I’ve Been Keeping This In… Until Now

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all right it's really foggy see that but Dad where is he missed the cabin way down there it's foggy isn't it I don't even see the cabbage [Music] Carter cheated on your game what he cheated on your game water Beast Pig show me show me car's not even in the game well which game is it show me the screen it's this game oh he bought the Mr Beast pit huh yeah and um do you like my character pretty slick [Music] foreign Big Stretch uh what's this hey raise your hand if you have on a Spiderman shirt did you eat Reese's already how many did you eat four all right say morning everybody dos Farms boss Farms like you know I already said that did you yeah said oh look at the goats on the camera when you said it you were barely awake get away from the truck Ruby see you Ruby yes what are you doing little lady [Music] June bug out I may have to go down there and park in the panels you all this hungry prank line don't be ornery this morning all right everybody hang on everybody back up back up listen y'all got back up nope that's not your reflection no touch oh trucko back up oh I don't like that you're really nice because you don't move everybody's Gucci tobacco Russo quit it oh boy that's gonna be interesting I forgot I had the tank in here so it's kind of hard to get this bag out and get around them so this should be a good time [Music] what's up man I don't think you all saw any of that Wario got under it but that didn't work look at the little babies not so little anymore though and by the way he's not banded yet and neither is Pat or neither is Frank we had somebody after our last video show some interest in Patrick and they want him as a longhorn so We're Not Gonna oh they want him as a bull so we're not going to register him yet I'm sorry we're not going to ban him yet so we'll wait and see if they're true and actually wanting him before we banned him Longhorn especially registered Longhorn people want color they want the pretty paintings and stuff like that they want Bonnie where's that they want bunny they want Finn CJ's not too bad an all-white bull is not exactly sought after from what I can tell just being in a few groups only owning Longhorns about six months that's what I've noticed they want a lot of pattern a lot of color so that's why you would just banned him and sell him as a steer okay now he may have an impressive set of horns someday it doesn't mean he's not worth something it doesn't mean his life's not worth something it's just when you're into putting color in your herd an all-white bowl is probably not going to do it because you can take a cow or I'm sorry you could take a bowl like Finn which he's not he's a steer and put him with an all-white cow and get the color you want but chances are those dominant genes of white on white are going to throw more white so anyway that's okay but we'll hang on to him find out if the people that were interested actually want him if they want a bull or a steer we'll go from there Frank is still intact but that's only because I haven't had time to ban him he will get banded let me tell you something I raised two Holstein Angus steers first it was my first steers I ever raced amazing meat good-natured awesome animals they were bottle babies though so the Angus didn't really come out of them if you will they were gentle from day one they stayed gentle they were ornery but all cows are and then I raised two baldies they were straight up just awesome just really good natured that's a Hereford Angus cross and I just I liked them they were good-natured the whole time I mean you know I give these animals because they do they all have personalities and they all get ornery and they all want to get to the next greenish pasture and all that but as far as like trying to hurt anybody those animals weren't ever trying to hurt anybody they weren't trying to prove dominance nothing like that Franklin here and I actually can't even mess with him every animal out here I kid you not every animal I can push on them I can touch them I can move them I can even move June you can scratch June I guess you've seen me sit on bunny I can do just about anything with her don't Smack June nobody that'll get you hurt but Frank where'd he go Frank man I don't know if it's the Angus in him I don't know if he's just a turd just like with every animal I've been messing with him since day one I've been petting him I've been touching him hand feeding him cubes everything I do the same thing with all the animals okay even CJ who's legit ornery and I'm ready to take to Fraser camp he's not he's not a bully if you will but Frank [Music] 's a turd man it's a it's pretty bad I legit like wrestled into the ground the other night in a headlock to keep him from hurting me and he weighs every bit of a couple hundred pounds already so he's already as solid as me and they're just they're stinking strong man I don't know um it's not Fred's boy if I sell him somebody's gonna eat him there's not many people looking for a bull in a Highland Angus cross but without fencing he's not going to be here if he's not going to be polite and nice and kind I say all that to give you guys a heads up I don't know how I'm rolling mine to it I said why didn't you tell me it's hot in here whoops are you hot no I'm not well it's just stuffy huh so I'm just giving you guys a heads up I want to know what the real Farmers would do with Frank and I already know the answer those of you that watch this I know when Frank was born I know the hype around his birth I was here it's our farm Ray and I witnessed it we were all out here till one o'clock in the morning Mr Mrs a Mr Mrs Miller we were all out here to witness