A Deadly Secret Obsession - "Fixation" - Full Free Maverick Movie

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[Music] [Music] I see you these [Music] [Music] [Music] yuh-huhhh no are you sure yes what yes I love your mommy don't you yes ma'am Hey how was work yeah it was okay just okay babe it's after 9:00 oh I know I know I had a new client and that took a lot of time today I'm sorry you missed dinner with your two favorite girls again I know I know I'll make it up to you I'm sorry I'm just tired at long day I just want to take a shower right now okay okay well your dinners gonna microwave thank you hey babe hey Samantha sleep now I got it thank you [Music] good morning honey how are you good how are you awesome got your favorite break you thank you wait wait what my made a way out I got you goodness gracious yeah yeah you thank you so what time are you getting off today hmm I'm not sure what you get well I was thinking he says we haven't been out as a family in a while to bed we go to the movies let me check my schedule see how my day is going okay I mean if I can break free yeah awesome check and see what's going okay yeah that would be absolutely wonderful ah babe I gotta go Toby there was an emergency emergency I have to go I know I know I know I know it looks good too well you want me to pack it up for you I can pick it up for you know what I'm hey Charles I love you - yes baby he did probably thinking bah I know sweetheart daddy was in a rush but I could make it ha Sammy come on Sammy what about if I make your favorite pancakes Oh Sammy leave me alone what do you want that's a nice phone I know she bought that you know she's just weird then just move it to the house and spring lane ah girl so tired then get no sleep last night yes truck really so tell me how does it feel to be married to a mandingo from the motherland and laughs I mean really Alexis seriously are you gonna ask me that every time we talk Oh me until you realize your man is fine yes yes I am [Music] it's funny to think about it this morning I was like six game up I've been married for two years ain't nothing wrong with it but these women I guess make way to snatch him up well I tell you what just as long as well that's because she's my girl that's why you out yeah don't cross me no way anyway how's my beautiful god baby dude she's doing good girl oh honey she's been going through this phase for some reason when she gets this really bad attitude no but she didn't even want to get on a school bus this morning yeah like she just gave this really big fit but Charles always tends to rebel right back in I don't know how Alexis I'm just saying how you make her happy and well her back in [Music] don't forget to wrap your hair baby whoa baby thank you so much for the movies tonight it was so good to have you with us for a change yeah and Little Miss the math of Lourdes she's just loved it did you see how excited she is and you know what I just want to thank you you know so just step nothing being a father to her you know a lot of men do things they won't do the things that you're doing well we got married I knew she was a package deal okay and besides when I first laid eyes on Samantha I knew I was gonna be her daddy oh well you know what that's what I think you need to spend more time with her I mean she knows you know her dad and everything but I just think we don't she feels abandoned kind of like how her daddy did yeah yeah we had that conversation well what about her mama I'm not leaving her mama either never good you know that's the third one this weekend if only Tuesday where they find this one easy if they haven't done blues Marshall you guys are wrong carefully cut them up no one can catch this guy the mayor is on my ass you two need to catch this bastard into it faster we all will be out of a job that's why I need you to find something anything I need this bastard behind bars tonight he's bound to bless something find it now I have to be honest I have no clue where to begin sign a dozen times already these guys it's too damn good he leaves nothing behind nothing we're going over each and every crime scene with everything that we had there's nothing to find right the only thing that our victims have in common is that they're missing the underway [ __ ] happens all the time around here right let's take a step back let's really talk this out so what's that suspect profile who are we looking for too many exactly like half a winnetou's that gun we don't have anything this is Gary this damn truck they're just not making a weird noise and now it's smoking look yeah we just got the darn thing smoking that's the city although this isn't a lemon lord have mercy on something so there's a problem I hear Oh what stop okay the dealer couldn't even change the oil it's crazy okay well what about the smoke then I don't know I don't even know what that on I don't know it just started I gotta go back and start it up and it just started smoking and making this rattling noise I just started I literally got in the car started it up and next thing you know just started making the noise okay Marshall on will take care of it this weekend okay what do you have to go anyway I got a couple of errands I gotta run let me see I got a I got a post office I got a pic Samantha up in some grocery store making Samantha do you take the bus she does however you know the girl kind of attitude and she left this morning with a attitude though I was just going to pick her up and take her to lunch no harlot well let's see