A Link to the Past | MYSTERY SEED | Possibly the worst thing I've ever created

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[Music] yeah there should be v31 doesn't mean retros without no retro is definitely in there yeah you should you should be able to get through Lionel's an old man cave always what you'll see we're waiting on me we're waiting on we're waiting on me my bad I've just been sitting here been like waiting for somebody to ready oops [Music] yo a standard seed all right so we got standard only people racing there's six of us [Music] [Applause] I think of enemy randomizer is on and doing in standard then it's maybe they fixed it but it looks like enemies are shuffles from the the sprites regards [Laughter] [Music] all right so that's 20 rupees from our uncle because we already have a sword [Music] I've got bombo's I don't follow this is actually really good brisk ape [ __ ] all right I don't want to find out how much damage anything does Oh God [Music] down here those regards I'm assuming that nothing in like the Hyrule Castle over old screen can be like can be shuffled so like their sprites were messed up but they were still Gardens okay it looks like damage is fine Oh save me yo holy [ __ ] Nate with the 20 bomb holy moly the turtle anyway I'll get to that as soon as I can hey thank you very much the 20 mile increased life you gotta give stuff from me give him a big ol thank you oh that's not good that means he's saying these on too um okay so we're gonna change my tracker real quick to key sanity uh we got the Hyrule Castle he and I wrote Castle might be done I have bomb bows and a sword okay it's okay okay so yeah enemy health is definitely not shackled it's good um Nate you are a boss I appreciate a lot princess the Shire open stream do please look uhh [Music] let's see we got a got Limpy it Dillon is my name 37 cracker bill tie rakhie it's you demo almost jumped right on that bad boy LT Humphrey wrath of Mannix sketch ween faked race TJ the pig guy super Luigi Navy squirrel Knight ler ill Rams they found chances findings North Lee win bowtie selvan and catechu Haase hope you guys enjoy all your emails once again given eat a big ol thank you thank you very much my name [Music] Yoji given three so the community all right so this is where things get dangerous here I'm actually gonna talk to this guy if he gives me a bomb that'll be really good well there's another one any bomb okay I really want a bomb so I can do the back of a scheme Jake give themselves to Blackbeard Blackbeard [Music] die no crow crow no and that one nerd online Oh God [Music] just use bombo's I don't manipulate some drops here in Zelda's dance the drops dreamhack was a lot of fun like though we weren't there for too long at all but uh but it was fun for today Oh God [Music] just give me a bomb dude [Music] they find given five subs the community law that would be so bad oh my god get me out of your dude Oh Paul oh my god so scary dude oh god everything's happening and once what are you guys doing Oh No okay uh this notes pad is going away we're open up another notepad hold please [Music] okay um we need to do this graveyard no you still graveyard is sink okay thank you all for the gifts I appreciate a lot I will get to them as soon as I can I hit X apparently holy [ __ ] [Music] okay LJ is in graveyard and it's dead um sorry the beginning of these are always like kind of hectic because I need to figure out what is actually happening Oh [Music] God [Music] thank you often give subs I appreciate a lot oh my god there's more what you guys doing y'all one with a bomb refill Hut though damage rate goes on alright everything's fine everything's fine okay um I did get one bomb at least it's fine I can do this with one bomb that's all that matters got about the most I get thing look what are you guys doing stop oh my god I'm so far behind um I stopped it like safe on I think so you found like the five bomb got gamefreak nice ooh Hennis Charles the third know-it-all scrolled up oh my god you guys are absolutely insane [Music] thank you all very much appreciate it and to be a little careful in here this time um we're just not gonna kill that guy oh my god [Music] oh you guys are nuts I got to scroll down some more and I got all the bombs I could ever want all right let's take what a lumberjack dropped down this real quick before I it's a reading names again beef okay we always could just see what this is okay so beef is dead we don't need 300 degrees if you're curious as to my notes for this kind of thing exhalation Martin notes we'll pull up the link to the Google document that I have or entrance randomizers you're not curious then you know who cares keep doing you darkroom loss would stump [Music] Michelle um goodness gracious yes you're absolutely nuts pampers a little loud yeah because if something is is like a momentous occasion it makes you see price probably means I am in fact a bit behind underneath aims thank you for letting me know Smith is tack fortune oh right is bumper upper or lower whatever I don't know what kind of shuffle this is yet so I don't know if I really need to keep track of connectors or not hints nope no hints please shut up oh my god no Mike that was so much text [Music] alright CAC well what we got yeah we got CAC well so the well is done sank is also done my man love is gonna be impossible I'm never gonna read through all these things aw it's small these towns now only know about the mystery seems that it's a standard key sanity and a miser with Damon chuckles all I got so far also an entrance I don't know what kind though dude I keep having to scroll down and when I lose my place all right um I think we were the last one for safe ons gift like a million years ago library is dead they need a little bit a little bit a little bit it's more money oh my god thank you guys very much I appreciate it you guys are insane we're up like over a hundred subs already what the heck so back in the bar it is the only entrance that's not shuffle because the only downwards facing entrance in the entire game all the other downwards transitions are exits good luck on the mystery okay real life ooh okay so then I'm gonna this is where I'm gonna find out if this is connect or not attack Bush is paradox lower in the beginning some entrance randomizers are so hectic like I barely have time to read chats or do anything else besides take notes [Music] um paradox mid [Music] okay DT binky and a rock small DT Viki and red cane uh okay uh / - okay so Hara entrance that's good come back here later I don't want to [ __ ] with Death Mountain right now um God scroll down all right safe on gifting this up to you at day monoxide hope hope all you guys are drinking must give it if you've got any gifts up I'll get your name ventually okay it's crossed keys [Music] all right we are now in the Dark Worlds [Music] okay so dark world lumber is feck upper lower and okay so we're gonna just fall down here this is all I can do right now there's not much I can do in the dark cold yet obviously so we're not really gonna mess with it too much [Music] alright that's actually fine that tells me that that connector is or like that entrance is dead and I can check this duffel in here umm power is it Agena I can check one chest in here right now now not over Alicia's these are not decoupled entrances though they're all coupled I got a nagging tower key in here okay we're risking it for the biscuit dude let's go [Music] it's so laggy this actually should be fine I have a fire rod [Music] [Music] I'm actually gonna no that's fine what simply okay so agate hour is done I don't need to do anything else in agate hour that's really really good feeling uh back to Kakariko I suppose um okay anyways I've gotta give sub please thank the person who you got it from I will get to all the names eventually primal so if we got a five bottom of gift subs you gotta wrap this cute Sam Taba Rock Street Petri and Saints fan powered hope you guys enjoy your emotes appreciate a lot I think very much prime tree J with the six months of prime thank you very much - don't walk um Jake RG with the five bomb we got shell on dark by colors snake unseen dragon rondell and zani hope you guys enjoy your emotes you take a big ol thank you thank very much to you you're so far bye why am i stupid never slash bushes [Music] let's check this myth all over here [Music] all right so this is [ __ ] ferry so that puts magic bad again okay um Nate's with the ten bomb of gifts subs we've got Zelda 1513 pyrolized Zephyr [Music] kamikaze and let's just take this connector over here kamikaze ninja Matt seventy nine eight dragon man fire sky shakes [Music] burger shakes turn left in a batch a and cyber poet 64 because there you must give needs a big ol thank you okay so this connectors garbage we don't need to write it down they never apps come back here yeah [Music] thank you very much Nate I appreciate you a lot Durin's but the five months of prime you very much the appreciate it hope you don't see how saying