OFF THE CHARTS AMAZING STUFF! ~ Grand Opening Goodwill shelves were PACKED!

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hey everyone welcome into the channel so this morning we are heading over to potown Pennsylvania this is about an hour hour in 10 minutes from our house it is the opening the grand opening of the new Goodwill store so we figured we'd get out early right now it's about A4 to 8 we should get there about what time 8:39 oh that's the ETA 8:39 it's official all right hit that like And subscribe button we're checking out the news store and we're taking you with us okay okay I figured I would catch this on film this is an event look at the Goodwill people really good to see another Goodwill opening just what we need [Applause] [Music] oh look at these carts good [Laughter] morning all right nice big store let's check out the layout looking really good we're going to go right back to hard Goods the shelves are heck this is very exciting all right and the best part no music playing that's always an excitement for me wow looking good Electronics oh I don't know where to go first pots and pans let's just Scout it out first and see what's going on this is all kitchen wear plastic wear dishes okay glass wear wow I think I'm just going to pick an aisle this is a very large hard Goods section they really put a lot of work into this look at this teapot okay I think what's going to happen here is I'm just going to put things in my cart because the Shoppers are pouring in really looks like they stocked the store correctly really nice wow lots of very unique things an iron bank okay we're going to have to do this more quickly than we normally do people are filling their carts it really looks like they have Stu the store with amazing items they have really stockpiled okay see artwork all right we're going to skip the floral section let's go down this aisle see lots of familiar faces okay I'm probably going to miss a lot so don't be screaming things in the background this a crystal wow all right guys you know me I don't know a lot of glass wear this looks like a little butter dish we will take that or cheese dish beautiful CED glass a glass hummingbird lovely I don't know who makes this ohy lots of unique items all right it might be m AK I'm going to leave that one everybody's just grabbing everything it's like I've won a uh a game show or something Supermarket Sweep excuse me okay some candle holders here what else for the summer wow the store is probably more filled than I've seen uh more stocked with inventory than I've seen in most of the other stores what would you guys grab if you were me everybody grabbing stuff all right this is the dishes these are the dishes I did not expect this to be this fun I really didn't I knew the store opening would be good and Roger and I knew that we wanted to come but we did not know that this would be this well stocked amazing all right I don't know which way to go everybody just filling their carts I need to look for the wood aisle you know me all about the wood all right we have ephemera paper suitcases oh handbags should I do handbags quickly let's do handbags quickly all right I see some Gold bags up here just little travel cases is that a Ralph Lauren bag looks to be now I am not taking the time to look at prices so we're just going to be throwing things in and then I will go through everything it has to be done that way because if I took time to look at everything and look at The Branding and the condition I would probably miss out on half the stuff I'm taking wow okay this looks to be a whole pet aisle oh look at that Legos somebody got nice score really nice okay I see a puzzle here probably going to grab seems to be sealed a couple of sealed I'm going to grab this for Roger penate Stadium puzzle I don't know if he's going to want that but we're going to take it okay another sealed puzzle $4 we're going to need more carts for sure lad TOS game Teo Destiny puzzle I don't know what that is don't know what that is but we're going to take that trip to the tip no idea okay wow this is totally overwhelming in a good way in a very good way Wood chest set I think I hear my husband's voice Fast and Furious Die Cast it's funny Roger and I ran in the door and I have not seen him since we're all on different aisles all right we have photo frames here don't see anything scanning quickly I'm not exactly sure what this is called is this called Magnalite I don't even know I'm just grabbing it and putting it in the cart and we'll talk about it later all right lots of pots and pans I don't know who this set is don't remember seeing this oh there might be a name up here what name is that trying to see what this says not exactly sure oh dear do I want that h it's very interesting Prima quality CH Chu Hua doesn't that look like something I don't know I'm got to grab it beautiful pictures look at the chandelier this woman got very fun I really don't want it but it's fun to see okay we have some metalware up here this is just a modern vase made in China $4.99 kind of cool though see if she