A Link to the Past | Co-op Hellsanity Randomizer with Ivan | The Rivalry™ continues

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in crouton of death futon and Willard J Bradley you boy go now yes please three and a half hours now all right Duda module all right ready Ivan I'm going to Lynx house what I'm going to link says oh okay yeah we lured the usual all right cool good luck everybody humble yeah I'll go just for okay all right three two one go no I don't want to leave paws day hey oh there he is hey is that oh god I forgot the sanity no bed each town map is in links house so you can see the Laughing favoring sanctuaries oh hell yeah there's a fish outside ice there's a fish to the left of Lynx house and Cheyenne I am bringing this loop sucks ass by the way oh yeah it was outside ice and then nowhere oh yeah I am 100% carrying this fish all the way to Calgary go for my 25 rupees and eight homes and fomented where is it one screen to the left a lynx house how do you tell you where you take it take it to the merchant he gives you all that [ __ ] yeah we went over this last time remember [Laughter] probably [ __ ] yeah but [Music] I actually don't know doesn't look like I'm going any faster this is really hard to tell well fish [Music] listen Amari RPG me oh yeah God all right art piece in the back of the barn that's nice we're going to Las woods you do that let's stay in Kakariko yeah I don't think you go faster with the fish and I don't think so either [Music] look at all that [ __ ] oh do oh there's a fish one screen north that's good it'd be easy I haven't killed anything so not doing man hurt container at the mushroom alright I'm checking the drop down home it's like out ah this sucks uh magic bats is lost woods okay Oh money all right yeah magic bat chain leads nowhere so but I'm backing a Kakariko I'm in the dark room okay so we're gonna keep checking all right I'll see what lumberjack house is like up spiral Earl just kidding dead lumberjack cave don't kill me mr. bush ooh a sword oh uh hey viv above lumberjack okay up on Kingston as bombs in it nice the check will cave all right I'm doing um what you say the sword was the lumberjack cave okay left angry lady house is a [ __ ] um Lost Woods chess game leads to paradox lower okay I can't do anything with no mirror okay this took me to K the okay well I'm just up here on debt mountain alright I am stuck sometimes same quick paradox lower took me to K between so and roses just came hey Earl nice J card gee thanks the 10 months my team yeah we found paradise before the three-hour mark this times great I'm gonna check uncle hole the well Oh bad side Oh lumberjack okay uncle hole is skull mid get some more bombs here lumberjack out size him yes it was nothing Silver Arrows push pickle popped out until me hard Silver Arrows are in school woods chest right of big tests if it is right mais right that was Bob who mais right is the money refill that like what am i doing later will you repeat hot [ __ ] King sanity like an idiot um I have enough for I can get enough for merchants it's all my that bob has the big key to Turtle Rock what it was that the way cows flight world it's love light world okay any merchant real quick mm II TSA if anybody's watching the multi and you tell me anything about Willard or futon your band yeah big ban don't blow up IRL don't do that [ __ ] chatroom have you done nothing in CAC yet it was a chain chomp guarding the fortune teller Wellings house have you done anything intact yet yes I've done the well okay well cave about the left angular Alison black hood and chicken house okay I'll do you the bottom row Oh weird drop the frames yeah you're you're in and that's being a little poopy right love it guess ooh okay CAC outside heck mom Hut's is inside maze Magoo and inside brother right ooh dark world EDM top rights nice no I don't want to hear anything about FM my chat ever again about that my back hmm blue waterfall caves turn erotic entrances quake oh yeah I knew that chess game damn it yeah I went in the right side of the bottom right side the bottom ooh oh my field anything is back walk very below Eastern world medium lower left takes me to super bunny lower outside bumper lower light words all right let's go to sync enhance uh yeah happy birthday shopping use I don't know I've been told a nightmare only as monstrous so I've been finding believe you're lying but [Music] and the eyes I found desert right that's that sanctuary okay galosh house french vanilla eastern unbelieving about dark pectin yes I know he has most of spells aka thinks the five Monson ready ill first try pot shop will get owned got a compass that sucks but you also want dark night playing monsters cuz it's felt some gotta hand these don't work yet right boots in Eastern I'm going as a hot roller after I finished this uh after I finished this loop yeah Oh pot sanity uh sake kid we're keep some small keys on the right side nice nice - do you miss me off the angle that the Sun is that right now is very bad for my eyes weapon up fan turtle rock main entrance oh goodness have you done anything like worldly stuff mountain yet no get in there and Skelton's have a lot of hills and we have a sword yeah all right I found Hyrule Castle so I'll see you in Eastern in Ottawa okay love here too all right that's fine we're not somewhere that like needs a glove yeah so glove behind stall fuss I'm assuming yes yeah bye that's my future back working I'm on a darkroom oh there's a lot of [ __ ] in here look I was first chest anything I Knight boots yeah Oh first chest was boots oh yeah boots smokey in the club yeah and then I was dying that I couldn't leaving Oh he'd gone away ah nice 92 CAC double what I was play let's go now suck suck youth thanks perfect we're actually finding good things early I'm gonna go hover have fun hello oh there's a pickle now your shots in here Oh baby success the first Cheston here kind of sucks but whatever well they don't find Eastern for a little while yeah I don't think that's gonna happen yeah I'm gonna got the front of the show gave if you want to go back okay and it goes to what was left left side is death not in dark rolled um you need moon pearl for it is super bunny cave okay but it was like the bottom so you didn't fall down he'll already been to the right just the well and then lumberjack that's my do Walker red real all stop dashing through bushes like a [ __ ] [Music] but we got this is very dark baby sweet water at the tap house I don't know beers did you go this is okay bonk rocks is the potion shop where next I care front went to my mom's sea water is uh in Atlanta brewery boy wait I can get free healthier free hell he kisses thanks let's go into thanks to weary eye on my face desert blues right our face alright uh what I got what do we got I got a map skull woods [Music] 50 bucks in desert varnish but that's a yeah I found that already what which one you go out right okay I will go another way Oh God going out the left B varies everywhere OSE house the pond small uh pond small Hyrule Castle upper let's uh you just not p.m. light row middle wall good one [Music] and it's a shot it's so I wish yo I found ether hair is green pendant nice phrase ether on bumper ledge this is my er shed pearl Eastern's a Christian sorry Eastern's a crystal if you don't owe world anything uh I didn't do any of the drop downs or I didn't do the bottom right cave what I did anything else and not the middle bottom right look at lady the full bottom right okay I'll go down there I did the middle one okay oh god this like oh god her address with a three month funny um so this is still woods big ths light world East dead mountain the the left's one in the - oh I didn't do the right one up there either takes you to Hyrule Castle and that that's how I got to either all right Stowe woods it was hot this is actual hell how the [ __ ] am I supposed to do this Oh God yeah I'm excited for the enemy Randall logic revamp absorbing it'll be fun why do you need logic in this [ __ ] just like the way in places enemies and stuff like they're gonna revamp it so that it can place both enemies in like kill enemy rooms to lock the bow okay and oh so it can't do that now no I cannot oh the bows like almost only only required or I mean it helps but I can't do this room duty as a gift oh and a mini omelettes or and they never die the gibdo is pretty strong it took 21 slashes oh my god grace the pot let's just find the pot alright there's the public oh my god the pots got all hostilities hasta kill thieves Andy Elliot ok so I can kill the pots the use of the pots I can thumb them any almost certainly I can just avoid randomizing enemy drops in the item pool I don't know what you mean sir be like randomizing which enemy drops keys and stuff or what to pull this thing over all the way oh my god why herself was always so beefy a good question thank God oops [Music] and two small key misery Meyer good five tell me thanks I made it Oh that'd be interesting what was that I got a glove I'm stupid can you swear in Eastern yeah I just wasn't paying attention uh-oh it's a berries my good a flute five white world okay we don't try to do this dark room did you figure out anything about the dark room you can see all the enemies so oh okay alright let's take a look Oh does it front okay cool rose and I died yeah outside spiral is oh it big chess nice what have you not done in kak um I haven't done the right of the double house he well drop down the right angry lady house the kids house the bomb hut shop or the front of the bar okay you new blinds house yes fine suffices oh is lumberjack yeah because outside chiller on okay all right money money cash Boyle is uncle drop down what's in there swamps monkey uh and Joe what the race game was it was nothing oh my god not then we done anything else in a breeder I didn't maze right and that's it he's right you can get some money still money merchant was not hot as his pod okay the arrow game in the league worlds [Applause] and Al's darkness Black Keys to my face I found small it sound Edmonton where's the damn fairy under eastern nice so I gotta check what that is Oh a bottle we're sick it uh spec rock upper [ __ ] I'll look at the east of mountain arrested mode um died hey don't kill me if you go if you do CAC well drop down you'll get there it's fired snake will not it will not let me catch up dude yaaaah [Music] shields in a heart container okay where was no Shaq cave oh boy [Music] go - large then Eastern and then it leaves oh it's the double house left okay - - oh hey did you end up getting this full-width binky chests just died did ya it's a small for misery oh okay so I'm gonna go out the other way then yeah I also really want for you yeah and if I'm the silver goes first I want I want a small key is that a canvas our key I think it was over the fire runs in pod nice yeah okay so this against our key