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the story starts off with a child narrating that most children aren't able to witness their parents' wedding but she is different shifting to a scene where we see two young people get married later on we see two people seated in a fancy office with an authoritative man ordering Kile how their company should keep working however Kile is distracted leading to the boss throwing his papers at her which doesn't phase her at all she continues to show him her new plans and explains to her boss who keeps on nitpicking but she's then interrupted as she receives a text message that Kai zixuan will cry if she doesn't go to her as Kai leaves in a hurry she comes across a man and a child both clothed in suits with a certain class to them as she arrives to the daycare she lifts up kaai zixuan and they happily hug each other kaai zixuan says she won't reprimand Kile for being late and they happily leave back at the Mullen group building song Hau explains to song zingin that he'll now have to work as his secretary as he refused to go to school as his first task he sends the child to go get some photocopies however as song zingin is unable to find the photocopy room he goes back crying to song Hau seeing that song zingin didn't fulfill the task song Hau fires him as song zingin continues crying song Hau Comforts him and reminds him that since it's his birthday he Zin making him happy as it belonged to his mother later we see Kile and Kai zixuan at a toy store as they look for a birthday gift for kaai zixuan kaai zixuan sees a toy that she prefers but as Kile sees the price she feels reluctant seeing kile's expression change kaai zixuan feels disappointed Kile notices her concern and changes the topic expressing that she's worried Kai zixuan might become too attached to the toy and neglect her Kai zixuan passionately disagrees and her mood lightens this angers Kile who considers calling the police but stops as it's Kai xuan's birthday as Kile is about to leave hayu stops her by force but he's interrupted as zingin picks up his brooch hayou looks back to see where Kile is but she's already left later Kile enrolls Kai zikuan in siko kindergarten known for its high tuition fees and special meals for sick children even though they are not rich Kile chooses this school on registration day liin who teaches there rides her motorcycle to work how Jun who is captivated by liin follows her into the kindergarten with X zingin clarifying that ju zingin is not his son to avoid any misunderstandings on her first visit Kile dresses formally but lien teases her saying she looks like she's going to to a meeting Kai quickly changes her outfit while fixing her makeup near song hau's car she startles and smears makeup on his car door as he rolls down the window this gives song Hau a chance to start a conversation and ask for her contact information during the first parent child activity at the kindergarten themed around love and warmth Tai and Kai zixuan paint together creating a vibrant picture they receive praise from the teacher and kaai zixuan happily wears a small red flower song zingin watches them with Envy wishing he had a mother like Kile song haou aiming for uniformity paints his picture entirely in Gray Kile reminds him that young children need bright colors suggesting his approach might not be suitable for a father Fong hau's grandfather is worried about his future and tries to set him up with many girls but song hayu doesn't like any of them after his grandfather is mistakenly thought to be a frauder during one of these setups Kile steps in to clear up the misunderstanding seeing that Kile meets all his criteria the grandfather becomes interested in arranging a match between her and song Hau Grandpa organizes he King to fetch Kile for a banquet aiming to give song hayu a chance with her Kai brings along Kai zixuan lacking a babysitter he King realizing kids aren't allow at the event sets up for Kai zixuan to stay at a nearby amusement park assuring kaiy about the topnotch security there heing escorts Kile to the banquet hall and updates song haou unaware it's Kile attending and knowing its Grandpa's plan song hayu stalls for time meanwhile Tong Loki who fancies song hayu without his reciprocation fails to win him over despite an alliance with song zinin many women show interest in song Hau aiming to impress the unattached song zinin Tong Loki calls them out forcing them to withdraw however Tong Loki can't celebrate her win long learning from song zingin about his mother's imminent return stirs her anxiety prompting her to seek Out song Hau and overtly display affection in public when song Hau finds out there are two identical bres he initiates an investigation and confirms that zingin brooch was indeed replicated this Revelation deepens his interest in Kai SLE and he contemplates how to pursue her advised to be direct he hesitates feeling it might be too abrupt Tong Loki feeling bitter that grandpa had arranged for Kile to meet