Ugly Girl Everyone Is Bullying Her,Suddenly Find 5 Beautiful Guys Turn Her To Pretty Girl

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i gunners recaps here today we will be taking a look at the 2018 south korean promotional web series secret queen makers the opening scene begins with on gong zhu a tourist guide who was a participant in the duty-free tour however she is late so the tourists are led by her colleague wang bitna angong zhu rushes to the shopping mall where tourists are guided to shop and meet wang bitna unlike ongongju wang bitna appears to be flawless in every way wang bitna then approaches ang gong zhu and criticizes her fashion sense ang gong zhu walks away saying she needs to use the restroom she believes that someone as ordinary as her will never become a protagonist but she convinces herself that not everyone can shine the same way a few moments later on gong zhu walks inside the lift and notices a posture about the life-changing beauty transformation but she doesn't believe it and dismisses it she sees a little boy inside the lift and waves to him when the boy notices this he sobs and insults her claiming that he only likes pretty aunties everyone in the lift laughs at her creating an embarrassing situation so she rushes out as soon as angong joo steps out of the lift she collides with a guy named lee joon ji and falls lee joon ji apologizes assists her in getting up and offers her a drink he also returns the coupon that ongongju had dropped but she tells him that he is free to keep it ong gong zhu also informs him that it is the coupon of the beauty queen maker and that if he collects all of the stickers he will be able to participate in it lee joon ji suggests she participate but she declines on gongju says that she doesn't waste her time on something that has no chance of happening during their conversation she gets a call from one of the tourists and leaves soon after angong zhu approaches the tourist and discovers that the tourist's coupon has been misplaced she decides to give her new coupon but cannot open her suitcase she realizes that her bag has been mistakenly swapped with lee joon ji she then rushes back to where she met him but does not find him there as a result she begins looking for him throughout the mall ongoing zhu eventually notices lee joon ji and heads toward him she is shocked to see him walk inside through the wall she follows him and enters the other side of the wall the other side of the wall also appears to be the mall which is empty inside she finds the same coupon on the floor and picks it up she slowly walks forward looking around on gong joo accidentally drops a perfume bottle that shatters into pieces a few moments later hearing its sound a man named chansung approaches her and asks how she got inside he also wonders if she is human or something else ongongju becomes nervous and attempts to flee with an apology she runs towards the lift to get away she is surprised to see chen sung when it opens she then flees and hides under the table but he catches her easily on gong zhu apologizes and promises to repay him for the perfume chonsung responds that no matter what she does she will never be able to repay him for the perfume as it is hundreds of years old a few moments later she believes she is dead and is conversing with the ghost chansung reveals himself to be the messenger of beauty he then leads her to a room filled with mirrors on gongju stands with her head bowed when asked she says she dislikes looking in the mirror despite hearing it chansung turns one of the mirrors towards her as soon as ongongju looks in the mirror she remembers sitting alone in a ballet room in the past after ensuring that no one is around she dresses up as a ballet dancer and begins practicing in front of the mirror in the middle of her practice she falls and her friends make fun of her in the present she inquires about what is happening to which chan sung responds all the mirrors in this room will show you a moment you want to remember or a moment you don't want to remember she then admits that she sees no improvement in herself when she looks in the mirror chansung rolls one of the mirrors transporting them back to where she dropped the perfume he then asks her to select a perfume from the shelf she looks confused and inquires whether there is a perfume that can completely transform her into something new and beautiful he reveals that she had just broken the perfume she required after that he takes one of the perfumes and sprays it on her as soon as chan sung sprays the perfume han gong joo is found dozing off in the previous mall wang bitna wakes her up and asks what she's doing there initially on gong-joo believes it was all a dream but she soon discovers chansung's sticker in her coupon she also smells the same perfume in her clothes and realizes she wasn't dreaming she then rushes to the same wall and looks at it she can't figure out how someone can get in through the wall just then she notices her suitcase automatically drifting towards the wall she hurriedly holds her suitcase and as a result she enters the other side of the mall once more this time on gung-joo decides to make her wish come true she walks to the information desk but instead of chan's son she meets another man named litak she then shows him her suitcase and asks if he has seen any other guys with similar suitcases lee tuck then directs her to the lost and found section following this on gong zhu walks downstairs and is surprised to see litok already present there he takes her to the place where lost items have been stored for hundreds of years and instructs her to search independently without making a mess while searching she opens a hat box and a bird flies out she falls in fear causing the other items to fall and causing chaos litok hands on gongju a face machine and tells her to clean herself she goes into a changing room and changes the outfit that she wore before but li took claims that the dress doesn't suit her as a result she decides to put on her previous dress as soon as she walks through the door she finds herself in her school's classroom rather than the changing room on gong zhu walks over to her study desk where she discovers a message from a classmate named yuan inviting her to meet him in the garden she is then reminded of