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this sniper Waits on the roof of a nearby building during a mission to rescue a school bus Amit a terrorist threat the terrorist wearing a bomb jacket seizes a girl but our sniper is still ordered by his commanding officer not to shoot yet seeing that the situation isn't improving the sniper known as Kim SE Wu disregards the orders and positions himself near the bus as the terrorist threatens to detonate the bomb seal WAMS his gun at him finally pulling the trigger and shooting the terrorist in the forehead due to his Disobedience he is arrested under military law however he isn't concerned because seeing the hostage is Happy is all that matters to him in the interrogation room he surprises his superiors by tricking a lie detector when asked about his age he claims he's 400 years old much to the interrogator surprise the lie detector indicates it's true this demonstrates SE Wu's ability to control his body's reactions impressed by his rebellious attitude and stress management skills his superiors dong hyan and deputy director Jang Teo decide to recruit him as a ghost a more deeply planted Black Ops agent with fake identities who operates discreetly soon SE Wu begins operating internationally assuming various identities and completing numerous missions once he finds himself in Budapest posing as a professor his Target is one of his students Anna whom he addresses by her real last name during a lecture since nobody should know her real name SE wo's action pequs her interest this Sparks a love story that se woo intentionally initiates to get closer to Anna over time they fall deeply in love and become engaged however seal Woo's true interest lies in Anna's father a Mafia Boss who was once in the secret police during hungary's dictatorship during a meeting the mafia boss insults SE old Wen Hungarian assuming he doesn't understand the language to his surprise seu responds fluently in Hungarian revealing more about himself than the boss realizes SE W then confidently states that they won't disclose anything to Anna because he doesn't want to hurt the person he loves saying this he has put himself in a tight spot soon the mafia boss's henchmen confront SE woo in an alley and their intentions don't appear favorable they taser him and the next thing our hero knows he's in a basement with his hands cuffed someone hands him a prison uniform indicating that se woo was to be sent to prison perhaps this was his plan all along to leverage the mafia boss's influence to gain access to the prison the mafia boss had to comply because SE wo possessed secrets from his past work in prison SE Woo's true motive is revealed he's here to Aid his old acquaintance Petro who knows him as Kay in Escaping The Prison seal W crafts a makeshift smallscale explosive device and installs it in the prison's fuse box then he starts fashioning the key to his cell door using a mold provided by Petro on the day of the plan Escape when the guard opens the food pass through door SE wo cleverly inserts a wet tissue paper into the lock area preventing the door from locking later that night a guard inadvertently triggers a wire causing the explosive device in the fuse box to ignite consequently the prison's power shuts down leading to a black out taking advantage of the darkness SE W opens the food pass through door and unlocks his cell door with the key he made earlier he then shoots a hook at Petro's door and uses the attached wire to transport the key to him with SE W's help Petro finally frees himself from the cell as the lights come back on the inmates have limited time to escape with guards in Pursuit the duo heads to the underground mine where inmates labor during the day they hop into a mine card and flee with guards shooting at them when more guards rush into the prison the inmates seize the opportunity finding the area safe they escape through the mine door and reach a nearby well securing their getaway Petrov is sent back to Russia concluding the mission knowing that the Wrath of a woman betrayed by her love is deadlier than a time bomb SE W chooses an unconventional method to end their relationship he asks Anna to meet him outside in his car as she approaches SE wo sets the car on fire faking his own death with the mission accomplished he throws his engagement ring into the river and fleas the scene some days later SE Woo is vacationing at a hotel when a woman sits beside him her back turned to him he notices a number written on her back but initially ignores it however ever when he sees the same number on his coaster he realizes something is off in his hotel room the number appears on the window but instead of being worried SE Woo is more irritated than anything else soon there's a knock at the door and it's revealed to be SE wo's senior Don hyan disguised as a poorly dressed room service attendant SE Wu had already anticipated this as the number he had kept seeing was dong hanan's birthday seeing the numbers he knew dong hyan was coming and he was annoyed say his arrival meant the end of his vacation it turns out that the National Intelligence service has lost contact with one of their ghost agents agent Yun he was undercover at San a major South Korean Industrial Corporation with no communication from him for a while the NIS fears that agent yun's cover may have been compromised concerned that there could be a mole within their ranks leaking information the NIS decides to seek SE wo's assistance dong hyan briefs SE wo about the missing ghost agent explaining that the agent sent a text before disappearing the last message mentions a particular cargo container that departed from inchan on October 4th carrying three specific wood carvings the NIS is currently tracking the container but for the time being seal will must return to South Korea upon his return He discovers the whereabouts of the firstwood carving which the NIS traced to Russia in The Secret Safe of an arms dealer named chairman Victor due to the formidable security measures in place dongan warns that it won't be easy for SE wo to locate Victor's residence let alone infiltrate it their only option to reach Victor is through the assistance of action star W Kuan it happens that Victor a devoted fan of wung kuang has invited him to his secret