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I'm gonna do it I'm gonna turn off my car okay so I don't have that much time to speak because it's gonna get real hot real quick because it is like 90 degrees today and I'm in the car recording a video because you know yeah girl looking out for you guys the audio quality is so much more important there's someone there but it's not to somebody that I'm talking about today cuz I thought I was alone I literally pulled up in the middle of nowhere there's no cars parked in this parking lot nothing but barren desert I literally got away about having many heart attack right there when I was turning the corner I was going really fast trying to get out of there the cop was coming the other way and then like he was signaling because he was gonna bust a you or something and come after me don't oh my god I got em I got it then he just like turned in so whoa I didn't get a ticket guys know I like the speed and I can't get any more tickets because I already did traffic school this year and you can only do it once per year so I can't get any more tickets the rest of the year I'm trying to get my insurance down it's disgusting how much I pay for insurance so I'm trying to like get my insurance to drop but a lot of companies won't take me just because I had so much tickets and they don't expire for like three years so I have to go like three years with no tickets I'm doing good though be proud of me I only got one to get this year and in which traffic school for it so it is dismissed so today what happened this has been a rollercoaster of a day this [ __ ] always happens when I go out with myself I hate going out by myself I have no friends Sasa friend just friends friends and sausage refuses to go outside with me because he just wants to stay at home play overwatch all day why is this guy still here can you can you start walking can you go can you leave he's just like looking at his phone pretending not to look at me okay now he's walking it's like he can hear me or something maybe he bugged my car cuz as soon as I said that he started walking today I woke up early I fixed my sleep schedule by the way I wake up at noon instead of 2 or 3 o'clock and I was like hey I want to get some pumpkins I'm gonna go to the pumpkin patch because the girl that was doing my hair told me the pumpkin patch I like really nice pup gives it there were so much cheaper so my okay hell yeah I want to go to a pumpkin patch to get pumpkins because the one in the store there jank ass pumpkins they don't look good they got dirt all over them and that's the ones I ended up getting because I'll tell you that later so I'm thinking these pumpkin patches have like perfect round pumpkins and I'm carved them and make a video out of them today so I took my ass to the pumpkin patch well I thought it was gonna be easy you know I just drive over there because I thought I knew where it was and apparently they moved it because driving past I drove past it like several times oh okay I'll just come here another day so I went there and the pumpkin patch was there I drove around some more the pumpkin patch wasn't there so then I looked it up on my phone and it wasn't coming up on my phone and it said there was another pumpkin patch that was like 30 40 minutes away so am i oh my god okay I'll go to that pumpkin patch I don't have anything to do so I drove to the pumpkin patch and I got lost by the way and I went there and they had these shittiest pumpkins these are worse than the freaking Walmart pumpkins they cost twice as much as like $12 for my pumpkin which is the same thing as the Walmart pumpkins for $5 so already I was pissed off like I was like whatever they had like homemade salsa I bought the homemade salsa and I bought one of the pumpkins because I didn't want to go all the way there and you know support local businesses I like doing that but I mean the pumpkins weren't that great so but I bought it anyway I couldn't carry more than one pupcake cuz you know I'm I'm tiny I weigh a hundred pounds and I don't have muscle mass and I don't have a man with me so I could only get one pumpkin so I was like screw this I'm just gonna go to a grocery store and get a pumpkin so as I was leaving the pumpkin patch I got in my car this girl and her boyfriend came up to me they're like hires a cyber wolf I'm like yeah hi what's up Philly hey could we take a picture with you could I have a hug so yeah like hugged her and we took pictures together and then I just got in my car and then I had to like text and like check my tweets and stuff because I don't take the drive I do that [ __ ] before I get in the car set up flying my car - [ __ ] get off my windshield so I sit in my car on my phone for like a good 5-10 minutes and the girl and her boyfriend got in the car right next to me and they just sat there - while I was like on my phone and I was like I didn't want to make things awkward you know like look up and whatever so I kind of just waited for them to leave so I just stayed on my phone they were sitting in their car - so I was like whatever I'll just go and I just backed out and left it was kind of hard getting out of the place and then they were behind me - so they were getting out - so I start driving and this place is really far from my house it's like what 40 45 minutes from my house i'ma have to turn on my C so when I started driving for the first five minutes they started following me I mean I didn't think it was weird I was just getting on the highway and like everybody just gets on the highway from there so I mean it wasn't crazy weird or anything I didn't think oh these guys are gonna follow me I should just like leave so I just I started driving they're behind me on the highway and then i kind of lost them on the highway like I Drive really fast we've between people and like I got out of there and then I get it close to my house and the turn to get into my house there's not a lot of people that go in there like I know all of the cars in that