A failed girl is working as a maid in the house her favorite boys band who will play pranks on her

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a girl walks into a convenience store and buys some sanitary pads she's super embarrassed and asks the cashier to be faster after she runs out of the store she notices some men walking behind her carrying bags the girl is scared and starts walking faster the men behind her are frustrated that they have to stay here for 3 months and worry that something will be all over the Internet tomorrow the girl is worried about what the men mean when they suddenly Express the heaviness of of Matilda she assumes that the men are carrying a dead body of a woman as she is about to start running she comically slips on a banana peel and her sanitary pads land in front of the men they ask if she's okay but she runs to her house and into her room jonh High the girl is frustrated when suddenly her brother barges into her room and tells her that some people are moving next door to them and it's a bunch of good-looking guys yon High gets shy and excited to meet these men and dreams about being surrounded by a bunch of good-look men the next day yon High's mother wakes her up for breakfast and threatens to kick her out since she is 23 her mother heads downstairs and yon High thinks about the mysterious men she saw yesterday she searches online for recent murders but no results show up while scrolling through the internet she finds another big news the famous boy band EXO member suo has been injured so their International tour has been cancelled yonai thinks that her friend gon must be in tears now since she's a DieHard EXO fan yon High heads downstairs for breakfast and her mother tells her to deliver their key card to the new neighbors as she is the realtor yonai insists that her mom or brother should do it but they both decline yon High's mother tells her to either do the task or pay rent she agrees and her mother tells her to dress up nicely yonai is is angry since this isn't an interview or anything later she starts getting ready to meet her new neighbors goes through a few clothes and ends up selecting a dress she notices her new neighbor's van parked outside and heads to hand the card over to them however she realizes that her new neighbors aren't that goodlooking after all they are average looking Korean men yon High heads back into her house and into her room calling herself a fool for expecting too much from her new neighbors yonai 23 years old has never once dated a man she turns into a stone in front of men she likes and her face turns bright red once in high school she called her Crush to meet her alone and when he arrived she couldn't say a word and turned into a brick her Crush left her there alone since she wouldn't say a word yon High heads downstairs for a snack and watches EXO on her family TV her brother joins in annoying her he notices some men going into their next door house AO their neighbors yonai had told her brother that their new neighbors were really ugly but by the looks of it they had an above average appearance her brother glances at the TV and the members of EXO and their neighbors look alike yon ha's mother joins in telling her to deliver rice cakes to their neighbors while they're still warm as it's customary in Korea to give new neighbors rice cakes in her comfy clothes yon High heads inside her neighbor's house and puts the rice cakes on their table since they don't seem to be home intrigued by the smell of the rice cakes she decides to take a bite when suddenly she starts choking on it she heads to the fridge and grabs some water to drink when suddenly someone calls upon her yonai spits the water out onto the stranger's face and she recognizes this person it's none other than an EXO member she has now realized that her neighbors are in fact the members of the famous Korean boy band EXO the night before the EXO members move in they head inside their house which they find quite amazing a member Chanel is asked if this house is really his grandparents since it's so Chic and modern Chanel explains to his other members that his parents fixed it up because it was too run down seun speaks up there aren't any beds and they are going to arrive the next day the members wonder what to do now they sleep on the floor and couch in sleeping bags meanwhile chenel thinks about his grandfather the next day two of the members move in some boxes and wake the others up they smell something good coming from the kitchen and wonder if their manager has brought something to eat when they are almost there they see a weird girl drinking water from their fridge and it's yon High chel goes up to confront her and ask what she is doing in his grandfather's house but even before he can speak Yoni spits her water out from her mouth her her face goes bright red and she runs back into her room after telling her brother that their neighbors are EXO she calls her friend guon and tells her that EXO has moved next to her gon doesn't believe yon high for a second but instantly calls a taxi and heads towards yon hai's home there gon meets yonai who is hiding binoculars behind herself gon has brought another pair of binoculars with her to look at the EXO members as the duo looks at the exom members they can't believe their eyes the members jawlines are so sharp that they could cut paper and their facial proportions are unrealistic yonai is also fawning over them but remembers her embarrassing moment of spitting water out onto chenel's face yon High's mother walks in on the duo spying on the exil members yon High's mother tells gon to go back to her home and she asks yonai what she did since her face is all red again yonai ignores the questions and asks asks her mom why she keeps sending their new neighbors stuff she asks her mom if she knows what the people living next to them do for a living yon high is suspicious since her mother wouldn't give just anyone grandfather chance home yon High's mother tells her to stop pestering her and clean up her room since it's a mess this means one thing yon high is the only one who knows that one of the most famous boy bands in the world is living next to her home meanwhile in the EXO house they talked to Kai another member on a video call seun keeps asking Kai if there are any pretty girls where he is right now Kai asks the members how they're doing and they respond that it's boring Kai says that he's also itching to dance again and he will be back after meeting his parents the members wave Kai goodbye simultaneously yonai is still using her binoculars to spy on the exom members and the members have realized that yon high was spying on them they