birthday party to accompany wung kuang to Russia seal Wu manages to secure a position as the actor's head of security however neither W kuang nor his manager Chad Dua like him this could be attributed to the way SE Wu treats wung kuang as a DieHard fan of the actor do cannot tolerate anyone being harsh on him one day during a film shoot SE W notices a suspicious mechanic checking W kuan's car which he'll use for a drift stunt SE Wu's suspicions are confirmed when w kuang informs his team via police radio that his brakes have failed and the steering is locked W kuang's security guard SE wo Springs into action commandeering a police car to rescue him concerned for her boss duha decides to join SE Wu w kuang unable to control his speeding vehicle is pursued by SE woo with each speed bump W kuang's anxiety mounts as memories of a past Collision resurface duha holds on for dear life as SE W navigates through traffic to catch up to wung kuang's car when they finally reach wung kuang neither vehicle can stop the other from accelerating at high speed both cars race towards construction barricades and signs signaling the end of the road they crash through the barrier as the end of the road approaches seal Wu accelerates past w kuang and then swerv sharply to the right moments later he slams the brakes and sharply turns the wheel causing his car to spin directly into W kuang's path SE Wu pulls duha close to his chest and prepares for impact soon W kuang slams into his car SE wo applies the brakes and manages to stop W kuan's car just in time the Collision knocks wung Kuan unconscious but miraculously seal Wu and duha emerge unharmed injured W kuang is rushed to the hospital where experiences flashbacks of his accident 7 years ago during a film shoot his brakes failed leading to a severe car crash although he survived he endured months of physical therapy to recover while hospitalized his model girlfriend announced her engagement to MOS sunj a wealthy businessman and owner of San this news deeply distressed W kuang and his bitter past continues to haunt him to this day back in the present wung kuang finally wakes up but remains weak so he's kept sedated for rest as he begins to regain his strength he develops a brotherly bond with SE woo and confides in him about the Betrayal by his girl friend to attend chairman Victor's birthday party W kuang SE wo and Doha fly to Russia where SE Wu plans to steal a wooden carving from the Mansion upon arrival SE receives a coin from his senior dong hian who seems to be shadowing him the trio reaches the mansion and has to pass through a walkth through metal detector everything goes smoothly until SE SE wo sets off the detector security checks his pockets and finds a coin inside since it poses no threat SE Woo is allowed to keep the coin and the trio was escorted inside the Mansion SE W begins executing his plan by opening the coin and attaching his spy gear to his body to provide dong hian with a view of the surroundings and start mapping the building's layout according to the plan seal will must act when the lights go out and the cake is brought out during the 4-minute birthday song during this time he needs to retrieve the wood carving from the secret room the coin also doubles as a USB which SE will insert into the security system control box so dongan can control it remotely after some time chairman Victor calls W kuang to take pictures with him in the secret room initially only W Quang is permitted entry but the actor insists on bringing his bodyguard stating that se wo is more than just a bodyguard he's like a brother to him SE W isn't pleased with this Arrangement because it prevents him from hacking into the security system despite his objections wwang insists on bringing him inside and chairman Victor grants permission as they explore the secret room seol W notices one of the artifacts the same with carving they were searching for while chairman Victor showcases his collection of artifacts to his guests SE wo contemplates his next move a flashback reveals that se wo had previously met major Petrov of Russia the same person he assisted in breaking out of prison the military had also sought to apprehend chairman Victor but lacked concrete evidence to do so SE W promised to provide Petro with the evidence in exchange for a simple blast of an EMP capable of causing widespread damage to power lines telecommunications and electronic equipment back in the present day upon receiving a signal from dong hian major Petrov instructs his men to prepare the EMP drone the Drone is launched and soon its blast damages the power line causing a power outage chairman Victor is angry and embarrassed in front of his guests with the power expected to recover in 5 minutes he decides to proceed with the cake cutting ceremony accompanied by the 4 minute long Birthday song seizing the opportunity seal woo exits the ballroom and makes his way to the secret room along the way he equips a lens to help him spot any enemies moving swiftly he navigates the stairs until he reaches the secret room knocking out the guards he enters the room and unlocks the Vault granting him access to the chamber where the artifacts are St shattering the glass seal who retrieves the wooden carving attaches his spy gear and places it outside on a balcony using a drone Donan successfully retrieves the wooden carving without getting detected by the guards while descending the stairs seal W encounters some security guards in the darkness they fail to recognize him with guards closing in from both sides seal W leaps from the hallway onto the stairs meanwhile duha searches for SE wo to avoid detection by the security security guards SE W pulls duha close pretending to be her partner and diverting attention away from himself it leaves Dua shocked but the plan works as the security guards are unable to recognize him still shaken by the incident Doha questions SE Wu's actions but he dismisses it as a mistake and urges her to ignore it as the lights come back on chairman Victor is informed by his guard about the EMP blast causing the outage and the robbery of the Vault suspecting Foul Play he urges the chairman to evacuate the building immediately suddenly the party is interrupted by the sound of helicopters circling the venue their dazzling