A Letter from THE KING, CORONATION TREASURES Restored & a 300 Year Old Family Heirloom Returns

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[Music] this week's video is sponsored by Babel well I'm about to show all of you and Luke who's behind the camera one of my big Royal discoveries I'm super excited because these are royal discoveries I don't know anything about no and it has nothing to do with this Earl either so a lot of times people think oh well the first eara sandwich who brought Charles II King Charles II back from Exile we might have a lot of sort of Charles second stuff but this is for me as the American this is bigger and better so there is something American about it as well American royalty I don't want to give too much away um oh you'll make you'll making it so tantalizing anyway what I wanted to show uh Luke and everybody one of the videos that we did earlier this year was of course around the coronation of King Charles III and it was the first time time that peers did not they weren't all invited and we weren't invited we weren't invited your father I I was sitting by the letter box it just never came haha I don't think you were and your father wasn't invited but we were able to find the coronation robes that were worn by your forbears um uh you can see here Earl of Sandwich lovely sewn in so these are the coronation robes that in the past from basically 1953 prior to that 1953 when Queen Elizabeth thei was crowned these coronation robes were worn by all of the peers so uh Earl of Sandwich all the Earls all the Dukes all all the marquises yeah all the vi counts and so on and so on and these were these were somewhat lost until we discovered them in a black pin liner in in a pin liner in in an old chest in a chest and so we were what was really exciting is that we were able to take these out and put them on display not here but in another place in the house put them on the display when the house was open uh to the public which it is for many months throughout the year put them on display and it was really exciting because because this coronation was the first time that these robes weren't being worn and they'll probably never be worn again at a cornation we were people were really excited to see them so we were able to put them on display however you can see here Luke that I mean they're really really fragile and they need some massive repair so you can see the silk here needs repair and this is the waist coat and then you have of course I mean the terrible thing is the robe which again has the name in it I just want to point that out as well so the Terri thing is that I think I remember wearing these as a child playing dressing up and pretending to be kings and queens and of course that probably that probably wasn't very good for the material was it no and you can and then we've got if you're wondering what this one this small one for this was uh for the CEST to wear so she would usually wear this and then sometimes wear a tiara in front of it so she must have had a very small head well you would kind of perch it on the back and then you would put your tiar maybe maybe you put your your bun of hair into it maybe right so well what's really exciting is that I have been able to raise funds through buy me a coffee and to have these robes restored so you guys are all going to be able to watch this journey so thank you to so many of you who uh kindly kindly bought these robes many cups of coffee in order for them to be properly properly restored and it's not like you can just send these to anybody they look at look at the inside here and it's not saying we can get rid of these these would be water stains it's quite long get rid of these but you have to send them to an expert and so um your father actually has put me in touch with somebody and I will be taking these robes to London for the robes to then be restored must must that must mean that somewhere there is a specialist coronation robe restoration expert well I think that there are several so there are there are several there must be quite a market for these things there must have been but anyway I just want to say a huge thank you to so many of you who have again bought these uh bought these robes uh uh cups of coffee because they this is the last time you're going to see them sitting out here I'm going to package them up and then get them off to London and we can hopefully check in and watch the repair happen I'd like to do it myself but I'm definitely not an expert in this and I need this to be done properly properly thank you for all those cups of coffee but it does rather look as though somebody's spilled a cup of coffee I know on this one I know look at those marks there they just are so fragile so once by the way if you're wondering what will happen to the robes afterwards what will happen is once they get restored which will take a while we will then package them up and securely put them away until well till I don't know probably the next coronation we might put them out on display is that the one we're going to get invited to I don't think we're ever going to get invited to but Julie just one thing that was an aristocratic Discovery but it wasn't a royal Discovery yeah I that's coming up is it that is coming up so there's and it's got an American connection are we going there now no oh cuz I have one more um it's in the kitchen everybody it's really so basically we've just recently had a couple things sort of come back into the family and this one's really exciting so this one wait for and then it's the Royal Discovery but this is a treasure that's been in the family for at least 200 years and was kindly gifted back by somebody out there um and it's exciting lito when I was finally able to travel to Italy and begin the renovations of my little Italian house I did not know how to speak Italian and it was a real roadblock when trying to communicate uh you um but fast forward to today and thanks to the help of Babel one of the top language learning apps in the entire world I'm now confident in speaking the Italian language every single time I visit Italy you qua and as we step into the new year this is the best time to solidify