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What's up guys? I don't know how to start off this video. I'm just gonna start it off today :) it's the video that you guys all been waiting for at the video where I talk about jail, and what happened I know you guys have a lot of questions I'm gonna answer all of them in this video, but first of all don't say anything about my hair I don't even know what's going on my hair. I don't like it today, [so] it all started a week or two ago I tweeted out my mug shot. I was like hey I got arrested at least my mug shot looks good because hey smiled for I was like and you guys probably heard about on the News channels that me and sausage got arrested, and it's true We did we got arrested for the absolutely dumbest thing ever [like] I can't even begin to tell you guys okay? So started off me and sausage got into a fight And he changed his phone screen to just some random girl and obviously that pissed me [off] So I'm trying to like get his phone and see who it is so I'm like me your phone I started screaming and when I don't get my way. I scream, and I scream really loud [you] know that high-pitched scream that girls do I'm not even gonna do it for you guys just to spare you headphone users But if you guys have heard a girl scream at the top of her lungs It is absolutely disgusting so of course. I was screaming. I was screaming and then I run outside and I start screaming I wasn't even screaming for help or anything. I was [just] scared like [ah] like. I hate you like I fucking hate [you] It's just really stupid and then I come [back] inside, and [I] start screaming again. I guess the neighbors heard I don't know which neighbors, but somebody called the cops on us [and] they came at first I didn't want to talk to them. I didn't say anything I refused to like answer any of their questions say anything because I didn't want to talk to them you don't have to talk to Cops you have a right to refuse, or you have the right to remain silent [or] so I thought [like] I said nothing there was nothing going on We just got into a fight and I started screaming, and then they're like no We can't have that we're not having that and then I try to go upstairs, and then they stop me. They're like No, you can't go upstairs you have to answer our questions I'm like what I was just like we just got into a fight There's really nothing to it like something juicy like we attacked each other punch each other in the face That didn't happen they even straight-up told us neighbors heard screaming So they called the cops so somebody snitched, [so] when they stopped me from going upstairs that I couldn't go upstairs I decided to talk. I told them we were just fighting we just got into a fight there was screaming, but like we're fine now Were finding when the college came here because I was back in my [room]. I was editing for some reason they weren't having it We're gonna have to [rest] both of you guys. I'm like wait Why is apparently the law in Arizona if you guys fight if two people who live together or a couple or something fight? You both get arrested not one of you both of you guys gets arrested Which is absolute bullshit someone can just call the cops because they hear screaming and then they come into my house And they're gonna arrest me in my fucking house does it happen outside And you know what I got arrested for I got arrested for disorderly conduct Apparently you're not allowed [to] scream in your own house. [I] mean they let me go upstairs Let me change because I was like in a tank top [and] shorts. I'm like I am not [going] to jail like this, so let me wear a t-shirt Sweatpants told me bring socks. I wore socks. [I] don't have time to do my makeup look all pretty But I mean they did let me put [on] socks Which was really good and they let me put on shoes hey they even let me text my mom like mom I'm going to jail tonight. Take care of my dogs I told him to come over take care of my dogs and everything I mean, she was just like I they're like you're probably gonna spend a night in jail. You'll be out in the morning I'm like okay, whatever. I can't do anything about it. I can't cry I can't Bitch about it. This [is] just such a waste of time. It's so stupid. I hate my life right now [they] handcuffed us in the house took us outside Put me in one cop car put sausage in another cop car and it took us down to the station By the way there was like five cops here I know the cops are going to be watching this video because when they got to the police station sausage started talking to them about Destiny and stuff. I'm like why is he talking to them about destiny? they put me in a room by myself and they were talking to him at the time and I could just hear like bits and pieces of their Conversation and then the other cop came in and then he was like I know I know you from somewhere I hear that Youtubers like rule I'm like oh my God the one of them knew who I was and started telling everybody else who I was and then the guy that made the decision to Arrest me. He started talking to me like oh, so you're a Youtuber also you do this So he finally knew who I was and maybe they didn't knew who I was from the beginning maybe they I have arrested me Because it's the one that rested me was like an older guy and they were talking about us the whole time like talking about destiny Like I started talking to one of the cops of one that recognized