lights blinding everyone inside soon after hordes of Russian soldiers storm the Mansion led by Major Petro while the military arrests chairman Victor Petrov exchanges a look with SE Wu who responds with a smile and a nod the mission is successfully completed and SE Wu returns to South Korea while examining the wooden carving he discovers a hidden box within it upon opening it he finds a key but it appears to be incomplete it Dawn on them that they need two more pieces from the remaining two carvings to form a complete key dong hyan reveals that the royal family of Thailand holds the second wooden carving and they will soon send it to South Korea for auction with the first key retrieved the agents no longer require wung kuan's assistance SE Wu decides to end his role as a bodyguard feeling relieved because unlike his previous work chasing criminals and fighting bad guys this time he was tasked with babysitting an older man something he didn't appreciate initially SE Wu considers parting ways with wung kuang by faking his death however Donan makes him realize that news of his death will be broadcast exposing his identity left with no other option SE Wu decides to act rudely towards the team to upset them so they don't raise questions about his departure his first move is to deliberately sit in Wong Kim's chair to provoke him when questioned about it SE Wu grumpily responds that he's tied surprisingly W kuang understands his behavior acknowledging that people sometimes act like this when exhausted SE Wu kicks the chair and leaves leaving everyone surprised by his Sudden Change in Behavior after the shoot SE Wu tries to annoy wwang by refusing to open the car door for him despite SE Wu's deliberate disregard W kuang remains calm realizing that his bodyguard may need time to recharge when nothing seems to be effective SE Wu decides to resign from the job despite wung kuang's attempts to dissuade him even offering him a week's vacation SE Wu coldly rejects the offer and leaves when Dua learns about SE Wu's decision to leave she decides to speak with him believing that he's departing because she didn't reciprocate his affection she apologizes expressing her concern about him getting hurt in a one-sided relationship SE wo's expression turns cold and he begins insulting Dua stating that he's not interested in women like her who are easy simple extreme and make decisions without consulting others he clarifies that whatever happened at the party was merely out of curiosity and DOA is not the reason why he's leaving the job as Dua struggles to hold back her tears SE wo concludes by telling her not to think of him or come looking for him ever again as the agent leades the cafe he receives a call from dong hyan who instructs him not to resign from the job emphasizing the importance of maintaining his current identity SE W was distressed realizing he has ended things with Doha in a terrible way seeking to make amends he approaches DOA and unexpectedly kisses her shocked DOA pushes him away and then slaps him across the face however in the end SE W manages to rectify the mess he created by explaining that he initially wanted to distance himself from Doha for her own well-being but now he realizes he can't push himself away from her apologizing he informs her that he will cancel his resignation and continue working for w kuang back at headquarters dong hyang briefs sea wool on their next strategy it turns out that to get the second wood carving they must find a black auction ring according to their Intel agent yun's confidential informant known as Goldfinger possesses the ring interestingly Goldfinger is revealed to be miang Suk doha's father while they could retrieve the ring directly from him it turns out that miang suuk has given it to DOA who is unaware of its significance meanwhile we are introduced to assemblyman Beck who is pledged to support Sun J the owner of ssan Corporation in the upcoming elections ssan is the same company where our missing ghost agent Yun was employed assemblyman Beck promises sunjay that he will locate the missing wood carvings which purportedly contain details of sj's grandfathers slf fund assuring Sun Jay Beck claims to have connections within the NIS working on the case utilizing his connections Beck discovers that se woo and Don hian have retrieved the first carving upon learning that Don hian will meet someone to deliver the carving Beck dispatches his Hitman kichel to eliminate dong hian and retrieve the carving positioning himself a top of building kichel awaits dong hanan's arrival as dong hyan steps out of the car kichel fires at him only to find that the car is bulletproof undeterred he prepares to attack once more but he is suddenly shot in the shoulder by a sniper none other than SE woo it is revealed that the entire scenario was orchestrated by Don hin to apprehend the individual responsible for yun's disappearance by capturing the Hitman they hope to trace back to the person who hired him after seal wo's initial shot Kel takes cover behind some boxes SE Wu provides cover for his seniors dong hyan and Deputy Jang as they ascend the stairs to apprehend The Hitman kichel attempts to reach his weapon but SE wo prevents him by firing continuously in a bit to evade SE woo Kel sets off a smoke bomb allowing him to change his position SE wo pursues him but kichel retaliates by shooting at a cylinder triggering an explosion that starts a fire halting SE W's Advance as dong Hanan approaches the rooftop from the stairs kichel is forced to find another way to escape the area ultimately succeeding in doing so after the confrontation SE Wu realizes that kichel is the same man he saw near W kuang's car on the day of the accident meanwhile dongan examines the hitman's abandoned gun and realizes that it is used by Special Forces it appears they know who this weapon belongs to making their investigation considerably easier later that night SE W takes duha out to dinner and as time passes their bond strengthens duha becomes so comfortable with SE Wu that she opens up to him about being harassed by lone sharks at her grandfather's Memorial it turns out her father had borrowed money from many people and disappeared leaving DOA as the only one they could pressure to get their money back during the harassment