neighborhood and then like when I started turning in there I always always always do this they'll always look behind me and see who's coming in behind me because I I'm always paranoid somebody's following me and guess what that save car that white [ __ ] Toyota and I know and I'm gonna say this cuz I know you're watching me and you should have [ __ ] following me you know I know told me always a sniper wolf what if they lived out why if they lived in the same neighborhood as you know I know every part of my neighborhood I know that [ __ ] and this this pumpkin patch was so out of the way from my house apparently there's several pumpkin patches like right by my house and this was like across the city that I went out of my way to go to and they were right behind me ah I don't think it was a different car it was their car I know it was their car it was the same white Toyota and at this point I'm like what the [ __ ] no way they followed me that whole way I thought I lost them on the highway or something because I Drive crazy like weave out of cars go really fast and that they were there pulling into my neighborhood I was like no no guess I'm not going home and then I just like took the wrong way out and just made it my way out to like another neighborhood that's just like went to the grocery store like I'm not going home I'm not gonna let these people know where I live cuz I'm so paranoid somebody's following me all the time so like I always make sure that to not go to my house my paranoia is really bad like if I see a car behind me that I've never seen in my neighborhood before or they're sketchy or they turned it with me like I will not go directly to my house I'll go to somewhere else so I got out of there went to Walmart got some more pumpkins at that point I'm pretty sure I lost them I don't think they followed me to Walmart I think they just like wasted the whole time like oh I know we know the general vicinity where as the sniper wolf lives but I think I think they lost me in Walmart unless they did something when I was out but I mean I stayed in my car after like I went around I got out of there I know you can follow somebody on the highway but holy [ __ ] my car sticks out it is red no your vote for having a red car why did you get a red car now everybody knows it's your car okay I'm dying my car won't turn on my god oh that feels so good I went out with driving I have the pumpkins in my back and if you guys could see there's no like barrier and I have a hatchback so I braked and then the [ __ ] pumpkin this big ass [ __ ] pub kid look look look huge I know it doesn't look it but this is [ __ ] having at least 20 pounds as [ __ ] keep rolling at me what I braked I like spilled my drink all over my [ __ ] and it's like spilled everywhere and I mean what can I do ah today's just been a mess of a day when I went to go get the pumpkins some guy came up to me and I don't know I don't want to really talk about those what guys like come up to me like try to like get my number say hi to me unless that really creepy by me I don't know what to do when guys are like like they come up to me and they're like hi you're really pretty kid you think we could go out sometime or I could get your number like I and I even say like I have a boyfriend or like no I can they're really persistent I don't know what to do but I don't want to have like guy friends or boyfriend I don't want to meet new people especially people that's that's what it is dude do I just say that like I don't know how to do it without coming off as a [ __ ] cuz this guy came up to me it was really nice he's like I like your shoes you're really pretty maybe I could take you out maybe we can go get dinner get food or something and like I'm like I can't I can't like I can't every time I go out I get recognized like I go to Walmart I go to Taco Bell I go to McDonald's drive-thru I mean that's awesome like I love meeting you guys but just this person that took it and step too far to follow me home like don't do that don't follow people home like please respect my privacy respect any any other youtubers privacy because we it's hard it's hard to believe but you know where people just like you like exactly like you where we're not special or anything like I'm a person too you wouldn't like if somebody followed you home or came up to your house so you know just like respect other people respect respect their privacy and I feel like a teacher some [ __ ] trying to try to preach this you guys I don't know I'm just really paranoid about that kind of stuff so I mean I guess that's my first real stalker I wouldn't call him a stalker unless they did that like all the time like this was a daily weekly monthly thing because I know other youtubers made videos about stuff like this where it's like they have an actual stalker that follows up every day that goes into their house and I mean I'm glad I don't have that I don't want to jinx it because you know I'm gonna go home in part car 5 some pumpkins woo I like hitting this like smacking ass a very firm asked I'm insane this is heavy I got some groceries too so I gotta go home and eat the groceries and put them in the fridge hashtag leave Sniper Wolf alone look look a look a look a look at the pump kids ice pop kids big ass [ __ ] pumpkins rolling around in the back and they're so dirty oh I say hi say hi to my pimple right here I used to have good skin until I started playing overwatch comp and this is what happened because I literally literally can't talk literally start crying by the way I rather disgusting I haven't got my eyebrows done in a month disgusting they're so like bushy now a girl really let herself go but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like button and subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,512,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, sssniperwolf story, sssniperwolf car vlog
Id: wVg4Q629WyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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