song Hau confronts Kile with a glass of wine and in her upset spills it on her he King Witnesses the incident and leads Kai away to clean up by chance they end up in a room where song Hau is on a call in the bathroom as he exits and sees kile's partly exposed shoulder they both startle and in the ensuing confusion song haou accidentally pins Kile Underneath Him He King hearing the noise opens the door but quickly closes it again kaiy composes herself and urges song hayu to stand and continue talking learning Kile was linked to a scandal involving general manager Wang and multiple deposits for a single project song haou doubts her integrity and cuts the conversation short meanwhile the Malin project crucial for Kai prompts her to seek another discussion with song haou He however is preoccupied and moves on to other matters at the same time song zingin having befriended Kai zixuan at the amusement park brings her back to the banquet to enjoy some cake remembering she must take her medicine before eating k zikuan abstains as song zingin looks for song Hau he nearly gets hit by a runaway food cart Kai seeing the danger rushes to save him disregarding her own safety this act shifts song hau's perception prompting him to reconsider kile's character and allow her an opportunity to explain he then ensures Kile and her daughter are safely escorted home on their drive home song Hau curiously inquires if Kile is single and upon discovering she is raising her child alone he feels a surge of Happiness he tentatively questions if she'd be happier without her child a notion that displeases Kile as she has never considered her life without her daughter despite this brief awkwardness song Hau grows more fond of Kile when they arrive he gently covers the sleeping kaai zixuan with his jacket that evening Grandpa queries song Hau about his thoughts on Kile encouraged by song hau's positive response Grandpa senses potential for a deeper connection unexpectedly song haou extends an invitation to Kile and her daughter for a dinner at his home Grandpa delighted calls duen to plan the meal and decides to personally shop for the ingredients when Grandpa himself phones Kile with the invitation she finds the song family's approach unusual but accepts considering the financial help could offer towards Kai zixuan medical bills overhearing the dinner plans song zingin mistakenly thinks grandpa is Seeking a new mother for him and shares this with Tong Loki the following day as Kai and Kai zixuan arrive at the song residence Tong Loki shows up unexpectedly she openly challenges kaiy unable to accept song hau's interest in her despite her protests the welcoming actions of Grandpa and song Hau clearly indicate their preference for Kile leaving Tong lioki feeling sidelined during the meal song zingin unexpectedly calls Kile mom which surprises and embarrasses her she quickly clarifies that she is just an aunt not his mother this correction unexpectedly triggers tears from song zinin Meanwhile Tong Loki faces an uncomfortable moment when song zingin accuses her of pinching herself to Garner sympathy leading to her Hast departure from the dinner after the meal song Hau invites Kai to the Garden under the pretext of watering the flowers Kile assumes this will be a discussion about work however song haou catches her offg guard with an entirely different proposal He suggests they go and register their marriage surprising kisy with his sudden shift from professional to personal intentions song hau's unexpected marriage proposal shocks Kile leading her her to question whether she had misheard song hayu confirms his serious intent explaining his proposal is based on song zin's affection for her and his need for a maternal figure he believes marrying would improve kaiy and Kai zixuan life given her modest income proposing what he sees as a mutually beneficial Arrangement Kai SLE feeling that song haou is overstepping the bounds of their professional relationship reacts angrily by splashing him with a water gun and firmly stating that their interaction will remain strictly professional in the midst of kile's intention to leave her grandfather suddenly faints realizing her grandfather shares the same medical condition as kaai zixuan she restrains her anger to avoid further distress song hayu brings up his marriage proposal once more and Kile under the watchful eyes of others allows him to hold her hand however she discreetly wipes her hand clean when unnoticed signaling her discomfort with the intimacy her grandfather upon hearing of the proposed marriage becomes Lively and starts planning the wedding energized by the news before Kile departs she thanks song Hau for his earlier support and advises him to be honest with her grandfather about their non-romantic relationship to prevent any future disappointment despite this song hayu insists on the seriousness of his proposal and urges Kile to reconsider meanwhile how Jun hearing about the proposal is stunned by the Hasty development and advises song