and here's the other one so back there that's pretty sweet I'd sell these individually this one sells it for me totally all right so the rest of the posters they're more common place I'm not that interested in them including ones over here but I really like this colorful right here this is beautiful does not have a price on it so I'm going to grab this one and sometimes you got to go with your gut so I'm going to I like this piece right here this is like man the frame is sturdy this is nice French Decor right here look at that that is amazing so I like the half price on everything all right we're going to head up to the attic now right up that way all right so there are some old albums here but uh they are all they're all blank they're cool but I've got so much stuff already that blank albums with loose bindings is not what I'm looking for right now so we're going to move to a different spot uh right over there all right so that's where we came from and this is the fourth floor so this is the attic area and um um and there's some miscellaneous things here there's a lot of blank picture frames so I'm not going to pick those up there are some posters that are rolled up for two bucks each so I'm going to take a look and see if there's any posters that I want that seems to be the the main thing up here yeah so I'm just not seeing anything good over here it's more like a lot of damaged modern posters or more modern posters like New York festivals and stuff um just nothing really good you know I love Syracuse New York or Wellness day or you know just random stuff so bummer oh okay and the ones here are all old U map posters [Music] of like the St Lawrence River but the two damaged and just not interesting enough for me to be able to uh do anything with these so we're going to head downstairs now to the uh to the main floor we'll go back to the first floor all right so here's another room just totally loaded um look at this for just 75 I love this so we'll definitely pick this up obviously it's not the main theme of the room it's all these um gas station and road maps 50 cents for those so that would be 25 cents and the atlases are 50 cents jeez all right so when you're faced with this much of volume you have a couple choices you could try to buy everything here but just too much I don't need all this stuff or you could try to pick things out by theme and that's what I decided to do so I love the old mobile Pegasus horse right there so I just basically made a big lot of everything I could find that was vintage mobile gas Pegasus and you could put these in Big Lots and you could sell them for $100 to $200 so you could also try to sell them individually if you want to but lotting usually works best now in terms of the top brand want to look for for these um you for for these types of uh road maps you're the gasoline ones you're looking for S Clair now someone clearly must have come here and picked all the St Clair's out which is smart because those you get a lot of those together they'll definitely sell for you know like like I said between 100 and 200 but even individually the old sin CLS are great people love these and then this one I just liked because just seemed a little different I like the picture of the guy and the colors so yeah so this would be a great deal and these are just going to cost 25 cents each very nice all right so what we have down in this section of the room are more art prints but I have so many art prints at this point that I don't think I need to pick any more up and these are not as interesting as the ones that I saw uh previously so I think we're going to head out to a different room so this is the next room and look at this we've got tons and tons of more maps to go through this is crazy this one I already picked out I'm not looking for too many of these cuz these are more modern the ones I've been picking out are more these older ones with the uh patriotic colors on it so I'll show you some of the ones I picked here's another Sinclair another Sinclair found another Sinclair awesome there's another one and another I've got another one right in the back uh this one's pretty cool this is an old New York Subway guide so we'll pick this one up too hey look at this this is a nice vintage New York City look at us Statue of Liberty and look at this one this is a 1948 Edition wow that's that's really cool wow look at this all right and these are the last ones I W up picking up most of them are mobiles so a lot of them in New York I love this one this one with the Sears Rob book look at that the guy and the lady driving in the car that one's super cool a couple of the New Yorks so wow loading up okay so a lot of this stuff here are local photos of different people and places so I'll take a peek through there's some entertainment prints also so I'll take a peek and see if there's anything I'm interested inow if so I will let you know what's this that's so cool oh my God I got to get that I absolutely love that it's one of my favorite pieces I love this type of art oh my gosh that's so neat F oh this would be good in my all right this definitely jumps out out to me look at this this is like an old theater uh group and it looks like we have something else on the back too and this dates back to oh boy I don't know it's got to be early 1900 but it's only three for $6 so we have another print here as well so and then there's should be another one in there let's let's see the other one all right this is the other one um does have some damage to it but fortunately most of it's right here at the end so someone could repair trim it but I think there'd be interest in this so I'm going to grab this and I'm mostly grabbing it for this one cuz I like how it says here first performance of sea Opera group Peggy and the pirate oh 1930 there we go wow absolutely incredible oh here's a really cool ship photo that jumps out to me look at that I mean that thing is amazing and you have some people down there ready to go on the ships and then there's some photos on the back oh and there's some writing in the back think it describes January 17th 1953 Al it describes what it what it is here very interesting you might not be able to see this that well but it says Japanese Sailors prepare to board their new ships shortly after the American Crew saluted the quarter deck for the last time and went ashore January 17th 1953 oh that's so cool oh this is really cool this is the old onandaga hotel in Syracuse and it's on like a cardboard um cardboard board it's amazing just a dollar so yeah 50 cents all right well there is another half of the room this is the other side uh lots of odds and ends uh has more of like a thrift store feel over here and some of the stuff is just like you know cleaning