with the tenth bomb to give subs hey man got to see you when you came to Charlotte thanks for coming up here and I said never slash bushes but you have to be gay hold on that's good crap outta me alright everything's fine why not check desert don't worry about it um this is my er shed forgot I had a book honestly please no hints no hints what did I just say you said okay got it and then you said another hint it is not that hard a right is hook back okay don't care about this yet oh I'll I'll go check that in a second once we do this house check the maze item on when is festive Christmas mode coming this year early December whoa that's a nice ball um when it's best about coming this year I don't know I am not part of the dev team I don't know what they're up to the Halloween one just finished so who knows do try to get back to some giftie some gifts UPS I don't know why I went to go read the hands there's no hints GSN gets intense I was yes Sandra's Julia KP j block x sir Mathias chaos quacky hanging at Eric tranquil I D Jones be Oh God be Solorio and cyntha hope you guys enjoyed the emotes thank you very much do stand up your show I'm thrown down with at 8 months thank you very much do you appreciate a lot but here and join oh stop get out of here freaking jazz hands dude [Music] take the magic bird [Music] um Wow what is this crosskeys dude what is this crosskeys dude um Jake with the tenth bomb a gift sub just thank you very much my dude if you gotta get stuff from Jake orgy give up Eagle thank you we got oh my god so let's have Taylor [Music] thank you very much for the gifts of snail if I appreciate a lot I promise I'm not neglecting you I'm not responding to your your subs or your TAS I just need to focus a lot right now that doesn't do damage of course does okay um Jake gives this house to you at time light blades a soccer bagger in a captain Raven teapot Lord a mixolydian Fabrizio BR [ __ ] Aussie 101 evolution gamer eggs and sayest 22 well because the dragon must give take a big ol thank you and thank you very much deep Durant with a 5 on the gift subs thank you very much grant appreciate a lot we got Grande XP Seles o 6 - mole litter Natalie and C free Brian hope you guys enjoy and let's give Durand a big ol thank you goodness crazy fish for the 5 bottom gift subs we got a job we got goon what we got Oliver K we got Jack Lauren's and we got it'll Silveira oh ok so this takes me to I can't type I almost even quit by accident I play it safe for now let's just check the sanctions over um nothing okay I think you very much crazy fish we gotta get stuffing case piston biggle thank you you thing you guys so much you guys are crazy yes sir insane you guys treat me so well let me guess you can ox with the fire bomb and give subs Oh God we got Siberian wolf oh I don't want to do this right now oh wait hi rucastles already done oh god hold on there's no means I can't handle this it's too much remember to use to wisp rise up you very much for the two months primary micro um you can eyes give to the sub we got stamen HS oh I'm can't go that way let's go this way Oh God the real oil Austin so I see Glenn and then Necco got Oh sensei I went the wrong way now this is right way for fine everything's fine um thank you very much again ox I preach like give a big ol uh Thank You Nate get Finn a sub - bluesy you very much name appreciate a lot from assault with firebomb and gifts up again [Music] get shot Isis they stay away from all right I have one small key [Music] Hey I guess this is fine or was this this is the last thing you do end it now let's actually just die I save my key shadow says mourn River on Oh God [Music] Shawn Cogburn HECO time in sin no hope because the dream us gave about crime Oh pickle thank you crazy fish here throw sub the Vivid's welcome back to the bug farm david's hope you enjoy those emotes i wouldn't thought I was getting kid alright so we're going here we're gonna use this key I'm gonna kill this guy and then if I don't get anything in this chest then I'm gonna reset that doesn't matter too much I'll write that down though chain chomps gtv smoke this is retro notice leaky sanity um goodness go splat with the fine bomb and gift subs thank you very much dude I appreciate a lot we got Kakaako Rai lock Joey Bubba Fett and Raph Ocampo pig S&T must give you a splat a big ol thank you [Music] ice block this is also you main this [Music] see house swamp big see house spike cave is ice right okay um [ __ ] just go here real quick let's go do the shovel I have dark well that said let's go to the shovel why so I have a lot of dark hole access now that's you bro that means I don't want to do this [Music] I don't know I want to do this we're gonna do this way I'm already here um Jake thanks to the five hundred bits my need appreciate a lot thank you [Music] Oh God many moles [Music] Ice Palace need more time to read Nate's with another ten bomb a gift subs thank you very much do you gotta give something making illegal things like he knows ttv pork BOTS Chris Rees cherubim [Music] Jeff ZM k looky Kia Sasori Duke Jarlsberg King Kullen and Falkor thing and hope you guys enjoy the emotes once again give me a big ol thank you very very much to you I appreciate it half bit with the five on that gift subs thank you very much detail she ate a lot I just walked past multiple chest at night yep fine Bluff red narrow wolf Nico miss badger in and money order face enjoy your emotes give half in a big ole thank you I appreciate a lot ice palace mall did I have the turtle right mmm there's my dad okay didn't kill me of course that killed me dude oh my god a critter thinks the two hundred bits Jake gifting us up to Bernie Sanders Nate gifting us that Andy focus heiress daddy with the four months of crime thank you all very much this worth hairbrained locksmith with the three months w8 delay with the 15 months dude he dodged it um Nader live with the nine months of prime thing thank you appreciate a lot um narrowly for the five family gift subs as well we got cmgs darkened effects dross Lord Monti and Cerro cool you guys enjoy those emails email people thank you thank you very much and romantic soon [Music] get out of my way from once tension thinks the seven months in a row do you appreciate a lot okay the one enemy in this room is a [ __ ] floor mats mini macro thank you very much for the two months prime that the tech Nate thanks the two months prime as well oh Jesus [Music] we're gonna check what this exit is wow that sounds good firstly thanks for uh stick around II don't have a shield [Music] no that's not vanilla it's closed the leftovers the vanilla one [Music] [Music] um where was I um yo yeah I'm at the top I just need to read some more stuff Siberian wool fix the firebombing gift subs yeah Iceman f1 mr. Kosan J ripped psycho cinder and me Khan hope you guys enjoy your II must thank you very much for this for you guys dude um like for real I appreciate you guys are nuts I don't know what I'd do without you and last but not least finally got crazy fish again the five on the gift subs yeah who is freaking shoe king in 1982 a Rath Amman I'm a three good and Captain all 1977 hope you guys enjoy you must they are finally caught up I appreciate all the support you guys thank you thanks Elfie did I fall asleep to twitch streams all the time no no no shake no no mal-intent patient goodness all right see I'm okay with using a key there and now we're just gonna go back and get the Chain Chomp chest and get this full magic as well [Music] [Music] and we're out of here what's up with the stream what do you mean shouldn't be anything up with this thing uh mercy thanks for the gifts uh but um all see open put four months you'll be enjoyed the MS Kim mercy a big old thing [Music] yeah the thieves are only killable in my Zuri the hints are off T oh my god worth jig yes they do I don't actually know the goal of the CD yet I can find it out pretty soon but I don't know the goal for sure yet where Jake's the five on the gift subs we got our mods the boot to doom bring it who's hostile oh my family heirlooms in thieves town this was my rock that's our smoke we don't need it [Music] but we'll market em wrong okay get another story oh I'm ass um we got Omega Jassim haystacks Calhoun neo seal and guile I live three guys enjoy your mutts give what if Jacob a big ol thank you thank you very much to appreciate a lot first the M&M rocks and for that screen kind of looks like an M so like for a quick reference since I have to like type on my notes out [Music] I just signified those caves as MK are those two entrances M cave and M ronk [Music] we know if bosses are randomized we do not know yet I haven't gotten to any bosses [Music] [ __ ] do indeed we're here yes we're just having issues just don't refresh your stream [Music] I have two ice palace walls apparently you know DK Fox and I was not even looking at my screen and walks like a normal person getting a sub to code dasa hope you enjoy the Muscoda so I give DK a big ol thank you very much [Music] at