fits here take her down off the top shelf she's got big worries all right oh my word wow this is very heavy what is that even made out of some sort of resin all right I see a chandelier under here not especially old I'm going to leave that behind okay lots of artwork we should do the artwork I'm feeling like I need another cart first of all this is a print I do like this wooden frame that is kind of interesting just a print I don't remember ever seeing this print though all right wow do we see any original artwork we have some Disney back there do we want Disney I think we do let's see what this looks like not numbered though I don't see any number doesn't look like a lithograph or a Seraph we're going to leave that this is a frame that is lovely do I want that frame how much does this Frame cost wow that's an old one $13 H I think I'm going to leave it too big oh my word which way should I go guys help a girl out all right we have some wood here this looks like a wooden shelf that is kind of cool 9.99 okay this is Soko or somebody similar $4.99 I do like that we're going to stick that on top of the cart that's kind of lovely a tray I feel like I've seen this one before it's a goose yeah I'm kind of liking that we're going to stick that right there even though I'm filling my cart I feel very nervous it's like what am I buying I feel like everything I know I've forgotten like what do I pick okay this is kind of cool $4.99 what is this I think it's a butterfly I going to stick that right here I tell you what this is Fast and Furious I have never shopped this quickly normally I can grab stuff with the best of them I am so glad we came out today I was kind of on the fence about it because we have yard sailing tomorrow but I'm like you know what let's go to the Grand Opening oh look at these mushrooms we'll definitely take those that's very fun $7 for the two all right I can't wait to see what Roger got all right I guess I should push my cart is this an iron wood duck no it's just a wood duck all right let's grab our cart now that the aisle has emptied out I didn't want to push my cart and be in people's way let's go this way oh somebody just got a rabbit blow mold did you see it there's a lovely tray I have enough trays right now oh those candlesticks are lovely let's see if we can reach them wow these are Big who's making them though yeah that was probably just a home store I'm going to leave those not special enough okay we are down the basket aisle it is official $2.99 I hope I don't drop stuff let's see if we can fit this down here good enough okay this has been the most fun shopping ever I am in the store 5 minutes just crazy good this is interesting $4.99 what do you use such a big basket for with a liner there's no signature on it I do like the fine weave but I think that's too big for me at this point got to choose my battles there's a hamper up there but you can buy those in HomeGoods so I'm going to leave that let's turn around and look at the Holiday items okay so that's HomeGoods wow lots of good stuff okay this is a print but this is really sweet I'm going to go ahead and grab this H where can I put this I wonder if I can that's not going to stay there but I'm just going to leave my cart right there and I will keep an eye on it no worries well you guys always worry about my cart I don't think I've ever had anything stolen out of my cart I have had people look at my cart thinking that they could shop from it but I always keep an eye on it so I don't think it's ever been a problem these are very interesting who is selling these original I kind of like those this is amazing this is a vintage I think this is called convex glass the glass has a bubble to it so that it has room to fit in embellishment we're definitely taking that ooh the cart is looking good this is our second cart we're going to reach in Last Supper that is lovely we're going to take that too $3.99 sorry are you waiting to get past all right cely for bubble frames there was a hanging up over there a what a bubble frame oh okay thank you yeah it has Chip paint okay you know I love this state everybody helping each other out with all of this to grab and all of this it could be very competitive everybody has been so nice I'm talking about the other customers that is just amazing this is somebody's pending it looks like but it's not signed I do kind of like that all right seems It's from Kirkland so what do I know not much all right the store has calmed down a little bit from the initial rush I'm going to have to do a hole to show you everything that I got really good stuff I met up with Roger and gave him a few of the games that were in my my cart so I have a little bit more room he's doing really well too let's look at holiday together shall we okay the angel on the top is very pretty she's modern but I think she's really pretty a little stere eyed look at this what is this is this a candle holder oh almost dropped it that wouldn't have been good okay originally $15 yep a candle holder [Music] oh that's very fun does it light up it does and the glitter