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[Music] ready I'm going to clap it and one of the fun things is sometimes I'm going to stop before Julie class so you could have started the episode by the by now okay I'm just gonna clap anyway okay okay um hi everybody welcome back to our YouTube channel and we have some really exciting updates in particular we first want to say thank you for watching our Channel and be sure to like subscribe and turn notifications on I own it's a really important fact that only half the people watching this Channel at the moment are subscribed it takes a click a half a second well you let us know two seconds thank you possibly a long time comment down below just please please do subscribe it really helps the channel so we've just had some um brainstorming ideas and we've decided on a new format for our Channel and we're kind of really excited about it aren't we I don't think it's a brainstorming idea I think it's a barnstorming idea because one of the things that we realized on this channel is that we've got so much varied content here at mapperton that sometimes it can be hard to bring it all together so what we are going to be doing from now on starting with today right now is having Julian and I introduce each episode yeah and so it's a full episode so stay tuned because there's lots going on this week and um and in addition to that um just give you some news well I do also want to mention for those of you who are just tuning in for the first time mapperton is considered the nation's finest manor house but this isn't necessarily um just about the house well in fact it's not it's um a big estate that has renovation projects throughout farm buildings Cottages were rewilding uh we've got uh beavers that have just been reintroduced White Park cattle we have weddings here we're open to we open up the house to the Public Public comes in you know 20 000 visitors a year would you say about that nearly nearly we're getting that our Gardens we have a cafe so it's a whole think of mapperton as like a whole business and that's what I'm going back to what Luke just said there's so much going on YouTube business and it is obviously a one level of business but more than that it's a community yes it's a community that we have a responsibility to support to help Thrive and one of the ways that we're doing that is through YouTube so all of you watching are immensely helpful in supporting what we call this really important part of England's Heritage let me just scroll back quickly so Matt Britain has been in the family for about 75 years but the original family ancestral seat was sold so if you watch my YouTube channel called American VI contest you can see that a four-part series where I take my father-in-law back to the house that he grew up in hinching Brook which was sold in 1955 and among when it was sold a lot of its contents were sold and we're still trying to get back some of those contents and guess what one of those Treasures has arrived today we saw it on an online auction house and I said to Luke I think we should I don't even know what this is but I think that we should put in a bid and we were successful I think gold but but I think but I think anything that anything that we're able to restore or from hinching Brook that has a link with the family is obviously important to us so whatever the value um getting it back is really exciting so we're going to be opening up that box yep and I'm going to be seeing it for the first time so am I which is which is terrific and then I think you've got a new project is it a new renovation project yeah so we haven't done really on this channel so much renovation in the house um but if you've watched our restoration story there is a video on our channel that discusses really the past five years of Luke and I not just uh in one sense um renovating parts of the house and adding new ensuite bathrooms but the further a state as well however there is now a project in the house it's right over there behind that paneled door and it's called The Monument room now listen when I first moved married into this family and you would talk about going to the meeting room and bring out that archive and I'm like what is a monument room well that's the room we're going to be basically renovating but can you explain to everybody what amusement room is because I certainly didn't know as an American Judy's got really excited about the amusement room my feeling was that this was a small room tucked away it didn't matter if the paint was peeling off the walls and you know if it had a slightly kind of damp smell I mean that was all part of the kind of texture of the place but I suppose it does matter at some level because the amusement room is where we store our family archives so it's full of files that contain six letters letters from various ancestors some of which are personal letters some of which are all public related to their political life um but most interesting to me are some of the more recent collections so we've got fabulous photo albums Victorian Edwardian photo albums letters from um from forebears to each other some of which are really poignant which you're you're looking at so anyway in answer the question munemont really means archive in this context it's over there now it is a small renovation but I'm also getting my masters right now in Country House studies and I'm doing doing it on Alberta your great-grandmother an American like me the ninth Countess of sandwich and I'd like a nice place to work in there to do my archives I don't think this is really Amusement room restoration I think this is a Julie study creation that is what's coming up on this episode I've got to go ready we gotta get the show on the road because I've got to open up that treasure from Scotland so let's go let's go open it up I'm gonna go get it and I'll meet you back yeah yeah well back somewhere in the house this is the Box everybody this is the box of treasure I'm so excited so again if