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nearly two years in the making look hey we're here with the mud pies andy and josie now i remember talking about these guys like a year and a half ago yeah thank you guys so shout out yeah so i could tell you were good you were into it you loved it um i knew you were going to be big on youtube then that they're big on youtube they're um killing it out there now oh so um yeah so for about a year and a half we've been trying to meet up make a video um but yeah issues got in the way as you can imagine the last year and a half we're finally here now and um yeah come to london and spend the day together yes get dirty and we're going to see what we can find we're looking forward to it a little bit of decorated pipes then so the water is laughing at my ankles where are we what's that say in it yeah exactly a word like that there we go let's see josie you're hoping for um it's tiny yep you're talking about decorated pipes there we go a little bit of stem it's got some i can't see it through the camera okay f w e r two camera minute work z finally got one so happy take it off the list yeah that's cool it's not a bad idea is it cut them down make them smooth that'd be kind of cool [Music] i think who's got the best eyes andy josie this is kind of interesting oh nice okay um okay the this second i was alright here we go it's like s-h-e-a something brewing okay cool we'll look it up so yeah that's not vulcanite you think great but yeah lovely little vodka isn't it yeah yeah hiding in the mud nice little find add it to the collection of vulcanite bottle stops got actually we're finding lots of pipe bowls so hopefully it's a sign of things to come we're gonna find the pipe with a bit of stem stimmage yeah stomach yes andy's out there getting all the good stuff how beautiful is it here look at that look at that background hey canary wharf in east london onion bottle face what's a big one yeah you ever found a good use for that um we're thinking of doing some upcycling with like little dishes yeah a little peanut bowl yeah you should be able to say a cigarette tray but that's probably not right peanut butter yeah peanut butter i've been up you want a sort of a thicker base yes yeah i've been looking for one bit thicker to do that with that one yeah it's always so cool to find them i think what's around the chain there's not a lot of size of that i think there's an anchor on the end of this one see where it goes there she goes around here i get used to this stuff when you come here with other people you suddenly realize there's all this cool stuff lying around which i just walked past but i'm pretty sure when a tide goes out there's going to be an anchor out there somewhere so um we'll come back and we'll see there's an anchor on the end of this rusty old chain we've just had a moment josie has just found the most amazing pipe oh look at that that is beautiful complete from bowl to stem even with a little mouse big mouth piece look at it and um have you been able to see what's on the heel it looks it's a little decoration on the heel it's so nice it looks like sort of leaves or rope it's either leaves or rope uh i think it might be leaves yeah you don't often get complete bowls big pipes like that that's amazing so i didn't film it andy did us always always the clever one getting his camera and i'll leave mine in my pocket all the time i'll now show you the footage that andy filmed as long as he actually didn't press record um i'll show you josie finding this in the mud there is a resistance there right we've got pipe pitch here that's the actual mouthpiece i know but so that would be a complete pipe from mouthpiece to bowl oh i don't know actually i don't know i don't get oh but there is resistance nothing like a good extraction this is so exciting unless you're at the dentist no yeah extractions are good it could be a whole pipe okay okay it's promising it is promising the anticipation is getting to me i know i just have a lot of fine are they your bowls yeah yeah okay right it's coming out i'm just slowly wiggling i mean there's resistance i need to dig a little bit more sorry about this guys but it's it's fun it's fun i'd hate to break one imagine breaking one in the morning never forgive myself feeling it with my fingers foliage no way look how black it is oh mind the other one on the floor oh yeah forget the other ones you don't often find a complete pipe that's really my dream like literally dream fine for ages an actual full one with a mouthpiece it's got nice little detail along the top isn't it look it's got something you see on the hill it's got some sort of thing going on oh wow yeah and i think on the other side that's actually got a little dog i'm rushing i'm saying stuff without thinking as usual or no maybe it's not it's got something on it leaves leaves leaves how do i get a dog out of that way that is prime time i'm so stoked well thanks for taking us to the best one [Laughter] well done a lot of industrial stuff but um stuff like this to me is pretty cool i'd love to to upcycle this into like a door knocker or something maybe this one's not big enough but um stuff like that yeah it's industrial it's not overly old it's all pretty cool look at it all anchor pieces chain pieces pipe pieces um yeah like i was saying all the industrial stuff just look at your buckets i would love to dig one of these up one day take it home and um restore it a little bit not too much but um yeah it's all cool would all look amazing in the right place what do you think we've got here could that be a musket bowl it's about the right size as my finger it's musket ball size it's musket ball oh it doesn't say color almost look a bit stoney it made me not um no it's too light ah um oh actually i think this could be a clay marble yeah definitely that's a clay marble oh not quite right the first time but um clay marble guys [Music] gotta share the moment grab my trowel don't leave that behind i thought i had a musket ball basketball size basketball color but um yeah obviously nice beautiful yeah it's nice but it's something yeah too light i mean it looks yeah yeah it looks mascara but um marble boys yeah lovely little clowns guys in the pouch with the rest of the um victorian toys that we collect lots of pipes still [Music] quite broken so i'll leave that one there but they're everywhere nothing like what um josie and andy have found but um yeah they're around i know everyone loves when i find little pottery pieces and um that one looks like it's going to be interesting hopefully there's a bit on the end oh not too much um oh cool it's a horse it's a horse god love a horse [Music] that would make a stunning pendant whether's enough or not yeah i'll keep that that could be pretty cool oh it's beautiful oh that's very pretty they're gonna make a nice little pendant for someone yeah yeah on there cut a little horseshoe shape how about that there we go thinking on the fly [Music] pendant beautiful stuff how about i do that one from this video let's do a giveaway yeah the