SMZ3 | The Buff Pug

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uh -huh I had to pee okay I never changed my title either [Music] a futon can you type exclamation mark title uh uh smz3 hard weekly you don't have to change my game or anything I've uh I decided to try out streaming on retro oh God I'm okay with it um because I feel like streaming under Link to the Past like most the people who will browse the link to the past directory probably already know about me um and I know Patty talked about how he gets a an hour talking about it uh and he's been saying that he's been getting a lot of new new people coming around streaming under the Retro directory I forget to try it out a little bit [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh the person who made buff Kirby actually made this spread also foreign [Music] that is true no more this isn't like to the Past reported foreign yesterday now I was driving all day excuse me um SM Crystal green pen I think [Music] um foreign [Music] oh my God we're finally getting the golf dude [Music] oh my God we're doing it [Music] now we just need to overcome a 15 Point deficit you know no biggie [Music] no quick swap so sad smz3 racing Community doesn't like quick Swap and it's stupid [Music] [Music] [Music] uh I play on a cartridge oops uh called an fx pack Pro I plan on uh original Super Nintendo base [ __ ] original Super Nintendo and then I have the cartridge hooked up to my computer to uh to do like the auto tracking and stuff so it'll it'll track like you know the lamp when I get the lamp um no X-ray on this tracker right yeah so no no x-ray tracking but real it's real nice [Music] and then I use um uh I should buy bombs I use a SNES Jr which is like a late model Super Nintendo that uh and uh has a all of them have the better uh Graphics chip instead of like you know similar to the one ships in the in the original like boxnesses um the only problem with the stance Juniors is they don't natively output anything but composite uh so you have to get them modded to Output anything else um mine outputs RGB and scart I actually use a scart cable um go into my upscaler it's a very expensive setup and I wouldn't use it if I hadn't like already had all of this stuff I have a I have a replacement at the go whenever this technology shits the bed uh no I don't use a CRT I used to but um I I wanted the thing taking up like 30 of my desk to not be on my desk anymore so I I swapped to an upscaler uh my office is also significantly cooler now that it's not a blasting as much hot air um in my office great like I think I I swapped in 2019 I think see it was like late 2019 or like very very early 2020. um and I was like wow my office is like 10 degrees cooler on a daily basis like you know I have I still have my lights my computer is still here multiple monitors like my office still gets pretty toasty but damn it felt good to get rid of my CRT oh dude I actually just found out that [Music] um you can like mod your Wii to play like you can play GameCube games from I don't have enough [ __ ] money you can play GameCube games from uh from an SD card on the Wii now which is crazy uh the Wii is like the perfect console to play old [ __ ] on yeah we played we played like Double Dash and toadstool tour uh at the beach all all pulled from uh of course a man without a mustache is a man without a soul and a kiss without a mustache just like an egg without salt either way I'm sorry Buon has already won the mustache tournament for all time a man without a mustache is a man without a soul and a kiss without a mustache is like an egg without salt thank you danty I appreciate a lot foreign [Music] if uh if if the uh the community keeps it up I might have to keep this for SG live well we'll see if they uh we'll see if the community uh puts their money where their mouth is uh you can HDMI uh rain man there's a it's not like the best quality you you can get an actual HDMI mod to your Wii um oh heck yeah um Bluff and stuff it's dope um yeah randomizers have been around uh uh going to the past anyway since 2016. randomizers in general are from like the mid-2000s um so there's a there's a really cheap like little adapter that just plugs into the um into like the Wii AV Port that just converts it to HDMI so it's like not like super great quality but it is um it's very very simple and relatively cheap or you can go like the the actual good quality uh more intensive solution of like actually modding your Wii for HDMI output um I believe zfg did that um I don't know like who or where or how much uh but I know that it is something that he did um [Music] I mean every every console has full-on HDMI uh output possibilities now um or like SD card reader reading possibility like Retro Gaming is like in as good of a place as it's ever been [Music] uh purple persuasion thanks for the 30 prime gamer months appreciate a lot [Music] the only thing we we use are good for right now is like playing Mario Maker one and I guess like TP and Wind Waker HD which like God I really [ __ ] hope they come out on the switch like this holiday season or something like damn that needs to happen so bad oh my God I'm not a huge fan of Xenoblade so maybe not for me but like I guess it's like you could probably emulate Wind Waker and tphd and probably Xenoblade pretty well if I had to imagine but like Mario maker is probably a little more difficult to emulate because of the online [Music] requirements um but I don't I don't I don't know anything about Wii U emulators so I don't exactly know [Music] I was impressed with how well the switch emulator was or like how well it ran and how how it wasn't super easy to set up but it wasn't terrible um [Music] oh baby one possession game let's go [Music] okay that's interesting you pinnacle foreign like that's what you're supposed to do for your switch or for a switch emulator is pull files from your physical switch um I am excited to uh [Music] to wipe my switch and uh attempt to mod it um and see how that goes now that I have a new switch like that was like the one thing I was waiting on um because I definitely have a release day switch that I can mod stuff I could put like Dread randos on console um [Music] and stuff like that [Music] um Dale probably do that eventually I don't really need to right now but whenever I what oh my God [Music] I gotta stun this dude too it's too risky [Music] okay [Music] same