History of World War 1 (in One Take) by History Bombs | A History Teacher Reacts

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[Music] hey YouTube history fans is your history teacher again here mr. Terry with another react video so we're gonna jump in in just a second now this video was voted on by our awesome patrons over at patreon so once a week I put up a poll that all the patron pledgers can vote in to get a video cuz our featured on the channel and this week this is what they chose they chose history of World War one in one take by a channel called history bombs now that that name kind of seems familiar I've not seen anything from the channel but I think people have have recommended to me quite a bit but yeah so I'm always excited to try a new channel because I don't know what to expect don't know what their style is you know what really they're going for so I think it'll be a lot of fun this also world war 1 if you know me well the one is my easily one of my favorite topics to talk about it's on a very short list of my favorite topics you know to look at so this sounds cool so in one take I don't know if there's gonna do like film one walkthrough of it or something I really have no idea but we'll go ahead check it out now make sure that you go and visit the original video link it's down below in the description so make sure you click that give that the view time and all that stuff support the awesome channels that are putting amazing content out here and I don't give you my thoughts reactions add anything that I think I need to and they'll be awesome if you want to get involved in future patreon pulse 2 links down below links to some other stuff as well let's go ahead an get started history bombs okay history of World War one one-take okay it kinda reminds me of a YES on 1917 movie awesome love that it's going to go down probably my top three favorite war movies ever but that was designed to be shot in one take and that was really cool I don't know if that's what they're trying to go for a year but I always thought that was a really cool thing because it really made it immersive it's a raft or mute it's a song so with these guys it's like a music channel sort of or is it just one off is that what history bombs does so they're doing like a song alright so I was guerrilla Princip the teeny teenagers Bosnian technically but was the one who would Sasson ated the Archduke you know the story which started the snowball effect leading to wars to claim Warren heard sorry countries declaring I'm always afraid to to chiming so you know it's my thing chiming in with with details I'm afraid to do that in songs because they move so fast but hopefully that's kind of what you're looking for one thing he mentioned that's really important was at the late 19th century so towards the end of the 1800s Germany was becoming an industrial giant in fact by the end of the century they had passed Britain who was the first industrial nation and passed them up in in in production they especially come the the Second Industrial Revolution as it's called kind of the late 18-hundreds we're just exploding and it kind of makes sense that they may want to because one thing about industrial nation is imperialism is directly tied to industrialization because usually it's by resources and trade routes and all that kind of stuff that helps fuel an industrial nations like being an empire for a lot of destinations was synonymous with being industrialized so in Germany was on that track Russia and France allies you know the kind of taunts and the Central Powers so the big when when the war breaks out these pre-war alliances that were happening Russia France Great Britain and then you had Germany and okay I always like talking about the Schlieffen Plan so the Shifa plan was a already predetermined or pre not didn't so determined but pre crafted sort of military plan because the idea was is what if Germany has to fight a two-front war which is very possible as you see on the map they are centrally located with notable enemies for them Russia and France and if one was if Germany understood they would attack one or get involved with one it would bring in the other thus bringing in a two-front war so the whole idea of the Chafin plan was how do you make the best out of what really is a crappy situation which is to have a two-front war it's you've got to take out one of the sides as early as possible so the debate was kind of this take out the one that is going to be ready first right and then you can do that before the other comes fully online right now the idea was Russia would take longer to mobilize bigger country bigger army actually had the biggest standing army in Europe around six million I believe at the outbreak of the war so go into an all and assault on France and try to finish that off before you get to Russia so then the question is how do you take France out as quickly as possible well everyone knows the epicenter of France is Paris right here you take Paris you pretty much take France so then it's how do you take Paris quick well you think all right you just invade right over here the German French border well that's pretty well defended Belgium a smaller nation and not as well defended could be a quicker route and that's exactly what the Chafin plan said was you're gonna go through Belgium get to Paris and then France would fall pretty quickly and then that meantime you'd be able to fight Russia basically avoiding a two-front war could make two single Front Wars separately but we know that doesn't happen because France was able to defend itself Russia actually mobilized way quicker than anybody would thought and one thing that the shippin plan had to whatever taken account was if the British would come in Belgium was notably a big ally of of the British as they did a lot of business and stuff like that