your commitment to learning a new language and I understand that tackling something new can be challenging particularly when it comes to acquiring a new language and if you've experienced waning motivation with past New Year's resolutions I am the same fear not because Babel is here to support you boasting expertly crafted lessons captivating games immersive podcasts and even live classes Babel is meticulously designed to empower you in having meaningful real world conversations if I can make such huge progress I'm confident you can as well so click the link in the description down below or scan the QR code to get 60% off on your Babble subscription during their New Year's sale also I would love to hear what language you're keen on learning and if learning a new language is is one of your New Year resolutions comment down below I feel like everybody's getting a real tour of the house as well I'm getting a tour of the house yeah which by the way if you haven't seen that video uh tour of the finest Manor House in England that has been one of our best videos in 2023 it's had over 200,000 views so do check it out if you want a proper tour there's nothing like a good house tool that's exactly right so this is really exciting before listen The Royals are happening and it's got an American connection um these copper pots would have been seen in country houses you know sort of up and down the country I mean this is what the kitchens all the kitchens and the cooks in the kitchens would have had loads of these lined up and very much like this with this Hearth here and you know again well the AA of course but before it used to be proper fire I mean this is 2 feet long almost a foot wide and about I'd say half a foot 6 in high now what's so interesting about this is that of course at henching Brook which was the original family ancestral seat that was uh sold in the 1950s a lot of the collection and a lot of just sort of the bits there were were sold in the sale and can I can I talk about that for a second yeah I mean I think it's one of the great sadnesses because when my grandfather decided to sell hinching Brook he kept all of the finest pictures the finest pieces of furniture the kind of core of the collection but he sold so many of the things that gave that house texture he sold all of the items that would have been part of the kitchen part of the way the house was run even theard things he may not ever have even noticed in his life because he would rarely go into the kitchen y um and so Julie can I just congratulate you on getting at least one of these items back because it means a lot yeah well thank you it's been it's so exciting so and the reason that we know that this is ours well there's a story behind this and the story is fascinating but can you just look at this embossed s with the Coronet here and this of course would be the marking that would have been put on all of the copper pots at henching Brook the asked for sandwich the Earl's Coronet there and there would have been a huge collection and to get one back and especially one this big is actually really really exciting and you're probably wondering how how did we get these back and we've been really Lucky Luke don't you agree that since we started our YouTube channel so many people have contacted us whether it's paintings or it's the uh the glass goblets that had the uh coat of arms the mon coat of arms on been one of the amazing benefits of having such a lovely community of people following our story here at mton because so many people then go off and they look for things on our behalf Y and we've got back some amazing Treasures so how did this CPP end up back in our kitchen 60 plus years later well near henching Brook there was an RAF base so a royal Air Force Base called RAF Brampton where a young flight Lieutenant Joe pasini served as a photographic interpreter and anyway one day he and his Young Bride were walking down the High Street and they happened to acquire this piece from a local antique shop which means that it had been sold from the hinching brook sale and for over 60 years this pot traveled with them across the UK to Australia and the United States and they often had it displayed by their fireplace before RAF Brampton flight Lieutenant Joe Pini was part of the RAF 76 Squadron stationed in Australia during the British nuclear tests on Christmas Island in the late 1950s and his Squadron flew through the mushroom cloud of operation grapple why the largest British nuclear test ever equivalent to 3,000 kilotons of TNT despite the risks flight Lieutenant Joe pescini and his Squadron collected samples from the cloud to understand the explosion strength which helped to contribute to Britain's cold war strategy unfortunately flight Lieutenant Joe Pini passed away two years ago after battling cancer for decades after 60 plus years flight Lieutenant Joe Pini and old British nuclear test veterans will be pousy recognized with a medal bearing the image of King Charles III and this honors their crucial Cold War contributions to national Safety so I just want to say a huge thank you to the pasini family for returning this Relic preserving not only a piece of of British history but also championing the story of historic houses our story in Britain and of course the tale of British nuclear test veterans it's really vital for understanding and preserving all of our shared history so what a great story I quite like our Show and Tell video today well again thank you also for me it's just incredible to have this back in it's exciting we have to figure out where we're going to put it I mean it will be like a centerpiece as well I think I I think there are a few places in here we could I no no I definitely want to keep it in the kitchen but again this is nice here too we've had an aristocratic Discovery I would call this a culinary Discovery but it's not yet aristocratic culinary Discovery it's a treasure it's a lost treasure but it's not yet a royal Discovery that's right I was saving the best for last on our show in tell and a tour of we've had we've walked through so many rooms now now we're going to go into the muniment room aka the archive room I'm doing