Dandy [Music] smz3 racing Community doesn't like quick swap foreign [Music] they also don't like um swapping put it putting the the SM boss prizes and linked to the Past uh they just don't like anything [Music] [Music] nope they do not like quick swap [Music] foreign [Music] uh you know maybe I also like hated the SGL settings uh SGL settings were like um seven crystals gt7 crystals fast Ganon and then like all four SM boss prizes and it's just it just like wasn't fun asking like they they wanna yeah pretty much red [Music] well it so the the slight issue with quick swap right is if it's allowed in races you're pretty much forced to use it regardless of whether you want to or not quick swap saves like minutes per run it is not feasible to skip using uh yes Link to the Past was the first game I ever beat without significant Parental Guidance uh my dad was a gamer who got my mom into gaming and then my mom got me into gaming foreign [Music] yeah I don't know I I like tend to stay out of it because I don't race snz3 very much I don't I gotta go through spurts of playing it and racing it but like I don't know man some of the decisions that get made the SG the SGL like [Music] in person settings we're also going to be the same as the online ones uh because like the one admin who's running it was just like yeah we're just gonna make it the same it didn't actually talk to anybody who was participating in the on or on the in-person event LMAO dude so solski solsky uh brought it to everybody's attention they're like okay I guess we'll take a poll of the people going [Music] and wow surprise the people going didn't want those shitty settings oh my God what I don't know it's whatever [Music] I think the online tournament was also hard logic which like sucks ass to race like nobody really enjoys racing hard [Music] like I'm down to do it for a weekly like this but like a tournament smz3 hard fast Ganon like come on dude it's literally trying to just be SM heavy just to BS I'm heavy [Music] [Music] foreign settings for Link to the Past pretty soon both will have um I think there's like a very very rough atomizer for both there's also a very very rough entrance shuffle for both in development yeah you turn the ball over again no hey no more items in eastern yes it's a it's a weird spot foreign [Music] people some people complaining about you know SM being hard and then some of the SM people complaining about the too much playing A Link to the Past like expected I guess but it's [ __ ] annoying [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah I wish there were some alternate Link to the Past settings and like um I think futon worked with total on doing um normal link to the pass trainer doesn't require fake flippers and neither does normal SM Rando there's a hard SM Rando there's literally no Customs customizability for Link to the Past Rando that's the problem [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign that's not good I didn't realize my bomb count was that low [Music] bailed out oh my God thanks to that Dr dad rooski for my sub gift foreign [Music] [Applause] with the 42 months thanks so much gamer hope you're doing well we did we did have uh on vacationing it was very relaxing I mean like the the the the difficult thing to deal with is that like SM is not a noob friendly video game like Link to the Past is not recommended to like play if you've never played the game before but like it's still moderately doable because it's a puzzle based game unless like combat platforming like super metroid is just a hard [ __ ] video game foreign like I legitimately don't think somebody who's never played Super Metroid could really do an SM combo Ram like a an SM randomizer at all you know I don't think that's feasible I mean length of the past is not an easy game like getting good at it is difficult but like from a very like you know from his no experience position SM is you know many times more difficult without a question thank you what's up Robin hey what's wrong with buff pug okay nothing that's what foreign hey guys foreign uh hi babe eat hell [Music] yeah I saw I will go grab it has been for a while [Music] I Got a notification like 20 minutes ago [Music] 30 minutes ago it'll be fine [Music] how's the how's the car stuff going [Music] [Music] that even got the bugs off hell yeah that's what I'm talking about okay so like the only bad thing about that is I just have to double back the red Tower pretty much [Music] welcome back from the Sandy Place mustache man who took Andy's spot holy moly uh Sean Martin thinks the 46 months I appreciate a lot [Music] foreign yep the Pug flesh ship um this was solski's birthday present to me um solski also had a custom Sprite done by the same person who made buff Kirby to make buff eggplants uh he's live in this race right now if you want to go check his stream out and see the buff eggplant [Music] [Music] it is pretty buff the only 33 Subs so far [Music] I'm just gonna get this otherwise I'll just get it later and be mad [Music] [Music] the price for this Sprite is too high rip better luck next time danty foreign [Music] [Music] thank you um sixes thanks for the 48 months happy four years holy smokes dude thank you so so much I hope you're doing well foreign crazed gamer with the three prime gamer months [Music] um local Rican gift in a sub also to uh Matt never bug Farm Matt never hope you enjoy those emails thank you so so much local weekend appreciate a lot anything in Oswego thanks for 123 bits [Music] yeah I do definitely [Music] [Music] yeah morph ball is literally just the link to the past right very good thank you [Music] it's a blob deal shine spark is also very good hopefully we get to see that foreign [Music] yes please nice we're down by eight did we miss the extra points yes yes what's up shadow thanks for the welcome back [Music] why would they go for two how would they want to make it a six point game makes no sense [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign glitch dude [Music] oh step one of X-ray being useful foreign getting down that Gap is so hard [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that is very true a touchdown [Music] it was [ __ ] [Music] if you get spacer and Link to the Past it won't equip prevents um possible crashing [Music] rather than figure out like rather than making it like Flawless if you find if you found both plasma and