Hau to carefully evaluate if Kai is truly the right partner for him lien suspicious of song hau's motivations warns Kile to assess his character closely despite doubts surrounding the project and their relationship kile's perception of song Hau slightly improves after receiving an unexpected invitation to a meeting hinting at potential future collaboration or reconciliation at the kindergarten Kai zixuan and song zingin were chatting song zinin missing a mother suggests that song Hau could become kaai xuan's father so Kile might be their mom this idea immediately makes kaai zixuan cry surprising both Kile and song Hau they each Comfort their upset children on their own despite the shock song zingin Wish for Kile to be his mom deeply hurt song haou after a careful talk with Kai zikuan Kile let song zingin call her mom and helps him show his love for song hayou leading to a real makeup between father and son during her visit to Malin for contract talks Kile expects to meet song Hau but meets he King instead she is glad not to see song hayu directly but asks about him finding out he is busy by chance as she is leaving she runs into song ha you outside he asks her to come with him to pick up the kids saying song zingin wants to see her at first unsure Kile finds it hard to say no given the situation and agrees to go with song haou to the kindergarten this act driven by the kids ties and needs slowly pulls Kile and S hayu together in their complicated relationship P King really likes kile's proposal but kile's company involved in event promotion can't handle the project so he King suggests that song haou shouldn't work with kile's company remembering the time he put medicine on Kile his apology and kile's request for partnership through the proposal song Hau decides to meet with Kile Tong Loki has someone find out that Kile is going to Malin company tomorrow for a discussion on the event planning she plans to go to Malin too aiming to talk about a potential collaboration like Zin buys lots of tasty food today to visit Kile seeing the allergy medicine on the table she realizes Kile had another allergic reaction when she asks about it kile's strong reaction makes lien think s Hau was the one who applied the medicine to Kile but Kile won't admit it lien's mom has set up a blind date for her tomorrow so lien asks for kile's help to manage it knowing Kile has more experience however since Kai needs to be at Malin for collaboration lien decides to set up the blind date near Malin kaiy takes lien's place on the blind date right when she sits down she begins eating Non-Stop and talks in a strong local accent surprisingly the man she meets is also subbing for someone else after they share their real identities Kile drops the act and it turns out they're both from the same place they connect more as they talk song haou arriving downstairs spots Kile he sits behind her listening as she describes her partner preferences when the man wants to stay in touch with Kile song haou can't stay put anymore he stands up and scolds Kile for not picking up the kids yet hinting she's pregnant the man gets upset thinking Kile who he believes has a husband shouldn't be on a blind date song haou pulls Kile away and she's unhappy with his actions she tries to leave but song haou insists on dining out together Kile takes song haou to a small alley to eat stinky tofu and snails song haou struggles to eat such food but under kile's hopeful look he can't say no and hesitantly tries a bite seeing Kai's joyful face song haou finds a moment to secretly spit out the stinky tofu Kile senses that she and song haou are like two different worlds just like the street food she loves and he dislikes to show his dedication to Kile song haou begins eating the food he dislikes from the table which moves Kai she quickly stops him song haou has to return to the company for business and invites Kile to talk about the event collaboration when Kile and song haou exit the car Tong lioki who has been waiting in the garage feels upset she has already prepared and purposely recommended an advertising client to song haou today to meet the client song haou assigns he King to take care of Kile expecting her proposal to be accepted Kile is surprised to receive a notice that the collaboration is ending upset she heads to the restroom to calm down only to be taunted by Tong Loki who has been waiting there Tong Loki mocks Kile telling her she is overestimating herself k thinks she could accept defeat if her skills were lacking but she is shocked to hear from Tong Loki that song hayu never planned to give her a chance remembering she has always fought for it herself she can't help but believe Tong Loki's words she leaves feeling disappointed Kile grows increasingly angry as she thinks it over alone she feels that song Hau was lying when he praised her proposal so she goes to confront him after expressing her feelings she doesn't wait for song Hau to explain and leaves throwing down the proposal and Running Away song Hau