swirls around okay that's really cute what does that remind me of Beauty and the Beast was there a candle um character in Beauty and the Beast I don't know my stories like I should all right this is adorable I do love this $6.99 where did it come from though holiday Decor M little high but that is sweet really cute we have a Santa here he seems to be vintage very heavy $112 okay I feel like the holiday stuff is a little bit up price just a little bit which doesn't make sense because we're not even in May I wouldn't think that would happen till July okay the deer are sweet you could probably get these in Hobby Lobby or Michael's one of those stores Joann's we have a light up pig up there that's crazy where does this stuff come from $6.99 kind of cute am I in your way you trying to get past my C you're doing a two cart too yeah all right we have some wathes on the bottom we have Christmas crackers I do love a good Christmas cracker let's see who's making them some of the better stores really put fun surprises in their Christmas crackers all right jazella Graham from London what's in here jazella Graham they're showing things little keychains and do dads those are fun all right call out if you see something we have a little blown glass or Spong glass angel ornaments just lovely I got to speak with a couple of the managers so the manager of this store that I met his name is Dan very nice welcomed us into the store we chatted for a little while I told them the story of how Roger and I met in Goodwill on Lincoln Highway if you guys haven't seen that video where Roger and I talk about how we met met you can go and hunt for it I don't know I'll try to link it wow $3.99 okay that's so bad it's almost good but I would have to save this till Easter I do like that $3.99 who is making that that is a lot of work I must be crazy I think I want this oh it's got a little bit of the glitter missing right there oh do I get it do I not get it okay I'll wait on it think if it was closer to Easter I might get it look at these fnny candles they really have good stock and they said they have I believe they said 3 months of backstock so this store will be stocked for the next 3 months for sure because it's all in the back room how crazy is that all right we saw baskets again this looks a little bit like a Nantucket basket little bit but alas it's made in China it is quite pretty oh this is the same Crisco basket that Roger and I were looking at where were we we were in Phoenixville with the very loud music all right that's not bad 3.99 Chrisco H I think I'm going to leave it because he left oh he's right here hello you longer burger it's it's the same basket we saw in the other store I I actually sold one of these I'm getting you that t-shirt $3.99 what are you thinking of it is it a good price it's got its plastic liner it's a little it's a little rough okay I didn't even notice that you're the basket man so what do you have in what is this Super Hyper racer four-wheel drive I don't know if the cars are in there I'm hoping the cars are in there okay we'll have to check it out the cars are the most important thing always right you can always find a track the cars are Super Hyper four-wheel drive cars I know that's pretty impressive they're not in there but okay I'm not sure one can hope let's stay positive only it's only $6.99 nice nice nice did you find some good clothes today yeah I found a lot of good cluthes good can't to them though no that's okay that's a Patagonia there yeah I you know I was going to say you got a Patagonia there we always know Patagonia isn't it these are kind of cool oh those are cool I've never seen this back are you trying to come down the aisle that's okay are you sure we'll we'll move I'm okay oh my goodness these are great oh yeah these are really good all right we'll have to do a hole yeah I got a lot of good clothes yeah you're happy with it yep good store right happy we came yeah me too sure all right let's push along so we don't crowd the aisle okay I just found Roger and he went out to the car he checked out because his cart was just leaning over sideways with inventory here are what my carts are looking like I was just about to grab this mug here and I thought you guys might want to see this look how good this is I was just talking about you I was saying how you checked out and are filling another cart filling again that's a nice shirt car heart 20 24 so today is blue tag it's 12250 yeah I know if it's worth that or not I don't know I'd have to comp something like that it is nice though I bet you that's I don't know what could you get for that maybe 28 I'm thinking but you know better than I do um it's a work oh yeah I think guys would like it more broken and then stiff and new hey you're hitting my chicken look it up you just hit into my chicken not only do we have a chicken we have a fox and we have a pig and I wasn't going to get them cuz I was thinking they were full price and they were $10 each but then I realized it's blue tag so they'd be $5 so I'm going to get them for the booth anyway back to the mug I