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well that's up guys today we are doing another peel box unboxing video and half my letters just fell on the ground I couldn't find my scissors so you're gonna use a knife this is the only thing I have I don't even know what happened to my wolf knife so are you gonna be stabbing boxes today and you sent me something recently it's probably not gonna be in this video because the last time I picked up stuff for my peel box was like a week ago so I definitely don't have everything but I have a lot of stuff here like this is the most I've ever had so let's get right into the opening and the first one I've been dying to open this is been sitting in my room for like a week now and I don't know what's in it but it's just so pretty it has like this blue tape it has pokemon cards has be poor yawn and it is from Elijah it's okay if you say it wrong I was just about to say I'll probably saying this wrong so I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to stab his really pretty package oh that actually cut pretty good dang I was not expecting that I'm gonna be struggling with packages all day say oh my god she sent me money she sent me my tea she sent me a dollar I'm gonna go take this to the dollar store thank you like don't send me money though this is the first and last time anybody will ever send me money don't send me money or not a lot of send money it is illegal to send cash through the mail and you're gonna get in trouble so don't do it please can you sign the dollar and send it back please yeah I'm just what I thought you guys are giving me free money I've been watching your videos for one year six months I can't thank you as much as I can I'm crying inside of happiness no you're so cute I give you these with all my heart hope you like it I love you I love you too and oh my goodness what is in here we have a keychain and we have a Tokyo book it's like a notebook and it like moves around did you get this from Tokyo and a bracelet this is really cool what is this problem I don't know but I'm gonna wear it and she sent me an EOS it's lotion and chapstick woo are you trying to say I'm ashy and chapped I'm just kidding me thank you so much legend that your package was so cute I love you so much thank you guys you're right in winter to get really chapped and ashy so this could be useful this letter is from nail Isha's pen in Australia oh I've never gotten mail from Australia before they sent me nail art with wolves on them look it's wolfies can I do this right now they're like tattoos for your nails next up we have a big package from jasmine I know I'm gonna get hurt during this video with this knife yes I sent you a poop lol oh my godness kitty kitty ears they're pink and a hot pink ones these are so cute and it's all my goodness it is the actual poop you actually sent me poop you set me up poop emoji that's one of my favorite emojis it's great real pearl with teeth wait what I don't know if this means you like me or you think I'm a piece of [ __ ] so I'm gonna take this offensively as I can and think that you think I'm a piece of [ __ ] she sent me a tennis ball for the dummy and a Congrats thing Congrats finally I love all your videos so much even when I'm sad and I have no friends you always bring me back up happy birthday Leigh up because I'm a to you happy birthday but you all respond because everybody else is gonna blow up your Twitter by saying happy birthday thank you so much Jasmine you were so sweet I love you too Oh today's my birthday I completely forgot happy birthday to me I live in a tree she sent me some bracelets and it look like P good cuz it's yellow Oh [ __ ] hell ow ow ow paper cut paper cut people we don't like letters they always paper cut me oh it's bleeding it's bleeding it's bleeding I'm gonna get AIDS very susceptible to paper cut finally I just want to say thank you for all the times you made me smile I've never met you but you're like a best friend to me hope you keep making videos I love you so much love ukj pronounced like caged okay cage what's your opinion on symmetric metro sucks very carefully let's open the letters I don't play video games anymore I still enjoy the content you make I've had the roughest two years and you make me smile and forget things even if it's for 10 to 15 minutes when I see your videos probably won't remember me but I always treat you on Twitter about the whitest white girl drinks love Nikita I do know who you are Nikita I'd love to you guys on Twitter and then I see messages from you or packages from you like I do know who you guys are package time this one is from Bailey Callahan and it's so cute should you farts all over and I'm gonna wish oh I think beanie baby there's like cocaine on them and just kidding it's not cocaine it is Smarties about a Smarties thing broke and it fell on them so monkey look look oh I think I'll get the bucket look how cute it over good this is a so cheeky monkey Oh then I gotta brush the cocaine off of it Bailey stop sending me cocaine thank you ochio I'm gonna leave the little Wolfie on my knee right here he's in me sitters gotta make sure the cocaine doesn't fall out oh my goodness Gigi wait uh hardly good cosplay i know dog was this show egg it's really bad I tried my best no it's not it's really cute I love it I opened this and peeked inside and I got so excited when I what good oh my goodness Jana I hope I saying your name right she sent me these it has a controller keychain and I don't know how to get it off of this because I really don't want to wear these tears cuz these kids are so freaking cute okay do I have to take them oh my goodness I took them off I hope I didn't break it I don't know if she made these but these are so freaking cute these are like the cutest kitty tears I've ever seen and I'm gonna take this off put these on you see they match my outfit oh they're so perfect these are the cutest cat years I've ever seen in my life I like it actual free kitty now she actually tweeted me this picture before I got the package and I saw the package I was like oh my god you tweeted me this and I saw it but she photoshopped the pic of me Reaper it looks so good haha as it should I like make me more of these I know you already have ears but you could never have enough also I added both on the ears myself no one else has that I thought so I thought you maybe cuz I've never seen