A Frustrating and Rewarding Day Farming

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hi I'm Pete and welcome to just few Acres Farm it has been raining a lot we got about an inch and a half rain the last day or so today May rain may not probably will I have a varied list of tasks to get done today assuming it doesn't rain too much so let's get started first I'm going to head over to the custom farm gate fabrication Center where Dad is building gates for the barn Edition they're made out of big fat pipe but that's what we had laying around you want to mark off the 11 inches uh let's do the bend first you want I mean do you want seven or the eleven doesn't matter 11 is fine give us a little bit more this is three quarter inch all thread this is what we make gate hinges out of [Music] [Music] hinge and it's raining again great I'll just wait a few minutes and it'll probably stop it reminds me that I thought it was going to be a dry summer remember I went out and bought all that hey well I guess I ensured it was going to be a wet Summer by doing that in fact my forecast was just off by three states west still very dry out west but it's very wet here what I'm going to do here is install these Gates on the ground all the way across this opening what's up I can't even see you too deep I gotta take this cap off so I can get at the other side of the post on the end let's see my hinges go through the post just like this and then you tighten them up on the other side you hang the gate on here and that's why I had to get down in here so that I can get to do the knot on the lower hinge and tighten it all up measure twice drill once then sit and watch it rain some more I prefer these wood boring bits to Spade bits but Spade bits the only thing I got that'll fit in my extension so we'll use that [Music] unfortunately this gun that's cheap metal but that's the way it is no big deal hinges check foreign I got the first skate on but I want to go on record and say it was not very much fun unfortunately the pipes that these all threads go in weren't any bigger than the all threads so I really had to work and work to get them on and these are the same Gates that we had down the other bar but Dad added two feet on the end of them and it just made them too heavy so the gates sagging even though it's on three quarter inch all thread I'm gonna go and get a trailer jack and weld it on here so I can jack it to whatever level that it needs and then when I swing it open which is only about one percent of time when I clean out the pen then I can extend the jack to support the gate in the outward position kind of a pain of course they make wheels that go on the bottom of gates but the problem is the ground slopes off here so I need an adjustable wheel also known as a jack foreign [Music] that was much easier because the holes on these hinges are bigger so easier to get in one of the nice thing can hinges this way is they're adjustable see I got a gap here but this one's sitting on so I can just turn this nut up so that's bearing on both hinges then of course I can adjust them in and out with this nut back here and then on the other side of the post foreign [Music] got the same problem if you put much weight on it it sags you know but I've been thinking about this a little bit and rather than welding a jack on to hold it up from the bottom I'm thinking that a cable going up here to a through bolt with an eye on it with a turnbuckle in the cable and then one over there will allow me to swing the gates without ever messing with the Jack so I'll intention instead of compression right Jack's compression cable his tension to hold the gates up I think that looks pretty good starting to rain again wow look at what happened with the weather it's almost like it's different day almost we are heading to the butcher to pick up our monthly supply of beef we send two beef every month All Summer Long this is the place back to the farm with a truckload of goodness right behind us these two steers dressed at 350 and 415 we continue to see higher weights than usual because of the way we changed our grazing methods but the weights will go down next month because we're taking two heifers to the butcher and the heifers always weigh less than the steers those two equate to 17 boxes back just a sampling T-bone steak sirloin steak porterhouse steak ribeye steak here's an old rule of thumb used to figure when you get beef back a third of it is steaks third is roast and a third is ground beef we run a little less than well quite a bit less than a third roast because we have a lot of the roasts made into ground beef to beef a month steak salt Market in about two weeks after we get it back roasts and ground beef accumulate you know they don't sell as fast as we make them in the summer and so we're selling off our extra stock in the winter what does garlic do when it gets hot I have no idea what does it do it takes its cloves off oh my gosh every time I think that the jokes are at the bottom they go even lower that was really bad I think it goes straight in the Manure Spreader North spreader is getting full of bad jokes enough of that dung next job don't have to do this too many more times this year nope nope nope spoilers believe it or not already all the broilers are gonna be here this year are here we've got one batch here to move out we've got one batch that's less than a week old and that's it that's it for broilers and then of course we've got the turkeys in the back bag [Music] foreign [Music] what a beautiful day it's become [Music] better [Music] you need help pulling that back or kind of tall stuff for these Little Tikes this field needs to be mowed I keep thinking oh wait and I'll make hay off of it it's going to dry out and it never does probably just needs to be mowed reluctant one good way to take chickens out of these pens do boards and we've got them confined to a quarter laughs they're just gonna have to get along for a week or so with the smaller chickens in this pen [Music] foreign [Applause] crispy [Music] do huh what do you want cows oh I scared the calves they were all hanging out and laying down foreign oh my gosh you'd think he hadn't eaten in a week [Music] oh come on follow me come on cows [Music] come on cows they'd rather stand in belly ached and walk come on cows the train is a foreman we're gonna go and find some good stuff down here in the lower fields this is not the gate but it is a gate along the way ah all right guys and cows let's see which field looks better that one I don't know you guys can just pause and Sample the buffet in here while I look well let's see this is that first field right here and this is the second field hmm do you guys want to take a vote and tell me which one's better because I'm really not sure patty just voted hi Orden how are you doing bud what do you think this field or this field he's not sure I think we'll go with this field it's got a deeper green color it's a little more mature all right guys [Music] they say Pete you made the right decision we're happy lots and lots of legumes this time of year Clover and alfalfa I'm trying to get you in favorable light Orton you keep chasing me around though just go and eat something you remember this field I clipped it with the haybine about three weeks ago my first time using the 856 and the residues still here being incorporated in good pasture just never ends this year that's one benefit of all the rain we've had [Music] Kettle grazing on Great Pasture sunny skies where can I say I want to thank you all because the channel just passed 400 000 subscribers amazing we're just about at the four year mark now I'm so grateful to everybody for watching the videos that we make on our little farm finally a few notes I'm going to the Canandaigua pageant of steam Canandaigua New York August 10th and 11th Thursday Friday I'll be there and we will not be at the Ithaca Farmers Market on Saturday August 12th I hope you have a great day and I'll see you next time
Channel: Just a Few Acres Farm
Views: 113,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, farming, hobby farm, hobby farm guys, hobby farming for profit, homestead, how farms work, just a few acres farm, life on a farm, day on the farm, slow farming, busy day, farm day, small farm, life on small farm, a few acres farm, few acres farm, just a few acres farm youtube, pigs, dexter cattle, cattle, chickens, pasture, new barn
Id: nUHW7mZfHcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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