mud pies aussie mud luck unless i break it it's very thin oh what's on the other side didn't even look at that i said a park scene a monument and some yeah something on the moon yeah what a little giveaway then [Music] [Music] hear me over the up tree loppers and the river traffic when i found musket balls before they have been in little divots have a look at that what do you reckon i got in here look at the clouds behind there how eerie um how on earth have you just spotted that i i've found musket balls along this line before okay um wow it's an incredible eyesight well i am looking for basketballs i'm looking for around things obviously um pipes down there and musket balls around here so that's heavy ah i've almost lost it it's small yeah it looks like it is it is yes little pyro cool pyro ammunition awesome fifteen hundreds to eighteen hundreds i would have no idea of knowing the age in between but it's um yeah that's cool awesome two round items today no pipes for me yeah it looks right look at this in action live streaming here how many is that now it doesn't you found it don't come back again just kidding just kidding andrew just found this amazing piece of pottery which is getting covered with the incoming tide pick it up in there check the size of that bad boy i presume you must have to kind of you know it's not coiled it's not a pipe though is it you know it's not um so you went out with um richard henry last week richard where are you tell us his advice that's um that's got some thickness to it hasn't it look at that bloody massive yeah it is a big hole or something or a storage bowl and then while we're here let's say quick get the cameras out as well because we've just seen something glass looking down here um i think it's broken here but oh it is quite broken we saw the best bit of it what do you reckon a crystal bottle stuff yeah maybe for like you know perfume decanters oh yeah check out what you think shame it's not complete it's quite heavy isn't it so much interesting stuff here it's never boring some of it's weird but it's never boring at least what do we say about this one hiding in the mud here i'm guessing a bit of potentially victorian ship furniture lots of ship stripping here so let's come off a little furniture of a boat maybe i said it's the unusual the unusual stuff i've got a musket ball oh no way yeah look at that oh yeah so it's it's lead yeah you can see it's two part you can see the um c minute and where it's poured in the top yes wow very nice was it in a little divot no it's literally there oh yeah well yeah see that jersey i don't know i just saw i was like oh it's round well done basketball day so that could be 500 years old so cool isn't it or 200 but it's got some age to it still again probably come out what i'll guess is if someone was shipping a strip yeah did i say shipping a strip stripping a ship um it's just falling apart drop down into the mud and now hundreds of years later there it is don't get too excited but in amongst the muk bottle tops and crab claws bit of a um buckle a buckle bit a broken buckle bit again as i've stopped and we're talking just picked it up oh this is the one you found oh okay then oh i didn't know that was i thought that was over there shame closer shame yes let's put it leave it like that go look at that amazing complete pipe amongst all this rubbish don't get excited um it's just like a washer fitting piece but that looks like a button hiding in between the rocks here oh no it's broken ah such tease it's a little um oh there's a pewter button it says come back button that's good that's quite old but it's quite broken even the shanks snapped so promising though butt yes knife waiting to be extracted oh that's nice nice little shank that looks pewter yeah so i couldn't get my camera in your way [Laughter] oh wow grab it grab it on it a small one but um 1700s i think is that right late 1700s early 1800s if it's a ton back i think they normally are the little flat ones like that yeah well that's still a great find then like the shocking broken one i found but nice but still that's a good one now josie quick just found a tom back button and i think that i've just found one too there she is it looks the same we reckon pop it up completely smooth um so yeah again come back which i think think i should look it up i think it's potentially late 1700s but um they're nice they're cool looking like little coins okay i've just found something i'm gonna mark it and i'm gonna come back because josie i've heard her say the c word did you say the c word is that so i should i should stop filming i can actually help you um is that an irish harp or not i can't i really can't tell yeah i will stop filming i'll let you have this moment right as i was filming i found something oh and i marked it with my trowel because i heard you say the c word and i had to come down because that took priority i found a button where is it here we go does that look like a button to you i can see a hole in it oh there's a holy button not a coin you know what is it i have no it's a button i have never found a button like this before i don't know the full story i've heard people talk it's a three three hold button i know people have spoken about before you only find three hold buttons on the thames really yeah interesting but i've heard people mention it i've never really researched it but um i've never found a three hold button sounds sick anyone knows why there's buttons with three i've got three holes and i only find them on a temperature of the thames garnet um yeah it's a button but it's not a coin like your coin which potentially is victorian or older yeah inside the box zoom in zoom in on this boy yeah that's not elizabethan i'm sure yeah quite please yeah that'll be nice to get a little clean up yeah find out what she is that's it for the day so thank you guys for coming to london thank you spent the day with me thank you thank you for finding all the best finds it's your direction but it's so good having three sets of eyes you cover so much more more ground i mean any one of us on our own probably i've done a couple of things but um it's amazing three people absolutely so much so um yeah thanks for the mad pies for joining me and um yeah i hope we do this again absolutely calm away already all right then see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The Aussie Mudlark - In London
Views: 3,686
Rating: 4.9732442 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, mudlarks, mud lark, mud larks, mud larking, mudlarking thames, mudlarking london, mudlarking england, mudlarking uk, thames mudlarking, @mudlark, @mudlarking, thames, the thames, river thames, london mudlark, london mudlarking, aussie mudlark, thames foreshore, #mudlark, #mudlarking, mudmen, mud men, mudlarking london england, mudlarking finds 2020, mudlarking 2021, clay pipe, coins, buttons, marbles, tudor, tudor london, treasure, mudlarking best finds 2021, medieval
Id: YfWn62VOuT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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