A History Teacher Reacts to History Memes! (Part 8)

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hey youtube mr terry here with another history teacher reacts video and today we're going to be looking at more memes everybody's favorite thing to do on the internet all right so how this works is over on our discord server there is a section for posting history memes and what my mods do over there is pick some of the best ones and throw them into a folder for me to check out and i look at these i haven't seen them before and i guess the general idea is i'll uh go over them with you if i if i know about them actually there's a lot of questions i get sometimes for memes i'm like i don't know what that necessarily means and you can help me out there by posting down in the comments but i'll let you know what i think of them too all right if you're into memes uh maybe you want some history meme sort of related merch we got some great designs doing with history from our um great arts artist hoisin uh like our blue shell to berlin which has been a famous shirt still on sale actually down in teespring there's a link down below as well as our kaiser wilhelm and french joseph one for world war one uh which is a good one too and some other stuff check it out uh there's a teespring link down below all right and then yeah if you would like to submit memes for me to check out definitely join our discord server there's a link down there and you'll see a meme's channel and love to see what you got there it's a fun way to sometimes learn about history all right let's go and get started [Music] all right let's go and blow this one up a little bit and we got holy roman empire there are about 1800 germanic states within the empire napoleon no forget that we're going to consolidate this down to 34 german states otto von bismarck germany is germany it's gonna be later on so the holy roman empire is interesting because yeah it's a whole bunch of states and there's that famous adage via voltaire and others said which was the holy roman empire is not really holy nor roman nor an empire and that's they're talking about there are so many states again and you know they're supposed to be part of an empire but it's pretty loose thing there and um napoleon he he uh he actually abolished it so holy roman empire for about existed for about um a thousand years and he abolished it and then otto von bismarck was famous for basically unifying yeah prussia and germany and unifying kind of the germany that we more know uh or know more of today and that's the famous look with him with the the the great kind of ceremonial militaristic helmet with the spike on it and then the classic mustache all right good stuff there do people love bismarck people love biz market it's so interesting because i had nev i never learned about bismarck as someone growing up but all of a sudden it's like he's almost like a meme for now young his people into history all right what do we got here let's go blow it up a little more do the thing when your job consists on protect the life of the emperor but somehow you end up being the cause of death of 25 percent of the emperor pratoran guard you know emperors yeah the the biggest almost like threat to them in rome ancient rome was your own guard you better make sure that they're loyal but they can get paid off you can get disgruntled with them and there's a time period right after the pax romano where they had one like 25 emperors in 50 years with like two of them dying of actual natural causes which created so much instability but yeah it's like it's it's yeah difficult because they're supposed to protect you but they're also the ones close to you and you can uh definitely be at their mercy in a way nice pertorin guard good stuff man if you're a roman emperor you always you always are up for attack potentially all right what do we got here out the small one all right let's see if we can blow it up okay that's better bro give me my tribute hold on we gotta look okay we got this is the ottoman empire okay so it's okay so i see with the with the colors there um bro my tribute like yeah okay close your eyes yes what do you see nothing well that's your tribute oh it's the trolls lake yeah that's around uh it's in a former kingdom more in kind of what you consider the the middle ages over there in eastern europe um yeah you got to pay tribute the tribute system right ottoman empire and others use that i mean it's just like a standard thing in empires is hey like it's going to be hard to rule over you directly so let's do this you're going to pay us tribute and then we're going to leave you alone meaning we'll be keeping an eye on you though and but yeah so many so many nations use tribute systems uh to do that the mongols did that the chinese did that they did that in with like the aztec empire um just a a way to like grow an empire without having to directly administer over it because really what they want in the end is the resources and money or military support from these areas um is the most important thing nice wellakia also home of dracula right all right what do we got here oh man we got data i analyzed 70 years of baby names in the u.s to decide what to call a male karen it's terry moving on emperor caligula i will wage war on neptune himself my legions line the beaches and prepare every soldier in the empire the eyes are open the mouth moves but mr brain has long since departed see this refers to this famous story i gotta look into more because i've only ever seen it in meme form which was that yeah roman emperor caligula wages were a neptune neptune is the god of the sea uh greek counterpart would be poseidon and they like at least from the memes it says they they went and stormed the beaches and like started stabbing the water with their swords like that would actually do something i know it seems a little bit too fantastic for an actual thing to happen i want to look more into what that actually is we got any good sources you can let me know but that was always a funny thing if that is even close to being true of something that actually happened there but yeah it wouldn't be a very smart thing obviously all right got some persia going on here empire is um is persia the first major the first persian empire and ea getting all the crap because they do uh their their video games are known for dlc so you got okay cyrus the great his expansion pack he's basically the founder of the empire and then the persian pack free mudra dlc 525 aesthetic borders pack that's awesome a chem key a cm a kia minute empire that's