me that knew who destiny was he was actually cool it was The only cool cop you're talking about the new DLC and trials and stuff I'm sitting in a fucking cell lease to get to go home play track. We sat there at the police department for a while They're like taking pictures filling out information doing mug shots But the girl that brought us in she called me up to take my mug shot. [they're] like. Oh this isn't Gonna be online Oh my God This is Gonna be online and millions of people are gonna see this So I started smiling like she's like ah she's posing for I'm like yeah, everybody's Gonna post it I'm gonna come home see this all over twitter so yeah, I'm gonna smile want to look good for this shit Not gonna be all miserable like here's my mic shot Not bad My eyes are like that because [I] was crying before yeah, I don't want to go to jail But they still took me in [it's] basically a small room with a toilet and a sink And a bench that you can sit on they leave you in there for like an hour while I fill out paperwork Or do whatever I don't even know what they were doing, [and] then they're like let's go We're going to the jail the actual jail, not a prison by the way There's a huge difference between prison and Jail Jail is [like] the withholding It's like a huge timeout for everybody that is waiting to go to prison or waiting to be released [Prison] is like far away is like in the middle [of] nowhere in Arizona It is huge is where people stay but if you're waiting to get out you go to jail jail is basically a big timeout So the girl took me and sausage and a chuck together obviously there was bars separating us But we were like sitting talking to each other like oh my God, so stupid. I can't believe this is happening right now You're just like I love you through the bars like real criminals that criminal love now you're just talking about stupid and unlucky and Unfortunate this whole situation was because we just wanted to get frozen yogurt We're literally five minutes away from getting frozen yogurt, and then this shit happens, and we end up going to jail It was like a half an hour ride at least it was their condition she took us down to the jail and so me and sausage separate into the lines because there was a line of guys and a line of girls And I went with the girls sausage run with the guys The girl was telling me how I had to pee in a cup because every girl that had to go there To get a pregnancy test [so] you got a piano [cup]. I wasn't too. Happy about this when I got there They put me in a room. It was a small room probably [10] by 6. I'm being generous right now It's probably smaller as a toilet in the background It has a bench and there was like 10 girls in this room with me And they're all trying to pee in a cup and some of these girls were on their period by the way This is absolutely disgusting I'm sorry for this x out of this video unsubscribe I don't know cover your ears and They gave us a cup you had to pee in it There was three girls on the toilet at a time trying to pee at the same time why [guys] so disgusting [and] some of these? Girls were on their period [I] don't even think there was toilet paper There was no toilet paper in our thing this one girl peed in a cup And it was all red and that's not even the disgusting part it got all over her hands all over her hands and she like Smeared it all over the cup like oh And then the cup was all like blood on the outside And it was like all the girls are making jokes like hey, you want my kool-Aid They're like knocking on the window calling the guards like hey. I got my kool-Aid ready for you it's so Disgusting and then you put it on like the window sill when you're done and half the post cuffs were like all red and covered In blood [and] the one girl [that] got blood smeared all over the outside she like rubbed her face all over After she did it and what what the fuck is wrong with you [people]? I'm a germaphobe I can't deal with disgusting shit like that and the same I threw out the shirt after this but my time was sticking out of the back [of] my shirt, and she was like hey The tag is sticking out of the back [of] your shirt, and she [tucked] in my [tag] She touched my fucking tags to touch, but she touched me I probably have aids now But that was absolutely disgusting when she was touching me oh my God This is the girl with the period blood on her hand that wiped the [blood] on her face [and] now she's touching me She didn't wash your hands for fuck sake oh by the way. I was sitting in the back I wasn't peeing with the rest of these girls [there] was no way in shit that I was gonna pee in front of [ten] girls Girl that knew who I was who brought me in [front] before she gave me my own room [she] was like okay, since you famous you get your own room I'll give you a special treatment for this okay [ice] off the piano. Cop. She's like. I [just] need a drop I'm like a drop is all you're gonna get because I don't have to pee by the way in all of these cells there's a Security camera, and there's a security camera over the toilet over the fucking toilet You're gonna watch people pee. So the guards are gonna be sitting there probably male guards are Gonna watch me pee fuck no No, you can do that You can put a camera in a public bathroom [and] by the way these rooms have windows So you can like just look in and see and there's like a million male guards outside so I'm like I'm not doing