all my research on your great-grandmother Alberta the American ays and Ninth counts of Sandwich who came over the turn of the 20th century and she's the subject of my dissertation but researching her I came across something that as an American made me really excited and this one is Royal Luke all right now we're in the mement room for my show Andel um so again this mement room was in 2023 completely renovated it looks oh I love being I'm in here all the time aren't I Luke this is Julie's room it's not the mement room anymore no no that's not true her room and it's actually a room that I'm a little bit jealous of because I sit often working in a back sitting room with no View and look at her view I know look at that it's quite nice and soon you will be seeing the eagles flying again exactly pints right what's in the box so in so Royal discoveries yeah Royal discoveries everybody and what's I love these metal tins and they have you know these is what your forbears would take everywhere anytime they travel so this one has Earl of Sandwich this one has eara sandwich there's one over there that's VI count henching Brook um but inside when I was restoring the Ament room I found all these metal cases and I eventually need to put them properly into archive boxes but for now until I have the time I've just been able to you open them up and it's just like treasure after treasure so I was um looking for something like I always am and I came across this so this is what I want to show you everybody this is the Royal Discovery and seeing this for the first time yes you are as well so I'm equally excited okay so inside here so exciting be super careful I pulled this out and all of a sudden I see two words before you before you do anything oh we will get some comments of people saying why aren't you wearing gloves yeah but so they don't we don't really best practices now are actually not to wear gloves because gloves you can't feel and so therefore you have more of a tendency to actually rip the paper wearing gloves so many times uh when you go and visit other collections they won't actually be wearing gloves you just need to make sure your hands are clean mine are clean so before we did the scene uh I made sure that mine were washed you are you are of course wearing your mittens because it's chilly here at M well I always wear fingerless gloves I'm never without a pair of finger clothes I mean I must have at least 20 pairs now because so many of you sent them to me as well some of them have even hand knit knitted some which are amazing I'm sorry I'm not wearing those right now anyway back to the two words so this is February well possibly the eth but it's definitely 1806 and it's from the king that's what made me excited of course when I saw this that does say the King it does say the king gosh that is a royal Discovery it is a royal Discovery no doubt about it so it's beautiful and I open it up and there you are now it is signed by the king now can you remember who the king was during this period think George II George II there we go somebody George III so this is of course after um the what I would say the Revolutionary War but in Europe or England you say the war of independence and this is uh signed George R so because they all signed can you explain the r it's same with like Elizabeth I second would always find signed Elizabeth R Charles III signs Charles R it's it's a little bit smudged R means Rex so George Rex it's very well written though isn't it though of course beautifully written he wouldn't have written it himself no he didn't so can you read it yeah so it's basically it says queen's palace February 8th 1806 I'm just going to get into the light here and it says the King has received Lord sandwich's letter and has seen an additional proof of his attachment in the recordings with which he he has resigned his looks like situation um when being made aware of the circumstances which could unavoidably despair His Majesty of his further I think invoices in something smudged the king something notice Lord sandwich and when this something without offering opening looks like him him that at all times his good sends his good wishes so anyway I if I had more time to and I'm sorry I haven't had more time I didn't know that Luke was going to ask ask well obviously we're all going to want to read usually I'm very good at transcribing but you have a team of transcribers who who help out on that you you've done a brilliant job of reading that it sounds like some business correspondence the question is um which Earl would it have been the sixth ear or the fifth ear so this would have been the sixth Earl so I know because I know my Earl so well now so this would have been the sixth Earl George so this would have been the George from George to George yeah from George to to George um he doesn't sound altogether happy about whatever it is maybe he has displeased the king in some way well we shall have to investigate further I am going to have to but how lovely to have I mean I know it's been smudged and of course I'm going to look at ways of making sure that these are I think archived what Luke doesn't know and he's you're all hearing this first on camera along with him is that I have recently um because of the buy me uh coffees that we had here um I've recently purchased just a little bit more archiving material uh which the restoration of the mement room also funded as well and I needed a little bit more and so there's things like being able to put these in proper archive boxes in acid uh free paper I've got some acid free folders acid free envelopes I have the ability to repair can I show you one more thing just everybody one more thing sorry I get super excited when I'm in here so if I um so also I've just found this February 9th everybody this is happening right on camera Lord sandwich's answer to the king's letter this the that holy cow oh my goodness February 9th sir I had the honor of receiving a letter from your majesty yesterday evening forwarded to me by the lieutenant colonel Taylor which I can something uh your Majesty's given me the greatest comfort as I now know your majesty that my conduct something but deemed