the desert big key which is the pretty good finds I'm gonna listen here go [Music] yeah hints are off and I talked to the tree dude and he gave me like nine text boxes of nothing oh it's ice palace only like this because all the pallets are shuffled it's not just cuz it's in the light woman [Music] [Music] this is the bad thing about Paladin Paulo shuffle is that it's hard to see how close you order some pits sometimes so yeah it doesn't matter too much Oh God [Music] we don't have the big key or we don't have the hammer yet so unless the Hammers in here it's all so uneven that bags we have both ice palace monkeys already and bail we also have the big team so we can beat if the hammer ends up being here we can beat the dungeon still without the ball jump [Music] okay I kind of need some help [Music] I am just talking about not hiding the hammer okay Holy Mother of God [Music] [Music] I certain the dark will they have odd map and mire map will get a little more dungeon info goodness they just start actually drinking my coffee again wow I'm so lucky that didn't kill me I don't know what's here and I'm scared alright this is the last if this isn't the hammer this is the last chest I can check in here so let's get this money first [Music] okay so I have full dark with access I should go like look at the gold but I'm not too worried about it just yet like there's still so much I need it like then there's a chance that it's zero crystals and and you know I just go kill Ganon there is a chance that's your take not gonna call tonight dude who were the other bo bo on hi Lea alright so which Hut is also link shop [Music] but currently I don't have the ability to kill Ganon without a perfect face for with just master sword and fire rod and no bottles I have the perfect amount of magic to do face forward with a perfect fight that was a hammer pig cave [Music] Tezz ten months and months of crime appreciate a lot ever done and you just got owned by a fake masters will return [Music] now to dirt Hill prime mover with a five on us well yo 500 or 100 gifts subs goodness gracious uh I don't actually want to check this yet this will be like I already have accident Death Mountain so I can save me quit here whenever I want let's just check food five them yeah but prime mover a very much for the firebombing he says we got the lava to nilly in enormous Oh Lord [Music] yep it's me and Ben Ben rx-8 hope you guys enjoyed you must give prime mover a big ol thing you think you very much do you you should want and he has a crease okay minnie mole dorm cave [Music] and nothing okay so how come sank real quick only guys are crazy no everyone is crazy it's crossed keys entrance and my answers on I don't know if boss shuffles also on he sanity is on that's all I know I don't know anything about the actual goal yet [Music] I need if you can't understand what not giving hints means you might be better off just not watching me when I race [Music] expert mode possibly ie it's pretty hard to tell what the difficulty setting is sirs ah thanks the two months in a row do you think okay um let's go I have a glove now so let's go check in this entrance as well who made the seed a baktun this is a mystery seed I'm the one that generated it I suppose all right we got here uh so Hiro was light world bumper or lower and other shields bills grab it so if we don't grab that she'll the next shield we see will still be the fighters field is there a place you can generate these seeds I think if you whispers the hot robot with whatever code you whatever like syntax you want then you can generate the seeds whenever you want [Music] okay so how did I get tak Bush took me to bumper up or dark world I don't really worry about that flames still in the door I'm racing in solski frame bond two data plaits and that's it I haven't tried stunting anything yet [Music] I can try though I don't think these guys gets done by boomerang either way look at this real quick all right so we got pot as a pendant these town supreme pendant Meijer is a crystal come on just let me through the bushes why are there so many mini helmet sores here all right I'm out of here so I'm gonna I'm actually gonna not check too many instances here for now I kind of want to just book it to the pyramid and see what the goal actually is so I'm probably gonna take a village of outcasts and then I have Keenan fire rod so I can do all of right side I also have GT big key so I knew all of upstairs assuming the bosses are killable you want a cheeseburger okay logically I need some more keys to do upstairs at the moment that's mine what is this yo its money it also took away that other piece you oh yeah it still shooty what the [ __ ] I like that would didn't really could have killed me 100% like I'm very well could have just died to that right now Oh [Music] [Music] get really lucky there that didn't kill me this yo tempered you'll ferry [Music] Gillian Oh magic drop [Music] [Music] [Music] okay turtle Bowl dark magicians [ __ ] howling you know what the dark magician Stratus if you think this was a direct magician [Music] [Music] a Greek magician is going right first to the the stall poster with four chest and then mirroring and doing all right side to guarantee a keep doing right [Music] okay so boss shuffle is on I am burnin to you [Music] okay got a red boom Wow haha alright that's looking pretty good this early GT dip is looking pretty good right now oh [Music] okay vicen isn't the same because this is Ganon's tower so it's not like the boss in his tower it's just a boss that is in gannets tower okay so we're still going with the original plan of going to see what the goal is pretty much right off the bat Oh blinds house [Music] upon small [Music] yes is guaranteed not hook shot mode or not not expert mode Jesus doesn't look like Ganz tower in the middle of the village all of us cannon tower in the middle of the village okay that's that connector so those connectors dead what if we need to kill I get to the only way we nothing Gilligan seem as if this is defeat Ganon goal yes I need nowhere again it is this was the brewery being sui is for the three months of crime do you appreciate a lot [Music] uh skull threes in the house are not much health so let's just do this [Music] Gannon is in LA so it's okay it can't be this dungeon yet well but I can I just need to go into actual front of skull woods and it was funky that's fine [Music] I know you can't make a player in key sanity the music is random whether it's a pendant or a crystal that way you can't so normally you can make it flavor not in key sanity [Music] well Jake expert doesn't have temperance or as far as I know I mean entrance rain door knock you say no I mean key sandy [Music] like with key sanity the way you know what the prize is for a dungeon is by getting the map for it and looking at it on the map or just eating the done key sandy is what shuffles the music and dungeons entrance Rando has nothing to do with it [Music] say not a day you can get points I don't know what you mean they're grasping hands look on the move moving is stressful and tiring [Music] yes this is enemies er and crosskeys it was also standard mode which is very weird mean plug points you should be able ta pump points every day [Music] all right if I'm making cookies oh what's up Katie alright so we know all of my pendants that means all of these are crystals Oh God crystal crystal crystal I just don't know [Music] I just don't know what fullest and which ones are the good Christmas is that one two three boy airy oh my God he's gracing us with his presence on a fairy pond small [Music] Andy Andy yeah Conine takes the four months of crime you should want ah this has been my can you believe this has been my favorite mystery seat so far icky sanity across keys analyzer standard seat who would have thought this is my favorite out of like the two retro modes that I've had to do otherwise who wants to see Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time play game I mean lots of people here knew because they watch it on my stream all so where do you recommend we watch our Ocarina of Time play game mr. retro gamer 6767 I would love to watch some opening of time play game [Music] [Music] good alright what's the goal gamers [Music] are you [ __ ] kidding me all right so I need to beat swamp these town and pod jesus [ __ ] christ dude alright so I know where pot is I don't know where Swamper these town is I need to find that so I need to find the damn I need the swamp small need the flippers the hook the hammer I need the pod big sound big I really don't need that much more um I check the pan at the start I would have known yeah but that's fine this is so many entrances that are are out of logic at the moment but that's fine never one were to watch play key all I wanted to do was let's watch play game why is the pet seed because that sign I just read said pull the pedestal Ganon's and Vincent in dingus it called me a dingus this was dark aleut v okay we'll come back and check hot and