it and watch it and see the miracle that is Frank the Tank be born at two o'clock in the morning when June passed the largest calf I've ever seen certainly come out of a Highland he is just very very honoring if I sell him someone will make him a steer and they will eat him am I supposed to just keep him and raise him and just because he was born on this farm and he's June's baby I mean it's not Fred's baby if it was Fred's baby I fully intended to keep him intact and keep passing those genes but he's not he's the neighbor's random bull that he leased right if you're one of them real farmers and you understand where food comes from why would I sell a perfectly good steer that can be made to steer a bowl cat that can be made of steer why would we sell one and raise on board so don't go over there and tell and tattle Chad's going to eat Frank okay she already knows why would we sell a perfectly good bull that we can make a steer and raise for our own consumption and give him an amazing life while he's here that's the other thing see we'll make sure he gets everything he needs the dog what's up buddy we'll make sure he gets everything he needs we'll make sure he's healthy happy medicated safe and very well fed for obvious reasons okay now look at that sky good morning dog good morning dog easy mama I'm not really asking for permission I'm asking you to understand where we're coming from okay he's an amazing looking Little Bull calf that color I do believe is gonna fade he is getting darker by the day he's not going to stay brindle not if you know he might but I don't believe he's gonna what's up buddy it says what's up I need you guys to understand just like this one does what you do is animals you raise on your farm that don't have a roll if you will like even if I even if I kept him intact even if I kept him on the farm guys he's a bull and I have an agreement with my neighbors that I won't run a bull on their fence lines and we would need to build a pen for him so that means he doesn't get the full 20 acres like everybody else does okay which is kind of a bull's life sometimes that's what they do but then what because at some point and remember he's a Highland Angus it's not like he's I'll put it this way Mr Abbott the guy we worked with at Eubanks that got us the aeroquip stuff which by the way I have a major announcement from aeroquip for our channel so stay tuned on that really really want to tell you right now Mr Abbott that helped us at Eubanks he breeds Angus to his Irish dexters because they grow quick they stay kind of small so you don't get like this big old massive Angus but you don't have to have as much land either so I mean it may sound like I'm trying to talk myself into it but I'm not okay I'll do it it crossed our minds that if some of y'all couldn't handle it to let Mr Abbott raise it and then we would go get the meat later but I'd really rather keep him on our farm um and Mr Abbott didn't even offer that I would have to even check but I would literally only do that because some of y'all may not be able to handle the realities of it okay if you can't handle Farm Life I'm not sure why you're watching dos Farms I wanted to tell you I love each and every one of you good bad or ugly just like you love us hey what do we do with ornery animals sell them or what if they could be tasty eat them you heard it here the boss spoke I don't know what to tell you sorry about it Grill Them Up Grill them up in the frying pan foreign let me go look at Lily real quick View wow I got my transfer tank in the back of the truck that's diesel for the tractor it's like 55 gallons a whole setup was like 600 but it's been amazing and a lifesaver because the tractor only has a 14 gallon tank at this point because I am in the market for a side by side potentially diesel the only thing that uses diesel at this point is the tractor it's got a 14 gallon tank that's a 55 gallon tank so carry the four I think I can fill the tank up on the tractor four or five times with that auxiliary tank been very handy I'll stay right here keep eating keep eating keep eating don't worry looks like you didn't escape the rain last night it's okay you're so good looking look at the mirrors you are your daddy's girl that's for sure oh my goodness all the spunk and spiciness you've ever seen in your life Cabela that one right there beautiful animal so pleased it's going really really well haven't had any issues of course he's obviously tried to re-breed Lucy she's coming to her full heat we do want a donkey this time next year um a baby donkey so it just made sense I talked to people who much wiser than me one on YouTube who a lot of you all know and one who's not put his bread many many animals he said hey you want a full next year right I said yep he said turn the man out turn the donkey out turn the Jack out and here's what's interesting too he's full-on adopted the babies little donk our main donkey where's he at he has full-on adopted every baby on the farm and even when we come out to pet them he watches us now he knows we're safe but he's watching us like making sure that we don't spook anybody it's almost like he's there to say hey it's okay they're all right I know you're new but that's Mom and Dad he's all about it man and I'll tell you what dude if anybody came on this Farm any Predators with ill intent towards the babies little donk Lily's dad little donk is ready to throw hands or hooves hi little one hi far enough I can tell come in can you go get some apple treats then go get some treats Cabela you should probably back up hey good morning Lucy's still been very very sweet with us she's leaned up a lot they get the bigger Crest neck when they're pregnant like they just have more fat in their