together and it wasn't quite sure least in the German perspective if bailed the British would care enough about Belgium to intervene if Belgium got invaded so they're willing to roll that those dice and that's exactly what happened though the UK did come in because that was the final final nail the final straw for Britain waiting to join or at least a clear side in this war and that's that's what happened so then you do get all three of these yellow countries here involved all right [Music] they're doing like the one tape mrs. Koo this is really cool this is cool this is cool how'd they get a little so dig out a trench yeah they called world wars there wasn't necessarily tons of fighting all over the world I mean that kind of was it's more though like we really talked about being a world war was since this is the age of imperialism these nations are all at war at these European nation they're all worth each with each other have empires across the world and what they were doing was utilizing the resources of their different parts of or their their different parts of their empires so we got the British you can utilize places at Canada or Australia right or India and that's their doing so you're bringing in your colonies into the war - and that's really why it can be called a world war if you know the famous story about the Gallipoli the one thing that was bad about the sort of alliance between Russia France and Great Britain was the fact that geographically they're spread apart they couldn't actually control each other Germany can definitely control the northern Atlantic kind of part of our Baltic area and in research trade there and then out in the Mediterranean the big help for austria-hungary and Germany was when the Ottoman Empire joined who has a long history of the Russia's well fighting them their enemies but going through kind of Gallipoli region basically trying to get from them the Mediterranean into the Black Sea would and to be able to make that connection would be very useful for the British in the French because they really could reap resupply the Russians they could actually communicate and connect that way but you have to go through the Ottoman Empire and famously Winston Churchill who was administrator in the Navy at this time ordered the invasion of the Gallipoli that region that you want to take so you can connect the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and it famously was a massive huge failure as the Ottoman Empire was a Repeller with as you saw thousands and thousands of casualties and basically derailed Winston Churchill's yeah a big part of this war was this is considered a total war what a total war is and how that's different it's when the resources of your nation are complete prioritized to the war effort the war isn't just something going off on the side of your society and culture it's it's a major part the number one priority in your country and even by civilians was the war effort so with so many men you know millions going off into war women were basically at home the ones working in factories that like she said they're they're the ones making guns and making other types of equipment a lot of things that brought women into the workplace a lot for the worst time for the first time and they you know performed very well and which also leads to the sort of women's civil rights moving you're gonna see right after the war places like in America where women after the war were pushing for right to vote and prohibition and things like that and there's a lot of different reasons behind that though but they yeah that was one of the big things but he saw the trench warfare and all that gas being a huge part of it as the idea was trying to get your enemy out of your trench that's why World Llorona so devastating was because these technologies were so deadly and they also kept people from being able to make any offensive pushes which is why especially like in the Western Front the lines of the war changed very little over those four years so terrible losses on the Western Front the Germans of Asda vadhana the British went fall of the song but neither battle proved decisive meanwhile of the Eastern Front the Russians were achieving some successes attacks under stress is advanced no less than 60 miles and last old German reserves have been lost it would take new tactics and technology to break the deadlock on the front and I'm sure they're gonna get to it the war in the Eastern Front goes terribly for the Russians also indirectly helping to support the Russian Revolution which happened a 1917 actually two of them wanted spring one on the fall that eventually led to Russia pulling out of the work which put so much pressure on the West but luckily for the Allies then the United States join in just as Russia was leaving in 1917 Germany made a fateful calculation by pursuing a ruinous naval strategy german u-boats attacked Allied shipping to cut-offs to stop Americans American ships and in response the United States declared war on Germany it would take another year however for American troops to actually arrive in Europe they'll train a meantime a Russian revolutionary seized his moment I had before they get in pregnant middle and in here but the American perspective I America it stayed out of the war as far as combat went but America was doing business with the Allies right Britta and Britain especially and Germany obviously doesn't like that because America sitting there declaring neutrality but from the other side of that you can see if can a country truly be neutral if they are doing business especially wartime business with your enemy right you can't really see it that way Germany will take the same perspective under Hitler in World War two or it's like now America is sitting here and they're saying they're neutral whatever and there's sin you're dealing