since later Dark Worlds flutes 5-2 north old man here's the deserts left desert left was light world en you made last hundred rupees do I have a dozen big I do hey there's 300 more rubies that I just killed uh homie game man thank you very much that's which primer my dude I appreciate a lot okay so I have three pod smiles I've used one already I can very easily do pod with my career amount of small keys I just need the big key in the hammer for it [ __ ] yeah so okay let me let me math out what my gums are any flips swamp small key hammer [ __ ] and then I need to find swamp find a few some big key as well pod Vicki as well and then I just need to need to find a dam to get into swamp and he'd find swamp I need to find these down and like depending on the boss like obviously I'm the only boss I can't kill right now is try next clean both rods or I need ice rod for it but you know we'll come to that of course it is dude [Music] of course all of desert one is just locked on Death Mountain yes no not killing it at all just filmic polling ped okay I have I haven't found Eastern desert to swamp leaves town Meyer and one two Rock entrance [Music] and when you pull the pedestal it just sends you to the track person I need to be very careful with these boulders hey there's Maya we don't want to do any of my right now don't kill me oh [ __ ] I don't think I don't think chaos damage is done nothing is really like dud a [ __ ] ton of damage to me [Music] got a map I don't need maps anymore 29 that's almost a year I hate spiral speck upper Oh God uh spec up burger takes me to spiral we're gonna do that last obviously uh an angle on takes the twenty nine months to sail out this a long time it's just chicken house I found a hook cave all I can do poke cave um I never found her found king's tomb I did paradox it sahasrara I did spec cave well I there's a big key inspect cave I know that [Music] I heard a guard get anger and I've no idea from where there it is where'd that cart go let's give the hell at me nope I'm bad Joe [Music] give me up spiral dude alright [Music] um see a spec cave was at darker lumberjack ouch first hook cave but cave was amazing right I'm just need to pinky uh yes but I don't want I don't have to be Meyer so ideally I just don't beat it ever dark world EDM [Music] they ever check so honestly still find out thanks I know it was checked off on my thing but I remember saying I was gonna go do it and then not doing it so let's go find out we can go back in the pot over here and then I can also do I'll probably do a hook shot cable for COD just in case boots would also let me get the big key that's on spec inspector on [Music] [Applause] the rock small yeah I have more than enough Turtle Rock smalls now actually have all our rock is completely done except for the boss but I haven't checked in the big chest for tiny to financing support okay so pod is here and hookshot cave is here he's seen a super-fun [Music] I'm small this is good oh hell yeah okay so we can do pretty much all of pot so I have three small keys in here still so we're gonna go I'll just die you know let's go to the back first like 99% of the time I'm gonna have to go into the back here so let's just use this one small key I just won't check [Music] I'll make sure to kill everything that's here that doesn't mess with me when I try to pawn the jump get some bombs as well my fire wrought out for the basement [Music] holy room dude [Music] we got a cape [Music] I'm out oh thank god I killed him just get me out of here dude if you small it's actually good because I don't have any at the moment I guess we're gonna bomb jump here oh I got that I got that we're diagonal boosts [Music] okay so I think in hard mode you can't stun things with boomerang I think maybe that's just expert I don't know [Music] I don't know all right so I'm actually gonna bomb Dustin here I get a hose too much the big gaming I think I'm just a big game and how many how many gaming bigs am i doing can't see my viewercount it's covered up by notes just don't kill me don't do it how's money I know nine holy [ __ ] thanks for helping me game babe you guys oh all right so we're dying here because I want to use this last monkey I have to check this one chest and if it's nothing I'm just gonna reset my game go get my small key back it'll all know what's in that chest and I can use that small key to get to the boss later I have to do that at some point anyways [Music] oh Kelsey oops Kelsey given five subbies thank you very much Kelsey if you gotta give some give her a big ol thank you you got preacher man's ragnarok Seraphim Mike Odom and a barge asaurus rex an amoeba of doom because the dream must give Kelsey a big ol thank you thanks babe I love you um okay so back to the dark yeah seriously thank you guys like 900 viewers is absolutely insane I appreciate a lot thank you thanks for watching I need to refill the self [Music] it's like here you say something or is cause trolling they miss a spike chat where I don't see it subsection what I literally don't see that on my chat anywhere I love spike oh my god another one as our nuts if spike block [ __ ] and all the bad Oh T gameplay I've been watching lately like you are also sightseeing I appreciate you all right to be fair spike said his own gameplay was bad yesterday he was on the bad Street all right it's not it was not my words uh let's play radius thanks the 5 bottom gift subs swamp you found swamped hammer house I check in a hint for no reason alright it's like if you ever need a confidence boost just race me in I got from back boy what's that magic bat hole uh Smith hole was funny that yo ty o with the five on my gift subs dude you guys are going absolutely bonkers today um a marriage tie oh I think it says you got to give so from him I'm a big ol thank you I have a ton of money we're just gonna do this we got half Tosun oh my god spike hawk jet raspy girl and Randy Jax because enjoy your musket I a big ol thank you a spike continuing that gear sub he got from Nate think every much like gifts uh by winning welcome back to the the puck farms like and Spike just the ten bomb and you very much battle I appreciate a lot if you got to give some from the vide one and only cheetah give them a big ol thank you I will get to those names when I have to stop thank you when I can stop [Music] Jesus spike thing everyone's got Patrick of Steel crash 4701 Edwin Medwin DK Fox 83 I'm stuck where's Smith since that cack fortune pull this [ __ ] alpha 10 ehm music GW 8191 golden penguin at 29 Highland Rim gamer and art cuy welcome to the pug farm you guys once again Steve spike a big ol thank you and then primal shulk with two gift subs to red brick road and diver k 1 1 1 let's guys enjoy your emotes if primal people thank you you know I legitimately can't see any of spiced messages like 100% like no trolling I can't see any a spikes messages he's not blocked isn't he a mod on my stream also you can't block people in your own stream like said 1v1 and it's on quick saw disabled that I did not enable it [Music] in his gracious thank you guys for all the crazy support today we we were at like 15 50 subs before I started stream today by the way so you guys are absolutely bonkers thank you very very much [Music] legitimately I can't see any of spikes messages you can't see me that spike right now that was Dark Link fortune as a connector [Music] [Music] [Music] let me let me refresh once I'm like once I have let me drag it somewhere else I guess over here um all I can do here for now um let's just go to pot entrance well in here let's refresh my thing and see if I can see spikes messages spike talk I wasn't looking at the game also did I even go in this house I'm pretty sure I did but we're gonna go in one more time just to be sure also I guess chat let me know if spike is talking [Music] [Music] oh I need I need to actually pay attention hold on I need to not worry about not seeing spike in the chat I need to not die on my way to pot entrance very important [Music] I lost my follower I died I wasn't paying attention well that's fine I don't remember where this was all right hold on oh yeah this was East mentions uh so I think happen there since I was half paying attention was I open pond I lost the Smith because of the monkey I open pond I guess one of the floating skulls was just like there that what happened enemies aren't paused by the open screen [Music] and finally united legit can't see spikes messages she said [ __ ] you and your monkey aunt died I wish I could see his messages I will generally don't know why I can't sorry spike I love you I'm also you over what the seat is so it's a cross world and since shuffle it's a key sanity it was a standard opening so I was forced to do the escape from the start it's a pedestal goal and I think that pretty much covers [Music] there's bombs I'm not entirely sure how much of this I can do with this many keys I can do them I like given enough small keys I can actually just beat chichi assuming shrine X is in one of