A History Teacher Reacts to History Memes (Part 1)

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[Music] [Music] hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher reacts video with mr. Teri's and continued my search for historical knowledge here on the Internet alright today's video is the biggest request that I get of things I have not yet done and that is reacting to history memes right I've been I don't know why I've waited so long to do this I don't know just because meme culture is great it's also terrible and I finally got around to kind of doing this so here's what I did with this I asked my mods on discord to collect history related memes from wherever they get them including the meme channel that's on our discord server here and had them collect them too into a into a channel here that I can see you know I haven't seen these yet so I don't know I was just I've been asked to do this for since I started this channel and I thought we'd do it now don't know how it's gonna look I look at it I explained him I don't know do I need to explain him just watch me laugh whatever but I guess we'll just see how this goes alright before I begin if you haven't subbed in my channel definitely we'd love to have you around hit that sub button enable notifications so you know when live streams and live premieres are and again this came this is kind of from our discord community if you haven't joined our discord community you definitely want to do it looks like time of this video we are at five thousand one hundred and fifty five members so it's pretty awesome place to hang out and discuss history and other things so all right well let's go ahead and see and if you like this format let me know if you want me to do more of these I know the Internet is just full of endless memes so whatever alright let's see what I got here very first one I am I am meme okay this says my man is straight up a real-life kirby Oh okay so this is this is for the Salmonella video the tur RA the dude who just eats stuff I don't like you remember to remember that if you haven't seen that video it's wild there's this dude that could just eat all the time and yeah Kirby so I'm I'm a gamer if you haven't seen my shelf and all that stuff and the Kirby games great retro games and I guess they gun modern where Kirby just eats whole things and then absorbs their power I guessed her a terraria he didn't do that though or I didn't actually absorb their powers but that's great if you haven't seen that video go to salmonella channel fee and then watch that and then come you can come see my react video but that's great yeah all right another one I don't even read that small it says oh gosh I don't know what's happening here okay it says it's it's a it's a comment from YouTube mr. Terry history you should become a history teacher or something can tell if that's a joke but uh I am that is my profession I am a history teacher I should become one a good idea awesome alright let's see we got down here alright hopefully these are big enough you can see it says till 1714 a Norwegian captain and English captain had a 14-hour long ship fight afterwards both ships were badly damaged and the Norwegian captain was running out of ammo he sent an envoy to the English ship asking if he could borrow some of their ammo they said no no regen cabinet nervous some people like like they're just gonna give him it pay like let's continue the fight let's do that nice I do notice people adapt a lot of spongebob to history memes I would we got here alright me throw dot ace the six was so paranoid of being poisoned that he took small doses throughout his life to build up an immunity when he was finally captured by the Romans he tried to kill himself with poison but was but failed because he was immune tasks successfully failed so the one time he needed poisoning it didn't work for him is this pretty interesting he like inoculated himself pretty much and build yeah built own humble you mean you need poison not a bad idea but he probably wasn't expecting he would have to you know do that sometime okay what do we got I guess Khan retreats and it breaks ranks to chase Genghis Khan you fool you fell victim to one of the classic blunders we got Princess Bride there so yeah what this is explaining if you don't know is they the Mongols had this tactic of a planned retreat so they would they would go in to a place right intentionally to draw them out so they go in and then they'd be like oh we got a retreat like everybody back and what they were trying to do was bait the people they were fighting to follow them and they would take them out of the confines of like the city or maybe the walls archers I don't know and then regroup real quickly and then counter-attack and apparently that was yes I'm famous that the Mongols would do and was effective for them so Princess Bride right he's from Princess Bride right I already got here some with phones what people think would blow a person's mind from the 1600s cell phone what would actually bow their minds just like a so is it spice up its okay its food specifically I want to highlight there cuz I can't see all of it would be spice okay it is it's the spice rack so yeah they say like with with the pepper for example that you have like in your and you're on the shelf at your local grocery store that's