her father was present there but he chose to leave abandoning DHA in the present DOA also confides in SE wo about a ring her father gave her she explains that she left the ring at the columbarium Cemetery where her grandfather's ashes are kept even when her grandfather passed away her father showed no concern and ran away she left the ring there to ensure her father would only find it if he truly changed however since he hasn't changed he continues asking DOA about the Ring's location unaware that it rests beside his father's ashes after putting Doha to bed SE Wu heads to the karium cemetery where he finally finds the ring he then calls dongan and informs him about it the following day he meets dua's father mang Suk who boasts about the expensive watch Gifted to him by the president of the s San group Mr sunj it seems likely that he also wanted the ring which is why he decided to do business with meang Suk when SE wo hears the company's name he immediately takes out his phone and detects the watch it turns out the watch is bugged upon discovering this SE wo quickly dunks the watch into the water meanwhile Sun Jay's henchman realizes that se wo has caught them suspecting that dua's life might be in danger SE Wu promptly leaves the restaurant and calls DOA inquiring about her whereabouts learning that she is at the cemetery SE wo asks if she sees any suspicious men around when Dua tells him that four men in black suits are in the same room as hers seal orders her to go to the restroom he then instructs her not to lose the coin he gave her earlier because it's the only way he can find her with that said he warns duha that she is about to be abducted before Doha can process anything Sun J's men abduct her rendering her unconscious with a chloroform soaked handkerchief when dong ham learns about the abduction He suggests involving the police however SE Wu has discovered that the Hitman who kidnapped Doha is a rogue ghost agent therefore trusting the police isn't a viable option while Don Hanan wants SE Wu to stay away from the situation to avoid exposing his identity seu was unwilling to back off the coin he gave to Doha turns out to be a Tracker allowing him to locate her following the tracker he arrives at a port which leads him to a locked container upon opening the latch he hears a beeping sound nearby investigating further he discovers a bomb with a timer set to 2 minutes meanwhile DOA is gagged and zip tied in a dark room struggling to free herself without hesitation SE Wu takes out his pocket knife examines the bomb and cuts the white wire the timer momentarily stops only to restart again meanwhile duas struggles to free herself but her efforts are in vain with only 10 seconds left SE wo is still torn between which wire to cut after careful consideration he cuts the red wire stopping the timer and disarming the bomb as SE woo enters the container he finds no one but a laptop lives streaming Doha from another location next to the laptop he discovers the coin track ER indicating that the abductors set a trap for him just then seu receives a call from kol who threatens to kill duha if C woo fails to deliver the wood carving in the ring infuriated SE woo shoots the laptop multiple times venting out his frustration at that moment the SWAT team arrives pointing their guns at se wo mistaking him for the abductor before they can fire dongan arrives just in time informing them that se Wu is one of them as the SWAT team secures the premises SE Wu discreetly retrieves a part of the bomb to gather more information about it without wasting time he reaches out to an old friend and asks about the bomb upon seeing the small cylindrical object the man informs SE Wu that Russia's first counterterrorism unit the alpha group uses such devices he believes this type of weapon can only be sold by one person a former Master Sergeant named Choy although the sergeant is no longer active he now runs a junkyard and deals in arms illegally with a referral from his friend SE wo heads to the junkyard however when Sergeant Choy learns that se wo is inquiring about the bomb and is not there to purchase weapons he immediately refuses to help him with a signal to his men he instructs them to kick SE wo out of the junkyard moving quickly our undercover agent strikes Choy in the face then he aims his gun at him demanding answers when Cho refuses to talk seal wo fires a shot into the ground proving his threats are serious left with no choice shoy confesses that he sold the bomb to a Black Ops agent named Kel Co he also reveals that Kel is affiliated with the Beck infantry and only Congressman Beck the head of the Beck infantry knows more about it afterwards SE W briefs dongan on the situation he proposes capturing congressmen back is necessary to locate K Cho's Hideout dong hyan explains that they're unable to take action against Congressman Beck without evidence it's then that seu pulls out his recording pen and formally res resigns from NIS declaring that all his future actions are independent of his NIS affiliation as he heads out to rescue duha all he can think about is the time he spent with her upon reaching Beck's office he first subdues the guards and then turns his attention to Beck himself despite the guard's attempts to attack him seal woo effortlessly dispatches them before aiming his gun at backck warning him not to move with a gun pointed at his head Congressman Beck has no choice but to answer SE Wu's question about keo's hiding out meanwhile Kel contacts SE once more and orders him to bring the ring in the wood carving threatening dire consequences if he refuses as SE will returns home to gather some belongings he discovers someone there initially he holds the man at gunpoint but soon realizes it's w kuang w kuang explains that duok called him and informed him about her abduction now he wants answers about the situation SE W finally confesses that he's a secret agent with NIS in response w Quang punches him hard for deceiving them then focuses on rescuing duha He suggests involving other agents but SE Wu refuses saying they can't trust NIS determined to rescue duha alone SE Wu declines but W Quang insists on accompanying him he Reveals His expertise as a reconnaissance Sergeant with eight degrees in martial arts offering to Aid SE woo in