spacer in Link to the Past and like you know have something mess up and have them both equip and then you just crash your game when you try to shoot your beam uh they just made it spacer and plasma and never Auto equip and linked to the Past and then it just nothing I was doing it was really worth pausing to equip spazer laughs foreign Lions have scored 35 points for their third straight game they haven't done that since 1951. goodness [Music] honestly the fact that Washington has put up 20 plus points in two straight games this is still like the best offense Washington has had and God knows how long three three three three I think it's going to be really hard for Washington to win this game foreign I'll be happy if they score another touchdown or something but just didn't like we didn't [ __ ] the bed in the first half like this is a really good game instead of the bed in the first half you're a Packers fan hopefully uh hopefully they clean things up uh I don't I don't know when they play this weekend but [Music] why is there a bet on the football field because I'm sleeping there okay against the Bears yeah the Bears should be that should be a fine recoup game [Music] what do we get blue pendant poggers foreign capacity with two known pendants foreign [Music] like the best SM pendant to get because it does unlock a ton of checks compared to the rest of them [Music] honestly if we score relatively soon we got three timeouts we can you would need to stop Detroit's offense which has not happened at all today but it is not completely out of the realm of possibility we score a touchdown soon [Music] I like I did feel kind of bad for for Watson he he dropped that pass and like the first couple plays the game and then didn't get another Target until the end of the fourth quarter basically rip puzzle secretary I have a really good audio clip that I need or that I can make and alert it into I just don't know what uh the alert should be like four uh well we'll figure it out soon though it's a fantastic audio clip but yes I will take this 400 bits foreign touchdown we're at like the one first and goal all right Carson you guys like the X-ray Sprint me with the glasses on all right the plug with the glasses on bottle [Music] foreign I do not have an IRL pair of those glasses foreign also guaranteed required foreign Washington score while I ran downstairs who's got the Deeds for me oh they got the 2.2 foreign [Music] all right third and goal it was the two minute warning I didn't even notice chub is really good foreign no he caught that dude why are they going for a one got blocked or you missed it LMAO game over I don't even think that got blocked foreign well so like you you go for two on the on this one like yeah we don't know why they went for for two on the on the last touchdown said Miss but like why would you go for two on the second one in this situation or would like I don't know no there was literally zero reason to go for two on their last touchdown it went for two which made it an eight point game because they missed it instead of a six point game which literally not quite literally no different but it is very very minimally different than going for one seven point lead versus a six point lead is oh not significant this kickers I don't even know who their kicker is honestly [Music] sure they should pick up uh goggles thank you this guy cut from Indy I think he had he had one rough game after a pretty solid last season well no that on that onside kick was terrible yeah Rodrigo blank and [ __ ] dude he had a really rough week one but he was a pretty solid kicker last year and he was really really good at Georgia [Music] foreign I have to do [ __ ] pyramid bro come on what is this [Applause] all right wash and we only need a a touchdown and then who points [Music] easy [Music] hey all right [Music] um plus 24-0 against the Jags LMAO foreign [ __ ] talking Carson Wentz all off season and then Matt Ryan's [ __ ] worse wow maybe once wasn't the problem last year [Music] definitely was a problem in some situations but once had like a not terrible season last year Tyreke went off oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] most certainly did foreign I might win fantasy this week you guys waddle okay I had Hill and waddle and they got me 60 points God foreign uh yeah PPR PPR with a superflex [Music] give me health [Applause] dude I could CF cfing and heat always scares me though I also don't wanna waste all my power bombs because power bombs are important I do have morph bombs now but like there's not too many things around where I am that give power bombs oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] that went down no I couldn't see what the number was [Music] thank you okay with way beam here I do I do really want wave beam so I'm just gonna we're just gonna save ah [Music] okay well I need this too so if there's nothing else here depending upon my health situation I could reset [Music] okay uh that's fine foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign just held onto the ball for like 45 seconds and then fell over well that's guaranteed GG thank you [Music] yeah outside of that first half it wasn't a terrible game from from the football team could have been better [Music] foreign [Music] me and my small pork body [Music] I will say small pug being the morph ball uh can lead to some very very good screenshot opportunities uh just fantastic like I think the the first seat I did I took a picture of uh I took a picture while I was doing bowling and the the chose Road was just holding me it was a good it was a good screenshot be nothing please I have Hera logically I like don't really have that much to do [Music] uh uh this Sprite was made like a week or so ago foreign week and a half [Music] I do have a couple things left in the link to the past it's not on the site yet very true I don't know what the process is for getting a Sprite on the site but who knows who knows not me I took my feet oh my God foreign thanks for the two months of prime gaming I appreciate a lot [Music] so yeah if y'all haven't seen the uh the sub goal down here uh if we hit 150 at new Subs I'll uh keep the mustache for another week we'll have like a week and a half to do this one only you have the power for me to keep this caterpillar on my face [Music] not keeping it I mean I'm Gonna Keep it for a while if you guys Kelsey does not