and the fight on the right side of pod walk out of here so come on okay house and meet I'm Andy yay I don't want to lose my magic Elliot if I don't tell them about something because this offended or the record a leaving pod post outside pod nice let's try to make it down to food five dollar old I guess all right outside skulls you left takes you to Meyer area [Music] Meyer is quick left right Ian right given find great great the other found ether vamos I need that [ __ ] you know I want that bombo's um okay so I'm dark woods back of hook shot - okay so I don't need to check that then outside pyramid okay sir Johnny thinks the three months dude appreciate it left or right Ian right okay lower bumper stylin dark bro or spiral that's good outside so was when Earl to finish that whoo-whoo all right time for the left's thanks for three months Johnny Storm it's not I think so it's 20 months appreciate it carpenter I'm stuck here yet so I'm gonna go down to the damn suits their old man outside spike cave his paradox made but I need moon parole okay peace of heart outside the dam Oh outside fortune teller [Music] knocked out what's the damn item these are okay so I'm gonna go to the damn real quick and then I guess extract cave for what have you done West Death Mountain my world I haven't done anything on the bottom I've done spectacle Rock upper lower and then the Death Mountain exit cave is small okay so none of the drop downs nope none of the drop downs and none of the lower stuff fairy I didn't pull the thing today I went into the dam and got the chest in the left I'm not tired at all [Music] what they found the front of the rock I did yeah I did spec to rock upper and lower but nothing else oh nice a beer system if it you getting little chopped yeah I can internet dude all right let's do this correctly this time head Caesars both be fast we told you that I just took gold seeds are not fast ever told you that was lying um all right let's go get hook shots anything else in hook cave good now access lockdown was tricky nice boy thank us money at the end of it [Music] [Music] reading finder in stinky it's under partner settings on your dashboard or it might be it might be under channel settings sorry on the dashboard yeah reset copy [Music] [Music] okay I think I actually went live again and time for uh technical difficulties for you not to go away Thanks that's a darkroom we got about the technical did so you did damn and then went left I'm assuming right oh hello Turner Rock big just it's a compass I can do stuff in here huh and that big key yeah the roller room at least we didn't name them it's Willard and futon yep they named themselves croutons I have trapped myself in this room so you did all this housework no I just a medium old arm cave and I'm off on a loop okay hanging out in throw a rock but we're team farts late night no I just didn't sleep well [Music] Oh dad's killed me and - oh goodness get out here Jeff hands oh my god it's the nicest in chopper Ellie yeah [Music] [Music] that was her I have no way to kill myself with bombs that sucks I really want I can find my bombs [Music] okay um yeah we got that we got that that's gonna kill the jellyfish I was dumb uh okay so ice rod top right is dumb death mountain cave oh [ __ ] yes she gave a tank long right big tech long right right I know I was just checking to see if I did it I did something else oh my oh no yeah I did it's garbage this why didn't they it down alright I'm gonna get this key and then die and then come back and open that door and see if I want in there if you do and do it do you top right angry lady oh my god I did a lot of tiger lady yeah well I died anyways I decided to be a really good idea to slash a bush and then you same wolf came out [Music] go back to ice rod it'll be a quick way back to katakuriko if it takes me nowhere anyways so oh that had the key oh [ __ ] wait I mean the keys stupid demos just stress don't know when I come back oh this is for dandy art so smart I know I'm gonna probably leave do the back of laser printer I do that that's nothing [Music] you're the frames Oh angry lady radius blinds house good but we got got a book our peace a bottle [Music] this is you nothing about Smith's nope keep going that's Cubs win cool first pod that had the engineering lytrod slight roller game oh yeah oh my god I just want to see what the chest is I'm gonna keep it fun let's see five bucks on care front of the bars are container okay needed not saving keep continuing but my loop is over in there ISA who the other end of death mountain dumb cave cash shop and old man I just looped into a cell phone that's cool Oh God desert whose right hands I'm stuck here left okay let's just do this before Excel to save and quit so you did you didn't like left and right side pod I'm assuming it didn't go up mid yeah I don't know keys okay I got one key from where in my nose let's see where Hyrule Castle upper left's entrance mean by bombs from when you're it funny how to find out sure can exactly play trails [Music] all right so I'm gonna do all this front stuff and death or back to the middle and then allsafe's we're gonna Justin Westside little laser bridge oh my god if you fall down kak well don't get there god Sandman [ __ ] off please pretty good assets will get hit by one of these things does les he's on the library yet no I'll just finish this then made the shot everything this job the bottle bender have bombs not worth anything good in by inside a book in a bottle I want that book and then I did um I did the bottom of the bar and then I also did bottom of the bar in cash drop okay I'm in the bush I'll see if they forgot okay Alice pops not that bad huh I don't know why so many people complain about it it owns Evans purple got a small Quito GT Oh all right we're fine in the fire are all right so we're gonna die here and we are going to Satan continue the the bush houses inside special rock there's a small key okay so we use this key and it takes me nowhere but if these two chests are garbage then I'm gonna save you some Mikey there's no guarantee that I you know won't come back here with a hammer later three can save it I mean monkeypod [Music] against our compass no continue this time flies when you are randomizing stuff and EWH Andy at area um I've done the right side the right skull drop down and I went into the skull big key chest entrance and it was garbage even bones colds one yeah that is always one big key chess engines for the big chest entrance sorry okay I didn't I didn't know I did yeah I didn't do left or the right I'll be left and this goes inside skull would actually this is good I can get this small key and then sheep G with the three months thanks Lonnie goes to its room [Music] what was the small key that was inspector odd okay I have to hover to it yep I don't want to use this I'm still Nikki don't I get to was library a shop okay did you ever get back to you a second no our over seconds it's on dead man I will go do that instead of getting pod key so I'm really need party right now I'm gonna go away the French small laser bridge [Music] Ganon fight is in one of the drop-down holes you do need to find it yourself but you can't kill again until the goal is done so you need all the crystals and to have beaten getting this tower alright sick kids a kid where was a kid outside spec upper what you got for me sick kid a heart container have you done anything else on West's mountain now you want the Turtle Rock main entrance and I did both the drop downs ok I did the old man hole and the where you come out with the old man in the first place ok as you all do cape northome in sure it's shop oh how did I get to oh is that not so I wanted I'm gonna do the other what's it get out a heart container ok I still need to grab this sanctuary heart container I'm gonna do the other dark world cave on West at mountain before I do this am I going this okay I think I can save the Gihon [Music] what do you got for me video game Bob had thanks the four months prime ok so dark world Death Mountain bottom left takes me to inside gain and drop outside sink neat let's realize I can't I'm not gonna be able to get this plays average well if I'm hovering let's do creepy are dropped down uh skull left I can get these chests at leasts subsea Bryn no I got the laser are now who hammer where's that uh left of Skull woods if you drop down graveyard will drop down there okay also a small internal rock alright and then we get a free school with key I'm gonna go this way actually [Music] because I want to keep this phone with you so lays there i er what's not allege red ruby I'll take it Maes I'm gonna expire oh I don't have a pod Kia I can do things in my room oh that sucks Oh oh my go well don't kill me all right let's get this pawn small oh lordy I fell oh I want to die inside Kiki takes me outside skull baby just to instability entrance thing it's all mini almost ours and they don't die Elliot no I got fatal that ah what's wrong with the colors great Oleg told me Goldie yes I do have hammer thanks for letting me know ah was I writing we haven't found cackle yet right no okay I found the other side of it but it's not the good part I'm gonna I'm gonna check dropdowns just real quick check the Smith one two oh yeah oh yeah yeah it's almost all the drop-down holes [Music] all the good ones yeah good ones pack well is east of graveyard okay what do we get out what do we got oh well a lot of nothing so far I found quake skidding and blue cane all right so once we get moon pearl we can open up Meijer in the fall for it [Music] Oh how am I gonna get this chest all right octopod key can I hover this time in hope so aim [Music] three months I stopped to check skull and each time map this is the wrong house you know Dutch geo with the three months think salon my deed I appreciate it did you go back out this way Ivan which way Spectacor octa I fell down I'm on my way back okay so neither of these exits have been checked no just the key I'm gonna I'm gonna check the lower one because it'll be a lot easier to check the upper one on the way back [Music] racking 6 1 1 holy moly that's a quick way to death mountain actually I'm Gigi side of the hammer Dave north of old man but this is um oh boy I need my hammer I can do a lot of GT oh you found GT yeah we're um through the laser eye room into a rock where's the hammer uh CAC well drop down no rage ardent drop down a rat King thinks the five bomb have you gotten out desert main entrance like gone out of it yes I've gone on all the offensive exits okay so then I'm just gonna same quick oh good blue males and GT where was GT sorry um does laser eye room to a rock it's it's the left bridge outside to the rock how do I their laser arm into a rock I do this outside desert win goes to wire just outside the bridge heading it the laser I go through the big key test for us which is through the old