enough pepper to like like in the Middle Ages would be enough to like I think like pay your yearly rent or something like it's it's absurd how much how valuable that was but yeah now you just can go get it you know off the shelf all these different ones from all over the plant I went back in the yeah 1600s you have the spice trade and all that and it is what largely created the global treta new trading network the first global trading network based off them precious spices right all right forgive me I got cold oh good me alright so let's see the Soviet experiments in the early 20th century parachutes silk was rare in the Soviet Union so the military conducted experiments with air dropping soldiers into deep snow without parachutes the dudes elbow slammer wrestling style in the early 20th century I mean don't have to because it's planes but like why were they forced to there's the push out oh wait I don't have it you don't have a parachute cheese only in Soviet Russia huh I already got the polish-lithuanian Commonwealth Russia Prussia and Austria they were always picking on those like pulling in the Baltic states weren't they where on earth does this cartoon come from why does this exist assuming that the knives were part of the original one geez whichever dad is you know polish Lithuanian are finished mowing the European law and they're out to get you know it all right more Sponge Bob third time's the charm charm Charles the third wait Napoleon the third oh it's just like the Pete the third people came to pull him the third it's all stinky trial the third he sucks stinky Terminator three third partition of Poland Third Crusade Third Reich so they're saying that the third the third that the third version of anything is terrible huh good point nice all the office loved the office but Dana okay this is not funny you burned all our crops and ravaged our land bolonia okay well you're the one who stole my bucket yeah yeah bore the bucket before you saw that oversimplified video that was one of the funniest ones ever and and then from I knew the larger context of the war but not that like bucket story that was a great one nice keep keep the office memes coming cuz I can relate to those for sure IRA guy here kids these days talking about fortnight and pub G are forgetting the original Battle Royale heck yeah dude the city states of Japan just constantly at war with each other military commanders and Samurai and all that depending on what time period your ad just beating each other up that's great that's great I'll to try to after here try to pick out some of the ones that I think could be good for my class I like to throw memes into my class sometimes and you know some of them get it but this is my job to make him get it right all right cool oh we got the kids book oh my gosh is Hamilton okay Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day by Aaron Bert see ya Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel famous way that he went down that way made it's like a chapter book cuz this this the the terrible horrible no very no good very bad day that's that's a kids book I remember right I forgot what the original title is though that's good alright what we got we got a got some mix in here okay LinkedIn Facebook Instagram snapchat tinder oh geez so it's just like him in the different different social media counts how you how you how you do it like Instagram people are as posting food snapchat just for party ah no I don't snapchat but Facebook LinkedIn cuz it's like a professional nice what else we got here okay John Adams in heaven finding out that he wasted his last words I don't remember his last words were they were famous weren't they prison Adams shoot let me know I would we got a pan quick crack pan quick crack panting crack panting crack panting I could pan pan pan pain pain pain pain cling because you're out of you're out of the the bullets what cuz they don't like it be like semi-automatic shoot am I lost on this one a little bit I noticed I'm like yeah you get them out here I get the meeting and they're all talking but the one you okay so this is gonna yeah that's self different the garand here right so throw them out we don't want you I have a guy here Daniel the cooler Daniel a yearbook Germany then that the cooler Germany have today annex part of Poland and it's the cooler Germany huh I was stalling a communist the symbol on his hat is the he Mar and popsicle so maybe he is sounds legit seems legit Adolf Hitler European tour user not one for for Nazi memes but let's see what you got here to or driving all the places that they invaded there started with Poland right Poland was the first I mean if you don't count uh-uh Czechoslovakian Austria which didn't require fighting but Norway Luxembourg Holland Belgium France sold out quickly I mean I went quick it went very very fairly quick there Mussolini joins the tour Great Britain canceled problems with flight yeah the the battle britain was a loss for the Germans and Yugoslavia to Greece Crete Russia canceled bad weather yeah winter settles in you get them repulsed at Stalingrad and then German Germany okay so when the Russians invade or reached reached Berlin first private bunker performance with wife all right we got you what some call East Germany what I call East Germany they call it Poland parts and