wants to chase after her but the shareholders are waiting for him at a meeting so he has to return Kile doesn't know that although song Hau ended the collaboration with the company he still plans to sign a contract with her personally liin realizes she has lost her motorcycle key and is frustrated then she hears on the radio that her hotel room key has been returned and she can pick it up this embarrasses lien but how Jun the culprit seems oblivious he even mentions the incident and angers lien making her want to silence him however how Jun finds lien especially intriguing and becomes more interested in her to find a new collaboration partner Kai must attend a banquet a persistent flirty man at the banquet keeps making advances and urging her to drink if Kai doesn't drink it would seem insincere Kile has no choice but to drink until she vomits song ha you advised by how Jun calls Kile learning she is at a social event he rushes over just as the flirty man is about to force himself on Kile song haou saves her song haou scolds Kile for staying out late at the Xiao banquet warning her about falling into the Trap of an older man while Kile thanks song for saving her she realizes he doesn't understand how crucial this project is to her song Hau points out that if Kile hadn't been impulsive they could have already signed a contract with megalith individually Kile however doubts his sincerity suspecting he's toying with her song Hau insists that Randy Corporation isn't capable of handling megaliths project as he concludes Kai gets a call from a colleague alerting her that her salary hasn't hasn't been paid and the boss has vanished urging her to hurry back to the company to mitigate losses Kai rushes back to the company finding it deserted chaotic and stripped of anything valuable realizing she's lost her job and now without any income especially with Kai zixuan medical expenses looming she's overwhelmed by sadness on the verge of tears after collecting her belongings and leaving the office Kile finds song hayu waiting outside he offers to walk her home but with her mind in turmoil and uncertain about her future Kile opts for a walk s Hau takes her things from her hands and accompanies her song Hau tries to help Kile find a job but she hesitates feeling her education isn't sufficient and politely declines seeing Kai's distress song Hau reassures her that she could sign with megalith as an individual not out of pity but because of her recognized skill s this brings a glimmer of hope to Kile suddenly it starts to pour and song haou and Kile take cover under a convenient stores roof song hayu suggests that Kile find a partner to tackle her metaphorical Mountain hinting at himself Kile is intrigued but avoids meeting his gaze as the rain stops song heu Walks Kile to her doorstep and then departs feeling Kai's changing emotions song hey leaves quietly thrilled by the prospect the next day Kai wakes up early to make breakfast for Kai zikuan and coax her to get up for school today Kai zikuan is especially clingy wanting Kai to carry her shortly after they start walking but soon she complains of dizziness and faints in kile's arms Kile is frantic and quickly rushes kaai zixuan to the hospital where coincidentally her grandfather was also admitted brought by song Hau kaai xuan's condition has become severe and conservative treatment isn't working she needs surgery as soon as possible but the best surgeon schedule is fully booked with the earliest availability 6 months later however Kai zikuan can't wait that long overwhelmed Kai can't help but cry in despair suddenly song hayu appears by her side seeing Kai's sadness she needs a shoulder to lean on so she leans on song hau's Embrace and weeps kaai zixuan grandfather Witnesses this scene and upon learning about her condition decides to give up his own spot for Kai zixuan Kai believes it's inappropriate but her grandfather who has long seen through the complexities of Life insists despite knowing he wouldn't live long even if he underwent surgery he persuades Kile and S Hau to give the opportunity to kaai zikuan the hospital expenses for Kai zixuan overwhelm Kai Sile and she has to make phone calls everywhere to raise money however Kai zikuan has been ill for years and Kile has already accumulated considerable debts trying to treat her condition now she can't find anyone to borrow from helpless Kile calls her parents and unexpectedly learns that her father was hospitalized for high blood pressure a few days ago making it impossible for her to ask for money when Kile is at a loss a loone shark calls offering a highin loan but with immediate availability of funds Kile is about to accept the loan when song haou hears the conversation he snatches the phone from her and ends the call paying the fees on her behalf Kai doesn't like being indebted to others but she promises to repay the money however song haou tells her to consider it as an advaned payment for the contract and tells her to feel at ease the relationship between song