this so I put the cup in my pants while I still had my pants on and Managed to get a drop that is all you need bitch a drop. I don't think you have like filling it with water Cool. I really didn't want to pee in front of people. You know so I go back into the room I have my cup ready. I put it in the cup and all the girls are like why you [getting] your own room? Why does she get her own room? Why do you get special treatment? [I] mean they didn't do in a mean way They're not mean when I first walked in there all of them are like oh my God What did you do you are so pretty there is no way you did anything wrong? Why are you even in here like everybody was just like staring at me like oh my God look at this girl And I was just like oh look and they're like oh is that guy your boyfriend cuz I saw me come in with him I'm like yeah. Oh look. Oh, you could do so much better Why you with that guy? I get that bullshit every single time, but why I shouldn't be with him I pretty much just out there were they just gave me shit for like five minutes like oh You shouldn't be with him get you a real man Like now we've been together for a long time. I love him. It's just [really] stupid. How we got into a [fight] We got disorderly conduct, and then they were asking [me] what I do. I was like. I run a business [I] don't want to tell them what I do like. What the fuck I should have to be sharing personal [information], so I was really big it was like I run a business And they're like what kind of business like everybody in the cell like ten people try and talk to me asking me like bugging me For answers like what is your business? What do you do? I'm like? I can't I can't tell you guys that and one of them's like bullshit if you have a business You're proud of it unless it's an illegal business [and] either. She's a stripper or she's a drug dealer, so I'm like oh my God Okay, I i'll be [a] drug dealer. Just leave me alone so I don't know why but I played it off some way without even saying it and Everybody thought I was a drug dealer like some high up drug dealer and like the girl next to me was like My Ex-husband got nine years for that, so be careful. I'm like Okay, I've never done a drug in my life, but okay At least they thought I was some badass and they didn't like mess with me, or do anything I mean the girls don't really mess [with] you unless you give them a reason to So if you just be nice be chill be cool Don't pick fights with anyone nobody's gonna pick a fight with you at least in jail. [I] don't know about prison I haven't been to prison but jail people don't fuck with you unless you know them There's another girl that got in with me her and her sister went in for fighting Basically your sister screwed to her boyfriend and then she found out and then the two girls got into a fight and their mom got Into a fight too, so it was like a [three-way] [catfight] And then both sisters ended up going to jail and she was just basically complaining about her sister the whole time how she like screws everybody how she has like a bunch of sugar daddies that pay for her cars [or] [cellphone] and Everything like I said before when two people that live together fight They both go to jail like they don't give a shit in Arizona They will not hesitate to arrest both of you guys, and these girls got messed up. I'm talking about scratches all [over] their face black eye bleeding and like her sister had like like huge burned cuts all [over] her knee and Everywhere like somebody pushed her on the sidewalk and got like scraped and all bloody and shit and another girl Got arrested because she didn't pay off a fine for a speeding ticket from like two years ago [and] she just got pulled over and she was with her kid and her kid was like. Bye mommy I'll see you tomorrow really sucks She was with [our] kid and she was like my baby boy was just like bye mommy. Give me a hug It's like I'll see you tomorrow. I shouldn't even give a fuck. [I] mean they told us We're gonna be out in the morning So we were all expecting to be out in the morning that didn't happen after the whole pee, Shenanigans This was probably like [3] a.m.. In the morning we got transferred to our cells and cells are so small and Absolutely disgusting you guys have no [idea] how disgusting these are it's like I would say a [6] by [6] room I counted the bricks [you] got three people in the room and you got a toilet in the back Oh, and a little sink because you're supposed to wash your hands And you're supposed to drink from it To ask the cop can I have some water they were like there's there's water in the back like from the sink I'm like is that filtered is that clean and they just laughed at me [and] walked away? Just knock [down] my window like bitch. Give me some smart water You know jail would be so much more Tolerable if they actually gave you a blanket and a water bottle like it would be fine, but they don't give you shit There's one mat in our cell and the two girls were already sleeping on it And I didn't want to touch anything because there was literally piss and shit and vomit [there] was vomit on the floor in the back, and there was food all [over] the thing used tissues It is absolutely disgusting I sat on the bench refusing [to] go on the floor. I'm not [gonna] Lay on the [floor] I'm not going to sit on the floor. I'm not going to touch anything I like wet inside my shirt because it is absolutely freezing