her past when yuan is proposing to her when ongongju accepts his proposal his friends shout from behind saying that it took him only 55 seconds to convince her yuan then walks away with his friend leaving her destitute returns to lituk and inquires about it lituk claims to have seen other humans like her who make a mistake regret it want to undo it and do it all over again on gongju then expresses her desire to be beautiful but lacks the necessary skills after hearing this lituk agrees to grant her wish following that he begins to do her makeup making her face look attractive when she looks in the mirror she doesn't believe her eyes and pinches herself when lee took notices this he expresses his dissatisfaction with the same human pattern and quickly vanishes on gongju then goes to the information desk to thank him but she cannot find him on gong-joo hears a siren and notices four officers approaching her as a result she begins to flee but soon a guy named wang stops her wang takes her into the investigation room and charges her for stealing the jewels on gong-joo requests that he find her a lawyer as she is innocent wang informs her that human laws don't apply there then she admits that all she did was break a perfume bottle after that wong takes her to the stolen jewelry section one bystander at the crime scene claims to have seen ongong juice stealing the jewels she then requests wong to search her belongings however the officers cannot open the suitcase because no one knows the code so they try with a lever soon wang realizes that the suitcase belongs to their master and wonders where she got it she tells the truth about the switch of the suitcase after hearing this the bystander becomes terrified and admits to stealing the jewels the officers arrest him right away while wang removes angongju's handcuffs before leaving wang requests that she return what she has stolen she inquires about what else she has stolen to which he responds my heart wong then proposes and draws her closer to him he puts a locket around her neck says she'll need it and walks away she suddenly remembers her suitcase and follows him to inquire about the master but she finds herself back in the regular mall wang bitna appears from behind and picks up on gong ju's coupon and two extra stickers on gong-joo grabs her coupon and walks away telling her to mind her own business ongong joo goes to the restroom and smiles looking in the mirror during this she receives messages from her group in which her friends mock her after reading the messages she walks out upset and decides to throw away her locket simultaneously another man named chanyeol approaches her he informs them that he needs her and leads her back to the other side of the wall this time wang bitna notices them passing through the wall after breaking through the wall angong zhu discovers the mall as dark and inquires about what is going on just that chanyeol notices several people dressed in black as a result they both hide behind a shelf chanyal informs her that they are evil's messengers he also reveals that the wall formed to keep them hidden is cracking according to him the more humans doubt them the weaker they become a few moments later they hear a huge explosion so chanyal goes to investigate when chanyal doesn't return for a while she looks for him but the evils quickly discover her however chanyal successfully saves her from them and she then hugs him after that chanyal and ongongju arrive at the zone's end door but it is locked simultaneously she recognizes the sign on the door and realizes that her locket can unlock it as a result they can successfully exit the place janyal informs her that they must open the suitcase which only she can do she then examines the stickers on her coupon recalls everything they told her and deciphers the code when she opens the suitcase a bright light shines and she finds herself in the beauty makers competition she is led to the stage where other participants and the audience are present everyone makes fun of her so she wishes it was just a dream soon ongongju wakes up on the tourist bus thankful that it was all a dream she discovers no stickers in her coupon confirming that it was just a dream she then receives a message informing her that her application for the beauty queen maker festival has been accepted at the same time wang bitna arrives and announces that she has submitted both applications for the festival after hearing this on gong zhu becomes shocked and nervous on competition day on gongju gathers all her courage and prepares for the festival she notices lee joon ji and follows him as she walks toward the festival when lee joon ji inquires about her trip she realizes it wasn't a dream he encourages her to believe in herself by adorning her neck with jewels the competition is going on with a competitor standing on stage they are all astonished to see beautiful ongoing jew who wins the competition on the other hand wang bitna falls off the stage and everyone mocks her after the competition hong gong-joo is able to persuade wang bitna to become friends in the next scene ongongju directs tourists on a duty-free tour and everyone compliments her beauty she also notices a nervous girl on the bus so she hands out a coupon and suggests she go to the mentioned location instilling hope that something amazing will happen while ongongju is shopping for herself sehun the mall's director notices her and follows her ongoing jew doesn't recognize him and inquires about him sehun then reminds her how they met in front of the elevator and their suitcases were switched she becomes perplexed and realizes she has met sehun rather than the master he then expresses his feelings for her and holds her hand in the following scene the nervous girl goes to the wall where she notices a suitcase the suitcase automatically moves towards the wall and when she tries to hold it she gets inside make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you can watch more videos like this thanks for watching
Channel: Gunners Recaps
Views: 2,772,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recap, recaps, movie, movie recaps, movie recapped, mystrey recapped, fox recapped, fox recaps
Id: 6mO3Fns1IOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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