like the stash she only agreed to this because there's money involved [Music] I personally am curious to see what this will look like with a couple extra weeks of growing because I've never grown any facial hair for more than like two weeks really so I be curious to see what what it'll look like and they slide keep it for a while longer okay you need to give me gift subs or subscribe you saying keep it a while longer because quite literally zero towards me keeping it that's the way it is wolfmeister thanks to 31 months [Music] wait foreign [Music] you from keeping it but still support me um oh my God uh if this goes on for too long and Kelsey gets over it I also agreed to turn it into a weekly bid War [Music] so the Shavers can fight with the the keepers how about you keep half compromise no [Music] uh rust Panic with the five pack of gift Subs first time gift or thank you so so much I appreciate a lot I guess I've give give Ruth a big old thank you uh we got dekhunato selenia Valeria the [ __ ] and rock far far hope you all enjoy the emotes thank you so much Roose windfall are also with the five pack thank you thank you it's the time frame for the sub goal uh so this one's a little weird because I'm going back on it I'm I'm leaving again on another trip uh on Wednesday so it'll probably uh be until the end of next week because I'll be gone for like five days again um and then for all the subsequent subsequent ones where I'm not traveling or anything it will just be like Sunday to Sunday or Sunday to Saturday I guess any gapers and chats oh my God [Music] um oh yeah I'll do a little trimming um I don't really have anything to maintain any facial air I don't think besides like shaving um so I might have to buy some accessories but yes I will I will trim it it starts like getting in my mouth and [ __ ] but we'll see I'm just curious to see if it'll like fill out a little more if if I'll stop looking like a a like a Colombian cartel Lord um foreign [Music] with another touchdown oh it hasn't it hasn't triggered yet can I grow a proper full beard it's a little it's a little spotty uh in some places but uh I forgot I had the mirror um oops um I haven't like I said I haven't ever grow my facial hair out for more than like a week or two at a time so I don't really know I'm not a huge fan of the beard healing on my face anyways [Music] um anyways where where was I hold please uh windfall with the five pack gift Subs you gotta just give windfall or a big old thing you got the index finger Starvin AIDS tag no gmotion and trolled grahim um you guys gotta Gotta Give sub give windfall a big old thing and then shell Martin last but not least we got the 10 pack give subs thank you so so much I appreciate a lot gotta get so I give that big old thing we got might be a robot Bonsai Bill gibbery Jeff red dragon X3 adk Luna woo Baca Olaf LJ Jan gur and contrast man hope you guys enjoy your once again shell thank you so much I appreciate you Gail song thinks the 32 months [Music] um [Music] I don't like where the siege is going [Music] do you know Juno's not home right now [Music] the best part about the superflex league and only 10 teams a lot of the teams look really stacked so like right now after you know most of the early games are done my projected score this week is 158th hell yeah foreign we do have some things we can do still foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] game was 3-3 until seven minutes left in the fourth and it ended 20 to 10. what the [ __ ] foreign yeah she's staying at a at Kelsey's parents while we were on vacation [Music] so Kelsey went to go pick her up today [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Kelsey's name is spelled incorrectly in quotes what I'm like this close to Banning you group just letting you know like this close foreign [Music] [Music] it takes a lot of being an idiot in my stream to get banned quite impressive honestly outside of just like blatant racism sexism [Music] uh Etc [Music] quite impressive all right sahasrila Zora [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I was close [Music] I really don't want to [ __ ] do AG dude my high jump boots are also out of logic but I could do suitless Meridia with ice and spring [Music] oh I have gravity I'm an idiot foreign oh God [Music] I totally forgot I got gravity I blew pants foreign just on my way here anyways I was not gonna do Aga where am I going foreign [Applause] charge at Main Streets pretty nice honestly quick to come back to [Music] I get that if I can get that chart like if speed isn't in Ln or something like that I could think about skipping varia here foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign 's really good I was made by the same person who made um the buff Kirby spray [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] three three three I'm gonna go for ice clip for like a very minimal amount of time wait yeah I'm fine actually [Music] hello [Music] that's way too high [Music] foreign foreign dude rip tray at least they got Garoppolo I guess mm-hmm foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Dallas has already scored more points than they did last week feels bad foreign [Music] mushroom Aunt are you a Dallas fan foreign listen I have short-term memory my friends tell me they're Dallas fans all right [Music] [Music] three three three three three three [Music] next thing you know Aries gonna be like oh yeah I'm a Cowboys fan too cool Cowboys now I'm just gonna quit [Music] get Airy cowboy stuff noted foreign [Music] black screen hmm what's my plan here no it's not this [Music] nice [Music] foreign there's a chance that I'm like in go mode if Turtle Rock's a pendant there's only one more pendant so I think I'm just gonna grab this mushroom and then go get that charge and then we're gonna leave plasma behind thank you also my plan was just going to be to do plasma from here since I had to come this way anyways but I'd rather just go get charged and like getting to plasma is not terribly slow because I can just Green Gate um [Music] the like it is what it is all right no I don't have to Green Bay it's normal come on [Music] [Music] foreign Sprite foreign [Music] so I'm actually going to do Waterway here um because flippers are at shaft there's a very good chance that swamp is a crystal um or like required I should say we don't necessarily know but um you know flippers will will help