man house old me in house yeah I'm done oh [ __ ] I was just there yeah I probably um I uh thank you very much Rat King appreciate a lot woke up to the puck farm all five you give my big little thank you note is awful I quit it five um okay [Music] eighty-eight Sean P wolf squiggle Whipple slim X + alt T PR al Kamali gonna get the Kakariko usually from here and then who's live with the twitch crime so thanks a lot my dude I appreciate we've done not done anything on the Estep none yet West have known light world I think everything's done I think I need you're still oh [Music] goodness thank you for this appreciated burnfree monkey Hyrule Castle upper left no no no yeah yeah I'm gonna go into this fight game I had and I guess um I was like coming here Oh old man how sweet I was like here's middle paradigm shift yeah well it's unfortunate when you we're due out middle and what middle paradox so you got middle yes I've got on middle and lower not upper like a top [Music] [Music] when it's drink to the past tonight maybe nice well Murray oh my okay I'm not going on top my getting past is it as our ledger desert when the geeky desert wind okay okay it's Meyer yep doing that okay um let's write some things down so old man cave TR big chest to outside doesn't to the dark cave to TR ledge left to G was blooming on right side and GT yeah I'm the left chest what else is on this side of still woods besides the hammer a a small key to Turtle Rock I'll have one thank thank you ever two rocks monkey I don't I got one from the big guy inside the rock it's the only one I have I'm the guy inside Turtle Rock what buy the big key chest oh my god this thief doesn't oh okay my day oh yeah yeah order the drink to the pass rules whatever you want the rules end up changing every time we play there's no there's no set in stone rules I just wanna get my key Bonnie's the keys in here somewhere at the bottom [Music] another bottle beads all this stuff for keys to the graveyard I just did the drop down hole in the gray bird but no I did Easter great here drop down as well Oh hi-five disaster Melissa all right this is fine Asda as dying there's probably faster oh goodness a fountain okay I have towards the witch [Music] why are there thieves everywhere whoa that is a spike that's nothing um the early gte locked door leads to nothing so you can skip using Miki there fire bark yeah right by this spike is going to kill me every single time I come through here I'm never gonna remember it's there did you drop down the both the Smith area no not yet dude I ever make it to the witch huh oh my god [ __ ] this I'm going to the goodness alright nothing in GT so far I got a body someone that's it there's a cute monkey named Kiki he does not run a delivery service cute greedy monkey smokey to skull woods ice palace man Oh Darla I have a different male upgrade Dylan's making it a hobble every time you get a male upgrading L sanity all the damaged bellies get shuffle around the things that weren't killing me now are killing me for art's smile are you going in the Smith house no I haven't done Smith house or cave at all are you saying both poked me when I dropped down into the hole and I died yep yeah happens yeah I'm aware well my internet provider is piece of garbage thank you for me [Music] and have enough money for zora so that's nice oh no cannot kill this boss yet this sucks hey Ivan guess is it I Silas who's that let's try nice that's fun we finally living in GT 300 rupees and that's it all right [Music] I'm gonna use both my keys and go back I'm gonna I'm gonna go back in the pod and I've to rock mount okay so we have skull woods thieves town ice palace into rock maps whenever eastern ND stream so very novel rocks offended odds of crystals hot is a crystal turn rocks and it what was the green pendant era alright so next time I get into the Dark Worlds we might have all over information or most of it anyways I just wanted to get over the [ __ ] other side stupid America's walk fast enough hmm oh my god don't get the blue mail Andy I will try my best find me the red mail on accident [Music] everything owning you Ivan everything is Ilya one hit in a seven senator from Illinois there's a bond crackling says there are it's a super-funny cave superbunny cave oh baby bottom these are finished I'll leave them later whoa elseís what do months keep it up bandy um yeah Trey van thanks to the two months do you appreciate it Wow don't-don't-don't good loyal heart container for money forget it's our bread rupee [Music] reverie BR a about ready to save scum all my craft oh hi let's go from the bottom will be easier the fortune-teller above Kakariko nope was there anything in super bunny small cute against our hey it's trick Mouse gotta kill some thieves [Music] what hammer [Music] [Music] got another skull with small key just not useful in the ice rod I'm not doing that [ __ ] where is that my dark dark maze top left sand pod oh it's fun delivery new do I want to lose my two small keys over that do I really want to lose my two small keys over that yeah yeah time to go fight try necks it's gonna be awful I don't know if all I have I guess I have a ton of potions wait do we find the witch hut small key for castle tower yes I know where that is [Music] it's punk rock okay where the hell is the chicken house organized oh yeah Porcia toys fortune teller above [Music] boy couple of Georgia boys stuck in the sugar sand home Joe with the boys I get a bomb hoodie haul race game right side [Music] go up it's not the same as whoa [Music] [ __ ] Death Mountain garbage did you end up beating chicken huh yeah it's a smoky bracket our oh I'll get that since I'm here suppose watch out for the thieves I got a morning one of them got stuck behind the table aren't you [ __ ] special drop thumbs have we not done besides scanning and nagging him Michael Woods back oh yeah I found the well roll what wasn't it um the blue cane and quake where's that uh Easter graveyard uh well well shoot did you drop down the did you drop down the skull woods let's oh I sure did what was it drops into the small key area for skull woods oh good I wanted to do this small here yeah I mean let's go back home no this giant room that shitty peneleus mo kio is oh so school right yeah okay okay all right um I don't know why I went this way am i dying back to GT to kill try next I go doesn't that sound like fun nope what you're doing it yeah hey Pandu stone nice it's right next to Guinness Tower oh is it like the other two rockledge thing nice I'm probably gonna stop in there oh I'm gonna wait oh you know it's here yep got a shield have one of those already you can get a fire shield oh this looks like hell it's really like a in here indeed yeah all right so I don't find something good in thieves town I'm gonna go to these town if not I'm gonna go into GP he's a heart [Music] ah [Music] what's that man how's it going hard container the red male alright maybe it's better [ __ ] that I'm out oh my god oh yeah Francis check the map shoulda checked the map loads there oops yeah moving by the castle I haven't done the uncle yes right you know I haven't gone into paradox oh my god [ __ ] I'm gonna get everything great who's ready for me to leave GT to go to top I need to use bombs here again that sucks pretty buck honey buck I should have just used one to his bombs honestly when I'll ask me try to kill Triax on ice you mean you want to watch me kill try necks on ice uh uh hey remember when I said was gonna kill try next night I had to give no for like six fights I only have six hearts visit Marquis bottle big key for Ganon's tower well that'd be [ __ ] nice to have right now that puts ice rod in well the ice rod was in the dark room but it wasn't really in logic yet but uh baby pod key Santi logic is so [ __ ] ridiculous um going on top now and I'm going against our to beat it I should try got a pod and get the how do you get to top the castle um where's my hyrule castle up further done everything lost woods II I haven't gone into the thief's cave perfect if so I spit me out top bumper it's also perfect uh I got up there outside [Music] if you get if you know how to get into hyrule castle if you go off the right side it takes you to I don't know how to get entire castle uh it was from Death Mountain the light world you set mountain lower top left's I just left that what's the Sun fries do you know nope it's a bomb so long okay I guess I'm gonna show Irish yeah I couldn't all he does nothing give [ __ ] trainings shrine X's main hand in 1/4 hardened damage oh oh it already does to me [Music] Isis duck world oh I didn't replace that with a blue potion uh-oh that's bad I'm I'm I thought I bought a third blue position well that's nice buck we're good to you cell phone oh here we go got it ah that sucks this multi-world no you know [ __ ] I'm getting Mike quaking blue cane that's [Music] actually up there something behind him why don't I end up in Hulan what I love the rain on Houlihan's they're so fun why did I that doesn't make any sense I just dashed into the bush how does that make any sense you must have formed it prior somehow I [Music] need the castle tower key again I don't know no I don't know we're gonna miss oh no no I I'm so glad that I don't have to finish this oh right it saves it saved after excited to kill myself in GT all right so it seems then yeah [Music] how many bottles do you have huh three okay good so we both have all the bottles oh I don't I'm not get hit by that roller oh wait that means you have a bottle I don't have and I have what you don't have so I got one in the back of POD yeah there's one in [ __ ] it was a B bottle somewhere I did not find a B bottle Julie I caught it that can be useful I don't remember sub K T is it good yes I really like it glogg was admirer what was it admirer I don't know if you and annoyed no okay I don't know anything in my Ernest all right now I wasn't sure yeah I have three this should take me to desert which take us to because I died here I need to die here to turn into link it's saved my game when I died here so I still had the two I just didn't buy the third I'm stupid paradox okay [Music] okay so the only big thing we're miss you have lamp right we don't have a guy roecastle aqui though so there's the super chest super chest on the back of a scaper big things that we don't have yet sure okay where am i okay am I getting to this place I wanted to go to aisle five me said not a word I want to go indie summer summer release Death Mountain uh are you trying to go I don't remember oh you want to go to Hyrule Castle upper right yeah you want to go light world East Death Mountain you want to go in the left's of the to cave in the top right let's take you to Hyrule Castle right entrance which you could check Sumer there if you want and then leaving the right entrance takes you to upper right check this room there's nothing else