your majesty something so something about your conduct a a i something deemed your majesty okay anyway but something about his conduct well hopefully that was a positive response it sounded as though it was of course with the formality of language in those times it can be quite hard to decipher what I'm what I'm going to do for everybody is I'm going to follow up with these letters because then there's a letter the next day from it looks like the king's brother the Duke of York anyway we won't read into that now but that is um it looks like he's resigning uh and that's what it is so he's resigning from something and and I don't know if it was bad conduct or whatever it was but I will get to the bottom of this everybody and uh find out for sure is an extraordinary Royal Discovery it is to have George III signature is quite exciting so I will be preserving this a little bit better everybody but right now it's going to go back into the envelope it has survived 250 years that was an incredible Royal Discovery but I remember you saying that it was Royal discoveries there's more there's more oh my goodness there's more so in this book here when I'm archiving I just write down not on a computer but actually write down sort of areas of interest and the date so I have found found you can see here ear of Sandwich large metal case signed a letter from George III but if I go back to the 30th of December in box file number 83 I found something so let's go to box file number 83 which is right here look at these lovely new box files okay so I opened this up you can probably see right away and there were photos in here here and one of the photos that I found was the signature of Queen Victoria this would have definitely been sent to um so that looks like 1897 and that would have been sent to the eighth Earl of Sandwich Edward and he was friends with Queen Victoria and in fact he was very good friends with her son at the time the Prince of Wales who eventually became King Edward II they were very very close they they they spent a lot of time together so he this makes sense that this was it's a famous picture of Queen Victoria um it's quite well known but this is one of the ones that she would have sent out and signed herself you can see again Victoria r at the top and uh Regina which is Queen yep so that was my what do you think I should do with this should I frame it or should I keep it back I think quite good to put that one in the frame I can see another picture here which is fting I know this is I know now who do who are these two gentlemen So speaking of the Aether ol of Sandwich who I just mentioned was friendly with Queen Victoria and her son the Prince of Wales eventually King Edward iith this is the eighth Earl of Sandwich they're standing outside henching Brook because I recognize the gate house there the eighth Earl of Sandwich and his younger brother Victor and Victor was the father of George who became the ninth Earl of sandwich who married Alberta because the AAL never had any children he he was a bachelor for life and look what they're doing there look close yeah he um it's so amazing he that is my great great grandfather and it looks like they have some early kind of telephone set is that amazing and they're talking to each other isn't that fantastic and they thought it was just so sort of you know such a new exciting Adventure that they took a picture of themselves um in so outside um hinching Brook the Gat house you can see just in the back anyway it's really fun going through all um look at all these things and there's more just leafing through here we can see another Royal Discovery oh yes because this is a photo of Kaiser vilhelm from 1912 a very Merry Christmas it says and he was he was good friends with AG Mon and her children so agnita was married to Victor who I just mentioned and Anita's son was George so agnita and Victor were married Anita's son was George who married Alberta and she came from quite a distinguished family so she was Lady agnita York and she was the daughter I believe of the Earl of Hardwick if I'm correct that I think I correct that is correct look at all these discoveries more royalty there's more do you know who this is well is that also is the same is that is also Kaiser vilhelm exactly and there are his signatures and also he sent quite a lot to egita he's got a very fine mustache hasn't he he certainly does so right well we better not show off too many discoveries because so fun we we need to have more to discover in the future it is really fun anyway I hope you've enjoyed uh this I don't know I I think it's quite fun but this opportunity for us to be able to share with you some of the treasures that have come back uh because of uh many of you out there who have notified us and obviously that copper pot but of course the treasures that we're able to find ourselves going through the archives here of um the mue sandwich family it's especially for the American it's so much there is nothing more fun than a good rumage in the archives particularly when there were Royal discoveries to be made thank you Julie anyway I'm going to get back to work on my dissertation but in the meantime be sure to like comment turn notifications on and if you're interested in your family's genealogy or some of your family archives um do comment down below because it's always interesting to hear um what you've uncovered bye everybody don't forget to click the link in the description to get 60% off your Babel subscription during their New Year's sale
Channel: Mapperton Live: This (un)Aristocratic Manor Life
Views: 98,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mapperton, mapperton live, mapperton julie montagu, mapperton estate, mapperton estate youtube, mapperton house and gardens, Julie Montagu, Luke Montagu, american viscountess, mapperton house tour, mapperton wedding, mapperton rewilding, mapperton tour, mapperton pool, Mapperton Live pool, mapperton christmas, mapperton gardens, historic house UK, rewilding, earl of sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke
Id: geZx2lvjFo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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