pretty much no matter what didn't know there was a pug Sprite it is very new and if that was something important then like that's a huge play immediately after getting dark World access you know foreign oh my God need to stop doing that and just shine spark up that up that room [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] dude that poor camera guy oh [ __ ] being a camera guy in the NFL sounds like probably the most dangerous photography job you could have minus like I guess like news reporter people [Music] in like hostile environments or something [Music] [Music] boom [Music] boom boom boom boom boom [Music] Okay so I guess the only thing I would still need is a medallion [Music] skull is my last pen Okay Turtle Rock Steve's Town ice pack [Music] I could just go pull pedestal after beating Skull Woods [Music] so ice rod quake [Music] and that's all I know for now foreign [Music] [Music] pod swamp thieves ice foreign [Music] foreign [Music] would be very nice like the one big thing that I'd doing uh suitless Ln without screw attack is just a huge [ __ ] pain in the ass but I think for me to like realistically consider doing it I'd probably need screw um Scrooge has saved so much time going through Ellen it also saves you uh uh some ammo in terms of Power Bomb usage [Music] having full beam combo makes it much more viable of an option for sure [Music] [Music] beep hey can't go that way all right foreign I'm quite tempted okay that's a medallion maybe that one is needed for uh Turtle Rock potentially [Music] thank you oh goodness goodness I need some caffeine dude taking the stash hell yeah [Music] we're over a third of the way there already to keep the stash until October essentially what the [ __ ] happened must have been slow on the last poke or something I die okay [Music] uh all right so we have graveyard ledge two things in skull I don't know what a cape is I skate scum Berna I didn't save scum it but I chose not to get it I guess uh Lotus thanks for 30 minutes oh I actually died a blind not too long ago um [Music] it was like a low Health Hammer only situation like I wasn't terribly surprised that I died [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] it's so much easier to skip A Link to the Past health and Super Metroid [Music] so you know a lot of the times I just try not to pick up health unless it's like literally in my path um if I find it in SM so my my Link to the Past runs an smz3 are generally pretty low health um trying to trying to save them seconds [Music] I also really enjoy playing with my mustache probably shouldn't but it's fun oh my God towards the stash and the gamer Yo Raymond thinks the 33 prime gamer months appreciate a lot reminder it is September so if you've uh you've never subbed to the channel or if you uh are a current gifted sub owner or prime sub user you can upgrade your sub or discount uh you can even uh if you're planning on or if you're just a regular sub and you're already planning on uh you know keeping your regular sub you can upgrade it to a six month sub and uh pay significantly less for the next six months that's what I did to all of my Subs that I pay for I upped them to six months save me a couple dollar dues just set a just set a reminder in your in your phone for six months from now to uh be sure you change them off of six month Auto renew also what I did [Music] I guess it doesn't really matter that much just because like it costs the same amount but or it normally costs the same amount I should say [Music] foreign [Music] cookies are pretty pretty cute I'm a fan [Music] dang Jerry Judy injured is that a he's at a rough rough goal of it and that's fine for me I got I got my boy Cortland [Music] yo Cafe with the four pack of gift Subs thank you thank you so much I appreciate a lot um if you got a gift set from kokefa gonna be able to thank you we got night link Command Bank alt dooner and pink Flink I think yeah congratulations [Music] there's also a little rumor going around that uh the last couple days of September are going to be gift sub related um which hasn't said anything about that yet that's the rumor that's going around [Music] yo camera paying it forward no they said something special or something else will will happen for the last couple days they didn't say what the something special was everybody rumored like immediately that it was gift Subs um um camera I think it's much for the six-pack I'm pretty sure thank you for paying it forward also um gotta get stuff from camera I get the whole thing about Apple sandwich Renegade boss toothpick Willie uh Eden gaming binging for Hummels and kumoru 7. any toothpick Willies in the chat press one [Music] just me oh [ __ ] all right Nate Nate me Nate and shell and standing solid aired [Music] foreign laser emotes are so good map [Music] you bet we're doing left side swamp you betcha oh my God something my favorite Ivan alert moment was uh when um when he and Leslie were dating she went to visit and she streamed from his house like set up all her alerts and stuff and Ivan streamed and like the Disney like some Disney Princess audio played super super loud during my stream when when somebody subbed it was so good this guy there's a hundred percent a clip of that somewhere foreign I'd have to search for it a little bit probably but damn it was so [ __ ] funny it was so good [Music] it might be like one of Ivan's top view Clips hold on I can multitask wait we're just walking through swamp which dot TV slash Ivan foreign don't worry about it my fart no no ah check out the Super Metroid stream that's actually picross from 20 hours ago uh Clips top all time oh my fart is your top view clip LMAO um foreign [Music] what's up thank you oh my God [Music] hello try not sometimes hello hello what the [ __ ] what just happened to me oh God [Music] yeah that one laughs [Music] okay here I'll play the Andy farted on stream too don't worry about it whoa oh it's at two times speed I was like why does it sound so weird foreign Disney theme yup don't worry about it whoa [Laughter] an old webcam microphone dude thanks Discord I did Rip ass that Discord just like set my my webcam as my default audio come back streamer so Ivan and I were on a call and I ripped ass which like I had a nice microphone like it wasn't this one but it was a nice microphone and uh so like it shouldn't have picked it up but because it was my webcam I just