A Link to the Past | MYSTERY RACE - POGCHAMPION settings | Petition to rename it to PUGCHAMPION

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uh-uh poly champion presets xnh my clawed champion if you want to know what that exactly means yeah we got a standard [Music] [Applause] all right so we don't know we know the maps and compasses are shuffled at very least I don't know it's gee sanity [Music] we'll find out eventually Wow starting sword [Music] okay so the guard with the with the heart drop there is one other prize pack but it does have bombs in it and starts with a heart one of them is just like a heart and green rupees I think the other one is like a heart a fairy and okay so this is the bad price pack for the guards so we don't need to kill any more guards to try and get bombs or anything this is gonna be don't kill anything until we get to the sewers Tennessee [Music] how's everybody doing that's a tweet that I'm alive [Music] kaylynn here monthly two months of prime appreciated wine hope you're doing long day at work l am happy Monday need I'm pretty good yummy pretty good okay so it's not key sanity because that would have said small key to this dungeon so it looks like it's just maps and compasses shop [Music] none of my way [Music] NASA fool with the six months of crime and you very much to appreciate a lot it won't just finish a cause a college presentation Beck's and I click the feature on our prototype that had missing controls and got tripped up on your structure oh yeah but you know that kind of stuff happens sometimes you know that everything's gonna go perfectly there's the mystery race so basically everyone in the race has the exact same seed but we use a bonds that generates the seeds so that we can't see what the settings are beforehand so we need to figure out what the goal what like what the objective of the seed is as we're playing so you know we don't really know what the goal is until we read one of the signs on the pyramid a set is not always set to guaranteed that's what I thought it was apparently it's it was 60% for the waited but that's not the case for pod camp we've got in one try four sites so far [Music] is this the real big boy industry wait uh kind of so there's a special secret invite-only tournament that's happening less the same drops the guards [Music] that I've decided to join and it's and the settings were for the last mystery tournament hog champion but he made these settings but I think these settings are just like what he wants in a mystery tournament earning a mystery like yeah what do you wanted to turn them into yes but uh-oh [Music] all right come on rats damn but I think sinx said that these were like settings he might just push to be like the no.1 for mystery seats any bombs yo J getting a sub the D Matson up enjoy your email SD Manson give Jake a big ol thank you thank you very much money we shade a lot okay no all of the seats will be no glitches logic that's that's always that's the only thing that is completely 100% static and then vile shadow with the prime sub thank you very much appreciate a lot welcome to poke farm looking joy and the new emote pogchamp e'en better than people's champion I don't know it's it's up to up to you to decide it okay so this is one oh if I actually took damage or not so I might beat it I'm so good though take some more money as well I need 10 more rupees to guarantee having enough for emergent with all the goals okay so there's Triforce hunts there's defeat Ganon there's fast game there's pedestal there's all dungeons my uncles [Music] mama one more time it's just for a little insurance you know standard route Kakariko south shore being able to fake flipper dis aura and like potentially having enough money it's always good so I killed that one guard their worst case [ __ ] I think after I do like the after I do all this top stuff I might go into the angry lady right house and pull pictures you get someone money but we'll see what my money situation is looking like after merchant yeah so so far it looks like it's just maps and compasses shuffles I still do need the maps to see what dungeons are what subway [Music] so the big the big thing with this seed is gonna be figuring out what dungeons are what and figuring out what the actual goal is which won't happen until I get dark old access basically thanks for that 50,000 points or deaf SMG threes I also legitimately haven't gotten a single actual I got a map I'll bet [Music] yeah well the sword was like a guaranteed weapon you have to get a weapon from the uncle that doesn't count okay there we go now we have a weapon [Music] futon hammer strikes again my capture messed up the colors are all wrong oh man I better fix it and sorry guys I got a cut stream real QD says my colors are wrong don't breathe we don't want game it nada token Louisville the pot champion preset it's not the believe you gamers are just a bunch of meemers yeah only one person can redeem the see today I'll probably do one of those tomorrow please push the lock me it's very particular pogchamp yo panda think so three months of prime d i appreciate a lot