in the early castle no maths that I still have to pay [Music] my health doesn't matter because I'm gonna I'm gonna get all my rods out so quickly that I won't take damage to try next before any DS a blue potion so that's mine um met stir thanks to the twitch prime sub appreciate a lot to hope you're doing well and also burn with the 22 months and Mario of 2019 with the prime sub thank you both very much like teens board I heard that I heard the sprinkler text-to-speech but I was not one you'd be paying attention dude get out of here fire snake I know there's Lionel's dog here Andy you're fine finals are fine you good breath [Music] yeah Sandman same bye everybody I don't have the cat out of the geese I can't go to the back anyway yeah that's fine so I'm leaving through the right store here yeah and left off the castle is left yes ouch the only bad thing about this is he's moving faster now let's go now I can't actually but whatever well this is just a disaster happy moment I'm not sure Mary it's later in the month Oh God you got he does no damage this would be impossible if you did damage every day I hope I hope for your [ __ ] psyche and if there's nothing back here me too because try next phase two is not fun I can imagine [Music] okay uh we won't know for a while die ice palace binky alright well behind him it's only one thing along stone um okay I'm actually leaving now where was GT Vicki again uh-oh paradox okay we're going to paradise right now fog rocks I had plenty of no it was a uncle hey uncle kids I had plenty of magic with three bottles all of the potions what have you done in uh I didn't do vanilla big key and everything else is done and not big chest okay worst item that could be an ice palace ting chest mm pearl and Cesare we're gonna find another small key so I'm just gonna be using big toes because we have anyone we haven't even found ice palace yet I don't think I haven't found his palace yet I'm not all the air bombs don't go through that sucks it's a map for desert [Music] Meyer small was up here there is the bottle Meyer small GTP key fourth bottle Frederick P and the lamp lamp GT big key Meyer small bottle Oh God um did you ever check the Smith hole yep drop down to the thief's house writes it wore nothing use I'm gonna you said you only got one thing in my er yeah Oh George I might try to do my own up now with [ __ ] quake but I was not doing that earlier all right this actually takes me much help these [ __ ] have too many health Andy who what and dies oh yeah they're pretty big pretty big voice for hammer swing all right let's go get my whatever is back here I saw Oh God was there did you check right at the left of the dam like the the cave or the lift up rock on the desert screen or okay should do that soon - I'm heading the mire couldn't do GT upstairs oh my bomb exploded my bomb filled rather I think we're done in Kakariko you said you did chicken house right I think so okay so I did I did everything on the bottom and right side I didn't do you like I haven't done basically anything in the top left or the top mmm I think you did most of that the only thing I skipped in the bottom and the bottom left was uh was chicken house Oh [Music] oops ow all right got me ice rod I forgot the ice rod ah yeah we haven't left up respect yet upper spec rock yet either I left at the bottom yeah actually all right i'ma go do south shore yeah the RET all of ice rod cave is done where all three ice hockey berries are done never mind I'm gonna go west damn yeah now there's so many many more learners you want the gun to fob saucy they're starting to go to the left of okay the the rocks is the Smiths [Music] [Applause] Meyer bringe was a map right yep oh desert is a crystal okay [Music] all right so that's a heart piece that's the map up there have you found the inside of the double house yet in Kakariko I found inside Brother house but not inside long house okay it's a long house with Bob I was scared it was to top of the castle all right [Music] well come on up guy come on up that's not a okay this is more like there we go actually don't know if that's correct I guess I didn't realize it the first time no papers or don't close on me all right uh I hope this is oh the giant spikes do two hearts now moon pearls and mire North torches there's a big spike that you can't avoid in the North they don't get with Sam today okay with Red Mill I wasn't sure if they did damage to you or not they do like to they like they do like two hearts with blue or with green to do one now nice red well I guess been head back to Mars soon that sucks feel like Meyer might be one of those things that futon and wheeler just leave so that's not not all bad I suppose it was real [ __ ] yeah boy your sword wake at least made the first room manageable yeah [Applause] [ __ ] [Music] you don't have the Meyer pinkie right [Music] our containers at big chests and iron two more things to check I keep going and drop down CAC well you know and really just like the flute yeah a second track [Music] our penis nice we have 11 hearts now ow oh don't kill me [Music] [Applause] [Music] and a small key to dark palace okay what I do need those eventually um it's left of the big chest oh crap okay I am out of here that's awesome they've been problem than the smokey yes there's a heart container at vanilla bean heat test you want okay I don't okay look back at my notes for anything that I wrote pearl nice to paradox is fine super bunny you did super bunny right yeah paradox in there okay was chess game is the only thing that I couldn't do I'm mom chess game in spiral cave that's a Phillies all right I'm gonna go to chess game first cuz it's actually on my notes there's that CAC bomb Hut's inside brother rights I can open up my er as well there's also that other Meyer cave that I can check big enough Little Rock - not without mr. Muir sure we can how because I have gone outside rebel rocky fix it I know big Hawks right oh you need the mirror not afraid yeah yeah Roy yeah where is like going break all the things yes weak [ __ ] real good for Meyer one AK bomb all them laggy laggy sacks this is wonderful this is chess game oh I can lift up hook cave rock so I'll do that too this game is garbage where was a spiral I found I get our fortune teller bellies house in the dark world fortune teller links a star home okay um hook cave rock is a get sour come on down come on down I don't know where the big magic is over there by the way son of a [ __ ] I think it's the rooms south of the switch room good room like the room with a jelly gives you the small key with a switch in it there's south deserts out there yeah it has a bunch of pots the big magic probably got rolled a rod [Music] I'm gonna need it taking all these pots it is oh jesus thank God that went down holy moly Oh God um bombo's is in a guitar only the power yeah um okay Brock all right so a guitar is full cleared it has a heart piece in your office Thomas is nice cool maze left's I'm paranoid and I'm gonna check nice anyways what is it it's ten arrows pickups [Music] oh my god Rezac desert win uh can't beat it oh I'm gonna kill this monkey though if you is outside bumper lower I'm gonna keep doing this chain I could just use this multi a goes inside magic bat which takes me to outside bumper upper light worlds I'm gonna save him quit here what was Dark Worlds fortune teller links house that's my role so I'm going there now and then just work our way through dark little checks some Jamie I don't bud Alba face did you go back out this cave or did you try to do it and die okay spiral I look back out but I've also seen the bottom okay I'm gonna go pee Oh oh yeah that one it's a map to my er okay so like I'm 90% sure this will give me all the information yeah the only thing that we won't know is like what the good crystals are I suppose oh no it'll show that on the map I'm stupid yeah you don't ignore me all right we'll do whole time all right Chad I'm actually gonna remember to look at my map right here hope you ready if I forget then because [Music] Meyer is appendant have you gone out all the castle entrances I only went out the right entrance okay her yeah inside right it's the only one out uh-oh go get them so haunt through ice or crystals my your turtle rock pendant I only know one good crystal oh I don't know if you know the other or the other okay uh god I should have looked at my thing I think that means it's swamp is you new pod and you new Eastern and desert right yep okay so I'm pretty sure it has to be swamp so what about what's lost pended mire and then swamps good crystal what else's leaves town I just wanted to found how durable Castlemaine by the way I had found that a hype cave yeah that's why I just didn't go out the left side [ __ ] I haven't been up here though oh my gosh like what see the tablet is okay did you do any of these drop downs I've done spiral and I've done the middle I've come out the middle hole but so yes yeah let's just go back in this dumb cave just pocket change move along hype cave HC main I'm gonna go out the bottom ring the bottom left of dark robe what's up all right well this is John I might be oh no we did that already did you go into her entrance yep nothing well I found it again Paul area yeah I found that somewhere my notes okay well it was on the phone in the dark roll oh yeah yeah my sanctuary yeah go to village podcast let's do swamp oh yeah you can do that huh I can do the entrance do the whole thing I don't have flippers oh good point eighty I did the entrance I'm just opening it no like the dam in the dark wolf oh I've been there I am NOT the job yo it have you gone in bomb house nope wait maybe Ottoman barriers really early it's nothing I got spit out there oh yeah okay all right I want to do darkroom [ __ ] rocks I'll get its stumpy probably stumped of hers so woods win at some point oh yeah there's a quick way there um Lost Woods chess game will take you to the cave between skull two and three [Music] this is spike gave I don't know magic [ __ ] where spike game chess game ok now I don't have any mention get a bunker otter tree before I came here Eastern big key is from stumpy okay we can do this in public yes are there any bosses we can't kill now the game give me magic dick game a [ __ ] oh you know what out of here I want to go out there into the left engine some desert leg this side I need to go back to the dark room is sooo fun old man I have magic dude give me magic thank you I need more that's not enough magic magic in here somewhere alright well that sucks dark will Darrow game got fish inside sanctuary but delay tell you [Music] um guess I got a pyramid didn't do all the cool stuff up there you haven't seen here I came out the pyramid hole but I went back in it so what's on pyramid okay I've been in pyramid hole but I haven't been out I've also been a pyramidal oh yeah I'm gonna go get the big key and