made everything sound really loud [Music] um [Music] thus Ivan's most viewed clip was born mm-hmm uh sleepy thanks for 38 months Chad has the holding my groin oh I'm upset I didn't have to walk through swamp that the origin of Team farts it was not [Music] [Music] yeah that's still a rumor foreign [Music] anything official about what's going on at the end of the month [Music] yeah that had been rumored since like well before they announced September at all um why do I have a webcam microphone point on my butt though I don't it was just like like where mine is it was just on top of my computer webcam Mike just like picks up so much background noise like I I did legitimately fart really loud whatever uh that's besides the point all right uh Jojo Jojo thanks for the 30 months appreciate a lot gamer this is for you Ivan [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I'm curious to see what it'll look like given like a couple more weeks of growing but uh only the twitch chat can decide how long I grow my mustache for with this sub goal right here also nice 69. [Music] nice foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ex-porn star gone twitch streamers uh not too uncommon anymore okay [Music] I did get to uh I'm I met and hung out with Sasha Gray at the twitch thing I went to in June that was neat it's actually super nice and relatively normal uh that was cool oh like that it did get very though so Ellen is free low [Music] yeah she's super sick big fan yeah but like not all porn stars are normal people or former porn stars like some of them are pretty [ __ ] up in the head foreign like to put it bluntly I suppose like some of them are just a little [ __ ] crazy okay not that I know that many but like uh of the handful of them that I have met um I think Sasha Gray was the only normal one it's perfectly fine in the videos [Music] um some of them are just a little a little crazy there was a there was a a point in time where a speedrunner was dating one um and she was pretty crazy [Music] was it Patty no Patty was involved in the immediate craziness though uh we went and like met her that we were hanging out with the boyfriend and um he introduced her to us and she hugged our friend Jordan Indy we were all there and she was like wow you smell really good and just put her nose in Jordan's chest and took like a 10 second inhale literally like as we met her we're like oh all right cool it was really funny after the facts uh but it was it was weird in the moments um a little bit smidge okay so we got ice rod there's a chance that I only need quake it's quake and Turtle Rock Medallion which we have bombos so foreign how's the tournament going Ivan by the way oh my God foreign [Music] round of eight versus maniacal this week and Austin Aster both on the other side nice how much money does a second place get foreign [Music] it's not bad I mean that was that was not like a jab at you winning the tournament slash you know being unable to was more like you know easy second place okay I would never be mean to my friend eyes no it's the um the smz3 online tournament did you join the any percent one too or no did you bail no [Music] oh what the [ __ ] sex foreign worth the time waste [Applause] bro what am I doing this is what I get for wasting time [Music] thank you probably dead no right now [Applause] nine to twelve so one percent of the pool [Music] that's a solid son either the pool's a 14 Grand that's not too not too shabby foreign uh well Ridley's already dead when like Ridley might be trying to like pick Samus up to like take her away somewhere as like a last resort and then really just ends up dying because the Ridley can die without picking Samus up as well if you don't get picked up in time once Samus hits zero Health then Sam or then uh and really will just explode at some point foreign purely steroids foreign trick work is built into the game it's not a trade I don't know why they programmed it that way I mean the game starts with Ridley picking up the baby and running away so not really that strange [Music] they're gonna be a nugs bro all right DMV calm down [Music] uh yeah it took me a little bit to get used to playing with a non-sama Sprite I used to only play with Dark Samus which even then it was like a little bit of a learning curve but like as long as the Samus bright is like relatively accurate in terms of it's like where its head actually is and where the feet actually are and like it's well visually represented then I don't really care too much [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay so guaranteed Quake go mode [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh Aussie Aster's happening in round eight yes dude God what a shitty ass round debate matchup God [Music] Aussie dropped a group match to who just like a random like Aussie skip something and last located it presents I'm guessing you just beat zemps yesterday I think that's what you're racing yesterday oh sorry I'm still YouTube YouTube will be back up and running tomorrow probably uh but I was on the vacation last week foreign [Music] [Music] the week after Labor Day almost always Beach week for me because it's cheap as hell yeah pie pie came for half the week um dude next year we're probably gonna have to get two houses [Music] [Music] that many pugs yup hey [Music] you were you were very missed this week last week Ivan [Music] foreign [Music] menuing sucks ass dude [Music] [Music] I swear mid boss is addicted to Rocket League now [Music] I see him I I see him launch rocket League almost daily uh I don't know he's gotten better though we we played like two weekends ago [Music] me me him and Wesley when uh when's the return of Ivan and Ivan on Twitch dude dude freaking bullshar has been playing Pub G again and so he was like yo let's play Pub G sometime I was like sure I'm down to play dumb shooting game and so I launched that game for the first time since like 2017 basically right I totally forgot that I named my character Patty's dad and I I was like crying as I booted up the video game as it like showed my name oh God thank you it was crazy though they added there's like a cinematic when you open up the game now oh I didn't have to do any tutorials I was fine we did we just jumped right in but like not super janky anymore it's weird foreign Apex a couple times it does feel kind of slow but that's okay I don't mind too much it was