the bosses upstairs pedestal Bowl just means the goal is pulling the pedestal and that's it here a big something big I want all right here a big in Harris mall in the same room looks like collusion to me okay so I think I have no small keys to do all of left side of the very least Oh what small [ __ ] hook shot holy [ __ ] you ever entered a pour-over for enemies were on top of you [Music] [Music] [Music] so the rest of the basement is done I did all of right side already so I don't have no small keys to beat this dungeon [Music] let's actually die okay we're still looking for thieves town it came out of Hera entrance through paradox I can check school three infants items wise I only need well I still need to indict a handful of them actually we'll start for a lumberjack Rover lumberjack was something I wrote it down somewhere [Music] ooh [Music] Agena perhaps track cape my bad also ether [Music] uh yeah so I need flippers and then I need swamp small each time big pave and I still need to find the dam and find thieves down it I swear I wrote darker lumberjack down at some point they came here as a bunny oh this was a spec rock there's a big fever here right yeah I can't get that I don't think I can hook shot up here thank you there yeah I think he blocks it so once I get the boots or find the other side of this connector I can can get that big key I'm missing one two three four five big keys and two of them I need so you know there's a pretty good chance that that's one that I still need [Music] so we have all of the front of skull to do and don't have the skull Dickie and I don't really want to use any skull small he's I avoid it I guess using one is fine actually it let's use the one here and then we'll just death work back to the front [Music] in Florida Kelsey [Music] [Applause] but the same excuse and this is key sanity it's just also other stuff it's also a cross world entrance shuffle it's also a pedestal goal it's also an enemies ER with boss shuffle I think we determined that that was true or not I don't remember yes cuz I bought the wines where I saw most is supposed to be um it is all it's a pedestal goal which means I need to get all three pendants and pull the pedestal to win that's all I know I think it's just normal but it might be hard difficulty as well [Music] [Music] um okay so I want to go to kak bush [Music] item pool difficulty an item behaved and difficult they're different yeah I think so yeah just in the end they been when I say cat Bush you go out upper paradox entrance [Music] this was my cat wish this was angry in urdu all of up or death mountain [Music] okay I can do that girls I can do that [Music] wha-oh all right so that gives me enough keys to beat GT and you need for logically to go up to do everything upstairs but we will let me do everything upstairs and so there's that drop down I haven't done yet there's also the mid drop that I haven't done yet it kind of sucks that I can't do everything in one trip there's a small key on sky islands [Music] bombo's you can shake this entrances well so there's this entrance the two entrances to this almost came to the left and then there's the two entrances that I have to check on West dark Death Mountain and a wall I can also take GT entrance and see how many crystals it means even though I have none icefrog cave [Music] yeah but you never know when you're gonna buy am ia turtle rock ledge is also [ __ ] you're wrong exit yo mad puck thanks for the two months of prime date appreciate lon all right EP was Darkhold EDM comp right this has enough items in it and it's relatively quick also here this is super long to come back to we're like a bunch the other dungeons are relatively quick to get to that I I'm gonna clear this here no matter what if a very much my hookin and stimmy gifting us up to you got it yet welcome to [ __ ] for him have you got a yet hope you enjoy those emotes you very much [Music] you guys are nuts I appreciate the support a lot we don't have the Easton big key so we can't do that fast but we will be able to do last two chests [Music] lumber Lama gifting the stuff to nuts welcome to the pug farm nuts hope each way that you must imagine from the twinning nuts just watching like [ __ ] some deed play like professional whatever slick all your nuts and that guy just pops up no I'm notes that's it that's all I would do but that was me filming lagging the firebombing gift subs well thank you very much McLaggen I appreciate a lot uh we got evil iron wolf paladin Jets tungsten ulcer cabin regen domain and Lourdes held Donna but because injure you must get me glad and big ol thank you very much shade a lot we got this entrance to do checking GT entrance for crystals I don't have any right now so like it's more just for knowledge I need to I need to get futon to add in an eggs over the game in if we're gonna keep doing mystery races I need to have a flake and XO regaining to indicate pedestal ball seven enter that's very good because I could definitely have a crystal right now so I'm really glad that that's seven alright coming back up to super bunny it's also a connector is good but we're gonna go check this entrance down here first because I can't return from seed money Dwayne at sundown think so three months do you crochet the line as a hint that's fine III it's the it's the the twitch life subs sometimes days like this just happened in South Laxmi when I when I left so last year at the beginning of this year I guess I left them to use and then I until we went to a New Year's Eve party and then from that party I drove north to go visit like a bunch of my family before agdq and so I didn't stream from January 1st to January 17th I lost like 1107 so it's just uh just twitch like how it goes all right what we got [Music] bombs in my first bottle and then this was spike cave deceitfully five okay um [Music] let's do flipper checks [Music] I don't have flippers yet but like you get off of me swear to god it come thank you I don't remember if I ever did this actually I was like planning on doing this but I remember mini mold on cables to rock so I kind of like did some other stuff I did don't kill me no Missy and Olga thanks for the two gifts to lurking waffle and sonic hope you guys enjoyed the emotes it Missy a big ol thank you thing ribbon appreciate it Oh [Music] now Missy hit another one the arts and soft gnam giving us a tonight roast which because there you must give it soft nama and Missy a big ole [Music] oh that was that was scary [Music] all right [Music] when you drain the swamp or when you when you find the damaged drain it it stays permanently drained in a in any engine shuffle that way swamp like doesn't have to be vanilla every seat [Music] let me long I get this up to huge-ass 6-9 6-9 6-9 Thank You uncle AMA that treats I appreciate what I hope my boy Hugh Jass swings by the stream sometime [Music] any Wendy off parallel worlds when and Ethan Andy thumb says thanks for the 29 months [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes lumber Lama definitely picked that name specifically it's almost as good as Holden well holden like got me like like I read Hugh Jass like knowing what it said but Holden mcgroin I was completely oblivious that it was a a you know innuendo he named like until my chat em and discord said something I would have never known that's what I mean that was so funny I have a bottle I don't have a net though I got a net I could fake flippers you [Music] to a vertical shopping mall Holden mcgroin and that gives up in lumber llama hell yeah let's see where this oh [ __ ] here this connector taste name dude what is okay alright so there's two more things I can get in desert I can do a bunch more in herre okay that's good to know at least so I can get this when I get the mirror if I get the mirror here yeah [Music] Glassdoor pls silly no no I do I guess those new dungeons deserts [Music] I'll see where this connector goes Viking I can also go elite ice there's what three things in ice that I can do now the boss the two chests on right side okay this might be good it's broken X must be small small DL in the next quality what does happen uh wondering maiden Zoe thank you very much for the seven months [Music] lumbering la might get thing it's tough to clown momomo necromancer Irish giggle thank you very much I'm Ilana if you gotta get sober and give a big ol thank you because I'm showing your emotes then trigger with the six months thank you very much do you appreciate a lot I hope you're doing well luan toons [Music] the inertia of the seven months t-thanks the good luck did ruski gifting a sub to more be noises I think you very much then risky given big ol thank you more be jail on to enjoy your yes alright um this was that lot ferry this is also blocked by flippers depending upon what ice palace entrances a pawn small okay it's real fun Stang I'll kill me um holy [ __ ] um do you have the ability to like I was a bunny you have the ability to also include other glitch logics out of curiosity [Music] because I'll