the parts that Russia controls fair point fair point all right American history I have done nothing wrong ever in my life Americans I know this and I love you some people say about American histories you know if you all countries histories are gonna have things that may shine their country into a bad light if you don't see that then maybe you're not getting good material but that's definitely criticism of American history all right sorry this is really small it says 230 years 237 years ago this man wrote the ultimate breakup letter it's not you it's us the United States nice of you decoration there we're breaking up it's not it's not you it's us I would we got here we got newscaster your breaking news you Alice C's s grant hospitalized due to spinal fracture caused by carrying the Union Army for the past four years yeah well if you if you just saw it I watched and reacted to and you probably watched the American Civil War episode by over simplified and talk about how you know he came in and got the leadership position into the war a bit after general McClellan was fired by Lincoln and yeah had to head to your right kind of carry it cuz things weren't going well for the for the Union at the time grant was promoted all right here we go says select all the images the Vietcong over the Vietcong soldier click oh okay so Vietnam war yeah I mean so that in the Vietnam War the Americans and the French before them had such a hard time dealing with the terrain the thick jungle terrain that the Vietnamese were so good at fighting in and every square inch was a potential death trap with soldiers and traps and stuff like that and was one of the reasons the warden go very well so you could see that I hate I hate these things when when you're doing you have to like sign into a website and you have to like find the things with buses and you find something you're like you don't know if it counts or not oh all right we got some anime going here shooting Teddy Roosevelt yeah yes shot he doesn't die yep he doesn't refuse to go doctor gives his speech starts mocking your assassination attempt yeah this is the famous story Teddy Roosevelt was this it was shot and he had a head of speech to do it survives it and insisted on actually performing the speech did it basically with a bullet in him and gives his speech and goes on so this kind of scene was the the bad a moments for American history there okay we got more we got more anime memes posting a history meme get pinged it's from the history memes channel it's from chairman meow Jeremy I was one of our mods one of our super active mods well done any posted himself for shame meow alright noise Ford we were proudly founded by Henry Ford Toyota our founder was the visionary Tetreault Toyota as a Volkswagen I loved the meme I love this whatever this like show is from the whole like eyes because it's like that don't look at me thing cuz Volkswagen was was German and and they it's like Fanta founded by Nazis so it's like we can't take pride in that I love this is one of my favorite ones that you can do memes too though I love that it's such a good facial expression now okay I already got here come on let's go in and out twenty minute adventure hold the gallipoli fight nope nope so the gallipoli fight in World War one was the British we're invading the Dardanelles they wanted to get the straight of water that connects the Mediterranean to the Black Sea so they can cut off Ottoman control there and be able to connect the Mediterranean to the Black Sea so they could better connect with Russia the British Ally and it was a massive failure the British got slaughtered and lost the territory it was actually a huge blow to by the way Winston Churchill's early military career as he was working for the Navy and one of the people that was ordering this so yeah it's it was a nasty nasty fight that wasn't successful for the Allies already got Canadians as civilians Canadians as soldiers nice yeah so Canada people quit will criticize Canada that they're not even been more in more wars or I don't know like just haven't fought a lot but they do especially when because their ally with the British the British get involved they do that and the Canadians have been very successful they've been known as never losing a war right and they put that in the face of like Americans and stuff like that but you had a Canadian Army when they've needed to fight has always done very well oh yeah I've fought against China the most to Japan Mongolia know I have amateurs but Golia definitely fought against the Chinese more than the Chinese air they fight against the Chinese more than Japanese amateurs what was that Punk amateurs China just cuz Civil War I guess that what they're relating to because China is just known for notorious civil wars and rebellions throughout their entire history so what they're learning - I don't know that comics from or anything but I'll see adobe has developed software that can detect Photoshop in an image there oh that stone I show this picture in my class because you can you have this photo and then you have another version of it yeah with with a guy right here if you can see and then when it's gone or at another photo he's gone and what what it was talking about we were referring to is how they're the the the Soviet Union the government would with propaganda