A History Teacher Reacts to History Memes! (Part 7)

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[Music] [Music] hey youtube it's your history teacher mr terry back with another memes video so we're gonna be checking out some brand new memes that i haven't seen before hopefully we can find some good ones if i'm able to add any context or explain anything great but actually find a lot of times here that i hear of stories that i haven't heard about so it's a nice place sometimes to if you hear a good story you can go in and research it and find out if it's true because we all know memes may or may not actually be true but obviously they are especially funny when they are it's something that you can relate to but anyway uh yeah we're gonna check this out in just a second so how this works if you haven't seen this what ends up happening is over at my discord server there is a channel for memes where you can post awesome history memes and definitely do that and then my mods over there pick some of those and put them into a place that i can check them out and that's exactly what this collection is from so again if you would like to submit some memes definitely join our discord server there's a link down below that you can do that find the memes channel over there and let's see what you got all right and with that let's go ahead and get started all right so got all right so first one here let's see what we got it says when another 14 year old rocks up on the western front 1915. how do you do fellow adults so you know one of the things that that unfortunately happened in uh world war one was the need for so many soldiers and recruitment ages and drafting ages got lower and lower until literally you were getting like early to mid teens so you get that earlier they're showing up especially again as the war went on over and over so yeah having to fit in with the adults which was probably pretty hard and just imagine again yourself at like 14 years old and having to go into the worst conflict that had ever existed before so jeez yeah trying to fit in there nice all right let's move on what do we got here we got fish crawling out of the water 375 million years ago finn will be leg i don't know what this means someone fill me in on this oh finn will be okay okay wait wait okay so fish having fins and then eventually those um fins got stronger and were able to support their weight on something dry so then they get leg i get it so this one just required some editing of some kind what is this from by the way i'm sure you all know i get it it took me a minute i thought i thought it was going to be like low brow low brain ended up being big brain very nice yeah a little uh speciation there very nice all right what do we got here forget from aragorn let's go ahead and blow this one up if we can okay here we go we've got the kettle war so date i haven't heard of that off of just my top of my head uh october 8 1784 okay a decisive dutch vigory uh victory the belligerent so yeah the habsburgs versus the dutch the strength of three ships including the warship billy louie and the dolphin i'm assuming that's what that means in dutchess and and in dutch maybe not casualties and losses so the dutch had none and then the casualties for the hapsburgs one soup kettle and presumably all the soup held within and you're just like what what the heck was this about i mean it wasn't it has a decisive dutch victory somebody edit this in is this actually what because this is like the wikipedia form it's a format so is that actually what this is actually posted there i'm at the check this out after well you know i i feel bad i i don't like the destruction of any food so i will go ahead and give some salutes to that soup kettle that lost its soup the kettle and the and the soup of itself so sorry to lose you but you will you may be gone but you will never be forgotten truly okay all right we got here we got when you invade germany in six days blitz okay so what we got like yeah okay so we got blitten's creek someone's gonna have to explain this one for me here i mean the the the blitom scree i get the invasion of germany blitzkrieg someone explain all to look it up good stuff all right what else we got here all right we got boss is up there he's like on his desk he's getting pulled the leader is up front okay the panzer crew and the broken panzers yeah they you know just just in general with tanks you know panzers are german tanks um this would have been world war ii on which the the the tanks were a little bit better but the germans and well a lot of people had had problems with tanks especially those world war one tanks if you look at those and how like worse they were than world war two tanks it could get some of those early british ones and stuff like that they were you would have had to try to get them um you know moved but i you can't you can't like pull a tank like that you would have to have so many um people to to be able to do something like that because they're like multi-ton but anyways okay good stuff all right what do we got here um we got france and the uk you can't just say that the suez canal company is nationalized and expect anything to happen abdul nasser i didn't say it i declared it first off i love the office if you said other videos uh if you've seen other meme videos which seems to be they do a lot of stream memes with michael or a lot of different things the shut up about the sun one those are good too but anyway um so nasser was leader of egypt and the suez canal was basically owned and operated by europeans and when he came to power he understood that was a huge kind of issue in a way because of the money of course and the control that the europeans had over it and the suez canal is critical for the economy of egypt so he nationalized it took it over for them and you had the what's called the suez canal crisis which was like a short little war that that was fought there but um he kind of got heroic status by a lot of people as this person that was defeating off this like economic imperialism that was happening after world war ii so yep and if you declare it then it's it's legit all right what we got here when you're a doctor in the american civil war and you ant amputate someone's leg because it's bruised the medic yeah when you're a doctor in the american sovereign update is he from a game i know this guy but yeah i'm assuming he's from a game because there's medics in the video games and the in the video games let's go yeah they had to you know this was only like just briefly with ant um with like antibiotics and if you got you know an injury especially like in this era and before you were so likely to have infection that you just you got amputee you got amputated so you know you got some wounds in your arm or leg you just you amputate that's what you do until modern antibiotics which started to come around about this time where you could actually spread or contain or