probably do some mysteries with that as well [Music] you'd give me good small keys come on come I got all three Meyer small keys in here what the [ __ ] all right so I can't do anything else in here until I get the big key hey you go nowhere hunts up tonight way more than that I've gotten like 230 years so this is a baekje this is also not reachable so guaranteed flippers are required for anything enthused town so that pod key and three minor keys were all locked by flippers that's the pod okay all right um so there's two things left and part of the boss and the boss and the big fists let's go do that real quick okay so that's one more thing I don't need so I need flippers thieves town big swamp small and I need to find the damn [Music] now flippers aren't in pond at this point but it's a pendant that I need to be so mystery my settings are across world entrance key sanity full enemy shuffle including bosses damage is randomized but not to its max extents it's a pedestal goal and it was a standard opening and real and real interesting [Music] I didn't want to do this first now I have to die [Music] oh I'm down here no because I went on the Kiki screen I lost the Smith as my follower I already know where swamp is I just need to find the dam the dam is the last like actual location that you can find [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we're also really hoping that the boss is not shrine X I'm stupid the boss is trine X that I'm pretty bone well then I need this just add something to my gun with list uh yeah good what sorry about the for indeed [Music] what happened sighs playing like this is fun though I mean this has been my favorite this has been my favorite one so far okay I have a green potion so that's good [Music] because we are 100% burning you through this [ __ ] garbage [Music] I'm still gonna use this Lambo could they kill me in here so there's a plan to save [Music] okay we got a pending let's go boys Smitty Nova thinks the six months dude I appreciate a lot of donors to get to the sub data play welcome I went to the pug farm dad play dope enjoy those emotes you my big ol thank you all right what the [ __ ] do I want to do let's go to that mountain so we're gonna go into CAC Bush a cross world and a miser icky sandy standard opening and the pedestal goal the other two big things [Music] okay so Meyer was libeled it on bottom left and desert was old man so [Music] let's do right-side desert real quick now Blaine is not playing data play wasn't the race but he forfeit if solski frame on to me when did they make medical like a year and a half ago [Music] their delay for the qualifier night always it's tournament related to there's going to be in delay in the rules [Music] yes I'm Indian now let's be faster right okay so you have flippers swamp small a few stumping and finding the dam so I got to start thinking about what instances I actually haven't done I haven't done anything on top of Hyrule Castle but I need the mirror or to find a connector to it all of my connectors are done that as far as I know ones I found is this all the dark rooms that I can do as well so not entirely all done yes some enemies don't die from wamba's okay there's some deaf now and drop down if I have to do [Music] I can beat school wits for an item I can beat ice palace for three beat those chumps no it [Music] Parker are you okay um like I sucks I [Music] did not freeze okay so we're just not gonna I have to walk in there with Kate I think burn it to activate between rooms so oh-oh Jambi he thinks the four months crusher with a 15 Vega phase if the six months of prime come out of zero at the fifteen months thank y'all very much this fort thanks for all the good luck [Music] [Music] okay so I'm gonna guess it doesn't really matter too much I'm gonna get a full match for the answers anyways [Music] Travis moon cloud in Russia three months behind me holy moly eat parade get them two subs you're a much dude I appreciate a lot welcome we got a nice fury and Bella could wear well the guy straight you must give a parade a big ol thank you get out of green potion as well did you sell a period I miss it all you did down there my bad dude pretty makes the five months but I must have missed that one in and all the madness thank you very much do these ones it's definitely like crosskeys in general is a lot harder for me to keep track of everything let's see here the outside of the video game so if I if I miss anything I apologized it's nothing personal I promise Reese's successful Musti I don't know what the good crystals are yet I haven't found and found the bomb shop yet I was not looking at my video game I almost walked back into my er - I [Music] don't have the Meier date but I did cool all right so that was a waste of time and now we're gonna anything else me to do in depth mountain deserts all done Hera's light world bumper lower let's just go to here here has a bunch of stuff left key singing round oh yeah oh it's personal okay that's one cool [Music] I'm usually really bad a rolling died good luck tonight in the qualifier but we played a risk when we were at the beach I think Patti attacked me with like 15 15 to 4 I have four defenders on my country and I roll three straight double sixes on Patti and it was the most glorious thing ever [Laughter] um okay so depending upon the rules that you play wrist games can be pretty fast caifa snakes to the nineteen months to usually why do I like this good question look qualifier nine be broadcast here yes and might be on the restream I don't know yet but that doesn't get decided until like come race time no I haven't started twenty seconds later since my first year hey my other two opinion I've been fine alright there's three more things up here it'll be reached three months beginning probably well it's definitely gonna be here like I will be streaming in commentating no matter what I might also be on one of the four people re-streamed' [Music] oh dude just give me a good small key D or the mirror either one of those two things might be fantastic I'm starting to think I'd either need boots or mirror-like it's it's it's pretty it's coming up it's becoming pretty likely that I need either boots or mirror it's the boss [Music] I do not need to sleep in yeah my areas locked behind a flute or connector there are a couple loose ends I can still do but I'm running out of actual locations [Music] where was which Hut links shop if let's turn this mushroom I turn the mushroom will check which when I go back to pod and see and get in actually [Music] no good crystal I don't use base NEMA tracker so that wouldn't help me out too much DT is mostly cleared right now beating pod is locked by flippers and thieves town is locked by flippers since I got the pod big key from ice palace entrance oh [ __ ] no no I got this in my er dude all right uh I don't remember if I went in this cave in the light room so let's check it [Music] I can do spike cave so I came with a nice bright number wasn't here pity biddies for the donkey placement [Music] thanks 100 bits tanneries appreciate it yeah possibly for sniffing iron look at my map see if I have any good crystals nope Scola's isn't good crystal I need to look at my video game dude even the kisses look like I forget that enemies errs on sometimes and I'll just like look at my chat when like I'm no no brain walking through somewhere that's normally free I was look at my Chad's like oh yeah this is dangerous [Music] but especially with it with enemies Iran like it's something that I should do zero [ __ ] am i doing go in the portal like you just did 15 seconds ago so all three small other Meyer small keys were in the use town which is locked by flippers so I don't think I tend to a fire snake on him I don't think anything in mind can have flippers obviously you could have something else important that's what I'm like not super worried about the flippers logic just yet but I haven't really found much behind flippers so far [Music] oh okay um dude I just wish I had some form of like not garbagemen qualifiers at 9:00 that's a bail for this in like an hourish but I I think we'll be fine [Music] no nobody's done um okay so gonna hear entrance this also sucks like having to walk all the way here like I don't even I don't know if links house or sank is faster they're both slow as [ __ ] to get here to Hera [Music] and like I'll have to do this twice to check all these cables because there's this cave and then that of that other cave on screen okay so that's checkerboard it's so long deep like in the end the caves are important to me right now because the dam is needs to be found it's has a chest in it and gets me another item and it would allow access to swamp Alice so the entrances are very very important right now [Music] yeah this is a pen scene I know where silver arrows are I can see him with my own eyes [Music] I think it's hard yeah check shovel does the small key to desert yeah but it's still something I have to do fares are like hi Bigelow hug boy entrances are