Meet the Patrons who are a CRUCIAL Part of the Chateau's Renovations & Future | It's a GROUP Effort!

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[Music] the day has arrived it is Patron day at La Land and I'm having a great start to the day because Andrew is in the kitchen with Stuart downstairs and he's just sent up what has been described as cheesy eggy bread words fail me in describing how delicious this is and that's probably because I'm closer inspection I've realized it's actually cheesy eggy croissant it's not to think about the calories right now but I've got a big day ahead of me strength Mr Potts is already looking tremendously busy doing something tremendously important everyone's in a flurry of excitement getting ready on the back lawn all of the tables are done though to be honest we don't have the best view of it from here I'm gonna go down and show you all so many of our friends have come to help us host so as many of us as possible have come here to meet all of the patrons and if getting very excited also I have heard a rumor that the pastries have a ride downstairs I mustn't forget my timetable Philip's given everyone a timetable as you can see I'm going to be in the winter Salon sitting and chatting to everybody with tatinet and Jerry and this is the master timetable so the groups will be arriving between a chat with me in the winter Salon a tour of the Chateau with Philip a tour of the woods with Nick a tour of the garden with pavelina and ombolin a concept by Maria in The Music Room a flower arranging session with Mahi in the bread oven room and a chat with Anne-Marie about his beautiful paneling and the Marquis sitting room and a chat with Andy about her incredible art in the Marquis bedroom these are the people who are in charge of different groups and so I will see each of their groups at those times what could possibly go wrong I just saw a car arriving the Press guests have arrived it's so weird for all of us not having Percy here doing the car parking and organizing all of the outside's face was such an integral part of it last year but he has been in the group chat sending instructions so Percy we're on it or the Final Touch all right we're putting out Jared's beautiful banner maybe last year um I think we touch at the bottom here we put it down there last year did we not did we go into number what seems to work all right I'm gonna go down okay I think um probably a little pastry is very much needed good morning sir oh I see it really is all hands on deck good morning Renee's doing a crocking job up until the last minute I need a cup of tea and I've just been told that there's been a last minute tune for the timetable oh and my new timetable is here somewhere and good morning good to see you're still in charge here today Gerald oh and in my clan ancestors are calling me oh what delicious things oh no this is his pasta there's nothing so beautiful or delicious yeah this is just pasta this looks these are some gigantic uh croutons that I made in um herbs to Performance a lot of herbs straight from the garden and I did this in a leek olive oil that I made yesterday so they have big pungent throughout yeah you shouldn't leak you're going to get a gold star you know I would rather have a Michelin stars last night to do all your herbs into little freezer bags we're gonna come and chop because you've got this is pineapple no Sage Sage pineapple sage I forgotten yes indeed I was there Jesus who keeps bringing flowers hello you look beautiful thank you jeans are born in fairy so I hear that uh Andrew's delighted by the things you keep bringing in from the garden that's why I'm delighted wow look at this yeah it doesn't get much better than that thank you oh should I taste a bit of this to check it's okay yes yeah yeah don't be too careful can you the crispy and bits we're saving Jerry for a sandwich later good morning Dave good morning how are you I'm fine thank you how are you oh very good thank you good to see you in here all is under control when you're here you ready I am actually I'm really looking forward to what I get to sit and have a chat with everyone all day so I have a great day excellent I see that more leaks have arrived the plumbers arriving somebody told me we've got Elite this is going to be a very very long day isn't it I just realized that now I'm not gonna pretend that this came from the garden gonna be honest that so clearly we didn't have a dog basil but Stuart's been conveying leaks like there's no tomorrow oh the tables look so pretty and finally Philip justifies the purchase of that enormous set that he bought of porcelain we have enough plates for everybody this is a very proud moment especially for me and Phillip because occasionally it has been said that maybe we have too much porcelain but justification right here looking one way we can see the place where there used to be the lake and where there will be the lake again on the other side there's the Chateau with some chairs that we still need to move this way we're looking at the Blasted Cedar and out here there's a gorgeous view of the chapel hello everybody and happy Patron day thank you so much for being here I don't think lalang would be the same without you and your massive support so from the bottom of my heart thank you I am doing a make your own cozy uh pop-up stand today outside the bread almond room and I'm going to show you how that looks like so I set up a little bit of a bouquet station we're almost about to start and the bread and room is looking very empty but I the weather is so beautiful so how can we not be outside in this lovely lovely little Back Garden so yeah this is how it looks like right now we have a little bit of