Hau and Kai zixuan quickly improves he offers to help her defeat the small monsters and Kai zixuan really likes him watching their peaceful interactions Kai decides to try accepting song hayu after song hayu helps put Kai zixuan to bed Kile plans to meet him in the downstairs hallway spotting Kile dressed in a veil and clutching flowers song Hau even after finding out that Kai zixuan isn't well still accepts her willingly earning kile's true affection Kile is the first to suggest marriage to song Hau and he agrees song Hau and Kai quickly go to get their marriage certificate during the photo shoot kaiy looks somewhat unnatural before she realizes they already have the certificate grandfather seeing the newly issued marriage certificate can't help but feel happy yet he also Harbors concerns he worries that song hau's feelings for Kile are genuine whereas Kile might be marrying him for Kai xuan's sake Kile honestly admits that initially there was a sense of gratitude involved but now her feelings for song haou are the same as his feelings for her upon hearing this grandfather feels much relieved in plans to meet kile's parents however Kile delays the meeting citing their busy work schedules now that they are married Grant style and song zingin from now on they will be a loving family song zingin A precocious child knows that Kai zixuan is used to having Kile accompany her to sleep so he tells her stories to persuade her and offers to accompany her at night grandfather specially decorates the bridal chamber with flashing red lights and tacky colors which neither song haou nor kaai zixuan can accept however it is Grandfather's Goodwill and they can't refuse grandfather specifically reminds song Hau that if he can't sleep at night he could look at the newspaper by the bedside Kai Sile also hears this and feeling awkward and unsure where to put her hands picks up the newspaper to her surprise the headline is about the three child policy which scares her and she quickly hides the newspaper behind her as song Hau approaches Kile while unbuttoning his shirt she becomes even more nervous subconsciously she picks up the pink pajamas from the sofa and hands them to song haou unintentionally it is her own set of pink pajamas which makes her even more embarrassed seeing Kai's nervousness song hayu realizes he is also uncertain he makes an excuse to check on song Zion but unexpectedly gets kicked out of the room by the precocious child who reminds him not to miss the opportunity Kile is left alone in the room pondering how to navigate their wedding night she pulls out her phone and searches for ways to ease the awkwardness of the wedding night the more she reads the more embarrassed she feels she decides to pretend she doesn't know and plans to go tell stories to the child then sleep in their room unfortunately Kai zixuan has already been persuaded by song zingin and ruthlessly rejects Kai s leaving her with no Escape Kile decides to take a bath first and then pretend to be asleep unexpectedly song Hau also enters to take a shower when the door opens both of them exclaim in Surprise song hayou looks at Kile and is sure he has developed feelings for her Kile leans against the door conveniently blocking the doorknob song haou wants to leave but can only Reach Out And Touch kile's waist to do so this makes Kai even more nervous but when she realizes that song haou only wanted to open the door and leave she feels even more embarrassed after Kile and song haou finish bathing they must confront their wedding night Kile doesn't want things to progress too quickly but s Hau whether for himself or for his grandfather wants Kile to show more affection towards him in front of others so he tries to hold kile's hand Embrace her and make her comfortable with his touch Kile notices her heart is beating fast and suddenly sits up long hayu becomes nervous and presses Kile down accidentally pressing on her hair Kile cries out in pain and feeling embarrassed remembers that she accidentally hit an important part of song hau's Body causing him to Grunt in pain grandfather hears the commotion from outside the door and thinks that the two of them have consummated their marriage which makes him very happy in the days following their marriage with help from kaai zikuan and song zingin Kai and song hau's relationship grows closer the children are happy too and the family appears harmonious and joyful one day Kai meets with lien and shares that she has married s Hau lien strongly disapproves skeptical that s Hau after such a brief acquaintance would commit to spending his life with Kai purely out of love she insists on meeting s Hau when how Jun learns that s Hau is already married he is shocked but upon discovering that Kile is Li Zen's best friend he shamelessly accompanies song heu to meet liin lien asks song Hau what he likes about Kile song hayu shares that he is drawn to kaisy's Inner Strength and hopes to be the person who can make her let down her guard and Trust completely although