bodies trying to stay warm all that good stuff because they do carry for a year a full winner hi little one hi it's not gonna happen it's okay I won't rush it I know the Dollar General cookies and apple treats will get her one of these days yep all right let's go look at baby Roxy oh wait look you guys taught me well look he's got his done too and we're on our property calm down about him being a front seat seat belt okay we get up we run to the gas station we say hi to the old boys that tell us what to do and how to do it out here that have been doing it for Generations and then we come home and we drive around the farm and hang out with you guys come by over Cabela Cabello Roxy that's right the little preemie absolutely has a name now oh in case so I rolled this boy case as a channel and he called this area because we've got a preemie alpaca and the mom's name is Tina in case you're new here but oldest boy case has a channel he was up here filming the other day and he was like it's quarantina oh man I don't know where he gets it yep there's Miss Tina baby Roxy hey Cabela all they can hear is all they can hear is you breathing and uh they're yelling that's better how cool is that so when she was born her eyes were actually bloodshot as well you can see she's got all black now with some color I say color is in white so she is the spitting image of Mom not a sign of dad enter that animal guys I wish I could show you but I don't believe she weighs five or six pounds I truly don't and she it's all bones and fur she is Tiny our boy John at Red River Exotics he uh raises I don't know 60 70 80 100 head of alpacas I mean it's something crazy he's on Facebook I tag him below he said to leave him pinned up for about a week and basically what we did with Lily with Lily our donkey our Gauntlet we uh kept her in here until we saw that she could run around and move and get out of the way of Dad when Mom came into full eat right well that's what we're doing here with Ruby Roxy all these R names that's what we're doing here with Roxy we're trying to make sure I want to see her and so does Rey we're on the same page Ray posted a video last night case posted a video I'll link them both in the top comment okay we want to see her like sprinting around this pin okay like going crazy what's up bub once she does that we'll know that she's good and we can make sure that uh yeah when she does that we'll know that she's good and she can get out of the way of the other animals I'd wear but I really just don't want to stress a preemie out that's doing well and doing strong it's just wow you want a what riding a side by side and find some bones yep we did the other night didn't we yeah somebody sent us some Daddy went out and hit them and then you went and found them oh you wish there was like 20 of them yeah yeah well here's the deal here's what we can do so if you guys are new here this is Adler he's the Farm Boss Adler Doss the Farm Boss is that pretty cool yeah he loves collecting bones and when we first bought this property had been sitting here for about seven years and we found deer coyote possum uh snake we found a whole cow over in Ben's Patcher didn't we yeah yep well he found him like super quick and now there's I don't say there's none left but it takes a while for you know animals to become bones but some of our awesome subscribers have sent some bones for us to find and he knows that they're from you guys I think that makes it more special and then Daddy goes and hides them right yeah so that way he can practice honing in on his bone-finding skills right yeah is it pretty cool do you think people would send us some like what somebody sent us the other day they sent us some antlers and we hit them do you like that yeah tell me about it I just you know I want to get some bone I just want to get some bones sound good yeah all right sounds good to get some bones well tell them say if you guys send them I'll find them and my daddy will put it on the YouTube yep send them in now fine though we call you the Bone Collector or bone Hunter what do you like best um I think I bet you somebody will send us some some antler sheds maybe some little bones that they got that sound okay and daddy will hide them and we'll make a whole video finding bones that's you yeah I thought that was SpongeBob it's me well raise your hand if you're SpongeBob nah nah all right come here smack that green light we got Aaron's to run we'll be back oh I think Ray washed her truck goodness I washed mine a couple days ago too real heavy rain just rinsed it right off looked amazing until I until I put it in drive I went down the road oh man that's my lawn chair the cows put it up for me every night they're so sweet man look at this Pond you guys like my Crocs they're squeaking I uh when I leave my Crocs outside they shrink crazy then they squeak for like a day or two then they're fine and it's quick again you know what I'm kind of curious about there's Finn Dune better not be looking for a bull somewhere you might actually have to go find her anyway check the pond out I haven't been down here in a minute especially since it rained but look at all that water so I tried to tell you guys this is deep it's really deep and it's way deeper than this side so this probably doesn't this probably doesn't look any different to you but this should look full I mean the water line used to be like oh probably right there but we actually had and I just looked we had three and a half inches of rain in July that's nuts so I'm excited to see that pond keep filling up I do believe I'm done grading that uh Peninsula and Island I'm not gonna try and take it down anymore um it's kind of nice well I'll put it this way you guys that have built ponds