are important still I'm pretty sure I check this metal drop down but we're gonna check it again just in case okay alright so you know like I stole them from Pike cave so like entrances it still also wields a ton of chess actually yeah I found GT I can do upstairs GT I can mimic it [Music] okay [Music] yo max a boy within 13 months ago gaming doing well I love you just rising up hell yeah gamers rise up I'm done with my coffee yeah I go get another cup of coffee soon okay um I need the finds boots mirror big things the weirdest modded link I've ever seen has a good question actually [Music] [Music] there's a bunch of like really really weird sprites out there that I don't even know what they're all that's what you mean female like can we just like see it I've played there's [ __ ] dude come on can't see the shadow No [Music] I think I'm getting boosted weirdly cuz that [ __ ] bubble insects alright this room no that's for hanging in a car you fill in the blanks hello AMX if he makes it max you got a play won you know that like that's the rules of the Internet [Music] the unwritten gamer boy rules Zack oh my [ __ ] god dude all right I'm honestly happen just bail on this and check a bunch of [ __ ] entrances but there's still three actual items I need so we're not gonna bail yet so that gives me that gives me King's tomb Blanc rocks and then the two bombs near links house also there's no point Bailey age that's kill the ice tiles boss and that's it [Music] Oh poof oh [ __ ] okay roll I let me text don't play I'm agree push right that does matter get out of here Jenelle you know with some Aria blogs bounce the freeze horseback that's C learn something new about this video game today [Music] course it's full [Music] [Music] I have no idea how much damage these guys do so we're playing in the beard Oh baby okay entrance time we're just gonna bust him out Nintendo and the Reese right yeah it's like three crackers and one D what am I that's [ __ ] name dude I do I love Kirby I was a big Kirby Kirby boy growing up all right give me the damn dude all right whatever this is fine okay not sure oh yeah they didn't check the torch which is not [ __ ] you basically speed rating KVL and greets Elliot being everyone who's played that game has technically speed reigning you've played it more than once you get out of here darn [Music] oh god it's so laggy oh alright [Music] your mouth you love I do you got [ __ ] there's no spikes anywhere all right we got a shield huh still need flippers swamp small off you some big I have three crystals now the only crystal like ham beats his [ __ ] Easter is spooky I have a good crystal dose we're just going to say it was desert yes major so basically please slash the enemy into spikes the spike damage overrides overrides the slash damage and macula is programmed to take no damage from spikes because of that and it's obviously fixed in the GBA version with link to fast version that's my mafia list seems like such a hard boss because like half of the hits you're doing you probably don't know that we're just not doing please - okay so I have this entrance and then this same thing in the Dark Worlds and I think I'm like legit running out of instances to do so I might just have to start doing actual chests because running dangerously low on R on the waiver ass gameplay I don't think I've ever played waverace 64 I play waverace on the Gameboy [Music] but I I never had it on the n64 I may have I might have played it but I never owned it so I never played it much another dart okay so this is stumped that means library is old man [ __ ] I don't know what to do I think like upstairs upstairs GTE has the most checks out of anything I have less lightning [Music] we have 1k viewers yo what's up everybody damn I only got a never gotten that's not true I've gotten 1k viewers a very small number of times before but all the other times we're also tournament related stuff so what's up everybody thanks for watching goodness that's a lot of peeps I appreciate why you guys are enjoying the mystery races yo if you don't follow this channel sure to bop that follow button and doing these a lot me smash that follow button yeah I think I got three million views pretty recently as well glow up you know holy [ __ ] no way Jose with the ten bomb and gifts subs oh my god back to the shitload of damage [Music] yo no way Jose with the 10 bomb and gifts thank you very much welcome everyone who got to give something away Jose we got ten new peeps we're gonna go this way to save some help I guess cuz I take damage we had cold war on 1988 or entus one crazy kid [Music] numbers new see the kallu egg hunt of Ilona Tara home in that Jeffrey chard and relax hope you guys enjoy very much thank you very much for the gift ease I appreciate it please what's the incentive I'm convincing my buddy to do a nightmare randomizer which is basically just like me playing this video game and crying for like eight hours [Music] and we get a random gauntlet oh [ __ ] I could do another gauntlet we hit 1800 dude I wasn't even at 1600 when we started a I can do it I can do a rant about this since we guys win so [ __ ] awesome today nightmare is basically like every possible setting available on the hardest why is everything so healthy in the dark Earl's my pandering wander all right [ __ ] this [ __ ] with the five bombs well thank you very much dude I appreciate a lot we got TKO TK origins icky sake Hitler pan cup [ __ ] that to fish poser and big Elmo hope you guys enjoy being much dependent on our people thank you thank you both you in no way Jose support nom nom DB with the 18 months [ __ ] [ __ ] haha dammit so uh those were try Nexus legs so I knew try Nexus in the next room there's no point in looking at it I can't kill the boss Bofur thinks the prime sub brand new prime sub welcome to pug farm you don't enjoy those demos did you know that if you have an Amazon Prime account you have a free twitch sub to your favorite streamer just sit in there unused if you haven't used it yet like my boy and platypus like kelp see like me three prime sub you pay nothing for it besides you know paying for Amazon Prime but you know [Music] mate oats mana you know look at all these Prime subs rolling and holy [ __ ] [Music] we got a line is Pete's a wild PK fire [Music] and rap Dale hope you guys enjoy your emos thank you for the twitch prime slopes I appreciate a lot thank you okay I need [ __ ] items dude I don't need this key though that the skull was Vicky yet no yeah holy [ __ ] Oh baby are you guys in for a treat this boss is stupid on this porch it doesn't work [Music] [Music] yo Perry wander redeeming at that smrpg ran though hell yeah thank you very much D okay um let me look at my thing nope no good crystal yet [Music] one k viewer hype happy one-year yo I just get two Sith Lord yeah thanks for the whole year mine deed I appreciate a lot hey thank you your own game is turning i've fun that dead receipt uh that's the third 50k or deem so far and i've already done the other two seats for it also like i'll make sure that you're here I guess M RPGs a little longer so it's not something I'm gonna like do on a limb so I'll probably just be like hey I'm gonna do this on this day if you're here yeah we got we got a thousand people I'm sharing it so why not you know have a little fun for the Vance you know numero uno with the five bomb a gift subs ban shore aa laro ro kilo or Baron in the kairu because enjoy your emotes for the fans dude this game is actually the easiest thing [Music] yeah kill you okay a lumber Lama gives us up the ff3 locks hope you enjoy those emotes dude I can go back and get two things in Maya it's getting very very sketchy dude I don't know what's happening no that's not where I got my other good crystal okay I don't even know where the bomb shop is so doesn't even matter where's my er I will get the mountain bottom left I was just [ __ ] there a lumber Lama with a ten bomb and gift subs thank you very much did I appreciate a lot welcome Tendo keeps the puck from you got GCC second where am I mister tanuki a strand agent Martinez at hmx valaria revolts rabba brook and land far as enduring us in the no way oh say gifting a sub to crud gamer I guess enjoy your emotes do [Music] excuse a pen see that could be all them intentionally is it all done seven crystals it's a pedestal long live the have a keen no Nemeth [Music] in here oh my god [Music] why why why why what [Music] well they crowds me [ __ ] forgot um yo GFX and bass with the 2000 biddies you very much there Dennis and you've got a big crowd tonight pretty nuts I hear another one for the fans all right always also uh raspy girl thanks to the 100 bits so you're any with the firebombing gift subs a tiny Lansford [Music] that one's easy okay yeah that looks so good Mac's one of my one of my good pal even he made all my own it's actually doing this in the dark he's I don't need to hit the switch here [Music] [Music] um yeah all once I'm done with this earth garbage okay [Music] let me through we