the rescue mission without delay the duo reaches The Hideout SE Wu deploys a bug camera from the van providing them with the location of the man in duha while SE Wu focuses on rescuing Dua wwang takes on the man at the front gate to stall them initially he pretends to negotiate the exchange of the ring in wood carving for Dua to buy time he hands over the ring first insisting on seeing DOA before proceeding then he surprises the goons by using pepper spray to Blind them before seizing the ring a scuffle and with wwang demonstrating some combat skills meanwhile SE Wu smashes a window and enters The Hideout heroically a shootout erupts between SE woo and kichel both skilled ghost agents despite kicho's gunfire SE W manages to dodge the bullets amid the confrontation SE W manages to knock kichel to the ground but kichel being armed Fires at him SE W narrowly avoids the bullet frightening Dua as the fight persists both agents aim their guns at each other they shoot simultaneously only to realize their magazines are empty key retrieves a knife while SE uses his empty gun for defense SE not only fights with kichel but also with other Thugs who threaten du's life during the Skirmish kichel slashes SE Wu's stomach causing him to bleed despite the pain SE Wu persists until he holds a knife at kicho's throat ending the fight however Dua intervenes preventing SE wo from killing kichel and leading him to spare the man's life meanwhile W kuang appears to be overwhelmed by the goons he puts up a a strong fight but it becomes apparent that he's struggling to hold them off just as the situation looks dire seal woo arrives just in time taking down the men and rescuing W Kuan together they collaborate to subdue the goons until the s team arrives the goons are apprehended and duha is rescued as W kuang releases Dua she locks eyes with SE wo and they share a meaningful moment W kuang is hospitalized where dong hyan requests him to sign a confidential agreement he explains exps that the day's events are tied to National Security making it top secret and not to be disclosed to Outsiders W kuang agrees and signs it but duha refuses insisting on hearing directly from SE wo Donan arranges a meeting between them when duha demands answers SE Wu apologizes for involving her he Reveals His true identity as a secret agent with NIS explaining that being her bodyguard was part of his mission with the mission aborted he plans to resign confused and hurt DOA questions if their moments together were all a lie SE who only responds that DOA is the most dangerous person to him despite struggling to accept the truth Doha signs the agreement asking SE woo to talk to her again when he's clearer it's evident that both SE woo and Doha find it hard to reconcile the truth with the beautiful memories they shared the next day Dua goes to se Wu's residence but finds it deserted SE Wu had asked dong hian to handle the first floor since it was exposed unaware that se Wu's office is in the basement she tries calling him but he doesn't answer overcome with emotion Doha breaks down in tears meanwhile SE watches her on the CCTV camera clearly affected by her distress he turns off the Monitor and focuses solely on his black auction Mission later that day he goes to the airport to meet a woman who refers to him as Agent K they share a brief Embrace before preparing to carry out their mission together later that night dong hyan rebukes SE Wu for taking matters into his own hands during dua's rescue he believes they're in serious trouble now that the NIS knows about SE Wu's cover however SE W argues that everything went smoothly since the civilians were saved and the ring and wooden carving were unharmed meanwhile with ke chel and custody Sun G decides to distance himself from him a decision supported by Congressman Beck Sun G plans to employ his grandfather's strategy to resolve the situation although Beck worries about the company's reputation son G proposes a solution backck must become mayor and president to restore their position the next development unfolds rapidly department head Jang is abruptly dismissed with his special activities fund Frozen while Don hyan is arrested for corruption and abuse of authority simultaneously dua's father Mr miang Suk is taken into custody for the murder of Black Ops agent Robert Yun who was investigating son son's Corporation it's evident that assemblyman back orchestrated these events meanwhile keep CH is escorted to his cell by two police officers however when the elevator doors reopen staff members are stunned to find the officers unconscious and Kel missing with department head Jang stripped of his authority he doesn't have the $5 million required by SE wo this money is needed to gain entry to the Asian investment Forum where the second wood carving is up for auction when SE woo inquires about the black auction Mission department head Jang admits they need to wait much to seal W's dissatisfaction with the deadline approaching SE Wu seeks assistance from W kuang he requests the $5 million necessary to enter the Asia investment Forum SE W explains that if the black auction mission is successful they can use the proceeds to prove dua's father's innocence and secure his release initially taken aback by the substantial amount W kuang ultimately agrees to help SE wo driven by the desire to Aid dua's father recognizing the need for collateral from SE woo in exchange for the money UA presents him with a handwritten contract in the agreement SE Wu commits to returning to his guard Kim identity and safeguarding W kuang from harm additionally if SE wo vanishes as he did previously duha reserves the right to post his photo online and expose his true identity to the World on the day of the event an elderly man accompanied by the same woman SE who was seen with earlier arrives at the venue they meet chairman yam who owns a rival company of sans and is sent by Sun Jay to purchase the the wooden carving the pair proceeds to the reception area where the black auction ring is scanned and the elderly man is provided with a black auction box and keys to their Suite upon reaching the hotel room the elderly man removes his mask revealing seal woo underneath thanks to se Wu's efforts in securing entry to the Asian investment forum wwang is able to