business with the British and all that so yeah but what there's multiple things that brought America into the war that's one thing that a lot of people to understand is there was nothing like a Pearl Harbor specifically an overnight position shift for the Americans in World War one it was multiple things I'm I heard of the Zimmermann telegram which is a proposed potential deal between Germany and Mexico to basically kind of distract the Americans helped the Mexico potentially lose territory they lost the United States in the mexican-american war but then also yeah the repeated attacks by German u-boat submarines on American merchant ships was also something Americans thought was not very justified either okay but that that brings in America which again was a very important thing to happen because the Russians were leaving and the Americans were able to come in but they also said it took a year for the Americans to get in there declare war in 1917 but really don't show up till the beginning of next year that's because America basically had no standing army at that time and were able to bring I think two million troops eventually they had to do a draft immediately and train them very quickly and I actually think a year is a pretty decent time to put as many troops as America was able to get a couple million in less than a year brothers listen in let me introduce myself Aladdin millennion I promise to take this country power at first we need to kick out the Sun that was easy now everyone's equal have bread land and peace for the people working mothers had enough of this war I'll meet with the Germans to settle this in Russian land was divided by Germany including the Germans you notice the kind of multicultural nature of British army because they again were recruiting from and bringing in troops from you know places like South Asia you know so it was very multicultural army for the British in fact I believe more non-british there are more non British soldiers than British soldiers native British November the guns fell silent upon German surrender all in all a tragic loss Europe secured but at what cost from relation nineteen governor ever in debt 100 years hence lest we forget all they did yeah 100 years past it that was cool I would love to show this in my class that it put a lot of money and stuff into this though cool this was great so I don't know actually that it would be like a song like that you could see in one take that kind of panned around got a 1917 s there that was cool to do something like that requires so much timing like you saw there that you know they have to pan around the camera and time all that right they had little explosions and stuff going on they had the gas going and then some of the gunfire and all that stuff so it probably took a long time and it was that's what six minutes so it's a long that's a long time to try to do in one take so that's that's your professor impressed with these guys is this what they do they like history music or is that just maybe this video but that was cool so they hit man they hit the major points to be honest at least like the lot of the major motives and just real hit some of the the big important things the turning points of the war and stuff like that I thought it was a great job to pack into six minutes and just something like this and kind of entertaining that way I thought it's fantastic I think should be great for my classroom this would be fun just to pull out you know beginning a class and we were getting ready for a test or something maybe at the end of class or something you know just to just to throw in there I think that'd be pretty enjoyable because there's a lot of things here though that it'd probably be helpful because I always wonder with videos like this some videos are really good to show at the beginning and those are always great to introduce things and there's good ones at the end to kind of review with I'm not sure with this one there are a bunch of things I mean you could kind of do it before or after in a way but as introductory um that'd be very cool alright well this is fantastic I really like this I think that's cool I thought it was so well done these guys these guys are awesome so please please support them by going down clicking the link subscribe to them give them the view time and all that stuff and I also always appreciate when people do World War one stuff I've repeatedly said on this channel that or the one often gets overshadowed by a world war 2 no super coats bigger casualties it's easier to study because the lines are much more clear causes and effects are very clear where world war on earlier you really didn't have that not very good reasons for it happening didn't really solve anything and of course just kind of blends into World War two so I like studying other one just because it is more complex and a little things like this are very very cool so all right well let me know what you think of this if you thought this was a cool thing yeah let me know again shout out to our patrons for first stop pledging to the channel if you want to get involved that there's multiple tiers we can get certain stuff there's merge other things like that but the baseline no matter were you pledged that even starting a doll at one dollar a month you're gonna get access to the polls which is gonna get videos kind of fast-tracked onto the site here with that there's links to other stuff my gaming channel other things that are going on during our discord server and our community over there a great place to hang out and talk history alright what that we'll see y'all next time bye
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 63,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, world war 1
Id: 3_Oh10KVSew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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