flowers from Sean Baptist and I'm just gonna go and replenish a bit from the garden a few more dahlias I think this is the room where Emery will be meeting everyone so that he can talk about his paneling and how he made it and also so that he can ask all of the patrons to sign the back of this panel which is one of the panels for The Car Salon my goodness it really is the perfect day for it Michael's taking photos of the guests in front of the fountain as they arrive all of the groups are gathering together there's Vivian's group I ran up to get the chapel plans because I'll be sharing those with everybody I'm gonna get down there oh Gerald that is our ray of sunshine Sunday that is the ray stunning I love lemon me too so this is our room for the day I am with tatinat and Gerald and the tea set thank you very much it's from Austria the two dresses I'm wearing on the patron day are both austrians thank you so I suddenly realized but we need to open the shutter we can't do it from outside we've tried I think it's at the top it's stuck yeah this is typical isn't it but if I go outside Stephanie and we do it all up at the same time what's happening just you show me a pool uh can you do the bottom latch from the outside it's a two-person job oh absolutely I've got the top done yes I think I'm great lovely have you seen everyone yeah the joys of our Chateau you're going to get around to film today Jerry just told me it said um who watches you you die yeah on the one thing yeah yeah she then said that she says be watching with my husband every day she says I bet that one day I don't watch it it'll be the day you fall as you said please don't fall everybody is so child and there's so many familiar faces like it's even the window it's you're doing something well we have been told that we can start this is the guest patch show yes and then we have oh my goodness a peach salad cucumber and radish salad free lentil salad potatoes from the garden quinoa oh cabbage that's going to be one of my favorites roast lamb I'm quite excited beetroot from the garden salmon pasta dig in yourselves if you want to slim at that step dig in I've got my gazpacho in the masaka and that's why I was buying more of these recently at the pork hunt because we wanted to serve the gazpacho in it I know it was made for a coffee drink but why not it's good to use these old-fashioned things they're one Euro each in charity shops or in blockans hello I have heard the most beautiful music emanating from the music room oh is that what it is no it sounded gorgeous and they can have a new life with just different uses it's perfect for gazpacho because it's very thick and it keeps it cool this is really Francis isn't it it's that time of the years two years in a row yes this is a happy happy time for me looking at a cheese board cheese board is always a happy time but better and it just oozes over the place that's why the cheese is inside right now because it is summertime that was the most delicious lunch now Isabel if you're watching all the leftovers are being used all the croissants I wish you could smell this it smells like Autumn and then it'll have a fall for the Americans watching we're gonna flow towards the top and that'll be creme Bruins actually completely imagine it's very noisy in here because just talked just the whole time neither of us listen oh yeah yeah it's time for Maria's concert I am so excited to hear it and for what I'm calling the grand finale I think it would be wrong and just impossible to uh to do a program honoring all the ladies of land without doing a special dedication to the woman behind stepping jobs we all know couldn't be with us today uh took a big part in organizing the taking days and it's always a ton of support to Stephanie into Percy and all of us here so I thought uh for her I need to find a piece that displayed sufficient strength and will but also artistic Flair and Pizzazz and sufficient tornado-like qualities and uh if all goes well maybe we can conjure up Isabel's presents in the room here with us so it is uh lists uh transcendental Solitude and number 10. [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] we've just chatted to our last group it has been just the most fun day as I've barely seen you today it's a wonderful time have you did your tour go well by the way not because I haven't seen you that sounded really awesome yeah no I've heard it really wonderful day in spite of not seeing Little Miss I did miss you a little bit in the winter summer but I've also had a really wonderful day it wasn't a very busy this tree is the one that nearly killed pavlina last year she was weeding underneath it an entire Branch came down and just fell next to her and so Nick has decided that she should be the one to winch the tree down as he is cutting it get back into it [Music] [Applause] it's been the loveliest loveliest day it was just such incredibly kind people and it's amazingly uplifting for all of us who are living here to hear what people who've been watching for a long time are saying about La Land and how it's helped them through covert a lot of people still talking about that period but also how they feel when they first come here because they tend to see everything that's been done and the beauty of the place whereas we tend to walk around seeing everything that still needs doing and that hasn't been finished yet so it's been very very good for the soul I'm looking forward to tomorrow now I've made Stephanie video of me after a party this this is our friend's grandmother's cheese ball from Indiana hang on wait your friends grandmother's cheese balls from Indiana and weak things that she brought last week but hang on did she she make the cheese no