you've mentioned many times that if someone were to fall in you want to make your Banks to where that something or someone could walk out you don't want it like you know Steep and sloped all the way around so anyway I'm Gonna Leave It oh and if you haven't seen Ray's latest video yes those are all grasshoppers if you haven't seen Ray's latest video she painted her door yesterday but we're also covering up our water line from water line we're covering up our electric line right here and we've had a lot of runoff this direction so we're going to kind of make this a berm and I'm going to continue it on past the light pole I buried a fiber line like our internet and electric right there and they're in conduit but I'm going to continue that berm on out and go around raise shed right there and I need to squish this down but really it needs a good bit of rain on it first I'm going to build this up I'll keep filling it let me show you what I'm getting the dirt from though well a lot of it came from right here but it's hot it wasn't supposed to be this hot fin wasn't supposed to be this hot dude but it is it's like 97 degrees out here this is where I'm getting a lot of the dirt we've got a we've got a ditch that comes from our neighbor Ben's place right there and then of course this is run off from the rocky pasture we have it all flows right here and what I've been doing is just taking my box blade and Grading this down lower and lower and lower every time it rains I look to see where the water is and then I grade it down so that we'll kind of create a Swale and then yes I'm gonna put all the rocks that we have around the property which these were just a few I got out this morning I'll put those rocks down there Oreo what's up my lady I'll put those rocks down there and kind of keep everything in check but I am hitting clay so that's a good sign got a clay bottom over there so it's not gonna like you wrote it but I want it to erode where the water already is I don't want to get these flash floods and have it start kind of eroding where it shouldn't so anyway I think I'm doing what's right I don't know you guys know me I'm still learning not afraid to say it what's up buddy oh by the way I'm not cleaning that I'll clean that Grill when I get another truck if you know you know you guys were on me for two years to replace the windshield in my truck I finally did it I went and bought a new truck anyway let's talk here for a second nothing let's see yeah look at that feels like look at that y'all read that it's hot it's really hot so anyway here's the deal the name change the elephant in the room I didn't change my name it's always been the Doss Family Farm it's always been dos Farms I just changed the channel name no Adler doesn't care you guys shouldn't either it's the same content we weren't cloned we weren't hacked we weren't whatever else you can come up with okay like I said it's always been dos farms and if you didn't know on the back end of every video there's hashtags and we as creators make those hashtags dos Farms has always been a hashtag before I changed it to Adler Farms you could type dos farms and you'd find me and now Vice Versa some other people that you might have heard of just changed the name of their companies like Facebook good old Zuck went from Facebook to meta good old Twitter went from Twitter to X because now the smartest man in the world if you know what my opinion owns it and if you don't believe me you think about this okay he is the smartest man in the world okay think about this he went to NASA and he said hey I'm gonna build a rocket and they were like ah we don't want any help he was like I want to build a rocket that can go up in the air and then the boosters can come down and land the rocket like they're going to land they're going to come at you so you can reuse the boosters you're not just going to launch hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars in the air just to get a rocket off the face of the Earth he was like I'm gonna do it and they were like that's fine we don't care he was like okay so he went and did it so yeah he's the smartest man in the world he just changed the name of his company he literally wanted to tweet whatever he wanted nobody would let him tweet certain things so he bought him out changed the name just for the fun of it just to say he could so anyway yeah next week you'll be watching uh kangaroo Farms that's when I change the name to next sunny you can get out of there right okay and how cool is it sorry I take a phone call and how cool is it too just to let you know and I'm gonna muscle through it because I don't want to cry but I never met my my grandpa my dad's dad I never met him his name to me was Grandpa Doss Johnny and I never met him I don't I you know he died when I was two so there's literally you know I hope I know where my dad's gonna be at when he watches this video but like there's no memory I just have a couple pictures how cool is it see I never I'm the oldest grandchild on my dad's side on the Dos family side I'm the oldest grandchild so I was the only grandbaby that Grandpa Doss got to hold and then he passed away unfortunately early and then now my dad to all three of my boys is Grandpa Doss a name I've only said in remembrance my entire life what was Grandpa like what did he do for a living my dad now is Grandpa Doss and then Grandma dos and my mom's probably not feeling like she's worthy of the name Grandma Doss because Grandma does to me which would be my mom's mother-in-law was one of the most influential people in my life and my mom's mom grandma crab but grandma crab and Grandma Dawson now my mom is Grandma dos so Grandma and Grandpa dos how cool is that so that's why that name it's