both like this before these are so cute I didn't love them so much oh my god so I just heard your letter and so me and her started fighting on Instagram like four years ago we ended up blocking each other I thought she ended up watching my videos and actually I came with you this is so awesome and funny as I watched your channel grow over the years I've come to realize how much I can relate to you I've been playing video games it's those four years old and I'm just about to turn 21 September 20 yay happy late birthday this really means a lot to me Thank You Jana I love when you guys tell me that we have so much stuff in common because growing up I never had any friends I had everything in common with nobody like anime nobody like video games you go thought I was weird for that [ __ ] so liking the same [ __ ] as you guys is like really cool I'm thirsty but also falling asleep so I tried to fix my sleep schedule today I went to sleep at 4:00 yesterday and welcomed by 12 so that's like a super huge improvement but I'm so tired right now and by the way I read all of you guys's letters not necessarily on cam I like to go sit outside with the duckies and read all of them I read and look at everything don't you worry about that every rudest [ __ ] somebody sends you a letter and you don't read that I mean the only letters like okay I don't read any letters that come to me in my mail because they're all bills to get a lot of bills I like never outfit idea of my mail but like you guys's mail from the PIO box I always open that oh what is this what is this I have no idea what this is should I read the letter first no I think we should open it first no I think we should read the letter first let's read the letter you might want to read this they sent me Arizona knife laws so this might be a knife all knives are legal it is illegal to bring it to school and it is illegal for someone under 21 damn I guess I can make it carry knives and I think this is a knife in here Oh open things now cuz I don't know where the wolf one is it's somewhere in my garage those using us to cut open boxes I really don't want to get hurt opening this so I'm gonna hurt myself I'm scared I don't not open this knife one day you guys are gonna give me something and I'm gonna like really hurt myself with it maybe I should open a knife with another knife or maybe this is not all I opened it the holy [ __ ] that could have been really bad that was not a good idea okay I should stop I shouldn't do this oh my goodness this is like good looking night I should do like CQC right now I need a gun thank you guys for all the weapons I enjoy weapons oh did you me Reaper in the bottom look I wanted to say that you're my favorite youtuber and I love coming home from a shitty day of work to watch your videos your videos always tree me up whatever is shitty wood that's so awesome thank you so glad they do I'm glad my videos make you happy that makes me happy oh there's cuts like butter where's this it's for doggies but it has Reaper on it what the [ __ ] No oh who sent me this there's another one just like it just walks among you let me take it out these are so cute I have my doggies model of these for you is that what you're into doggy modeling you get food on you you can you're fat how [ __ ] nice oh you guys look so cute the littlest letter from I don't know who this is from oh my goodness it's me as a furry look the Fergus Wolfe of them all private Caitlin thank you so much Caitlin why I was in the boughs in the Box in the bowels oh I like how the splits that's chocolate it doesn't smell like chocolate smells like cardboard oh my goodness it's candy wha cribs mixed I've never heard of this kind of candy before it is from another country I can't eat it because it's made of wheat it's lit it's called lit mono light and it's got like raspberry and can I eat these I don't know if I can eat these maybe I can suck on them a little like raspberry unit or something meeting this so awkwardly right now it's like raspberry and chocolate and something else many pets chocolate chocolate chocolate that means chocolate in another language I'm addicted to watching your videos probably due to your magical powers I'm said thank you some candy from Norway I hope you like it they thank you so much John let me try these right now because I've never had chocolate from Norway and you know how I feel about oh it was like a KitKat I don't think I can have this I'm allergic to KitKat I mean some of that sweet sweet Norway chocolate this is from I don't know your name I can't read it Dave Dave Dave I think it's a Dave read me oh my god I used I in the same exact car protector this tube before my [ __ ] ass counselor took it from me cuz she saw me trading cards in school I can't lose somebody actually gave this to me maybe it is my council business my counselor is this the [ __ ] that stole it from me in elementary school I was trading pokemon cards after school and she confiscated them from me and she was like your parents have to come after school to pick them up but my parents had to work they couldn't come pick them up they didn't have time for that so yeah they never picked them up until I was gonna graduate and then I went to I was like can I come pick them up as you look I don't have them anymore look we won't have any wish I had a Charizard and I read these [ __ ] cards are and you took him as like I was so mad I hated her forever her name was what was her name you're watching this you're a piece of she was so mean to me she hated me my my name is Dane Oh Dane not Dave alright I love watching your videos I've had this card for a long time I thought you might want it anyways I was wondering if you could follow me on Twitter joking I hate people that do that thank you so much today to do this was the awesome I'm gonna cherish this card forever do not open until the 22nd well well the 22nd is tomorrow so I'm just gonna open this anyway you're someone special hey that's me see see it says for someone special and that means that's that's me because it's for me so that means I'm special sometimes an amazing person comes into your life at just the right time and makes such a positive difference you can't imagine your world without her you only know how grateful you are that she came along I don't know why I read like such a creep thank you so much Ryan this card is so cute I love it Oh Halloween card