I'm Turning My Farm Dog into a House Dog

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[Music] So lately there has been a new resident here inside our farmhouse yes that is correct Abby dog one of our two livestock Guardian dogs has gone from living her entire life here on the farm outside I have a dog and she's now living inside the house full time 24 hours a day morning Abby dog how's it going sweetie well maybe not exactly 24 hours a day she does go outside for walks to go to the bathroom that sort of thing all right let's go Abby good girl good girl Abby but other than that our girl is an indoor girl [Music] now some of you might be hearing this and saying wait what happened how did Abby dog end up inside well please allow me to tell you the story [Music] good girl Abby we don't chase baby b even if she tries to act like she wants us to chase her right good job hey wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa what happened there what's going on abs oh you've got a little boo-boo here girl what happened you see a couple of weeks ago Abby dog got a cut on her leg so I started to bandage her up and I decided that I would let her kind of keep doing her thing I would just put the bandage on hopefully keep it clean change the bandage twice a day squirt some of that triple antibiotic ointment type stuff on there to keep it from getting any sort of infection don't lick it please and our girl would be back to normal in no time flat but unfortunately that is not what happened somehow her cut ended up developing an infection and when I noticed her limping around I realized that I needed to step up the efforts that I was doing to take care of her and treat her and so that's when we went off to the emergency weekend vet to get checked up and when the vet took a look at her leg they said that there was definitely an infection that developed and that it was going to need to be drained yes there's nothing more fun than having a wound that has some pus that has to be drained and so the veterinarian put a drain in place and Abby got one of those gigantic like Elizabethan collars that makes her look like a flashlight dog that she's always been so prone to destroying hey flashlight how's it going girl sweetie oh oh man oh you're beating the heck out of your cone it's after Abby's appointment I brought her back here to the farm and I began the process of introducing her to the house [Music] Abby has never really lived indoors she's never been housebroken she has a propensity to chew on stuff and destroy it wanna have some free time downstairs while I'm down here yeah okay of course I'm always curious to see what our farm looks like from the perspective of our animals so that's why I have these cameras so let's do an Abbey point of view tour of our house foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign dog has been on a pretty steady drug regimen and so I've been giving her her medicines and overall she does pretty well with them I usually stash the meds in a pill pocket or even just a piece of cheese cheese [Music] the recovery process for Abby is going very well she is behaving excellently she is settled in quite nicely and she's healing up my wife Allison and I are very pleased to see all of this happening this way would you like some breakfast Aggies do you like breakfast Eggies I bet you do she's so happy about that but there is one resident in our house who's not quite sure what to make of things [Music] oh lady Abington you're taking a nap in there good to see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get out of my house while the jury is still out on whether or not Lil and Abby will ever become friends Abby's bathroom habits have been absolutely wonderful ever since she moved into the house come on Abby come on Flashlight come with me [Music] foreign good girl hey Abby you're going to say hi to your friends the pigs [Applause] everything seemed to be going really well with Abby's recovery she seemed to be healing up and she was doing well at home but one morning I woke up and discovered that she was limping and that had me really really concerned with wounds like Abby's including the fact that she has that drain in place a risk of reinfection or some other problem popping up is pretty high and so I wasn't taking any chances the moment I noticed her limp you were back in the truck and we were heading over to the emergency room thank you now I was very scared driving over there because I've just developed such a strong bond with Abby and I don't want to see her suffer I don't want to see anything bad happen to her I could just tell that that morning when she woke up she wasn't her usual chip herself and because of that fact I was just terrified about what we were going to discover there at the vet so I just nervously waited there until I know you what's that I know you oh yeah yeah I've been watching it for years oh okay nice to meet you Morgan I'm Morgan thankfully that moment of levity with the woman on the bench actually helped lift my spirits and it's feeling a little bit more optimistic and eventually after waiting for a bit Abby and I were able to go see the vet and the vet took a look at her and decided that it was time to pull out her drain and so that was done and Abby was still in pain but we headed back to the farm that night because Abby was going to need a lot more time for recovery [Music] foreign [Music] you're just saying hello to your Molly girl Molly is an exceptionally tolerant cat he's even with Abby's giant collar she doesn't seem to mind [Music] you want to say hi to your friend Toby [Music] thank you [Music] come on Abby we gotta go back inside Abby come Abby come on come on come on I had to come come oh see what's going on you don't want to leave your life on the farm you miss it I'm sorry sweetie pretty soon you'll be able to go back outside permanently okay come on Abby come Abby come good girl don't worry you're going to be back out there soon enough don't worry come on let's go come on all right inside sweetie [Music] what sit girl don't get jealous Lil you could have some if you really wanted it oh you're being a very good girl
Channel: Gold Shaw Farm
Views: 89,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold shaw farm, duck farm, goose farm, vermont farm, maremma sheepdog, guard dogs, great pyrenees, dog vs wolf, maremma sheepdog working, maremma sheepdog dogs 101, maremma sheepdog training, maremma sheepdog 101, maremma sheepdog protecting chickens, maremma sheepdog puppies, farm vlog, day in the life, day in the life dogs, dog vlog, dog training, dog training videos, dog training 101
Id: gh8LHn3DkUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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