I made the cheese balls I was wondering how long ago it had been made in Indiana so for all and it's just been telling me I'm Midwestern all day if I get into Justin I don't care so hello to the Midwest really so good it's worth indigestion all right here we go oh it's covered in nuts and then you get a Wheat Thin Wheat Thin here we go I've never had a week then in my life [Music] I have brought you some snow um this is slowed in last year we were talking about the fact that we have Blackthorn bushes that produce slow berries that is the best label oh well thank you very much yeah um so I have created or I I took some Gin threw some berries in with a bit of sugar I followed Jamie Oliver's recipe so hopefully I did this right um and it just needs to basically sit for three months so it says on the label do not open until November okay I promise that we will not open until November but we'll wait for Advent there you go perfect and there's the bottles put it back in it needs to be strained back into the bottle and of course I brought you more so you can make your own yep there should be enough here for another two bottles amazing thank you thank you so much my pleasure I can't wait yeah I mean we're not gym drinkers but I am making a bottle for ourselves it doesn't really taste like gin so gin it's completely different I think you'll love it we will give it a shot ourselves I just love the label here we have the hero of the hour editing my Patron day Vlog which he has also filmed it's very familiar to the Revenge Vlog that you did on me where I had to film it it's weird how this keeps happening weird isn't it I think we just specify I didn't actually ask you to do this because you're gonna try you're gonna do everything you can to make me look like the bad guy is that why you offered to do it I've got more people on my channel to make you feel good oh is that that's it but but you're winning so up until now you've been watching my view of the patron days as they happened but I leave you ladies and gentlemen with a Dan's eye view of chatwood La land's patreon days 2023 [Music] thank you again [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] said to me oh just a little Child poem so all of this Timber that you can see here which is sapili comes from North America but it's been imported to Belgium this is what uh what came from this big lump of Timber came from foreign [Music] but down this side we're trying to leave we've got a variety of Maples Ash I've got a copper beets coming through because what we'd like to do is just line this side of the Woodland so we get where you stood now we've got this same Archway leading down to the um lawn area [Music] and would you like a cup of tea oh well there you go if it says yesterday so I'm very very happy to see you later yeah [Music] amazing it's beautiful [Music] [Laughter] [Music] always trusted with it [Applause] because everyone can see me as if I'm sitting over here which is a bit weird I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you for completely Transforming Our Lives and there's really no other way of putting it that's not hyperbole you have absolutely absolutely transformed the life of everybody living here and most importantly the life of the Chateau itself which will outlive all of us I hope as long as the castle holds a little bit longer it will outlive all of us but for me it wasn't about that it's about restoring the soul of a house as well and that takes people and I hope that Leland will always be lived in in the future as well there'll always be people enjoying this place and because of all of you I get to live with the greatest group of people on the entire planet and there are even more great people coming in every day to work with us and help us [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] yes because the restoration yeah part of with photos they make cars on the whole bits and you can buy those things [Music] thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you very empty inside it's pretty bad ball coming up we'll just put more Mulch and why we would do this it's only because we don't want the ground to be out of any protection so we don't want it to be out in the rain in the colder in the heat so if we put most we keep moist but we keep also the whole ground to be flush away you know with the old the nutrients so it's going to be feeding the soil helping the veggies and so we try to have every single bed to be covered foreign [Music] [Music] the 14th 15th of 16th century now I know that's a 300 year period that we're talking about so the brackets were lost and therefore we don't know exactly how old it is nowadays the shutter is a w shape and the chef that used to be a u-ship instead of this I think in about the 18th century because it will do not lose 19th century but also contenders we're guessing it thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] sir can you move around to the side okay I think we're all looking fabulous [Music] um [Music] I think
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 173,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau diaries, restoration, centre val de loire, french property, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, living in france vlog, chateau diaries latest, chateau restoration, chateau renovation, château rescue, french countryside, home restoration, french style, house and garden, country life, living in france, chateau de lalande, chateau diaries in order, escape to rural france, how to renovate a chateau, interior design, chateau de chaumont, doing it ourselves
Id: -hFWzU3EnLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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