was talking about this mug honey can you read that not really okay I don't know what it somebody's signature it looks like it's mass-produced in other words that doesn't look like a real signature it looks like they're made in production but it's almost like ugly face Pottery do we see more of these I like him where's the price on that what am I paying oh don't even how could that be it's day one all right I'm going to I'm going to bring this up and beg for a price I doubt they'll give it to me but you never [Music] no it's about 5:00 in the evening and we are back home all of the inventory has been brought into the house this is Roger's office and this is my photography studio now not all of this inventory is from today and we also have to go out tomorrow morning we're just going to show you a few of the better things that we got some of the stuff you might not have seen from today it's a mess in here it's not this is amazing look at that what is that called home Tre camel up have you ever heard of camel up I never did but it's it's brand new it's never used who's putting this out what company oh wow this looks really fun I think it sells for around $65 what yeah 65 yeah wow this maybe a little more cuz it's it's new oh my gosh what' you pay for this $4.99 guys look at this $4.99 $65 that's why the man likes toys all these pieces are still yeah you got to punch all of that out everything seal everything all the coins the dice as you can tell we're both in sock feet just going through our inventory this is what happens in our house there's another same I think it's the same I don't know Underdog games treking the national parks this one's not quite as good it's like $25 but same thing $4.99 wow but yeah even the boxes are nice so you can tell they are yeah it's a oh yeah it's a quality box quity it's not yeah we're all about the quality guys all about the quality all right so you got this today and your cars are in there right and this looks to be when you opened this this looks to be even though the box is very vintage it looks to be barely touched like none of the cars are put together yet I just going to open up the box so we can see what it looks like look at that all the decals are here M Little Motors okay so you're going to build all the cars right that's somebody else's job this one's still kind of sealed that is cool very cool good find would you pay for the $6.99 $66.99 nice all right I'm moving on oh oh look at the pile of clothes you got all of this from today babe this pile of clothing you got jerseys wow got these all clad pans okay quart from France beautiful it's a sauté pan a Fred pan all clad with the silver bottom nice I just sold I feel like I just shipped one of those out 3.99 wow lots of good stuff this this I got the other day what'd you get the other day oh a cricket explore Air 2 smart cutting machine one of one of these so I think $169 really yeah and what'd you pay for that 25 nice that's good nice nice we have a nativity from Kirkland we have all kinds of stuff oh you kept the puzzles I found for you okay you kept that one yeah super Scrabble I think in the store you were talking about this what is this met I don't know if this one's good but this however you pronounce that am Amo Amo Amo some of them are really good oh amiibo right would it be amiibo amibo I think so like an amoeba but some of theming that up some of them are really good I don't think this one's too good but there's some hundred and something dollars wow oh you got your free bag from Goodwill today got two you got two o they gave out uh bags free bags to the first hundred people and Roger checked out twice be good do good all right I'm leaving you to didn't see my train work oh we we didn't see his train my ride on I got to get this there's a lot of stuff in here no it looks great right it's all moneymaking this is brand new is it really role play what is it a child's toy that they sit on 06 bolts it actually goes it's not just track and it just goes around child's up to 45 lbs you're not going to give that to the Grand boys that'll little fight over there Roger has the cutest grandkids all right we're leaving you we're leaving you to is all of this listed it is all listed it's all listed the man can work all right come on in my room now take your my room this is how we're doing a haul in here because I can't even set up the dining room I don't have it in me some of this is from today some is from the other day and some is from I don't know when I am keeping up with listing but I still have to work on all of this so just bear with me all right what did we get today we got this cast iron crease creepy pineapple head Bank definitely a reproduction but the screws are flat Edge which is better than seeing Phillips but I'm pretty sure that this is um a reproduction but you know what that's okay let's see what price I paid for it $3.99 all right my paint brushes are from another day we got this marble I think it's Marble tray $6.99 gorgeous really beautiful that could be Granite I'm not quite sure uh we got the Baskets at Roots so we