THE MONSTER OF CALRAIDA! - Battania Campaign - Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord - Part 1

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nights of Apollo welcome back to another banner Lord playthrough I know it's been a very long time right it's been what almost a week oh my god oh my god no it's good to be back I have an idea for a campaign that I think it's gonna be really fun basically we're gonna play a character that is legit a monster just a complete ruthless monster that just wants to see the world burn okay just does not care about anyone he slaughters anyone in his way even his own Lords so well he's not really gonna be under any lords she's gonna be his own man but I'll just explain it as we go but basically he doesn't care about money he doesn't care about the innocent as long as it's not his people he will he just wants to see the world burn alright he he had a terrible life growing up and he has a hatred for everyone so I think it's gonna be really fun it might break the game but it's not really saying much in this game because it's early access but let's do it we're gonna do campaign and we're gonna play as a patan Ian that's right so he's gonna be kind of like the man of the people we're in a way we're almost the king will hate him like the king of the Pattani ins will hate him everybody in the world will hate him but the patan Ian's people will love him as like a vigilante almost in a way a ruthless killer so he been Pattani ins have 10% less speed penalty to parties in force which is good I guess for trying to get away but yeah we're gonna make him super tall super low voice yes and then I'm not gonna change his face we'll keep it simple you know it will actually make him bald and we'll give him you need something like I was thinking like maybe something like this but he's not a sturgeon that's like a sturgeon beard let's give up yeah there we go what's the difference okay uh I'll go at this one I like this one there we go there is now he's an absolute monster and we're gonna focus on smithing and two-handed I want to do smithing because we didn't do we haven't done smithing yet so let's do brawn let's see what else can we do endurance and smithing that's good let's see something that lets see either endurance two-handed or smithing train with the infantry that helps one-handed that's not too bad see what else it was smithing ok good and anything else that improves two-handed no but we subdued a Raider his name is going to be glug-glug the savage all right let's do realistic that's what we always do I'll keep combat AI and normal I guess so that's good look at him look at glug and did you see him as a kid it was like a teenager he look goofy really goofy hi hey bro I skip tutorial we've done this this ain't our first rodeo you know all right let's go glug is seeking revenge alright let's leave and his family name is legit gonna be the Savage because he does not have a family in fact you know what he was a sturgeon he was born a sturgeon for whatever reason his parents abandoned him it was rescued by a battalion woman and that family raised them until they were slaughtered by the Empire and the nobles of pattani ins did nothing about it and so that is what grew his anger and hatred for everyone and he doesn't care he doesn't care if you're bland in Azariah coos 8 he will kill you all let's see and we need something creepy you know this kind of looks like when you see this it's over you're dead so that's the kind of like you know if you see those banners coming at you there is there's just you you might as well fight because he's not gonna show you any mercy we could give him a red and white cuz red flags at least with like pirates red flags represented no mercy but we could do black just cuz it looks cooler with Hawaii and I like the black on the uniform so boom there we go what is his name glug glug glug I almost forgot it my own character's name so glad glug is gonna quickly ride to friendly or homeland let's see let's make them an iron maker and we'll add a point to two-handed so yeah glug is gonna make it back to his homeland so we'll try to get there quickly nope hold on and just pause it go there let's zoom in make sure we don't get hit by any looters or anything like that so it's gonna be oh hello and glug will legit kill anyone standing in his way he will kill anyone absolutely anyone he will have the worst reputation but he doesn't care he only cares about what the men he leads cares about him and even then it's not that much and he doesn't care about gold or wealth he only gets gold to pay for his men he personally doesn't care about any riches castles cities he just wants to burn the whole world down alright and then let's see do they have food here yes we'll buy 90 food there we go just to feed the men in the meantime we're gonna go ahead and crew troops here do we have any quest and the people he's gonna help out the villagers cuz that's like the only thing he does care about is the villagers and you know making sure they're safe I don't see trained troops now I hate training troops not gonna do that glug does not care about training troops all right it's a rat almost halfway our max army so we're gonna ride out and I'm literally like a cow radiant pirate at this point but I'm ruthless though at least pirates had a code you know they tried to avoid bloodshed because obviously they don't they want their crew happy right they they got to make a money got to keep them happy here we