great yeah it's like it's like yeah it is kind of like when they expand the empires it's like dlc like irl dlc that's good i like that all right we got something spongebobish antioch west antioch crusher opening i can't see close enough whoa okay that's too much all right so antioch is in um in the levant in the the middle east kind of eastern mediterranean in their west antiochus oh expert on the old one there's a brand new one um you guys can help explain this one a little more detail than i can um but yeah you get i mean antioch just going back in history was part of like the holy cities supposedly of christianity that way and was also a key part of the crusades um as one of the places that the crusaders whatever they they try to get because down further south eventually will be jerusalem it's one of like the first cities of the the holy land if you want to call that nice all right moving on we got okay all right let's go up real fast 1470. of the 193 members of the united nations britain has invaded 171 to them the british yes biggest empire in the world right so of 193 members there's 193 members of the u.n britain has invaded 171 of them i want to see a list i want to see a list of all of that i mean not that i would be surprised because they're going to create the biggest empire in the world 17 and 1800s but yeah it's like we don't maybe the british like we don't we don't talk about that anymore okay that was those older times let's let's move on okay we have a united nations we're supposed to come together now nice what a oh it's snapple okay nice is snapple big in the uk if you're if you're if you're in britain or england or anywhere around there can you can you drink this what's what's the response probably proud of it ottoman empire poland the winged hussars so the siege of vienna is a is a pretty is a pretty big thing in history where it's the um the ottoman empire's attempt to invade into central europe because they had the balkans area in much of uh eastern europe and uh vienna was being sieged against by the ottoman empire and the polish came in and so you get that famous story the the winged hussars which were these this cavalry that had these uh large wings like coming out of the uh of the back of the of the um with the soldier and that's what you have the baby here is the wings of the pigeon in the back that's kind of like that and the big thing was that the winged hosars came in and like turned the tide of the battle and it ends up being a a loss for the ottoman empire and ended up kind of marking the extent of the ottoman empire westward into um into europe all right what we got here oh lewd persia making out with islam oh no zoroastrians yeah so persia was or zoroastrianism was the major religion for much of persian history like back in the achaemenid empire and then in the kind of seventh and then the eighth centuries uh with the kind of the the arab kind of invasion into persia that brought islam and islam will become the dominant religion and zoroastrianism won't go away but it'll be a tiny little minority so persia kind of took its you know focus off of zoroastrianism becomes becomes largely islamic and i guess the zoroastrians were kind of the awkward third wheel for the religions of the the new persia the islamic persia all right we got here nuclear annihilation blew it up nuclear annihilation nuclear annihilation let me zoom out a little bit so yeah we got it's kind of interesting with this because it's like world war ii right world war ii atomic bombs are used and it looks like the future of warfare is going to be nuclear annihilation of course of course it gets to this point when the united states and soviet union and other nations will get involved but we'll start building up these huge arsenals of atomic weapons and what was what a lot of people say was keeping people from using them anymore was the fact that now other people had them in the united states used atomic weapons in world war ii and japan nobody else had that so there's nothing to counter that but then pretty quickly with the cold war 1949 the soviet union started developing atomic weapons and it was like the threat of a nuclear annihilation prevented nuclear annihilation and i think that's what the meme is trying to go is trying to going for there because this idea that if you used nuclear weapons on someone you know it would get used back on you and then you just end up annihilating each other right this this idea of mad mad mutually assured destruction so it's like our nuclear weapon weapons keeping the world more peaceful because we haven't had anything to the scale of a world war ii interesting thought that's a thought i like to talk about in my uh in my class and have have a discussion about okay i love the dicaprio like laugh and meme germany boy this telegram sure is important i hope nobody intercepts it britain okay so this is the zimmerman telegram in world war one germany was looking to get some support or backup alliance whatever you want to call that from mexico because germany was afraid the united states would join the war and they end up selling a tel uh sending a telegram um arthur zimmerman the the uh he was in charge of foreign policy right in germany and sent this letter through the telegraph lines over the atlantic to the german ambassador in into mexico and essentially what this letter said was hey mexico if you can kind of side with us in a way especially if the united states kind of gets involved we'll support you back you know we'll help you regain lost territory that you lost the united states and the spanish-american war sorry mexican-american war southwestern united states areas in turn for your support now the british had basically been tapping and spying and pretty much every telegram coming across the atlantic and they intercepted this and then promptly gave it to the presented to the united states to of course piss them off because um the allies would have loved to get american support at this time in the war because the war was going very badly on both fronts so this was one of the things that was one of a few things that uh solely eventually led to the united states actually joining the war because it incensed people that germany would try to provoke a nation like mexico a neighbor of the united states to you know to uh yeah to provoke them so by the way people would always ask me did uh how did mexico respond to it and they were never interested in actually making this deal but the near just the mere idea that germany would attempt such a thing was something americans found highly