supplies and things I'll look and see if there's anything I'm interested in there's some cat items here but uh this sale is mostly about the paper right so a lot of the pieces are broken like you can see here it's like chipped off here and stuff so it's probably why I was left behind otherwise I would have got it all right so there wasn't really anything in that room that I liked a lot of modern pieces and damag pieces but we have one more area we have to check out and that's the basement so let's head on down those steps I'll show you all right so this is the kitchen by the way not much to speak of in here so uh there's a long laundry room but uh this is where we got to go next folks break down these steps and we're going to head on to the basement oh I like that sign that's very cool so here's something interesting here in the basement look at this look at the size of this box of sheet music like babbe it's cold outside look at the price $10 for the entire box $10 for the entire box same thing here some of them are damaged yes but there's a lot in here that are in nice shape so I mean for $10 how could you miss on this I mean it's just incredible there's so many nice ones in here so again you're going to find damaged ones in here for sure I fried myself but there's also going to be a lot of amazing ones that we could Pi out of here and make our money back super super quick look at that one look at that right there nice shape nice colors here here's another one here my goodness and I've done really well with sheet music so this is a good basement find let's put this back over here yeah so oh look at this oh my gosh there's just so much so yeah we could really do well with this some of this stuff is we know what they really old so in fact most I mean pretty much it's all old so oh my goodness oh the Christmas ones good wow look at that that's nice okay I think I've shown enough yeah we're going to we're going to grab this both of these boxes all right so I just confirmed the price is actually $5 a box $5 a box with a 50% discount I mean come on that's insane how do you you can't even miss on that all right so here's another deal this whole box of humor bucks so it's like Andy capap BC original 65 so it's going to be this is going to be 3250 okay so yeah how do you pass up on this $32.50 for all these books I mean that's insane we got Beetle Bailey in here and they're in great shape too you could lot these together tumble weeds look at the condition normally they're all beat up so my gosh I just cannot believe this sale this is insane yeah we're going to grab all these all right A lot of these are analog sci-fi from the 80s they're nice but uh I'm going to pass on given the volume that I have right now all this is analog and uh couple other science related ones to are like a few other titles all right all right so half off the price that you see here this is a nice big lot of old colorful comic strips so we have Mary Perkins Flash Gordon that one would be five for all these jeez uh Juliet Jones that'll be five and Brenda star reporter that'll be seven 50 so yes these old strips if you find old newspapers you could even cut them out and sell strips people will buy them so we're going to grab this that's really nice we got to straighten this out over here get this over here okay so we're going to get these right in here and then this is cool look at this Martian invasion of the Earth this is from 19 39 look at this strip it's amazing look at that Syracuse Harold the colors are amazing that's going to look great in a frame $2.50 and it already comes with a protector so I could use that uh as a protection when shipping wow all right so I'm going to go for these look at this these life magazines go back to the 1930s supp and they're generally in excellent shape and the prices are amazing so half price so it's a dollar each and you could see these go back to the 1930s we've got incredible covers 1940s and this is Shirley Temple so Shirley Temple just be 50 cents Dum keep going to show you some of the covers they're just incredible with this one now get just keeps [Music] going look at this what a deal there's a couple that'll be $150 but no worries you already about look at this one here with Eva Gabor and this one here with Gregory pack this is like a $30 one just just this in and of itself will be 30 you get 30 bucks out of it and then there's more here look at this and Bramley right the Eisenhower look at this um the other good thing about these for some of them if there's some that don't sell for that much is that you could just sell the ads so Mrs prime time is into that now she's getting old life magazines and she's just pulling the ads out like this and selling them like this so it's another idea so Peter Pan peanut butter wow and we're going to grab all these too cuz these are from the 50s so we're going to grab this enti stack here all the ones from the 50s remember the TV guys all the ones here from the 30s and 40s [Music] all right wow you looking for anything special or just no no I'm just picking so uh I'll look through them three bucks a piece unless otherwise marked and small no I'm just making sure I know the pricing 50 cents on the you can buy soft covers here if you want yeah I'm sure thanks all right all right brief voice over here because it was tough to record live in this small room but you could see me here pointing to the years 1865 to 1866 these are House Executive documents referring to the House of Representatives and I picked out this particular uh volume because I'm looking for anything in the Civil War era so anything between 1861 and 1865 and this is the type of stuff that Civil War buff would love to have on their bookshelves and people pay between about 50 to 70 bucks for something like this so here you could see is another one from 1864 to 1865 so I grab that as well uh just three bucks a book you normally do not come across ones this old so that was awesome to grab that one and then here are some Senate executive documents so we've got another one there uh in the Civil War era as well so that one's a nice early one so I was really excited to grab uh all three of those and then up top here you could see there's a machinist book if you've been watching my channel for a while you know that I do really well with machinist books so make sure in your listings that you are showing people a couple pictures of some of the uh drawings inside I was focusing there on the year right there um but uh the drawings inside people just love those and they just eat them up so um that helps to sell these books really well um they'll you know go anywhere from like 30 to 50 bucks even higher sometimes just depending on the particular one uh condition matters this