my name man and another thing I gotta muscle through real quick um when Carter and Ray came into our lives quarter was five I mean he turned six like a week later but he was five and what he means to me I don't like the term stepdad I don't like the term stepson I look at him like a son um he doesn't have to look at me like a dad because he has a dad who he adores his dad adores him but what I want Carter to remember is not that I was super cool because here's the deal when Carter is well I met him when he was five when he's 25 35 and 45. I hope I'm still here I hope I'm still making videos we'll see that man that fly had teeth I don't want Carter to understand when he's 25 and 35 years old why it was called Adler Farms all these years I want Carter to remember why Chad changed it because if you think changing this name to include everybody under my roof under Ray and I's roof if you think changing the name of this channel meant anything other than everyone in this room under this roof is under my wing and I talked to Jesus so being under my wing is the best place you can be because I don't I don't move without asking and uh all right yeah anyway I appreciate you watching another video and all videos my mom and dad my brother and sister-in-law case Ray everybody I appreciate you guys very much watching the Dos Family on YouTube and tuning in like you guys do no matter what um I didn't get any negative feedback about changing the name if I did I I don't know what to tell you I didn't read it I'm sorry that's how it is if uh if you're looking for feedback on something all you gotta do is get on the internet and they'll tell you but you know I saw a quote the other day I'm not gonna say where it came from because I'll get called out but did you know it's actually impossible to ask for advice and then do anything else it's impossible you can't because if you ask for advice those people nobody gives advice I mean maybe it's very very rare that someone can actually give you advice they have to literally not know you in order to give you true unbiased advice and then they have to truly have never been through whatever's going to happen when you get that advice from them and I don't even know if you can consider that advice if somebody's never been through something if somebody's never done what you're asking them to give you advice on you probably shouldn't ask them so literally yes it is impossible to ask for advice on something and then do anything else it truly is because someone's always going to feel like you didn't do what they said and it's like well I didn't know I had to do what you said I was just asking what you would do well I know but I told you what I thought was best for you right nope nope I told you what oh wait yeah I did I told you what I thought was best see what I mean so anyway life lessons with Chad that's what happens when I put the cowboy hat on I become older wiser Better Stronger Faster bigger it's like an extension of my beard the beard helps me know where the mountains are I constantly know where the mountains are I can't I can walk into the trees with an ax and trees just fall over that's what the beard does I'm getting off on a tangent but man I'm having a ton of fun it truly is 16 30. it's 4 30 the night you guys are seeing this on Thursday maybe a day later maybe 12 hours later on Facebook but I cannot thank you guys enough Ray and Carter came into my my life in my boys lives before we hit 50K they were around that long so they've been around and helped reach a hundred thousand and I don't know if you know this but at a hundred thousand YouTube sends you a plaque it's called the silver play button and they put your channel name on it and while Adler was a very very large part of building this channel and the name Adler actually in case you didn't know when we started this channel we had case customs and we used to build Furniture case and I did it wasn't super lucrative it wasn't on YouTube nothing like that but it was case Customs so when Adler came around I called it out of their Farms that's where it came from but now what Carter Farms Ray Farms Adler Farms Kyle Farms map Farms Ralph Farms Grandma Farms I mean where does it end Frank Farms dos Farms fits it's always been dos Farms I just called the Channel Adler Farms that's how I look at it but I talked to Jesus about it I talked to Ray about it and then I did it and that was it and I feel good about it and you guys should too I appreciate y'all being here very very much thanks for sticking around over the years we have a lot more coming man you know maybe I just changed my name because I'm trying to keep it I'm trying to keep the haters on their toes I mean now they're gonna have to find me right they're gonna look up that other Farms guy that they heard about it whatever that guy is they're gonna look him up now they can't find me I'm Josh Farms so all my haters gotta make new videos I hope they can find me well they can find me I get more views than they do so anyway y'all be good don't work too hard don't make a weird God bless deuces thank you
Channel: Doss Farms
Views: 39,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adler farms, adler farms youtube, adler farm, adler farms oklahoma, adler farms wife, adler farm youtube, grandpa adler farms, adler family farm, adler farms merch, adler farms merchandise, adler farms family, grandpa adler farms youtube, adler farms brother, chad and rae adler farms, case does stuff, longhorn cattle, texas longhorns, k&s get out, raessunnydays, doss farms, doss farm, chad doss, doss family farm, doss family farms, grandpa doss farms
Id: xRsUS52zQgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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