you haven't watched American VI Countess which is sort of my other channel I I film at historic houses and what we did this year is we went to well the Montague of well the old Montague family see it's called hinching Brook that's why her last name well our title name is Viscount and VI Countess hinching Brook but it's a whole other Vlog and that's somewhere on the channel too anyway so hinching Brook had been in the family since hinching brook house it's like a castle had been in the family since 1627 and then it was unfortunately sold in 1955 by Luke's grandfather and that was the year 1955 was the year that more houses in this country were demolished than ever ever before luckily hinching brook house was not demolished it was sold to the local Council and it became a school and it still is a school today it's hinching Brook School now the reason if you're asking well why did they sell all these houses or why do they demolish them because after two world wars taxes that were levied on these properties were just so enormous that the owners couldn't keep them running anymore so anyway I gotta get going here because I've got to give this to Luke but the treasure is in here so anytime we sort of hear about a treasure that's come from hinching brook or we have like alerts on and some people alert us anything about sandwich or Lyft sandwich hinching Brook and this was then alerted we looked at it and we thought well let's put in the lowest bid which was 20 pounds and we we were successful for 20 pounds this came and it says there's something on here that shows that it is from hinching Brook so it's really exciting so I'm gonna go find Luke right now um but yeah I feel quite good because as I look around the staircase Hall like there's Alberta she is who I'm doing my Masters on and that's why I want to get the miniment room done that's the ninth count as a sandwich she was the last uh well the last Countess of Sandwich to live at hinching Brook so um I feel I I feel that she probably would have had this hung somewhere so I feel a connection between Albert and I and then also I'm bringing back a treasure from hinching Brook that no doubt she would have had um as as well uh surrounding her so as I was saying first little sandwich I mean who knows what I'm holding here might have been at hinching Brook when he was at hinching Brook same goes for Alberta there the same also goes for the fourth Earl of Sandwich who might have been living at hinching Brook and this this could have been in his bedroom that's how important for me at least is but all these paintings that you see here were once hung at hinchambrook so I feel that this is really important that we were able to find this and um but the question will be what period does it date back to so I don't know what period it dates back to but I think probably prior to Alberta so for me it's all about Alberta here it is what is in the Box here it is this is it everybody this is it everybody know what it means well we did we we do know because we bid on it okay hold on there's paper around it paper hold on let's get the wrapped very well here is the so what we have is a guilt wood wall mask with sticker purportedly from hinching Brook together with a porcelain go for it jardinere decorated that sounded Italian didn't it yeah it's French I know it's my Italian lessons decorated with a gesture and other figures okay all right Julie is obsessed with this stuff she's obsessed with stuff but she's got a little thing going on the internet whereby anytime the word hinching root comes up she gets a notification I do so if you've got anything you want to sell just get a little sticker right hinching Brook on it stick it on and put it on the internet and she's brown to buy it brown that's okay here it is okay it's this is one this is one you hold that and then we'll show everybody there's that hold on that's the get wood frame or the guiltwood mask and then here's the try it again go on go on Jordan no no because I'm doing Italian okay okay let me just put this down over here this is this is a very toothy chat okay it does I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it see it says from hinching Brook now he usually is the expert with this stuff we are I am going to talk to Paula I can see from hinchingberg and I got to be honest that the writing does look as though it might date back 100 years it's got a little sticker on it with a kind of frilly Edge it's also got wood worm so it's been around a while so and the woodworm is very dead woodworm and it feels like it could be a piece of oak or something so I'd say there is a there is a chance that this is from hinching Brook but I think you need to talk to Paula and yeah so Paula just so everybody's aware is ex obviously the house and the gardens are open to the public we mentioned earlier we get about 20 000 visitors a year yeah Paul is our visitor manager yeah so she's she looks after all the visitors who come come here but she also knows a huge amount about the Montague collection uh and she's a historian and she's going to be able to look at this I think and give her expert opinion as to whether you've been had no I haven't I haven't 20 pounds let's look at the the bars the Jordan yeah because this has got some really interesting figures on it we've got a Minstrel we've got a chat with bagpipes we've got a scarecrow we've got a Jester we've got a sort of Village fool and it looks like the side Piper like Nelson not not the Pied Piper um there's a dog bringing something a bird to a hunter so again these are all classic figures representations that might well have come from that period or before and on the bottom it says 20 out of it was a run of 30 of these but can I just say one thing yes 20 quid was a good price to pay except it wasn't 20 quid because when you look at the detail everybody you realized that it was 20 20 quid plus the v80 okay plus the hammer price for the auctioning okay plus the delivery okay and you get to 62.96 it's still