i've been doing [Music] the CPQ somewhere automatically know they get whenever we type in a command it gets me feel like they're there me know whenever we Andy isn't game are above all gamers rise up handy box yeah I found out that the people on the go mode podcast compare me to run and Michael Jordan of randomizer and I had a big ol giggle of that this morning zero cool into the hundred bits t appreciate it [Music] better hit started go get my crown deep frosty pull-on thanks the two months of Brian we shoot a lot dude I love golfing golfing is [Music] we should totally do top off soon yo flippers perfect you know all these extra tree poles are coming in like they're paying off immensely that was do it I don't know what are the closest top pelvis but mine let super down on a day where it's not super cool and E is to randomizers good players to sports game rockin photo house weird rock shuttle thanks for two hundred bits money [Music] death wonder Vanessa thanks for the nine months of words a me your name zekiel Andrew LeBron Jordan Lhasa - that makes the nine months frame we don't want appreciate the continued support then Luke area takes 100 more biddies [Music] everyone say cheese [Music] come yo Kelsie gifting us up your shadow fist holding the Pug punched out a fish hope you enjoy those emotes it Kelsey a big ol thank you appreciate you bit [Music] all right so if I didn't pull what like three extra times even if I even if I only pulled two at the time that still be short a little money here I would need to find so if someone has something here this could end up being pretty good for me that's two I know there's like a perfect pixel you can swim where you don't start walking on the shallow water you don't hit the rock and kill all of them immense in there as well Oh Oh all right so that's actually yeah that could be really good for me cuz I farmed a ton of extra money okay you can get [Music] [Music] all right let's go find out our goal tally and I can close this if I wasn't a race I just want it right there I am in a race currently I see details I know so far our maps and compasses are shuffled and that's it I don't know anything else and that well it was a standard seat we're about to find out the the important part is the goal [Music] all right odd and Meyer I can look at now all right Meyers a good crystal odd is just a crystal [Music] Easter all right what do you guys think so yeah here we're gonna find out whether its defeat gaining oh yeah so it can be defeat Ganon it can be a pedestal it can be fast Ganon and it can be all done so those are the four options it can be the obviously can't be Triforce time because there's no Triforce piece counter on the the in-game HUD [Music] all right so not fast gaining we need all seven prisons [Music] so that's actually it's gonna be interesting because obviously we need maps to see what dungeons we need to beat like of the of these seven dungeons I don't know anything about yet or crystals through your pendants I do know that I need to be pod I need to be minor maybe fuse town fuse town obviously the only one of those like currently I could go to death mountain right now but these town is like the the only good play at the moment really [Music] we're just gonna save and quit from here yeah if there was all dungeons they would say you need to beat all of Ganon's bosses yeah that does kind of suck we shoulda got a text from a friend I did um [ __ ] I should have done back in the skate before jumping into you don't be in a dark room that's a game not really when I'm not going north at all oh okay so it's at the very least hard item usage so I can't stomach boomerang I might still be able to stun with OSHA that's all I can deduce from that single solely the very least hard item usage oh so we're gonna do village of outcasts just go South's I didn't do stumpy or K 45 I also can do the front half a swamp now to you which is kind of spooky [Music] yeah post shot doesn't Sunstone that means expert cyan thanks 100 bits do you want I imagine being such an unremarkable cave that you're just named after your number chief I mean [Music] Chris call like it is just what people call it I used to call it you know the the sacred grove cave Chris calls the screen to the - deserts explain six like [Music] it's all it's all in what you call it don't have to call keep five screen six rock screen sixteen yet oh if I can oh did not beat the bunny being with my sword still out yo tell man crow Fletch Jed oh man who a book but the five bomber gifts subs thank you very much did I push a lot welcome new peeps the pug farm we got Lucic oh I'd hit the bricks troop Robbie black sky and Moonbeam you guys are very much once again give a big ole Thank You Jett oh man oh okay and I missed her hot dog with the 13 months of prime thank you it's a skill that I've refined over views reading names in the chat while walking through dungeons [Music] you'll mr. king with the Twitter prime sub welcome [ __ ] mom dude hope you enjoy those emotes thanks for the support that was clutched healthy holy moly another one oh that was scary uh red and Allah's with