How Primary Weapons Feel After the New Patch in Helldivers 2

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the long awaited game saving patch is finally here for hell divers 2 it brings with it a load of changes all aimed at addressing the community's concerns about balance strategems have been buffed quality of life has improved and super Earth is beginning to heal but how has this patch impacted Primary Weapons specifically as we know that has been a pretty significant sticking point lately well Dr poopo here and let's discuss so with the patch comes changes that impact nine different primary guns eight of which are some good Buffs but there is one Nerf which is honestly a bit surprising and a little bit disappointing as it's kind of significant but we will get there all right so starting with the Buffs and a big focus with this patch and the Buffs has been durable damage which Arrowhead defines in this way they say that durable body parts are in general body parts that have a high amount of mass with nonvital organs or a lot of empty space the idea is to simulate that a single bullet has a high chance of not dealing significant damage in general the higher your caliber of weapon the better the effect is against durable body parts explosions also have a very high Effectiveness against durable body parts as shock waves Ripple through whatever you are hitting some weapons are more effective than others or have special exceptions so think the spewers butts think the top half of Berserkers and Devastators and think about those juicy charger butts these are all areas that will require higher levels of durability damage to be effective against in this case a number of these guns received an increase to damage to these durable body parts and this is a way in which to essentially increase damage and decrease time to kill and this buff was actually applied and very much aimed at all of the assault rifles except not you Liberator penetrator sorry yeah you weren't invited to this buff party but otherwise these Buffs applied to the assault rifles to address the fact that well they just seemed pretty weak and underutilized the durability damage buff though was also applied to the diligence Marksman rifle which is a nice change to as this gun felt pretty useless at least when compared to the diligence counter sniper okay so this buff applied to many guns but it was the only buff that was applied to the ar23 Liberator and the ar23 C concussive Liberator as well well as the r63 diligence so let's start by talking about these three The ar23 Liberator received an increased projectile damage against durable body parts from 10% to 23% which is what the concussive used to be which now the concussive has been buffed to 35% and the r63 diligence received a buff from 10% to 25% and you can see the difference with these Buffs essentially this is just going to mean that your gun is that much more effective at taking down these enemies and you're not going to be punished as hard for going for some of these bigger body parts and overall it will improve the time to kill which is one of the areas that Arrowhead did want to focus on for this patch now will this convince me to take these guns out over others at this point I'm not really sure I I don't think this really knocks any of these into a top tier category but I definitely feel more confident equipping these guns on higher level missions also by the way check out the new scope on this diligence and a lot of the Scopes by the way have changed removing some of the scope icons that were kind of like circles and things that were kind of blocking your view okay so let's move on to some of the other Buffs now we also have the adjudicator which in addition to having a durable damage increase it also received an increased magazine capacity from 25 to 30 so it's pretty much a big noticeable downside of this gun before as it always felt like you were running out of bullets too quickly and we're always having to reload the difference of five bullets though it's slight it's not too big of an impact you can feel the difference and at least you can feel more confident that you can take out multiple small enemies or even a few medium enemies without needing to reload so quickly just make sure to pulse fire with this thing to not expend everything and ultimately I am someone who generally liked where this gun was but the definitely the added clip capacity is much needed now to the ar61 tenderizer now now the buff to the tenderizer is perhaps one of the best and most consequential Buffs that has been made if for no other reason than the fact that it just now makes this gun stand out as something unique because before it basically had pretty much the same stats as the ar23 Liberator so in this case not only has the durable damage been increased but the projectile damage itself has been significantly increased from 60 to 95 it did receive a clip reduction of 5 to compensate for this extra increase in damage and a decrease in the number of mags but there has been increased stagger strength to this gun it didn't get the medium armor penetration like some wanted but the high damage of this does feel pretty good with enemies it also has the Stagger which isn't the strongest but it does kick in and it does help you and ultimately I do see this as a pretty good gun because it is dealing high damage it's staggering enemies back and it's pretty accurate generally this it does feel good to use the only real downside I'm seeing right now is the reload speed is quite slow but I do think this gun is in a much better place than it was before now moving on to the cb9 explosive crossbow and this is another pretty amazing buff most notably now this crossbow can actually close bug holes and Destroy automaton Fabricators which everyone expected it to from the beginning especially since it shares so many similarities to the Eruptor either way this dramatically makes this gun a lot more viable just