go surrender or die scum i glug let's do it yes all right charge yes God could you imagine this guy coming at you like this I'd be terrified [Music] get on boys Blagh beautiful nice and what he's also going to do with prisoners unless they're patan Ian but basically what he's gonna do with prisoners is that he's going to put them in a special group and in that group he will recklessly charge them in first as a meat shield he is ruthless guys I guess we could say like he traumatizes the prisoners so much that they want to die and that's why they they charge in as a meat shield for the battalions oh this is gonna be so messed up so messed up oh we gained a level glogg gained a level I guess we'll improve smithing at this point again we just continue to grind away we're gonna look for the music's different I don't know if it's because we're Britannia nor what but yeah we're gonna look for prisoner or looters and he's not like he's not like oh I'm going after looters because they're harassing my people or anything he's just going after looters because this is how he's gaining wealth and money there we go think not surrender or die all right attack men give him he'll voice I'll meet you up there like I have a black horse too he just like takes rocks like a champ yeah there you go get him boys yeah so we just got to keep grinding away well we got more prisoners to get more of these guys got some nice leveling up going on we got some good loot we just got to keep going again we're gonna try to help the villagers as much as possible look at this over here there's a floating village oh my god what magic is this alright we're almost maxed out there's no quest here so we'll keep moving on yeah he's almost like a Robin Hood but way worse and doesn't care he cares about the poor I suppose but he doesn't care I don't know he just he wants to kill everyone alright let's see if we can catch up to this guy yeah he better not run through the forest I'll catch up to you alright let's attack so the good older the good old just grind at the beginning of a really banner Lord Mountain blade in general is just a giant grind just it never stops being a grind this is why I wanted to do this playthrough and just see like how good of an army I can build without castles without enjoying a kingdom and then that kind of stuff oh and you know I'm not showing any mercy to to troops running away oh I gained a level nope we're gonna take the time glug-glug does not let any escape no come on the only way you're gonna live is if you outrun me wow you are something else huh what in the world this guy could take a punch there we go glug respects that but glad you're dead nonetheless blow Chris back alright there we go more renowned take all these prisoners up we got our first victim alright we're gonna put them in we got too many alright never mind just go you you're the lucky one you get out of there I forgot we got um we have a limit you know so we can't get those prisoners in here for a while that's gonna be so fun just throw prisoners at people alright let's see if we can catch up to this army of five over here oh you're going through the woods you shouldn't have done that give up alright attack and of course if I capture Lord of any kind I will chop his head off that also includes battalion Lords I don't know I can't remember if I mentioned this but the botanial Lords left his family high and dry when they were raided by the Empire so they were too busy arguing about what to do next instead of making a move [Applause] well done [Music] well done yep give me these prisoners keep upgrading these men fantastic beautiful because I mean I I'm not gonna I'm not gonna throw these people in a dungeon that's too good they deserve something worse than being thrown in a dungeon they deserve to be to be sloshed all right let's see we can't recruit any more Zuni here's some missions well as his daughter found we could do that the old daughter missions hopefully they add a little bit more like variety in these missions I am blog who are you and and glugs gonna find her because again not doing it for money he's doing it for the people the money of course pays for his soldiers we'll keep that in mind so let's go to a nearby village I guess we'll go here see if the village says see this Oh blog a nightmare has has risen and Kyle Radia just hasn't realized it yet healer suspicious young glowing village said the young moon we arrived or exhausted check their ok they're in this village alright let's see I'm gonna ride around lose this little kid why is he a little kid here glug also doesn't care about a woman so don't ask me to marry anyone alright glug doesn't waste it well look at all the sheep all right let's see what we got here dog magic I guess I could just asked one of these villagers and I assume they're on the outskirts I take me to her now run faster washer alright you're gonna take forever I assume she's down this road I probably should have just kept going this way anyways were they over here is this them no it's just a little warehouse let's see there's a fork in the road so they might turn let me go back to her and see if she goes to the right come here speed it up there you go faster lug much skill see you turning or going straight oh you're turning okay I'm gonna check down this road yeah I had honestly my gut was telling me to go straight but and yeah glug doesn't sweet-talk people it's like this is this isn't like I'm not gonna try to convince anyone it's either you listen