the pen bomb a gift subs holy smokes thank you very much appreciate a lot overdoing well we got a D Tamala sure the ISIS BlueLock sunsoo uh JD who needs streams Ram bogey Wilfred beat his Brimley and crimson devil and roaring puppet because endure he must give up read novels big ol thank you very much [Music] are you gonna be doing self commentary during the 7:30 match [Music] okay um pko with the two hundred bits just 60 bits I think very much yes I will be doing that self commentary from I'm Ashley yes yes [Music] and a landing eyes I also need to keep in mind because maps and compasses are shuffled that there are two extra items per dungeon tofu maying with the three months of prime and thank you so like these town normally has four does six in this instance so most dungeons until I hit go motor are gonna be full players just because pretty much everything can have like the only one that might not be is like pod or Meyer I guess the even so there's a pretty high chance I'll be altering those dungeons as well [Music] oh goodness you guys see anything I didn't see anything I don't know I got nothing it might have been a shield maybe but honestly I don't know I literally couldn't see anything good well no like a text box would have popped up if it was a map or a compass [Music] holy moly what are you guys doing [Music] Eli the Iceman thank you very much the ten bomb a gift subs the first gift subs he's given the community thank you very much - preciate a lot I've got to give sup forgiving people thank you [Music] you got master rounds briefs I frost Wild Thing real em kondal kata the tune dude I don't know what today um - indeed hi man Ursula purplefrog plays Reaper mech and mr. Looby Fuu hope you guys enjoy your emotes give you AI a big ol thank you Museum and legend of ice man with the prime sub thank you very much do you preciate welcome to pug farm ok let's keep the subs and it's going up be enjoy the Nimitz all the ice men represented today then Jasper with a hundred and ten bits Vancouver a few playthroughs among KS yo [Music] all right so I'm just gonna go to Death Mountain um I don't know if I can be tear it or not because I don't have I don't know fire source I want to hook shot there's the two things that would guarantee me being able to beat Hera no matter what the layout was but I do have access to all of these stuff Mountain and they're like it saves me from going to like pod and Eastern without a bow right like if there's a bow up here and like this lamp is the only thing that's in eastern their pod is language then that benefits me wesker thanks to the 16 months appreciated the Lots I do believe Thanksgiving he is well and we had a great holiday happy day as well [Music] if I get a new team onslaught of 2600 and I'm also going to suffer through grandpoo world - and probably cry myself to sleep about it here we have split logs brought to the race mu not kind of settings remotes what I love to see in a future Rando update there's the reason why I'm not on the dev team and that's one of them personally I thought link to the past was gonna be a garbage randomize a game until it actually got made and I played in this one I would not try to do grandpa world to you in one day that sounds impossible [Music] I didn't check hints in thieves town not a big deal but I'm not gonna be checking that in TV we will check hints in an era at the very least [Music] like impose I mean even like actual good Kaiser runners didn't beat that game in a day you know some of them can now but you know most of them spent like tens and tens of hours playing that game this will be the first time to find out if they're on or not I don't really need money anymore so if this isn't a big key then I'm stuck in Sarang perfectly it is a big key rolling okay so without a map and compass unless the small keys in the basement that means basement just has an item no matter what towards gpw two mangas [Music] I'm actually super pumped for the the six months remembering to use my prime suck the the new mario maker update mostly a lot of fun [Music] ooh that's good okay [Music] hold on now just rather not risk it all right we can stunt things with the hookshot Hardman fluffy Mughal thanks the two months of crime appreciate lon and then the ball with the six months of prime anything but we're fine he's fine gpw - [ __ ] yeah games and memes the seven months of prime here immersed yo what's up [Music] notice my lucky my running grandpa world - it's the sub incentive [Music] yo Jake put the gifts up the DJ fluff cans welcome back to the bug farm did you [ __ ] sup enjoy those emotes Jake big ol thank you alright so we're just leaving that item forever and never coming back that's how it's gonna be the sub goal 2600 [Music] happens to be my next emote slots and you know I've been talking about playing Grand Prix world to you for a while might as well just officially make it a reality you know by win whenever I don't know if to which is doing anything special for you know Christmastime like they did last year but you know let's see what happens [Music] yo DJ fluff games with the five bomb we give