one has a split spine so that's why I didn't pick this one up uh the one next to it the covers missing but you see there's a red one to the side of it and people often miss on that one because um you can't tell what it is so you've got to make sure you pull it out and look at that front cover there you go so this was something that I got at the end of the sale uh was in my box when I went to check out and these are vintage opalescent curtain tiebacks and as you can see when I hit them with the black light they turn purple like this so they're really neat uh sometimes people will sell them one at a time sometimes people sell them in Lots I've seen people uh sell like two of them for over 100 bucks singles for like 50 bucks or so so I'll probably lot them together since I have four similar and then just throw this one in with the mix but they are pretty cool I've never seen them before so for all you glass fans I do have uh this item here for you or these items so hope you enjoy these pretty neat all right everyone that's it for the book room we are done with all all four floors so now we got to get the damage assessment we've got to get the total price all right folks so here you go The Prime Time treasure mobile is totally loaded up totally packed I even have some more stuff over here as well so it's just absolutely bananas this is crazy let me tell you the total price all right everyone here's grand total the total price for everything that you saw me get today came to$ 70047 making this a record the most money I have spent at an estate sale to date I am going to officially declare that this now is the best estate sale ever that I've gone to the person who owned this house used to run a bookstore which is why there's so many books there but he also used to be a historical curator and so he had all of this incredible stuff that he had collected throughout his life and it's just absolutely amazing so what I heard was that uh originally when they first came to the house that they were only able to walk through little paths to get places like it was absolutely crazy so the first first weekend of the sale I I'm so glad that this is the day that I came because the first weekend of the sale the upstairs was not accessible it was only the first floor and the basement the second weekend of the sale they had this promoted on social media by someone who is really well known in the Collectibles industry they literally had 4 to 500 people at the sale there was a line I heard until 1:00 out the door and the sale starts at 9:30 so and could you imagine trying to navigate and walk through that house so thankfully I waited until today and I'm so happy because I had access to all of the floors all four floors um I got great prices on everything and there weren't that many people a partly I think that's because of the bad weather it's cold out it's rainy also you know if people travel long way to come last time they're probably not going to come a long way to come a second time people love that newness and the novelty of the of a sale so if they've already seen it there's less of a chance they're going to come back again so that was also a big bonus all of these were things that I strategized and thought about and it really paid off um I don't mind paying the 747 because I'm going to make that back pretty quickly it's going to be a very good investment and if you can do it if you wind up ever going to a sale like this where it's totally loaded and they're just blowing things out with the prices I advise just investing into it and picking it up because you're going to be able to make that money back uh and then some um and the other thing is that an opportunity like this does not come along that often I mean it is very rare that you're going to come across this type of situation with this many items on this many floors at those types of prices so um and you know that cuz you know I I take you to all these sales and sometimes things are just priced way too high and it just doesn't make any sense for me to get a lot of the stuff that's at the sale so this is a unique opportunity how to take advantage of it and I am absolutely thrilled so I can't wait to show this stuff to miss Prime Time go back and start processing it uh let me know what your favorite items were um sure I'm sure there's some things that some people would have picked up that I didn't and you know if I had Infinite Space yeah I would probably picked up some more stuff but I'm very comfortable with what I want getting so let me know your favorite item we're going to go back to Prime Time treasure headquarters and we're going to see Daisy and see how she's doing so stay tuned for that and uh boy I sure worked up an appetite so time for another one of those spicy chicken sandwiches oh who's this there she is what's going on Daisy on your perch as usual what are you doing not looking over here I thought you wanted more camera time in your latest contract what's what's going on Daisy there you are you're looking extra owly today you're just being a little camera shy look at look at your hair Miss prime time did your hair up real nice strike a pose Daisy striking a pose right there look at that tail splay out so nicely you're so cute you're such a cute little girl wait till you see all the stuff that I bought wait what what you already heard that I got lots of cat stuff uhoh I don't think Daisy's too fond of cats she only likes dogs oh boy Daisy but we have a lot of cat fans out there we have a lot of cat fans out there so we got to be nice to the cats too it's amazing how much stuff we got today wait till you see it wow all right Daisy's she's she's soaking up these uh chin scratches right now everyone so uh as usual be sure to pass them along in comments she soaks up all of the hugs and the chin scratches and the belly rubs and the head pths and everything like that she loves it so uh thank you so much everyone for all the love for Daisy and she loves every time that I put a picture up of her in the uh Community tab on YouTube how many likes it gets uh she's always uh she's always very happy to hear the latest statistics so okay everybody I hope you enjoyed this sale best estate sale of all time that I've ever gone to for sure so I can't wait to see your comments on this one we'll see you back at the next one everyone take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prime Time Treasure Hunter
Views: 17,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reselling, estate sales, best estate sale, big money, ebay, estate sale finds, estate sale shopping, estate sale hault, shop with me, big money finds
Id: 7zUT3yRdD_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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