uh offensive but yeah so yeah the british intercepted it sure the americans like wait are you spying on our telegrams or britain's like i don't don't worry about it don't just just read this just shut up and read this all right we got here some middle age type stuff blow it up wait tis earth is round always hath been i'm trying to trying to get why is the dude with the arrow always has been wait his earth is round i mean i i think i get what they're saying as far as like i mean i know the history of what people thought of the the um cosmology that the earth and the solar system trying to get what the shooting down is so the earliest experiments for that we have a lot of record of for testing the shape of the earth you can go back to ancient greece with eratosthenes who performed an experiment that showed not only curvature but actually was able to calculate size of the earth so that idea of a round earth was not new and was commonly held for a long time even through the middle ages which for whatever reason became something in pop culture where people were saying that it was until christopher columbus's voyage that they found the earth was round that wasn't true at all columbus knew the earth was around everybody knew the earth was around there the big thing with columbus was he underestimated the size of the earth he he actually was pretty bad at the calculations because everyone was telling another it's way bigger than you think and got saved basically by the fact that the earth ended up being smaller actually now there ended up being bigger but i mean that the uh there ended up being continents in the way otherwise they would have never made it so what's up happening in the middle ages though and then into what we call the scientific rev um scientific revolution was the work and kind of step steps towards the process of having more proof towards a heliocentric solar system okay because the the sphericity was already had already been confirmed was [Music] people like copernicus and kepler and tuko brahe and then of course kind of finalizing it with galileo who kind of published those findings and with with observations so anyway good stuff history of astronomy is a great one great thing to study oh no it's just me okay is this my coming back video after my move when i was gone for like three weeks that's right i came in napoleon i'm back okay so in reference to um napoleon who was exiled um to elba the island out in the mediterranean and then he escapes then comes back to reunite kind of the the the french military and then to basically wage war again and then loses again gets gets uh exiled even further down to saint helena down in the pacific so are you guys trying to say i'm napoleon i i'm nowhere near that you can see how much my my office has already changed if you notice the my walls are paint uh painted my walls got rid of the beige and also took down the shelves because i was actually thinking by the way i would put uh put shelves in a different spot right above these arcade cabinets so like floating shelves along the side i guess we could talk about that real quick here so like not my head here but there'd be a line right here above the arcade cabinets of shelves kind of like those ones that you saw in the image and then put my my cool history stuff there so it's an ever-evolving studio thing here and we could talk about that and show you guys some more stuff later on so you should see some stuff changing in my background there all right but all right looks like i'm napoleon now okay what else what else we got here why is hyena doing this cosro all right closer out stuff it is don't you have anything oh you made them oh this was made by you oh they're all credited or some of them are credited some of my mods actually credited who submitted these i didn't really share that marshall otis did the last one oh and hyena made this all right let's blow it up that's right oh you're approaching me oh no we got anime history and anime happy weeb noises so instead of running away you're coming right to me sorrius i can't beat that out of you without getting closer oh no then come as close as you like sorry no weeb no weebs allowed just kidding no good stuff all right let's see we got humiliating the two most powerful nations of the 20th century vietnam and finland this is great i mean it's more than that though vietnam also defeated the french uh in the 50s after world war ii when they were looking for independence from being a french colony so vietnam was at least when you're talking about and vietnam at first as a whole and then with north vietnam uh defeating the united states and then finland who was able to defend itself against the soviet union so you got the two superpowers of the cold war era and vietnam was able to defend itself against both so there you go bam that's like the bro the bro high five next time you do that if it's your homies do it like that okay for a boy or a girl boom we need to make that more of a thing not this the hand slaps and stuff let's bam right like over the top old great 80s movie all right let's get a couple more in all right this is some churchill and fdr okay what do we got we did it franklin we saved poland except then the soviet union took it over so yeah it's like i mean i don't know why i would say that because they never saved poland poland got taken over by um never able to help when poland got invaded by nazi germany and then also by the soviet union it got taken over and ended up being split apart um in the old ways that it was kind of before the creation of poland after world war one or at least that iteration of poland but then when the soviet union or sorry when nazi germany was defeated um soviet union basically stayed part of it as it became part of the uh the soviet union in a way or at least kind of an extension of it or at least uh you know what happened with the sauvignons they kind of became puppet states behind what churchill called the iron curtain so there you go poor poland man history of being a tug of war of east and west oh we got pizza we got if you guys know i'm always talking about pizza sorry you uh zoom out so you can see okay says did you get your pizza hut a pizza this is gorbachev yes what did it cost everything so famous thing was after so um gorbachev was the last leader of the soviet union and he had done some policies glasnost and perestroika that ended up kind of dismantling some core fundamental traditions of the soviet union um opening up it more reducing censorship given more economic freedoms and stuff like that and he ended