subs in very much but I appreciate a lot excited to see you in a couple weeks but Kane got a who that is second 82 at Dan 1307 now the wafer go get that four pack and ham X Nova guys enjoy your emotes if DJ puffkins beagle thank you very much pal I forget mix here I'm not saving quitting no myths [Music] mr. Kosan thinks the hundred bits fish a lot even judgment nut with the tier 1 sub appreciate a lot I'll cut the platform up you enjoyed those emotes it's a my job okay so what's next I can beat swamp now with that hook shot so I'm pretty much just gonna go do swamp all that stuff also is still out of logic technically because I don't have flute or lamp to get up that mountain so even better would be like lamp being in here for Death Mountain access and then like bow being in the back in the back of swamp or something I just don't wanna I'm trying to avoid double dipping the pot eastern area ideally I just clean all of that out in one swoop I don't really think it matters if this is a pendant or a crystal and it doesn't matter too much a weighty weighty [Music] but the firebomb gives us first give subs the community thank you very much wait II appreciate you we got Jim our kosis boneyard mods a rose SWE Festa Sweden and then ranger avoid I hope you guys enjoy your emotes you've waited words people thank you V speed gaming live champion pass [Music] it's double dipping a thing before Seinfeld I haven't watched a Seinfeld episode in a long time thanks a lot woody I'll see you in the finals of the mystery tournament also in the fall turn both of them same time [Music] both tourneys heli on a bottle [Music] so I could my next trip back to Kakariko I could do magic bat as well with fake powder I'm stupid like some reason I thought I still had my hooks on out [Music] [Music] that bad boy you see in this situation left-side guaranteed leads to two items because maps and compasses aren't here so there's literally no reason to not do left side first is faster we still need a pretty decent trunk items still [Music] oops [Music] a key blue cane blue cants I really needed since I already have the Cape come on man [Music] yes I need Bo I mean I guess I need to know more dungeons as well but I definitely bugs like to be pawed I definitely need the flute and myths of course plenty to be mired more like PU champion in there right like bug champion hell yeah that'd be zero I think for the six monster you never get well [Music] where's this mystery mode about basically it's just a seed I guess generated without the settings being known and we need to figure out what the settings are what the goal is as we play [Music] [Music] my racing I'll see there's data plaits I eat flowers I am the stores and Kern you know there's my land okay alright so that's actually super good information because the lamp was hook shot locked that means flutes had to be accessible before I went up to Death Mountain that's really really good [Music] you can message the bots on Dysport as well James F Tucker [Music] I'm really bad at getting the double-wall facing downwards [Music] maybe I'm just bad in general Leslie [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] I'm here for them puppies yo phenom fix the three months in a row which Prime's subit appreciate a lot you think furro rock is also appending alright so we can find out the rest of my information by talking to Sasha [Music] all right so we're gonna dip into desert uh there's a chance I can beat it if I don't eat boots all right good luck whiskey drive safe my dude yeah this fleet came from not this flew the book came from each town so this is all currently still illogic there's the fleet perfect okay we're avoiding the eastern and pod double-dip still it's very good but that also means that I need that so that's less good okay so we're gonna get this shovel actually and we're gonna steal the key [Music] all right so that that flu puts everything in logic now which is good [Music] [Music] um obviously the big key is gonna be on right side so I'll probably mirror back and be the big test as well cuz all of that all of this information will give me info on where the boots are so if the small keys on the torch that guarantees that land MO and right-side desert main our boots lock because the the logic will always assume worse possible small key usage [Music] I've gotta use this map we're gonna get the big key here and then we're gonna mirror D big chest and then mirror go to Adina [Music] [Music] I also have the very least with this flute here whoa all right that's really good okay so uh one of the few times where stealing a small key from the bag has actually paid out it might be like the first time that's ever paid off and me personally I am usually very against stealing thank you I mean a boots are in here that's fine everything's in logic I probably just go beat desert but now I can go activate my flutes [Music] no actually my flutes we can go beat Eastern and pod and yeah we're rolling right now yeah so so currently our knowledge is a bow as bhoot lines I wasn't necessarily the first Bowie or intended to get we won't know until we find