worth it everybody it's not quite the bargain that you claimed it was well okay I still think for 62 pounds 96 she hasn't gone badly all right listen I'm gonna take these in particular I'm just going to take this one because I don't know how much Paula can tell me about that but I think this one if I just have a chat with Paula she might tell you some more and she can give her a shed some light as to whether it really comes from hinching Road that's the big question I believe it does I'm a Believer you're a believer I'm a believer I'm a believer I'm a Believer all right everybody Welcome to the mapperton estate office um here we are so you can see we've got all of our Halloween stuff getting ready to go that will come up in a future episode about our hot big Halloween trail but Holly has been hard at work making these which is amazing but let me introduce you everybody as I was just talking about Paula who knows probably the mosque history better than I do or anybody in our family um no it's so true so Paula we I have just opened this and Luke and I found this anytime something from like hinching brook or sandwich comes up I have like alerts on I look at it this came up it says it was a guiltwood mask purportedly from hinching Brook with a sticker on the back so I put in a bid for 20 pounds in Scotland and I I was successful wow but the question is what do you think wow that's very pretty I know it's not everyone's taste but I really like it um lovely guilt wood probably would have been a pair I would imagine right um very possibly from hinching Brook would have been hung on a wall maybe to support a shelf or a ledge or something so hence the pair may be um so a very decorative piece sort of Victorian Gothic Gothic Revival right so that sort of mid-1800s okay towards the latter half of the 1800s rather than earlier very probably from hinching Brook you know I could see it being there yeah maybe in the library or something there we go I mean I might have to look we don't really have good photos from back then but I might look through the eighth or Earl of sandwiches photo albums to see if I can see I don't know something hanging in the library yeah so I see so you think a ledge possibly would have been on top of this I think so pair yeah possibly a pair either support an alleged or some kind of small sort of shelf or something you know right lava type things yeah and on top of that so probably a pair yeah and so was this just this look was this popular then in this sort of hugely popular there's a big sort of Green Man pan mask of pan face of pan that kind of Revival sort of very Victorian Gothic Revival things sort of Dracula you know right right that kind of thing um so yeah hugely popular and very much on Vogue a real sort of you know piece to hang and have your guests to admire I do need to keep my everybody keep your eye open for the other pair to this so um but what do you think of me buying this for 20 pounds [Laughter] I'm gonna get you to do all my shopping for me Julie that is brilliant okay now where do you think so Paul isn't Paula does a lot of the tours here but she's in charge of the tours and the whole visitor experience when you come to Matt Britain and many of you who have come here probably had a tour with Paula but um you really know where where would you hang this in the house um anywhere really I would be putting that in either the library or the drawing room might look a little bit out of place now though right on its own yeah on its own I know because it would be it would have been a pair yeah so we really need to try to find we need to try and find the hair yeah so maybe even in the staircase Hall somewhere oh that's a great idea I think that could go there yeah okay well we will let you know where we decide because we will be hanging this somewhere and then if you come on a tour of map for 10 we will make sure that it's somewhere in one of the rooms that's open to the public that you can then be like oh my gosh I saw this on YouTube um thank you Paula I'm so so pleased and again anybody out there if you uh recognize this or know where the other pair is I know that's a really hard to ask but anything that you find from hinching Brook do let us know we have had several people on YouTube uh remember the hinching brook house contents uh book that was signed Alberta Sturgis somebody notified me of that and I got that one for five quid so bargain all right thanks everybody I'm off to um go to the minimum room now because that's where you need to see if you can find a mention of it that's right and also we're going to do some Renovations there fantastic we're gonna make it a nice place to work good thanks Julie okay thanks Paula a huge thank you to our sponsor Le shimo I am wearing my Chelsea boot which I wear pretty much all the time here at mapperton apart from when it rains or I'm going through like boggy bits on the estate and you can see here we have a lot of luchimo boots and this is for us as well but also the community here at Matt Britton and when you come and stay for a yoga retreat here at mattverton we want to make sure that there are a lot of boots for our guests as well so luchimo has just sent another package which you have all sorts of sizes here and this is making sure that whatever size foot you are if you come and stay here at a yoga retreat or you work here and you want to borrow a pair or you just forgot a pair and and it's pouring with rain and you've come to tour the gardens and you might need to borrow a pair we have plenty of pears so this is sort of our stash for our family for guests and they're incredible so lechimo are our boot of choice and not just the Welly but obviously the Chelsea boot as well so luckily for me there's three pegs left as in well six pegs but for a pair and I'm gonna start putting them into the right spot thank you luchimo we do love these Wellies so you probably don't recognize this room this is we may be in one of the past episodes you've seen this room I'm not