Lonely Deaf Girl Marries Rich CEO Husband To Get Revenge On Step-Mom (Part-1) | Drama Recap

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a woman stands on the edge of a building contemplating ending her life and her phone starts to ring the woman's daughter yells for her mother desperately looking for her she runs around to find her mother the woman picks up her phone and desperately asks the person to go away and leave her alone she cries and begs this person to not force her anymore the person on the other end of the phone wants the woman to die and the woman will help the person out by ending her life the woman's daughter runs out of the building to find her mom when she suddenly hears something fall behind her Shivers go down her spine as she looks back to see what fell and she's shocked to find her own mother dead the daughter yells in pain and sorrow when suddenly she wakes up it was a dream the little girl is now all grown up and sits on her bed thinking about her dream she sees a newspaper on her bedside table and puts it back into her side table she goes to freshen up and takes a shower hour after getting ready and dressing up she walks her way to her destination when suddenly a middle-aged lady stops her and steps out of her car the girl Zan looks back at the lady and uses sign language to communicate since zun is mute after she witnessed the death of her mother Zan became mute due to PTSD her father married his lover and brought a stepdaughter of a similar age she asks her stepmom what she is doing here and that she isn't welcome the Stepmom informs Zan that she is here to inform her on behalf of her father the Zin leang group encountered financial difficulties so zoan is to get rid of some worthless assets including the special education school she is going to zoan is angry since it was her own mother who found that school and it never belonged to her father's group the Stepmom cocki tells her that the land the school is on is owned by the group Zan is to abide by her father's decision her stepmom proposes that zun should go meet her father and have a chat since they haven't met each other in so long Zan agrees to go see her dad and sits in her Stepmother's car as they make their way to their destination the Stepmom suspiciously Parks her car in a random parking lot which confuses zoan she asks if there is any problem when suddenly a few men run out of their cars and start to use a rag to make zoan un conscious she tries to fight back but can't since she is mute after succeeding in doing that the stepmother drives the car away with her step-daughter's body in the back like nothing had happened Zoo Nan wakes up in an unknown place which seems to be a hotel room meanwhile the Stepmom is met by a gangster looking man with his Lackey beside him the Stepmom hands over a card to the man and tells him to inject Capital into the Zang group in exchange for some time with her stepdaughter the man gets cheerful and leaves to go see his stepdaughter in another room a man named guming Yan has his dinner delivered to his room the gangster looking man heads inside the room where Zan is held captive and Zan is nowhere to be seen there's a makeshift rope leading outside the balcony and the man runs to tell his Lackey to go chase the girl as they leave the room zoan gets out of the closet and leaves the room when she suddenly encounters one of the gangster lackeys he starts chasing xunan meanwhile the man guming Yan discovers that the dinner he was served was poisoned and he struggles to breathe a man tells a woman that the server who poisoned guming Yan is waiting for her outside and she goes to meet him Zoo Nan spots the same server and as she is about to ask for her he drags her and shoves her into the same room as guming Yan She Bangs the door and guming Yan hears the sound while while he's desperately trying to breathe zoan writes on her phone that some bad guys are chasing her and guming Yan tells her to get out as she is about to leave she hears some voices coming from the outside looking for an escape guming Yan puts on a commotion and zun puts her hand over his mouth to keep him quiet she proceeds to write something on his palm and suddenly he picks her up drags her into the room and tries to force himself on her a drone from outside watches this happen Zan manages to free herself from gooing Yan's grasp and runs away after biting him and he goes unconscious Zan makes her way out of this hell Hotel a news reporter announces some breaking news sunu group has announced a new group president which is a huge surprise to the Chinese citizens this is breaking news because the group was not inherited by the second generation Heir but instead by the third generation heir the eldest grandson it's reported that guming Yong is the only son of former president guhong since childhood he grew up abroad with a mysterious and lowprofile life as he steps into the building he is asked by multiple reporters how he feels now that his relative has taken over the presidency of sunwu group guming Yan ignores the reporters and heads to the conference room where the board of directors is discussing that guhong Yu is the one who should be president and not gong Yan since he just came from abroad guuh hongu the uncle of guming yan says that the position isn't important and it's the growth of the company that should take priority he is worried that if he makes guming Yan the president there will be many losses guming Yan walks into the conference room with his secretary and sits like a boss on his chair he asks to look at the information guming Yan tells the board of directors that they must make the right choice right now they are to vote for the acquisition of Senor he asks if they have any objections nobody says anything so he says the vote on the acquisition of the sunwu group has been approved and the meeting is now adjourned guming Yan gets up to leave and the board of directors follows hongu is angry at the power guming Yan holds and is up for a ride the uncle is the one who set up a drone outside his hotel room when guming Yan was poisoned and when he was forcing himself onto zun hongu is now up to something evil with that footage in a mansion zun meets her dad and as soon as she sees her stepmother she throws a show on her but Zan's father defends his wife and doesn't believe his daughter Zan asks her dad if he is selling her biological mother school and he angrily says that he is but when she objects her father tells her to not mention her biological mother's name in his house and curses her Zoo gets angry and tells him to stop but he slaps her in the face instead and tells her to get out as zun leaves her stepmother acts like a baby in front of her husband and acts scared but he tells his wife to shut the hell up meanwhile gooing Yan is sitting in his office