like stop the spread of infection which saved the limbs of a lot of people but yeah amputation was just like the thing you did and it was common see somebody with that that had been to war all right so we got some uh we got some beethoven here okay you dedicate your third symphony to napoleon because you believe he is democratic and anti-monarchist he declares himself emperor of france yeah napoleon spoke out both sides of his mouth a lot because he was this person that like teetered on the line of the revolution and some of the rights that came with that and from representation um thought he could basically be like an emperor while at the same time protecting all of the things that made the french revolution the french revolution there so i don't know he did that though like as far as writing a symphony um uh that that discussed that so i learned something new there all right let's move on did you rise up yes did you stand up to evil to oppression yes did you fight for freedom for poland yes what did it cost you everything so this is thanos and all of the all the the avengers people are like screaming at me to get the context here but that's good yeah i mean poor poland right poland has been in a tug of war okay of different often larger powers for a long time like russia in the east and then germany and the west and then you had like prussian years and all of these different things that's what's going on here and um yeah unfortunately a lot of people that did have to try to fight up to protect it ended up going down um which happened a lot in history so history of poland man talk about it a lot on here i feel like or it gets commented a lot all right what do we got here ulysses s grant accepts can uh confederate surrender at appomattox courthouse uh they had us in the first half not gonna lie i think i've seen that isn't that there's like a kid it's like a high school team right and this kid is he the one that was like super positive i'm trying to remember what this video was from and you know he was like super positive because i think they end up winning the game or something like that but the historical context is true the early uh years of the of the american civil war were terrible ulysses s grant was the general of the um of the northern states right the united states of america you know fighting the southern states the confederate states of america and yeah it didn't go very well early on eventually ulysses grant becomes the general leader in the war and you started to see more progress from the north after that had happened but there you go very nice all right what do we got here let's uh let's pull this one up this one's a little small chip in sight open the gate okay we got your pant it's a european one close the gate there dutch open the gate a little i love this this is great so the tokugawa came to power about 1600 and um eventually they closed their doors off to europeans at first um japan actually traded with europeans those some things that they actually wanted they were interested in like gunpowder for example technology for castles and ideas about that kind of thing which blended kind of well with the feudal structure that japan had gone under but they also eventually saw how oppressive the europeans were and how they took advantage of places like the philippines for example and said all right we can't trust them so boom we're going to close the doors we don't need them and they went under a um pretty much a lockdown for a good over a century and and didn't trade with with europeans except for the dutch um they did allow the dutch to not come very often and come to a very specific port down south by i think nagasaki or so but they would allow them and maybe that's just you know and some of that because when you had like the spanish for example which dominated a lot over in like the philippines they saw the forced like religious conversions and try to like influence them culturally and the dutch weren't as as big of a threat for that in that region as say maybe like the spanish were so they seemed a little bit less threatening but they were still um the dutch were kind of like the japanese little window to the western world a little bit and able to get new studies and new technologies from them but basically blocked out everybody else from europe until the americans start showing up in the 18 mid 1800s and forcibly to open up their their borders for trade that's good i like this one yeah open the gate it's a european one close the gate they're dutch open the gate a little i love that that's my favorite one so far that's my favorite one all right we got teddy roosevelt american president turn the uh 20th century literally get shot oh no yeah and then anyways yeah so teddy roosevelt got shot by a an attempted assassination and went on that day to like actually make a speech it went on to make a speech and it's kind of gone down as it's like legendary status for presidents that the dude gave a speech basically with a i think i think the story says the bullet was still in him like before he like he still made a speech i guess the bullet was still in it before he had it removed so it's kind of gone down as yeah this this uh heroic event for uh president roosevelt that's a great picture of the face like get shot oh no very good i like that one too good couple memes there good job who's this ishii my mods good stuff your your yours were great you're winning the mod fight for picking the uh uh the the the memes out of the the channel okay so what do we got here we got a tweet me stepping out of time machine i come from the future soldier oh great we could use your help thousands thousands of us have died in this war for a treasure called salt you what like like table salt why do you call it that me why do you call it that is it just a reference because like salt is so common now but it used to be such a high value commodity that was worth fighting over you know when you you had especially an age of imperialism where like for example the british had a monopoly over salt in india um for example there and um so yeah that's pretty good though but it's amazing how products like this their value um as compared to what they're like today you know i mean if i remember like the middle ages the amount of pepper you know like like the amount of pepper that you could buy at a grocery store would be like over a year's wages you know um in like the middle ages or something like that kind of crazy how that works out but we need to just see in general all of the difference like conversations that could happen of people of different times oh just okay this one oh what you got there a man oh diogenes okay so was it socrates or plato that said you know man is like a featherless bird was that was that the quodagenese is a super fascinating cynic philosopher that got written about i actually was reading a book this summer um a little bit about him and that was one of the famous