the second bow obviously we can't really assume that that boots are not behind a bow location but things were looking pretty good right now um all right so we can do sick kid now I'm probably gonna gas my magic and do magic bad as well since I'm here and I don't need magic for pod or for Eastern so it really doesn't matter that I don't have magic going through those dungeons hair basements still a super low priority for me at the moment like I'm not gonna go back there until it's one of my last locations probably because it's very out of the way compared to other stuff I have left [Music] okay [Music] Bing mash okay that's fine [Music] with the extra second and a half here is probably faster for me to leave the cave but that's fine everything's fine [Music] all right so we're actually gonna walk to Sasha first we're gonna mirror outside of hosh Allah is ped ruled out for an item it just nots yeah you need the mushroom in the cane you need to have you need to have a little enough magic that you cannot make another cane block so you get like the air noise you try to use the cane get the air noise and pause immediately afterwards and just menu the mushroom and the game will just use powder [Music] so it's a pretty nifty village to know all right desert is the green pendants okay so that's actually like best possible outcome honestly like potentially not having to go back in the desert because if the green tendon is really good because I got my sequence broken blow there all right so now we know everything that I need to do I need to the eastern pod skull ice mire so I need fire rod potentially just potentially fire out of bombo's or ice palace depending upon you know where fire rod ends up being these myths [Music] and yeah that's it really not that much less speak powder 1.0 glitch I actually don't know honestly you don't know [Music] that's a relatively newer glitch and a lot of the newer glitches I'm not entirely sure of their version specificness or not [Music] interesting um so pot is bollocked this is very interesting [Music] [Music] a weighty since you're a racing council Sage member mimmik clipping allowed her no I don't actually know [Music] [Music] it is as two small keys in the front there have to be at least four small keys in the front there's five chests in total but I'm gonna end up just doing it all anyways almost a year Calla buys [Music] merc makes the 23 months in a row money appreciate a lot hope you don't all die [Music] is it allowed in GT as well as pod I know there was like some talk about not allowing it in GT whatever reason but I just mean if it's alive and when it's alive in the other I can occur over here next year probably not don't really have an interest [Music] so you're saying the dream seed waiting is hookless bootless bolus I don't even know if that's possible but maybe [Music] now [Music] I fear that what I'm gotten a haircut [Music] even get pug points when chrome casting I actually don't know I could find out tomorrow I could log in and see how many points I have in Kelsey stream and then chromecast around the TV and see see what happens [Music] that's gone Sookie Oh buddy on wall dude [Music] just need to find a way to like get the bomb jump to push you a little bit farther so you can [Music] so you can bomb something Meyer [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go get a haircut tomorrow okay hold on let me put you on speaker yep say hello to the class everybody [Music] [Music] okay well dear [Music] [Music] oh man saving those plug points [Music] shame like grandpa mayor I don't look good with a with a buzzed head [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm stole I still want to try and convince those to give me a haircut someday for some like scream thing what better content and having oats cut my ear parts like crystal white yellow because I got a text box or the text box popped up from the map and so the crystal were like the border of the text box kind of just colored the crystal it happens pretty often in ki sanity that's because you know getting like a small ki big P map compass can happen quite frequently [Music] save just my bangs yeah that sounds great [Music] does this have a license for that yeah he went to cosmetology school for a little while probably doesn have a license but uh he kind of knows his way around [Music] say keep down the middle just give me some rays and stripes [Music] what excuse me [Music] that's not the rod I was looking for why is my stun drop always freaking garbage greener DS D okay so currently the only thing that's out of logic for me is all of pop uh my bow is currently boot locked [Music] I don't think I need to kill em hmm lift up the freaking pond idiot alright I also don't even need boots so I'm like kind of just hoping that I don't find them there's the boat somewhere else that would be ideal [Music] loving them is three races yeah uh Ringo Starr thinks the 14 months in a roadie if she alot glad you're enjoying the mystery stuff I am also enjoying the mystery stuff um counting on me I need to avenge you I'm playing your brother tonight and he always beats