honey it might have started when you left this morning and didn't say goodbye I'm sorry about that okay mmm-hmm you know what we do take the keys all right my car today and I'll take care of this and then my way back I will stop and pick something off this map right babe what stop buying her stuff she wants you to spend time with her that's the point you need to spend time okay I will spend time with it okay I'm serious okay love you too remember mommy gifts not the mommy gifts yeah long as you wear all right I got my mail I'll see you later all right baby all right [Music] five years so we can get some fresh air spend some mommy-daughter time come bond a little bit I love this part come here to clear my mind sometimes you should do it too there's something you want to talk about No are you sure yep what miss Smith called me today Samantha don't look like that you know me and Miss Smith a really good friend she's been around longer than you have and she's like family so what it must nose he tell you about well apparently you've been getting bullied in school is that correct I want to call it bullying well what would you call it then because it's not acceptable and I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything I can talk to you about anything I want to know about my dad who Charles what is it that you want to know about Charles what what he likes to eat how long we dated not him my real dad what is it that you wanted Alex what was his name Theodore Bundy like the crazy necrophile yes we're making this up no I'm serious that was his name do you still have his phone number have you seen me yet no no no but if you must know he was around when you were first born but unfortunately he had a lot of issues and we ended up separating yeah but anyway let's talk about something different how's that science close as you're going really well good it's really fun we're learning about lineage lineage image that's the way you new millennial thing it so what are you learning do you know that a crazy gene can be passed on to the offspring really hmm interesting as Jim mental health is very poetic and well you know what we heard for your sake I hope you get all your - - girl let's get to this post office before it closes post ah yes the post office and maybe we'll get some ice cream now [Music] [Music] [Music] Marie I'm hungry all right sweetie we're on our way home in a second okay do you think daddy would be home in time for dinner tonight yes yes and as a matter of fact he said he has a nice gift for you too yay mommy hurry up let's go all right all right I'm coming yeah no Alexis nothing Charles is cheating what what who and why not me Alexis I'm serious I found some underwears in his trunk okay are they yours I mean maybe he liked to carry your sin around with him no nasty they're not mine I mean it's kind of kinky but uh I like a kinking man now she losing that nose foolish though I'm some damn underwear now I wouldn't call it being foolish oh I would because most men don't even come home and yours come home every day and don't accuse him it may not be nothing you're right I'm foolish Charles wouldn't do anything like that right I got a go girl alright you so stupid all right I'll see you at work bye I'm gonna wash these dishes [Music] [Music] you what was the extra special surprise that you had you know she was really mad at me I told you I told you you didn't want to believe me I told you she has a temper well who was obviously she got it from her mama really yeah baby what do you love it of course I do what kind of question to that would you tell me if you were tired of me okay baby Katherine what's going on nothing I just I just don't want you to get tired of me that's all I don't don't get tired of you you promise I promise okay Mayo should get boring for you just want you to stay satisfied that's all speaking of satisfied haven't kissed them lately oh yeah all right well ro yo [Music] [Music] you came to arrest me officer Oh [Music] Kathir what are you doing are you still sleep out this man no he's still cheating on you but why why why would it be cheat I gave him everything you want the best part is the cheese so stupid ten years mares gone down the drain Oh understand hey princess come hang out with your old man I brought you some ice cream mom's cool what's going on at school there nothing much sure mom was talking about you having problems with some girls in school the other day another major dad doesn't mean girls mean girl you need mean your mama come to school no I can't handle it oh you can handle it okay yeah dad can I ask you something sure baby why is it are you even a Grant Park killer what what would make you say something like that because every time you come home late they find another body so so can you teach me how to kill like you do what makes you think I know how to kill people dad I've watched enough horror films to know what a murderer looks like so I look like a killer actually I think it's kind of cool so I'm a cool dad now although Simon yeah but even cooler if you taught me how to do it you're crazy you are crazy so is that a yes no that means were changing the subject hey honey yes he's with me we just stepped out yeah I'll bring her home we'll be home and feel okay what hey do not tell your mother that we had ice cream okay she's gonna be mad that we spoiled our dinner what's that I won't tell where it could teach me we still on this and you still blackmailing why are you blackmailing me you're back with me aren't you yeah how