to glug or you die hey Jesus look at you yeah don't care in fact I'm gonna do the ones that are purposely all my horses in the way purposely ineffective they're okay who wants she looks nuts don't care I don't care lug don't sweet-talk it's a draw weapon challenge it dude it's gonna be a massacre oh I dude I I told you see you later glug don't care be sad I piss on his buddy bye okay glug is ruthless man alright relations increased nice beautiful I mean that's one way to make the father happy right just kill the dude let's see one-handed weapons you wield have their handling increased by 20% shield bash is now deal haha I don't really care I'm not gonna really use one-handed weapons um see what else can we improve athletics just improve athletics again alright um let's go well we got a full army right so we could there's a quest over here extortion by deserters is this a challenging quest I'll try it this might be pretty tough I'm glug so you know if I it will help group deserters who can't doubt in their here they are very few there they come here every few weeks to me any money not gonna help you alright I'll wait here and join you in your fight okay this is kind of cool all right so I guess we just gotta wait at the city oh there they are Oh glug does not he especially hates people who try to gang up on villagers especially deserters and harass the people like go harass someone else's people [Music] [Music] [Applause] juice all right here all right here we go hold the line [Applause] so I'm using this to improve my what do you call it that's two-handed I guess this is more of a polearm not a two-handed I just need to get an axe soon Wow okay that's bull I don't know how he out swung me there Blagh just take nap gloves sleep for five minutes so gay I get up later there we go oh don't mind if I do though we're bearing Raider barbarians skirmisher it's good the Raider all right we got some good loot so now that we have this loot what do we see okay I gotta go back to claim my reward I can't wait to go after her caravans yes nine hundred hopefully yes goodbye gained a level four that was a big quest alright and what are we doing oh we gained a level so let's level up here ah yes we've we are successful we want to improve I mean steward is important for army size especially if we're gonna be yellowing so I'm actually gonna put that in there and put Stuart up just so we can have a bigger army all right cool I'm not gonna recruit any more troops let's go to a city and melt down some of the equipment we have here also noting noticing some big looter armies which will give us a lot so let's go to is there a quick way to go yeah and your smoothie and we need to do this every time it's melt yes you know have all the required materials all I need charcoal okay let's go see if we can buy some but don't you need like hardwood for charcoal let's see I can search by this or hide you don't have any wood grapes green I might be missing it I might take this iron though leather hog okay I guess they don't have any wood we're gonna try to go to I mean we could try going to some villages but we'll go to other cities see byproducts okay they don't have anything oh I could buy this green buy some food keep the soldiers well-fed don't care about looters right now let's go to Mara Mara or whatever Mar I don't know I don't know to pronoun log not good at read blog it not very smart glug laughs at the news of them being captured I did Betania nobles let's see let's trade hard wood I need hardwood hardwood boom that's a lot of money why is it so expensive hmm okay that's fine we'll make the money back and then let's go to the smithy and we need to make charcoal there we go [Music] all right and then let's smelt a new smithing part unlocks smoothly I guess I'm tired now right you know a folder oh I'm out I'm out of charcoal dang man all right let's go trade and we're gonna trade the equipment well first off let's see okay yeah we've got better boots and stuff there we go get some gloves we have anything Oh Cape I already have a cape I'm not gonna wear a helmet I think he's gonna be one of those bas you know that just goes in without a helmet oh okay so that's nice we have more hardwood let's make more charcoal oh I see eyes you can make hardwood nice so I was able to make hardwood by smelting down wooden weapons you must rest and spend time before you can do this I okay so let's first off level up our bot blacksmithing well it leveled up on its own so that's good but we're gonna go ahead and wait here for some time I think what you have to wait a day or something before you can smoothy again we need hardwood so I'll wait until morning just to be safe and we will start smithing again stop waiting into the smithy yeah we're good so okay let's smelt the smoothing part unlocked oh my god [Music] boom now this is where we can start making our own weapons we're gonna have a powerful now we haven't unlocked it yet we can make a tier 2 weapon cracker the question is though where oh I see wow you could do a lot of cool stuff here two-handed I need a two-handed axe oh yeah really we just haven't unlocked any of these huh I was hoping I get like a double-sided axe I mean these are cool weapon reach okay I assume this is like better than anything I can buy anyways we're gonna go trade everything that we smelt down [Music] because I'm not smoothing anything yet oh my god we make some good money there's new music to they must add a new music to the game alright so I'll get a