sure this is the monument room you can see it's a bit of a mess good news is is as you know because you've been watching this video we have Malcolm here today because we are doing the keepers Cottage the fairytale Cottage so Malcolm what do you think Malcolm's going to help us we're going to create something here a little bit that we can I can work in here and my father-in-law can work in here is that right indeed me too that's why we have you so obviously we've got there's a tour going on is that a tour no no I think somebody's in the church the church is right next right no no sorry okay okay so so we've got to look at this and assess what the The Damp issues are because there's obviously been some damp issues here whether or not they're historic or current we will have to investigate um because historical or current we don't know if it's from like now or from what like the 18th century when this is but it wouldn't be that far back it would be 20th century Dan Patrick thing right exactly from when exactly we'll have to establish well we'll just have to establish whether it's live okay so all right so what are you thinking because I can take the camera off and kind of walk around a little bit but right here right we've got it yeah so at the moment the other thing is the bookcase is a fairly um well they're not matched so right there'll be a bit of juggling around so the bookcase that we have over here is a matches this one what would you describe that color um frightening yep it is oh I found my lip balm that's super so well so but what I would suggest then is that we probably paint uh well obviously the whole room needs redecorated yeah but what we might do is to paint the bookcases in with the wall okay they sort of disappear a bit yeah um and we might even do what we did in the family sitting room here and paint the insides of the bookcase is a different color yes just to give a little more interest that's I like that so that's an idea okay um obviously the floor needs a bit of love and attention yeah I'm just going to turn the camera around so you guys can see this way and this bookcase that we're talking about one bookcase Malcolm that were possibly thinking of moving completely out of here or keeping yeah it depends whether or not it fits we'll have to measure up we'll measure the whole room up at some point Julie so this door everybody here leads into the dining room so this door here leads into the dining room this of course leads out into really what I would say is an American in the front yard new curtain yeah new curtains absolutely we need new curtains because they go to the ceiling all the way up there but then if you take them down they don't touch the floor let's have a little look at that flying half Mars yeah um and then you can see everybody this bookcase here that we were talking about so it's the same as the one that's now behind us but it is this this it almost looks better on camera it is just an odd green color then everybody here in the meeting room we've got steps that leads to the adjoining church so right there is the church that's where we go in as a family again this is the space that we're talking about what would we do here so I think what you do here is rather than having a console table we would do a really lovely flat um that you know table that's that I can work on desk right and then above here I think this would be a great wall for some artwork yeah but it would be nice because then we could get table lamps on here and get some low light into this space which I think would help it and we did mentioned that yes and I think you need to improve on that so we'll probably do some form of pendant fitting that has sort of yeah um you know it'd be nice to find an antique brass one or something like that I agree um I think I wanted to ask you is is this a working fireplace well oh yeah so is there a fireplace on that no there's a radiator on the radiator which is fine so I just wondered whether or not that is working fireplace and we could use a fire in it um it doesn't look like it's been swept I mean I'm sure it could work it'd be nice if we get this to work lovely don't you think it's nice one to work in be a nice room to work in yeah but we are doing this this project so we've told Malcolm today that we need his help with the amusement room get my skates on that's right as we've said before managing mapperton is no picnic even for the family that invented the sandwich and again something like this being able to find a treasure like this means so much to us and we've been able to build this wonderful community of patrons who really help to support this part of England's Heritage through our restoration project through Renovations and also through finding Treasures like this that were once lost by the family uh you know over a hundred years ago so I just want to say thank you to all of our patrons for creating such a wonderful community and if you're interested in becoming a mattress live Patron do check it out patreon.com forward slash mapperton live and here you'll get a lot lots of behind the scenes videos live q and A's with me and Luke you also get mapperton branded goodies and cards from Luke and I as well and really also just a whole host of other benefits but in particular being a part of the mapperton community is really special we have lots of new friends from the community and we hope that you become a part of our community as well again patreon.com forward slash mapperton live bye
Channel: Mapperton Live: This (un)Aristocratic Manor Life
Views: 96,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mapperton, Mapperton Live, Mapperton Estate, Mapper House, Mapperton Gardens, Gold Treasure, We Found Treasure, Castle, Julie Montagu, Luke Montagu, Hinchingbrooke, Hinchingbrooke Castle, Manor House, Renovation, House renovation, Earl of sandwich, Muniment room, Treasure, lost treasure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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