can you betray your own father I mean we're supposed to be on the same team who we are what do we know huh what do we know this guy is killing women for sport and collecting their personal belongings as trophies why don't we have a suspect from this moment on I want every lead investigated I want witnesses I want to talk to every person our victims knew or talked to you last this is an all-out search I want every stone turned over twice detective Marshall and detective Jones will head the case detective Marshall okay guys if you get any calls that sound remotely inch you want to know about I don't care if it's uh more creepy driving an ice cream truck I want to know about our tip lines are open and we have news curves updates happening around the clock this guy's causing panic no one will feel safe if he is across take a job alright now there's a patrol is set up for the part where our guy seems a frequent each of you will be assigned detail hourly in different areas of Grant Park if he kills again we should catch him no we will catch him let's get out there and do our jobs people the mayor is counting on us the city it's counting the Grand Park police is searching for a serial killer who they believe is responsible for at least seven killings in the last five weeks the investigators do believe that all of these killings are connected due to the personal belongings missing from the victims there is no identity or sketches that will identify the serial killer at this time however Grand Park Police do encourage if you must go out at night so please please use the buddy system this is really getting crazy I wish they would hurry up and catch this guy before somebody else is killed I know but baby heard them they don't have clues the police wouldn't have an idea Hey good morning hi Kara Marshall came out the other night didn't pay me any attention and I had a my best outfit Oh go girl okay okay okay girls so case has been going on for like a week murder cases something well yeah but that's beside of why honey how was China rock his little world ain't even know okay a murder case and you try to have it I mean I was so horny and he want to talk about some guy killing women and taking a panties and [ __ ] Wow that's not my second father plus I was trying so that's why you were late no that's not why I was late but I didn't wake up feeling mighty rich haha tell me you ain't [ __ ] none and you want to cook you're a guy shoot my new hair I'm glad you know but you know what I told you didn't have nothing to worry about you did huh oh you lucky Wow Sol mi Sol look if I would have you buy me a drink that night oh he would be your mind right now oh so it's like that okay but you can stop bland baby coming up seems to be but don't begin squeamish on me get over here help your mom are you doing pretty good good Charles this is my partner Detective Jones hey detective Jones nice to meet you she's doing out this way man man I have a client in the area I need to hook up with so I would want us to get some lunch before I head out okay how's the family doing the girls are doing pretty good man thanks for asking speaking of family captains cars chipping again so I wanted to see if you can hook up with me this weekend maybe like Saturday come check it out for me yeah sure I could stop by I'll give you a copy great yeah no problem good say man let's see you two all right take care all right [Music] you [Music] [Music] okay oh my god did you guys see that movie where that guy was like five different people I was not expecting him to do like that thing you did at the end where you just kind of like just they just dropped it why is she staring hi I'm Samantha who cares but it's like the beginning of the middle and like any space between anything it's like nope yeah ain't give you no context and nothing they just put it out there they just hope you dealt with them did you see it in the on trailers cuz I sure as heck didn't she's weird and nosy she's gonna leave me here guess I'm walking by myself down why are you following me I said stop following me what do you want I like your hoodie okay well I do know what you were so back off okay the worst people there was another body found this time it's a minor God has to be stuck her mom said she went missing this afternoon near the playground her body was found in the woods she reported her wearing a hoodie and matching jogging pants she was found with only hoodie missing so this sicko is targeting young girls Wow not the first one well we'd better find him and find them fast you two to the park everybody else do your damn job hi sweetheart so I was watching the news and I heard they found a little girl dead in a park where you've been playing it today he was out there did you happen to say anything weird at all nope you know I'm be honest I was so scared when I first heard about it I just just can't imagine her family could be going through it's kind of scary huh I guess uh I'll tell you what until this killer is caught I don't want you going to the park by yourself without me your daddy you understand I can take care of myself mom I know Samantha that's not the point I feel better if you're with me or your father and if you need to talk about anything or if you see something you let us know okay okay you're all right yeah you know I love you right mm-hmm all right hey excuse moi Sh that's boyfriend of a missing person I ever need to see you okay thank you Oh okay so this is the picture the necklace that he saw her wearing the other night are