do Eastern did you ever get to the darker than Eastern nope okay and I haven't been back either yeah did you do um pod Vikki chests when you were in there Ernest it's okay so I only need one more pot small and low oh right the you probably did you do the homeless always yes okay then obviously the big key yeah oh the big bigger as well yeah that I need one more small team you didn't dig game ice himself uh it was money unless remain fifty where is Easter Casa yep you're right are we gonna do catfish before pyramid was a heart container by the way if you want it eventually probably [Music] go back to that house shortly [Music] well that bunk is a little scary because if I try to - again you can jump off the ledge because you kind of clip in but so the the face was like oh god don't - catfish is 300 fill in here boo this is the thief drop down cave that's a map yeah here [Music] [Music] that might be bad [Music] saga continues what saga don't worry about it this Chad was like how did about things that were discussed early yep nice the keys on the bottom pot when you walk in the door like against the wall bottom or like right and next to the door bottom next to the bottom okay [Music] all right oboe has nothing I'm not spilling [ __ ] in stream I hope whoever asked you that will come to my stream and then I convey them that would be Murray Oh get [ __ ] Murray come in here and say [ __ ] you won't oh that's the map and even illah entrance yet one oh that's spawned out of nowhere let's see what this does you don't know [ __ ] how's it going pal bill the means I'm not spilling anything to one of the gif does that us the key in the dark room okay luckily quick stuns them yeah uh hi Leah island is a red boomerang yeah I knew that [Music] let's try this a second time [Music] yeah that's so Bowl dude 14 swings to kill a pickle oh I'm not gonna buy so item I'll just come up here later this is more important that's [ __ ] cool okay so there's the library libraries garbage okay Zhora ledge is also garbage oh Jesus a hole god that was gay all right here we go Master Sword from Zora oh it's the tronex okay what was eager tablet was anything good money what how it's not how had not dead ahead [Music] [ __ ] enough magic to kill his head I don't think I can even shoot twice three times the hammer here Oh an automatic no okay I think the products there right now those embossed that's nice yeah he does one heart yes I really need money the only other thing I could possibly need money for is the big bomb so it should be pretty good on money for the rest of the scene something I don't need to buy a ton more potions no this is like normal difficulty so you can still get butter sordin what have you not done in village broadcasts I did leaves town I did you didn't chess game which was fighting like a what's all dude now I am I have full magic I'm heading there now to do it and then I went in I do see house I went somewhere that led me away few sons to shop yeah all right I'll go to the bomb hood then now that's another image [Music] I'll do the hammer house okay laser bridge nice all right that's my game is garb does it small kinky okay that's good and a big key for misery Mayer that's it all right brewery time hover across the tracks yep give the big player yeah okay what [Music] how nice Alice so I can see if the big Keys worth that's good I hope it's not [Music] all right Barbie good I don't have a red cane okay are you uncle si [ __ ] shovels in here Rock halfway across with only sword you need to release the spin a sack and then press - the very next frame is that absolutely I give up [Music] yeah not today [Music] double oh that's a desert right now Kelsey with five baby I know but I can feel my hands getting tired then everything gets all [ __ ] up oh that was close Anna cooks out what's in here [Music] No oh my god always win you hear how to get there quickly this five-door Colbeck hookshot gate outside pyramid lower bumper is snack island nor Aloha spiral or a spiral uh outsides go go in that's outside Smith gave oh you don't wanna be outside gave his phone okay ah we opened up school with one yet though nope okay haven't done that or the other drop down back there no enemy networks Kelsey just not entrance not entrance I want to do that yet you know five more sleepy biddies hell yeah yeah oh oh where am I going I actually kind of want you to get out of here no no [Music] have a key right Pookie aha all right so far I just have a shovel an ice palace since the first chest may look oh my god just kill me stand my life and my life be the ELMO sir you win an anodyne go it was okay uh a little weed didn't run super great on the switch Arabic he is in ice palace the spike switch room not the big chest nope I'm about to find out at the big chest destroy thing so uh if anything's an ice palace big chests I haven't asked to go kill shrine exit ice our most and that's fun you're safe whoo it's a bug net hmm and catch very smooth I'm Sarah that's nice yeah I wouldn't care about face if I inhale oh that's unfortunate and I'm stuck on them what oh if that'd kill me okay this is gonna be oh god that's really funny all right iced tea what do we got bombs all right one more thing an ice palace miss the boss where am I this is back of old man house isn't it yeah that's fine oh my nose now spoopy subdued [Music] oppa do have 12 hearts you kill see what you want to do for dinner tonight what are you under all I've had is a sandwich today yeah Oh magic you're prepared for anything [Music] it's molar pop-tarts shut up open dumb area Oh one do that a hacksaw I think stuff 15 months in a row I appreciate it right i spouses are done or Kelsey and I dating what would give you that idea yes we are we've been dating for like two years or so but poor against our that's all for half magic hello we've been we've been odds Mulkey can for a long time where is that cave Meyer entrance he came in here and said your mods are stupid I just laughed who did some guy in my chat oh did you make it mom I would own him then he'd be stupid the only thing of value over here in my area where uh what's that a name where does that give us I need that possible my your entrance okay anything of value over here at all uh I haven't done dark I need to not die in this [ __ ] of a room [Music] okay back of escape is garbage oh goodness okay um I need a flippers flippers would open up a nice chunk of things you know flippers mirror how did I get to my area control f-fire Oh even though oh my er shed what is that pyro Castlemaine what happy I found my er shed somewhere that I needed for war we got the main difference yes I am going there now and me too loop-de-loop impo issues a zucchini coup I think that was not Myers that was not all naked I know it'll take you there was also a novel man cave no it's not a business okay business and a small key for pod and a smokey or Hera okay so we can folklore here if we find it when we find it whether I'm a very big key Ruth's Chris is the terrible eat [Music] ice palace ice palace spike switch well no I am the one dropping frames yes that's you've done art under proper dark under bumper I've done those be done look at our lumberjack no just laughing and our thunder upper under bumper no but it's like you said up or the first style like you I'm a big fan of dark under up brick on my end I can put up a disclaimer just so people know and stop talking about it hey Chad did you know that streamers love it when you talk about their internet issues I'm totally not being sarcastic have you done north of village of outcasts or - nope I'm gonna go to the dumb house in the woods I just did that it's nothing [ __ ] just I didn't need a ferry I have no health hey streamer you go nice right you doctor sorry nope yay what have you not done in village about guests I think we've done everything it's it's castle left um hold on skull mid was graveyard hole so skull back or lumberjack or Gannon has to be in yeah I'm gonna go open up skull main verse : lost woods chess game outside scolds winds blow a spiral Bosco's chess game yeah that that's the quick way to get to skull three outside okay just go feed spiral [Music] I'm gonna do that and go to the drop zone oh yeah we can leave SPECT Rock upper s we haven't done that yet either I mean leaving we don't we we have access to pretty much anywhere at the moment so you know your locations really good for at that point yeah so like leaving locations aren't super important unless it goes to like you know K 45 or graveyard ledge or something but going into locations you know what's on my hands a tiny indescribable minuscule Tina thanks sorry guys there's nothing here I can also check the school is back drop down might get there first oh my bird should shop oh dude we could have done the ha uncle hold a paradox to drop down to lower paradox yeah that would have been faster maybe I wasn't aiming at paradox going on the drop-down [Music] oh it's nothing fairy home yeah same thing we're going up very whole it's nothing and there's no what it is where is it go Andy I don't know you didn't think of one here Oh outside GT [ __ ] what have we not done in pot area I think I did dark blue five I don't know if he did they carry under it Oh or the tree house let's put that up I guess okay um I'll do you favor under here I [Music] did make my way down to dark food fighter though and I came out of fought earlier oh we can go in pod to now yeah there's a bunch of it there's a bunch of stuff that I had to cut off because Earl yeah look for all that I got said pod I'll sense phones when that's done sad spectacle rock they need to do that I found here a few era is very fun there's a big key in here right I'm gonna die because I was typing Wow uh it is the swamp palace binky kill me Thanks alright so ferry blow Pont or world oh no [ __ ] whatever is fine variable Oh free house is the good ice rod cave yes it's big key cities down see you where was that the treehouse odd first I guess home here tree house has big key to these town yep duties town is such such a [ __ ] spot you might as well try and finish GT vomiter all right well you're gonna go into these town and then get on good by the way sending you somewhere else' point good point there Andy oh yeah Kelsey we haven't found the back of escape yet have we yes okay well I'm not married on just a ferry TP Kakariko bompa race game website okay easy easy easy get there that's a good bit of GT as well okay that's not important hair a small key led to keep wait this clam needs jammed you down what Kelsey wasn't it I do what from Zara I got like 40 minutes ago I've never listens to me you guys anybody in my chat room hear him cause or it definitely said master sword at sorta oh my god hate the grace to a half heart now don't you [ __ ] with me rename don't lie did you go to a chess-playing world of chat no no I didn't dark world or shut oh [ __ ] is this bike doing here alright I got two nodes Oh baby ignore the fact that they just got here what hair boss big trees [Music] show yourself man kill me last time not today is bloating man not today hi miss for like an hour ago goddamn Oh what the [ __ ] is this please please don't do damage oh my god I can't walk through the big guy when he's not visible bombs now [ __ ] alright era had and Bakey to swamp in the cake that's it [Music] thank your mind okay yo save your sex with the twitch prime for five months thanks a lot money appreciated have you found social oh yeah you had nothing I know but I have a green guy no he stepped mountain light we're at bottom middle the big rocks you can get to the middle hole by desert lose going out left I just hate snow I went I breathed loudly can I do what what leave desert on the left side and you'll get to the mill hole on that mountain it's that the myths rocks under mountain okay [Music] now Kelsey I don't want to be under the bus where am I going [Music] I know but I like okay this is Rowan oh [Music] she's leaving out the fact used to you still excuse me I'm gonna check the desert also where's desert monkey drugs still do what I used to - OH [Music] temperature we're in desert maybe that had a arms down I wrote it down keep you small laser bridge camera house and older broadcast okay right yeah oh my dogs run over oh god kelsey we're stupid mostly me but yeah I rage sorry Ben's make me watch lying the [ __ ] okay with McCain [Music] this it's a hostile I had nothing okay um oh it's pata miser this probably isn't even the right side it you know it's for pasta three I guarantee you it's on this side [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yes oh do you go to thieves tell you yet I'm in thieves town okay oh I don't have the whole nice just mean you just needs a chaste effort sorry grace I want you dumb sorry um okay yeah like I was saying [Music] for the 19 months in a row did I appreciate um alright so I did need to get this desert small key so I'm just gonna do that now where was head cave boy oh that's just had a pod small I don't need that magic - OH my entrance pod small GT small and happened yeah we still need a ton of stuff yeah I mean ton of the biggies and then just like flip risen maybe near probably not mayor but maybe maybe I don't know maybe maybe he's on desert wind [Music] yeah he's um you watched that video that really made yesterday I why I listen to the music that's what I meant listen yeah listen to the video let's do it it was very good it was good the sainte-marie could phone me up five back to uh embolus go downstream we're a real shame Marie what am I supposed to do with this anti-fairy depriving tens of people of entertainment hey it's Betty great I love this blue cane oh you went up give me the dice five terms I don't negotiate Marie I said terms I have a crystal hey I only go be decent to my efforts are now I only have one crystal you're [ __ ] up I still 7rz f13 [ __ ] I lost that one real quick my what now I asked you already Kelsey how do you want to predict we're done with that it's a pendant or I asked you first pour the [ __ ] it order pizza or something [Music] it is Friday question mark Murray yes Friday he's Friday it seems as Marcos shovel eats nothing also so ice palace just as the swamp inky [Music] you can lake press your own weight gnaws at your words I don't know if that's good or not I can like press like bubble puppy did you even want a little bit guys telling you every name why would you ever live with Murray said I just had a hunch [Music] ok unsub you have to sub first unsub marine hate [ __ ] Murray Oh shadow guys do a lot of damage Oh Murray welcome to the pug farm get [ __ ] you can't undo can't unsub because I gave it to you it owns how does it feel oh man that was worth five dollars welcome welcome to the bug farmer oh there's a big key from the witch way to spell woods where'd you get the [ __ ] mushroom umm Hera okay upstairs era yes which is in swamp no which is an ice their big game yes it's a picky to school with so I can check right now if it's important [Music] save five dollars welcome glad to have you back Marie's one step closer to having given me money for herbs I don't even know if any of his subs who lives it in it honestly and sub for four months green pepper meatball that's good I'm always I'm always down with green Pepin meatball New York it's the Titans myths okay so I needed to do all that you don't need to technically but it'll help I probably need to um a big thing that that does don't spit I see [ __ ] oh it doesn't do anything outside of history narrate read oh yeah indeed even try necks in eastern oh oh yeah um so I guess Smith chain is something I should do Andrew pegs yeah it is Yodas so we just need the big key for a desert and pod and that's it thank you for desert big key for pond and flippers and flipper and boats and in Samaria no I don't need smart I suppose but probably not I don't know a lot it was not a big key that I can tell you I'm here smokey look at that where's the Smiths lifti Roxy's the desert I was lifting rocks east of desert that sucks it doesn't [Music] shut up um what everyone details you get here like it's closing anytime soon I'm not super hungry at them any day I'm I could eat but I'm not starving I'm gonna finish GP okay good idea I'm shaking hammer pay cave and then Smith is just going on an adventure with me Oh God yeah the venture was short-lived [Music] there's one on 78 like right when 78 becomes a highway not like heavy guys to the hookshot in here yeah like right before it gets to like the Stone Mountain part there's a there's this one I'm pretty sure anyways maybe it's just a sign and I think there's one there I think I mean I would check you know like the Internet mmm okay here we go the Smiths have the red gain so you definitely oh no we don't need the red Cayden oh my god this is this is awful [ __ ] bless you bless you Oh God all right outside speck lower is where I want to go everything in Bangla dies to the hookshot this is great how do I get up to Death Mountain quickly uh this is terrible find the flute nothing I wish Oh Sandman from nowhere the worst Sandman [Music] you go what why is the door open already [Music] okay I can't handle Ivan right Nandi many many bags here I have no hearts I have a beat I'm gonna release the beat no now I'm quaking very alright yes perfect [Music] alright it's not trying exit to its cold stare uh Sakura thanks for the 23 months in a row I was hit hope you're doing well goodness I am in tears sorry just the everything in college is so easy it dies in the hookshot to a media just dumpster fire everything yeah oh that's an unfortunate spot for him that is not the key Hey [Music] bombs air shields see that [ __ ] snipe on that mini mall door I'm so good no this is not multi-world Ivan and I are doing the same scene we're just I'm sorry oh my god it's not a [ __ ] Chain Chomp jellyfish all right thanks for the clip Hannah could you post the clip if you hate if you want to see what just happened back there and the clip is called I am dead ha ha y SJ quit with the three months ad it's a lot dude appreciate it Abdullah okay didn't see me at all um okay purple chest I'm might be going to gain this town or you guys might be going the Ganon's test clip of you strumming darksouls i saw videos is trending if it was the straw dude keep hitting yourself in the face with Strada really funny no mimic walk to the no chills bein with the 11 months thanks a lot dude a it's another cold stare here it's not to break the shell man I can hover right oh boy you can you can hover first but I'll have fun I mean probably a detective just you skipped the chest and in something of mad yeah so I'm checking oh my god I'm gonna die and eat okay don't do that well it's gonna happen you guys come over here it's like oh great I can like it keep them at the middle all dodging ice pops oh god one got the roof okay it's okay because I am NOT going to sink or you know [Music] I'm gonna check right chest I don't know what that means [Music] it's the mirror oh my god alright well I'm definitely going to GT now was there anything in the-- you sound swords the top yeah okay anything else Oh God hold on oh yeah I should check right side GT yeah you should I'm gonna come back and do this later that'll be that'll be like the the last location I'll check that's game locked okay god I hate that mountain leaving in a minute hey Kelsey hi cows okay Kelsey I knew there was one there [Music] yeah I haven't found that before he's meeting these time already I just needed to go grab it odd big key doesn't mickey we have the mirror we need the flippers you have the cane hopefully I don't we'll need the only way that Ivan will guaranteed need the cane is if would you be right or GT right side GT right side is I'm not gonna go back and do mine yeah we do the big key but oh um do you want do you want to check the pedestal sure because if we need to do pedestal then you need to get game till so after after GT the only the only stuff that's left is um two things well one thing in my er which is the boss turtle rock boss turtle rock boss my boss and pedestal over the last three things after GT know I didn't want to go this way you thought Ivan said pedestal was couch Cash pedestal our dinner yeah that's good so two locations that I'm not that I'm never going to check oh I'm doing it we got one hour to finish this bad boy you shouldn't be foul you have more time to finish I do but I'm not finishing you win together we lose together wait I'm gonna go to graveyard legend Kingdom you can do Kings um it's if if great lives doesn't spit me being out there yeah if it does you do it because it's super out of the way for me at the moment right I'm sorry where did these towns pitch it up I don't know I thought you beat it outside the alcohol okay right side UT let's go I almost got the blue male that would melt off yeah glad I skipped it it is laser eye room - Brock [ __ ] uh so you're done Kingston okay any of them Meyer area how did I get there Haytham ergo oh [ __ ] how'd he get the Meyer I'm sort of small key how'd you get to Mayer no we're fine where's outside Meyer uh skull to left-click it into the skull to roll bottom right okay you don't need that thankfully I'll ever I've had hammer on pedestal before I had to blindfold pedestal for hammer once it was fun okay you know just tell me your singing words let's do that instead how many swings is our most take with em futur that's a very good question dude where's Ice Palace uh village of outcasts bomb huh bomb Hut Oh fine who's the boss there look beauty that's not fortune teller hey destroyed me oh my god actually I got a small kid okay um nothing was right-side GT so just 2 km locations left so I'm not worrying about it yeah upstairs so you got mirrored and fleet up here yes