it's got so much Halloween stickers did it say smell me on it said smell me oh it smells like I got a whiff of perfume maybe it's perfume maybe they rubbed something on it not that you freak happy Halloween woo oh my goodness she gave me a bath The Body Works coupon I like [ __ ] how did you know it's really follow me or something guys look at this card this card is so cute look at the letter O there's stickers - look look look look look you guys know how much I love six these please Oh cat stickers and doggy stickers oh my goodness I want to have a kitty sticker I'm gonna cover my friend blows nose because I have some Purple's right now so I'm just gonna well I'm just gonna put some on my neck why don't the guys stuff on me why doesn't it stick cuz you wear too much makeup look why don't you hi Leah it's Jackie again I was the one that saves a letter with the Kitty stickers oh my god I thought so because you sent me the other one that was really cute of an Cisco would you send me a shirt is this a shirt what is this got some youtuber on it fine I hope my name is Francisco and I'm from Portugal I love your videos you are someone who expires me a lot I offer you the flag of my country Portugal because many people from Portugal like to see your videos including me oh I don't even know what the Portugal flag looks like but ah it's an actual flag and you rode on it wait cool maybe I'll come to Portugal one day one day I want to go like everywhere and travel everywhere I'll go to Portugal just so I can meet you guys Darnell Darnell I don't know how to say her name what is in here hi Lea I am dolphin kid 3 I found your channel about a week ago I feel like I'm gonna be your biggest fans I love the videos Olivia sent me a package oh my god this is so good I love it oh yeah they say all of you guys a spinner I'm gonna hang it up one day I just threw that on myself I don't know how I meant it should do that I'm gonna step myself oh my goodness flowers crs at me I think this is an invitation to prom I love you so much you're my favorite person ever I watched all of your videos who's so beautiful thank you so much Ciara and if you want me to take you to prom I will take you to prom I guess you don't want me to do it I have this same exact one from our bird brownies I got the same mask from this like a couple of weeks ago oh my goodness look look dad comes now in your boyfriend to wear this somebody set me who is this I should probably get the water we're open and a cookie I wish I could eat it but I can't eat those cookies oh my god this is a rebirth pic he has a ghost like their destiny why two favorite games dear mothers the first time we talked on Twitter you are talking about not having drawing pencils so I decided to get you so oh my goodness you got me like crazy art supplies like this is crazy and a notebook - oh this notebook is pretty there's a sketchbook how [ __ ] a pretty big if it has an early birthday gift thank you for making me smile and laugh when I need it the most as don't read on cam porfavor and she sent me a pic she wants me to show it to you guys but she's really pretty am I not allowed to say your name gonna have so much porn fixing it I'll give you a hug if I could but I will hug your book instead about love you in a non perverted way see not all my subscribers are pervs it's a wood wolf statue whoa hold on let me open this I just kidding I won't eat it but oh I don't know where to put it I got to put it somewhere there's so much more with the box and letter opener is this another knife this is cool my god letter opener this is the [ __ ] deaf night this you could stab a human with this and rip that all mine guys you guys are making me how do you even do this oh that's cool backpack if you cover in half of it it just says fat oh my goodness look at it it's just so hard to put on oh my god oh my god I've been sitting here for like 10 minutes and the sticker on my forehead is getting really sweaty trying to get this necklace on well this is so cool some Call of Duty [ __ ] - sniper on it - it's like engraved sniper woo where's my other knife I could just like be like creeper but with knives we stocked up on knife I can have an actual knife collection I should probably shoot this because this is very dangerous I think to put stuff in okay just put my cocaine in here and I snorted directly from the I'm just kidding I never I've never even seen cocaine in my life thank you so much see for all of this this is amazing look it up Intel mental and he drew me some graffiti stuff that I can't even read it and get that Sniper Wolf but I'm not sure but it's really cool Oh another huge huge box this is heavy this is dolphins it's just cool but what is it I just wanted to send you these things because we could all use a pick-me-up from time to time it's a necklace how cute thank you so much this angel for both of these you to find some place to put this I don't know where to put it out it like impaled me bar stop stop Haile I just want to say thank you for the killer laughs lulz hope it fits that's what she said huh from awesome in black there is all I know you for Twitter chill the [ __ ] out coloring book don't like my attitude call 1-800 [ __ ] off a swear word coloring book is this cradle filth I should go the cradle feels shirt it's got boobs on it boobs thank you so much Terry I love this yes Sandra is her name Cassandra she'd you meet a lovely pic for my wall who's already like kind of broken when I opened it it's like alright but I didn't see what's in it I swear first day girl why not be a lady of leisure and relaxed put your feet off and she sent me some keychains and candy or does this galaxy ripple on your birthday Wow getting old now did you just say I'm getting old thank you for all the stuff you sent me I really appreciate everything from any of you guys but I need myself all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button is a today's my birthday so you better like this video now I'm just kidding you don't have to make sure you subscribe during the wolfpack well I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,148,416
Rating: 4.9300389 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, sssniperwolf po box unboxing, fan mail, fan mail opening, po box opening, sssniperwolf fan mail opening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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