participate in the bidding for the wood carving finally the wood carving is up for bidding despite continuous counter offers from chairman yam wwan ultimately places the final bit of 1 billion one however it becomes evident that he doesn't have more than that amount to prevent chairman yam for making another counter offer duha approaches his table holding a small device capable of instantly freezing All Electronics within a 1 meter radius she buys herself some time by inquiring about the ongoing bidding when the guards attempt to escort her back to her seat Doha grasps the table tightly and activates the device freezing chairman yam's tablet with the distraction in place wwang makes the final bid and secures ownership of the wood carving however unlike SE woo W kuang isn't as pleased realizing he has depleted all the money in his bank account Dua leaves the auction room to retrieve the wood carving which is located on the 33rd floor of the hotel and she's given the key to the specific room where it's stored as she enters the elevator one of kicho's former henchmen spots her and alerts the other NIS agents concerned for Doha safety seal W enters the build building opting to use the stairs to move discreetly however he encounters Beck's henchman much to his dismay meanwhile doar reaches the room but is joined by an unwelcome guest kichel as seal wol fights off the henchmen he eventually takes the elevator to reach the 33rd floor kichel retrieves the briefcase from the room but before he can leave he's spotted by Beck's henchman SE W intervenes and begins to take down the men one by one subsequently SE woo confronts ke on the stairs where the tables turn unexpectedly as Kel willingly hands over the briefcase to se woo a flashback reveals that se woo had met with Kul before the latter escaped Kel expressed that he understands his career without an identity is finished and that his former backers will discard him once they've exploited him he acknowledges that individuals like him don't typically get a happy ending despite this he agrees to help kol but kol demands the death of a specific individual in return returning to the present SE Wu retrieves The Briefcase and promptly escapes from the building he makes his Getaway on a motorbike while ke chel detonates his own car bringing an end to his journey however later SE will meets with K chol revealing that the agent is still alive it turns out that it was all part of the plan to ensure that sonan Corporation couldn't harm kol and would assume he was dead now SE W informs Kel that once he retrieves all the wooden carvings he intends to make Kel stand trial for his crimes surprisingly Kel has no objections and is prepared to face the consequences of his actions to guarantee cooperation K CH shows SE Wu's family which the agent can use as collateral thanks to kol se Wu has also obtained evidence clearing du's father of Robert yun's murder back at his headquarters SE wuo opens the hidden compartment of the wood carving and retrieves the second key wwang nearly has a heart attack upon seeing the artifact broken knowing he had spent all his savings on it with both keys retrieved SE Wu hands the artifacts to W kuang so he can sell them to recoup his 4 million out of $5 million SE Wu updates department head Jang on the deal he struck with Kel and provides evidence of agent yun's killer when SE Wu inquires about the status of the third wood carving he's surprised to learn that the NIS director is handling it later while reviewing the CCTV footage of agent yun's murder SE Wu notices that agent Yun was placing a book on the Shelf when he was attacked investigating further he finds a book with blank pages and realizes it's more significant than it appears meanwhile ni agent Jay hip Choy visits w kuang to inquire about SE Wu who is now considered a terrorist after being seen leading the premises just before the explosion initially drowsy W Quang is on the verge of revealing SE Wu's location however duho wakes him reminding him they have no association with a terrorist while answering the agent questions duas secretly messages SE wo warning him not to come to W kuang's house later that night SE Wu meets with W kuang to deliver some bad news in addition to the wooden carvings SE W owed wwan $1 million which he had requested from the director however it turns out that assemblyman Beck is targeting the director rendering their special activities fund inaccessible for the time being Dua and wwang are disappointed to hear that se Wu has failed to fulfill his promise SE wo assures them that he will AR the money as soon as possible and until then they can consider him as collateral with SE W back on the job he and W kuang spend some quality time together pampering their skin with face masks and having heartfelt conversations meanwhile W kuang's former girl friend and Sun Jay's current wife meun suggests to Sun Jay that instead of collaborating with the old and corrupt Congressman Beck he should align himself with the young and principal department head Jang of the NIS Sun Jay dismisses the idea stating that Jang wouldn't cooperate with him neun proposes that sun Jay offer Jang what he desires when asked for elaboration neun suggests that sun J Empower Jang to dismantle Congressman Beck and Beck infantry Sun J Embraces the idea and promptly arranges a meeting with department head Jang initially Mr Jang hesitates to accept the offer but he eventually informs Sun Jay that he's seriously considering it he confirms that sun Jay will deliver Congressman back in the the Beck infantry to him in exchange for the two keys from the wood carvings additionally they'll need to secure the third wood carving to finalize the transaction as a result of the deal Mr Jang obtains photographs of Mr Beck with K chol the Rogue ghost agent involved in numerous criminal activities despite being cornered Mr Beck confidently asserts to Mr Jang that no one can bring him down on the other hand SE utilizes chemicals to make the writings on the blank book visible the pages reveal a series of numbers that resemble dates SE Wu decoded the numbers revealing that Robert Yun frequently visited an AM Cathedral on Mondays beside each date is written rev 127 which SE Wu deduces corresponds to 12 colon 7 in The Book of Revelation to delve