flutes on the left side in the two and then mirrors after molar [Music] [Music] [Music] don't pick up the chicken the GT big chest checked enough I mean no sure wasn't wow that was the slowest way I could have gotten to the fire rod and bombs yeah I think it right once and I hit left like 20 times God got a bag of [ __ ] I only need to get this bike from chest right nice uh yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh Sandman Nikki Sandman what he Sandman need your key [ __ ] okay do not need an or want your thumb key do it my dude tato pea potato beep pug fine for life I don't remember how to get over there nude oh I can't solve uh it's got like a freedom with the 22 months thanks a lot to you dope you don't well they don't pee with the six months JC that 92 885 were the four months thank you both very much like a sport fishing lot what you get from was in the heritage oh my boy I get the hair big teeth uh the mushroom right which was miss Jess one dear God oh oh you mother [ __ ] alright hold on no problem and possibly go wrong I'm gonna fall onto him alright am I better not just mom's bottom laughs right everything alarm alarm hold on hold on [Music] mushroom was actually there right we're in here I'm not inherently oh nice oh oh gosh yeah yeah okay I understand him what's goes in here what go in here Perry [Music] all right how scary it was a ice hell way after mold room too that were you died yes I only have that heart going in I died you can't just - straight up as a as a rock that like up the life in the way okay thanks that was actually really help [Music] am i doing here [Music] big chests mothers big key bomba here oh yeah yes yep Kate mushroom is in the kinda chest here oh okay then you're fine nothing's in there no I thought I wasn't a static solution yeah okay so mushroom gets you a skull pinky and then Mitterrand that we haven't found Ganon hole yet right nope please be here oh yeah I guess you know or ya know there's still um something right no what what happened oh did it go back down again school love it I didn't even notice this time [Music] or just the potion stop walk around no Ivan did not find again Aoife he was in the Gannon drop room like if you fall again in that room is an entrance [Music] Thanks any progress is progress are you sure that someone oh my you did skull back right yeah I mean we both didn't you did the Smith hole right yeah yep it's the only two that I didn't check well so try next entrance turtle rock entrance is the [ __ ] bomb shop great can't be a bump anyway we've only found the one I gets our key right yeah Oh get this cool just I'm cool drop down okay whereas coal woods win the deal deducting particularly scream it's a new thing that is in beta that the testing that my channel got chosen to write on my fork so when my stream dies for 90 seconds that shows up well I have a chance to get my string back up and it keeps people here instead of like just the string going offline people going well I guess it's over neat Ivan where school wins win okay careful I just didn't have it in my notes am I going there right now I'm going there right now kill Armos look you're gonna give me the bow I'm gonna flute there checking Kingston I admits oh it's an item waiting same uh it's a compass so like I'm on my way to act a might fluid all go into chicken house and see what's there I'm gonna go check I let's just search for chicken ossified nuts yeah I did okay but me that's what let me get outside okay and that would've been nice to know yeah not really yeah flippers are go mode no well yes but no we need flippers we need bow we need pod big key and desert pinky then we're in gobo what is this [ __ ] I don't know I was leaving woof woof [Music] not today I don't fall online almost assente I'm okay good check-in [ __ ] not run into the idiots thank you one of them okay good oh whoa [Music] it's teleporting around Andy 100 can they're all over the place oh it's Nina I haven't laughed like a maniac adharma this makes me very excited for this armless [Music] well not moving for thank you Justin yep it was not know what's going on with our most I don't know sometimes they walked off screen and then came back [Music] oh I'm gonna go to you Meyer since you can actually get the big chest I might as well check it and it's on the way to thieves town anyways okay we're gonna Smith's house Smith house was lift up Rock right of desert desert yeah I'll just take him down there and then I jump up edges with him sure can yep I will take him to the bombo's tablet okay indicate oh no we're not gonna decay 45 yet can you come in with me he can write anything normal single entrance cave yes so is it would that be a way to tell if it was a single interest gave no like if it's Norma fits normally a single entrance cave he'll always be able to follow you any Oh [Music] Maliki Hyrule Castle sighs yeah flippers in my er big chests [Music] well have fun didn't uh mom I'm gonna kill the trees first well yeah but obvious obviously good thing I decide to come back here iris Meyer in the loop - GT - like turtle rock big chest - turtle rock laser and uh desert wind I can just float and work and then perfect come here oh yeah you can do that now love the flute [Music] what was my your boss or not my your boss - rock for the rock these town [ __ ] Hugh sound was I want to say try next okay could be wrong how does the quick jump off cliffs work you just press the dash button it doesn't work on all cliffs in all situations it almost always works if you're facing downwards but not always and if it's any other if it's upwards you cannot be facing upwards to do it so you need to be like pulling a diagonal where the first direction you press was left or right and then any side ledge it usually works as well what's that multi-bear how's it gonna do [Music] what's the boss what do you think Ivan Meyer oh I don't know boss that we haven't seen yet running release [ __ ] nope land mole ass yep I knew it die thank you sorry bro about the belly stuff what what good question um all right so there's only one more Kane location right next yep bhishan hovered earlier and not [ __ ] it up but it's a long hover and this thing is not dying Andy this thing is invincible this this mini helmets are is actually invincible weakened I'm pretty sure 2620 temperates or the swings should kill it but you know maybe I'm wrong are you sure they all hit him I'll be off no I mean like maybe you make big flash okay nothing I'm vide then nope I can just don't get the big chest [ __ ] no [Music] look at this mom respond light world Death Mountain a new is a cave oh yeah do that I was here on the way oh this double house right side show yet and it leaves outside okay okay nope Michi and Swan I have three crystals I need to be Eastern Eastern is the only one that he can beat that I haven't I gotten butter now it's not worth it [Music] all this five in here I have one and a half hearts I did it's a man I mean good are you in Tomcat yes did you do the first gesture yes in the second one yes oh I died where are you inside I'm a bad son BOM open the door okay that's right it's bombs I wonder where this key is nope yep top top bottom top bottom just a bottom pot I heard I heard the bottom top so I a hammer - all the way down hop on pop is it vanilla hell yeah we picked right you don't I'm gonna bomb open this wall and see a small piece here okay I'm gonna try and avoid this any illness or [Music] what not vanilla instead of it yeah it's not Miami is it vanilla we picked right how am I supposed to know what that means I didn't lie just didn't give her anything back with it for much less know what that means yes [Music] there you go and left her back I am the the loop to do chests is Harkins where you want to go I'm checking the big chest where you going after I'll go back 300 bucks yeah take it back now y'all the only bad thing about I guess it's quick to get back to swamp so it's just well I won't be able to go back in to get left side if there's something there do you go left side yeah Oh Oh OHS back here let's I drain room alright so we only need big keys everybody and the small key big keys hanging them Saturn Oh at another turtle rock small forgot about that [Music] I'm all out of blue oceans that sucks I never bought any should've bought us a Monica Oh a big key it's a dark palace unless I'd [ __ ] me started from the bottom on the left side is the last key and blue boom on the right side there's from the what no I died third from the bottom on the left I'm the bomb wall yeah no it's not all dungeons its most of them Jen again it's always most of [Music] where's the boat uh left side chests drain room another pond small at the boss [Music] that means I can use the front door thank God yeah my video is it vanilla pushed at you yes there is you can push it across the water nope it can only be the left - I really like logic to get put in place for pasta hole where you can use the cane on the pain on the right side you need I mapped I still have seven hurts I have 15 [ __ ] you - good brain - good it was the boss here I almost have to find out won't you mm-hmm you're the worst it's cold stay na ho hi that [ __ ] first thing key britain left side not where it is unless the it's the pot before the staircase yeah it is [Music] if left down today they'd ever miss of the game I don't need to hit the switch because it's on left side right but it's on my side it's on the left side pinky yes it's on that side okay fine Andy well it just it saved me like three room transitions but I didn't have to hit the switch yo Zzyzx with the font two months how's it going dude Wow oh god I'm gonna die we're all doing the same Rando brand oh oh okay cool be cool yeah that mimic was amazing he went everywhere [Music] how was one of them a dead yet I use dead only one man standing is dead [Music] hey you under big bomb know if it comes down to it all day big bomb but arrow game answer all dumb me please man alright so I'm gonna take big chests and then go to the boss really go the boss out hey I think I have all thoughts monkeys at this point I do have four left may have used - oh my lord I don't not get it there the heart piece oh these are the bosses I get this I'm guessing more Allah [ __ ] right there links house is not shuffled and then the back of the bar is not shuffles which is in the left side nd ok back in the bars and shuffled because it's the only downwards infants which is not on the left side no it's not I please say cuz it wasn't under the first two things since I lifted it up and placed a cane vlog on a bomb you [ __ ] [ __ ] imagine being that much of a date [Music] start down here oh wait kills the dog no it doesn't kill the dog dogs are very little help though good you know bags just sure glad I got bombo's there's an electric dildo in this hallway by the way I see it with this woof why everywhere thank God for