would a doctor photos and take out evidence of people that end up they see being as traitors and stuff like that there's a bunch of evidence of that so yeah a few if you were able to do this in a yeah for all those all those photos that you can see have been doctored man you'd see you'd see little things like this all the time I would have got here all right got some dave chappelle elephant's foot chernobyl the elephant's foot is the nickname given to a large mass of khorium formed during the Chernobyl disaster in April of 1986 the mass is quite dense unyielding to a drill but able to be damaged by Kalashnikov rifle so problems require Soviet solutions nice that's great all right what else we got EA games paedo in 16th century Catholic Church saying that they both they both are pay2win EA right I get so much crap for that EA games in the 16th century Catholic Church again the 1500s that's when you're getting Reformation and counter-reformation going at that time all right all right ok what we got here creating an alphabet for your language okay so we like Greek Romans that are okay creating an alphabet for your language then deciding to use a cooler one some other people made so now we get the British okay so yeah okay so yeah yeah okay so you get in other languages so these are alphabets where you adopt I guess other stuff right other people's it's like English German yeah and then instead of creating an alphabet just making a letter for every hoard of the language yeah that was like Chinese and yeah and though those language is obviously the hardest because you have to have a different character for every like word you want to do which is not a very efficient system which why most modern based systems don't use that all right and the last one not having an alphabet for your language stealing one from your neighbors which they took some of it from China yeah and using it in the wrong way and then also creating two new alphabets fear language and using all three at once Japanese supposed to be so difficult because there are so many different elements to it so nice get the big brain go in there all right you telling me Julius Caesar who has been dead for well over 70 years made this salad technically who aren't wrong with that number I just hate it wait dead 4k I mean Caesar salad seven years I don't get the timeline of this unexplained ulti get it grand theft spice trade haha did the Portuguese coming in stealing it from the you know the Muslim world was the one that had been historically dealing with there I've been dealing with with the spice trade that came across the Indiana Indian Ocean there I already got here never forget that on this day in 793 AD a group of Vikings selflessly rescued the treasures of Lindisfarne ax from a great fire after the monks mysteriously and spontaneously died oh my gosh who taketh all these relics they rescued the treasures but the monks they took it from mysteriously and spontaneously died I think that's my favorite meme here and I think that's the one we're gonna end on for for this up this episode of I guess what we'll call history teacher reacts to history memes that's great something the Vikings are well known for their pillaging and plundering and stuff like that and there you go painting them as these these nice guys what they were so brutal with this stuff that's fantastic that's a great meme there alright awesome alright thanks to the mods for pulling some of these out let me know you guys if you like this if you like this format is this something I should I should continue doing or you K you can just say mystery stick to videos whatever but if there's something you it you would like let me know and we can keep doing that and we'll have them keep my mods keep keep getting memes again they pull some of those off of the discord there's a disc or channel for for memes here where you can put stuff you know as long as it's we have certain guidelines for what kind of memes we like so make sure you look at that look at the rules and stuff like that for means that are that are acceptable or are not acceptable though anyway I try is a teacher too you know kids love memes and you can find history memes and make them relevant they're fun to use so I do I use these I really do and it's it's a it's a fun part of being able to be a teacher you can relate in this kind of way so all right well again a lot of this came out at this cord if you haven't joined our discord server there'll be a link down below you can check that out other ways you can support the channel thank you to everyone that is patreon member right now if you want to join our patreon there's a link down below patreon will also get you access if you're a member to voting impulse so you can have influence on what comes over on the site and that sort of thing Thanks to everyone that's done super chat donations or stream lab donations they really appreciate you supporting channel and in a larger sense supporting history education because that's what we're here for and everything's about here alright with that we'll go ahead and end here and we'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 254,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, memes
Id: 2Hkck8V2cig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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