you sure [Music] so we didn't find a necklace but this is our girl and it's most definitely our guy no wonder we're right yeah but this is the part I hate though what's dad telling the family Oh telling cat oh yeah gonna tear us a new one who is this maniac we could have walked by this guy a hundred times already and didn't even know it he could be watching his every day in the park day in and day out Oh rest assured he's gonna sleep but that's just one arrest I can't wait to make [Music] hey hey he suppose we picking me away you okay we're Hey oh no man his case is getting to me yeah I know the feeling yes bringing up stuff on my penis Namaskar you know I didn't even put two and two together you think they were related I don't know we never caught the guy so how did you get away I just remember pulling the guy out you know that was before he did his handiwork on me I am detective you pretty badass huh I was fighting for my life we gotta find his dude yeah you're right well I just hear he get here we don't wanna end up late all right [Music] hey hey how you doing baby I'm good I'm good okay so tired mm um how was your day it was okay it's tired and I take a shower I bet yeah yeah care to join me no I'm good why not I just told some of me I'll be in with her in a second she'll be all right I just spoke to her no I'm good thanks Oh she doesn't have any personal items on it I wonder if she has Wow underwear missing there so uh shoes now he's staying shooting well hey sit be a woman you know how we are about our shoes [Music] hmm some thing that sort of like to talk to me about you know we can talk about anything absolutely but why do you ask no reason Oh Lord did I do something wrong again I don't know you tell me did you I'm as clean as a whistle speaking of whistle funny no seriously um like there was something everything is good right everything is good maybe I'm being a good boy but if there was something you will be the first to know okay why are you sleeping on the couch oh my god are you scared a mess out of me good morning I was reading and I didn't want to wake your father up what time is it anyway is he still here no he just left we have breakfast together them that was sweet my mom just locked the door remains please [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] yes math speak to the detective that's handling the Grant Park killer case please detective chance I think my husband is the Grant Park killer that I keep hearing about on the news man why do you think your husband is doing all the killings well he keeps coming in every day every night and I found a bloody glove in his trunk okay you know what I think we're gonna need more information in that have you witnessed any weird behavior no really define weird have you heard him talking about it have you seen any suspicious websites that he's visited on his computer have you seen any weird photos on his phone no okay look why don't you just give me your name of your address if you see or hear anything else please give us a call okay okay okay what's your name all right in your address okay you're like the coolest better I guess he seems cool sort of he calls you breakfast every day before school gets you the newest phone and gets you lunch I'm officially jealous I wish my dad okay I gotta show you something this is a serger me I gotta go my mom's here I don't think so my mom has to work late and I'm not allowed to be out when she's gone see you tomorrow then wait where's my phone it was right here my mom is going to kill me you're a man kill me too I gotta go who is it what are you doing here how do you know where I live oh my god where did you find it I looked everywhere Thanks you want to come in my mom's at work so I'm just sitting here bored you thirsty my mom always says I make excuse me but I think it's just right no I thought you're a creepy Jones what how old was she oh my god nah doesn't sound like God hurt was anything taken unless he's really messing with our head it doesn't sound like the same guy it might be related to the little girl we found in a park though yeah I'm on my way to the station now so we can go ahead and compare notes okay all right dinner honey Oh Samantha take that headset off I keep telling don't worry Mantha don't roll your eyes let me take it off it's off it's blood are you sure what is that did you cut yourself babies nothing what do you mean that's nothing let me see it come here no Samantha come here what about your dinner go get her this teenage stage is killing me mommy you okay I think so good now you won't tell me about this hoodie that you wearing and where'd you get it from some girl park at the park because I'm girl at the park okay I could was on the news was that you [ __ ] I heard they think is you Oh perfect do you think mom knows I don't know why because she took my stuff she's Yuki stuff okay we need to go back downstairs and finish dinner before mama starts asking questions okay okay hey Alexis what are you doing I need you to come with me somewhere before come on I'm serious yes he left the house again I don't know we was eating dinner I questioned Sammy about something and like blood on her shirt she got upset he went upstairs with her the next thing you know he came downstairs and he left no I want to see what's going on whatever girl I'm coming to get you yes now whatever all right yeah really lost your damn mind if I know you gonna call me out here for this oh I want a king oh my good what are you talking about Alexis girl I mean your man