bombo's why everywhere Kiev enough magic yeah why he everywhere why he flew here [Music] Spike's riffing hey Duke it just Emperor goats or damage to them into spiky desert no where's desert wind you never told me oh I found it just kidding I loved it does it - uh mais les Oh God uh okay Brock okay Brock okay Brock I'm gonna go to the darkroom near there oh that's probably smarter [Music] there is it's called night man what nightmare is compared to hell is swordless and then expert difficulty instead of normal and what sorts I'll be doing a nightmare soon the only person I've ever convinced to do a nightmare with me is Chris dosa that was his idea no I didn't love him he did he didn't bail on one of them oh yes name aircraft control will happen at some point soon yes oh no okay Evan feed the man [Music] mr. crowd control it's where you get to pay me money to destroy me while I play the video game do you think I'm inside nd oh you got the security yep you throw an app extension you can buy things that live effect my game on playing it really cool bum bows bombo's [ __ ] this god mom owes beer yep that's why I Bamba right fine like kill me it's fine right pot for the first one and then top right in the next one let the rhythm take you over bong sangria Maria I'm going to feed them well I'm just not that good day because it turns out I can't believe it's another cold state that's actually a really good call guess what wasn't here the small key object the big chest how did I get the desert right outside sanctuary you have a better desert entrance for me I don't know maybe trying to defeat Usain Bolt's here I don't even need this monkey oh yeah oh my god that [ __ ] be Moses kill me that's fine I forgot that this this shot me out of a like bumper cave and so desert writers right here within an hour I can't I need be Easter still fun for the stupid [ __ ] key I have to go yeah unless it's right here not um where's turtle rock laser bridge oh boy hammer house build about casts yeah okay I'm gonna go there you do the desert Vicki yep it was arrows well [ __ ] I go uh go for total rock turtle rock is the bomb shop it sucks can you play with the bomb uh me Pete yeah I think you you can yeah we've done any like flippers stuff I did all of the flipper stuff okay this all dungeons note but we need to kill a Ganim to get the gain and drop down [Music] why am I thinking that this is gonna work oh my god wait what's on spectacle rock and money I think I don't think it's icky [Music] [Music] baby skillets yeah did our most mama didn't probably even more brown for you to the boat no they did I don't have the book they did it after no you checked Eastern big chest right yep ow elbows you check the other chest in school will win right yep open eyes a [Music] you got vanilla big key chest all right thank you time around yeah big bomb right [ __ ] penny this is here I would go up in GT I'll do you I'll do big bomb after I do it was a big bomb okay and I guess I'll open up gta4 this or something fluting let's see if it works oh it's coming with me I think it's with me all right we're good oh I'm dead now you go to the big body yeah I don't have anymore also a turtle rock gave me nothing so pain skip is full already have it Oh GT is done Oh GT big chest I haven't do that GP but if we pop out of GT I don't know Oh how do we pop out of GT outside GT uh Myer shed lifts you can do GT you I need to do red bomb because we need to find began and drop down hole and it is that lumberjack hole so we need to kill agony which requires both a guitar small keys we only have one so we still [Music] [Music] it's it's the brothers house on the left side both okay but I want to go out the left side so it'll take me to be stung against our I guess that let's get the right side to get to the big chests that makes sense right it's not to kill lice are most at all yes right size can be faster to get there you good Tyler right yeah on my face I'll my face trying it next would have been easier with butter sword you are correct but not worth the minute to get there give a big chest Ivan already checked it what big chest Eastern I sure did they own chat room oh god the same key phrase got murdered me be cool be cool be cool we do checkerboarding I did it is nothing you need our job is it dark Bob it is nothing in here Oh hard nice where's powdered you I don't know no no stops falling in holes oh there's no way to do that without anyways ok so so the risk of like Willard in them doing fake powder or something is not possible ah hey man poor thing baby i'ma gamble with y'all man leave me out my face it's big key chest and it's a mad [ __ ] oh [ __ ] have ideas nd poof almost lost my bomb it's gotta be in the bomb hole I'm checking bomb hole gotta be involved we'll both of us need to finish but Ivan is basically guaranteed to not finish any I'm not that exciting there's no way what we need for go mode just- tower key I guess there's a like are you and GT right now I just left did you beat it no okay well I can't finish anyway this 10 minutes left until starting so true assuming it starts on time first I don't know how strict they were with starting times last moment I like watch me I mean they're gonna talk to like a half hour for the first but I'd like to get ready and stuff um what could we have missed don't know hey 45 I'll check that can do that and purple just probably I did purple chests okay Duke a 45 it is not here this was god this is awful to get the pod small key inspector rock yet bomb open never left the top respected Barack what I'm doing right now hopefully if I hover put a shitty place for a pot small this took me nowhere this was two rockers bottom of super bunny thought you did that no I found super bunny I found it and I left I went up super bunny cuz I could [Music] I can't go back down [Music] oh you have that backwards no yeah no the model is a part we heard job No yeah the shoes just came anyway that's not a 45 look I guess you're right but you like fall down anyways I guess you do go upstairs okay Riley island gave ice palace I like a brother no how do we do dark dark vice right area oh [ __ ] no all right we're booking it over there together we got flippers late and that'll end to everything else all right here we go I know right I have 96 Red Bulls on my house a mini-mall doorman the river I like to get sweaty maybe where are you going Eddie and going in the right cave okay that's the old man no don't go in the right cave what we never see old man did we I don't know where the [ __ ] he is at the lift up Rock is garbage so we're going in the bomb bomb I don't know what the old man is don't look for dark rooms um chicken house is a dark room oh my god but the other one is mini mold room cave oh my god I found old man Oh generous guy nope oh this chest Oh baby we're in there Oh where's Angus hook cave Ramos the old man gives me come with me sir follow me compass as form palace feet all right okay Brock know someone got timed out what did they say this guy likes taking it talking to himself oh alright this an earring they like already hey Ivan say what I never left you just it was really quiet for a while oh all dungeons no not all engines I did all this why where is this happening [Music] this possibility yeah ANCA ended up being required because Ganon's dropped down whole was lumberjack huh I mean I'll be done pretty soon be like a 335 [Music] the atom [Music] Anderson the shadows put on deck after this probably food and probably oh yeah well we'll do that I made [Music] they like [Music] not a race oh good who was that in the back what like Garrett guaranteed tagging those who Kelsey uh Kelsey and I might do a drink to the Past later tonight after a little break [Music] um I don't know Greg it's a guest better [Music] [Music] we just start out and Lily at this port been dispersed there's not really a way to do co-op racism SRL cuz like if I finished first then I would be first but like hit me and I'm like who gives a [ __ ] about SP this is Wayne they've been eerily been broken and e-rep movements for many years and they don't care [Music] right Gigi because he's done to my memories settle first now let him finish [Music] so twitch chat what am i drinking for drink to the past health sanity it Sokka is insanity entrance + chaos enemy Rando + D sanity and the Miranda credits are so good how did I know lumberjack was gaining home when you can't actually enter it because all the other drop-down holes were checked yeah so the seed require Dagenham didn't require all dungeons my boss gave me nothing to rock boss gave nothing every cleaner plus gasoline hell yeah I don't know probably Roman Coke or something why is this so vibrating why didn't anybody tell me that the screen was shaky well it's it's only like very shaky when the screen is moving not like Oh constantly [Music] I'll fix it for later yeah drop down dolls both have to stay as drop down holes what are the rules there usually aren't rules you just kind of drink the original rules that I used to play with was drink on every major item but that got a little hectic what's my girlfriend's name what are you talking about she's been on my stream a million times she also streams in the mornings the name is Kelsey [Music] that feel when GH I'm just [ __ ] with you man some guy being me yeah that's right you're just gonna actually get me see it I'm gonna question him for a little while eat some food chill with wood to kelp and then we'll do drink to the Past later baby baby baby baby daily in one hour nothing's Rando race community is that yeah in the dailies they're just always they're always terrible my bad too much stuff that I don't want to deal with yeah what's up J be nice Jeremy you just ignore drama and lace I just don't like the Randa communication so reason why I got rid of all of my power because I'd rather just pretend it doesn't exist and live in my own little planet why erase with friends that's it but I mean it's expected and there's like you know thirty thousand plus people and discord for a community it would be bad no matter what [Music] at last I checked was like some time last year and it was a like 25 thousand people and saw sure it's more than thirty thousand now baby weird I swear I had three months last month oh wow you know some mints uh al with the three months thanks a lot my need I mean any big community is gonna be bad you know any big game there's always lots of toxic toxic people sound goes but okay I'll be back in a little while thanks for watching everyone we'll be back later adios
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 21,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, zelda, rando, randomizer, hell, hellsanity, coop
Id: GAjefrcx4Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 34sec (13414 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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