deeper into the matter seal W accompanies Dua to the cathedral there he meets Father Michael and employs the coded wording to gain the priest's trust when asked about who agent Yun met within the cathedral Father Michael discloses that it was Mr Jang however on the last day Mr Jang brought another individual with him who turned out to be dong hian meanwhile chairman Victor acquires the last wood carving and travels to South Korea to finalize the deal with sun J in exchange he demands SE Wu to take revenge on him SE will meets with Mr Jang to hand over the two keys after Mr Jang claimed he would soon acquire the third one during their conversation seal woo asks Mr Jang if he's collaborating with sun Jay to which Mr Jang rets that if he were why would he bring in the keys SE woo explains that it's the fastest way to obtain the third key just as SE woo questions Mr jang's Allegiance a convoy of cars surrounds them SE W was determined not to let anyone disrupt his mission easily but Mr Jang shoots him in the stomach as a result SE wo falls into the river bleeding heavily from his wound the fond memories of Doha Drive seal wo to fight for his life and he opens his eyes swimming to the shore seeking aid for his wound he turns to kichel and asks for assistance kichel questions why SE Wu trusts him as he could easily kill SE wo and be free SE Wu explains that he cannot do this as he seeks revenge on his handlers who abandoned him in prison as Kel removes the bullet he reveals that it missed any vital organs or bones making the injury easy to treat SE wo realizes that it wasn't just luck Mr Jang deliberately shot him away from vital areas indicating that he didn't want SE Wu dead but wanted him to vanish meanwhile chairman Victor and Sun Jay receive a call from their henchmen informing them of SE Wu's supposed murder both are pleased to hear the news according to the deal Don hian is released from jail when he inquires about the wood carving Mission Mr Jang informs him that it is concluded and that he will personally handle the acquisition of the third wood carving when dong hyan asks about SE W whereabouts Mr Jang claims he has gone on vacation suspicious of Mr jang's claims dong K follows into the sonson corporation office there Mr Jang meets with sun J to obtain the third key with all three keys in hand he combines them to create one key by deciphering small holes in the keys Mr Jang decodes them into numbers and obtains the coordinates of the slush funds location which happens to be the s San product Warehouse on the other hand dong hyan poses as a janitor and discreetly shoots a Tracker at Sun Jay's car to keep track of his location Mr Jang and Sun J arrive at the product warehouse and successfully unlock the door revealing billions of one expensive artifacts paintings and most importantly the dirty videotape records left by Sun Jay's grandfather however some records likely those containing assemblyman Becks incriminating information are missing suddenly dong hian appears at the location with a confiscation warrant both Mr Jang and Sun Jay are taken to the prosecutor's office for interrogation Don hyan is confident that sun J won't get away this time however his wife proves him wrong by presenting a project plan between the NIS and sonson Corporation she reveals That sson was supposed to provide the NIS with tapes related to the slush fund that chairman Mo set up and the slush fund was intended to be donated to society her evidence from the project plan successfully refutes the accusations leaving dong hen with no choice but to dismiss the case on the other hand SE returns to his not so secret hideout where Dua takes care of of him while rereading the book left by agent Yun SE Wu discovers another clue which reads if it is in the Lord's will he will lead you to the right path the path is in the word realizing that the next clue regarding the tapes of Congressman back might be in the slush fun storage room SE Wu visits the location with Don hyan and begins searching through the items there he comes across a painting that accurately depicts the Bible verse found in yin's book SE Wu cuts the sides of the painting and removes the canvas revealing the floor plan of the sson office the VIP lounge on the 58th floor stands out marked with diagrams of the keys without delay SE woo sneaks into the building and begins scanning the area however the scanning fails due to radio interference just then someone enters the lounge who is revealed to be meun when mun asks what he's doing there SE will responds that he's searching for chairman Beck's missing tapes as instructed by agent Yun during their conversation he refers to miun as a fellow ghost agent and M doesn't seem to deny it it's revealed that Mr Jang enlisted mun's help planting seal W was wung kuan's bodyguard in the present it's disclosed that agent Yun was indeed mi's Handler and was the one who gave her the opportunity to leave acting and assist him in bringing down the sons Group by initiating a relationship with sun Jay this is why she married Sun Jay and left her true love W kuang while conversing with SE wo mun also reveals that not only did the tapes disappear but also the information on the first generation ghost agents this was what agent Yun was searching for until the end to assist SE Wu with the case nun provides him with chairman Mo's will which is enclosed in an envelope adorned with a dragon design SE wo delves into chairman Mo's will a concise document that reads one with power Desiring money will fail and one with money Desiring power will die everything excluding myself goes to my grandson M Mo sunj after examining the paper and finding nothing unusual SE will recalls Father Michael's words about the path being in the word upon seeing chairman Mo's portrait in the VIP lounge something clicks for SE woo he heads to the office and focuses on the portrait believing that the phrase excluding me and chairman Mo's will indicates there's something behind his picture that he didn't want to give Sun Jay without him decoding the riddle and understanding the business as SE W removes the portrait a safe is revealed with three key holes all of which can be opened by the three key seal will already possess SE W opens the safe and discovers the missing videotapes along with