fine and everything but damn stalking it oh really loosen it Kat okay rule number one when you marry you ain't ever stuck in your husband and I know what I saw okay it's talking what the blood on his glove the man worked with wires Kat okay what about the box the box of female underwear as I was in his trunk huh what do you think look the man is nice to look at okay and don't think you're gonna be with one woman and maybe they're paying in wet underwear Alexis come on you don't even believe that really I mean hey yes maybe the managers working with computers and maybe they paying him with more than just money he'll you the one that was sitting there talking about oh it's nothing to worry about and I also say the man was a blessing and a curse well it looks like this is the curse cuz I'm sitting out here in a parking lot you know there's no one in nobody it's a marriage of crazy behind well you don't take that serious well it ain't never stopped me from give me what I want okay can listen to me so if you find something then what you're gonna do exactly hey hey nothing what's going on oh yeah some lady call the other day I said that she thought her husband was the one doing the killings in the park what so you think that the thumping we need to look into yeah she's married to Charles yes that's the guy introduced you to the other day in the park remember I told you can thank you oh yeah that's right yeah I'm supposed to have been fixing a car this week I'll just check it out I'm serious man well for the sake of our jobs I hope it is something I got to take care of it that's real quick you found out anything let me know I almost forgot honey have you seen my keys I cannot find them anywhere why do you need your keys for woman oh hello I got some errands that I need to run and I need to pick some meth up from our friends house is that Alright would you yeah what is one problem what me and Marshall supposed to be fixing your car today remember ah you know what yeah I totally forgot uh well I got something have to use your garden where's your keys I guess so my keys are in my pocket okay do you need anything while I'm out actually no I'm good baby love you too you know what what that was a good answer you better love me thanks for coming over to help me up man oh not a problem man you don't know what you're doing anyway yeah remember we showed it correctly I'm the one to fix this raggedy car over here yeah but it was because of that raggedy car you make it yeah you read about that yeah that's true that's true speaking of Kent where is she she went to the store oh okay listen how does it feel to be it marry me same way to be a single man my bad I thought it was crazy no anyway so how does um Alexis tone your man she is a handful yeah I bet yeah but on the real how things between you two we're doing okay why yes Alexis told me she's pretty stressed out she think he's steppin out on it cats always been insecure aren't they all yeah but you don't have that issue with Alexis though definitely not that's why we need to be hanging out man sometime soon just the four of us yeah I tell you what I got ahold of Kat and look at our schedules and not definitely be posted on that yeah well you know maybe we can do bowling movies dinner anything really that cool yeah it's cool keep me posted it is good look just think about this killer on the loose yeah I know that's really crazy but that's your case go like yeah man it's been a tough him too this guy thinks he hasn't stunk but he doesn't okay we don't know who it is yeah we got a pretty good idea but just got to work on the case just build it up he gets on but I'll tell you what we're gonna catch we always do yep he left I know crazy thing is his car won't start [Music] tell me about it but he's gonna come back and get it tomorrow sauce my day yep going to the bar to watch the game with the guys from work well you got something for me just gonna kick back and watch movies with Sammy okay together well as fun as that sounds I will see you tonight yeah okay baby love you [Applause] thanks again for picking me up I know it's only a matter of time before that old dog croak don't talk about my car yeah it's a classic plus it was running perfectly fine until I tell what you don't think he wouldn't are you sure are you sure that he's clean he told you already it's fine he and his wife were having marital issues but SARS is cool so did you talk to her you know Kevin Harris is not gonna like this he was our only lead yeah I know Hey and I see you tomorrow I guess I'm picking you up right see you're very good you know I got you all right it was okay how was the movie why is it concerning what happened well you know usually I'll pick the movies that she likes to watch mm-hmm what's a nice you want to watch horror films instead hmm just just think I was just kind of okay now it was fun okay well Samantha's not the little girl she used to be oh sorry I don't even remember fall asleep thing looks good man I don't I don't know why I wouldn't start I don't know why it's not starting either man it's beats the hell out of me oh hey I meant to ask you do you still fix computers sister yeah I do why what's up yeah job for me hey I might cool tell you what why don't you just bring it to the house and take a look at it because you're my boy I'll give you a good rate how about that okay actually a serious question are you sure thing is okay between you and Katherine yeah why well to be honest captain called into the station last week saying is she thinks