you I'll do my best [Music] as the race it's in about two hours [Music] okay so yeah I have I have shovel I have skull woods north dark world stuff [Music] and here a basement and mushroom let's go to mushroom real quick since I didn't hear and have the fleece but Kelsey thanks the host Jake gift Anna sob to curtain Leno welcome to putt from buddy hope you enjoy those emotes be sure to spam those those ad gee-gees when I win tonight shut up and get a haircut I already said I will tomorrow you probably weren't listening cuz you called me out instead [Music] I'm getting harassed [Music] [Music] here asked yes exactly [Music] hey Kelsey's not home that's why she called me on the phone she very much would have just come in here and told me to get a haircut live if she was home now it was both she [Music] I got called like I got called LeBron and Michael Jordan friend Oh God so dumb so silly is you heard my baseball career Oh God probably are there's only two more items in here LeBron Jordan is my favorite player [Music] help [Music] [Music] [Music] chuck's junk thanks for the 13 months of prime my deep appreciate a lot their commands are known settings there is I don't know if it's updated though I [Music] never did shovel that's what I'm gonna do [Music] okay so I might need this bombo's for ice palace depending upon when it's end up being also I still don't know how many crystal GT needs they don't have the mints so there's also a chance that a lot of stuff is in GT [Music] no miss means I gotta take the long way [Music] all right so what's even left for me hair basement and shovel pretty much [Music] that's a paddy home bud [Music] this race doesn't it's a mystery race in the title [Music] hey data play it just forfeit there's a couple people in I use though [Music] there's one other thing besides hair basement left actually [Music] that was room it's gonna be under here basin first in magic refill [Music] okay so that's done you're still awake fatty holy I stood in no halo came out tomorrow that's pretty dope also that game looks really interesting I didn't really watch too much of Star Wars Dark Souls it looked like fun [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] nine chins its the twitch primes serve my deed appreciate a lot welcome to plug for hope you enjoy those emotes all right so I you just fire up and maybe a medallion it's hard it's it's hard item it's not hard item layout it's hard item like usage they're different now [Music] first burner burner was left side swamp Cape was k-25 so those were both kind of late either way so that's fine kind of sucks that I last location did but I still think we're looking pretty good because that beau location and like how early we ended up getting pearl all right good night Patrick enjoy your pie nap I stole the key from the back of desert and got Bo in the desert big chest says technically boot locked and then I formed extra money from poultries assuming I was gonna get shafted for salary which I did and so where I had moon pearl [Music] gee pi naps live forever sushi I used to say he was gonna go take a nap and then he would fall asleep for a normal sleep amount of time all right let's take a look nope boring [Music] okay is this Bombo slots yes it is alright so fire up is the last thing I need oh and a sword [Music] boom alright [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so yeah we're just going I'm going straight to skull scratch straight through skull wood straight through ice I might stop to get like free sore chest and ice but even then I don't know if that will be worth it yes it is to feed I see [Music] [Music] you know that just by going to the pyramid if you don't see the began and crack there then you have to kill Agnon - if the goal involves Ganon honestly if the goal is all dungeons you'd have to do it anyways and if the goal is pedestal we don't need you boo this is a pretty normal ski honestly it was standard with maps and compasses shuffled that's it and then a hard mode item usage [Music] okay so Meyer has four items in maths and comes to shuffled so I'm gonna be keeping track of items I'm skipping I have very few arrows as well [ __ ] so Meyer has three items currently our motor item usage means that you you can't stun things with a boomerangs I'm assuming magic items during magic a little more quickly but that I'm also not entirely sure about [Music] I saw it it's so small [Music] [Music] ah then the magical real [Music] [Music] [Music] all right it was a foodie he's gone [Music] mine has two items because I got half magic today 100% rates is not [Music] there's a pretty much never any situation where you find anyone doing a randomized or 100% race that just sounds not fun there's not Kenya I was going like here about like 80 percent race uh there's not one of those either we're gonna check this real quick the only thing I'm still looking for is the sword [Music] also super curious as to where this other bow ends up being [Music] a bot makes it or Bo maybe I can go to the field box in the neck up please [Music] yeah so this is a mystery randomizer race basically all of the