thousand eight hundred and we might as well sell all of those - are we doing good beautiful boom boom let's go kill some looters actually hold up [Music] all right I'm still waiting for this barb patan Ian hi born to join us c'mere nerd you can't escape you're gonna give me some good equipment all right attack attack let's go I can't wait to have my first axe man can't wait look at that army glug I am glug you will die to me or my men get him boys Oh beautiful [Music] get em boys our body block them [Music] and these guys are tanky career guys don't don't run you're a long way to go you're not gonna make it bugs loves killing my god I need better weapons should not take this long to kill looters I mean I got 3,000 I should like just buy a weapon there we go all right we lost one man all right makes room for prisoners hmm all right we're maxed out oh look who finally joined us now again Pattani and prisoners I will give a second chance but yeah thanks okay fortunately no axe there let's go see if there's anything in the market oh it looks like we leveled up too Oh pull arm extra hit points yes beautiful that's what I'm talking about let's go trade okay I need a big ol axe six thousand for the battle axe hmm there's one handed though where's the two-handed two-handed oh my god they're expensive all right they've got this simple axe here it's worth a thousand we probably should go with that because I don't have 16 in gold so we're gonna get that get rid of this stupid hatchet okay that's good for now think that any of this better than what I currently have I don't think so yeah all right then get rid of it boom we got our acts baby oh let's go kill some looters I'm gonna try out this axe are you going through the trees you messed up oh here we go oh you're coming in after me oh I don't think so try to get away are you kidding me alright we wait for them to get to us I where's my axe oh yeah this is just the beginning - this is like nothing - what I'm actually gonna have battle axe time hello Oh 95 damage it's way better all right got to be careful don't want to die here all right get ready man [Music] mmm-hmm all my men do is they do the heavy lifting and I just have fun cutting them down as they run oh man glug-glug I'm still upset that I'm not one hitting I'm gained a level there we go definitely doing better though doing more damage the men are cheering as I run these idiots down come here Joe there's a tree there we go what else is there all right we'll end it ooh got some good renown we lost uh well we didn't really lose anyone did we all right got a Tier three a couple tier threes already that's fantastic fantastic Oh No No there we go I don't really care for the battalion peasants we've got more equipment to melt down so let's go see if we can buy well it's well yeah let's go see if there's any hardware hardwood I'm really gonna focus on the smithing here pretty hardcore because the sooner we can start making badass weapons the better wait they seriously don't have what oh oops I completely miss Clerk I was like I just bought everything okay hardwood boom and this is gonna be an investment yeah don't care all right and then with all that hard wood we're gonna change that into charcoal all right I need to rest now I don't know how long you have to rest I don't know if there's like a notification that says you're well rested but no we leveled up here though two-handed skill yeah strong grip or woodchopper increase your damage against shields and two-handed with 200 weapons by 30% or 200 weapons you will have 10% better handling let's go with wood chopper let's increase that okay let's see I'm looking for a notification if there's like you're well rested no doesn't look like it let's see if we can go smoothly now yep okay it's gonna be a little bit of a grind but it's gonna be worth it I also need a rest up and heal so we'll wait until morning as soon as I see the Sun out there boom and back to the Smith oh okay cool so let's melt this stuff okay let's go trade and we're gonna sell all the crude iron all this iron Wowi didn't make as much right I guess we didn't have as much to melt down it's alright we're investing in our skills that's that's really what's most important you know it's uh let's go over to the next city is there anything we can just prisoners who want to join us oh hey our party's up to 24 now so you know what I'm much as I want to kill these looters you know I wait I got an idea okay hold on let's go over here real quick let's go smithy so anything else I guess not I need to get more weapons all right here we go here's some looters but it's um what I'm gonna do is add as many prisoners as possible all right there's our looters we're gonna put them in squad 5 6 7 8 so squad 8 is the prisoner squad and we're gonna go attack some looters oh here we go here's 15 that's a good number come here [Music] all right let's do this [Music] attack this is what we're gonna do all right so present a squad shock charge everybody else here don't help him out Archer fight him looters and the prisoners serve their purpose they didn't really do knit I guess they did a little bit of damage love glogg [Music] there we go Oh some of the looters survived that means they're gonna have to do that again yeah come here more looters all right and I'll keep upgrading here oh yeah we already have a hero are you kidding me and a folksmen that is too good and up here's some weapons but not enough not enough of weapons okay that's good start though we're