that you oughta Grant Park you Lee [Laughter] are you serious it's crazy I know why would Katherine think of something that crazy I have no idea but you know how women are especially the mad ones I do know the ladies well we had to follow the lead and since I knew you I thought it'd be better if I spoke with you first about it okay Marshall look around I know you taught him to you job okay so no words exactly so with that being said would you be able to tell me where you were last night yeah I was here in my house all night all night well Katherine be able to vouch for your whereabouts absolutely I mean where is she can I speak with myself yeah first let's clean this up I'll take you in all right all right sounds good hey don't have to even do this man but I didn't want anybody else doing it sorry awkward you know no answer hey man what are you we have to get to this briefing about this guy you need to call me back for instance final something - call me back asap please hey he's gone is he coming back no he's not Wow what are you gonna do with this car I haven't decided yet can I keep it no but you can have cool hey and we keep this among ourselves you understand I won't tell or anyone or anyone else there's my girl long time no see Rene hey Alexis I'm so sorry to bother you but I'm just wondering have you seen Greg no I haven't and why we'll have you all talked has he contacted you or anything nope I'm a little pissed about it - well he hasn't been work and he's not answering any of my calls denounce her mine either and you know what when you do talk to him tell him don't even bother you know what Alexis I think something has happened I don't know what it is but if you hear anything and I mean anything and call me okay okay all right ladies I think it's time for me to make an ice cream one yeah yeah I got it that way um yeah I got you hold another side of the table to come all right all right you ready for better I'll be back in a second okay why are you going gotta go get some whipped cream why don't you just call daddy no I got stopped at Alexis house - if you must know everything you so silly you'll be all right ladies all right I'm a big girl mom you know how to stay there by yourself I know I'll be back so you still stalking I wouldn't call it stalking Alexis but I'm gonna be honest with you there's coming in late stuff that he's doing every night he's getting a real suspect and I just want to see what he's doing that night no man with ice cream cat no no I feel like I'm losing my mind that's what they I'm sure look that man loves you and handle girl more than anything Charles is a good man don't lose that man get your sanity girl oh but what if he really needs a killer Alexis then I'll be married to a murderer you losing it what if I have to turn in my husband Alexis then what's a little Sammy gonna think I heard daddy didn't huh girl my god I think I got my childhood murderer girl what proof do you have that man is a killer plenty I have a lot of proof and as a matter of fact didn't you tell me that Marshall said that the killer takes his victim under well yeah guess what I found a box full of female underwear that were not mine in the top of my closet I think Marshall came with the first frame this whole time you know what speaking of Marshall I haven't seen a heard from him in days what did y'all break up again what break up break up what ha it just disappears us to its partner came looking for you another day no for real seriously hmm that's weird because he was just at our house other day and he came about his car really cause from I understand that distinction hmm that's crazy hmm yeah girl let me get out of here Oh Lex what am I gonna do huh no seriously I'm gonna take this awakened I'll catch you later go I need to get back to the house thanks girl all right girlie hey where'd you go oh I had to go to Alexis this house oh and get the whipped cream they were out keep believe it I'll just go get some tomorrow it's not a big deal y'all enjoy all right I'll see y'all later all right see what you got I think that Charles hurt I thought we already ruled him out yeah we did for the murders maybe but for Marshalls disappearance but your take detective I hope you're right captain look I got to tell you my constituents are not very happy with the lack of progress you've made so far this grand party [ __ ] and frankly neither am i I assure you mayor we have every resource giving this full attention clearly it's not enough is it so who's this Charles Reardon IT specialist possible suspect great can we pick him up no we don't have enough to but I asked his wife to come in and talk to me if I can get something from her I don't give a damn who you arrest him her it doesn't matter to me I just need someone's head on a platter are we clear yes ma'am married don't forget about that last thing captain I can help you hi Charles remember me yeah you're Marcia's partner yeah may I come inside to speak with you about what our other step inside to talk to you how can I help the officer detective just following up on the lead a woman named Katherine called and she has some reason to believe that you are the Grant Park killer really that's crazy is there any reason she would have to think that no can you describe your relationship with detective Marshall detective Moore sir and I have been friends for years was the last time you saw him Oh few days ago he came to pick up his car is that last time you saw or talked to him yeah something wrong actually he's missing missing