it is freezing in jail. I always have the air running So you can't smell how disgusting the room smells because there's food. There's old disgusting food Vomit for Fuck's sake vomit I couldn't even smell it. Thank God I couldn't smell it because the air was coming, but I mean I had to pay the price because I was freezing I was literally dying. I was shivering my body would not stop vibrating The whole time, but like everybody just goes in their shirt like this pretty much lay like this and sleep I actually didn't sleep. I didn't sleep the whole time. I was there I probably slept for a couple of minutes, but that night I did not sleep at all [I] was in that cell for a good I would say 20 hours It's [old] mel's gonna be out in the morning, but they were really booked and I kept like knocking on the window like hey Hey, you have to wait for somebody to come by and then sometimes I'll open the window and talk to you sometimes They won't most of the time they won't if you're there for over 24 [hours] They give you a little mat thing to lay on and there's 20 mats in front of myself. They would not give me one They're like you have to be here for 24 hours before we give you one So what am I supposed to do [twenty] hours in a cell? I just sat there. I had no pencil no paper I wanted to like draw [her] do something But I sat there for so long after 15 hours then the girl that was in my cell had to go But they gave her a bed because she's been there for over 24 hours And then she gave me her bed because she was leaving. I [mean] I had bed. Well, that's what they call beds It's really a mat like a foam mat that you lay on it's better than laying on the floor. They gave me some food They gave you an apple bread peanut butter and jelly by the way the peanut butter isn't really peanut butter peanut butter It's what they want you to think it is, but I ate it anyway. [I] ate that I ate apple That's the only food They gave me the whole time peanut butter and an apple for over 24 hours being in that fucking jail one of [the] detention officers walked by and by the way this guy if I see This guy in real life. I don't know why detention officers are such [Fuckin] shit They love treating people [like] shit like they treat them like dogs worse than dogs like they don't even treat them like Actual humans like they get the job just so they can treat people like shit just so they can have that power trip and is Absolutely disgusting [like] shit if I was a detention officer I would just be [givin] people out blankets water everything like what is the point of treating people who have done absolutely? Nothing to you like shit. [that] is something I will never understand someone that has done absolutely nothing to you that you don't know and you treat them like shit And that just shows how much of a terrible disgusting person you are so this detention officer walked to my door I was like hey hey, hey can I get a blanket because some of the other guys had blankets. He was like Oh, you want a blanket. I'm like yeah, you're like yeah. Oh, oh definitely I can get you a blanket. I'm like okay. Thanks He's like yeah. I'll see what I can do that Motherfucker never showed up with a blanket like they just fuck with you on purpose like oh, yeah, I'll get you a blanket Oh, yeah, I'll get you a bed and they never do it when you get arrested you get put in a cell and you have to wait for your court date because Everybody sees a judge before they get out and the judge will tell you how much you have to pay for your bail Or if they're just gonna let you out my court was supposed to be in the morning But I ended up pushing it to eight o'clock at night. I waited so long for this moment We did so long for eight o'clock to be here. I just sat [there] the whole day another girl Gave me a map though, so I laid on the mat for a little bit I mean, I finally gave in laid on the floor after washing it like I got tissues And then I wet [the] tissues I like wipe the bed before laying on it. I mean I got they clean even in J I will constantly wash my hands. I would not touch anything discussing. I peed like twice I made sure not to drink a lot of water because the water I don't know it is so disgusting there is mold and Mildew on the [spouts] where the water is coming out from these are disgusting not livable Conditions even for prisoners because you know not all prisoners are bad people. They're regular people [that] just fuck up [I] was lucky enough to get my own toilet paper when you get toilet paper in Jail You have to like keep it close to you and keep it to yourself because these girls they take the toilet paper They share it there is no toilet paper holders So they put it in their hands [and] roll it around it their hands are absolutely disgusting they don't wash after they take a shit They're not like me take the soap utilize the soap because they do give you soap And I was lucky enough to get my own toilet paper roll because I stayed up that whole night and they gave us toilet paper Like [four] in the morning, and I was like I'm taking this this is mine [you] guys can share because there was two other girls in my cell and they were sharing toilet paper And I had my own and I was not giving it to anybody like I slept on that shit I put it behind my head because other girl was doing that she's sleeping on the toilet Paper roll So I do that too, so I had my own toilet Paper roll That was clean you don't