won't talk about those I did buy these today at Goodwill I'm the black sheep of the family and proud of it mudpie those are adorable I think they are three or four let's see three um I call these flower sack cloths and I paid a doar each so $3 I showed you the stif rabbit at the flea market that was yesterday I feel like that was today there is his button ear I'm in love with this rabbit he's so realistic he's beautiful we got this today I'm not quite sure why I bought this to be truthful she's kind of like an angel doll I don't think she's handmade I think she's you know mass produced but I thought she was kind of cool and I paid $3.99 for her all right what else did I get today a lot of the stuff on the floor so let's just kneel down and do a hole just like this here is a Wagner Magnalite um roaster I'm going to call this I think this is only the second one I've found the whole time I've been thrifting so this is what it looks like Sydney and I will try to include comps for this I learned about this type of pot from Kayla the home schooling picker so thank you Kayla go over and watch her Channel she's got great information we did get the teapot with this cat on it and I think this sticker was over The Branding looks like it might have come from HomeGoods or something but I thought the aesthetic was so good I'll probably I don't know I might put that on eBay um we know this pattern this is Old Country roses Royal Albert and I don't know if that's a dish or a cheese dish you can leave a comment down below if you know for sure this little domed plate and $3.99 I paid for that I did find this bowl I thought this was especially pretty I think this is Polish pottery maybe made in Poland I think it says uh$ 3.99 look how lovely that is all right I don't think I showed these cups these are contemporary I don't think these are old and I'm going to have to soak them so that that all that tape doesn't pull off anything uh $5 I don't know what these cups are used for cordial are they cordial cups maybe um I did pick up the hummingbird glass he's beautiful $3.99 what else did I get I got a coach Tumblr this was just sitting there on the Shelf everybody passing it by thought this was really nice $3.99 and it's got that's Betty Boop isn't it I think maybe um I bought this for me because I am a huge water Drinker and I like the brand reduce so I bought this for the summertime let me see if I can stretch and get this out so this is the safety pin art that I often talk about you got one big basket and two little ones now this I probably um I'll list it on eBay but um this might also go in the booth next Easter if it doesn't sell by then sometimes I can hold on to things for a while eventually everything sells that's my motto I bought a bird cage um this would be pretty with some plants in it what did I pay for this I paid $4.99 for it thought that was good artwork I love the artwork finds of the day here is is an original watercolor stunning Regina somebody I'm going to have to really take a picture of that and blow that up but she's like professional level in my opinion and there is the stamp of Who Framed it $3.99 that is so pretty um I did get the last supper I showed that uh I did buy the print of the little girl I got a gold frame mirror my house is like a store another last supper I bought the tray with the goose I think it's a goose and I bought this big giant piece of art I know well somebody just put me under control Maurice utrillo I think that is u t r i l l o 1929 um almost positive that this is a print it would be very nice if it was is an original but I thought the aesthetic was really good the colors are lovely so and the frame high quality the frame is splitting a little bit so it would need to be rejoined all right I think that's it from it today um I got the baskets today right did I get those today I did it's all starting to blur oh and I got all of this stuff I did buy the fox the Pig and the rooster they were all heav have price I believe I paid $5 each let's see the rooster has his price does that say $9.99 yes $9.99 let's see if I can get him to stand back up I've got to fix his feet I never thought I'd say that sentence I've got to fix this Rooster's feet so he can stand up will he stand up all right I'm just going to lay him down till I straighten out his feet I bought a candle for myself it's called antique leather and we got some wood mushrooms I think that's it I think I've showed you pretty much everything and the rest of the stuff was from the other day so this coming week I have my work cut out for me because my daughter Lisa is moving out of state and uh she can no longer do my photography she always helped with photography she will still be editing all of my videos so I'm going to have to really step up the pace really happy finds today thanks so much for hanging out out with us hit that like And subscribe button and as always go out and get what's yours [Music]
Channel: Lavender Clothesline
Views: 54,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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