Catherine so is that your wife yeah is she here I like to come aside and speak with her I just need to make sure the stories match sir said detective she is sleeping okay well you let her know that she needs to come to the station as soon as possible and we do not see her today we'll be back to pick her up for what why just have her come to the station sir thank you wait why mommy oh um mommy just has a really bad headache I'm I'm just gonna go get some medicine okay I'll be right back daddy [Music] [Music] are you okay damn it you scared me what are you doing out here I was looking for my husband well you and your husband do not need to be out here haven't you seen the news there's a killer on the loose yes I know ma'am and I think it's my husband that you guys are looking for what yes that's the sixth time I've heard that huh what are you Catholic yes I am who are you I'm John and I've asked you to come and see me what your husband didn't tell you to come to the station no I haven't talked about anything like that what are you talking about seriously oh okay well there's sufficient big your lurking after in the woods and self Arkans up you're the only person I've seen out here ma'am I know I'm looking for my husband I'm telling you I saw him walk in this park following a woman and he's out and I just want to say excuse me yes wait he's out here you know what stop right there what we need to do is go to the station because I think I need to take you in for some more questioning is that okay for me to get more information than you man what for what I mean I don't know anything that's why I'm here so far you are the only person I've seen no one came past me man where you park I'm over there okay I'm right there follow me ma'am follow me okay yeah I just need to take you into the station to just ask you a few questions because it's just too much going on out here and we just don't know what's going on so I hope you understand don't worry but do you know you have a flat did you know that no don't worry about him we can change it don't worry about it daddy raised the only girl I got you do you have a spare in a try why don't you go look in the trunk see if you have a spare sometimes they keep the spare tire [Music] so do we think this is our it have to be where she saying she said her husband did it ma'am I'm going to need for you to start at the beginning I'll send a car over to check on things but what I need to know is why was there a body in your trunk I don't know I have no idea how it got there how can you ride around for days and that's the male body I can try that car and Dave last time I remember Joe's and Martha we're working on it and I'm joking it was it's wife did you never see detective Marshall at her house and I didn't kill him either [Music] yeah [Music] did you call our station Xavier was the brand particular [Music] oh I mean this [Music] in your trunk no that's the same one that was a tobacco childís trunk along with the ladies underwear oh you mean these guy where are you oh I want you to be completely honest with me are you the Grant Park killer oh my god no I'm not I'm telling you guys this Charles you have to believe me I want to kill anybody Hey innocent women though right no nobody it's Charles and where was Charles last night I told you I nobody was in the park but you I'm telling you and I've done follow that lady are you I was - are you two working together no God for God's sake could somebody please go check out my daughter she's at home by herself Oh tight for a minute I think she's our suspect the power that don't know can ride around in when a car with a body in a truck and I know that isn't there and we're talking about the tech marshal here captain but do we have enough probable cause to say she's our grant car killer maybe when we search the house well okay I'll keep talking to her maybe she'll tell me more you take someone and go to her home and check on the daughter but what if Charles is there bring him in maybe we can make this two-for-one okay look I want to believe you but you have to admit I sent detective Jones to your house to check on your daughter [Music] it's detective Jones your mom asked me to come and check on you sweetie of you here come to the door hello police anybody home sweetie if your home please come to the door captain Harris okay check the house what's wrong where's the mitt is that your daughter's man yes where is she they can't locate her but she said the house is empty what do you mean it's empty with my baby sir anyone she would have went with her a friend no she knows daddy [Music] [Music] I see you watching me from my ear to my feet fantasizing of what you want to do to me [Music] these [Music] these [Music] is you keep telling yourself you have everything and you will fulfill my every fantasy crazy driving you crazy [Music] you
Channel: Maverick Movies
Views: 1,553,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fixation, movie, full movie, free movie, youtube movies, free movies on youtube, maverick movies, 2019 movies, 2019, the peoples network, fixation 2: uprising, fixation movie, fixation maverick movie, maverick, movies, free movies, urban thirller, urban thriller, tpn, bobby peoples, Jasmine R. Wade, Angelica Pugh, Jaida Standberry, Renee Peoples, Bobby M. Peoples, tubi, fixation sequel, mo5ies, Tobie Famusipe, Nytia Nikole
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 0sec (5220 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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