doing good let's go back up go to the smithy again every time we're gonna grind away I'm actually having a really fun time with this like it's completely different play style from [Music] completely different playstyle when I'm used to speed things at 35 poof we're getting there we're getting there and it's just really fun to be such a reckless character that just well raid doesn't even care right now we're gonna keep hunting down looters we need to get more equipment you're losing 76 gold oh and what we're gonna do to is we'll smelt a bunch of stuff but we won't sell it right away go here's 12 it looks like they're going to the river for some water or something yeah let's just go for this 12 up here come here Oh group up group up ah here we go 20 to go for the 22 Oh gained a level do I get any upgrades yes see leadership you what is leadership do maintain high morale for your party assemble and lead armies the ability to ability to inspire okay that's no game party morale from food variety improved settlement prosperity both projects spend time in your settlements I don't have any settlements but let's improve two-handed come here time to die I will fight in the night oh I like fighting in the night do nice for a little Bob Bob Ross there all right so Josh you know what to do I guess the only time I won't suicide charge prisoners in is if I like really need them to be somewhat of a force I'll help a marcher get on boys ha ha ah oh no they died that deals with them all right there we go look at all you yes all the skirmishing [Music] Wow they actually put up a fight glug-glug is coming for you oh what a shot good job attaining hero is all these men have hatred in their hearts let's go let's go so I don't really the thing with glug it's like yeah I want to get super strong I want to be able to craft really powerful weapons but I don't know like in terms of light game cuz I don't want to join anyone I don't want to you know giddy I guess we could like get a castle on our own or something greater poof beautiful beautiful all right good we got some stuff we can smelt down a little bit not a lot we'll go back to let's go to the city oh let's go kill these guys really quick it's gonna be hilarious when prisoners are like yeah I want to join your army it's like okay no come here sixteen sixteen looters running through the forest go you got stuck you're screwed alright let's attack hopefully we can get some we don't have any prisoners to throw at them I'm gonna write up and try to slow down a couple of them get a couple kills but yeah too bad we don't have any prisoners we can throw at them that's gonna be very helpful to when we have a lot of archers in the army we should probably help out some villages next I just want my army to be strong enough to raid people it's gonna be about a fifty man army fairly upgraded there we go soften them up for the boys give a male boys they're like going after my Archer oh he's just popping people I was a little worried there I thought it was gonna lose that hero you have the honor of getting killed by the axe beautiful fantastic oh all right uh we could take one no not that many well we can get a little bit more we can now have 25 troops it's good two more and we have some prisoners we can throw at the enemy oh my god dude yes this Archer guys leveling up quick oh and we got a lot of weapons we can smelt that's good all right here we go smells no items oh it's like what must rest okay let's go rest so we will rest we're losing money quickly but we're about to make a lot of money all right it's nighttime well we'll get back to smelting here as soon as it's morning and we'll say right now we're also getting a lot of hard wood as well to make more charcoal okay so we're level 36 now and in smithing let's go trade we should have a lot of goodies here oh yeah crude iron through this irons worth a lot is that it now yeah well we are producing hardwood but I don't want to sell that because we need that for charcoal so there we go a thousand gold right there alright guys well unfortunately we're out of time an hour already but we're gonna go to the tavern here oh hey you can recruit people recruit five mercenary swordsmen no I'm not gonna do mercenaries but it's cool that they added that anyways let's go to the tavern people will keep their distance from me from me as they should I'm gonna sit alone here no one understands glug good oh good anybody would sit next to me anyways thank you guys so much for watching hope you enjoy I hope you will enjoy this playthrough it's gonna be fun kind of going down the smithing route and who knows what's gonna happen in the future but I will promise you I hope to kill as many Lords as possible it's gonna be fun thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time on the battlefield
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 149,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, campaign, first campaign, pixelated apollo, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, part 1, episode, guide, tutorial, pa, talewords, massive army, siege, siege battle, pitched battle, funny, epic, mod, modded, commentary, first look, medieval, middle ages, total war, shieldwall, strategy, rts, morhau, new, first 30 mins, gameplay, m&b, siege defense, warfare, knights, king, bannerlord guide, how to play bannerlord, hd, campaign gameplay, Battania, Part 1
Id: V6QRdeIJXpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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