lizen is skeptical about love she finds herself satisfied with song hau's response she respects Kai's choice and then questions whether kile's parents are aware of the marriage and if there are any conflicts Kile vaguely agrees with lies in pretending she has already informed her parents but in reality she hasn't however she has considered taking steps to get closer to song Hau and reciprocate his feelings as a longtime friend how Jun Knows song hau's subtle habits well for instance when song Hau answered lien's questions earlier he he tapped the table with two fingers a habitual action when he is contemplating indicating his answer was carefully considered how Jun having seen song haou genuinely in love before doesn't believe song hayou truly likes kaiy and suspects an ulterior motive behind the marriage song Hau cuts off how jun's speculation insisting he knows his own matters and asks how Jun not to meddle in the evening Kai musters the courage to speak candidly with with her parents unfortunately when her mother answers the call and tries to get her father to listen in her father refuses to talk to her at all this frustrates Kile and quashes her desire to confide leading her to abruptly end the call hearing the children's joyful laughter Kile Peaks through the door crack and sees song haou treating kaai zikuan kindly promising to be there as she grows up this touches Kai deeply and even if it seems like a fairy tale she wants to believe in it fo she turns and asks Aunt do about song hau's preferences she learns that he usually spends time at home with his grandfather and song zinin when he is not working reinforcing her belief that song haou is a good man in the basement of the song family's home there was a billiard table thinking song Hau might enjoy playing pool Kai went there alone to practice hoping that when song Hau saw her her efforts he would teach her how to play however song Hau reacted coldly and scolded her for entering his private space telling her not to come again this angers Kile then song Hau declares that their marriage is merely a performance and as long as they play their roles well it would be fine Kile sets three rules for their Arrangement their Futures should not interfere with each other their feelings should not either and song haou adds that they shouldn't inquire about each other's pasts song zinin notices Kai's red eyes so he confronts song heyu and accuses him of making Kai sad in a burst of anger he throws the books from song hau's Hands and storms off that evening Kile initially feeling down is cheered by song zin's protective stance she suddenly feels happy about having a son and can't help but smile Kile owns a treasure box which in intrigues song zinin with Kai's permission he looks inside and finds hair accessories and other items for girls quickly losing interest when he sees there are no Transformers to play with although his Transformers are broken song zingin isn't upset because he knows great-grandfather Tai and song haou will soon buy him new ones realizing this mindset isn't ideal Kai decides to instill better values in song zingin she takes song zingin and Kai zixuan to set up a stall and sell the little things she has made at the market Kai secures a good spot for her stall and Kai zixuan begins promoting the lovely hair accessories some girls take the accessories without paying which upsets Kai zixuan Kai quickly consoles her suggesting they treat it as if they had gifted the accessories song zingin immediately understands and starts energetically promoting the hair accessories during this he notices a passer by with a Transformers toy and captivated follows them when Kai turns around she realizes song Zin is missing leading her to panic and frantically search while calling song haou for help thankfully a kind-hearted passerby soon returns song zinin easing her worries in the evening Kai apologizes to song Hau admitting she should not have nearly lost song inin however song haou argues that Kai s should not have taken song zinin to the stall in the first place they dispute their differing approaches to Parenting leaving Kai s angry she feels that their relationship is just a performance and suggests that from that day on she will sleep on the sofa and avoid any further interaction with song Hau song zinin sits on the stairs at the entrance aware that his actions sparked the argument between song Hau and Kai and feels unhappy about it meanwhile after hearing from Kai zikuan about Kai's genuine efforts to instill the right values in song zinin song haou begins to reflect on himself after the children had fallen asleep Kai takes out the jewelry she has designed and cherishes the most she looks at a ring that had once won an award wearing it on her hand for a moment before setting it aside she then examines the drawings on her computer and continues to ponder suddenly song Hau marges into the study and reminds Kile to go to bed early however Kile sees this as an intrusion into her personal life and confront