up being the last one because after that you get boris elson and then the the um who comes the first president of the russian federation if you will and the um soviet union be abolished and one of the famous things was after that pizza hut you know an american brand ended up expanding into into russia and um gorbachev famously did a commercial for them and it's a pretty good one check it out i i like to show it my classes sometimes where you have this you have this like older guy and then a younger guy and they're sitting there debating about kind of the new russia or the young guys like we have more freedom now and then the older guy the traditional guys like we have now we have chaos and instability and he's like well and then they both are like well at least we have now have pizza hut and then gorbachev's in the back like eating pizza it's a pretty good one but it just it shows how far basically russia and the forward so many union had come that you'd even have something like this this american capitalist thing right entity like pizza hut and then a former communist leader doing an advertisement for him so it's pretty uh i like to say it was like good evidence that the cold war is basically over it's like would you have seen that in the stalin era yeah no or the khrushchev era no all right we got some uh messed up looking pikachu here hapsburg mom son it's time you know the truth your daddy is also your uncle habsburg son so the habsburgs were this family that married into a whole bunch of royal families across europe and what they were supposedly known for what they were known for was also basically inbreeding and marrying within your own family which led them to have some kind of peculiar looking faces especially with the jaws and people say that was a result of the incestuousness of the of the family there i guess that's what's going there with the kind of messed up looking pikachu all right we'll do a couple more approaching about almost half an hour here okay what do we got yeah always using sponges there's always so many spongebob memes all right 50 nukes will win the korean war general macarthur president truman yeah so general macarthur uh douglas macarthur was the uh in charge of the military in the pacific during the uh during world war ii for the united states and when the war was over macarthur was like let's keep going so they're saying hey let's nuke you know let's start using we're using them in japan let's use it in the korean war shoot let's use it on uh like china and stuff president truman was like dude like stop he actually ended up firing him which was quite a debate in history because a lot of people are like general macarthur's this uh this you know american patriot he's a war hero and like they like his aggressive stance but president truman's like dude you're gonna destroy the world this is the arrow now where like others have you know because it's the cold war the soviet union also has it they're going to back up their state so it's like all right that's enough okay that's a little bit too far and ends up firing macarthur actually okay so we got okay we're lure one we got the trenches um what you got there a smoothie i don't understand this context i don't understand it someone explain why who's this guy and why are these two girls here is this like a disney channel stuff who did this ishii i know you're talking about all right i love office ones from the office andy bernard these artifacts are amazing how did you manage to get so many the british museum i stole it yeah pretty much in the british imperial era you know big thing they did was archaeology in a lot of places and ended up taking all these priceless culturally significant artifacts like for egypt example and going taking them back to the british museum would be their their uh into the yeah it's now into their possession you know but people say you know aren't the british just modern grave robbers in a way not wrong right all right we're gonna do one more this is the last one of the night for today it's got cats oh shoot what do we got here zoom out cats in the middle ages hard working went went to church walked on hind legs contributed to society cats now lazy and ungrateful atheists too lazy to walk on hind legs uh cats were really important in in you know cultures especially like the middle ages a lot of it was chasing off mice mice were such a big deal as you know like a big reason why the plague spread into europe was fleas on mice and but yeah cats had a responsibility because they'd help protect your farmland from critters and stuff like that but it looks like in this this picture whoever did this yeah they made them you know hard work yeah hard working apparently they're going to church they walked on their hind legs so they're like walking straight up youtube decided and cats now are just like good stuff good stuff all right you guys we're gonna end it here there are more memes for me to check out so we can definitely do another meme video in the uh not so distant future if you want to contribute to history memes for us again join our discord server there's a link down below you'll see a place for memes to make sure they're historically relevant and at least within some mild appropriateness of what i can share in an educational setting that kind of thing just think would you show it in a classroom for the most part um i got to stick to those guidelines but i'd love to see it more and hopefully one thing with memes is first off never trust a meme for historical accuracy they very rarely are accurate but what it can do and it just happens to me sometimes is get you interested in learning more about something it's like all sudden you want to learn about the role of cats more like we just saw so go look into that or like i was saying before caligula's war against neptune right like the look into things more so don't use them as an educational tool but more as a peaking interest tool that's my teacher speak for you there today all right anyways on the way out if you want some fun history related stuff kind of like this so you can wear on some shirts definitely check out the teespring account it is down below you'll see a link there if you're into video games check out my gaming channel it's also linked down below do some live stream some other fun things there and catch up with you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 38,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, memes
Id: diiwToVkVBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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