got set Bewkes cane same aim bland ation in a deranged mini one hope you guys enjoy your emotes mr. knee people thank you then Felix gifting us up the hover goat hello yeah welcome to the pug farm Hubbard oh wow what is this see dude uh okay ice right the first place we're going [Music] God I don't think that the dam can be NTT and also have flippers do that how many Meyers monkeys potentially I don't I don't actually my archaeologic is so close but I don't actually know oh holy moly when are we going to see my bootless helical swordless rats ice right son I said I'm rock was a connector but I'm gonna check in just in case because I'm a scaredy boy you know WL Phoenix likes the 1000 bits I appreciate Monty thank you okay holy [ __ ] dude the seat is actually ridiculous yeah this was higher caste okay so I need to the dark room I have a two things immediately that I'm doing well one thing immediately the other thing is not quite immediately but here in worse to be doing mirror check so I already got spit out of Cape 45 so that one is not a mere check I could go check bombo's tablets I should go check bomb was that but we're not going to the first thing we're gonna check is [ __ ] mimicking what am i doing Muir was in spike gave [Music] of course nothing's skip songs I want to finish it yes somebody just finished [Music] Furion just finished [Music] you said this seat is monk s for my first mystery seed at Pet seeds you never know what's gonna happen with pedestal seats anything can happen dude is this where the bomb shop is on top of Hyrule Castle and I get to just mirror with a bomb this crack I feel like that's about to happen [Music] even after you spread you don't know the modes you need to figure out what the seed is as you play it's really fun yeah qualifiers in fifty sick you know guar dog with the prime sub thank you very much to you appreciate why didn't we already see that guy no because he was right there as qualifiers are always gonna have anything tournament related it's gonna have a delay on it okay um okay so that was graveyard that was great right [Music] [Music] okay so after I do this I have one more thing immediately in mind I should probably look up how to get to here um I need to go back to tak Rico [Music] all right so Kakariko to paradox cave out the lower exits yeah one person is done [Music] [Music] oh I know [Music] I could get Silver's I could do the Smith that small key on sky island sorry we get salad darling fortune my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] courses are [ __ ] be first their [ __ ] Hey [Music] oh my god [Music] all right I'm actually gonna go get that small key real quick see I don't even [ __ ] know what I want to do anymore like what is this garbage I can't even do thieves town yet like [Music] I feel Felix dudu God we know what's on ped of the Triforce I can't do with these yeah because it's in here ah it's not it's not unfeasible for someone to be done already like I wasted a ton of time not getting that mirror the other side of like this is not accessible with just the mirror because of what the other side is what ice palace entrance is so this is all just completely out of logic without flippers yeah spend a lot of time reading souls Lincoln has an item the swamp Alice monkey could be in the end but flippers cannot I need to not die also [Music] Lord aubergine thanks for the Twitter prime sub Michelle welcome to pug farm hope you enjoy those emotes [Music] [Music] [Music] heroes alright so once this is done I can check the hospital but I I'm running out of running out of ideas [Music] I shot that's really [Music] [Music] let's go get that small team so I need to go the dirt world's startling porch into Scylla [Music] Ezequiel with the hovers let's go hmm bombo's tablet bombo's tablet that might have to be the flippers oh my god whiplash that's the kind words do bonta's done please be Swamp dude thanks for [ __ ] gone alright alright so I need to find the dam and find the flippers and I'm good that's all I need so okay what I'm guessing is gonna happen is that Bob list I was gonna have my Eastern Palace baby not to go beat Eastern to go open up GT [Music] like find the dam and then the dam has like ice rod or some [ __ ] I have to go up GT am I going I was I'm just I'm just imagining worst possible situations right now any I need to find need to find the damn plane to find flippers too busy arising of terrible scenarios there's also the Smith chain still Smith and purple chests Aseem pedestal pedestal has the Triforce [Music] this is a cross cheese analyzer standard pedestal goal oh my god that I [ __ ] call it [ __ ] okay um how did I get the hair entrance back Rico no I can't does not have an item all right so the things that I have the major things I have left I have Smith Smith and purple chess prizes which the only thing I'm still looking for is the flippers I'm also still looking for an entrance in the dam which I think legitimately has to be in ganas tower at this point against our seven crystal required entry for the others I have time to finish I think pretty good actually yes I got a connector to dart shop anymore yes it's gonna be close it's gonna be on YouTube oh you bet feet if I have a trainwreck seed it's like guaranteed on I don't even have Meyer access yes [Music] I'm not gonna finish after switching to a 20 minute delay where's case scenario is like getting an override or just don't join the qualifier tonight I don't have any playlists on YouTube I just kind of like let people watch stuff but also like I don't want like I don't want to put stuff in in like a category where people are like you know what they're gonna be watching if they like you know cleanse the qualifier it's in 35 [Music] just give me the [ __ ] flippers video game [Music] [Music] in this box we try next I could I don't know I don't have the ice rod so I can't beat it if it is but then be trying X for all I know I think Dam has to be in GT entrance I don't think there's any other possibility [Music] oh my god the flippers dude we're so close this seed was spawned from hell dude the seed was absolutely spawned from hell and we're right here screams go open GT [Music] now futon didn't roll this I well I was the one that generated this Sina actually it was me what do we you flippers for need to beat swamp if if dam isn't here I [ __ ] up somewhere but I'm like 90% sure it's here because of how long other people said okay I'll open this chest for good measure this is absolutely insane d oh my god we're a swamp am her house yeah okay heart containers could be another sword could be a mail upgrade I think where the hell is flutes in swamp just mire my area wasn't accessible at all [Music] hmm he said he missed this one waiting I'm pretty sad you missed this one we need ice rod to be GT [Music] this was actually super fun I enjoyed this a lot so I been putting off without boots for so long and without a thought like fast travel with the ice rod area I put off spike cave longer than should I just had dungeons that I can beat I [Music] don't really have time to be much else yeah I was having fun I just like I had other stuff going on where's the dam in Ganz tower entrance [Music] [Music] only we're gonna have time for credits and stuff today cuz I gotta cut my string presume at least the waters still flooded I guess right yeah that was the late cuz the water cutscene [Music] [Music] doesn't need to be a delay for the qualifying or do I have to research three important both need to cut my stream and restart it with a delay Duda this is try next I'm gonna laugh my ass off I completely just didn't even think of that oh [ __ ] I swear to God did [Music] you [Music] I did not press the matter [Music] [Music] I can't believe that was the god that had been try next I would have absolutely lost my [ __ ] these gracious seed was absolutely ridiculous I can't I can't believe that this was just randomly generated actually uh Reza coop convinced the 22 months to appreciate a lot okay we're gonna have to cut my screen pretty quickly after I'm done so thank you all for watching I appreciate a lot yeah a thousand viewers pretty naturally which is absolutely insane thank you guys for all the support I'm doing a turn in qualifiers my last tournament qualifier that I'm doing since I should be good to go after this one's done I appreciate a lot shame we'll be back live in 20 minutes the race won't start for you guys for about 50 minutes will started about 9:20 on screen because the 20 min delay if thank you thank you I appreciate a lot we'll play a quick ad and then uh that stream oh you got third I forgot to not done holy [ __ ] yeah thank y'all for watching I appreciate
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 66,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, zelda, rando, randomizer, mystery, race
Id: 93BLQX-XH3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 18sec (11898 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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