song Hau telling him not to interfere with no other option song Hau brings up the upcoming promotion meeting upon hearing this Kai immediately gets up and goes to adjust the plan from Kai zixuan song hayou learns that besides the box of handmade hairpins Kile keeps other jewelry in certificates separately these are her true Treasures observing the drawings on the computer and the Design Awards Kile has received song haou realizes that Kile does have dreams but she has been working hard and striving for money primarily for the sake of Kai zixuan health and life feeling even more remorseful he resolves to formally apologize to Kai after the promotion meeting early the next morning dressed neatly song haou enters the bedroom hold holding a box while Kile is still asleep he sits opposite her and asks her to hand over her phone Kile is immediately startled and sits up straight thinking her phone is a private matter and refuses to give it to him unexpectedly song Hau reveals he has only bought GPS watches for the children and needs to install a tracking app on Kai's phone Kile realizes she had overthought the situation and hands over her phone then she not is the box and learns from song haou that it contains a dress prepared for her as today is the promotion meeting in Malin Kile has put a lot of effort into planning this promotion meeting and naturally wants to see it in person she puts on the dress specially chosen by song Hau wears high heels and goes out with him they enter the company's elevator together and song haou gestures for Kile to hold his hand pretending it is for the sake of realism Kile inwardly complains but complies and holds his hand unexpectedly Tong Loki happens to see this scene at the elevator entrance and ridicules Kile pointing out that even though her company had been rejected she shamelessly clings to song Hau Kile tells Tong Loki that she is the one who planned this promotion meeting and that song Hau is still her husband after saying all that Kile grabs song Haus Thai and takes the initiative to kiss him seeing that song haou doesn't deny it and Witnesses Kai kissing her beloved Tong Loki can't believe her eyes and lacks the courage to ride the elevator with them the elevator door finally closes song haou actually enjoys the kiss but pretends to criticize Kile for overacting kile's lipstick is smudged which makes her feel a bit embarrassed and disappointed at the promotion meeting song Hau as the head of Malin takes the opportunity to introduce everyone to Kai as not only the planner of the promotion meeting but also his wife the sudden news of their marriage surprises everyone Tong Loki is especially unhappy and follows kaiy when she goes to touch up her makeup she mocks Kile saying that even though she has married song Hau she is nothing more than a nanny the relationship between Kai and S Hau is already delicate and being exposed by Tong Loki makes her feel a bit overwhelmed fortunately song Hau has anticipated that Tong Loki is not to be underestimated and hints for how Jun to step in so with his sharp tongue how Jun calls Tong Loki an opportunist which angers her and makes her leave in a huff how Jun is quite fond of Li in but she has two sides making it hard for him to gauge her true nature he takes this opportunity to inquire about the situation from Kile Kile is unwilling to say much but gives how Jun a hint that lien is a woman with a story as a result how Jun Returns the favor by telling Kile that song Hau has no feelings for Tong Loki Tong Loki who has a high opinion of herself believes that only song hayu is worthy of her and has been persistently clinging to him after the promotion meeting song Hau and Kai zikuan together prepar the backup booth and set out to sell Goods as a family Kai s notices that song Hau is once again giving her clothes and accompanying her to the booth which makes her wonder why he is adding drama to the situation just as song Hau gathers the courage to Apologize song zingin and kaai zixuan cling to them wanting to be carried consequently the words of apology remain unspoken upon hearing that Kile has actually gotten married her parents hurriedly come from their Hometown when they see song you they are somewhat satisfied however when song zingin comes out and calls Kile mom kile's father immediately expresses his disapproval of the marriage
Channel: Drama || Recaps
Views: 85,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rich ceo fall in love with me, kdrama ceo fall in love, poor girl fall in love for most popular, kdrama ugly to pretty, rich kdrama, kdrama story, kdrama recap ceo, ceo and poor girl, trending kdrama, kdrama cute love story, billionaire fall in love with a poor girl, korean drama recap in english, korean drama explaination, japanese drama recap, new korean drama, pink movies, n recaps, storyflix movie recap, recap king, fox recaps, recap, mizo recap, mizo
Id: t4lfvK2r8oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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