for the amazing utility it has now alone but it also received a little bit of a buff to the explosion armor penetration so that's the same as the projectile and we also have added a medium penetration tag I I could have sworn the medium damage marker was already there but perhaps I'm wrong on that and now moving on to the other explosive weapon that's pretty close to the crossbow is the r36 Eruptor now this one is interesting was very very powerful when this gun initially came out I mean it was really [ __ ] powerful but it went through some Nerfs and ultimately there was a removal of the shrapnel and ever since then it's struggled to really feel that great to use now in this case it did receive a pretty significant damage buff of 150 per shot which definitely does a lot to increase the damage here ultimately though I kind of just want them to move it back because it's still not quite as powerful I think as the way it was I know the way it was was pretty powerful but the drawbacks were and are still there so you still have plenty of risks taking this guy out for a spin and so I think the reward should be significant in the same way that it initially was I would at least like it to kind of feel as strong as it used to when facing off against the Chargers one thing to note here is the scope on this thing is pretty freaking cool I like I like this redesign either way the ruptor did receive a buff and it is better than before now moving on to the plaz 101 purifier and this did receive a buff which increased the projectile armor penetration so that it does have the same penetration as the explosion and also decreased the damage Fallout now the good thing you would expect here because of that increased armor penetration is that unlike guns like the scorcher which kind of just allow its explosion to pierce through otherwise heavier medium armor this will also penetrate armor in addition to the explosions so it should deal more damage in this respect but if I'm being honest it still kind of feels a bit poopy I think I need more time with this gun to kind of see if there really is true potential here maybe I will do a full Deep dive on this gun like a dedicated video but to be honest I don't know if this has done enough at this point to make up for the charge up time it it does have a decent Siz explosion for some good Splash damage but in most cases I don't know if I would pick this over the plasma Punisher to have a big wide explosion and of course if you do want to go for accuracy the scorcher probably does still end up doing a little bit better although likely you would expend less bullets due to the penetration level regardless though it has been buffed let me know how you feel about this and I'll keep looking into it now I want to get to the Nerf which was kind of hidden in the patch notes now the polar Patriots war bond the one that came before this patch basically had this one standout gun which was the pumer it's an SM G which had a very strong stun ability it dealt less damage but the stun was definitely something unique that gave it great character and definitely it wasn't op it rather just helped kind of serve a niche unfortunately though this has been nerfed essentially because medium and large size enemies have now been buffed a bit to not get stunned as easily and this actually really hits the pumer hard more than anything else now what you used to be able to do was be able to freeze a charger in place with the pummeler bullets because of that increased stun and this was pretty useful it wasn't the most efficient way to kill a charger in the game but it served as an interesting strategic way to deal with these guys but now this has been nerfed and you can't really stun lock these Chargers anymore you can also notice that it doesn't stun spewers as quickly as it used to and honestly I just have to say it's a little bit disappointing I did think that the strong stun served as a cool new way to sort of play the game a little bit differently I actually really liked this quirky ability and this ability to have some unique strength against some of these bigger enemies and so I do think that perhaps the wrong lesson was taken away from what this gun was doing overall this whole patch has been great but this thing does indicate along with a little bit of some of the hesitancy to bring the old Eruptor back these kind of indicate that we may just kind of keep having to push a little bit on this front that guns with personality are good for the fun of this game ultimately I think having some kind of a standout unique and interesting trait such as being able to freeze a charger in place is something that keeps this game interesting and it makes guns that you maybe otherwise wouldn't pick up a little bit more unique I'm not like in love with the pumer it's not my favorite gun but I kind of don't see myself using it anymore because of this but look this is just a nitpick so please don't take this as me hating on the patch I I overall I do think this patch has been great and I do feel like the devs have been listening I think a lot of the guns are more viable now especially on harder difficulties and I really like that the devs are hearing us and they're taking the right kind of steps in the majority it's clear they aren't done because they haven't addressed every gun like I certainly would like to see other Buffs and especially the Liberator penetrator probably could have used some love as well but it's clear the devs aren't done and I'm excited to see them continue to kind of move this game in this positive direction but what do you think about all this let me know the comments and I want to say a special thank you to my YouTube members for joining the bow movement but otherwise so long pooper Troopers
Channel: Dr. Pooplove
Views: 38,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aP8wWm2ly34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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