settings for the seed are generated in a way that we can know them you know before playing the seed so we need to figure out like what things are changed what settings are being used and what the goal is as we're playing so we start the seed with like zero knowledge entirely about what's happening or what's been modified [Music] you get a pug point option to race me I mean you can race me for free by joining the races that Iceland [Music] as ice palace has five items we've only gotten one [Music] [Music] [Music] missery seats forever [Music] [Music] all right so three items left an ice palace Turtle Rock has eats total a hot damn it's there and thanks the four months t appreciate a lot hey these are super fun what's not to love about mysteries [Music] yeah when when official link to the past multi-role comes out it'll be better but currently I need to give my IP to people so that they can join servers and stuff this one has just been a pretty simple standard opening Maps encompasses or shuffles and it's hard hard mode item usage basically means that like oceans won't affect me as much magic is consumable more quickly and I can't stand things with boomerangs [Music] [Music] [Music] yes turning match at 7:30 p.m. it's in about an hour and a half I kind of one of those arrows but it's right [Music] no that's not janae that's not gonna be for another couple weeks [Music] [Music] you blame me for this [ __ ] what happened at a plant the seats been perfect I have no complaints but in turn requires being able to stream it generally yes I also last location miss so right there with you I just also had a bow sequence broken and Eastern and pod beat before I last location did I still my bow still not logic I have no idea where where the boots or the other bow is all right well I found the other bow perfect [Music] that's actually really good for me because people would have folks they admire in this situation did you find a did you find the other bow dead applet before you got your mitts [Music] it was stolen key in the back of desert-y bow is in the big chest [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I also I polled I farmed three extra tier ones money so I had enough money for zora on my first sort of the main trip so I figured that was pretty good for me and also so I ended up not dipping eastern area place [Music] like I was just like you know I don't have that much money I could get screwed and then like flippers came up and I saw him like dude this could be perfect and then club was there and pearl is from zoar and I'm like man this literally went as perfectly as it could have possibly done and then and then the bow and then the bow from desert big fest was wild no that's not right it was this was just a standard maps and compasses shuffle Z much depth eg yeah you can get a gift some if you're not actually here it does like it picks viewers first and then people who follow and then I don't know yes you do not have to be here so sorry I forgot to GTV [Music] two keys let's just do right side since I'm looking for a sword might as well J Malone and thanks for the nineteen months of prime date a lot [Music] thanks for all the good entertainment [Music] yeah so I so I hadn't room for early so I found out the gold super early after beating thieves town and finishing up South Shore or South dark bolts I sequence broke up that mountain about hook shots which led to lamp and swamp and then I went from swamp to desert got my flute and then got the bow like it went it went super well from the start pretty dumb honestly better worked out so well [Music] oh goodness all right [Music] give me a freaking sword dude [Music] [Music] [Music] I almost meters like why they put my near oh dude I got owned by by him my frozen frozen solvers yeah I was eight six from right side of the torch and then Vicky [Music] all right so this is getting kind of spooky honestly uh so the things I have left there's two items left and minor three items left and ice eight items into rocks I didn't even touch it [Music] almost boots I would have been upset come on sword sword thorn [Music] no I finished Terra [Music] just [Music] [Music] well hold on [Music] [Music] I pulled that early an hour oh yeah early [Music] shoot your stupid bow [Music] okay [Music] I did my because of hardmode item usage [Music] it uh I can't use silver step on Gannon [Music] look forward Nadia [Music] [Music] this was a pretty unexcited mystery seat it was just standard standard maps and compasses show stop hitting me oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm finished yet nope [Music] they're pretty much absolute FFF fluorescein [Music] it's basically exactly where it is [Music] [Music] II [Music] No I almost got destroyed deed [Music] yo check can somebody do a exclamation mark hog champion for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay I uh I see what might be happening here maybe [Music] okay I guess I didn't release the button I'm the [Music] oh yes that would have seams if this ends up being right I wasted a decent chunk of time in Indiana's tower policy the optimal number of mobile - - obviously [Music] right I might still win maybe I didn't waste a ton of time if this ends up being what's happening I didn't realize there's a 25% chance of being nothing there's an extremely high number that's stupid [Music] [Music] [Music] well sort an uncle with standard it's just one of the possible which may save time - now without silver is probably but but with silver is definitely not oh [Music] my god [Music] with my traffic you sound a mire [Music] [Music] I got five six seven [Music] I was wondering why the [ __ ] you didn't have sent a flat thanks to the footwork 23 shale on D I mean miss being super late like I don't know I guess I just didn't think it was that high of a chance of being an option doesn't look like it's gonna hurt me too much I might still win this race with how well I played the rest of it off [Music] [Music] [Music] at 1:00 I won with an unneeded bull clear Afghanistan God yeah okay so in a similar situation when I get mitts I probably get Master Sword before going to Meijer and then get fire rod for for my go mode and then and then would have done super bomb before ice and skull [Music] now that point I didn't have soldiers either so the boots were in pyramid fairy right next to my second sword was this vanilla store setting it was [Music] okay so so the thing that I was talking about earlier item pool versus item functionality so this was hard item functionality which which meant like potions were gonna gonna give me less magic or health I couldn't stung with the boomerang but item pool is different so you can have normal item pool with hard item functionality which would mean there would still be all the mails all the swords all that stuff I can really pet required no not at all you only need Master Sword they can come from any of the other sword locations [Music] [Music] [Music] and by me this Friday I don't think we have anything plans I don't know when the Christmas parties are [Music] both on this coming Saturday [Music] okay it's not in the calendar I didn't do it in true vanilla style your a your weights are the best weights being out Sunday - oh do this oh nice oh yeah the pocket change sleeps again forever but nothing like what does that mean if pocket changes they're not a sword maybe a sword was there either hmm no it was not hard item placement because I had read mail it could be I did Oliveira [Music] so when am I gonna play Mario maker - with the new masters for powerup probably when it comes out [Music] now I went back and did her basement before I did spike cave that's where I got red mail [Music] someone told you was the person that told you Nintendo cuz that's literally the day they said [Music] [Music] I had I had all of Turtle Rock three items and I used two items in my er spike not spike I'll room and all the Smith chain so Smith hammer pegs purple chest I had clean pendants item on lame-o I think but I don't know weird like you could a pedestal after the credits are good as my tournament race is in an hour I need to be ready to go in an hour you guys won't see it until 7:50 p.m. Eastern yes that's like one of the harder things about this is like it's hard to differentiate whether something's like whether it's like hard or expert item pool and whether it's harder expert item functionality at sea like area thanks for sticking around [Music] yeah I know that they also recently changed like what hard let me let me take a look at like the the Help section game options there's the goal gameplay entrance shuffle boss shuffle enemy shuffle difficulty okay so in the item pool okay so item pool was normal because red red mail is successful [Music] it is really interesting [Music] so that means all four swords were there the one was non pedestal Thanks start time but there's just the 20 minute delay so it starts for me at 7:30 unless the dude submitted it wrong yeah okay so I'm probably just gonna read someone because I don't really have enough time to do stuff yeah I think the race starts at 7:30 in the 20 minute delay cuz I gotta be ready at 7:00 okay well I definitely want time to do anything else I swear he said 7:30 in our DMS [Music] he did say 7-7 today and 8:00 tomorrow okay so I had the times wrong so this had to be like a pretty good seat for me that time all right I'm gonna cut stream see you back here in 30 minutes you guys you guys will see the race at 7:30 p.m. your time you'll see you in an hour yes let's raid someone quick twitch.tv slash wreck their their their directory spelling directories impossible do I want to read enough wait don't ever get to raid my girl the Dragons fini all right [Music] you spam your favorite emote in there means a things a good pal go check her out she's playing some Mary oh yeah I will catch you guys in a little bit thanks for watching on bye you
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 11,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, zelda, rando, randomizer, mystery, pog, pogchampion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 1sec (7081 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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