documents regarding the first generation ghost agents he delivers the contents of the safe to Don hyan and requests him to investigate the significance of the Dragon design feeling satisfied with completing the mission SE W visits Dua but his mood changes when he receives a call his expression darkens as he sees the caller's identity and his demeanor turns horrified as he answers the call meanwhile dong hyan calls director of the NIS and informs him about the tapes and the information on ghost agents director orders him to deliver the bag to the black car across the road as dong hyan is crossing the road he gets hit by a truck upon hearing the news of the accident Mr Jang immediately rushes to the hospital and learns that dong hen's condition is critical Mr Jang then contacts SE Wu who is already carrying out his investigation at the accident scene visible tire marks on the road suggest that the driver deliberately accelerated in an attempt to kill Don hian this realization Dawn on the duo that it wasn't an accident but a deliberate murder meanwhile director him opens a case on his desk revealing a rifle adorned with a dragon carving it's revealed that the gun was a gift from chairman Mo to director him this Revelation exposes the truth that director him is indeed the mole he had collaborated with the sson corporation from the beginning and was also responsible for blowing agent yun's cover while SE Woo is in his office his mind is consumed by memories of the time he spent with dongan unable to accept the reality of his best friend's impending death SE Wu breaks down into tears on the other hand director and meets with sun Jay and expresses his ambition to fill the political vacuum left by assemblyman Beck it's also disclosed that the tapes contain evidence of director im's elicit activities during his tenure as a ghost agent director IM then pledges to eliminate SE woo and eradicate the remaining threat he poses meanwhile SE woo isn't prepared to give up up without a fight upon discovering that director him is the Maul he tries to take him and sung Jay out but Wang intervenes he warns SE Wu that if he goes through with it the villains will be seen as Martyrs while SE Wu will be labeled a terrorist later the trio devises a new plan to expose Sun Jay and director him Sun Jay is invited to discuss his scholarship program on a live show however with doha's assistance the show's host is given a coffee mixed with a laxative preventing him from attending the show wwang steps in to offer himself as the replacement host and since the show is live the director is unable to cancel it with sun Jay unable to raise objections the director reluctantly agrees to have W kuang host the show as the show begins SE wo disguised as a worker discreetly attaches a microphone to Sun Jay's coat he then reveals to Sun Jay that the microphone is rigged with an explosive device that detonates if a remote button is pressed sunj is given a chance to avoid this face by answering the questions truthfully the show begins and W kuang wastes no time in asking Sun Jay why he attempted to kill him twice as evidence he plays an audio recording of sun Jay's right-hand man ordering the assassination Sun Jay denies the accusations claiming ignorance about his subordinates actions meanwhile director him sits in Sun Jay's office when he receives a call from SE woo SE warns him that if he hangs up the phone the bomb under the table will detonate back at the show W kuang directs the next question at SJ this time exposing San's newly established Foundation is a slush fund rather than a genuine charitable organization wwang further questions about Dong hanan's accident and the person behind this attempted murder Under Pressure to tell the truth sunj admits that the person behind everything is none other than NIS director him W kuang demands proof so sunj produces a USB drive from his pocket claiming it contains a file detailing director in past Misti shocked by Sun J's Revelation director orders SE Wu to detonate the bomb and kill Sun J immediately to destroy the evidence when questioned about his attempt to kill Don hyan Mr and justifies it as being for the country's sake arguing that it would be disastrous if information about the first generation ghost agents were exposed SE reluctantly presses the button but the bomb fails to detonate instead the cover of the LCD screens in Sun J's office is removed revealing that director m fashion has been recorded on the CCTV cameras frustrated director him lashes out at the phone only for Mr Jang to arrive and arrest him for all his crimes assemblyman Beck is also arrested and as per the promise K Cho will testify against him miraculously dong hyan is on his path to recovery department head Jang approaches him and announces that dong hyan is being awarded the Medal of Honor for playing a significant role in protecting the nation meanwhile SE W is living a normal life with duha however his problems are far from over Petrov pays a surprise visit and informs him about the Resurgence of a group called Red October he reveals that everyone from their previous Mission except them has vanished this implies they must leave the country and seek Refuge elsewhere until the situation improves during their final meeting duha gives SE W the coin to help her keep track of his location SE W instructs Duan not to wait for him and departs the country yet Duan never stops thinking about him after a year or to se Wu receives a message from Petro confirming the completion of the Red October mission in South Korea doot checks SE W's location on her phone when the blinking red light suddenly disappears initially worried she soon realizes that it might mean SE W was returning as the series ends wwang gets a new bodyguard but he isn't pleased about it
Channel: Queen Recaps
Views: 553,873
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Keywords: recap, movie recap, recaps, movie recaps, mr recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, daniel cc, prime recap, how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, film summary, film summarizing, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, queen recaps
Id: dvpvt3Nr9Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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