fun it's very fun shoot the [ __ ] with Pals video game still [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me more Danny come pick up my package [Music] foreign [Music] I still have Skull Woods North Dark World waterfall fairy foreign catfish pyramid I think the only thing I have left in SM is uh plasma [Music] the league website supports animated gifs for teams now oh God foreign [Music] Ty [Music] why are gifts for Boomers I didn't mean to come in here what's up Emma's I think that's like five I think that's five police officer jokes upon entry of stream today expected it's fine I'm okay with it [Music] I would danty make his own logo have reframes of a big old dick in it as a league admin I don't think that would go over well with the league admins um just a hunch [Music] and I'm super thirsty [Music] now I have time to get water now foreign what do I want to do after this if this isn't the answer I guess pyramid fairy pyramid catfish waterfall fairy is probably the solution [Music] my question I don't know I don't know [Music] after this race I'm probably gonna cut streamer under the store real quick and pick up a couple things that we need in the house since we both left for eight days [Music] any Quake for Meyer [Music] okay okay sure [Music] all right let's see I did that and that I have plasma goal and pad [Music] foreign [Music] bumper graveyard um bumper graveyard I got Bonk rocks and king's tomb [Music] [Music] that's all I have left in North Dark World [Music] yeah bombos tablet [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] in Smith chain already nothing left in thieves Town nothing left in desert or Eastern or Hera full cleared swamp [Music] I haven't touched any of this part of the Dark World yet we know it's not Lumberjack I checked that already [Music] what get out of here get out of here do peanuts [Music] okay we got catfish waterfall fairy both [Music] foreign [Music] I'm not sure what the best order to do things in is probably like saving quit to Bonk rocks and king's tomb first before doing any of the Dark World stuff [Music] hahaha dang no uh [Music] no uh second vanilla medallion [Music] [Music] foreign I did use bowling cutscene to go get food from porch though so [Music] foreign I have GT stuff [Music] so I'm I'm actually going to do that and then beat Mother Brain I think [Music] if not if nothing's at GT I mean um if quake's at GT then we don't be Mother Brain first at all okay pretty easy Mother Brain first decision here or full beam combo we have speed space we don't have screw but screw doesn't really matter that much oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] ships can have custom Sprites it's just not an smz3 feature have you never seen the uh Kirby trip it is uh all pink with Kirby's face on the front pretty good like Kirby ate it my room ones have been atrocious lately two three I guess buff Kirby Vibes um it was made by the same person and I think just based off of the buff Kirby spray [Music] I jumped early foreign sloppy sloppy uh if you go to soulski right now you can see the buffet plan probably um well I'd assume most likely not right now but whenever Solstice goes back to SM Ile pretty good foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign yes we are both in the same race this is the smz3 weekly one of them anyways [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait um God it's so there's so much less lag foreign without the timer it's crazy [Music] nice foreign [Music] spark spread a lot very good [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I have a after this I will have six things left [Music] and one of them is plasma check [Music] foreign we have six things left [Music] also get own North Dark Worlds absolutely dumpstered mmm book was in pod I think the way I routed Dark World to start uh did not have a book when I was here or when I was there initially so [Music] I'll fix it that was a fun run I enjoyed it I gotta come up with some more like dumb stuff if y'all do a a run um I'll have to see if I can find the patch uh there's a patch where you start with 20 health 20 hearts and there's no Health drops in the pool and so every time you take damage it's permanent when you die your file gets deleted I'm sure I can find the patch somewhere but it will do dumb [ __ ] like that a little more frequently I accidentally over overwrote my uh and still a value from the flute so how do I torture myself this is fun I didn't have fun I promise you I wouldn't do it [Music] it'll be interesting though you'd be like waiting to do Spike cave or Meyer or something with uh like Caper burner and [ __ ] [Music] I've actually never tried steel Soul mode and all night that sounds really [ __ ] hard [Music] I have been replaying Hollow Knight on my switch [Music] um since I watched calcium pie casually playing and I was like I want to play this again I'm at a I'm at 110 percent [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] pure vessel was I totally forgot about that boss and he kicked my [ __ ] in when I attempted Pantheon for for the first time totally forgot about it I was like as I was going through Pantheon for I was like I wonder what the boss at the end of this one is I don't remember so I remembered like the all the nail Masters for the first three uh and then and then pure vessel [ __ ] me up also playing on switch Joy cons uh the fight is slightly more difficult because of that but you know whatever [Music] come on Binky right here oh [Music] [Music] [Music] howdy gamer hey gamer [Music] uh Seth pack thanks for the six months I appreciate a lot hope you're doing well welcome welcome foreign [Music] I could sub three [Music] foreign [Music] thanks for the uh 21 months foreign tablet and ether was an ether tablet aha [Music] what's up Jimmy another result [Music] plenty of arrows plenty of magic [Music] slightly lacking Health that's okay [Music] what my down input [Music] ah I shouldn't need any more Health from here though so I should be fine [Music] it's gonna be weird being able to like stop my timer accurately because I don't have to press down on a shift [Music] oh my God can you subtract the sub from your sub goal for prolonging the stash and Dilo not yet I'd probably guess if um if the stash ends up blasting through like mid-october or something I will I will swap the the sub goal per week into a bid War per week um so all you