thought she would be harmless and come up with a plan they act as if they are kissing each other to throw off yon High she is taken aback as she didn't expect such a provocative scene as they close their blinds Dio a member waves at yon High to let her know that they are aware she is spying on them chel comes downstairs to the commotion and the members ask him why they brought them to this house he reveals that he lost something here something special he says as he opened opens the blinds and looks yon High dead in the eyes yon High has a nightmare about chel since he looked her straight in the eyes the night before she is moving in her sleep and her mother and brother look at her her brother senses that something happened last night meanwhile at the EXO house they are having a lavish breakfast that the youngest member made for them to enjoy Bon brings up yon high and asks the members if they think she will go running around town telling everyone that they live here he contemplates telling their manager but Di tells him not to worry since if she were to talk it wouldn't be so peaceful right now chenel tells the members that yon high is not bold enough to blab especially not after what she did the members ask chel if he knows yon High personally and he says that he doesn't chaniel alerts the members that someone is coming over to clean their house meanwhile yonai is angry and asks her mother why she has to clean their home and that she can't go no matter what she asks her mother why she has to clean their house and do their laundry yon High's mother has no mercy and she tells her daughter that this is not a favor but an order she tells her daughter that she's going to get paid a lot yon High thinks about last night and tells her mom that she won't be cleaning their house no matter what her mother threatens to rent yon hai's room yet again yonai tells her mother that she will do anything but clean their house house but her mother is persistent she gives the homes key card to yonai and tells her not to talk to the guys there and go in the morning since there won't be anybody at that time she tells her daughter to pretend the members are invisible even if they are present also yonai isn't allowed in the rightmost room on the second floor gon cheers yonai up and tells her to clean their house well yon High tells gon that she got busted for using the binoculars as well by the members switching scenes to yon High's brother he's out on a walk with his coat hanger to practice his martial arts there he meets a member of EXO walking yon High's brother demonstrates his skills in front of seun seun walks up to yon's brother and asks him where the coffee shop is since he wants drip coffee yon hai's brother realizes that this is the first time someone has asked him for help and wonders what drip coffee means seun explains to the brother what drip coffee means but the brother doesn't know yon High's brother takes seun into his tent where he grinds coffee beans and makes really good coffee cun hopes to make a good friend with yon hai's brother at the EXO house yonai starts to clean after Gathering her supplies reminiscing about gon teaching her how to do it yon High's mother gets a call from EXO's manager asking her if the new maid is trustworthy and she reassures him that the new maid is in fact yon High's mother chose her daughter because she's trustworthy at the EXO house Yoni sniffs be yun's clothes and goes crazy over the scent she picks up a hat which is do s and makes a video with it as she makes her way up the house to clean she is about to open the door she was forbidden to but she thinks that she shouldn't as she must respect the members privacy she does their laundry and cleans their masks she finds them familiar these are the same masks the men were wearing wearing whom she encountered outside the convenience store she thinks about the girl Matilda the boys were talking about and goes to find her inside the house but she is met with a guitar engraved with the name Matilda on it she wonders who the hell names their guitar's white female names suddenly she sees a roach and tries to kill it but she messes up the room in the process as she is about to put an end to the roach's life someone walks into the room it's chenel he asks yon High what she is doing in his room and she is standing there speechless he screams at yon High to get out of his room as she goes outside the house she squats and is full of sorrow but another member Dio Comforts her by putting his jacket over her and giving her things back yon High turns beet red trying to explain that she didn't mean to go into his room chenel walks downstairs to hand yon High her phone since it was left in his room but he doesn't go any further because he sees that she is with Dio a while ago after finishing a concert Chanel's necklace falls to the ground and it ends up breaking but he's taken aback when he hears the news that his grandfather has died chel reminisces moments with his grandfather and when he handed the same necklace over to him when he was a kid Chanel's grandfather tells him that he will be a world renowned star from that day onwards misfortunes kept finding chel chel is an at piece because of that red cheek girl yon High meanwhile yon High keeps calling her phone and thinks that she has lost it and thinks about where she had left it Chanel goes through her phone and thinks that she doesn't have any difference from season TI akachi since it's bright red as he looks at her pictures he sees a notification it's gon she texts yon High asking her if she's doing well as a newlywed woman for EXO chaniel who has the phone texts gon that it's not right to pry into people's personal lives after some back and forth chaniel tells Guan to alert the owner of her phone to come get it later yon High cries and wonders what to do she decides to sneak into Chanel's room and take her phone back with her but chaniel gets out of the shower and catches her he asks her if she knows who he is not as a member of EXO but someone else
Channel: Drama || Recaps
Views: 124,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie review, recapped, story recapped movie review, story recap channel, drama movie, mystery movie, movie recap, story recap, detective recapped, daniel cc, detective recapped 2, movie summary, minute movies, cinema summary, movie trailers, movie recapped, movie commentary, pink movies, summary recapped, netflix, movie recaps, storyline movie, kdrama romantic scenes, korean drama recap, kdrama explained, kdrama kiss scene, shy girl, exo next door
Id: RahttTvgCv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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