and is met by his secretary who informs him that his uncle bribed the waiter to drug his food and arranged for a woman to come to his room but this woman wasn't who came into his room it was someone else he tells his secretary to go and check again back to Zan's father he asks his wife if what Zan said was true and if she actually kidnapped her and sent her into a man's room the Stepmom calms her husband down and tells him that Mr kju the gangster looking guy has always liked zun Nan so the Stepmom thought it would be a great idea to set them both up so the company could profit off of Mr kin shu's money Zan's father gets angry that his wife is trying to sell his daughter but she tells him that no one will want to marry his daughter since she is mute so it's best to marry her off to Mr tanu suddenly Zan's stepsister bursts into her parents room and shows them news of Zan in bed with guming Yan switching scenes to guming Yan's office he is met by his uncle scolding him for sleeping with a prostitute even though he was the one who set it up he tells guming Yan to step down from his position and after a bit of back and forth with his uncle guming Yan reports that they have found information about the woman he was in bed with and tells his uncle that zun is his fiance he promises to hold a media clarification meeting announcing Zan's identity guming Yan reads information about zunay and finds out that she is the daughter of the zinan group and the daughter of song yui the teaching assistant at the special school guming Yan finds out that zunay is mute and tells his secretary to find her Zan's father is angry that his daughter is labeled as a prostitute in the media and his wife adds fuel to the fire someone knocks on Zan's door and when she opens it it's none other than her stepmom and her Lackey they take zun Nan away into their car and guming Yan sees this happening and starts to follow the car where zun is held captive after reaching their destination zun is shoved into the same car as Mr kju who has been waiting for her arrival as he tries to force himself on her she kicks him in the groin and runs for her life there she meets guming yan guming yan starts to beat up the Lackey following zunay and asks her if she remembers him after beating up the Lackey with a bat guming Yan asks Zan if he wants to make a deal with her and introduces himself they head back to his car and the lacky report to the Stepmom that Zoo Nan has run away with guming Yan back at his place guming Yan hands a contract over to zun Nan it's an engagement contract she Types on her phone and asks him what he means he explains to her that he is now called a Playboy with a chaotic private life in the media and he needs zun Nan to help him clear up the Scandal she agrees to clarify their situation but asks why they have to get engaged and guman says that is the most effective and reliable method he can think of at the moment not only can It restore His Image but Zoo Nan's as well guming Yan tells her to look at the contract since there are a lot of Pros in it as he Rambles on about it zoan receives a message and heads her way she goes to her mother's school there seems to be a problem with the parents zoan promises to take care of all their problems and the parents agree and tell zun that if the school is to close they should notify the parents first first the principal of the school is worried about the kids if the school is to be sold but zoan tells her not to worry as she will handle it zoan heads back home and is full of Sorrow the next day she makes her way to guming Yan's house and he welcomes her in he asks her why she didn't say goodbye yesterday and she reveals that she has something urgent to take care of so she apologizes to guming Yan and says that she will sign the engagement contract he brought up the day before but zun Nan has a condition guming Yan is to buy the land use rights of the special education school when asked why she reveals if guming Yan wants to acquire the zining group he can buy the land where the school is on so basically it's a win-win situation but guming Yan doesn't agree if guming Yan buys the school land use rights that would break Zin liang's self-rescue plan it can also help zun Nan save the school's crisis and guming Yan has no reason to disagree but he thinks otherwise as she is about to leave she thinks of another way she uses her charm to get this contract no matter what the physical contact startles guming Yan and he asks zun to just speak so guming Yan agrees to buy the land after their contract period ends after signing the contract zunay is officially ging Yan's fiance guming Yan clarifies that he doesn't like people getting too close to him but if there are Outsiders around they are to keep a 20 cm distance and if they are alone they should keep a distance he also tells her to move in with him and that she is now employed at his company he will send her the work schedule he also tells her not to come into his room no matter what after a bit she knocks on his door and tells him that she needs to go and pack her luggage but guming Yan doesn't allow her and when asked why she isn't allowed to go he says there there's no reason Zan insists that she doesn't have anything at the moment and even needs clothes to change into but he tells her that he already arranged clothes for her to arrive she heads into her room and tells the principal that she has the school matters settled guming Yan sends a voice note to Zan telling her the schedule for the next day which includes meeting his grandfather and his assistant will give her a document with precautions she sigh and lies down on the bed the next day the duo heads to the grandfather and there's a bunch of guming yan family members present guming Yan introduces his fiance and the grandfather doesn't seem too happy he asks guming Yan to come with him for a minute and they head out he tells Zan to perform well in front of his family the grandfather yells at guming Yan since Zan is the Zang group's daughter but guming Yan doesn't want to make any mistakes since her identity is already revealed and the grandfather is happy that his training didn't go in vain after the meeting with his grandfather gooing Yan meets his uncle who keeps calling him an illegitimate child
Channel: Drama || Recaps
Views: 50,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rich ceo falls in love with me, kdrama ceo falls in love, poor girl fall in love for most popular, kdrama ugly to pretty, rich kdrama, kdrama story, kdrama recap ceo, trending kdrama, kdrama cute love story, billionaire fall in love with poor girl, korean love story, korean drama recap, recap, short story, romantic kdrama recap, mizo, mizo recap
Id: AeADYPbP7z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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