you stash haters can uh can fight the stash lovers if you will [Music] I'm gonna fight it with my words your words aren't gonna work this time I've been killing moldorm yeah dude I haven't played Link to the Past like nine days I'm I think I'm two for four on hovers today do I like the stash I don't mind it right now um I know nothing about like uh maintenance for a mustache um [Music] I'll probably have to like look look into some products or something I've also never let my mustache grow for this long ever so I'm excited to see how it looks in a couple weeks oil and no touchy but it's thank you I could go as Pablo Escobar for Halloween uh SG live we get back like Halloween day or something so I don't know how how uh how much halloweening we're gonna be doing I could dress up as Pablo Escobar at SG live but uh a nice masturation I missed [Music] oh my God am I gonna win I get sniped by Soul ski of all people I'm gonna be furious [Music] I didn't get sniped we did it beep beep beep [Music] well SG live is not gdq based at all so we won't have to worry about that [Music] uh what are the other big names in this race a zero stash solski and achier let's see mute which all right ace will be done soon I don't know if MB is dead though [Music] he's climbing GT uh let's see where's stash stash doesn't have bombos or no it doesn't have ether but does have quake Dosh is killing mother brain right now solski missing quake uh an egg here wow [Music] um [Music] is uh climbing GT open a chest for some reason [Music] how many racers uh there were 11 with two forfeits I was the only sub three smilers foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's so ski doesn't know what he missed rip [Music] soleski's just looking at the flute menu I'm still not sure if if Ace or eight here oh wow Ace is ahead of a gear [Music] just barely they're both on gain I don't know if either of them have done other brain yet I just doing Mother Brain first was really easy to seed oh okay so stash is escaping right now already wait must not track stuff [Music] because stash has an escape timer also this Sans Sprite dude holy [ __ ] duck is a bad influence on everyone um I don't think stash wins this if akir and Ace have beaten definitely doesn't win this if uh star Snake Here mustache a snake here I have a little Mother Brain already [Music] I'd be surprised if they hadn't I guess meanwhile solski's on the map menu still akir ended up having a better game than Ace though oh akir hasn't beaten mother brain yet wow Ace and stash tied LMAO [Music] please tell me it was Mambo so it is seed fog I thought I did bombos I would have been [ __ ] close with Andy I would have been close with Andy [Music] I don't think it was that cursed what was like so cursed for you guys was it because of like Morphin Titans maybe I don't know I felt like the sea was falling honestly the sea was fine uh flippers being where they were was sure but it could have been way worse like flippers would have been my go mode and it wouldn't [ __ ] ran away with us with Andy I got more for it after doing remarkless red Tower he didn't do the ACR boy stuck putting putting some dude get on my level my Quake by the way [Music] oh god dude I was feeling pretty good about this one I'm like this one kind of sucks for the end uh when I went to tr and I didn't find anything that's where I was like uh maybe I don't win but maybe I'm not too bad I definitely get second or third if I don't go first in this one though I don't know Chad can confirm with timing all you gotta do is look at the bottom when I get flips because that would have been my go mode I would have go-moted swamp and ice and Meyer and I would have [ __ ] just GG no read through the scene I was playing Ray too playing great dude it was hilarious though like I was I was going back to every check I forgot I forgot Spike cave Zora um what else did I forget shot there's something else I forgot I did I did uh Shack ice clip because I was like what happens if I'm looking for grapple at this point like honestly to me the seat wasn't that bad but that's because I had more for Lee I ice clipped because I was out of things to think of so it's like this shouldn't be in logic but I'm doing it in case um in case I need a grapple before I find a grapple you did vo this swap must be nice so you didn't have boots for swamp must be nice to have the flips early dude uh I don't know when I got the book where was the book chat where was the book I need this key you knew about it super early yeah I hate that skip it was next to Varian pod yeah so I thought I did bombos early Andy because I did purple chess I'm like I just completely phased on doing or uh doing bombos I just I did it it was one of the last texts I did um in the door Rando scene I think it was just fresh in my Minds 100 seed fog all right unfortunate but these things happen it's gonna finish it off um yeah I'm gonna cut stream and I'll be back in like some an hour and a half I don't even know if it's gonna be fast game uh me against Aussie um in the spoiler tournament um like I don't know Andy like I keep seeing people saying they don't want to do they want to do fast Cannon because it's better for the tournament it's faster I think people just suck at GT and they don't want to do it I think that's the real reason that's just me I don't know people can take that the wrong way if they want to but I think it's just I think it's just the honest truth I think when you ask someone their opinion on like something in smz3 this is this is what happens guys is they'll go oh it's cute to this game or it's like this and not and I think it's just like you know what it is you're just it's a weakness that you have in the other game and that's why you don't want to do it okay I get it just tell me that though yeah uh I'll be back in two hours uh come back I'll see you then um thanks for watching uh the return stream [ __ ] is it just me like am I the only one I don't know maybe I'm just being a [ __ ] right now I don't know I'm tired guys I'm sorry I'm tired I'm really tired I'm gonna have a nap after this I'm I'm [ __ ] old now guys and I'm just like grumpy and I need my old man napper
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 11,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 3sec (11283 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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