things that he like i think it was like a featherless birds out what he was responding to and he had this famous thing where he had this like plucked chicken and presented it and he's like here look a man but look at dodgy some crazy videos the dude was was an odd dude as far as like he had no possessions basically was homeless and just talked to people and did all kinds of crazy stuff in athens it's just interesting guy with some interesting philosophies that were um really can get you thinking and be kinda and be kind of good too all right all right let's zoom this one in a little bit no you can't just shoot me with a weapon that took you hours to train i trained my whole life to be a knight it's unchivalrous haha gunpowder go bang yep guns yep you know guns changed so much i mean just in the middle ages when when gunpowder started coming over you know from asia and you get guns and cannons it totally changed a whole way of life of years and of training that took like like this meme is saying um a whole lifetime to do with horseback riding archery uh um and then melee combat like with swords but then you have something like a gun or a cannon that could destroy a castle or a gun that could destroy uh something like this totally changed that way of life and made fighting quite a bit easier in a way i would say at least from the technological standpoint although we know these guns they you know especially early ones like this were terribly inaccurate and slow to reload but nevertheless for an impactful thing that changed a way of life for a whole a whole class of kind of warrior citizens that way good stuff all right we got uh looks like three more okay what do we got okay so we got the british hitler don't invade poland i'll give you czechoslovakia so i don't know the anime stuff but i think it doesn't matter uh poland was kind of like a brainchild in a way like the proud proud child of the allies of world war one that after world war one poland was created it was taken from what used to be part of germany and part of russia and when when uh the germans had invaded the states around poland south there austria czechoslovakia they knew that poland could be a threat and that's where the british like for example said all right like hitler if you threaten poland we are going to declare war um and then basically as a deal is czechoslovakia because the sudetenland is the part of czechoslovakia that is ethnically german mostly and part of the deal that happened uh between the british specifically neville chamberlain and hitler was you know hey i promise there's nothing after czechoslovakia right or specifically to sudetenland because it was ethnic and german and devil chamberlain agreed he's like all right i guess you can have it as long as they are predominantly german ethnically and are willing to do that then then so be it um so that was yeah kind of the thing but the yeah the the promise okay not gonna invade anymore and of course that promise didn't last long because they invaded the czech the rest of czechoslovakia the non-uh ethic german part and then also poland which was kind of the line in the sand that was crossed and then world war ii in europe began as a result of that so good context there so this is inquisitor hitler invade okay so more invading poll can we just leave poland alone jeez hillary invading poland stalin stalin also invading poland yep so yeah the famous thing was hitler and stalin made a non-aggression pact basically saying hey let's not fight each other and what we'll both do is correct the wrongs that happened in world war one when the allies basically took poland away from you know i said it was split in half which had historically been kind of the thing that had gone on for a long time and they agreed that they wouldn't fight each other but they would both invade poland and they did simultaneously and poor poland was caught right in the middle of that and torn apart all right last one for today what do we got the south let's uh let's pull this one up sorry if the last one wasn't um big enough there okay so this says the south sea company after crippling the british economy it's nothing personal jack it's just good business yeah like um british imperialism especially in certain areas was dominated by these joint stock companies you know um these companies that would offer that have multiple investors but operate with like government support but technically or privately owned even though there's kind of deals there and they just dominated things i mean i i like to for let me give an example um the british east india company over here and they also had like military support and i like to i used to in my classrooms liking it to like hey what if walmart with its economic resources and size and reach also had an army and maybe there you go you have the british east india company and yeah it can dominate an economy they have an economy of like a nation almost and that was definitely a thing that was happening in the british imperial era all right you guys um with that we saw okay so yeah we're all caught up on the ones that were pulled out so we definitely need more memes so if you are on the discord or not on the discord yet find some good ones out there that the best ones are the ones that you know again have good historical value and you know a little bit like you can talk about it you could explain it you know what i mean but we had some good ones here let's see some of my favorite ones i liked the uh i liked i liked these ones i think my favorite one was this one with the close the gate open the gate i think that one was my favorite one i do like the the own like the teddy roosevelt one i thought that was really good okay napoleon i did like that one i always like the office so i'm into those for sure so all right well thank you for that um you guys for putting those together but yeah you can check that out the link to the discord is down below as well as some links some other stuff like my gaming channel also one of the fun things you can get out of the discord too is if you're a gamer specifically minecraft there's a community minecraft server that focuses on like history creations it's a lot of fun if you join the discord server you can get access to that you go in there grab the roll for minecraft and you'll open up a whole set of channels that can get you access to the minecraft server on pc as well as some other gaming channels as well as all the different categories we have for historical discussions great fun place to hang out so anyway that's down link down below love to have you be a part of that and with that we'll see you guys hopefully soon for another meme video if you can keep putting out good ones that i can check out i'll keep making these videos all right and with that we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 57,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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