know what kind of diseases these girls have this one girl on my cell She just went on the toilet and she started shitting like she did not care. She was just like sorry guys I got a big one coming and then she went on the toilet and she started shitting And you could hear everything you can hear the farts you can hear the sounds it was so it was so gross Girls and she was just making sounds [and] moaning like oh, oh oh God lol This is disgusting [how] can you just be so open about this? I would I you got to do what you got to do I guess is not the case for me. I can't do what I got [to] do. I didn't I didn't poop I had my own toilet paper roll so like I put a bunch of toilet paper All [over] the seat obviously I didn't even sit on it I would squat over it And I made myself a makeshift toilet paper cover just so like the water doesn't come back and splash me just in case I'm so paranoid of getting a disease from that I mean if I didn't already get a disease from drinking from a mold covered water fountain, but anyways back to Korra We sat in front of a judge. It was like 30 people We are all sitting in chairs and she called us up one by one tell us what we did and What she was gonna do either put us out on bail? She put like everybody out on bail like [$2,000] bail $400 bail. I really didn't want to get put on bail cuz I didn't know my mom's number I knew she was gonna be checking for it either way But she's paranoid she wants to get me out so she would be checking for that it just takes a long time [I] got out. I think Saturday morning. She let me out. You don't have to pay bail or anything I mean it was such a miniscule crime like it's not a big deal. It doesn't affect you getting jobs Are you working with companies? Are you doing anything? So sausage was in the court with me they called him up [for] [something] oh my God Oh my God Please let him get off with no bail because if you have bail you have to wait for somebody to pay it off for you And then that takes longer, so you will be in jail Longer if you're on bail she let him off and then she said the person that was involved with you is off to real life Yes, yes, fuck. Yeah Get out of this bitch, and so we went back to ourselves And there was somebody else there Somebody new and that's when I met the porn star which I'll probably talk about another video because that's a whole other thing [this] video is getting [long]. I'm gonna wrap [it] up. So we waited in that cell for I don't know I asked them How long is it [gonna] [be] after you go to court before they let you out? They're like [4] to [6] hours? 4 to 6 hours he's like that's until you get out Oh my God, okay, whatever I waited in [that] cell six hours before they called me out and then it took what half an hour to [get] me processed and out Why did I wait six hours in the fucking cell? You said four to six hours to get out and then? Right after I get out of the cell they transferred me. They gave me my stuff. They're like okay. You're good to go. I'm like She could have done that right after court for Fuck's sake then I went outside It's just outside in downtown Phoenix, and there was like a taxicab I heard some of the taxi cabs are really sketchy So I was like really Iffy but there was nothing there and there was stitch people in the corner I didn't want to walk around downtown Phoenix at like 3:00 4:00 a.m.. In the morning. So I was like screw it I'm gonna take the taxi. I took the taxi the taxi driver was really nice. Talk to me about some stuff It wasn't creepy or anything. I sat on the front very normal very nice guy, but charged me $150 from jail to my house like it was ridiculous They showed you a lot of money like I wish I could have ordered uber You're not allowed to bring your phones to jail because if you bring your phone to jail And it's the iphone or smartphone They take it to another place, and you can't pick it up until like weekdays So I would have been screwed and not had my phone, but they told me that at my house So I didn't bring my phone to begin with all I had was my idea my debit card, so we both went home I texted my mom everything's fine. I'm good. I went home to a bunch of texts from her like sorry There's no bail when are you getting out? I don't know what to do. I'm panicking and I'm like it's okay. It's okay I'm out it's good I didn't get out as early as they told me I would they said I would get [out] in the morning that day So I was in jail for good like 30 35 Hours time wasted a lot of time wasted took a shower needed that shower Really bad, [and] we just went to sleep, but yeah, I guess that's pretty much it. I hope this cleared. Thanks for you I hope you learned something sorry is probably going to be a very long video I am going to make another video on this just talking about all the other stuff on the inmates and more, Shenanigans That happen during jail, but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that I [liked] but in the [ad] subscribe Join the Wolfpack [I] Love you guys so much. Thank you [so] much for all the recent support You guys are amazing mama wolf will never go to jail again. I'm sorry. Oh yeah, thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,642,768
Rating: 4.8407393 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, sssniperwolf arrested, sssniperwolf jail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2016
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